Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 22 May 1947, p. 3

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ER . i [Fi IE pr ed - Ww BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR SALE TON: Tourist Reborts,- Bouvenir Bhops, Drug Stores. I have a practical two tons combination ash tray and cribbage board. Libetal commission. ¥or particulars write Rudolph Carlson, Kipling, Ont, MR, WOOL GROWER We operate a Government Licensed Wool Warehouse and are prepared to handle your woll: either direct or through our collectors. You can apply all or part of your wool credit against blanket purchases. We do not handle used woolléns nor customs work. THE STRATHROY © WOOLLEN MILLS LIMITED Strathroy, Ontario your own boss. Write for. free folder desoriblag our "callection of 137 plans for c.agh o©OPegating a successful business of your own.'! Btart In full or spare time at home. No pe al selling. _ Littla or no investment pe- quired. © Send for your copy today. National Business Enterprises, 474 Colbourne 5t., London, " Ont, BABY CHICKS BABY CHICKS AND STARTED CHICKS Our pritea for Baby Chigka and started Chicks will - surprise you. All Qhicks from blood teated atock Carleton Hatchery, Britannia ta, Oat. GOVERNMENT APPROVED chick bargains for this week and next, day old: Barred Rock, New Hampshire, New Hampshire X Barred Rock, Light Sussex X 'Barred Rock, New Hampshire X ight Sussex non-sexed $9.95, pullets $17.95. cockerels $6.95, Assorted Heavy Breeds non-sexed $8.05, pullets $16,095, cock. <erels, $5.95 Cohckerels: White Leghorn. X Barred Rock, White Rock X White Leg Leg- horns, Avstra: Whites $1.95, White Leghorns #5c. Two week old add $6.00 per -hundred, 3 week old add $11.00 to non-sexed and pul- lets, $8.00 to cockerels. Shipped C.0.D. 'This advertisement "must accompany Your or- der to receive these special prices. Also older pullets eight weeks to laving, Top, Notch _Chitkeries, Guelph, Qntario. ! LAKEVIEW CHICKS 12¢ Same high quality at these low prices. Here's your opportunity to get this high quality stock at these reasonable prices. Pure Sussex, Sus- sex X New Hamp., Barred Rocks, Rock x . New Hampa., New Hamps.,, Sussex X Leg- . horns, 'Rock X Leghorns, New Hamps. X T.eghorns, Large Type White Leghorns mixed $12.00 per 100. Assorted Mixed $10.00 per 100. ? LAKEVIEW PULLETS Joc All day old pullels 20c. Started Pullets and mixed chicks. Twa weeks old add 6c, 3 weeks old. add 10c, 4 weeks old add 18c, 6 week old Pallets 46¢ each, 6 week old. .Tullets G0c each. BREEDER HATCHERY OF 5000 Breeders. All double 'blood tested, banded and culled for body typé and ruggedness. Hatched under Ideal conditions. "Best Chicks we ever had; Pullets are laying swell," cockerels good size," from Lincoln TLuedke, Eden Grove, Ont. "Never had such good luck with pul. lets," reports Ernest G. Narnhardt, Hawke- stone, Ont Order, from this ad, or send for Price Liat and Catalogue and full particulars, To receive these prices enclose-this 'ad. with your order, Lakeview Poultry Farm Weln Bros,, Exeter, Ontario. COCKRIRELS--non-sexed--pulleis, fn some hreeds, availablé for 'immediate - delivery. - Catch the--broiler -markets- with: -these--and- Fall egg markets with the pullets. Bray Hatehery, 130 John N.. Hamilton, Ont. THERE'S MORE money in Fall exgs--order __chicka_-now. __Order_ from Tweddle Chick Hatcheries and reap big profits from birds with .ancestors that have made good in na blg way. They are all from Government Approved vullorum -tested breeders. You. get only strong, healthy, husky fast growing chicks. 10004 live: delivery guarantfed. We have the following pure breeds: White Leg- horns. Black AMinarcas, Anconas, Brown FLeg- New horns. Barred Rocks, White Rocks, 'Hampshires, Rhode Island' Reds, White Wy- andottes. - Light Sussex, Black Anstralorps, . Jersey White Giants and 12 hybrid crosses to choose from , . . and the.prices are right, Don't delay. tet our catalogue right away and order vromplily for a good early start. Réduced prices for May and June, alsosatari- ed chicks and older puMets eight weeks to laying. Tweddle Chick "Tintchergs Limited, 'Fergus, Ontario, i : SUSSEX X HAMPS. FOR -SUCCESS : {AY delivery. book your order today at the following priges (Inrexed Chicks: $12 00 per 100 Pdilets $22 00: Cox gc: Leghorn X Hamps unaexed = $1200 per 100: Pnllets 26c: Cox. 8c Pullorum Tested 'Gov't Approved Stock $1 00 Dawn. balance on delivery. BONNIE'S CICK AATENERY _Box 256. _Elhnira, Ont ay ---- . 2, 4, & 6 Week Old Pullete . Alsé mixed chicks and cockereis. All ralsed in braid. new "nir-candiifoned hreoder 'plant under - {deat --chnditions:---- Send for -- Weekly Special (Lys! of started chicks, Lskeview Poultry Farm. Exeter. Ontaring 9c HURONDALE CHICKS 11c Sussex X , New Hamps Rock X Hampa.. Barred Rocks, New Hamps.,, Rock X Leg. horns, &ussex--X Leg'iorns, New Hamp X Leghorra and Pure [eaharns 1c, 'Pure' Sus sex 1%¢.° Assorted Mixed Chicka fe, HURONDALE PULLETS 19c All heavy « Breed wpultets "19¢5 after June sl 17¢. 'Medinm. RAreeds and. Leghorns 21c. As- sorted Pulle'a 17c,: Heavy MMreed Cockerels-- 3000 BRYEDERS All double bLioudtested, handed and culled by 1papectors. Lacked by high nedigreed founda: tion /ateek. Many customers report 'wonder .ful succes 'Pewt Chteks | Ever Had." STARTED CHICKS AND PULLETS 2 WHBKS TO 6 WEEKS OLD, 42 weeks aNd 4c 3 weeks add 10c, 4 weeks add 15¢. 5 weeke add 20c. 6 weeks old pul- late B00. = 1007% live delivery guaranteed. $1.00 «per 100. deposit on day olds, 100% on startad crdeae, Order from. And ENCLOSE this ad 51 gd - HEAVY ANN MEDIUM COCKERELS 'Meat tyne New "Hamps 6c. all other heavy breeds 6%c Assorted heavy Cox 6%ec. Rock X Leghorn Husgox X Leghorns 2%c. Day old Cox only . ~..Hurendale- Chick Hatchery, LONDON, * ONT, CATCH UP on the searon with, some of our well started two or three week old 'pullets, cotkerels or non-sexed chicks. We, have the 'following "for immediate delivery: 'Barred "Rocks, New Hamnahires, White Racks, Barred Tock 'X New Hampshire, Tight Sussex X. Barred Tocks, New Hampshire X Barred Rock, New Hampshire X Tight Sussex Eight © Budsex X New Hampshires. You will save time, labour and feed with these well started <hicks. Send for special pricelist. Also older pulleta eight weeks tn laying: Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Timited, Fergus, Ontario. READY MADE CAPONS It pays Lo raise Capvons, The price' of Capons fa approximately Se 1h, higher than the price of cockerels, We caponiza the cockerela at 3 weeks and send (thé ready made Capons out nt 4 woke, na fuss, no frouble, Hend for Price fist and full varticulars, Prompt dellverv: Hf von wT auiekly, Lakéview Poultry Farm Wein DBros., Breler, ontario. "ATTENTION FARMERS FOR BALE--Tractor Tires. made of rubber, suitable for bolting: on eteel wheels, $15.00 each, 'rear wheels; $7.50 each, front wheels. When ordering estate diameter and wigth of wheels. - National Rubber Co. Ltd., § Wilt shire Ave..' Toronto, 'Ont. : -BALED SHAVINGS FOR SALE. baled-soft wood shavings, car- load lots only. Write Plus Products, P.O. Box 75. Montreal 3, : ELECTRIC MOTORS A.C. OR D.C. a \ tric, 1081 Beaver Hall Hill, Montreal or near- est office --- Halifax, Rouyn, Toronto, Win: nipeg, Vaneouver, . SEE Atal 50 cook boaks, 800 Mrs. Andrew Mec- FOR SALE--W, I. Victory recipes, postpaid, 60c, Cain, Florenceville, 'N.B. GASOLINE POWER UNITS . 55 HORSE POWER | Chrysler industrial power vniis complete with radiator cooling, elec(ric starting and battery, eavy duty clutch and power take off, Avall- ble from' stock. Write Atlas Polar Co. Ltd., 617 Jarvis St., Toronto, or 1567 Mackay Street, 'Montreal. HEREFORD BULLS of serviceable age and heifers of Domino breeding. Wilbert May, Route 2, Orangeville, Ont. BE HOUSE TRAILER on rubber, 1x 12 or 14 feet, in good condition, Cordon Ruttan, Boulter P.O, Ont, Indian Hill Turkey Ranch We guarantee the genuine broad-breasted bronze turkey poults. Our flocks are tube tested and were headed by Kopetz Toms direct from * Oregon Write for free circular to Indfan Hl Turkey Ranch, Box 208, Stayner, Ontario" - at Ld Toes fi as gr rca Soe rt So bia purine ARC"WELDING MACHINES Electric or Gasoline driven -- Alliance Hlee- tele Works, "1081 BeavER Hall 111, Montreal, or write nearest office, Ifalifax, Rouyn, Winnipeg, Toronto, MUSICIANS STRINGS-- Violin. Stecl (wound) Set (UU) _60c, (W) $1 25, (X! $1.8). Pro- fessfonnl Set (X) $2.50. Hawalian Guitar-- Silver P wound 6 strings 76c. Hawallan Qui. tar--Bronze wound 8 strings $1.60. Spanish-- Silver P wound 6 strings 02: Rronze 8 strings $1.60 Mandolin Set $1.60: Banjo Set $1.15: Ukelele Set ' 60c Postage pald. Fully guaranteed. Send Money Order to: "AEOLIAN, "Box 111, Station 'D', West Tor- onto, Ontario ANTIQUE AND MODERN ARMS BOUGHT. SOLD, EXCHANGED IXPERT REPAIRS "EREE lists avallable upon reauest, 3008 DANFORTH AVE... TORONTO, NEW 900/13 GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES--$50.00 For 8 cwt Army trucks, fully guaranteed. Largo stock other new Army truck . tires. Full: line of retreaded tires, Firestone tread design. = Dealers wanted, City Tigs and Battery Co.. 768 Queen. west, Toronto. OTLS. Greases, Tires, Fence Controllers, [nsécticides, Electric House and Barn Pafnt, Roof Coatings, etc. Dealers wanted Writs Warco Grease & Ol Limited. Toronto. LIGHTING PLANTS ""CYCLOHM" Lighting Plants--300 to 2500 watts." A.C. or D.C. Alliance Electric Works Limited, 1081 Beaver -Hall Hill, Montreal or nearest office -- Halifax, Rounyn, Toronto, Winnipeg. PAINT UP NOW Save time, hard work and nioney by painting your own-buildings with-a-new Webster: Paint Sprayer. Unitas ' complete from. $27.50 less motor up to $700.00. . The same compressor may be used for pumping up car, trick: and implement tires. ¥ Just arrived--1!2 JI P. Johnson Iron Tlorse Gas Engines. Motors, 25 and 60.cycle, Reatty Deep Well Hand Pumps. Woodworking Machinery and tools of every description. Write nnd state your reauirements. \ MILGROM ELECTRIC LIMITED 79 King Street West, HAMILTON, Ontario, PERMANENT Pasture Mix, $12.00 per: Acre: "$11 60 Five acres or more delivered. four types to suit your. soil and climate. 'When ordering state soil type, drainage and fertility Stittsville Feed Store, Stittsville. Ont. PLANT NOW: Tremier Strawberry Plants: Long healthy roots $2.50 hundred; 314.00 thousand. vrepaid. Secly & Ellis, Stamford Centre, Ont. 4 POTATO GROWERS be sure 10 see ithe News Halland votafo har- vester, Digs and bags vour 'crop On one machine... Tvan Martin, St. Jacobs, Ont, FOULTRY switches: Immediate . delivery. General Time Recorders, 98 Church St, Toronto, ot SAVE YOUR LEAKY ROOF! "Old féaky roats made like new wgain with qujd asbestos Elastik Rou! Kote. Easy to apply Saves you money. Full informadon free. Yominion Cement - Paint Company. Pept. B 154 King West, 'Toronto, 'unr Eth tear.) STORE EQUIPMENT: 'Traded-in computing - scales, meat slicers. electric meat choppers, ete Berkel Products Co. Linitted, 2199 Rloor W., Toronto. oy ' TIRES _ We are overstocked at the vresent of good used trade-in (ires (guaranteed to be~tn--e%- cellent shape) 600 X 16 -- :$500 Al} orders whipped C.O.D Special equipment for vulchnizing Truck and Farm Tractor Tirex. "BEACON: TIRE "corner Queen and Verk Sta... Hamilton, Ont. . ONTARIO'® MOST MODERN' EQUIPPED: TIRE SHOP Dealers Wanted TYPEWRITERS standard and portable, re built, guafanteed . A-1 condition. 'Write Capitol Supply 254 Bank St, Ottawa, Ont. 6 VOLT "WINDCHARGERS complete with. tower $45.00. Alliance Electric, 1081 Beaver Hall HillL Mountreyl, or write: nearest office -- Halifax, Rouyn? Tor- onto, Winnipeg, : : ' FARMH.* FOR SALE 2 Rp A wa 40p ACRES, 140 {(ilIAbIe clay lomm, 20 pas- ture, balance good maple bush. Goud. big house, -- Hydro - expected, telephone installed; Barn 40 x 96. S(abl¢ equipped,' watesr-works, litter carrier, milking machine, Large slock. Good machinery and {ractor. School on pros perty, 2 miles from highway. Roads plowed. Sell with or without stock and Implements. J. B Van Mierlo, RI, 2, Powaasan. Ont. + 52.ACRE FARM TWELVE acres fall wheat, ! orchard, (lood 6-room house, 2 barns, poultry houses and implement shed. . This Is a going concern, equipped: and. stocked and with 2 gas wellé yielding: steady ificome. Electricity installed. ~ Immedinte possession. Niagara Peninsula, « $7,500.00 5 'DAIRY : MODERN £6-CAN BUSINESS OPERATED by same owner 35 years. Nia- mara' Peninsula, Sure revenue producer, $18,000.60. GORDON T. GLENNY 110 Jarvis St. , Fort Erie North, Ont, DYEING AND CINANING AAIRDRESSING : FEARS AR dA HAVE YOU navihing needs dyeing or clean: Ing? Write ta us for Information We are wlad to answer vour questions Department fi. Parker's: Dys Works Limited. 701 YVonae 'Blreet. Torontn. Ontario oo... FOR BALE AIR COOLED GAS ENGINES Alljance RBlectrie, 1081 Beaver Hall Hill, 'Montreal nr write nedrest office -- Halifax: Rouyn, Toronto; "Winnipeg. Sathana er ICEARN' ffairdressing the 'Robertson 'method. Information on request regarding classes Retertson's Halrdresaing Academy, 137 Ave nue Road, Torento, . 1 HELP WANTED L MARRIED COUPLE wanted, cook and house- man for country residence on bua line near Brampton. Private quarters, high wages, no laundry. Telephones! 89, Mrampton, or) write Mra, W. lL. Gibson. es 6-82:110-550° Volt, 'Large mtock--Alllaice Blee- 6 Acres bearing, HELP WANTED SINGLE MAN for haying snd harvest, good wages, modern equipment, Apply Roy Bakery Maple BRR. No. 2, Phone 63 R 13, 4 GRADUATE Nurses, General Du Wanted for a 36 bed Municipal Hospital, in a thriving town, population 2,000., Recreation facilities good. Salary $110.00 with full maintenance' increased to $120.00 per month after alx months scrvice, ¢ day week, $8 hour day, 8 weeks holiday with pay after one year service. Taber Municipal Moapital, Box 660, Taber, Alberla Peet ey PROVEN REMEDY---Every sufferer of Rheu- matic Palins or Neuritls should try Dixon's Reedy, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1,00, TREAT YOURSELF at home with. electro- "magnetism for Avthritis,. Rheumatism. In. somnia, Varicose Veins and other circulatory allments. © Free explanatory . pamphlets from CoopgRemediea. Yonge Street, Toronto WHY. SUFFER ARTHRITIC and rhewnutie torment when Breenatone of: fers prompt lasting 1elief. One months' treatment $1 00 postpaid. Indian Remedies, Box 118; Vancouver. DON'T* DELAY! Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neurltis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpald $1.00. ia TO EASE that horrible pain caused by arth- ritla use 'Fuca Liniment', ' Large bottle $1.26, P.O Box 414, Saint John, N.B. MUSICAL (INSTRUMENT, FRED A. BODDINGTON buys, changes musical instruments. Toronto 2 sells, 'ox 111 Church, "OFFER TO INVENTORS ~ AN OFFER (o every (nventor---List of laven- tions and full Information sent (ree. = The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Allorneys, 278 Bunk Street, Ottawa ' PORTUNITIES FOR \WOMEN BE A HAIDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Qreat Opportunity Learn Halvdressing Pleasant dignifled profession, thousands succesnful. Marvel America's greatest system. logue free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W." Toronto Branches 44 King S8t., Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa PATENTS - FETHERSTONAUGH & Company Patent Bolleltors, Established 1890. 14 King West. Toronto 'Booklet of information on request. good wages. graduates. PERSONAL AMATEUR WRITERS: Radio Program Ideas aud Storles needed. Free Ioformation, Universal Radio Prognctions (Not a school), Phoenix, Arizopa. J LONESOME. foin a Society 'which operates from Chpistian ° principles. Somewhere a future sweetheart seeks' your' acquaintance. Splendid positions, means, Information free. Canadian Friendship Soclety, Box 113, Dur ham, Ont. K ASTROLOGY--A tree Solar Reading. -Helpful advice end guidance. 8end birth date, stamped-addressed envelope. THE PSYCHO- SUCCESS INSTITUTE (M. 8), Building. Richmond Street West, PHOTOGRAPHY FILMS DEVELOPED and Printed, 25¢ Roll; Reprints, 8c "Each "SPECIAL - COMET lolding camera, full 127 size, guar anteed. $8.95: with leathér shoulder carry- ing case. $11.45: shipped postpaid. We have Aneco Films In. stock. "COMET PHOTO SERVICE Box 6, Postal Statlon' D, "Toronto SATISFIED CUSTOMERS all 'over Cannda RECOMMEND STAR SERVICE You .get finer "snaps" and prompt service / from 'this big. reliable studio. ANY SIZE ROLL \ CG. or R exposures DEVELOPED and PRINTED 30¢ Reprints from your negatives dc. 2 mounted enlargements 4 x 6'* 25c. En. __largen.ents framed 7-x 9" in Gold, Silver, Walnut or Black Frames T4c. If: plcture colored 94c. Prints and enlargements made {rom wrinta of lost negatives. Dept. M , 'STAR SNAPSHOT, SERVICE BOX 120. POST OFFICE A, 'TORONTO Toronto. STAMPS GRAHAM BELL on paper showing wanted. Collectors to Soin New -Exchange "Club. $1.00 year membership. Glen Road Teronto' _ . - _ _. _.__. ACCUMULATION of Stamps collected over 10 years. Complete collection for sale Mo high- est bidder. Rox 724, Etobicoke P.O, Toronto 14. : = postinark A. E Whitfield, 24 TEACHERS WANTED FCUR QUALIFIED Public Schogl Teachers for School Area No. 2. Monleagle and Herschel Salary $1500, per year. Dutles to commence "September 2nd. Apply stating qualifications to Ear] Musclow, Sec. Treas. Mugclow, Ont. PROTESTANT scnool teacher for 8.8. No. 12 Yarmouth, up-to-date school 4 miles from St. Thomas, Duties to start Sept, 2. Apply giving qualifications and salary expected to Mrs. Thelma Hillesheim, 24 Isabel Street, St, Thomas, Ont. 5 WANTED HARDWARE BUSINESS wanted for cash, town or 'village, Box 143, Room 421, 173 Adelaide W., Torento. TYPEWRITERS wanted, . state make model write 537 Desserer St., Ottawa, Ont. WANTED=--AJl kinds of dressed poultry. Top prices for top birds .Jnseph Cooper Limited. Poultry Dept, 2054 Danforth Ave... Toronto 8 (We do custom grading) Canadian Lumber Canada's position in the lumber market of the world today is pre- \ eminent, lowing to the fact all her pre-war competitors are obliged to use their lumber for reconstruction, at home, The demand for Cana- .dian lumber in Britain is unlimited, and will be for years, but Canadian exporters have been warned to keep the excellent reputation they, won during the war, i kidney LETTE i i L : : ih : gl = 2 h. 1] {llustrated cata: | 922 Federal Zealand | World ' Wide -crrespondents." and $12 by go Saskat katche Podt. The In about -thougt about The much blance expert The seeds that ti The rape. | Argen in veg about grows Nev 'pistols taken 'on a trade one. t will." could pistols they b Develops Into $1 Million Crop About $12 en of seed planted has resultéd in a new crop for Sas- creased jn value to more than $1 million ahnually, says The Financial and the planting was carried out "during the war when rapeseed. oil « was desperately needed to lubricate marine engines of the allied navies. 1042 specialists with the task of turning it into a yield of hundreds of.thousands of pounds, from the start. The seed contained - as soon as they mature, The fact with the rape only came to light when the crop wag harvested. ed the farmers with the cleanest land, and asked them to grow large quantities of rape so that it could be purified, Last year over 20 mil- lion pounds of rapeseed were pro- "duced, 'most of it grown from the original 200 1b. of mustard-rape mixture. aT Today, more than 90% of the ,ively low iodine content, and is used does wheat, and under favorable soil "to three-and-a-half feet. Not Even Toy One In frontier days, when rifles and proficiency ears boxed if the dared point a "gun. Such an offénce was almost weapon . and was 'considered the experienced. _ "Don't ever point a gun at me," wvearned a tenderfoot. you had better shoot, because I It would even be bettersif we the habit of clicking their plastic other and at passersby. to bt hard to break the habit when their first .22. Experiment vernment and University of chewan agriculturists in 1042 wan, In five years it has in- crop is Argentiné rape-sced, * * * government agricultural in Saskatoon were given 200 pounds.of the seed. Al- 1 they knew little or nothing this .crop, they were faced experts had difficulties right gadget is carrie Motorists, forced to stop along the roadside at night, may be saved from death or injury by the skull-shaped device seen above. The new , folded up in the car. be visible 350 yards in either direction. Its warning signal is said to mustard seed and the resem- to rape was so close, only an could distinguish the two. only way to separate the two is to pick the pods by hand 1e mustard seed was included SPOTS * * * agricultural experts sclect- wroduced in Saskatchewan is tinian. The sced has a relat- ctable oils. Tlic seed requires the same time to mature as to a height of two-and-a-half' er Point Gun, by. hung from every mantel and __ with. firearms was for grante®), boys had their par with actually firing a' mark of the foolish. and 'in- old gunman "If you do rigger-nervous tients legislate our children out of and tommy guns at each It is going ccome young men and handle Swerve Proof | air in shown * school pose i A blown tire protected by a "Life- guard" safety tube--which retains possible accident -- -in: case of a blowout at high speed. an auxiliary chamber -- is after demonstration on a bus. The safety 'tube's pur- gs to prevent swerving--and During the. recent Ce cized squabble between t 'track operators and the horsemen, "a spokesman for the Ontario Jockey Club tried to lift the matter above the sordid levels of commercialism, stating that the priscipal aim of the august body he represented was "to improve the breed ® of bred horses" or words to that gen-. eral effect, Our personal reaction was 'that somebody should take the gentleman quietly aside and tip him off that, to modern ears, that par- * ticular record sounds badly scratch- ed -and should be tossed into the discard "him to dig up the ancient one about "the necessity of racing in order that our Cavalry troops might be assur- ed an adequate supply of remounts --vhich always used to be fished out and dusted off when the racing racket was under fire in days gone well that just two reasons. "principal of these is to make money; asd the second, to give a lot of folks who already have plenty of money a chance to cop a gob .of personal publicity. those who solemnly profess to love the noble Thoroughbred solely for his noble self. But other, whenever we hear such state- * Why, for they? Off a racing strip the Thor- oughbred is just about the most use- less form of -animal life you'll run across, requiring as much care and attention as a year-old baby and--. nine times out of ten--without as [ A greater amount of - downright drivel, both prose and poetry, has probably 'been written "regarding the horse than subject with the possible exception of Love. Stripped of all the glam- our and flossy verbiage, the Thor- oughbred been -- is -- and always will be at bottom a tool for gambling. much sense. bin. We almost * * LJ For by this time everybody. over the mental age of ten knows very horse-racing exists The first There are, som we always find reaching for the salt. For if there wasn't any racing, ie very greatly doubt that horse-lovers would be found keep- ing a Thoroughbred just as a pel. many of * x * that race-horse * * * As for the "improvement of the breed" we hear so much about, what "of it? If they cver did breed a horse that could run a wile and a quar- ter in {wo minutes flat, he would be a great curiosity. So would a pair of crap dice made of first-wa- ter diamonds. 'But for all practical purposes, a pair made of ordinary ivory or plastic a * * * All of 'which no doubt sounds like the wail oft a sore loser, though we were suffering from an "isgrowing grouch at. the horse - racing. This, we protest, is by. no. means the case. We have per= sonflly had 'more fun and excite- ment at various anywhere else "we ean, recall, . But we are under no illusions as to why we enjoy the game. In the past we have written many times about the Olympic Gawes, and highiy-publi- Thorough- of these matter, aiways re just as good. race-tracks OF By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six Bit Critic") he race- "expected for and conrse, chow or ourselves ardent should on any has and as sport of , than =the Barbara Aun Scott incident -- , money-to send the people of those SPOR TS what fomentors of international dis- 'agreement and ill-will they have al- ways proved to be. But it remain- ed for the coming one--that of 1948 --to set a new record along these Imes. With more than a year to go before it opens its doors, the com- ing Olympic revival--by means of has stirred up more hard feelings throughout Canada against our friends south of the border than anything else could possibly do. ox x So why not lend a hand to the movement, already gathering _ strength, aimed at calling the whole silly business off? Instead of ship- ping an assortment of our athletes and--of coursc--their accompany- isg horde of beribboned officials over to London, let's spend the hard-pressed Islands sontething they could use to better advantage. Almost anything would do. Aluminum Bridge The: first moving-span bridge in the world to be constructed. of alu- = minum alloys is to be built over the river Wear in North England. Its weight will be only 40 per cent. of. an cquivalent steel bridge, yet it will be just as strong, far less sus- ceptible to corrosion and more cconomical in power used by the lifting mechanism, The bridge will carry a railway track of standard gauge, as well as road traffic, over a 90-foot span of the river. What Is Wasted ; In Cutting Tree For Industries? While most people supposed the lunber industry already was using . everything about a tree except the breeze that\blows through it--wit= ness the uses to which® sawdust Is put--two thirds of a tree cut for lumber is wasted. 3 Sy So the United States Department N\ of Commerce states, The Depart« ment recomniends improved meth ods in Jogging and sawmilling, more use~of wood pulp in lamination, plastics, pressed products, modified wood, alcohol, wood sugar, and" lignin products, And as another step to reduce waste, it recommends conversion of single-product indus tries to multiple-product industries --much, it seems, as the packing {n- dustry has branched out to make use of by-products, What is wasted in a tree? The tops, limbs, high stumps, unmec= chantable logs, sawdust (some- times), and other refuse, according to this report, It is no news to anyone that lume ber has skyrocketed since 1939. The Real Estate Boards, again quoting the Department of Commerce, sets down the figures, The amount' of lumber you could purchase for 38 cents then, it says, costs around $1 now, And a Ngouse that could be built for $1,000~worth of lumber in - 1039 would have a $2,828 bill for slabs, edgings, \, \ "lumber, supposing it were built {a I'ebruary of this year. » CIGARETTE PAPERS The CiaoromoFupor | BLUE COVER MADEIN FRANCE | pURE WHITE | on sale in ; Canada Free Burning Double Book Automatic 100 Leaves For EASY ROLLING use a ZIG-ZAG CIGARETTE ROLLER 25, ACOON ALDS Cold "=X PO Standa hud RT \ Ciganetle Tobacco FIRE tS 1 NTL-Ta LL 2 Cac CO LAREEL enti Lb E For constant Smoking Pleasure , Cigarette To bacco © MUTT AND JEFF--]Jeff Got A Bargain Any Way You Look At It THIS (8 A STRADIVARIVS! 2'LL (77 EVERY. DAY WORT ,000! GIVE YOU i I'M PLAYING y BETTER! 7% Wk 0)25 J) 53a0ECr. PLEASENEIGHBOR,] TEN J HERE! YoU You ¢ gues | CAN HAVE THE TEE: TEN DOLLARS TLL GVE ni STO THAT FIDD A i To | STRING? ING) LE! WHOLE FIDDLE Js FOR, THAT! r= IN BY BUD FISHER " - oN 3 / A x El i ol i 5 Y i | ne ] | | I Ars BO te chin ANTE fn a A. ER Png ri A yn he ate ny a pee wn er NS ~4 ot i Cg A Se em. SAI I rar Ll a - AF a Er % vt oto eT SS, fp Nl ol Br wt re A Tp RI nw re " ~ mC ea oY ra NEEL Ta Td ay LI, Pe bigs" #8 --

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