y vhs Ph sty Mg! FInd om Ea a aE TTI yl ae SEAR BGS AG TABI AERA i non aii -- re -- a ---- i rt Se "ohlcks we give | CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BABY UHICKS FARM FOR SALE HELP WANTED w § PULLETS FOR IMMEDIATE DE- livery all ages from 14 weeks up to to layias at reasonable prices. Buy your requirements now, Day old chicks for immediate delivery. Free eptalogue., Top Notch Chick- eries, uelph, Ontario. DAYOLD AND STARTED CHICKS, For immediate delivery we've heavy breeds. Order your pullets now to catch the markets 6 months away. And especially order for January-February delivery with- out delay. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont, IT PAYS TO START CHICKS early. For Years the peak egg market each year has been mov- Ing forward in the year. It pays to aim for a long period of high Yrisey by starting your chicks ear- fer and If- we are going to hold the Dritish Market we've got to supply more fall eggs. So both from the short and long term view ft is good business to start your laying flock early in January or I"ebruary. A floor under the egg market until January 31st, 1949, That is the offlcial description ot the new British egg cohtract. Op- portunity--there i§ no doubt about It's a real opportunity for the poultry raiser who raises a really good laying flock. Our advice fis to buy your chicks early and buy obd chicks, Free catalogue. Also aying and ready to lay pullets for immediate delivery. Top Notch Chickerids, Guelph, Ontario. BEST CHICKS IN 25 YEARS Yes, that fs what all Rdlnbow Chick buyers are saying when they buy Rainbow Chicks. All breeders are 100 percent free from pullorum, Order your chicks now direct from this ad and not be disappointed. Tom Barron Leghorns, 100. Pullets $24.00, Mixed $12.00 por 100. Pullets $21.00, White Rock Mixed $16.00 per 100, Pullets $25.00. Brown Leghorn Mixed $14.00 per 100. Pullets $25.00, "Leghorn-Rock Mixed $12.00 per 100. Pallets $25.00. Red-Rock Hybrid $12.00 per 100. Pullets $21.00. Spe- cial prices. on cockerels Guarantee 100 percent live dellvery to your station, $1.00 down, balance C.0.D. Rajiunw Hatchery, Chatham, On- ario. 1,000 LAYING AND READY TO lay New Hampshire pullets for {m- mediate délivéry, Also other breeds 14 weeks up to laying. Fill up your péhs, eggs are in big demand and at good prices. Free catalogue, ° Also chicks for Immediate delivery. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limlted, Fergus, Ontario, BARRED ROCKS & WHITE LEG horns. Baby Chicks: Canada ap- proves three grades: 1st, R.O.P, Chicks.2nd, R.Q.P, Slred Chicks. 3rd, Approved Chicks, We sell the first two grades Breeding stock pull- orum tested. Call write or phone Slattery's Poultry Farm, Pickering, Ont. R 22, 13c SUSSEX X HAMUISHIRES 13¢ BOOK YOUR ORDER NOW FOR SPRING CHICKS without delay at these prices, Mixed Chicks 13¢, Pul- lets 2%c. Cox Te. Leghorn X Hamp- shires Mixed 13¢, Pullets 28c. All breeders pulloram tested under Gov- ernment approval, Order now to ine sure delivery when required, Bon- nie"s Chick Hatchery, Box 266, El- mira, Ont POULTRY 18 BIG BUSINESS, have unbounded falth In the Poultry industry for the comin season, Kven during perlods o high prices and scarce labor, the ody industry has leaped ahead. he reason--It has payed off. Play safe with good chicks. You can't expect just any kind of chicks to drow fast--to make good use of their feed or shell out eggs when pricés are high. Play safe. Get your chicks from an old established firm with years of 'customer sat!s- faction" rder Tweddlés and or- der early. The early chick is al- ways the monéy maker. So place your order now, to make sure of your chicks when you want them, And niake a note to get the Infor- mation about Tweddle's Time Test- 6d chicks, We have been in busl- ness for 23 years. Free catalogue, Laying and ready to lay pullets for immediate delivery. Tweddle Chick Fin cheries Limited, Fergus, On- tarlo. BABY CHICK BUYERS BY ORDERING YOUR 1047 DABY Chicks now, you guarantee yourself delivery date and also obtain an early order discount. We offer you chicks from breeders government banded and pullorum tested, Write for 1947 poe list and catalogue. Monkton Poultry Farms, Monkton, Ontarlo. 'GOOD CHICKS PAY BEST Read what Mr, Broadhurst of Joll- otte ue, says About our chicks: 'April 80, 1946-- The 208 chicks re- ceived fin splendid condition, not one dead and only one died since, They 'are the most vigorous bunch of chicks I ever recéivéd 'and I have been handling chigks for over 40 years* Order now and get the best, Here 'are pur prices, Barred Rock Mixed, Hi 0; Pullets, Lo White fag. ullets, orn, Mixed, $12.00; Pullets, $24.0 Ty hite Rock Mixed, Big P 5.00; Brown IL#éghorn Mixed, 14.00 Hybrids oclk Red Mixed, $12.00: Pullets, 21, $21.00; , Hybrid Leghorn-Rock Mix. HH) ido! Pulleta, $25.00, You algo get free chicks, Goddard Chick Hat- ohery. 'Britannia _Helghts, Ont, , MOST IMPORTANT GET OUR_NEW _ CATALOG, TELLS how Blg Rock 'Farm Chicks excel in livablilty, growth and produc- lon o AE eggs and meat, Write or 'pricelist 'and _culéndar. Big Rock Farm, Mille Roches, Ont. 100 CHICKS FREE With 'eéveéry ér, "or 100 pullet h 0 flee i i2hs ur , r oc ullats $5155 White Rock Pultets Es. hite . Taghorn, , Pullets a Rock" ori, | 0195, Sikora: ack fi ¥ {as al Ghicks 5 n m oodfested » Bak Bre iy HIRE stock. 1.99 ooks you rorder, Balance C,0.D, uaranteed Dellvery Kent Hatch. ery, Chatham, Ontarlo DUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Fory 'Tur POTURE! START own business home, office, Lifera- ture désc¢ribing "Collection of 187 ested plans" free, The House of élnine, Box 125, Station B, Moht- real, Que, SS ladiad JUINESS WANTED, SMALL: OR ght manufacturing, small hateh- ory, country store or summer busi- ess, Replies kept confidential, acDohgall, Essex, Ont, DYING AND CLEANING HAVE you AN FTHING NEEDS dyeing or clean ? rite to us os Thamrin tion. "Wo afte glad to answer Vour quéstions, Department Ww Parker's Dye Works Limited, 91 Yonge Strees, Toronto, Ontario, 150 ACRES, CLAY LOAM, NO, 2 Highway between Port Hope and Cobourg, Excellent buildings with all conveniences, woods and stream -- orchard, Immediate pos- session. Long Bros.--Port Hope, IT = FOR SALE ALL COTTON QUILT PATCHES, striking designs in washable cot- ton prints, Bright rainbow colors. Refund guarunteed. 4 1bs, $1.30, The Home Mail Order House Reg'd., 6629 St. Urbain St., Montreal. BOOKLET ON HOW TO TAN Furs, Buckskin leather at home, sixty years experience; send $1.00, Hoe Tanner, Box 804, Winnipeg, an, BOILER FOR SALE, ILRT. USED, 14" x 6', complete, government In- spected 100 pounds steam; fmmedi- ate shipment. Hay & Company, Ltd.,, Woodstock, Ont. 6 COMBINATION BUCKEYE ELEC. tric Incubators for sale cheap, Sete ting cupacity 12,000, hatching ca- pacity 4,000. 25 or 60 cycle. Apply Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, I'ergus, Ontario. COUNTRY HOTEL, 18 SLEEPING rooms, dance hall, oil heating, solld brick building, nice Income. R. H, Leggett, 290 Bloor East, Toronto, DELICIOUS WINTER CAUGHT fish. Produced from a lake in the wilderness with nets set under the ice. Frozen by the weather, The freshest to be had. Prices delivered at your railway station, freight charges prepaid. Dressed Salmon Trout, 371% c¢ per pound; Dressed Whitefish, 30c per pound; Dressed Headless Pike, 221%e¢, per pound; Round Pickerel, 30c per pound. Orders for 100 pound lots only ac- cepted. Cash wlth order, W, B, Dempsey, Flin Flon, Manitoba, ENGLISH DULLDOG PUPPIES BY the famous Imported sire "Rhydian Roger." Price from $75 up. Wired orders receive preference. J. B, Chariton, 37 Port St, Brantford, nt. ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIELS 4 young malés--Excellent field and show_ prospects Sired by Ch. Nod- nol Ruftonh Breeze--dams of out- standing bloodlines, Write G, P, Dietrich, 180 Moore Ave, Water« loo, Ontario. HOUSEKEEPER, MIDDLE « AGED, working man's home, country town; 1 child; full charge. Richard Haahr, Whitney, Ont, $105 MONTHLY, EXPERIENCED farmer and wife. No children. Small farm near Toronto, Wife as work- ing housekeeper, live in main house equipped with modern conveniences, Permanent job, references, Groe- erles and meat not Included In above wages. Box 114, 78 Adelalde St. W., Toronto. 'MEDICAL IT'S PROVEN--EVFERY SUFFER er of Rheumatic Pains or Neurl- tls should ry Dixon's Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 835 Elgin, Ot- tawa, Postpald $1.00. BEESLEY'S BIT TERS, HERDAL Tonle, removes the cause of varl- cose, ulcers, neuritis and nervous- ness, Mrs, r, Van Camp, manufac- turer, 398 Eglinton Avenue E, To- ronto 12, POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the torment of dry eczema, cashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve wlll not disap. point you. 'tching scaling burning eczema, ache, ringworm, pimples and ath- lete's foot wlll respond readily to this stainless, odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they may seem. PRICE $1.00 PER JAR jend Post Free on Receipt of Price POST'S REMEDIES 889 Queen St. E. Corner of logan Toronto. SATISFY YOURSELF -- EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neurltis should try Dixon's Rem- edy, Munro's Drug Store, 330 Kl- gin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00. TREAT YOURSELF AT HOME with electro-magnetism for Arth- ritls, Rheumatism, Insomnia, Varl- cose Velns and other circulatory ailments. Iree explanatory pampl- lets from CoopeRemedies, Yonge Street, Toronto. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A, DBODDINGTON BUYS, gells, exchanges musical instru- ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2. ~x FLOWER RULBS FOR INDOOR Srowing, Gladiolus, 6 for $1.10; Dutch Hyacinths, 4 for $1.10; Ro- man Hyacinths, 8 for $1.10; Paper White Narcidseés, 10 for $1.10; Snow- drops, 24 for $1.10; Crocus, 24 for $1.1C. Growing instructions enclos- ed. Large bulbs, Dostnaid, Kuyper's Bulbs, Hatzic, B.C FOR SASKATCHEWAN HOTELS, Farms, Ranches, Stores and busi- nesses of all kinds, write C. . Gingrich KJellander, Real Estate, Regina, Sask. I HAVE STILL A FEW PHEAS- "ants left, and some bantams, and black cockers, F. Hodder, Flesher- ton, Ont, IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS--BADBY Budgies (talking strain) cobalts, greens, lime-greens, torquois, sky blues, also albinos, Famous Melody canaries (selected singers), forelgn finches, Gold and tropical fish, heat- ers and thermostats, alr pumps, white mice and rats, guinea pigs, angora rabbits. Mail orders given prompt 'attention. Melody Bird & bot Co., 809 Dundas St, London, n MEAT AND GROCERY BUSINESS for. sale, Ridgeway, brick store, apartment attached, purchase pifes one third down, mortgage for alance with monthly payments, Brown & Jones, Barrlsters, Ridge- 'way, Ontario. OVERHAULED, LISTER, 2 hp. light and power plant. Batteries and 3 motor $120.00, W, 'A. Cor- uell, Kimberley, Ont STEWART HORSECLIPPFRS, RE. pairs for Cllpmaster--plates sharp- ened. Locksmiths, Baker's Sharp- Fd Works, 263 Bank St., Ottawa, nt. y TIRES We are overstocked at the present of good used trade-in tires (guar. anteed to be in excellent shape). 600 X 16 $5.00 All orders shipped C.0.D. equipment for vulcanizing and Farm Tractor Tires. BEACON TIRE, corner Queen and York 8ts, HAMILTON, Ontarlo, ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN BQUIPPFED TIRE SHOP WIGGLE FISH & MAGNETIC PUPS, Bpecial ruck Ideal Xmas Gifts. "Wiggle Fish swims madly about lashing his brilliant colored body I1lke the tightingest Bass ever, self winding, no dprings to break, Everyone from baby to grandpa loves him, rice 60c. Hotsy & Totsy the Merry agretic 'Pups. DoggHone fun for Old and Young. You can make ein dance, jump, whirl and wriggle. People go wild about them, Price 50c Also faierhre, 60c. Roy Sales Co., Box 1081 W, 'Winnipeg, Man. FU» FOXES AND FURS DRESSED AND made Into neckpleces, collars and capes. Tale 'ddvantage of this offer before rising prices take effect Jan. 1, 1947. Oliver 8panner & Co Ltd. Im _Htreet. Toronto. HAIRDRESSING GEAIN 'HAIRDRESSING THR Robertson method. Information én request regarding classes. Joberls son's Halrdressing Academy, 187 Avenue Road, Toronto. --_ HELP WANTED iii. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful. Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem, Illustrated catalogue free, Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 368 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches 44 King St, Hamilton & 714 Rideau Street, Ottawa. OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full {nfor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada x PATENTS FETHERSTONAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Iistablished 1890, 14 King West, Toronto, Booklet of Information on request. PERSONAL ELIJAH COMING BEFORE Christ," Wonderful book free. Me- glddo Mission, Rochester, 11, N.Y, FREE OPIORTUNITIES BY MAIL We put your name on mailing lists of anadian and American firms with new f{deas, Under no obliga- tion, just send name, address, FBI, Box 97, Station G, Montreal, === PHOTOGRAPHY IMPERIAL QUALITY IS QUALITY AT ITS BEST OUR YEAR ROUND FAST SERV. fice and fine quality work will please yo For satisfaction try Imperial, or exposure fllms developed and printed 30c. AMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station 3, Toronto, SEASON'S GREETINGS FILMS DEVELOPED & PRINTED "25c ANY SIZE ROLL; 6 OR 8 To get quality work promptly send your rolls to Canada's largest studio, 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 205e¢ Size 4 x 6" In Basel mounts. Hand Colored 'and Framed FHnlargements at special prices. Prints from your negatives 8c each. DEPT, M. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Dox 120, Post Office A, Toronmnte (Print 'Name and 'Address Plainly) COMET PHOTO SERVICE Quick Mall Bervies work 'guarans teed, 25c per roll. Reprints 3c each, '5 x 7 toloured fn folder mount, Tbe. Box '6, Postal Station D. Toronto. TAXTUERMY ATTENTIUN DEER HUNTERS 'Have your trophy 'mounted by Can- ada's ading Taxldermist. Finoat workmanship at reasonable prices, We n Deer Hides Into Leather 4 su le "for Gloves, \Windbreankers, ote, "Over Bpmnner «Co Ltd, £8 °A Im § oront TRAPPING WANTED « ARICKLAYERS FOR jaro battery of Wilputt Ovens, No los time, wor naide heatéd bulldthg, dédg Job. Experience In fire 'B k not Bécasrnsy, Phone 61112 Hamilton or write fo Box 210, Hamliton, Céke Oven Company of Canada Limited, ¢/o of Steel Co, of Cdn. Ltd, Hamilton Works, Hamilton, Ont, AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for experienced woman desirin light housework and assist with children In small home, Charwom- an kept, no dig Btate malaty expected, 7 James Bt, Bt. Catha- rines, Ontarlo, WANTED « MAID FOR HOUSE- work or cooking, Modern home, good wages, #mall family, Btate Me experience and references. :] rs, P. R, Hilborn, Preston, Ont, hone 630, nme -- 1SSUE 51-1946 #% " MINK - FOX « WOLF TRAPPERS, trap for bounty year round with 'boat 'gland weént aystern money ecAn buy, Particulars free, A 1, Fisher, Box "420, Calgary, Alberta, WANTED ATTENTION: HIGHEST PRICES pald for feathérs, feather ticks, al- 80 Jowing machines, any condition, Write 'K ng poathen Company, 661 Crawford 8t, Toronto, Ont, WANTED TO 'BUY THACTOR ANY make, good small grain thresher, self-propelled combine one-way dise, Albert Houston, 60 Emma st, Chatham, LOGS: BASSWOOD, BLM, HIROM and Maple, also Basswood, Poplar, Pine and_White Birch Bolts. Good prices, For further articulars write to The Oakville Basket Co, Limited, Oakville, Ontarlo, IN SERVICE, 1946 V7.) 11,598 Diesel and Electric Locomotives 484 Diesel-Electric and 6 Electric Locomotives 31,932 Cool-Burning Steam Locomotives (0) I0]1{0]1§ (06 IF PI [°2 Yc ; * FE 65 Steam Locomotives The coal crisis and resultant rail embargo have spotlighted specu- lation on' degree to which United States railroads are turning to and electricity as motive power. Chart above shows number of non-steam locomotives in service early this year on Class I rail- roads and the great contrast in the number of new ones ordered, as against new steam locomotives. However, railroads still use about 115,000,000 tons of coal annually--over a sixth of normal output, SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS The news that a man has just successfully sued a bookmaker for the recovery of certain money lost betting on the races is hiyhly dis- quieting, and has thrown many of our foremost sports characters into something between a dither and a tizzy. It is widely felt, in certain select circles, that the learned judge's decision strikes a cruel blow at one of the most basic fundamen- tals of life; and much wonderment is expressed that the newspapers waste s0 much space on the doings of the Peace Conference, John I. Lewis and the Coal Strike, and such-like fooleries, instead of giv- ing full discussion to a matter of really vital importance. * * - By the way, speaking of John L. Lewis, it scems as if that gentle- man might have saved a lot of time and $64 words, In giving his reasons for calling off the strike, if he'd just quoted a favorite say- ing of an old friend of ours, name- ly, 'It's no disgrace to run when you're scared', * * LJ But to get back to the subject of our discourse. The basic fun- damental referred to is, of course, the unwritten but still highly bind- ing law that a man must always pay his bookmaker, no matter what. You may be on the cuff at the grocer's and butcher's, your land- lord may have corns on his knuckles from rapping at your door in futile search of the back rent, your tailor may long since have given up all hope of ever see- ing your name on the bottom of a cheque--yet you may still throw out your chest and walk the strects as a sclf-respecting citizen. But we thought that even kids in kinder- garten had it drummed into them that, if you owe your bookmaker, you must settle, and settle prompt- ly, or forever hang your head in shame. * Ld LJ And why should it be otherwise? If the saps =~ we mean the cus- tomers -- fail to lay the cash on the line when due, how can you ex- pect a bookmaker to keep up his family and establishment, let alone two or three of them, in the style to which they are accustomed and entitled? If our debts of honor to our bookies are not scttled, how can they display, to our admiring gaze, the latest creations in men's clothing and haberdashery, the newest models of cars? It's highly ridiculous! With this sort of non- ("A Six Bit Critic") sense going on, some of the poor fellows will have to pass up the customary trip to Florida or Cali- fornia, so necessary for proper re- cuperation after a long summer of counting large, coarse bills... Why, some of them might even have to go to work , * « Ld On top of this soul-shattering judicial decision comes the word that Maple Leaf Gardens manage- ment is going to clear out the odds- layers who do so much to give a touch of romance, or something, to such otherwise dull and drab goings-on as hockey, basketball and lacrosse. Of course this news did not disturb us nearly so much as the other. As long as we remem- ber---which is a whole lot longer than we'll ever admit---various ball- parks, arenas, tracks and other sports centres have heen threaten- ing similar action. But somchow or other it always turned out to be a tempest in a teapot and noth- ing ever came of it. * . * For the authorities seem fated never to be able to get the goods on our bookmakers. A few Orien- tals in Chinatown get together for a small session of fantan or cow- poker, and there's never any diffi- culty getting heaps of evidence, even if it "means battering down doors or breaking in windows. But, for some mysterious reason, they can never seem to discern the boys doing their stuff in back of third base at a ball-park, or in the Bull Ring at a hockey arena, even if everybody else in the joint knows exactly where to head in order to get action, * * LJ So, as we said, this Gardens' threat fails to raise any real anxiety in our heart. Still, straws show which way the wind Is heading and, in this degencrate age ,more and more people are tending to show less and less respect for the rights and privileges of these es- teemed and unappreciated citizens. Italian POWs in U.K. All the 45,000 Italian prisoners still remaining in British hands will be on their way home by the end of January, it has been announced in Rome. So far nearly 1,250,000 have been repatriated from various countries, One of the most difficult tasks of the government, in view of the low rate of industrial activity in Italy, has been to find employ- ment for these men. Big Four Start Work On Treaty With Germany After a year and a half of public and private debate, the Big Four Powers have at last agreed on the final text of the five peripheral European peace treaties and are now starting work on what is the central problem of both European and world peace--the treaty with Germany, says The New York Times. . ., . The German problem is difficult and complex, first, because the Germans are still the most numer- ous and potentially strongest people in Furope outside of the Russians, and second, because Germany Is at present a political and economic vacuum which threatens to become a cancer in the heart of Furope. To Re-create New Germany In contrast with the other van- quished, Germany, which was once the power house and industrial cen- ter of lurope, is today little more that a geographical expresston. Her territory has been dismembered; millions of Germans have been up- rooted and dumped to what Is lett of her; her industry Is pros- trate; her best workers are still kept abroad as war prisoners; her governing and managerial brains have been deposed, imprisoned, ex- ported or deported; and ner people have been reduced to wards of the conquerors to a greater extent than the mmhabitants of most colonies. In short, before finally concluding a peace treaty with Germany, the victors will have to re-create a na- tion with a government of its own. Russia Delay Tactics Under these circumstances [It is becoming an axiom that European peace and reconstruction are im- possible without peace and recon- struction in Germany, involving the conversion of that country from a liability into a European asset, without making it again a menace. This is the aim pursued by Secre- tary of State Byrnes with the sup- port of Great Britain. But the very first discussion of the Big Four Foreign Ministers on that Issue in- dicates that despite her final agreement to the peripheral peace' treaties, Russia is again adopting in- respect to the German treaty the same tactics of delay that pro- longed the first peace negotiations. Britain Realizes Danger of Hunger Anyone suggesting food be sent to Germany runs the risk of being considered soft and wanting to pamper the Boche. However, in Great Britain the people realize the danger of a starving Germany, Ev- en though the beastly Boche was bombing Britain not so long ago, and murdering British people, Bri- tain believes that some sustenance should be granted the hungry peo- ple of Germany and of other lands, says the Windsor Star, The tense situation in Europe hangs in the balance. Hungry peo- ple are ripe for anything. There is peril of an upheaval that will rock the world even more than it has been shaken in these recent years. Britain does not want a strong Germany, but the Britons do not want a revolutionary Germany, that will go the way of some other na- tions in Furope. | Babys \ Coal Strike in B.C. Continues 93 Years Coal strikes can be long affairs. One has been going on in Nanaimo, British Columbia, for 93 years and the men are still out. Indian miners went on strike In 1853, and a native has never work- ed in the mines in Nanaimo since, The Indians were hired to dig coal for His Majesty's ship, Cor- morant. They received four shil- lings a day, plus presents for thele chiefs, but they soon quit, demand- ing higher pay. There was no settlement. Mining methods were crude, the miners being lowered into the shaft in a big tub. The walkout is described as the "longest coal miners' strike {in history." MILLIONS OF PEOPLE prefer Maxwell House Cof- fee. It's enjoyed in more homes than any other brand of coffee in the world. It's always "Good to the Last Drop!" The St. Regis Hotel TORONTO ® Every Room With Shower nnd Telephone ® Single, 82.50 up-- Double, 83.050 up tiood Food, Dining and Danc- Ing Nightly Sherbourne at Carltom Tel. A, 4138 Bath ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED $1.50 up § £8 ERT eres tO vr HOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA FALLS ore. -- CN... STATION ~~ RELIEVES MISERIES OF 9 0a He Slap v\ Penetrates deop Into bronchial | the chest and back tubes with its sooth- | surfaces like a good, ing medicinal vapors. | warming poultice, Warming, soothing relief--grand relief--comes when you rub good old Vicks VapoRub on the throat, chest and back at bedtime. Its fenetratingstimulating action eeps on working for hours, In. vites restful Bloch. And often by morning most misery of the cold is gone. No wonder most mothers Try it emi VICKS home-proved VArORuB jo eeos0000 2 > sooo WANTED All Kinds Of Dressed Poultry (TOP PRICES FOR TOP BIRDS) Joseph Cooper Limited Poultry Dept. 2054 Danforth Avenue, Toronto 6 (We do custom geoding) }.0-09090000000000000000000000000 SPP P0P0000000000-0] POP--Both of Them By J. MILLAR WATT Time HB'S HAD? YOLINMAT A TERRIBLE y y ~g|NoTine ! © Jus HAS HE BEEN TELLING WHAT DID You SAY 7 <- A [TooK out A coma b, 7) AND SMOOTHED Lar ri ~ ny ow 2 - i A tts A SL nr AT p-- Er Nn wl, Pls © WEAN N h. i" A x 1 } ¥ ' i SS EY Ry "wad