Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Mar 1946, p. 6

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1 ---- TE oY v Wa ap insane ry PFN IR ES \ by wit \ : Sol 4 Swit k Juan iad win Ian dd weiss hid a. shin gan etn Ris SRR NICE BOYS, THOSE NAZIS Se 11 Nazi ingenuity in devising dirty tricks was again disclosed when the German army belt-buckle gun, pictured above, was turned in to Chicago police. At slight pressure of, the two cover releases, the front drops down, apg the two-inch, twin barrels, actuated by a spring, swings into position, pointing at the intended victim. Twin triggers enable barrels to be fired separately or in unison. Gun fires bullets approximating .38 caliber. "A LITTLE BIRD TOLD ME" A white cockatoo gets right close to former Prime Minister Winston Churchill's ear, apparently giving him a very confidential lowdown on something or other, while a gaudy parrot pretends to ignore the whole affair. This unusual photo of the world statesman was snapped when Churchill visited Miami Beach parrot jungle just before ending his Florida vacation. [pt SING BARREL HOUSE BLUES BRR 5 To ET eo «3 Iast November, Ardell Hagen, a Devil's Lake, N. D,, grocery clerk, bought a" gigantic' barrel that housed a hamburger stand and con- verted it into a cozy two-story home, with oil heat, electricity and running water, He's pictured with hié wife and 18-months-old daughter before their novel dwelling. Unable to find living quarters after his discharge from the Army hE HUNGER TAMES vag Siti niin ny 2% : , With vegetation on their normal grazing grounds covered by deep snow, thousands of deer in Idaho have come to rely on free haudouts from the state fish and game commission to keep from starving. The deer, made quite tame by hunger, come to the 60 emergency feeding stations established by the DEER IN IDAHO RAZ say a + EE [3 i 4 commission. Photo shows a game warden feeding some of the animals, HEAT 1S WHERE YOU FIND IT IN i BERLIN HIE Critically short of fuel, Ger- mans are using every expedi- ent to get through the winter. In photo above, Berhners cut down and strip trees in a 'residential district in an at- tempt to get some heat in their homes after cold wave exhausted their meager fuel supply. At left, less fortunate Germans, unable to find com- fort in their homes or what's left of them, seek warmth in a movie theater, The film is secondary to them; they care only about the warmth of building, Highlights of the News Canada's Aid to U.K. Prime . nister Mackenzie King announced that Canada will pro- vide a cradit of $1,250,000,000 to the United Kingdom under terms of a financial agreement between the two countries. 'Mr. King stressed that the ine mediate purpose of the agreement is to cnable the United Kingdom to overcome her temporary finan. cial difficulties in from Canada. Canada's financial assistance to Britain in loans and outright gifts, including the $1,250,000,000 loan totals bout $4,950,000,000, In 1942 Canada loaned Britain $700,000,000 of which about $150,- 000,000 has since been repaid, In 1942 ther: was an outright gift of * $1,000,000,000 and since hen mu- tual aid has been given to approxi- mately $2,000,000,000. British Troops Leave Indonesia Approximately 1,000 British Ind- jan troops boarded ships last week as the British began to carry out their announced policy of gradual- ly withdrawing their forces from The Netherlands East Indies. The embarkation, followed the arrival at Batavia of 2,400 Dutch troops from Malaya, A communi- que that time said they would repldce the British forces when the latter "eventually leave." 7,600,000 In U.S. Demobilized At a press conference, President Truman disclosed that the Army had discharged 6,300,000 men be- tween V-J Day and Feb. 22, the Navy 1,300,000 in the same p:riod. Churct Parley The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend Geoffrey Fran- cis Fisher, will come to tte United States next September to attend the general convention of the Epi- scopal church in Philadelphia. Starving Chinese Relief supplies, chiefly "flour, 'ueed clothing and medicine, are be- ing rushed to war-ravaged Hunan province and Manchuria following reports describing the plight of millions of men women and child- ren in these areas - Prompt action is essential to save some 1,500,000 lives ir. Hunan. Joint Defence Winston Churchill again called upon the people of his homeland and of the United States to stand together "in defence of those caus- es we hold dear." The wartime British prime min- ister told a joint session of the Virginia legislature that "above all, among the English-speaking peoples, there must be the union of hearts based upon convictions and common ideals." . £4 ol I Ae ed 4 ; = Emphasizing the new democracy in Japan, Emperor Hirohito and his wife, Empress Nagako, are makin talking to citizens and permittin tients in Tokyo's Kurihama . Natio THESE DAYS Nes) g frequent tours of Tokyo, a degree of proximity to the royal persons previously unthinkable, At right, above, women pa- nal Hospital kneel on their beds, each bowing as the emperor passes her, A graphed Empress Nagako is pictured during a visit to Saisekai General Welfare Hospital, $2 : -over a blue kimono. t left, rarely photo- She wore a simple fur-collared cloth coat last week by. defeatir games at Saskatoon. (Billy) Rose, skip, and G. C, Crooks. Shown here are members of the Alberta rink which captured the 1946 Dominion curling champion and Macdonald Brier Tankard sieating, Manitoba and Northern Ontario in playoff e Albertans came from behind in bot offs, edging Manitoba, 8-7, and Northern Ontario, 8-6, Left to right, the new champs are: A. R. Smith, B., M, Swelin, W. W. CURLING CHAMPIONS OF CANADA lay- Room in Australia Australia has 2.4 persons to the square mile. This compures with 44.2 to the square mile in the United States, 506.4 in the United Kingdom, s::Look for this: sign for leadership in the field of modern insecticides, fungie cides and herbicides for farm and garden. Your dealer will have full inform. ation soon. *Tyade Mark Reg. LOOK FOR THE "GREEN CROSS" There are approximately 3,000 antifriction ball and roller bear- ings of "all types in the modern commercial coast-to-coast passen- ger and freight airplanes; Not once in his prepared ad- dress, did he mention either Rus- sia or Communism, Nor did he refer directly to his appeal in Ful- ton, Mo., three days previously, for creation of a strong Anglo American military alliance, Yet, indirectly, this was the theme of "his address 'to Virginia's lawmakers. U.S. Voluntary Rationing Americans were asked to eat 40 per cent less wheat and use 20 per cent less fat to help save lives in famine-ridden countries, The voluntary program under which the American consumer is expected to cut down use of wheat, fats and oils was definite and de- tailed. Thirty-nine ways to eat less cereals and fats were specified, including open-face sandwiches, coverless pies, consumption of buckwheat instead of wheat cakes, and slimming the bread slice. Bakers were asked to cut the weight of single loaves of bread and other products by at least 10 per cent. Restaurants were re- quested not to serve bread in bask- ets, but to serve only a single rol) or slice to a customer WORRIES FADE as you enjoy the comforting stimulation of Maxwell House Coffee. Its superb blend contains choice Latin-American coffees. You can't beat it for mel- low, full-bodied goodness. KE GIN PILLS!" advises Sydney woman, Recommends 40 year old yvemedy "I suffered for years from kidney trouble without getting much re- lief. Then tried Gin Pills. After ing 3 boxes Ifelt very much im- ."'--~Mrs.V.L.,Sydney,N.S, Gin Pills help remove the acids that can cause aches and pain. Sold byall druggists on a "Satisfaction. or-money-back' basis, Use proves or "TA 5% their merit. (x 2) Regular size, 40 Pills PILLS) Economy sixe, 80 Pills od GIN PILLS (In the U.S.A. ask for Gino Pills) Watisnal Drog & Chemical Company of Canada, Limited Don't Suffer-- anak WAIT FOR RELIEF FROM -- HEAD-¢5!5s GRIPPE PERIODIC PAINS YOU CAN HAVE IT IN MINUTES with this Grand Prescription Remedy or Money Back 7 & BUCKLEY'S fui EASIER SWALLOWED .., ACT FASTER THE PICK OF IOBACC

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