Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Mar 1946, p. 8

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£7 hm Tae a I 2 A) i ae a AIA ls i oa ie Cn Cw RE NA a ag, FA i Seed " w--- ESR ¥ be B an ak Feri w s 4 $ \ 2 Fan y : al 4 EAA FTE LN AR EH iA f > aT PAREN adidas de ade Irate IEA FN FER PHAR -- a Sl a em x CG JEMISON'S BAKERY I8 DEPENDABLE FOR GOOD BAKING Coie 93 w ART. JEMISON, Proprietor General Buil Planing Mill, Wood and Asphalt Shingles, Hardwood Flooring, ~ Sash and Doors, Coal, Ice. ESTIMATES GIVEN ders' Supplies 7 Phone 240w LAKE SCUGOGC LUMBER & COAL CO,, LIMITED A dad Mr, Byers' family were present, in- cluding his grandchildren and great- grandchildren. Blackstock W.I. held its March meeting at the home of Mrs. L. Byers. The meeting was "Publicity" and Mrs. V. Archer, convener of the group, gave a very fine quiz on Women's Institute work and history, also conducted a discussion on the same topic. Two de- lightful piang solos were - given: "Humoresque' by Mrs. J. Wright, and "Les Myrtles" by Mrs, I. Thompson. It was decided that Dr. Miller be asked to address the April meeting, The roll call was answered with an Irish joke. . This © community was shocked to hear of the sudden death of Mr. Luther Mountjoy last Tuesday night, March 6th, and our sympathy goes out to Mrs. Mountjoy and family, Tuesday evening, February 19th, 36 members of St. John's Anglican church met at the rectory to pay their respects to the new rector, Rev. John McKibbon and Mrs. McKibbon and their daughter Margaret. Norman Green acted as the chairman and the following program was enjoyed: Miss Edith Peters, a reading; Doris and Ruth Hamilton, a duet; Jessie and Betty McArthur, a duet; Mrs, W. Van- Camp a reading; and Mrs, Ivy Hamil- ton, and Girl Guides sang some of Put B DELICIOUS, NUTRI AT EVERY MEAL Cet PEP-U-UP BREAD To-Day OROPOROROFOPORIROFOPORO RR RR RR RRS RIRER O oO RS RR RR RR RRR SRR n ei TIOUS, ECONOMICAL SOPOROROROROROPOPOROROROPOPOPOROIOFOPOSOROPO Gerrow Bros. Bak OPO ROO ROR RRR ROROR te "0 0 rats 400% ate ote 0% 0% 0 4%, ry Phone 3 0000 0 0 0 00% 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0% Hors a tes' We Buy Autos and Trucks for Wrecking. Highest Cash Prices Pa Phone 124 r 32, Port Perry. id. Parts and Accessories for Sale. ORVILLE TRIPP, Proprietor 1 Gilmour & Wallace PLUMBING Avallable. Calling All Livestock Men to stop coughs, Eis distemper, in less time than you ever thought pos- sible with ZEV, the remarkable vet- erinary remedy that works on, nose, throat, and bronchial tract. ZRYV, made by the makers of Buckley's Mixture, gives amazing results in the most stubborn cases. $1.00 a bottle at A. M, Lawrence's, mar2l Sheet Metal Contractors, All Fixtures PROMPT SERVICE. PHONE>215 :: HEATING Begin to Save Paper Now - There will be a Salvage Pick-Up in a few weeks Paper is scarce, and we can't afford to waste it. BETHESDA The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. Andrew Page in the losa of his sister, the late Miss Nettie Page, a former resident of this com- munity. Mr. and Mrs. Armour McMillan and son, of Greenbank, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Turner Ashenhurst, Miss Marion Veitch in Oshawa one day this week, A number from here attended the Seed Fair in the Port Perry High School, on Friday last week. Mr. and Mts. Roy Hart attended the funeral of the late Mrs, Nelles in To- ronto on Wednesday. Mr. Harry Pritchard visiting at his grandparents' home for the week-end, being brought from Chorley Park Hos- pital by Red Cross driver, Miss Lillian Ward, and friend. We will be pleased when Harry is free from the cast, and able to be around in health again, The ladies that were able to attend the W.A. meeting at the home of. the Rev. B. Eyre, enjoyed the address given by Mrs. Rosenbury. To -the ladies unable to be present, we say, you missed a great treat. Miss Eileen Brown, Oshawa, spent { and Mrs. L. G. Brown. -------- ---- BLACKSTOCK visiting relatives here. Mr. Forder is the son of the late Wm. Forder, Black- stock, Blackstock Continuation school put on their play in Orono last week under the auspices of the 1.0.0.F. There was a full house and all parts were well taken. The electric lights in Blackstock Public School were turned on last week, Three cartons were shipped to Red Cross, in Toronto, last week, contain- ing hospital supplies, seaman's knitted goods and children's clothing respee- tively. : We are sorry to hear of Mrs. Sad- ler's recent illness, i Congratulations to Mrs, Henry on her 89th birthday and to Mr, James Byers on his 85th birthday. Mra. Henry was at home to her friends during the afternoon and tea was served, A dinner party was held in the evening of Mr. Byer's birthday in his home with Mrs, L. Byers hostess. the week-end with her parents, Mr.|{! | SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY 16 ONTARIO STREET, OSHAWA Telephone 696, Oshawa Mr. Harold Forder, Manitoba, is i their songs. Mrs, Dean played a piano solo and played for the commun- §2 | ity singing. The minister replied and 8% | lunch was served. The Late Mrs. Harry Spencer Following a lengthy illness the § | death occurred at her home near & | Lotas, in Manavers Township, on Feb. & (17th, of Margaret Emma Fowler, be- $8 [loved wife of Harry Spencer, in her 8 | 79th year. &% | poor health for more than four years #|and had been in bed for the last 8 [thirteen months, Mrs. Spencer had been in Born in Cartwright township on i February 28, 1867, she was a daughter $|of the late William and Margaret on Auto Wreckers Fowler. Deceased was married to Harry Spencer 54 years ago last December 9 in Bowmanville and was a member of Lotus United Church. She lived in Cartwright and Manvers townships all her life, Predeceased by two daughters, Ina and Mabel several years ago, she eaves to mourn her passing her hus- band, one son, Willard, of Oshawa, one sister, Ellen, of Lotus, and two grand- children, of Oshawa. The funeral, conducted by Rev. R. B. Harrison, of Blackstock, was held from in: apel of A. L. McDermott, Port Perry, Feb. 19, with interment in Yelverton cemetery. ASHBURN Miss Eileen Hamill, Manilla, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Routley. aif "Of Pa RENT SA. SEAR FR PERCE Sani SS RV.OF. 9 fatal ---- ------ nt. $A tt el ME PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 14th, 1946 Mrs, Earl Beadle, visited her mother Mrs. H, Philp, in Lindsay, on Sunday. The sincere sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Mr, Alfred Cooper and Mrs. W, E. Appleby in the loss of a loving wife and daughter, The death occurred of Mr. Elmer Ross at the Oshawa General Hospital on Tuesday, February 26th. Funeral services were conducted from the Luke-McIntosh funeral parlours in Oshawa on Friday, March 1st at 2 p.m, Interment in Union Cemetery, We are sorry to report that Mr. Robert Heron met with a painful ac- cident on Saturday, March 9th, when he slipped and fell on the icy sidewalk. He is confined to Oshawa General Hospital and e hope for a speedy re- covery. Next Sunday, March 17th, a set of slides "The Life of Christ" will be shown in place of the regular lesson period. An invitation is extended to everyoné to see this excellent set of pictures. The World Day of Prayer was ob- served by. members of the W.M.S. on Friday, March 8th, with Mrs. Mac- Millan, Port Perry, as guest speaker. PROSPECT Arthur V. Orchard wishes to thank his friends and neighbors for their very lovely and kind act in assisting him before and at the day of his sale. The President of the Woman's As- sociation wishes to thank the ladies for their co-operation in helping to make their part the day of the sale in serving lunch, Miss Beth Diamond spent the week- end with her cousin Mrs. J, Grills, at Columbus. ' Mr. Leslie Beacock has been serving on the jury at Whitby for the past two weeks, Mrs, Geo. Smith spent the week-end with friends in Toronto. Mrs. K. McVeety, of Peterboro, was a recent visitor with friends in this community. Mr. ad Mrs. Ronald Vernon, of Peterboro, were visitors at the Frank Vernon home on Sunday. Mr. 'ad Mrs, Clarence Fralick, of Scugog, were visitors at the A. V. Orchard home Thursday. of last week. Mr. John Cochrane of Sask. was a recent visitor at the L. Diamond home. Pte. Alex. Diamond went to Hamil- ton on Monday to report. Mr. Robert Gregg, of Toronto, was a visitor with his sister, Miss Eva Gregg, on Sunday. Mrs, Andrew Turner, of Carroll, Manitoba, and Mrs. Wm, Real, of Port Perry, were visitors with Mrs, W. W. Holtby, on Monday. of improper distribu adequately. wired. tion of outlets per circuit. a) When one more is a crowd! When the family comes home, or friends are caught in town without hotel accommodation, you can always make room for one more . . . if Dad will sleep on the chesterfleld. But sometimes there simply is no room for one more. Take the home that is not adequately wired, for instance. That new sandwich grill may be one appliance too many for the circuit fo carry. mixer may be out of luck for a convenient wall outlet to operate from. Where to put that frozen-food cabinet may be a bigger problem than finding one you can buy. The wall outlet in the chosen corner may be already "overloaded because The new kitchen When you build or remodel, be sure that your home Is adequately wired. Be sure that itis ready to receive the new electrical appliances that you will be wanting to add from time to time. Employ a reliable electrical contractér, and see that there are plenty of outlets in every room, and circuits enough to serve them all Your Hydro supplies power at rates that are among the lowest in the world, It you are to have full advantage of its convenience, your home must be adequately If you are improving or building a home, ask your Hydro for the booklet, "Adequate Wiring for the Postwar Electric Homes of Canada." Lia = oh 101 OE = 8 eh id Kol {0AY") =f: Sel 0] "1 \, EX] [0] YN Io re] N} /-X [0 Ld SCUGOG The Crusade for Christ Service on Sunday was well 'attended at both churches,. The very inspiring mes- NEW SINGER SEWING MACHINES Are now available--Electric and Treadle. An Electric Portable Sewing Machine in Your Own Home. FIVE DOLLARS PER MONTH Write or Phone sages were given by Rev. W. C. Smith we hatched them. ment, we do know years, eggs in 865 days. Sewing Machines REPAIRED LADIES, have your Sewing Machine checked by a Singer expert. a Singer representative trom Oshawa Store, will be in town every Thursday Afternoon and Evening. For Sales, Service, & RENT Apply to MRS. A. P. INGRAM, Phene 48, Port Perry, and Rev. F. G. Joblin, of Port Peiry. The text was taken from St. Luke's gospel where Christ was accepted by some and rejected by others, the same as today. The united choir did their best, singing "Tell it to Jesus". All comg again next Sunday at 2 and 8 p.m. at both churches. Mrs. A. Turner of Manitoba, whose home was on the Island before going West, and who was hten known as Mable Ham, was a welcome visitor at the services on Sunday. Mr. Doug Brown, Mr, J. L. Sweetman and Mr. Donald Crozier are busy finishing up the new chirch kitchen, which will be a big improvement, 'Scugog friends were sorry to hear that Mrs. J. Joblin fell and broke her wrist, We trust she will soon be bet- ter again, Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Jackson, of Port That is almost 95% production. ina whole year. And here is what Gentlemen--You will be While the countr There is the proof that SHU Breeding, and Good Management are-- "RECORD SMASHERS" RECORD SMASHER 346 EGGS IN 365 DAYS That is the remarkable record made by Art. Brunton's Rhode Island - Red hen 'RED LADY' under official Governnient R.O.P. supervision, 'RED LADY' only took 19 days rest Art, Brunton says;-- interested to hear that our fine performin Rhode Island Reds were fed your good SHUR-GAIN pe 8 old. Made and Sold by H. H. GOODE Grain Elevator, Phone 120 r 5, Port Perry. MYRTLE STATION, ONT. Perry spent Friday with their son Fred and his wife. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Aldred accom- panied Mrs. Norman Aldred to To- ronto on Sunday, and Mrs, J. 'Aldred stayed over until Monday. Mr. Leonard Hope, of Reach, spent Sunday with his parents, David and Mrs. Hope, and Mr. and Mrs, Hubert Long, : Spring must be here for the ground hogs are out and the robins are here. Mr. Earl Heayn has bought the farm across the road, and his son Alvin and Mrs, Heayn have moved on the farm where we hope they will be comfortable. : Mr. and Mrs, Tetlow and Phyllis visited their daughter Mrs, Heayn and her husband on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Owen' Reader accom- y-wide report has not been released by the Govern- we ( that the egg laying record made by our hen 'RED - LADY" will be one of the highest for the 1944-45 test year in all broeds and possibly one of the highest for the Rh de Island di hE es te Ii ode Island Red breed in many entry number was 331656D; her record 346 "RED LADY' made her remarkab fact she was raised on it from a day " Yours very truly, Art. Brunton, Brunton Farms Hatchery. R-GAIN Feeds, combined with Good le record on SHUR-GAIN feed, in Lg feeds from the day / panied their friend Mr, Biggs to his home at Guelph for a few days. A Red Cross quilt was quilted by Mrs. S. Rodman and Mrs. T. Redman. Mrs. T. Redman visited her sister Mrs, Fry, at Oshawa, on Friday. Rev, E, B. Cooke preached at Port Perry and Prince Albert, on Sunday. AUCTION SALE of Registered purebred Jersey cat- tle, horses, good-condition imple- ments, hay, grain, horses, the pro- perty of Andrew R. Moorhead, three miles west of Whitby on No. 2 Highway, See bills, 'No reserve as farm has been rented. Sale at 12.80 pm. Wm, Maw, Auctioneer RE SN ER er a Che hl EE Sh bras HET Lo Seay 3h Eo. £2 SAG me i, ART Sa SE a= a a Wednesday, March 20th--auction owis® te

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