Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Mar 1946, p. 8

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feitihel 0o uC LF TRAPS Fi LATE la tee ne Lo Ted a ha Saal aE al ia ENT. iit a | ee ere PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 21st, 1946 . » -- -- de Set wt 4 JEMISON'S BAKERY I8 DEPENDABLE FOR GOOD BAKING Phone 93 w ART. JEMISON, Proprietor Planing Mill, General Builders' Wood and Asphalt Shingles, Hardwood Flooring, Sash and Doors, Coal, Ice. ESTIMATES GIVEN Supplies Phone 240w LAKE SCUGOC LUMBER & COAL CO., LIMITED No Meal is complete without POPC Ry -------------- -- a Ear BREAD It's RICH in Energy and DELICIOUS FLAVOR. Buy an extra loaf of Buttermilk Scone bread to-day. Gerrow Bros. Bakery Phone 32 Nestleton Auto Wreckers © We Buy Autos and Trucks for Wrecking. Highest Cash Prices Paid. Phone 124 r 32, Port Perry. " Parts and Accessories . for Sale. ORVILLE TRIPP, Proprietor PLUMBING Available. PHONE--21 g Gilmour & Wallace Sheet Metal Contractors, -PROMPT SERVICE. . HEATING All Fixtures Port Perry BLACKSTOCK W. A. of United Church met atthe home of Mrs. Hooey for the February meeting. The chief business discussed wag the painting of the church which the ladies hope will be sometime in the near future. The program consisted of readings by Mrs. Archer and Mrs. Hooey. Mr. Harison closed the meet- ing with prayer. Lunch was served. Friends in the community gathered at C.O.F. hall Friday night to spend a social evening with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Porteous and presented them with a coffee table, table lamp and a purse of money. Dancing and dainty refreshments were enjoyed and all went home wishing them long life and happiness in their future days. St. John's A.Y.P.A, met at the home of Mrs. Wm. VanCamp on Thursday evening with 28 members present and the president, Miss Annie Fee in the chair. The Bible Lesson was read by Tom Hodge. Rev. John McKibbon gave a very interesting talk on "Work and Fellowship". Mrs. Dean led the gathering in community singing. A cross which will be placed in the Church on Easter Sunday morning and dedicated to the memory of Roy Car- ter, was displayed. Lunch was served by the group in charge. On Saturday evening a combined birthday party in honour of Jean Wer- ry and Gordon Barker was enjoyed by their friends in the Community Hall. Jean was presented with a writing case and Gordon with a billfold. Dane- ing and games and a bounteous lunch were greatly enjoyed by the twenty- éight young people present. On Saturday evening, March 10th, : Mr. and Mra. Neil Malcolm entertain- ed their friends from Brooklin, Nestle- ton, Blackstock and Yelverton. The party was in celebration of their first wedding anniversary. tions! Cartwright Red Cross quilting was held in the hall on Wednesday after- noon of last week. There were 21 'ladies present and eight returned to the hall in the evening. As a result of their work seven quilts- were com- pleted. The Red Cross objective for 1946 is a strong organization to help the re- health. The present appeal is not for money, but solely for members. One you will receive an official receipt. from' income tax, Wm. Forder, Harold Beacock and Dalton English were called to Spring Assizes at Cobourg this week as jury- men, Mr. Harold Forder returns to his home at Pipestdne, Man., this week. Luther Mountjoy A lifelong and highly respected citizen of Cartwright township, Luther Edgar Mountjoy passed suddenly and quietly away at his home in Black- stock, Tuesday evening, March Gth, 1946, at the age of 59. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Mountjoy. He marriel Tryphena Mason in 1908 and lived on the homestead south of Blackstock prior to moving to the village about a year ago, His cheery disposition which won him many friends will be a loss in the community, He was a member of the United Church, the Port Perry Ma- sonic Lodge, the Sons of England, and he ably represented the Maple Leaf Mutual Fire Insurance Co, Congratula- | | lief of suffering and promotion of | § dollar entitles you to membership and A Your membership fee is deductable ¥ - a m------ -- x by his pastor, Rev. R. B. Harrison and was very largely attended. The beautiful floral tributes were much appreciated by the family. Pallbearers were Norman Mount- joy, Leslie Mountjoy and Russell Mountjoy, Levi Tordiff, Will Tordiff and John Tordiff, Interment at United Church cemetery, Cadmus, chapel ser- vice by Masonie Lodge of Port Perry. Surviving to mourn his loss are his wife, two daughters, Frances (Mrs. H, Swain), Grace (Mrs, Clifford McGill), and son Laurence Mountjoy with the Canadian Treasury Office in. England; also one brother, Robert, of Toronto. He was predeceased by one brother, Elmer, who gave his life in the 1914- 1018 war. ' MAMMOTH VULCANIZER FIXES TRACTOR TIRES IN SHORT ORDER Frank Jamieson, enterprising tire merchant of Bowmanville boasts of having the only complete tractor tire repair service east of Toronto. Thanks to the prompt delivery of a new mam- oth tire vulcanizer and calcium chlor- ide pump. This vulcanizer is a giant compared to the ordinary type passenger car machine and it handles the biggest tractor or truck tire made. Along with this big machine, a new calcium chloride pump has been installed to fill the repaired tires. This last fact was really a revelation to your re- porter as it was the first time he knew calcium chloride was used in tires for weight, enabling the tractor to obtain traction, } The best part of this new service is that all work is guaranteed and the tires can be repaired in 24 hours, Be- fore this muchine was brought into the district it took anywhere from 10 days to 2 weeks to have the tractor back into action. SCUGOG (Continued from front page) So long as I'm in your family. Nothing to brag about, you both may see; But, ho boy! can I yell at 2 or 3. I have pretty hair and such a com- plexion, A violent temper I dare not mention, Anyway, dear Ma and Pa, Here's to your future, ha! ha! hal After Donald and Bonnie had open- ed the numerous presents, they both made very suitable remarks, inviting 'lone and all to visit them in the near future. All sang togeher, "For they are Jolly Good Fellows," Their many friends came forward to offer their good wishes and view the lovely gifts. After another of our popular and very successful showers all joined in sing- ing the National Anthem. All went home feeling much better after such a jolly and friendly get-together. The hot meat pies and all the good things were prepared by group three, RENT Machine - -- ---- Mrs, Jack Aldred, Miss M. Milner, Mrs. Ray Hobbs, Mrs. Geo, Samells, Mrs. David Hope. Proceeds $16.66. Mr. and Mrs, Smith, of Toronto, accompanied Mr. and Mrs Donald Crozier to the supper. Everyone ad- mired the good job on the kitchen by My, J. L. Sweetman, Mr, D, Crozier, and their wives, and Mra. Maurice Fralick, The Red Cross will hold their last meeting on Wednesday afternoon, March 27th, and would like everything brought in ready to pack. Mrs, A. Turner was a recent visitor of her old neighbor Mrs. J. Pearce. Mrs. Grigg of Oshawa, is spending a few days with Mrs. K. Fines. Mr, and Mrs, Oliver Reader have moved to their new home in Port Perry, where we hope they will be comfortable. We welcome Mr, and Mrs. Berry and family of Haliburton to the Oliver Reader farm, The three girls are attending the Head School. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Flewell visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Henders in Port Perry on Thursday. Mrs. Thos. Redman is spending a few days with her sister Mra, Fry in Oshawa. Mr, ad Mrs. Lawrence Clark and Joyce, of Port Perry, visited their uncle, Mr. Berry, on Sunday. Mrs. Russell Fines has returned home after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Smith, in Toronto, PRINCE ALBERT Pte. Newnham of the Veterans' Guard spent a few days at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Heavens, of To- ronto, are spending a few days with Mr. Snelling. Welcome home to Cpl. Murray Luke who returned from overseas on the Ile de France. Mr. and Mrs. J. Broadhead of Osha- wa, were in the village on Monday. Those who attended service on Sun- day were pleased to see new ceiling in the basement completed. Mrs, J. Collins visited relatives in Whitby last week. The death occurred in Toronto, on March 14th,:1946, of George Ross Ed- « LECTRIFICATION! What magic in the word-- particularly for the farmer, the rural home owner! Power for the cream separator, the churn; for the silage cutter and the hardwood saw; for implements that used to spell back- breaking work. Energy for lighting, cooking, refrigeration; for household applthnces of all kinds. The coming of Hydro lifts burdens, speeds tasks, transforms life on the concessions. Once electrification is decided on, Banking goes : i into Action. Through Farm _ Improve- ment fh with special terms The Canadian Bank of Commerce finances in- stallation of the necessary Hydro equipment on the farm itself, or the purchase of an independent farm electric system. These loans are also applicable to the purchase of many e electrical "appliances. This is Bank- > .ing in Action, ix T24A wards, son of Mr, and Mrs. W. A 'Edwards, formerly of Prince Albert. Le THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Wednesday, of Robert J. Mann. Port Perry Branch--J. R. HELM, Matdger >; ARF : & hy ACTOR TIRE REPAIR Oyster Supper at Manchester This unusual entertainmentwas well attended and much enjoyed. Mr. Les. Smith, chairman, said the purpose of the gathering was to form a Reach Tp. Federation of Agriculture, and to promote a County Health Unit, NEW SINGER SEWING MACHINES Are now available--Electric and Treadle. An Electric Portable Sewing FIVE DOLLARS PER MONTH 1] Write or Phone SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY 16 ONTARIO STREET, OSHAWA Telephone 696, Oshawa A full report of proceedings will appear in our next issue. DEPOT A COMPLETE SERVICE IN ONE DEPOT Tractor Tire Vulcanizer Calcium Chloride Pump The Only Complete Tractor Tire Service East of Toronto. in, Your Own Home. f SPECIAL SERVICE TO OUT OF TOWN ORDERS The Latest Vileaninmg Unit specially made for Tractor and Large Truck Tires Phone--Bowmanville 487 " Apply to MRS. The funeral service was 'conducted at the residence on Friday, March 8th Phene 45, Sewing Machines REPAIRED LADIES, have your Sewing Machine cheoked by a Singerjexpert. Mr. Doug Brown, a Singer representative from Oshawa Store, will be in town everyThursday Afternoon and Evening.) For Sales, Service, & RENT "GF. Jamieson Tire Depot BOWMANVILLE, ONT. KING STEEET WEST Applications Wanfed PUBLIC NOTICE COUNTY AND OSHAWA SUB- URBAN ROADS ARE CLASS "B" ROADS ONTARIO HARDWOOD FLOOR SANDERS FLOORS-- d During the months of March and Sanded, Finished, |, . Gc mercial Motor Vehicles In Homes, Offices, Institutions {operated over or upon County or Oshawa Suburban Roads shall not be Old Floors and Stalrs [loaded in excess of one half the cap- Re-Finished acity registered with the Department WE AIM TO PLEASM with respect to Class "B" Roads. ; : By Order, Phone 3848w OSHAWA -- _ Applications requested for RECREATIONAL DIRECTOR Oshawa and Distriot All- Round Qualifications win ®. Govern Choice. Please send full partidulars to | Recreation 'Assoalation Congas § Hotel, o Oahava A. P. INGRAM, Port Perry, COUNTY OF ONTARIO. D, J. Kean, County Engineer, | Whitty, Omiatie. - pote ss

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