Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 May 1947, p. 3

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Ul ing in and 'out to the pen, 7 minute--the * local stores. "one could shop 'in comfort. _ only really busy place 33480 sheets 4 tak .. nde 3 iy a1 Ae oy : : H ate 3) eh LE] FEA KPHE BUR 6 RAE LEE STW EE CHRONICLES OF GINGER FARM e--------------------=-- By Gwendoline P. Clarke Last Thursday my, chickens were "due to arrive--we ordered a fairly late hatch because I am fondly hop- ing to raise them with the electric brooder, The pen had been freshly washed, sprayed and disinfected and on Wednesday morning it was my intention to run the brooder all day, Then came Wednesday morning-- six inches of snow and wet fleecy flakes: still falling--the worst pos: sible kind of day for keeping a pen warm and dry, to say nothing of the discomfort to myself when trail- I was really desperate. Finally I phoned the hatchery and to my Tglief the hatchery man said he could hold the chicks for a few days, He is holding them .yet--weather condi- tions having improved very little since last Wednesday. There have also been several power interrup- tions to still further increase the hazsris of chicken brooding by electricity, * * * The chickens off my mind--pro tem--1 soon found another way of putting fn time, Bob had business in Hamilton so I went along with him to do some shopping. 1 did sonie shopping all right. I warned Partner before I left that I might come back with a hat. And I did. 1 thought it was a nice quiet num-" ber--quite conservative in fact--but when I put it on to show Partner ¢ he looked aghast and. said--"You are not really going to wear it, are you?" Men are so funny! : * * »- ~ Except for hats, of which there were plenty, [ soon found shopping is still a nightmare. - There are things that can now be purchased quite easily -- at a price -- other things that seem to be even harder to get than formerly. For instance, there are pots and pans galore, but. try getting a piece of kitchen towel- ling. And print--I saw very nice cotton print--at a dollar a yard. Table oileloth--was-- non-existent. One thing I didn't realise until this stores were by no means crowded. 1 have waited longer to be served in our own Even in the basement' The was the paper pattern department. "Coming events cast their shadows before" --does that mean the sewing ma- chine is once again coming into its own? Mine is going to get a little exercise anyway. > x» ~'Another thing [ have discovered. In shopping it ddesn't pay to be too casily discouraged. In the un- derwear department I couldn't find any of the things I wanted but I. went. doivn to the basement--and there they were! There, also, was a stoutish, middle-aged woman walking around with a smile of blissfu}, content 'and a number of 'hard-to-get' garments clasped tightly in her arms. I knew just how she felt. 'Another place where I shop- ped hopefully,. but unsuccessfully, was. the "Five and Ten". And even there the crowd was conspicuous by its absence. Maybe. people are really' out on a buying strike or else it is that after ordinary, every- day 'living expenses are. deducted from the budget or pay envelope there - isn't anything left for the purchase of non-essentials that have previously enjoyed. so great' "a sale, A trip. to and from 'Hamilton is one that | .ustmlly enjoy--but not this time. Even the nicest places looked drah apd untidy--naturally no one has had a chance to work outside--except on the woodpile-- and on it the men need to work overtime to keep the home fires burning, * ra However, according to the calen- dar, "the year's at the spring" It ° must be, it is April 21--and Prin- 'cess Elizabeth's twenty-first birth day. But there is a cold wind blowing and a frost sharp enough - last night to freeze water-filled radi- ators. Not ours, thank goodness, infact I think it might be a good idea to have the alcohol strength- ened! However, the sun is shiping, and that's a change. And on Sat- urday night the Maple Leafs won the Stanley Cup. So you see there are still a few bright spots in this cold, winter-loving . world. And that final game on Saturday night was surely enough to warm the cockles of anyone's heart, * * *t- 1 have just listened to Princess Elizabeth's broadcast. © I do hope most of you heard it. It appealed to me very much. There was some- "thing so direct, sincere and un- affected in her way of speaking, and in the speech itself, that I am sure will endear her -still miore to the people of her Empire, She. must be a great little girl. God bless her, LN Glory be--the grader has just gone up the road. Could it be that we are going to lose a few of our spring-breaking mud-holes? [CANABIAN STYLE] '1- Peter Pan features thé all-round pleated skirt in a navy blue dress . with a chiecked taffeta) bow at. the hip for color. The Golden Days . Remember when -- they taught ~ children table manners; they asked kids to say 'sir' to the old man; they sent them to bed at 9.30; they had to be in by 11.30 if they went to _ a dance; they 'had a barrel stave hanging in the woodshed--and used it; they believed in political leaders; they enjoyed peace, plenty and low- priced tobacco and liquor: they had no income tax; they had not yet endured two world wars; they had one swell time in Canada?--Londen Free -Press, » n 'Character Actor » n HORIZONTAL 3Section of 1,6 Pic battlefie Aan " 4Was indebted actor 5) 5Auricle 10 Before 6 Retain 11 Manufactured 7 Relaxed article 8 Short sleep 13 Dine 9 Pigpen 14 Dry, as wine 12 Rhode Island ~ 15 Great Lake (ab.) 16 Enemy agent 18 Even (contr, 17 Scatter" 20 Age Answer to Previous 'uzile ery El E 7] TISIZICIYIEMCIAL [CBC IT SEERER} [ENTRIES 26 Kind of tree 37 Italian river 28 2000 pounds ) 32 International 42 Pertaining to 41 Indentationt language wings 19 Domesticated 21 He | is a movie 33 He is a stage 43'0ften (poetic) animal 22 Behold! 21 Century plant 24 Forenoon (ab.) 20 Ook Wisi 25 Hoarder - performer -- 34 Piece out 35 Pole 36 Principles and ---- 44 Born \ -46-Six- (Roman) 47 Interest: (ab.) 49 Feline 50 Attempt 29 Street (ab.) i LD 30 Therefore : : ay FLEET A Beast of 0 | burden : 35 Mature "HY 38 Stone. 30: Smiell 40 Bright color es A2 Bright ¢ humorist 43 Individual 45 Wicked : 48 Pérform . 51 Charge Lt BY 52 Girl's name 53 Gibbon 54Doctrine : 38 Trustworthy verTICAL ~~ [VJ NG 1 Things | (Latin) i 2 Native metal 4 }o- +F J = a Sy SS "Buekie," the Toptar family's deer oh Loekwood, N. Y., Judt won't go away to the woods and be like other deer. He was found in a nearby fleld last summer when he was so young he could hardly stand. He likes the Tappans so well he goes after the cows with the children, eats calf feed with their calf, answers Mrs, Tappan's whistle. She's shown giving him a& cookie inside the house, where he makes Jimself at home on occasién, ~ We have just finished reading .an article. by Toronto's Frank Chamberlain about a trip to New York. The article deals with the ins and outs of a visit to that fam- ---ous--city-and-how-a--person--on--an---|-- average salary can get the most for his money while in New York, There is a man whom we have ad- mired ever since we first read his stories. He gets so mucn out of life, and seemingly for so little. Chamberlain says that you can drive to New York for $12. each. way--and brother that isn't bad. + ls » It scems that a number of the Ontario -columnists "are taking their crack at the teeners for their be- havior and the way they want to live. Mary Lowry Ross in last week's Saturday Night had her little say and a number of others have been giving off with a little steam in current issues of popu- lar publications. Seems as if it's too late. If it was all measured out, I'll bet they would find_out that we aren't such a bad lot. + d wv I felt rather foolish the other day, while talking to a teener (a girl) when asked what I thought about this kissing business on the lar publications. Seems as be brought to task before it's too guy is a jerk and playing right into a girl's hands if he makes any such move on the first date, whether he wants to or not. Let . them wait a bit--too many girls get the idea a guy is ga ga over them if, he. seems too. eager. On the other hand, girls, don't make the mistake of letting him have a kiss, if he tries; It may be that he is testing you only, and will be far more pleased with you if y.u don't let him. After all it's only natural for a guy to-assume that you have let other fellows do the same thing. Be smart and stay away Irom the pucker stuff until you have been out a few times. You both would probably he better off if you rtay- ed: away from it all the tiine--and can I kid mother nature? y . ow» a ~% Py et earn A number of fellows I ; Tow have just finished their university year. Most of them are tired and glad that another year has pacsed. I give most of those chans credit, They really work for what they get. Sure wish I had gone 10 uni- versity, What | mean is, | wish 1 was going "to university, You ! know, I'm not too bright at times, in fact most.of the time. te CE TR I was looking at the garien Pes. ~ terday, and thinking about digging it--just thinking about it. It wasn't long ago that we heard so much about victory gardens. If prices keep on the way they are. we'll Lave to start planting them again. just to keep from starving. to d2ath, How, in the world: did I got off on a subject like that-~cspecial- ly in a '¢olumn of this kind? Well, you probably have 'to. plant ana hoe, too, so it's a subject to think about. J * * * ON THE SCREEN Song of the South--Hece is a Wait Disney picture ghat is new and different. In cdolowr, it's Laced on the famous" Uncle Reming and Brer Rabbit stories and is a must for the whole family. Funnv and wholesome all the way through. = t ol - if the | "*' Have you ever teencrs must have a going-over and © whom you remember TEEN-TOWN TOPICS == By HARRY MURKAR with some very fine acting by Jomes Baskett and young Bobby Driscoll. Ladies' Man--That young danc- er from Montreal, Johnny Coy, gets a break in this filn., 'Eddie Bracken becomes rich and ~--the---chase-is--on: -Atso--in--the cast are Cass Daley and Spike Jones. 1'ere's a laugh for you. Blue Skies--A colour picture re- volving around some of Irving Berlin's famous tunes. Gala in its production, it carries such famous 'names as Bing Crosby, Fred Astaire, Billy DeWolfe and Joan Caulfield. Gallant Journey--This will appeal to the boys. gliding and its gift to aviation. The picture stars Canadian Glen Ford who is supported by Janet Blair, ry . » In signing off another thanks to those who have written in. We like to have your letters and will answer them all, if necessary. picture A "Giving" Garden For Your Friends walked about your garden on a spring morning and wished that you could séme- how share its beauty and fragrance with others? asks Martha Lee Lo- renz, in the Christian Science Mon- itor. Plant as large a piece of groynd as you can spare from your oth gardening needs with a variety of ever-blooming flower sceds suit- able for cutting. No thought need be given to color harmony or ef- fect, but strive rather toward pro= ducing the most flowers in the available space. .Then while the seeds are re- sponding to Mother Nature (and a little weeding and hoeing) give some thought to composing a list of neighbors or friends, or even strangers, whom you know do not * have a garden of their own. You will be surprised at the number of people" who will come to" ' your mind when you start making such a list. "And don't think: all- the pleasure is on the side of the recipent of "your floral gift! When you witness the joy and appreciation, of those with your flowers, you' will experience the great thrill and: satisfaction that ~comes-through doing for others And I'm sure that you'll never again be without a "giving" gar- den. where It's about ° _-- Pra. ... TABLE TALKS . en Whipped c ream For Festive Fare The home economists of the Con: sumer section, Dominion Depart- ment of Agriculture say that there are several factors 'which influence the successful whipping of cream, such 'as age, temperature and rich ness. Cream for. whipping should contain about 30% butter-fat and should be from 12 to 24 hours old. It will whip more easily if thor- oughly chilled to below 40 deg. F. Do not whip for too long-a time, otherwise: the fat globules may collect and form butter, Cream should at least double its bulk when whipped. The fat contained in cream is in an easily digested form and there- fore may be used to add richness and flavour to the normal diet, as well as that of the invalid or con- valescent, Whipped cream may be used as a garnish or as one of the ingredi- ents in fruit or jelly desserts, ice- creams and mousses. When freez- ing ice-cream or mousses in a mechanical refrigerator it is neces- sary to incorporate air into the mixture to give a smooth, velvety texture. The medium. most fre- quently used for this purpose fs whipped cream Always freeze ice- cream and mousses with the tems, perature control set at the coldest point, - ° ' Coffee Tapioca Fluff 4 tablespoons fine tapioca 14 teaspoon salt 14 cup seedless raisins 2 cups coffee 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup whipping ¢ream Cook tapioca, salt and raisins with coffee in top of double boiler until tapioca is clear--about 15 minutes. Stir frequently. Add sugar and vanilla. Chill. whip cream and --fold into mixture. Pile into serving glasses and chill. thoroughly. Six ~ Servings. its SE hs Sa Maple Bisque 1 tablespoon granulated gela- tine 8 tablespoons cold water 2 egg yolks 34 cup maple syrup 14 cups whipping cream 34 cup walnuts, chopped Soak gelatine in cold water. Beat 5 hl egg yolks into maple syrup and cook" in top of double boiler until mixture thickens. Add gelatine and stir until dissolved. Chill mixture until partially set and fold In whip: ped cream and nuts, Turn into serving glasses and chill thordughly before serving, Six servings. Moulded Fruit Cream 1 tablespoon. granulated, gela- tine 14 cup cold water 1 cup fruit syrup \ 34 cup sugar 1 cup canned fruit, diced 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 cup whipping cream Soak gelatine in cold water. Bring fruit syrup to boiling point, add sugar and soaked gelatine, Stir until dissolved. Cool. When mix- . ture is partially set, add lemon juice and diced. fruit. Fold In whipped cream and turn into a moistened mould. Chill thoroughly before serving. Six servings. Fruit De-Browned Other things are happening to the apple." Chemists have worked out a solution that keeps apples, bananas and peaches from turnjng brown when sliced. Of particular use to industrial canners, the com- bination, which comes in powdered form, is helpful to home canners as well. ~ Air Passengers Right About Face Undoubtedly - the airlines didn't know or they would have changed . things a bit, especially now that their revenues are shows ing considerable inclination to lag behind expenses. But air passéne gers prefer to sit facing the rear in« stead of the front of the plane, says "The Minneapolis Star-Journal, For some time the Air Transport Command has been flying two 44- passenger DC-4's with all seats re versed. Some 800 of its passengers have been asked How they liked the new arrangement, Nincty-six per cent of the men and 100 per cent of the women favored the change, for they discovered both comfort and visibility improved when they faced the rear, Aircraft = designers long have known that" in the event of a crash or rough landing, a passénger fac- ing aft, with the whole cushioned seat to take up any impact, would be legs liable to. injury than one facing forward and thrown: against the seat belt, > HUSBANDS WHO ADORR coffee .deserve Maxwell House. It's so utterly delis cious that it's bought and enjoyed by more people than any other brand of coffee in the world. ITS 00% a DAAIN 2 BRACKET (AN FITS 1% PAIL "3 Ko PHONGE KE-3874 we CE | L-U (MADE OF LL-U-MOP '§ WITH STEEL DRAIN BRACKET COMPLETE FOR ONLY / The Mop. of Many (bed wo. SW Ei L-MOP AND SCRUB WITHOUT WETTING avs 2- CLEAN RUGS J 3-wAaX FLOORS "WASH THE CAR S-CLEAN WALLS | te WASH WINDOWS by FWRITE OR PHONE FOR Yours now / NATIONAL MERCHANNISING SEQVICE 3S TEMPLE Ave, EYEE {QW = Duar Oy SS CC ae 1) ED) ent ANS WARY KS aad TORONTO,0NT. WHEN YOU'RE TIRED AS YOU CAN BE... TRY A CUP OF LIPTON'S TEA ONLY LIPTON'S BRISK-TASTING "TEA GIVES YOU THAT ® What a lift yqu get from famous Lipton's FLAVOR-LIFT . . . a delicious, stimulating' combination of brisk, flavor , .. plus' a lift that sends. exhilarating new energy right through you, from head to toe. Lipton's Tea is a wonderful *'pick-me-up" when you're tired--wonderful anytime, morn- ing, noon and night. And only Lipton's gives . you that PLAVOR-LIFT--because it's the blend that makes Lipton's and the blend is Lipton's Get Lipton's, the tea with the PLAVOR-LIFT, at your grdcer's today! Tea! 1t's: Lipton' own secret! "mellow MR. BRISK 30) ce "AND REMEMBER-.NO FUSS...NO MUSS$ WITH LIPTON'S TEA BAGS!" re REGLAR FELLERS--Battle of Long Run By GENE BYRNES ha AL THE HS S RETREAT, GEN'RUL ? tf LEARNED IN \ SCHOOL TODAY THAT IT WAS TWENTY-FI ' AN' MILES ROUN' TH' EARTH ALLS WEVE GOTTA DO IS RUN THAT FAR. AN' SNEAK UP BEHIND TH' ENEMY AN' THEY/LL BE TH' MOST SPRIZED GUYS YOU EVER SAW IN Youn, LIFE / NN nT RANG SL om AN WIR, reas Cr A : Sa -. » ye Tn Co ow NC DA v To Pl Sgr i Ea I Any HAT - ety ET 2? oy §3 yor

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