Re AAR ey Se he Ser---- x \ : Pi tog' 3 We Smart Girls always carry OTTAWA REPORTS BACK IN ORS Pigs Is More Pigs ¥ ADO -- Sud BP. 7 Leh We like thie story of the exper- ) PAR AD UL That Ex-Servicemen Are Big In- f 4 fw ARN Wie old rll Milo Skper 0 vestors In Housing Field paper who questioned the story written by a junior reporter about the theft of 2,025 pigs. "That's a lot of pigs," growled the old cepyreader = and decided to telephone to the farmer to check on the accuracy of the story, "Was it two! thousand and twen- ty-five pigs that were stolen from your farm?" he asked. "Yeth," came back the farmer's lisping reply. "Thanks," said the old copyread- vw] er -- and he corrected the copy to read "two sows and 23 pigs." Dr.CHASE'S Immediate employment is the 'thought uppermost in the minds of almost 80% of Canada's ex-service men and women, interviewing of- ficers of the Veterans Affairs De- partment have discovered. Of those inggrviewed in June almost 23% ex- pect reinstatement in old jobs, 13.5% have new jobs waiting, 33% are hoping for employment, 6% are returning to their own businesses and 3.6% plan to return to their own farms, To date a total of $1,275,680 has been paid out to veterans in re- establishment credits. $1,596,304 has already been released .for the ac- quisition, fepair or modernization of a home, indicating commitments in this field of some $20,000,000: when all is paid out, » An even greater amount, $1,616,- 5 ara be Oo FOR QUICK RELIEF OF "HEADACHE & Other Pains 5 YS Rig -------- "The Termination Of Lend-Lease Voice of the Press Egypt hag 12,000 square miles of arable land in the Nile valley and the delta below Cairo. R | [WARNING HIROHITO THE DIVINE Hirohito writing of himself: "By the grace of Heaven the Emperor of Japan seated on the throne oc- cupied by the game dynasty changeless through ages eternal." New York Times Discusses Lend-Lease Cortroversy In: the matter of the termination x oH Not very realistic. He is Lmperor i 456 has been released to veterans of Lend-Lease, there are a row of Japan by grace of tho Allies, | for the purchase of furniture and ~ misconceptions, on opposite sides holding his job during good be- houschold equipment. As the re- Don' 1 il Atlantic, whic i : ge hf ont wait unt: of the Atlantic, which ought havior and Hable to dismissal ined establishment credit may only be TR ' to be cleared away, lest they without notice. | authorized for this purpose on the it 1s too late : trouble the good relations prevail --Ottawa Journal, 1 basis of two dollars credit for one { To Get the ing he siieeh two staunch allies, sys <A dollar cash put up by the veteran, nthe first place, it would be LEADERSHIP CONTEST this represents an expenditure of : h P 3 a profound mistake for anyone in It seems such a short time ago $2,424,684 in this ficld since last Hig est 'rice. England to read a political motive that Germany was full of.pompous January when the War Service FOR YOUR into the actign of our Government guys each claiming to be the No. Grants Act came into force; and to believe that this action was prompted, or hastened, by con- cern or alarm or disapproval, or by any other judgment, on the results of the British election. Lend-Lease has not been discon- 2 Nazi. Now they are all accusing each other of being that. --Windsor ---- UNEQUAL CONTEST These two groups account for 75% of the total re-establishment credits authorized in the first six months of 1945, * ™ . Car or Truck ' ANY MAKE QR MODEL Your Car Will Be A Year | © Older Oct. 1, 1945 Ten kamikazes caused the desolation you see here on the deck of this U.S. warship, the Aaron Ward. Despite this damage, the' ship made a 12,000-mile trip to Brooklyn. Star, When /crossigg streets, think of | Much is being: said to Canadians- Can 0. Ts Herald. Filling of this huge order Mek? . tinued because Britain voted La- this, Dill you ever hear of a car . ih : these days to point out the neces+ Ca ada 3 Timber may prevent the 'inauguration of WE OFFER THE LIMIT .bor. It has been discontinued be- being Yadly damaged by someone . oh sity of many remaining controls as For British Homes ' Linda Darnell became the owner -- cause it was a war measure and because the war (in the sense of organized combat) is over. There has never been the slightest rea- "bon for doubt that Lend-Lease "would: be discontinued when this "stage was reached, i Never "Something for Nothing" ifito the side of it? --Windsor Star, oe yo PAGE SCHICKELGRUBER? It seems to us that Hitler must he pretty dead, but we are not so sure about Schickelgruber, --Toronto Saturday Night. walkin of Hollywood's first pair of poste war nylons when one of her fans, who manufactures them, presented her with his first product 3-Cylinder Car well 'as rationing. Finance Minister Ilsley and the Chairman of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board, Donald Gordon, spoke in a Dominion-wide broad- cast reaently and told Canadians that victory in the Pacific is just the beginning of the end. Price The Brtish government has al- ready earmarked around £150,- 000,000 for timber from (Canada for delivery following the cessation *of hostilities, says the Calgary home building operations. in this couhtry on the scale needed but than not "had one home, demolished by ene- British necessity is greater that of Canadians who have ny action throughout the war. BEATTIE Cadillac = Chevrolet J Oldsmobile Limited 880 Bay St., Toronto 1 Block North of College: - 4 To Sell At $400 A revolutionary design in fa- mily automobiles appeared for the first time when Denis Kendall, M, Seen THAT'S SOMETHING Winston Churchill has one sat- isfaction--only the English could beat him, BABY CHICKS FREE RANGE PULLETS, TWELVE weeks up to laying. Also day-old chicks hatched to order for Fall delivery. Tweddle' Chick Hatch- Mecantime, on our side, there is | a tendency in some quarterg (cag- 34 erly fanned by our old friends, the 'professional baiters of Britain) fo control is still'urgently needed-- as: much now as ever--as there are thousands of purchasers for the limited' amounts of new goods that OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER J JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOD Great Opportunity, Learn FARM 345 ACRES, GOOD LAND, new house, good barns for B60 head, three wells, hydro and tele- phone available, 3 miles east of North Augusta, on main road, will sell reasonable. Apply Victor i} A ee ; oral . i a n y . Hairdressing misunderstand and misinterpret , gh gin hy can be ut on Hs phtakny Gavern erles Limited, Fergus, Ontario. fongeriand, orip Augusta, Ont, Pleasant algnified. profession; good the British position. In these quar- --Detroit Froeo Pross. » drove up to te louse o A om- ment policy on de-contro provides FREE RANGE PULLETS 12 WEEKS wages, thousands successful Marvel ad ters it is being said that the Brit- mons for the opening of Parlia- for continuous adjustment as supply up to 2¢ weeks, Day old chicks NORTH BAY™ DISTRICT -- 160 adnan Dia yeh Teatsn ny i : x . 0 Kg oh . . ment in his new 7 h.p. $100 Brusa. conditions change. Of 300 orders hatched to order for Fall dellv- roan free and clear deed. Good Lo all ' 3 vit ish want "something for nothing, te period, for the pur f help-e ; 3 ; es ed is . . T Notel Chickeri road to property. Good -hunting rite or ct ; = ite period, lor the purpose of hel Built by cight engineers workin restricting civilian: production 18 ant. ap Sick tickerles, T i 0. It MARVEL HAIRDRESSING oF - and are angry with us now be- ing Britain to get back on her feet . y cig 8 ° g i ! y Guelph, Ontario, and fishing. Total price $500. SCHOOLS vod 7 ait . : ) ng Brita 8 | in a makeshift plant for the last months ago, only: 64 remain. All of - you want a quiet property in a 88' BLOOR W.. TORONTO - Y/N cause they will no longer get it. financially, He has only raised the Ler i ' good place to relax, give me a 3 " 2 Clally. f y F " year, the car resembles standard the 500 restrictions affecting metal ous ra oHICUS SHOULp ini call. Several more properties. in Branches: 44 King 8t. Hamliton ant Well, lend-Lease Way never question of the great armies which models to all outward appearances, products. then are no longer in Orqere Oi and Far: Hane same district." Geo. Wight, 303 | & 74 Rideau Street Ottawa. EX ""something for -nothing." It was have still not been 'demobilized, but inside everything is hindpart forée 130 John N., Hamilton Ont. ' Canada Bldg, Windsor," Ont, Herr - ES > ) 2 Cte ot . y ' ' . TOG " 5 Si "guns and planes in exchange for and asked whether "shipping and before. The three-cylinder motor is Canada is a land of plenty com- - FARM FOR SALE, ONE HUNDRED ; d AR brave men who would use them in food and any other supplies still in. what normally would be: the pared with most other countries BUSINESY OPPORTUNITIES Ar leh, teak two, Township x CANADA'S 'LARGEST 24 defense of our own freedom, no required by our (British) forces baggage compartment' in the rear, and it is a matter of national honor : Brighton and Trenton. Steel hip ' |; STUDIO & less than of their own. But quite overseas -and by the American and" the baggage, batteries and that this plenty be shared, the $7,000 OPTIMIST HOME root barn thirty-six by Seyen'y, basement for stables came size, '|. house, * twol' wells, spring, hen" |" house, other buildings, wood lot. Reason: for selling 1H health! aside from this, it is clear on the record that the British Govern- ment always recognized the tem- forces overseas cad continue to be furnished for a limited! period under Lend-Lease and' reciprocal STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Don't risk losing your pletures. Bnaps can't be' taken over: again. 8end your film rolls: to Canada's . a tools are under the hood. The car is said to be capable. of a miximum speed of sixty-five speakers stated. The end of war "MAY BE YOURS" with Japan does.not ease the needs. | ALSO PARTICIPATE IN $50.00 of hungry areas. and (Canadian: cons _« monthly: Bond'draw. Other ptizes. W shot 8Servicé" writes a' customer' Nova Scotia, who adds that she has tried! many places. man, has asked for the continua- : . pro ; "tion of Lend-Lease for an indefin- has raised, strictly within the field t ! of military matters, the question r . A J Detalls on receipt. Shares $1.00 Price reasonable. Possession any inest dlo, Get' r porary, exclusively wartime char- | aid agreement." nriles an hour and does forty. miles: { sumption. will have to be redaced, SSL or Youd send fer DE paTumias IRDA 4s i DICTures as Mower sus: Get bette acter of Lcnd-Lease: / Britain, in short, is not asking to the gallon of gasoline. It has J i hy nes Gotu . Herrington, ton, Ontario. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE , Britain's Position us to use Lend-Lease to finance three gears forward: and one re- Sha t : C ti Ontarlo. 99 ACRES, CLAY LOAM. BUILD- Any Bize RoJl--6 or 8 Exposures " . Neither Mr. Attlee, nor any her reconversion, or to promote verse, two "side lights. and one oriage oninues = ings, No. 3 Jlighwsy! Sigth Cou DEVELOPED AND' PRINTED 26s i eee - N te i . ~ . \ 3 5} 3 LE : rite ar venue, ood- " 3 Po other responsible British states her foreign trade, or to help golve headlight in the centre of the hood. On the Coal Front DRIVING ASD. GlesviNG stock. : LEA RSL fetus from Siar dig 1 any of her domestic problems. She } The car is larger than'a Ford V-8, The motor is built on the V-1 principle, exhaust gas helping to - HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to 100-ACRKF FARM: BRICK HOUSE; bank barn; drive shed; 8 milés There is no relief insight as yet onthe coal frant. : Han) o J or answer your questions. Depart- ©" east of Mxeter on 83 Highway. | SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER _-e of continuing for a limited period furnish the propulsion. Instead of Eventually (that is within three ment H. Parker's Dye Works Apply Ss. Frank Hutchison, | New Segie DR n LI Setiite the same policy of joint actin the gas - escaping immediately to six months) there may be some Ignited, 334 Yohges Sires, (on a" . "4c extra) Is sent with' flim' roll.' HOTEL METROPOLE that prevailed during the demdbi- through the exhause pipe, it is fed casing through release of army La La TT AR ENLARGEMENTS -- All Beautifully Furnished lization of the armies, On this back into the fly-wheel box and personnel to work in the mines, EDUCATIONAL 5 fruit trees, 10 acres wood, in to- COLORED AND FRAMED y 1 ys : camparatively narrow point, it eventually escapes at a much lower Eventually there may be some | "00 BUSINESS COLLEGE hacen Sistriel, Bool hin. Jos Fifa es 164 x Seo baduting: i With Running Water. ought not tobe difficult to reach rate than in an: ordinary design. easing' in supplies of substitute this Fall. linquire about Gregg Long, Real Estate Port "Hops, oo Unted mate 1 fd 9% in Gold, Rates: ' some mutually - satisfactory agree- In addition to the Brusa low- fuels such as coke, : Shofghand) holes of Digmyipai Ont. Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black : 1 1 ment. priced cars, Kendall says he also But for the balance of: 1945; at dus HH 220 ACRES OF GOOD LAND, BEAU- PUN Tani anid she sushi ts. 5 S 90 up rr om is prepared to produce tractors, least, and: possibly later than: that, ju Bick house, I JRUes, north; OLD! PICTURES RESTORED! "NIAGARA FALLS The origin of the town of Da- which he maintains will do the 'the coal" situation looks as tight FARM MACHINERY FOR SALI W., Toronto. ' ol ( Ve can jor, any 210 Photograph PPOSITE acy dn Syvia ls wnknown, but work of American tractor twice f ag it did before V-J Day. And that | CHOPPING MILL IN GOOD LOCAL 21_ACRES FRUIT FAIL 16 ACRES | umber of prints or eniar ements Cn STATION it is belicved to be the oldest city the size, and will cost half" as is tighter than in any previous ity. Diesel power. Always good of fruit trees, new modern! room { Lo ha Piety Soman ihe Tet IEA T Lass in the world still inhabited, much. He says he already has or- winter smce 1939, crops. Write C, J. Cox, Auburn, ayoliig with space above for 8 | work wh eg hate, oD yore ders for 20,000 of these. Ont. oA adajtishal Topms; large enclosed picture"and" tell us" wh t 'you want veranda, double gardge, 2 wells, Hydro, modern convéhiences, §12,< "VIKING" VREAM SEPARATORS! HEARTWARMING . . « " done and we will' tell" you the:cost . k d } Ma 1 Lr Fopaly, Jars are always S99 teriiy iy 20tk: A TRrgthy for : before doing the work, \ 1 ¢ i availa either "at your local e shrew uyer. 8. ujkov, |. Peacetime Weather that describes Maxwe dealer or direct from. Swedish RR. 1, School Rd, Niagara-on: | STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Separator Co. Limited, 720 Notre- - Dame West, Montreal 3, Que, TRACTRACTOR--ILH.C. -- MODEL T-20, cp. with P, Take-Off, Belt Pulley, 16" wide tread, like new, . the 'Lake, Ont. 75-ACRE FARM ON BLUEWATER Highway, adjoining town of For- est; 10-room 'brick' house, 2 good" barns: on foundation. First class land and 'all workable. Possession' November 1st. W. W. Whllis, Dor- chester, Ont. : ' 130 ACRES FOR SALE, 9 MILES N\ west of South River, 300 yards 'lakeshore.' Leondrd ~ Whittington, R.R: 1, South River, Ont, House Coffee. It's asuperb blend of choice: Latin. American coffées-- each' selected for its) own par. | BASILAGE CUTTER MCCORMICK: ticular quality of fine | (hn, Hinhas intienntionat sien flavor, fragrance or body. 2866. Easy Way To Treat Forecasts Improved Box 149, Postal; Terminal A; Toronto "Print Name 'ahd Addiess Plainly on ~ el Orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films wropecly, developed Ana printed; 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25e REPRINTS 8 for 26c FINEST ENLARGING BERVICH You may not get all the filmé 'you' want this year, but you can get all the quality and sérvice you desire by sending your films to Completely new British weather forecasting methods learned: dur-~ ing thie war are going to miake peacetime forecasts more depend- able. } : Stratosphere balloons sent up four times a day. from four stations in Britain send out by automatic radio weather information which «will guide the farmer in his har- §¢ OR FOR SALE ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys, brushes, Allen Electric Com- HUNDRED AUR TOBACCO FARM for sale, sixty acred Tobacco land. ; : : three' kilns, greenhouse "27 x 100 a a ° . ° pany Ltd.. 2326 Dufferin 8t., To- IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICRH . y 5 ; " pt I h 8 : No need to wonder about synthetic tires Josting. Bs guar out by Sore, Painful-Piles ronto. ilu bam Yh Tp Station } Toronto standing up--not when you can buy 28-46 GOODISON THRESHER WITH Thainesville, Om, PATENTS Firestone DeLuxe Champions--the tires th t py MATEUS Aliaios 30 holy Swot: Hero Ia the chailce for every per- olevator, blower, etc., in good FARM; ERIN TOWNSHIP, CLOSE al were ed by the old methods. son in Canada suffering from sore, running condition. John Dryden, Brin Village and 21 Highwa FETHERSTUNHAUGH '& COMPANY fici used on the famous speedway test supervised by Attached to the balloons are Shing alnlu pliaw ii tiy-e sininie rockin, Has building, spring creek. water Patent = Solicitors, Established i : tos ; . \ ! ome r y a 1890; 14 King West, Toronto, officials of the American Automobile Association. delicate ricteorological instruments a reliable firm to refund' the cost 35 LUSCIOUS DARK RED FAIR- SE pual Phi s bush it mre. AN FA on ve: Imagine the punishment those tires took as Wilbur Shaw, which automatically radio their haa nme Ry are aut fas 25 oe ashe CA Quick sale. Lot 20; Con. 11, Erin; guest - the famous race driver, streaked over the 500-mile course to readings to reception sets below. Smylie to" any deipaint, end Fr SRL amt date Fal. Are | J ICRRS OF GOO LAND FOR SHEL FOI SALE . v Tl ) get a bottle of Hem-Rold and use hardy plants for Northern Bgrow- average 100.34 miles per hour... equal to 50,000 miles of icselireadings.ang Sent tong man as directed. Hem:Rold is an lutern- ers. All new, thrifty, sprayed a Wy Ny Thad, KL he ty FALL BARLEY SEED FOR SALE, ordinary driving. Not a skid or blowout occurred h control station in London, which Al treatment, snes anditpledssmt to planta. Price $1.00.' Order now. 1 HRA A a TA Ward yields up to. eighty bushels per even when . t use-and pleasing results are.quick mention 'this paper. Sent parcel Bg pply 4 Bays, Milgrove, Ont he stepped up to 135 miles on the straightaways! corrclates Prin Ain en ly noticed [ching and soreness post prepald. W. Phillips, 'R. 5, Caremount, Ont. acre. Bays, Milgtove Ont : 3 i i [ and ai are relleved, pain subyides and an ' Sad : : Tz " SAE hiliating Fons And ar the treatment a continued the sore, shiandy ont, MEDICAL TEAUHBERS WANTED: Be sure to have Firestone Deluxe Champions on your car. and translates them into terms of painful pile tumors heal over leav- MOUNT GILEAD APPLE SHRED " reer N KEE SRIEN . : {ng the rectal membranes clean HL / i D- DON'T WAIT -- EVERY SUFFER- GOLDEN LAKE--EXPERIENCKD See. the nearest Firestone Dealer. weather forecasts for the whole anh: benithy. Gerla tmbianes, fan der, arranged for power drive. er of Rheumntic. Pains' or Neur- Protestant 'teacher, Principal' in country. Rold today and see for yourself Bauipment 'Sales Co, 122 King itis should try Dixon's Remedy. 2-roomed school at Village of what an easy, pleasant way this {a E., to rid yourself of your pile misery, " NOTE! The sponsor 'of this notice TEN | WEEKS OLD PURE-BRED In a reliable firm; doing business Yorkshire sows of outstanding In Canadn for over 20 years, If you quality $16.00 registered, also eight' weeks 'old boars and sows are f(roulled with sore, liching palatal: plleh, Heni-Rold must: help from' qualified Advanced Regis: tered dam find outstanding boar, ou gulekly or the small pnrchhse 4 $16.00 registered, Garnet Whitfield, |. Munro's Drug Store, Ottawa. Postpaid: $1.00 STOMACH AND THREAD WURMS of(éh are the cause of' til-health in humans, all ages; No one im- mune! Why hot find. out Jt this is your trouble? Interesting par- tlculars=Free!: Write ' Mulveney's Golden Luke, Unt, Good train and bus service. Apply, stating asal- ary and"eéxperience, to Wm, J, Hugh,! Sec.-Treusl; 8.8. No. 8, North Algenn. Golden Lake, Ont, TKACHER' REQUIRED AS ASSIBI- ant iif uw 'threesfoomed schoe) in the village: of Coe Hill, Special 336 Elgin, DESTROY FLIES price will be gindly refunded. The hairy Fraserville, Ont. Remedies, Specialists. Toronto 2 Seftificate Jn ousehold scien y : F ¥ manua raining or art preferréd. hodvand legs ELECTRIC MOTORS BAUMERKA * FOUT' DALM DE To commence. September, Sataty Obie fly are REWOUND AND REPAIRED, EX- atroysi offenatve liodor Instantly. iers o ] i300, Apply to A. G. Giles, Coe! 46c bottle, Oftawa agent, Denman 11; Ont, I pert workmanship. Drug "Store, Ollawa. Moderate prices. Lloyd M, Bettger, Monk- disease, Fly-. -- ments, 111 Church, Toronto 8%, ronto, 3 4% : HELI* WANTED yax ithy ton, Ontario. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! -- hv. es : - 3 "H a o) 3 3 ery' sufferer o eumati¢ Pains DAIRY BARN ASSISTANT, SINGLE, pestsinstant- PUNDAC 8 KENNELS, REGIS or Neuritis should try Dixon's - experiented, reliable, good wages, Iyi Get a i. . Write 136 Riverstds Dr. West: Remedy, Munro's Drug Stare, 335 board provided, Don-Head Farms, large bottle ' ¥ mount, Weston; Ontario, 3 Elgin, Oftawa. Postpald '$1(00, Ridhnmiohd | Hill, Ontario! of "Fly. Tox 3 x : Ee : . === = : . : . x HAIRDRESSING >; WANTED today. ¢ with its wook, tired foolings? FARMN FOIL SALI = EY : : w-1 It functional periodic distur make % " LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE ROL: TYPE ' GRAIN CRUSHER, X rbances P RTU ITY Roberton' method. ' Information rolls to 'be: approximately 14% : Jou feel nervou tired. restless -- at such OPPO N on' request regarding clasnes to . 18 diameter by 24" te UCLIAECIIVELT tie Corpor to lata mays: © CES rint TT BAI AND | Rover ddottle SAt | 4 The SEG PL ol ru arms in Arn nin« emy : vEhe n oronto ! A% ' ; toms. Pinkham's Compouhd is one of tha sulus bulldinics A«1. Modern equip. | : : 122 King 'B, Toronto x ] most effective medicines for this ment, going concern, Box 49, 73 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WANTED. TO PURCHASE PUL» Oa Follow label directions. Buy today] Adalai e W., Toronto. , lets, all breeds from 8 weeka wu . % ETA re = FRED A. RBODDINGTON' BUYS, to laying. (ood prices patd! Apply KILLS INSECT PESTS lydia & Pinkham HA ISSUE 38-1945 aolls, exchanges musical Instru- to Box 38. 72 Adelalda W. To. Ys Nid th AT 33 20 ip pr ig frie Era EIT a : tn Ts - TE eae 7 He 20 os Lia Be hema ALAS - a Eo Awa. ------ i A i