Hand Milking is on the Way Out Freedom from the tiring and tiresome fob of hand milking twice a day has been gained by thousands of farm families through the use of a modem milking machine. One person can milk up to 20 cows In an hour with a milking machine-- it keeps a good hand milker busy to milk 7 to 9 cows in the same time. This saving of time and labor is important, especially when good farm help is hard to get, but at any time milking is a disliked chore that the family is glad to have taken off their hands. The hours of time saved with a milking machine does mean something in dollars and cents but it means a lot more in making farm life easier and more pleasant. Everybody welcomes the relief from the milking time blues that a milking machine brings. "The modern, practical and economi- cal way to do things is to use machines instead of muscles wherever possible --that is why hand milking is out for dairymen who have experienced the comfort and convenience of a mechani- cal milker. Among the time and labor saving machines your local Massey-Harris - dealer has to offer is the Rite-Way Milker--the modern milker with the natural action. Ask him for particulars about this machine that does so much fo make dairy farming easier and more profitable. MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY LIMITED BUILDERS OF GOOD FARM IMPLEMENTS SINCE 1847 BLACKSTOCK (Continued from page 6) The reception was held at the home of the bride, Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Dorrell, Mrs. N. H. Mount- joy, Mrs, J. A. Johnston and Mr. Dal- ton Dorrell, all of Ontario. A shower was held in the Com- munity Iall for LAC Roger Dorrell and Mrs. Dorrell (nee Ethel Simkins) on Wednesday evening. Chas, Ven- ning was chairman. Grace Graham, Joyce Venning and Clara Marlow staged a mock wedding. Vocal solos by Peggy and Shirley Finlayson, humorous reading by Thelma Fergu- son. The 'bride and groom thanked the friends for the beautiful shower. The Wilson orchestra supplied the music for dancing. The groom is be- ing transferred to Patricia Bay. After the shower and a very sump- tous lunch, and everyoiiy had returned to their home, all the occupants of the Dorrell home were aroused by dis- cordant noise- of a charivari. The groom and his bride went with the merry crowd to Bill Taylor's, where ice cream was purchased by Roger and taken home and caten along with many more good eats, Congratulations to" Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Vivian (nee Dorothy Hoskin) on their marriage. A reception was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W.-N. Hoskin on Satur- day evening in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Vivian (nee Dorothy Hoskin). About 2b guests, relatives of the bride and groom, were present. A pleasant evening was spent and a dainty lunch was served. : We congratulate Miss Mary Wood, school teacher, on the interest she has taken in the Sunday School and com- munity interests. The following is a list of this season's work by Burketon Public School for 1944-45: Cash to Jr. Red Cross $6.10; War Savings Stamps $563.06; Navy League $1.50; Salvation Army war work $5.00; contents for a ditty bag $3.60; Bomb Victims bags (9) $3.15; total $71.41. On Tuesday evening in the Com- munity Hall a miscellaneous shower was held for Mr. and Mrs, Clare Ver- non (nee Janet Swain). Beryl Lar- | mer, Lucille Forder, Marion MeMul- len and Mrs. C. Marlow took part in the short program. Charles Venning, chairman, made the presentation. In reply both Janet and Clare were very grateful to their friends and neigh- bors for the gifts, also to the com- mittee for arranging the shower and to the girls who took part in the pro- gram. Lunch was served. Tom Me- Laughlin did the calling off and the Wilson orchestra of Manchester, sup- plied the music for a happy time dane- ing. The W.A. of the Anglican Church met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Van- Camp with 16 members present. Miss Janet Watson read the Scripture. The A.Y.P.A. quilt which is almost com- pleted was under discussion. J. Smith offered to buy lining and batts, A presentation of bronze book-ends and a book of poems was presented to Miss J. Watson in appreciation of her ser- vices with the A.Y.P.A. Vote of thanks was tendered to the hostess by Pres. Miss Leona Devitt. Ernest Larmer has purchased the Jabez Wright farm at Egypt, and has sold his farm on No.7A highway to Roy Taylor. Victorian W.I. met at the home of Murs. Albert Wright for June meeting. Subject of meeting was "Home Eco- nomics" with Mrs, M. Graham con- vener. Roll Call was "a war-time recipe". Alma Graham gave a splen- did paper on "Home Economics" and lunch was a salad plate, sandwiches and cookies, lhe programs for the year were distributed and discussed, and the co-operative program was al- s0 discussed and it was decided what projects and lectures to ask for on following day at District Annual. Mrs. J. Wright and Mrs. G. Strong played piano duets. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Wright form- erly of Ottawa, are visiting their re- latives here. They are on their way to Winnipeg where Walter has been posted. ASHBURN The Special Sunday School Anni- versary service held at Burn's Church on Sunday, June 17th, was well at- | tended. Miss Mary Anderson, a re- turned missionary from Africa, was the guest speaker and gave a very in- teresting and vivid description of the ways "of living of the natives in Ni- geria, During the service the children occupied the choir seats and sang three numbers; "There is joy in Serv- ing Jesus", "Let Him In", "Whisper- ing Hope". The juniors also sang' a number "All for Jesus", Mr. Walter herr presented certificates to Cath- arine Fisher, Harold Slute and Ken-! "neth Heron who were successful in passing a recent religious examina- ton. Kev. J. A. MacMillan had charge fof the regular evening service at 7.30 fand chose for his text, Psalm 139:5, Thou hast beset me behind and be- "tore, and laid thine hand upon me." Next Sunday the sacrament of the | Lords supper will be observed, with preparatory service on 'Thursday at 8 p.m, on I'riday night, June 15th, a large number of friends and neighbours i gathered at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Ashton and presented Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutherland, of Utica, with a shower of gifts following their recent marriage, Mrs. Lorne Par- rott read the address, following which the bride and groom unwrapped their. many varied and lovely gifts and' thanked their friends. A lovely lunch! was served and all enjoyed a social time together. We, as a community, join in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Suther- land a long and happy wedded life. Mr. Walter Anderson, of Moncton, N.B., is visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Anderson. Misses Grace and Jean Lynde, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Lynde. Miss Glenys Stephen, of Scugog Is- land spent the week-end with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs, Fred Stephen. - TANI PITA TA AI HAA NS and Harold Slute on having received Congratulations to Doreen Isaacs their High School Entrance standing. Mr. and Mrs. John Hamill and Ei- leen and Miss Louise-Hamill, Manilla, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Routley, Miss Violet Harris, of Toronto, visited during the week-end at the home of Miss Annie Dowson. Mr. George Barrett, of Toronto, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doble. Sorry to report that Messrs. H. Ashton and Arthur Richardson are on the sick list. Mrs. A. Reynolds, of Ajax, and Miss Georgina Reynolds, of Toronto, visited during the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Heron. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. A. Fisher on the arrival of a daughter at the Oshawa Hospital, on Saturday, June 16th. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Sherwin and Miss Doreen Isaacs visited with re- latives at Baltimore on Sunday. . On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Routley held a birthday party in hon- our of their daughter, Helen Jane's third birthday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hamill, Misses Eileen and Louise Hamill, of Manilla, Miss Violet Har- ris, of Toronto, Miss Vera Leach, Miss Annie Dowson, Mrs. Edgar Heron and daughters, Faye, Ann and Doris May, and Miss Joan Cooke, of Ashburn, were guests. The table was tasteful- ly decorated in pink and white and in the centre was a birthday cake bear- ing three candles. ' A number from here attended the funeral of the late Samuel Towner,.at Claremont on Sunday. » ood a ls Rd MB hu FEHR. SHIRLEY BLOIS The Nova Scotia soprano who sings for CBC listeners at 7.00 p.m. on Mondays LOOK AT THE LABEL on your Port Perry Star to see if your subscription is paid to 19456. Please! Ae to - To a) al poy ¥ 7 sot ye rR TT TE rE Vora r ager BT Se SS rp ams a a PP i SY = EK) Ep Cos ek