Fok : Sy VEENITA A 3 Fee : 3 A a a Ls si adh * LOCAL NEWS We regret to report that Mr. Geo. Fowlie suffered a paralytic stroke last week. At time of writing he is im- proving somewhat. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Tennyson, of Toronto, and their son Leroy, from Rio de Janeiro, called on friends and relatives in Port Perry on Tuesday. N/S Ruth Hall, R.C.AF., (W.D.), spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Burgess Beare, of Oshawa, were week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. H. Fitchett, Sgmn. Ted Cooney, recently return- ed from overseas, and Mrs. Cooney, of Toronto, are visiting in town this week. Mrs. Wm. Real has returned home from an enjoyable visit with relatives in Western Canada. Mrs. George Holmes is enjoying a ten day holiday in New York and New Haven, Connecticut. 3 LINDSAY PRESBYTERIAL W.M.S. Lindsay Presbyterial W.M.S. has ar- ranged a five day course in Leadership Training to be held at various points in the district. The opening session will be held in St. John's Presbyterian Church, Port Perry, on Monday, Nov. 5th at-2 p.m', with Miss Matthews, Field Secretary, and Miss MacArthur, Children's Work Secretary, conducting the Course. Visiting Societies will be Ashburn, Sonya, Cresswell and Wick. An evening Thank Offering meeting will be held at 8 p.m. when these two secretaries will tell of their exper- iences on our home mission fields. OSHAWA AIR CONDITIONED A PAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Parking 111 Thursday, Friday and Saturday, NOVEMBER 1-2-3 GARY COOPER and LORETTA YOUNG, in Along Came Jones with WILLIAM DEMAREST and DAN DURYEA. LATEST PARAMOUNT NEWS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, NOVEMBER 5-6-7 DOROTHY McGUIRE ROBERT YOUNG, HERBERT MARSHALL, "The Enchanted Cottage" in Eyes Examined | Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST WATCH AND WAIT for the annual autumn bazaar held by the Ladies' Aid Society, of St, John's Fede! E.R SA COALS UAMIRSYS BEDI A SUAS Port Perry RICHARD DIX Chills you Speechless in "THE WHISTLER" with J. CARROL.NAISH, GLORIA STUART, ALAN DINEHART JOAN WOODBURY. "Community Sing Featuring Mairzy-Doats" ADDED --Slim Summerville in "BACHELOR DAZE" Show Starts 8.15 p.m. Adults 35¢., Children l5¢ Town Hall, Sat., Nov. 3rd. Presbyterian Church. Date to be an- nounced later. | * . * On Monday evening the leaders of the Willing Workers' Mission Band of St. John's Presbyterian Church were hostesses at a delightful Hallowe'en Party in the Sunday School rooms. A surprising number of carefree children If you haven't been out as yet, plan to be at Uxbridge Music Hall Satur- days at 8 p.m. and join the crowd of young people in an evening styled for YOU FEEL SURE TO COME!" youth. "IF wa, was made by National Defence Headquarters yesterday. Pte. Platten was born on September 9th, 1904, on Scugog Island. He lived in Oshawa for 20 years and at the time of his enlistment in March, 1943, was employed in the transportation YOUNG -- BE clad in numerous types of costumes were present. Several prizes were presented, games played and the fav- orite 'lunch of "hot dogs", cookies, gingerbread and cocoa closed the hap- py time, Our deepest. appreciation and grati- tude is tendered Mrs. C. MacMaster, Mrs. Dymond, and their helpers, Mrs. Hall, Mrs, Spears, Mrs. Ingram and MENTIONED IN DESPATCHES Announcement of the award of Men- tion in Despatches, in recognition of gallant and distinguished services, to Pte. George Emerson Platten of Osha- department at Ajax. After entering the Army Service Corps, he was a transport driver and went overseas in October, 1943. His mother, Mrs. A. B. Love, resides at Lumsden, Sask., while a sister, Mrs. Harold Henry, lives at 171 Church Street, Oshawa, Mrs. Lawrence for their thoughtful consideration of the children's plea- PORT PERRY, ON TARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, 1946 Lawrence's Drug Store News (You Can Save with Safety at Your Rexall Store) NATIONAL COD LIVER OIL and MALT coon 49¢. and 89¢. KEPLER'S COD LIVER and MALT ....... 75¢. and $1.25 SCOTT'S EMULSION ) 59¢. and 98c. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD 60c. and $1.50 IALIVER CAPSULES ! 90¢c. and $1.55 "NEO CHEMICAL FOOD Liquid .............$1.15 and $2.45 Capsules........... $1.25 and $2.25 ALPHAMETTES $1.00, $1.85, $3.50, $15.00 WAMPOLE'S COD LIVER EXTRACT ....... resists $1.00 BETAMIN TABLETS $1.00, $1.75 and $3.00 PERCOMORPH OIL 75¢. and $3.00 PHONE 49 IT Th Ton GEO CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. E. G. Bruton, Rector. Sunday, November 4th-- 11 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. 3 p.m.--Sunday School. A M. LAWRENCE '7he Renall sere CERI CE 0 with Mildred Natwick and Spring Byington. The thrilling story of a girl who wanted to be loved and a man who wanted to be forgotten. Starts Thursday-- "Murder, He Says" starring FRED MacMURRAY; HELEN WALKER and "MARJORIE MAIN. SUCCESSFUL BAZAAR The Parish Workers of the Church of the Ascension held a very success- ful Bazaar and Tea on Tuesday after- noon of this week, Two lucky draws were held with Mrs. J. Boyer winning the centrepiece and Mrs. KE. Hayes, the bag of flour. I. T. The second meeting of the C.G.LT. was held on Monday, October 22nd. After the worship service, business was discussed and it was decided that we cancel our Hallowe'en party and attend one in Prince Albert. We then went into our groups, I. O. D. E. The regular monthly meeting of the Scugog Chapter, 1.LO.D.E.,, has been postponed, and will be held on Wed- nesday, November 7th at 3 p.m. C. G. ere . DIED SNELLING -- At Prince Albert, Ont., on Monday, October 29th, 1945, Lilian A. Pepper, beloved wife of Wm. E. Snelling, in her 65th year. CAWKER--At Port Perry, on Mon- day, October 29th, 1946, Leona 'B. Koynton, beloved wife of S. John Cawker, in her 73rd year. LUCAS--Suddenly, at Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital, on Monday, October 29, 1945, Isabel Emma Goudy, beloved wife of Hugh F. Lucas, and .dear mother of Mrs. A. E. Salter, Oshawa; and Mrs. M. W. Hollands, Owen Sound. McCAW--At St. Petersburg, Florida, on Tuesday, October 30th, 1945, Emma Bigelow, beloved wife of the late Wm. H. McCaw. Funeral will be held at the home of her daughter Mrs. A. J. Carnegie, Port Perry, on Monday, November bth, at 2.30 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert. Bride-to-be Honoured with Shower ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Martyn, of Port Perry, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter Marjorie, to Mr. James W. Rayment, son of Mr. Miss Dorothy Balfour was guest of honour at a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. R. A. Peel, on Tues- day evening. . Over forty guests were present to shower the bride-to-be with lovely, useful gifts. The "chair: of honour" was prettily decorated with pink crepe paper and overhanging the chair, was a bower of interwoven pink showers of confetti cascaded. Dorothy thanked her friends for their presents ard good wishes. A delicious lunch was served and an hour spent socially, then the guests departed, leaving behind hosts of wishes for happiness. JUNIOR WAR WORKERS . The next meeting of the Junior War Workers will be held at the home of Mrs. Robert Woods, on Tuesday, Nov. 6th. All members are requested to turn in the money and tickets for the draw. PLAN TO ATTEND the POT LUCK SUPPER and the play entitled: 66)? 9 It's a Long Lane which is being sponsored by the Epsom Y.P.U. in Epsom Church, on FRIDAY, NOVEMBEER 9th, Supper served from 6 to 7.30 Admission 650c. and 3be. PROPERTY CHANGES There have been several property changes in Port Perry recently: Mrs. Glenn, of Toronto, has pur- Archer. 'Mr. and Mrs. Archer intend spending the winter in Oshawa. Mr. Roger Oke, has bought the other Archer house on Perry St. S. Mr. Hilt Simpson has bought the home of Miss M. Parish. The house of the late Dan Ferguson on Bigelow street has been sold to Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Spencer, who live west of Manchester, and they plan to take residence here shortly. . i streamers, from which, at intervals,' After; the gifts had been opened and admired, and Mrs. J. H. Rayment, of Apsley, Ont. The marriage to take place Nov. 17th, at Runnymede United Church, Toronto. MARRIED ARNOLD BRIDE OF ORVAL HEAYN A double-ring ceremony was solemn- ized at the home of Rev. F. G. Joblin, Port Perry, on Wednesday, Oct. 24th, at 2 o'clock, when Ruth Christena only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam | Arnold, Prince Albert, Ontarlo, was united in marringe to Orval Earl Heayn, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Heayn, Scugog Island. RUTH The bride was attired in a suit of | dark brown wool gabardine with dainty sheer blouse with dark brown accessories and wore the groom's gift, a cameo brooch. i Miss Mildred Heayn, sister of the | bridegroom, attended the bride, wear- ing a lime green crepe dress and brown accessories. Both the bride and the bridesmaid wore corsages of red, pink and white carnations and fern. Mr. Alvin Heayn, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. After the ceremony the happy couple left for a trip through Eastern Ontario and Quebec. On their return they will reside on Scugog Island, 45 . ® ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. E. B, Watson, Green- bank, wish to announce the engage- chased the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. R.' merit of their eldest daughter, Phyllis Marjorie to Jack Ernest, younger son of Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Tinsley, of Port Perry. The marriage to take place quietly the latter part of November. 'a FOR SALE Fairbanks-Morse Engine, 1% h.p. Apply to Mrs. W. M, Keeler, Shanly St., Port Perry, Ont, T fer spsc Fh ABT ASI bef p J i sure. FINAL WEEK OF NINTH VICTORY LOAN We are now in the final week of the Loan, and YOUR help is needed if we wish to reach our objective of $270,000 in District E (Port Perry, Reach & Scugog). Remember that the present Loan is for twelve months so try and take out double your usual amount in bonds. If your salesman has not yet called on you, just give him a call and tell him you are ready, or go and buy from your banker "--but be sure and BUY. W. M. Letcher, District Chairman. Yes . a in 1 - THEY'RE COMING! THIS WEEK-- Do Our Share Again When your Viotery Loan Salesman oalls Sign Your Name for Viotory . . . . PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. Clifford Smith, Ministe~ Sunday, November 4th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Isaiah's Robbery and Sac- rifice. A Fundamentalist Sermon. 7 pm.--Why is Africa the White Man's Burden 11th--A Community Service. JOIN THE CROWD AND COME AND ENJOY 90 MINUTES PACKED FULL OF INTEREST! @ REV. ERNIE LEWIS--a dynamic youth speaker! @ P./0. TAYLOR BEAL, R.C.AF. hat He took part in one of the Nazi Death Marches! Nov. Memorial @®@ ® ® AND THAT'S NOT ALL! RITCHIE SISTERS' TRIO ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. A. MacMillan. Minister SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4th-- Sunday School 2.30 p.m, STAN SELF--17 year old trumpet soloist @ BETHESDA MALE QUARTETTE MAY POEGAM, Soloist 8.00 P. M. SATURDAY -- UXBRIDGE Music Hall Evening Service at 7 p.m. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: P. Taylor 11 a.m.--Morning Worship, 2.30 p.m.--Bible School 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. UXBRIDGE YOUTH FoR CHRIST Sponsored by Uxbridge Ministerial Association, - hS . and HERE'S WHY! Six years of war have cost Canada a tremendous sum of money . . much of which remains to be paid. Money is needed to co-operate with our allies in providing essential help which liberated countries sorely need. (This, in turn, will aid in maintain- ing good prices for Canadian farm products and help ensure a high level of employment for workers in Canadian factories.) Men and women who have served in the armed forces must be re-established in civil life. | S35 So . . . to provide this money . . . we must buy Victory Bonds. Like all previous Victory Loans, the 9th Victory Loan is an obligation which we in this community must share together with all loyal Canadians . . . another opportunity, too, for each of us to add to our savings. "ee And if we save now, and put off-buying everything we can do without until things become plentiful, we will help to keep down the prices of things we 'want and need. That, too, is an obligation for every one of us. Meantime, our savings invested: in Victory Bonds will pay us 3% interest . . . double < bank interest. Bear in mind that this is the last opportunity we will have to buy Victory Bonds for a whole year. That is why we are all expected to buy double this time, The same rate of savings, as in previous loans, will pay for twice as MUST many bonds over the 12-month period. District E -- Port Perry, Reach and Scugog Local Victory Loan Salesmen -- W. M. Letcher, Chairman; A. C. 'Heayn, R. J. Harper, R. Tetlow, Blake Cragg and Lloyd Lee. . Finance Committee -- Mrs. Letcher, Miss G. Davis, J. E. Jackson, C, C. PORT PERRY High School Notes Bruce Gerrow Port Perry High School Dance A Big Success A large crowd attended the annual Hallowe'en dance held in the High School Auditorium, even though it was a very wet night to venture out. Generous refreshments were served during intermission, A good time was enjoyed by all. PRENTICE'S BEAUTY.SALON -- with or without appointment. - PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and up SHAMPOO AND STYLED SETTING, ONLY 50e. A Phone 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. Taylor's. Auto Electric PORT PERRY GENERATORS ih STARTERS- » FIELD COILS REPAIRED and . EXCHANGED BILL TAYLOR :: Proprieter Smow VawLum in Oa Smoking In The loges [Biltmore THEATRE, OSHAWA Continuous Show Daily Thursday, Friday, Saturday, NOVEMBER 1-2-3 Girls! Laughs! "The Merry Monahans"' with DONALD O'CONNOR, PEGGY RYAN, JACK OAKIE, ANN BLYTH -- ADDED FEATURE HIT! -- hal First Oshawa Showing! "Beyond the Last Frontier" with- SMILEY BURNETTE and EDDIE DEW Songs! Monday, Tuesday, ad NOVEMBER 5-6-7 [ David O. Selznick | ; presents . His First Production since "Gone With the Wind" and } "Rebecca" "Since You Went Away" with the screen's most distinguished cast! CLAUD E COLBERT JENNIFER JONES JOSEPH COTTEN SHIRLEY TEMPLE MONTY WOOLLEY LIONEL BARRYMORE ROBERT WALKER. -- ADDED TREAT! -- LAUREL and HARDY, in their Screamingly Funny comedy County Hospital Jefftey, A. L. McDermott, 8. Farmer, A. M, Lawrence, . ! 0