7 i . ( 127 id > SANE RASS Eh ¥ LO 3a hs ATA los va hag ca ed The striking photo above shows American-built P-63 Kingcobra fighter planes, bearing the Red Army star, winging over the Canadian cataract at Niagara Falls to start their long flight to: Russia. Pilots of the U. S. Air Transport Command fly them from Bell Aircraft's Niagara plant to Fairbanks, Alaska, where Red Army flyers take over and fly the planes across Siberia to Eastern Front bases, complet- ing a 10,000-mile ferry trip. WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING SPRAINS Pulled muscles and sprains are being robbed of their serious and painful features by treatments which formerly were employed by those who were concerned with the care of Olymphic show that soldiers, who have been treated, are able to return to duty almost im- their injuries heal mediately and while they work, says The Saint John Telegraph-Jounral, = The quick cure consists in apply- ing a spray of ¢thyl chloride to the injured area's surface and encour- acing immediate motion of the part instead of wrapping it in a paster cast or adhesive tape and immobil- izing it. The chemical provides sur face anaesthesia to the area, guickly relieves pain and enables the pa- tient to move the injured part. Supervised motion improves cir- culation and prevents stiffness and swelling. While formerly used only on athletes, the treatment is giving good results in the army and it is expected that after the war it will he used generally where painful sprains and strained muscles might be a handicap. The word mascot originated in Provence and Gascony and meant © something «hich brought luck to a houschold. Look out for Trouble from Sluggish KIDNEYS Try the Original "Dutch Drops" It is poisonous waste that your kidneys should be filtering out of your blood that may cause backache, dizzy spells, leg cramps, restless, sleep-broken nights, and smarting and burning. For relief use the remedy that has won the grateful thanks of thousands (or many years--GOLD MEDAL Haarlem' Oil Capsules. This effective diuretic and kidney stimu- lant is the original and genuine Dutch Drops in carefully measured amounts in tasteless Capsules. It is one of the most favorably known remedies for relieving congested kidneys and irritated bladder. It works swiftly, helping the delicate filters of your Cyt A to purify the blood. Be sure you get the original and genuine-- packed in Canada. Insist on getting GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, : 40c at your druggists, OTTAWA REPORTS That New Budget Was Designed to Cover War and Civil Expenditures Until New Government Elected Canada's expenditures for mu- tual aid, for the fisca year ended March 31 are expected to total about $815,000,000, Finance Mini- ster Ilsley told the House of Com- mons in introducing the new in- terim budget for $2,000,000,000 to cover civil and war expenditures to the end of next August, Mr. Isley explained that the $2,000, 000,000 estimate included mutual aid during the months April through August. He said in making the 'estimates the general principle followed has been that the only safe thing fo do was to assume that direct and indrect war expenditures would keep up dur- ing the next five months at ap- proximately the rate at which they had been running for the last five or six months, Isti- mates for the army to the end of =" * * Victory gardens grown by Cana- dians last year are estimated to have relieved wartime transporta- tion to the extent of 28 freight trains of 76 cars each--about 2,016 freight cars loaded to 60,000 pounds capacity, ' * * LJ] Ammunition for hunting animal and bird pests is available te farmers, the Prices board reports. In order to buy this ammunition one must get a permit from the nearest ration office. This will be issued on presentation of the regi- stration certificate of the firearms to be used. * eo The longest Bailey bridge ever built in Europe was one the Cana- dian troops flung: across the Rhine? It measured 1,680 feet and will carry any class of load. The Canadians built it in 36 hours. * LJ * tion, 1,186,000,000 pounds in 1944, 479% was exported. Another 69% was for priority purposes including the army and air force in Canada and Newfoundland, ships' 'stores, the British Admiralty and UNRRA. The balance was'for domestic use. 'Canada's meat exports rose from 204,000,000 pounds in 1939 to 886, 000,000 pounds in 1944, Switzerland has offered to host 3000 Dutch children, mainly among those suffering from tuber- culosis or skin diseases, | . August are $699,235,000; for the navy, $140,034,000, and for the ; R.C.AF. $453,876,000, Of Canada's total meat produc-. HOW IT'S DONE 2 Through a tiny micropnone clipped to his upper lip, a sergeant in the Army's Psycho-logicat Warfare Branch broadcasts a warning to Nazis remaining in Coblenz to surrender. His speech is picked up and amplified by a sound truck traveling through the city street. Output of Sarnia Rubber Plant Up According to figured released last week, the publicly-owned syn-_ thetic rubber plant in Sarnia in February hit a new high in the production of synthetic rubber, with a total of 8,770,000 pounds-- approximately 115 percent of the designed capacity of the plant. An average of 315,000 pounds a day was produced in that record: breaking month, This large out put, maintained for a year by Polymer Corporation would resuit in an annual production of about 105,000,000 pounds of synthece rubber, 1 (J © Get quick 'relief! Just smear NOSTROLINE in each nostril. Breath- in assages open right away. N ROLINE soothes, IR Ag disinfects, helps make and keep [yous 4 tly. nose healthy.' Brings comfort s Convenient, Pleasant. For adults and children. 50c--all druggists. 'NOSTROLINE CLIFTON, BRISTOL, ENGLAND $1.00 May Win This $10,000 Model Home For You Gare Not ar . Delay Now ! itd used © AA A} BEACHES MODEL HOME a fae 2366 QUEEN ST. E. TORONTO BERET AE ad OVERLOOKING LAKE ONTARIO +x sk.oo 'Purchase One, or More Shares To-day s1.00 . BEACHES BIRINERS MEN'S ASSOCIATION ne a Your Shares Win Bs Matted to You Promptly. A SHARE Please Print Your Name and Address Plainly. A SHARE y Proceeds for War Charities, Draw Will Be Made May 24th JILIAMS Stimulates circulation and * breaks up congestion, tons of a serious nature before = -- OW with ts weak, tired Feelings? If functional periodic disturbances make feel tired, restless-- at such 'times + try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound to relieve such symp. toms: Pinkham's Compound is one of oat effective Inedicines for this ollow label directions, Buy lyin & Ponkhiams 5008 Here's How: 'Come Into My Foxhole' * Front-line life is really nothing, Pfc. Billy F. Larsh wrote The Richmond - (Ind.) . Palladium-Item recently, and {tf the folks at home want to try to simulate -liv. ing conditions faced by Larsh's company in Germany, here's how. "furd off the heat and electrle fty in your homes; use for ¢ bed two blankets placed on a floor and a covering of two other blank: ets; open wide all the windows and pour a gallon of water "over the floor; eat all of your meals out ol K-ration cans which you heat over a little fire; wash once a week, bathe and change your clothes once a month, "You wake up at 6 a.m.; do not wash or put on clean clothing; have no breakfast, eat a cold lunch and nothing warm ll din ner, seven days a week . . . no radio no milk delivery, no movies, ne socks no handkerchiefs, no time off, but will have news papers five days old. "To really complete the pic ture, move your family out to the . . . park dig a hole 4 fcet deep and about 6 by 6, and live there with a roof of logs and d.rt ove your heads. Then ask a friendly policeman to take a pot shot at | voIcE oF THE "PRESS HOW CARELESS! The fatal lapse at Remagen leaves Berlin acutely embarrassed, as well it might. Fancy, - being caught with one's bridges, up! -- Stratford Beacon-Herald. JUST A BOASTER One of our neighbors professes to understand. the income tax" blank, "His wife is worried about him. -- Quebec Chronicle Telegraph. CHICKEN FEED It is often the complaint of cler- gymen that too many members of their congregations are on the ni- ckel standard. ' -- Kitchener Record. MAKE IT REALISTIC! It is quite possible the German Elite Guard will be compelled to rebuild the cities in foreign lands which they destroyed. And while they are doing it they should be compelled to exist on the rations - they forced on the people of Ger- Merchant Ships Carried Aircraft For Protection During the most critical period fn the battle of the Atlantic a number of British merchant shins weré equipped with "postage stamp" landing decks enabling them to carry their own aircraft protection without sacrificing car go tonnage, the Admiralty dis closed last week. 1 The vessels, grain-type freight ers requiring. a minimum amount of alteration, were forerunners Of the Navy's "Woolworth carriers' now used for escorting ocean con- voys. They were operated by the merchant navy and carried fleet air arm pilots. "In dome cases the 'pilots nad a flat space of only about 400 feet from which to take off ard land' the Admiralty announcement said "Considering the alarming deck movemert frequently encountered in the Atlantic, this was no smal, feat." Discharged Troops Up to the end of 1944, approx! mately 200,000 men and women have been discharged from he armed services, in this proportion: Canada's Standerd Smoke Britain Needs Army. of Farm Volunteers The British food situation "ig more serious than has yet beem generally recognized," a Ministry -ppokesman said, and Yhe Agricul turla Secretary, 'Mr, 'R. 8. Hua- son; chose. Easter time to appeal for volunteers to help in raising and harvesting the 1045. crops. Mr. Hudson is asking for 209.. 000 adults--more than twice the number responding last year -- and 100,000 children over 1. years old to go to vclunteer camps or ganized to help farmers. WHY DO more peopla buy Maxwell House than any other brand of Coffea in the world? This superh blend contains extrae flavor Latin-American ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS BABY CHICKS INCOME TAX nEPONTS COM- plete Bookkeeping Services. Small or Large Businesses. Travel any- where. Albert Brett & Co, 8 Wellington St. E., Toronto, Ont. DARK CORNISH GAME COCKER- els, grand type, development, range raised. Choice Breeders, weights, 8 1bs. George Henbest, 8112, 118 Avenue, Edmonton, Alta, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES * ATTRACTIVE RESIDENTIAL PRO- perty. Kent County, sell or ex- change Drug Business, Summer Resort or Business Property, Box 22, 73 Adelaide W. Toronto, DBADY CHICKS 81.00 BOOKS YOUR ORDER ORDER YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW, and not be disappointed. All chicks are from guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 26 oz. eggs or better, Barred Rocks mixed $12.00 per 100. White Leghorns mixed $11.00 per 100 Barred Rock Pullets $19.00 per 100, white Leghorn Pullets $22.00 per 100, white Rocks mixed $15.00 per 100 white Rock Pullets $24.00 per 100. We guarantee 1009}, live dellvery, balance pald C.0.D. Maple Clty Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. 5 BRUNTON "Bred-to-Pay" CHICKS RHODE ISLAND REDS, WHITE Rocks, Barred, Rocks, Golden Hampshires, Government 'Approv- ed, Rloodtested, Illustrated Cat- alogue Free. Brunton Cedar Glen Farms Hatchery, 52 Winnett, Toronto (mention paper), 5000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW and get your chicks when you want them. Orders are pouring in. Breeder Hatcheries are always sold out early. Don't take chances on ordinary chicks. Place your order NOW. Pure Bred Sussex Large Type Leghorns, Sussex x New Hamps., Sussex X Leghorns, Rock X Leghorns, Rock X New Hamps.,, Barred Rogks. Send for large ({llustrated atalogue and Price List. Lakeview Poultr Farm, Weln Bros. Exeter, On THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN success and failure in~°the chick- en business very often depends on the chicks you start, Many poultrymen try to eliminate that hazard by choosing Top Notch Government Approved chicks from bloodtested breeders. Day old Chick. Prices. Non-Sexed White Leghorns 11.95, Barred Rocks, New Hampshires| 12.95, Assorted Light Breeds 10.95, As- sorted Heavies 11.95. Pullets: White Leghorns 25.95, Barred Rocks 23.95, New Hampshires 24.95, Assorted Light 23.95, As- sorted Heavies 21.95. Aldo two week old started chicks at bar- gain prices. Write for catalogue and complete pricelist for many other breeds, eries, Guelph, Ontario. i OUSANDS AVAILABLE WERK- , it you pretum once. Broad Breasted Sussex cox bring top prices on the market.. White 'skinned, long ounded 'breasts. Also New Hamp, cox with fast growth and feathering. Sussex X ghorns and Rock Leghorns make good roasters and grow fast upito 4-5 Ibs. You can buy these for $4.00 per .100. Also mix- ed heavy cox $600 per 100. Al from our welfsbred, / healthy, blood tested breeders. 5000 Breed- ers on ONE plant. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Weln Bros. Exeter, Ontario. BROAD BREASTED SUSSEX COX ib ;: 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EVERY OKLER CF 100 PUL- let chicks, we give 100 free chicks Pullets $24.95 per 100. All chicks sold backed bY hixh egg pedigreed stock, $1.00. books your order, balance C.0.D. Guaranteed 1009, live dellvéry. Kent Hatchery. 'Chatham, Ontarlo. SPECIAL PULLET SALE BTARTED BARRED ROCK PUL- lets, 1 week old 22¢, 2 weeks old 26 . cents. Immediate delivery. Carleton Hatchéry, . Britannia Heights, Ontarlo, 'POULTRY KEEPERS BE 'CERTAIN YOU BUY dOOD healthy, vigorous chicks, Buy chicks with breeding and livability and you will be certain of success, Our Breeders are all Government Inspected, banded and blood-teated. Write tor descriptive catalogue on the different breeds, and pr ces on our Government Approved chicks. 'MONKTON POULTRY FARMS ; Monkton, Ontario Top Notch Chlck- Our - our cholce). Leghorn. -pullets, 22.95 per 100. barred Rock pul- lete 31995 ner 100. 'White Rock - BLIOOD-TESTED lay and pay. They "OXFORD" chicks. lve, are the results of nineteen years of careful selection and breeding in 0O.B.S. They have to be good because we want the very best kind of chicks for our own flocks. Improved breeding. BIg. vigorous and early maturing. We "stress egg size 'and uniformity. Write for our free folder. Barred Rocks, White Leghorns, un-sexed Chicks, Pullets and Cockerels. The Oxford Farmers' Co-operative Produce (2,0 Ltd.. 434 Main St. Woodstock, nt. ASK ANY SUCCESSFUL POULTRY- man and he'll tell you the most important" word in the chicken business - 1s livability, Money, feed and labe spent on chicks that "can't ta¥e {t"" can never be .regalned. Tweddle greatly reduce the hazard. For 19 vears we have supplied the best liked breeds and excellent cross hreeds ahd already. this year we have received dozens of letters telling us of the wonder- ful livability of their Tweddle Chicks at 2 weeks and 4 weeks of age. It will pay you to think of llvabllity when you order your 1945 « "chicks. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcherles Limlit- ed, Fergus, Ontarlo. 25 FREER CHICKS OUR FOUNDATION STOCK I8 registered and pedigreed birds, Nothing better In Canada. Order now. Prices for mixed baby chicks, males and females: Bar- red Rocks, $12.00 per hundred: White Leghorns, $11.00: White $15.00; Brown Leghorns, 'prices: White Leghorns, Rocks, $24.00; Leghorns, $24.00. 25- free . our cholce, will be given for each 200 mixed chicks order- ed and 25 free chicks for each 100 day old pullets ordered. Goddard = Chick Hatchery. Bri- tannfa Heights, Ontario. ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW AND YOU ARE GUARANTEED your chicks for next spring when- you want them." Barred Rock mixed $12.00 per 100. white leg- horns mixed $11.00 per 100, Bar- red Rock Pullets $19.00 per 100. white leghorn pullets $22.00 per 100. :Henvy Breed Ckls. $6.00 per 100, Leghorn Ckls. $2.00 per 100, All chicks hatched from 26 ox eggs or better and from special mated flocks Guaranteed 10004 live delivery. $1.00 hooks your order, balance C.0.D Rajnbow Hatchery, Chatham, Ontarlo. WE HAVE 2 WEEK OLD LEG- horn and Heavy breed pullets for | prompt shipment: dayolds In Leg- (horns, B.R.| N.H, and LB x VN.H: Also limited supply cocker- ° 'els. Suggest you get In touch with us soon. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. N., Hamilton, Ont. BLOOD-TESTED -HYBRID COCK- erels, April 4e¢," Leghorn Cocker- 'els lc," Also white Leghorn and Hybrid Pullets. Stormont Poultry Farm, Finch, Ont. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE' YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us Chicks can _ Barred. . SAW MILL, NEARLY NEW, CAPAC- ity upward one thousand per hour, Can be operated by two men or more. Designed and built by an experienced sawyer. For particu- lars, write or call Dan Vallieres, Mill Bridge, Ont, Do not call on Saturday. AT STUD, ATTRIDGE'S NIGHT- rider Black and Tan Coon hound, imported, six generation pedigree. His sire stands at one hundred dollars stud fees. Studding. this young dog at Twenty-five dollars, Arthur Attridge, Freeman, Ont, DRY CLEANING DELAVAL CLARI- fier for sale or swap for outboard motor, Box 98, Bracebridge, Ont. - BROWN CHESAPEAKE RETRIEV- er pups, snap at $20. D. A. Beech, Malakwa, B.C. CASE 40 HP TRACTOR WITH extension rims. $950, excellent condition. 13 inch plate Chopper, $60.00. Abram. Weber, R. 1, St, Jacobs, Ont, JERSEYS, ALL AGES, QUEBEC'S leading show and producing herd, records, accredited. Gables Farm, Foster, Quebec, PUREBRED HEREI'ORD CATTLE, males and females. Lawrume Farms, Durham, Ont. FOR SALE--CASE TRACTOR, 45' h.p., cross-mounted 'engine, in . real good condition, good for saw- mill or threshing outfit. Portable sawmill with all new timbers. All for $700. Will sell separate. P. Vanderlinden, R.R.. 1, St. Wil liams, Ont. . N $650 CASH, 4 ACRES GOOD GAR- frame den land, five house, water Gorrie, Mrs, Ont, roomed frontage, village Shand, Humber Bay, GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION. garage equipment and stock and 6-roomed house on No. 2 High- ay. Oakes Garage, Ancaster, TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and 3 printed . 3 86 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 250 REPRINTS § tor 25¢ FINEST ENLARGING SERVICR You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your flims to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICB Station J. Toronto TRY CANADA'S LARGEST PHOTO FINISHING STUDIO Get better pictures at lowest coat. Don't take chances with your film rolls. You can't take 'snaps" over again. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Size Roll -- 6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25 A customer in Cape Breton says, * have been sending films to you for 4 or 5 years, Would not send them anywhere else." : SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New .Style Album With Prints © sizes 16-20-127 it 29¢ (dc exiva) Is sent with tilm roll, SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4 x 6" in beautiful casel 'mounts, 8 for 25c. Framed on fdvory tinted mats, 7 x 9", {in "Goll, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 59¢ If enlargement colored, 79 each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Name and Address Plainly on Orders. PIANOS ARE YOU INTERESTED IN THRE new small 'Pianos? If 'so write us. for latest descriptive circular, Factory Mason &. Risch Limited, 642 King St. West. Toronto. --= PATENTS LEFT HAND, 3 SPEED, SAWMILL carriage and husk. Good condi- tion, . $1.50. W. A. Cornell, Ko- moka, Ont. POULTRY FARM, 25 ACRES, 1,200 layers, Hydro, market . garden _land, 20 miles from Toronto, and Hem ions going - concern; Im- i ate possession. Kelth Cowles, R.R. 2,- Hornby, Ont. ies MACHINERY 'DIESEL CRAWLER TRACTORS RD7 CATERPILLAR WITH 8 YARD Le Tourneau &craper: RDS with 12° yard scraper; TDI18__Inter- national 'with bulldozer (schaper optional): 'TD40 with bulldozer: - RD40 International = (47.5 HP {18 RD4 Caterpillar; RD4 with An- thony Highlift Bucket and inter- 'changeable ' bulldozer blade, . . Lighting plants, 1500 'watt, :32 or 115° volts. Send for folder . . . Diesel and Gasoline Engines 40 to 160 'HP, Other equipment valiable. Wire, hte or. phone . H, Leventha 0., Machiner, "Agents, Winnipeg, , = y MEDICAT, STOMACH AND (HREAD WORMS often .are .the cause of ill-health in humans, all ages. No.one (m-. 'mune! 'Why not 'find out {f thie is 'your trouble? [ntereat'ng: par. tlcalars--Free! Write Muiveney's Remedies, Specialists Taronto 3 FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. 'Establishd 1890; 14 fhg West. Toronto. ~Booklet of Information on re= quest. - -- SUBURBAN PROPERTIES WANTED WITHIN 25 MILES OF TORONTO, with . or without acreage.| We have steady demand for . proper- ties ranging up to $50,000 throughout this "area, . F. HEAL & CO. lla Yonge St, Toronto AD. 34567 FARM MACHINERY "VIKING" CREAM SEPARATORS and 'repair 'parts "are -always 'available ~.either at © your local dealer or "direct from Swedish Separator Co. Limited, 720 Notre- Dame West, Montreal 2 ' Que. 3 "WANTED SUPERINTENDENT 'WANTED FOR 20 'bed Hospital in Palmerston, Ontario. Dutied commence June 1st. Apply to W. H. Burns, Palm- erston, Ont. ; NEW WRITERS NEEDED. TO. RH - write ideas In newspapers, .mag- azines. and books, Splendid op- portunity to "break into" fascine ating writing field, Full inform- ation for self-nddressed stampe@ return 'envelope. - Factual .Featur- es, 39 Lee Ave, Toronto 8. for information. We are glad to DON'T W --RV ' ER = V '1 pnsdey rou Rhestions: part. of ERY A oREn MPYAVD WOMEN WANTED n " arker's ye orks h J " Lainites '791 Yonge Street, To- one prug dy 238 aay: A LEGIAL APPEAL To VeTER: 3 5 ly 8! 2 an usiness na your Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00, own. Sell 'Familex 'Products in HAIRDRESSING CONSTIPATION, BILIOU SNESS Toy re ory, and Boxin d Hver trouble, 'depressed headache. in a small way and Rion big LB A R N HAIRDRESSING THR Quickly He lieved with Fig-Lax limits to your earnings, Free de- Robertson method. - Information fa faniata, ecp regular with Fig. taile-and 'catnlogue, Familex, 1600 on reaueat FeFarding classes x, c at Druggists. Delorimier, Montreal, rtgon's alrdressing cad- Y = emy. 137.. Avenue. ; BAUMEREKA = FOOT "BAL } . 4 ¥., nue. Road, "Totonto stroys offensive odor Ine ta nor: {HELE OWANTED 46c bottle. Ottawa. ngent. Denman ; ; : Drug Store, Ottawa. J CYLINDER PRENSMAN "WANTED, FOR SALm . - one. iwith 'some experience on ; HIGHLY RECOMMENDED-<RVERY make-ready.. Stendv position for ELECTRIC 'MOTORS, NEW, USED, sufferer of Rheumatic Paina or standy reliable man, {14-hour "DOMED 00ld. Cahalits Coie iy Neuritls should try Dixon's Rem. "week) Apply nearest 'Employ-! leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd. 2326 Dufferin St. To- ronto. : STRAWBERRY PLANTS, ASPAR. agus, raspberries, peach trees, apples, pears, plums, cherries, «grapes, currants, shrubs, hedging, °* shade trees, wire tree uards. Norfolk Nursery, Simcoe, Ontarlo. 60-ACRE FARM FIRST CLASS, up-to-date. Write for particulars. Bért Hagadorn, Burgessville, Ont. BEAUTIFUL {COMFORTERS MADE from our . materials, Quinine '$1.85. Your wool earded 26c Ib. washing 8c Ib. Quick service. Vir- Ein wool batta :$1.15 Ib. Woo) arding Machines $14.95. Spinning Wheels $13.05 Ask for catalogue. 8ifton Wool Products, Box 128 8ifton, Manitoba, 'edy.' Munro's 'Drug Store, '335 Bl- gin, Ottawa, > Postpald ($1.00. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BRU sells, exchanges muafoa) He, ments, 111 Church. Toronto 3. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING RCHOOL Great © portunity, Learn alrdressing: - Pleasant dignified profession; good wages, thousands successful, Marvel raduates, America's grealest sys. em, [Illustrated catalogue free Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRBSSING y 8 H( 358 BILOOR W. TORONTO Braneies 44 King St. Hamilton. ; 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa, 'ment &: Salentive & 3 FIBRO rs Trice Oftiee, 4 = BXPERIENCED LINOTYPE - ator 'and floor man Wanted at once, "steady position. (44-hour wee k Apply. nea a maployment y ctive . FILBCR 2526, ce iio, . -- FARM HELP WANTED FARMER, SINGLE, RELIARLRE steady man, for general farm work on dary "farm, Experience milking machine, tractor, iprefer- ed 70 dollars « monthly , plus oard, laundry. Apply ¥. on Pills, Bokarfarm, H ghway No, '2, Whitby, Ont. Phone Whitby 850, ISSUE 16--1045 you every time you poke your man-occupied countries during the Army, 165,000; Navy, 17,000; Aw Coffees, selected from tha nose out." war. Force, 28,000. Of these, 21.000 | finest the world produces, - --Newspaper Magazine. -- Chatham News were N.R.M.A. troops, . . FOR SALE PHOTOGRAPHY "