Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 15 May 1947, p. 8

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PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 16th, 1947 ee rt -- Tr St RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS, K.C. 6 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry Office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry. Phone 9 DR. H. H, ARMSTRONG ENTIST Leonard Block over Préntice's Barber Shop Phone 237 Port Perry DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Over Bell Telephone Office, Queen St., Port Perry Phones: Oftig, 68w; Residence 68] ARTHUR W. S. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on "Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry. Phone 25 Painting & Decorating EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR PAINTING and DECORATING ED. WILLIAMS, LILLA STREET Phone 242W PIANO TUNING V. P. STOUFFER- Piano Actions Repaired and Regulated Phone 30 'Port Perry OLD HORSES WANTED We pay highest price. humanely slaughtered. selling elsewhere. Dead horses and cattle promptly picked up, 'Phones: 05. .r 21, Uxbridge 75], Port Perry H. ELSON, Uxbridge ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Asphalt Siding Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Box 91 All horses See us before maylb Eavestroughing, Port Perry HOD mi Ji ori i Will take away ALL ~ Dead or Crippled FARM STOCK FREE OF CHARGE Highest Prices paid for old horses at your farm ~ Phone 69 Woodville Reverse Phone Calls Prompt Service -. Ed. Peconi, Prop WOODVILLE, ONT, do iE - CO mpi on ei lan I LL CLO TLE i. 1 OO L {I n 'WANTED Dead Horses and Cattle For free pick-up, Phone Port Perry, 118 r.21 Uxbridge 27 Brooklin 62 We pay Phone charges. :OOR0OON YOUNG «LIMITED Toronto AD, 3636 FOR SALE Cement Bloe#5 room house,' practically new, electric wiring, telephone, _ good garden, ; Good going business also for * gale. Reason for selling-- ill health, Telephone 99 r 1-1 Port Perry BRAY HATCHERY has cockerels, _non-sexed and pullets in some breeds "for immediate delivery. New sui- "mer price list is ready, After end , May they will be hatching only order for Toney delivery. Size x i) your ne io get in touch with us, order now. Agent: A. R. Gray, Port Perry RR or ------ |W. H.STUBBINGS rt. a ---- pr RHODE ISLAND REDS A Great . Production Strain, PORT PERRY, ONT. Started ~ Pullets PLENTY OF FEED We have enough Chick Starter on hand to supply all our chick customers' needs. . CAPONIZING Have your cockerels caponized at from 4 to b weeks of age. Call Harlan Clark, Phone 266 r'11, Port Perry. maylb Machine Shop Work 'COMPLETE PUMP SERVICE CHARLES BULLER Phone 280 Port Perry may22 PAPERHANGER and DECORATOR First-Class Work Phone 11J, Simcoe St., Port Perry. WOOD FOR SALE--Hatrd and soft. Get your next winter's supply now while it is low in price and plentiful. Low as $10 per full cord. Phone 119 r 13, after 8. ° may22 HELP WANTED-- Couple to look after summer state (Seven Mile Is- land) occupied two months in year. Geod salary; modern house, ete., ete. H-S. Ely, 301 King St. E., Toronto. FOR SALE--Studio Couch, in good condition. (nearly new). Apply No. 2 Cabin, - Birdseye Center. Cabin Park, Port Perry. Myrtle Station ---- a ------ a -------- DR. ED. BAILEY VETERINARY SURGEON Uxbridge and Pert Perry Phone 137, Uxbridge Reverse o"cHargws on all phone calls to me. children, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs, Cooper's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cook. Miss Doris Pierson, of hee. was Sesion guest at the Hugo Bradley. home. Mr. Ray Brokenshire spent the week-end with relatives in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. William Lantz and Mr. Arthur Ward, of Toronto, were week- end visitors at the Oliver Lane home. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Duchemin and daughter Iris, of Toronto, were callers at the Dave Duchemin home on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs, R. A, Cox were in Oshawa 'on Monday evening to see their son Alvin, who is progressing favorably after an 'operation for ap- pendicitis performed in Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Clarke, Utica, have purchased the house and ten acre field at this end of the village, formerly owned by. Clarence Harrison, They have rented a couple of rooms and will stay with Clarence and Mrs. Harrison until the end of this month -| when their own house will be vacated. Fred Conlin and daughter] | Marie, Mrs. EK. Bryant and son Bobbie and Mrs. Lloyd Yellands, all of Osha-| Mrs, wa, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Mattice, of Toronto were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hamilton. Week-end visitors at the William 'Ash -home were: Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kuhkta, Miss M. Bresnaham, William Jr., and Carol Ash and Temmy Towers, | . all of Toronto. Mrs. Flora Cook and Mrs. Wilbur Denison, visited in Toronto on Thurs- day. Sunday visitors at the Harold Ham- ilton home were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Piper and children, Mrs. W. Stacey, Mrs. KE. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. R. Good- man and Wayne, Mrs. B. Robinson, all of Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Lockyer and Betty, of Brooklin, Miss Audrey Grant, of Toronto Nor- mal School, was home over the week- end, PROSPECT Our Mother's Day service was held on Sunday afternoon with a good at- tendance. Mr. James Young gave a very fine meskage, taking his text from Prov. 6:20. Dedouncing strong- (crowded out last week) Baskets of snapdragons and. carna- tions were used to decorate the church. on Sunday evening 'for communion ser- vice and reception of new. members.' Rev. G. W. Gardiner, of Columbus, ! occupied the pulpit, Mrs. C. Harrison' and Mrs. D. Luery sang the duet, "Alone". Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Wilson, formerly of Islington, and Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Gilroy, formerly of Pros- pect, were received into the Myrtle Church membership by letters of transfer. From our own congregation Misses Doris and Jean Duff, and Margaret Johnson, became members. As this was a joint communion ser- vice with Raglan congregation, a fair number attended from there, At the close of the service many visited the basement and admired the freshly decorated rooms. There is still a con- siderable amount of work to be done before the whole will be completed. The May meeting of the Woman's Association will be held in the home of Mrs. Harry Stacey on Wednesday afternoon, May "14th, with Mrs. David Duchemin as hostess.' ment committee" is arranging a pro- gram featuring: "Mother's . ~~ -- ¢. You are asked to remember the clothing, drive for British flood vic- tims, Clothing and bedding may be' brought to the D. Duchemin home this, "|week. Besides being mended," the clothing should be washed but not' vecessarily: pressed. The school chil' dren are collecting canned and pack- aged food. Miss Joan Hill of Ashburn, spent} alst Sunday with her sister Mrs, Wil- fred Appleton, : Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Evans and baby of Raglan, visited on Friday .with Mrs. Gordon Harrigon, Miss Evelyn Ross of Utlea, was down for the week-end with her brother Merrill and Mrs. Ross. Jack Kirkham, a former C.P.R. section foreman here, but who has been in Trenton for the past year, has been appointed foreman of Myrtle section, to take over the work of the late Frank Harrison. Mrs, Roy' Scott, of Seagrave, spent the week-end and Morklay with her mother, Mrs, R, Long. Mrs, Arthur Gilroy was in Torénto|1 from Friday until Sunday, the guest of her sister, Mrs, Norman Phair, Mr, and Mrs, Edgar Cooper and The entertain-' ' also M ly some habits and practiées that are prevalent today--not based on Chris- tian ideals. He drew our attention to the "Christian Family Week" and its merits. Psalms 147-101: were read respon- sively. Mrs. Kilpatrick read from chapter of Luke. The choir sang/'My Mother's Bible", Mrs. Bruce Holtby at the piano. Mrs. B. Webster sang "Lord of Life and King of Glory" as a solo. . Young expressed his ap- preciation to the W.A. and Young Peo- ple for their assistance. On Tuesday, May 20th, the Federa- tion of Agriculture for Reach Town- ship, will hold their annual meeting in the Manchester Hall at 8 p.m. Mr. 'Crane of Port Perry High School will be the guest speaker. Mr. Ritchie, Projectionist for Ontario Courity, will show pictures on "Health". As health is so important do not miss this won- derful opportunity. There will be a good program consisting of music, readings, , etc. Refreshments served, provided by the Federation. Mrs. George Smith and Mrs, Orr Graham spent Monday in Toronto. Mr, and Miss Orchard, of Port Perry were guests of Mrs. F. Martin, on Tuesday last. Miss Verna Niddery, R.N.; "Bramp- ton, 'spent Sunday with her mother, 'Mrs. A. Niddery and Mabel. Miss Irene Bonnell, Oshaw#, Miss tMabel Bonnell, Toronto, Miss Faye Bonnell, Prince Albert, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Martyn's on Sunday. guests with Mr. and Mrs. F. Harris, on Sunday. and Mrs. F, Vernon, Mr. and Mrs. W. Owen and family of Port Perry, with -Mr. and Mrs; ray. Mr. and Mrs; A Martin, My and Mis piss Ma Binday with Moy nd hen . Ross, and /Mr, bears 'all of Osha Mr, and Mrs, Stinson were Sunday i Miss Ruth Somerville, Miss Ruth | Diamond, Misses Verna, Noreen and |$ Jean Bray, all of Oshawa, spent Sat- | & urday and Sunday with their parents. |g Mr. and Mrs. Les Smith and George | visited with Mrs, Smith's parents, Mr. | 8 and Mrs, George Wilson, Mount Zion, |§ Mr, and Mrs, Bob Vernon and fam- : ily, Port Perry, spent Sunday with Mr, | Arf M¥, and: Mis. ok Torotno, I : W. J. KING N\ » Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist "UXBRIDGE. ONTARIO King and Cedar Strests Phone 138 Rising' yalies means adjustment of INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? TOM dg yo insurance needs may consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 : Pert Perry -- r--_ W. A. Sangster DENTAL SBURGEON Office Hours t 9am. to 5 pm. Office Upstairs, over C. Sleep's PRENTICE'S Beauty Salon All Types of Hair Styling and Permanents Phone 223 hs TO Montreal Ottawa Smiths Falls Trenton One Way $7.60 5.20 3.95 8.00 JCOLONIAL Full information from Local Agent White Kitchen Restaurant, Port Perry. Pone 210 LOW FARES, For Scenic enjoyment, av-ridiig comfort, con. venience, and low cost--travel by motor coach! TYPICAL FARES from PORT PERRY RN 180 Days) $13.60 9.40 7.16 5.40 | Tax Extra RETU (5 Days) $12.00 8.35 6.36 4.80 WO RRR OOOO 505505 $ CO 0) POTIIRRR POD abe 0 ete % TO BE Admission 500. MINSTREL SHOW CORINTHIAN PLAYERS PRESENT Sugar Foot Minstrel Show HELD "FRIDAY, MAY 16, in the HIGH SCHOOL, Port Perry. Children 260. Under the Auspices of the 1.0. 0. F. furnished or furnished; hydro, large garden and garage. Possesison at once, (non drinker). Mrs. Milly Curle, Dit Albert, Phoyte 246 r 31, Port- Perry. - FOR SALE--8 pe. quartered oak dining suite, chesterfield chair, bed- room rocker, kitchen cabinet, 2 wool blankets, floor, oilcloth, pull-out couch, fruit jars, coal basket and screen, pic- tures, window screens. Phone 108 r 3-3 Saturday. TO RENT--4 downstair rooms, un-| * ". o MAKE BIG MONEY COLOURING SNAPSHOTS for FRIENDS & NEIGHBORS anyone can do it. SNAPSHOT COLOURING KIT complete with instructions $1.00 Box 285, Dept. 26, Toronto. 1666 Danforth Ave., SPECIAL OPTICAL SERVICE W. H. Landon, Optometrist, I. R. Bentley's Jewellery Store, SECOND SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH ) Please Make Appointments Beforehand. My 'next visit to Port Perry will be Saturday, JUNE 14th. TORONTO, will be at FOR SALE -- 1941 DeLuxe Ford Coach, Radio, heater, defroster, Five nearly new tires. Original owner, Henry Dodd, Port Perry. Evenings or Saturday. pd. t+. FOR. SALE-+-King- Electric Radio, 6 tubes, good working order. $16.00. Apply 0 0. 0. Hamilton, Phone 214, Port Perry. Ls FOR SALE--Bed Chesterfield Suite, Breakfast Suite, Kitchenette Cabinet, Automatic Record Player and Duncan- Fyfe Table. Phone 286J. Auction Sales "Ted Jackson, Auctioneer HOWARD TINDALL, lot 8, con. 12, Reach Twp.;- Farm Stock "and: Imple~ ments, on Wednesday, MAY 21st at 1 pm, Terms Cash. DELMAR JEWELL, lot 6, con. 17, Mariposa Twp, Farm Stock and Im- plements, on Thursday, MAY 22nd. Terms Cash, Sale at'1l p.m. Glen Martyn, Whitby, at Mr. and Mrs. | sos sesassoss cae UXBRIDGE KINSMEN THIRD ANNUAL SPRING MEET--HORSE SHOW \ ELGIN PARK, UXBRIDGE MAY 24 * HORSE RACING GAMES REFRESHMENTS oe ~~ MORE TELEPHONES and fewer people on each line -- these are the major objectives of our big rural construction programme on which we are spending $3,500,000 this year alone. Telephone courtesy is "catching. "Remember, everybody benefits when everybody practices these simple rules 4 Keep calls brief. FOR BEST RESULTS "FROM YOUR TELEPHONE Space your calls, Avoid "[istening-in." Give right-of-way to ~~ . emergency calls; . THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA 7 Brooklin | Spri g Fair "WILL Bf. HELD AT THE COMMUNITY PARK BROOKLIN, on ° $2000 Offered in Prizes for HORSES & CATTLE in attendance. CALITHUMPIAN PARADE Sports, Baseball, Horseshoe Pitch- ing. Children' 8 Races. | Prize List may be obtained from the Secretary DANCE AT NIGHT in the Township Hall: Squares lr and Rounds. Aduiesion to. Grounds: did J|Adults 35c. Children 10, Autos 25¢ "The Thirty- Sixth Annual Saturday, May % : Georgetown' Girls' Pipe Band ~L 4 Na fad

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