PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 15th, 1947 \ BROCK THEATRE : Ee -------- SSA nts tnts SRT TI ttt ii tilt -- sr--arswnar| JAYLORS' |i The Best the Market Offers | F W BRO | ae CONDITIONED RESTAURANT Your Phone Orders. Receive = | © ° CK & SON | | Thr diy wd Satunar, [ROLY COURSE MEALS Careful Attention Hl . Ah a To LE sri ding ] = TE 3 I. G GERALDINE FITZGERALD in FiLys Cawker Bros, Family Butchers, Phone 29 | 0 ssard Foundation arments 1H % . 'ommencing , the Restauran 2333 : A * Nobody Lives § will be iii a on : \ an : Ladi Tye ER i Alfa ov Forever Sundays . : adies' two way stretch elastic girdle, $2.25 & $3.20 » with WALTER Te a {Oe 10, 00 Son. 2 Selicions Bundug Choice Meats al all Times Front Lacing Corsels, all sles, $6. 75 and $7. 85 FAYE PATRON. NEI tok dig WE BUY AND SELL THE BEST Satin Step -in Girdle, $4.95 A . oth sd ye SC ARZANITESS J. am7 wi am iiirvB vrs cnt nitrite I mrad ww fc mani Bae y et aA Ee. Last complete show at 3.20 : WANTED Ww. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER Nylon Hosisiy, new low prices, $1 40, $1 65 Perilous Holiday' GENERAL COOK Phone 72w, PORT PERRY ang vaT ow, won | Apply ER MY Curtain Material, Big New Shipment fh ~WARKICK nd ALAN HALE, _ | Community Memorial | PUMPS -- WELLS -- CISTERNS 60c., 65c., 95c. yard | ii and ADDED Attraction Hospital, Port Perry COMPLETE SERVICE : i y . tt x The Devil's Wells Cistern d {i Shallow well Ribs of 2 1ypes Serviced or i Ecru Lace Curtains, $3.50 per pair. WL "" ' rns an 5 . . . ] ; Playground Septic Tank 8 GENERAL MACHINIST } Semi-Web Voile Curtains, $5. 65 per pair wit WILLIAM BOYD i) eéptlic 1anks Eigovis Motors and Qendrators a Speoialty § : A CLYDE Cin Spar oncr Estimates ohoortully given, OVERDRAP ES--$6. 60, per pair. A Next Tay Bray aul Balad, Phone 280W Port Perry "PBHONE Siicor sae, 20 PERRY a pith a : : : p imcoe Street $o0w : 38 ER Ee wisi SHOES IN POPULAR MAKES ' Sister Kenny he I 0 0 0 sg Sisman. Goodri h, Smi h, Hedl G : | : A starring ROSALIND RUSSELL and | Apply to Mrs. Ted Fines, Phone 84 r 32 | §§ ' 00 ric mit € CY. racia ALEXANDER KNOX. Port Perry, RR3, Port Perry. You've heard of it! Now it's Here Many lines of Shoes are at the price prevailing ~~ AQUELLA last year. While they last, they are ; Cl) Fn ans ot a Fre i Below Market Price. your cellar Permanently Dry. Let Aquella turn your wet, mouldy i ---- i inl bight; a ER workshop,-ldundry. Keep your home" = er ------ hi garage, rel taining wall S bone dr, a ad ol ee oo a : "NOW IS THE TIME TO APPLY! "WALLPAPER--NEW PATTERNS Your exclusive dealer in Port Perry and immediate vicinity is AGAIN THIS WEEK i Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co., Limited S th Sun-Tested Be oY igi hd i ads Sunworthy -- Sun-Tested -- 15¢. Roll and up n TR I PERK UP FOR SPRING with an ARDLEY FROCKS LOVELY NEW SUIT COAT OR DRESS ' . COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF SIZES AND COLORS ARDLEY FROCKS .491-3-5 DANFORTH AVE., near Logan, Phone GE. 1675 ; TORON 10, ONT. GEORGE WE and his CORN HUSKERS 'Canada's Greatest Old Time and Modern Dance Orchestra ~ with GEORGE WADE in person as Caller and M.C. Every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, ai | EDGEWATER POVILION il JACKSON'S POINT OPENING DAYS--Saturday, May 24th, \ a Ta \ ~~ Wednesday, June 4th, J Friday, June 6th. : Every Wednesday and Saturday--OIld Time and Modern Dancing. Every FRIDAY is RURAL NIGHT--If you enjoy 3 uare Dancing, the Schottische, Folka, Rye Wa Itz, Quadrille, Circassian Circle, Progressive Barn Dance, French Minuet, Varsoviona Waltz and any other old time dance that you Moise , care to do, be sure to attend every Friday. - Clark's Welding 8hop | ;(1a10ES FOR SALE-By the |B Now opén for Electric and Oxy- . Acetylene Welding of all types. Re-|basket or bag. Limited quantity; No: y 5 . pair or sub-contracts, at reasonable 1 grade. Apply' to c. H. Kellett, Port ¥ / : prices. y "Tid. Two Blocks South of ARCHER'S |Perry. RL GARAGE. Mar. 6 "ELECTRIC MOTORS | CENTURY REPULSION INDUCTION 1 H.P. HEAVY DUTY (2o0nly) $76.00 Ya HP. "(1 only) $47.75 Woods Grinders, $235.00, 3 h.p. motor Woods Oat Roller, $150. 1 h.p. motor WOODS WATER HEATERS, Hot Water All the Time. SOMETHING NEW WOooDs MILKERS--GET OUR PRICES FAIRBANKS MORSE WATER PUMPS : HAMMER-MILLS FARM WIRING NO JOB TOO SMALL ROBERTSON '6§ ELECTRIC : k : y s Phone 179 Port Perr : £25 PW T0005 0% 6% 07 070 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 5 5% EL GS, 8 80 4 0 | Automatic Oil Burners | | IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION § Cash, or On Time Fuel Delivery by Metered Trucks HARRY O. PERRY, i 'CITIES SERVICE OJL CO., : id Court S St. 2 OSHAWA Phone 2015 5 | | Bread on the table . . . . the meal is | "ready! ; : BUY AN EXTRA LOAF TO- DAY : ~ SATURDAY SPECIAL : . "COFFEE ROLL" --8 | : Phone 32. ~ Gerrow Bros. Bakery : @ 32-page rotogravure picture section ® 24 - page Magazine "with 3 pages of Kate Aitken's racipes @® 20. pages of all the best comics BK 30,000- word Book- of -the-Week ® 16-page new yoiiow Your Old Friends Have Moved to Juniper Junction You'll now. find them in The Standard's comic 'section in full colour -- every week! Archie and The. Missus, Chief Pinchall, Pig-skin Peters, Th' Cap, and Th' Noazark have moved to Juniper Junction "with Jina Frise, "This is another first for The Standard -- the first newspaper in which a ~ Canadian comic has appeared in full colour. Don't forget--you can follow the frolics of these lovable characters in The Standard every week! . ~ Also the Weekly Adventures of GREG CLARK AND JIM FRISE What's happened to those Creg Clark and Jim Frise stories? They're in The Standard, too! Greg and Jim have kept Canadians laughing at @ their antics for years . . . and they're still up to their old tricks. Look for Greg and Jim in The Standard! The Standard GET YOUR COPY TODAY! AT YOUR NEWSDEALER 107 ga i ante =