Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 May 1947, p. 5

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SHA AE TE Ty FESPA SPE AS RE aA A a RR A Ar iN DAI a AL Ag LA * 4 - Ay - 2 4 ¥ LR +3 REE SEI pd PPR CF Fie oy svi LEY fanaa Yeas 3 2%. 8 Ties AYO EM vib * - ny *i I's i g . Een 1 Lar vy PEAT EA . deal FRR AZ SOG CR 15 FR fA FIBER ESN IRAE A FAI SCARF I AER SHAS MRT RR ICRF GEC FB wid Th SP MALER Ts TRIPE IP VIR Faia ALS RE 8 Ta) | 0 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 1st, 1047 BROCK THIATRE Fry GR Phone 618, WHITBY. REST AUR ANT AIR CONDITIONED IER, i ---- in DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME A ; Thursday, Friday and Saturday, FULL COURSE MEAL § The Best the Market Offers Your Phone Orders Receive JS» Attention i ; ; ; : MAY 1st, 2nd and 3r . » Ton Shows or and Sg p.m. : SANDWICHES 4 * BALLERINA PUMPS, in several styles aturday Matinge at 1.30 : . \ "FILMS . Black or Red, $3.75 and $3.25 a Girls' Loafers, Brown, in several styles 4 - ok Choice Meats at all Times $2.50, $3.10, $3.65, $4.35 i rr -- ~ Centennial Summer|c: Commencing May 4th, the Restaurant iV RGHNICOLOR will be oben from 2 to 10 p.m. on starring JEANNE CRAIN, CORNEL Sundays WILDE, LINDA DARNELL WALTER BRENNAN : Come in and enjoy a delicious Sundae Bn tm wan | eae mil"): WE BUY AND SELL THE BEST Sisman Work Boots for long wear v MAY 6th, 6th, 7th. jo ! $4. 50, $5. 25, $6. 50 i ( Last complete show at 8.20 . ADULT ENTFRTAINMEN®T "Black Angel" Starring DAN DURYEA, JUNE VINCENT, PETER LORRE Plus an ADDED Attraction \ 5 PASTURE FOR RENT Lots 14 and 16, Con, 7, Reach ay Good shade and water, = Abrapan Wallace, Port i 3 gne a WANTED |; ; "Johnny Comes Flying GENERAL COOK |& ; Home" with RICHARD CRANE and ; Apply ; ~ FAYE MARLOWE Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry Growing Girls' Oxfords, Blk. & Brown, $2.98 to $3.75 ; Men's Oxfords, Brown or Black, $3.50 to $7.50 ia Goodrich Canvas Footwear, full stock of this Popular Line \ GOSSARD FOUNDATION GARMENTS|| FAIRLY COMPLETE STOCK Via W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER Phone 72w, PORT PERRY PUMPS -- WELLS -- CISTERNS - COMPLETE SERVICE 'Shallow woll pumps of all types Serviced or made to Order. GENERAL MACHINIST . Eleotric Motors and Generators a Speolality Next Thursday, Friday and DRY: JP POBCeCece0ece0eteOR0R0s0R0R0S0S0S0S0R0R0SCR0S080 toposes onlo teste slonte ste te st: wie state so tes MAY 8th, 9th, 10th ganciele Work an tig kos Trucking SEMI : VE » timat ven. -TRIMMED and READ k A Two Years: Bel Clark's Welding Shop A RSHMNION Olesya Yiven WALLP AP ERS-- WES an READY TAmMED ke wo Years Before| . .. .. sectic sa 0s. CHARLES BULLER, PORT PERRY - i Pond Bede ie Thong on PHONE Simcoe Street, 280w A Paper to suit every room--15c. Roll and up. E CROP OROROOROROPOROPOROPOPORORIFVPOPOPORDRORUIOIPOVL LIL RORVRORLRCEDRR TRUSS RS RY ® The Mast' , | pair or sub-contracts, at reasonable LLL LL et BL et : prices. i Aa te RTE En starring ALAN LADD, BRIAN |Two Blocks South 1 of ARCHER'S _ DONLEVY, WILLIAM BENDIX } GARAGE. Ph. 161w. Mar. 6 FELTOL RUGS in stock, in all Sizes || ; 9 x 12--§8.65. > You've heard of it! Now-it's Here AQUELLA - Ideal for basements in areas subject to flooding. Eliminates need for costly pumping equipment--Properly- applied- Aquella-will keep your. cellar Permanently Dry. Let Aquella turn your wet, mouldy cellar into bright, dry playroom, workshop, laundry. Keep your home garage, retaining walls bone dry. NOW IS THE TIME TO APPLY! pai tt msm I HES. Rl AE Sk pr tiie "COKE Port Parry Coal & Ice Co. . |" GROCERIES -- a F toh Fi rozen Fruits and Vegetables--York Brand gus: 'Cauliflower, Peas, Corn, Lima Beans, 'Asparagus Tips, : ., Limited Peaches, Blueberries, Strawberries, SW rs Lanier & Loa -- 240 w Red and Black Cherries | 0H po 2} Your exclusive dealer in Port Perry and immediate vicjnity is Phone 269 HUGH SANTER (] bl sacrifice of time. The endeavours of able to buy sweets and the restrictions PERK UP FOR LOVELY NEW SUIT GOAT OR DRESS COMPLETE ASSORTMENT.OF SIZES AND COLORS ARDLEY © 491- 3-5 DANFORTH AVE, TORONTO; ONT." SPRING with an FROCKS FROCKS | near Logan, Phone GE, 1575 If you have ever faced _an emergency, you know how important "it is to get right-of- CENTURY 1, HP. « v ROBERTSON'S ELECTRIC Phone 179 Port Poy i Automatic 0il Burners IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION Cash, or On Time REPULSION INDUCTION 1 H.P. HEAVY DUTY (2 only) $76.00 (1 only) $47.75 Woods Grinders, $236.00, 3 h.p. motor Woeds Oat Roller, $150. WOODS WATER HEATERS, Hot Water - All the Time. SOMETHING NEW WOODS MILKERS--GET OUR PRICES FAIRBANKS MORSE WATER PUMPS HAMMER-MILLS FARM WIRING NO JOB TOO SMALL 1 h.p. motor S000 0S0S00S08LE0R0S0S00S0E0S0S0S000800S000S08 08080 OOS Oe SCs 202020 Seaton toate sete ss PROSPECT A number of friends of Mrs. Peter Diamond and Mr. Litnel Diamond, met at the Prospect Jo on Friday night to extend to them their best wishes on the occasion of their retiring from this community. Mrs. Diamond was pre- sented with an all wool bed jacket, and Lionel with a Gladstone Club Bag, in recognition of his years as superin- tendent and class teacher of the Sun- day School, and Elder of the Church. Mr. Merlin Gilr oy read the address and Mr. Burnsell Webster presented the gifts. Prospect, April 256, 1947 To Mrs. Peter Diamond: Dear Friend: On. this occasion of your retirement from the farm, your Prospect friends thought it was an op- portunity to express our appreciation; of your neighborliness. Since coming to this community many year ago, you have established for yourself and family a most e able reputation, in various ways. sides contributing worthily to a god u life in your home, you were a fait gervant of the church. . Your high ideals, fortitude and cheerfulness have won our admiration. In your more active years, it was a pleasure for you to do your share in the social life of the neighborhood. We can recall many pleasant gatherings in your home. = Just as friendship's golden 8 | chain is 'made by link of sweet remem- B | brance, we can truly say "with the poet,-- = "Life contains no greater joy Than friendship that endures, And ours has been made richer far, Because it's shared in yours. We are glad that your new home is ; just on the outskirts of. Prospect, and i | we can still keep in touch with" you 8 (and your family. At this time, we desire to recognize nyi- | munity, the Young People's groups received your friendly interest. Although, perhaps not as sympa- thetic as we might have been, thé high moral stand, you took in the affairs of this circuit, was respected. In every worthy cause, we could depend on your assistance. Prospect people also appreciate the fact of securing a worth citizen and neighbor, for your successor, on the farm. We trust that in the future, you will still feel at home among us, whenever it is convenient for you to return. It is not with a thought of recompense that we speak of your efforts, but rather, to mention the fact that they have not been made, without some ap- preciation on the part of the residents sof this neighborhood. As a tangible evidence of our grati- tude aml esteem, we ask you to accept this gift, a Gladstone bag, with our best wishes for your future welfare, Signed on behalf of Prospect Com- (Mrs. J. Ernest) Meta Holtby. Lionel responded in an able manner and invited all to visit them while making their home with his sister, Mrs. J. Dozson, Mr. Young, the presiding minister, expressed in a few words his appre- ciation -of their help and co-operation. A very pleasant evening was spent, and all enjoyed the lovely lunch, The W. A. met at the home of Mrs. W-- Holtby on -Wednesday with a very good attendance. Mrs. Durham as president, Mrs. Holtby, secretary, and Mrs. Vernon, treasurer, Mrs. Ernie Holtby read a very interesting letter from Mrs, Lorna Von Ritchl, an ex- member, former rly of Austria, relating 'some of her experiences during the war and later. or the next meeting, Mrs. Young has kindly invited the WA. to meet at her home jn Oshawa. of the present day, it makes me sorry, for the children. On the other hand I think rationing has been a great thing as all have a chance of a share, In this school, which is still on the old times of education as far as grad- ing goes, we have infants from b years up to boys and girls of 14 years. We all mix up like a happy family. I think it so good that children who are "only ones' at home should have all ages to associate with. You ought to see the "big boys" taking care of the little ones, They are very kind to them. It wns a great time when honey was shared out. The children brought clean spoons from home and so helped themselves. Now I must close with many thanks from the children and the teachers. (Miss) Lucy E. Westbrook, Head Teacher. Mr. S. Jeffrey has returned after a visit in Toronto for two weeks. Glad to report Rev. Mr, McKibbon is home from hospital, and -we hope he will soon be well enough to resume his work. Rev. Mr. Bruton, of Port Perry took his service last Sunday. Attention of Andy Clark Congratulations to Mrs. Johnston, of Millbrook, mother of Mr. A. John- ston, who celebrated her 99th birthday on Friday, April 26th. She is in fair health. Mrs. Henry Mountjoy A wide circle of friends in Black- stock and district were saddened at the passing of _.Muys,. Sarah... Whitfield Mountjoy, at her home on April 10th, 1947. She had been in excellent health until she suffered a fall several days previously, and would have celebrated her 88th birthday on Oct. 18, this year. She was born in Cartwright, daughter of the late Teasdale Whitfield and Hannah Smith Whitfield." She mar- ried Henry Mountjoy on: Japuary 12, 1881, and: they celebrated their golden \ ; J Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gibson, Toronto, | weddi 1031. Aft a ; way for urgent calls, 3 | your long friendship with a little gift, »| Wedding in er 4 vary suc ' N\ AN RA E i 8 for vour comfort. We hope that you |Visited with Mr. and Mrs. Durham. cessful farming career they moved to oN Remember the master Ne uel A Delivery by Metered rucks 53 will 'be spared to bE Ny oy On Sunday next, May '4th, Com- | Blackstock from their farm ai of is 4 0 ' oh hie iF, # | years of retirement. May God bless munion will "be- held for Manchester [the village in 1930. | HARRY O. PERRY, rule "Do unto. others | SOM IO Ni : PEVIVAAE Cs HER i: PEERS SaN As or) : leis id deh gi I ) > hv BPP ESN : ¥ it ou, abundant] and Prospect'in the Prospect United" Mrs. Mountjoy was a charter helper v \ \ : / ay you would like them to do for; y y Signed on Donal of Prospect' Com- Opareh a 2.30 Dun. Rev.-Mr., Gardiner | of . She Val ens Instig a oo J oy of Columbus, will preside member of the United Church and ho fy \ lar you -- and do it first." CITIES SERVICE OIL CO,, 41 ™ "Mr, 3. Ernest) Meta Holthy,| Miss doar Nell Phi, Toronte, | church organizations. Although well \ X * Ag + i Spent dhe week-end with her aunt Mrs. advanced in years she was always :, The $3,500,000 being spent this 294 Coutt St. OSHAWA Phone 2016 §|ro mr. Lione pment Cian Mrs. J. Lue were Sunday {mt ths Man mweetin of the WLS } | Dear Friend,--In calling upon you] Mr. an S.-J. lee were : and the March meeting of the W.M.S. ) year alone will provide more rural to EAA AAACN ABABA | 11 ne, calling upon. you visitors with Mr. ad Mrs. E. Dinmond. | was held at her home. . During the k ' } lines and mean fewer parties 4 on honor such alo +) Janine o Prospect ry -- 1 St Bleal, Jost; hile Bl on She farm | 4 EK Ca el ORO OROROR RO OROR ORRIN ROROROROIORCROIORORCROROROIORORORORORORORORS mmunity: et, we regr yo ' ' } . ¢ each line. gi CRURRRIATES terete Po tes tte te a ee te tte ee te te te Tt a ® lare ny us, for a time. This oe- BLACKSTOCK but her knitting this past war for the Nh iy 3 FRESH BAKING DAILY 8 |casion prompts a retrospect of your| qq. following. letter wag sent. to Cartwright branch Red Cross was v ® Cd i : 1. Keep calls brief. fi | services to your fellowmen, Cartwright Red Cross and received! gen) in number and always ect. : 3 a FOR BEST 2. Sp Ns, i d 8 ice iG fhood a, devouon lo since it was disbanded, but. will be of bird) oa 379 1 i yy 100 pt : ; a y ace your. ca 2 | dut e home, school, church an y 3 8 es. and las an 33 ) : RESULTS ig fein " Bread, Buns, Pi ies' and Tarts X | social in the ho has knit the bonds of interest © ol England, Jan. 14, 47 "afghan use relief work. y 3 Fab] i FROM YOUR 3. Avoid "listening-in. . Bi | friendship, very closely. We feel that fn Cartwright ] A] yD. ls Het inemory will long be treasured = « 3 ol fh ution | & Ove right-of-way fo SATURDAY SPECIAL -- | vour, faichtulness to your mother. [5] "on 'bohuif 'of 'the. children of" the hljfuinens ns an honored member of - ! TELE vrgent calls, ; . 4 ; H [worthy of special comm o above school I am writing to thank you i thi : " "" She church life, you accepted any re-| ach indeed fof the tin of hon s community where she lived her i \i Lars A : BANANA CAKE popisibility, whether great or small, bie! Pn fo06ed for + x no ey! long and useful life. i i for which we pay tribute to your |" my (Lildren were very thrilled, the e leaves to mown her passing, \ i 4 fidelity in this fine work. For many her daughter May (Mrs. Harry Gra- : BR AT Su EY Sha Ce a TARA Phone 32. Gerrow Bros. Bakery ears 61 were 'superintendent of 'the school is not a very large one and. ko ham); Toronto, ti thiee sors, Leslie un Ah ¥, Sehool ht] teacher of the most children were able to have a and Norman, of FI he kstock id d Rus- a alt Bible Class. Your regular at-| se eterboro, also several grand- tendance and intelligent exposition of It was very thoughtful on your part childién and great-gra ehildren, Mr. the lessons revealed careful study and fo send such 8 gilt. We do not have 12, 1045 redesenseq r on. Ms pare the freedom with which we were ¥ | THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA |

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