Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 29 May 1947, p. 6

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} ivh SELVA A Rr AC FUR ST SAUTER Ad REE LG LARS BA0isH SHE * x No Child Ever Sund : Was Born Bad unday School Lesson " pg---- == = ---- | n expert in the peril f i A ah ; pee a Judah's Unsteady Course as the "Lost Ten Tribes" [The parenthood has given the United ) States Congress the lowdown on $8 Kings 10:5-7, 82-837; 20:12-1Y Southern Kingdom survived for how to: raise children. : atiothes 150 years, but it also weat "And it's no old maid speaking Golden Text -- For thus saith dows, Pare afien of puyion, to you," Representative Chester the Lord God, the Holy One of hint Ki ou. a Sef Gross (R) of Pennsylvania told Israel; in teturding and rest shall in_ this. 180year downfall whea & : the House last week, 2 ye be saved; in quietness and in good, king, Heaekiah, and od uopla : $ " ' "I had elght kids of my own, confiderice shall be your strength. prophet, lsaiah, 'were dominant : 3 ; "and took four others into my home --I8aiah 80:15, & Judah, 'It ix: the stony, too, of 8 Ry to raise. For 20 years I" had 10 | LEE Ea great deliverance prophesied by SAN of more at my table" Judah became the Southern bri ty ara plese ined ¥ ' J : oy Tape Sarr Kingdon of Tra tr the dt |. Sekhar i "ile, "am NE juvenile delinquency. kingdoms through Jeroboam's suc- to conquer "tie 'people Ne Let's be honest about this," said cessful revolt against Rehoboam, : But Judah's course, us the ttle: WNG Mr. Gross. "It's the parents who son of Solomon, : of this lesson indicates, was ume ! eis 'are to blame," 3 The strength of David and the steady. Periods 'of 'better, living, Buy * Discipline has Broken .down all glory of Solomon soon waned when wise: kingly guidance, and. welfar Ni over, he said, 2. people who. ought. to: have been were intermixed' with periods . AA "If .your kid gets into trouble, "united with a common heritage in bad leadership and idolatry. . | Fire lick him," advised Mr, Gross. history and' religion became. strife Hezekiah himself; though a good . Hy "If his teacher givés him a lick- +| torm. In this" history there is a king, was : bx io. means perfect. : He og, lick do : pr : ; He did a foolish thing. when he WH g, lick him again when he gets ; solenm warning for peoples of to- : : i hd home." Britain's old maids want a pension and they're telling day, particularly modern 'demo- yan displayed: to envoys. from Hy "But he told a reporter later that ~ London about it in évery way they can--including through cracies. the king of :Babylon , his. (wealth Ai, there's more to the Gross method these loud speakers hung from the mouth of one of the The freedom that our demo- and ithe treasiires 'of Lis palace, NE ll than - this. famed Trafalgar Square lions| [cratic lands accord in speech and The prospect of loot, in ancient ua a GERALD BROWN "A 'parent "Yas: tol 'dain-~and q attion Is being. used by. some t in modern times, was a fruitful ' ~ NM . maintain--the confidence' of his Y ¢| cause of war and invasion. W.N.U. FEATURES : " : Sa promote discord and draw lines of ia : ; N. children," he said, "He has to set |. hate and' prejudice, someti 3 Fo, SYNOPSIS : A t fi nies in L Li : diioie "RVI Soc e Rrsion- to 1h of the street to the drugstore for an example for them, too, the "sicred name of Christ and ong- ived omen ~ Bigot manson and RIS rita le cigarettes, I met Stephen there, you "Far instance, a parent should Christianity. Along that way surely : questioning of the varlous members of the know--or don't you?" not send his kids to Sunday school { lies ruin, * According to statisticians of the tamlly, "Yes. 1 have seen the police re- or church. He should take 'em, AN Pounily Cruntelnt. . The Northern Kingdom, as we Metropolitan 'Life - Insurance Com- al anny XIX TS ports," he said gravely, "Will you des back 2 the Fy, our have seen, was the first to fall. It pany the average: length of life for Ak : 'You 'might ask your mother to | send your daughter in please?" crowd used to fill two whole pews up. was swept "away eight turie white women in the United States > T step in for a moment," McCale an- She accepted her on with | every Sunday." Can Love Triumph dion: Dean pri Se before Christ iA the hb has reached the 'remarkably high " swered, the air of an actress taking a cur- Mr. Gross said, sure, he knows ~ Quer Separation? | Br cosential | Assyria came down upon it. Its figure of 60.5 years. For men: the Sybil Bigclow came into the lib- | (ain call. that raising city children is harder | DEAR ANNE HIRST: My fiance ang to Men Hi 45:0 4 : people became known to history | 3Verase length of life is 64.5 years, rary. " . i than it was in the country. x : i : ! (Also, women are more prone fo and for the American' peopl rn You're making your farewell "A Ki : who is 25, *will be in school four talk about it.) Yet as"soon as I con h peopic as a . Sorry to bother you, Mrs, Bige- tour," McCale chuckled to himself " ion the farm was an * more years, and he doesn't think | jude th 1, 1 lbavs bombarded whole, 00 years. 'The!ineredse. in Tow," he. said, Re ain, ) asset," he 'said, "and 'you. always ls ar. clude tha am always bombarde expectation of life at birth since "Oh, no, I mustn't be spared," Noi. fiovaf:. would have Wi knew where he was. In town, well, ied. until re with letters from deserted husbands _the beginning 'of the century. re- sighed. "It's all so sordidly neces- Ta av By they're expensive, and it's hard pu unt' 18 or fiances who have been betrayed, sults from a better control of las ° sary." the Arig PS gif op St 0 to keep up with 'em, His tes. We've and I am forced to admit it is & = A : fections in the young. * "Why did you go to the White der her eyes: ne no th a | the Peingile; jt ae Sane tr is oo etter hs - a Students Compete. y | abbey. thie. malt. before last?" he ; It's the_ responsibility of the par- ings--"Love is of . man's life: a . ie : A rf without ph ar bad ents to keep 'em straight." years, and been thing apart-- "for instance--it de- m Orange Crates PARTICULAR ABOUT "Why, I--1 wasn't there . .. I--" 4 jad you weren't able to find "A parting shot from Papa Gross: away from cach depends upon the individual. Some L235 coffee? Then try Maxwell + Quickly she sank into a chaif. your leiters in. Vallaincourt's apart- "Remember, no child ever was other - most. of men I have known are as capable of Secondary school students who Ho I insoho y ' ment last night," he opened b bad." the time. D know: how to: handle tools have ouse. It contains ice "You were scen, you know," he ! * }-+porn' ad, lm . 0 deep and lasting love as any great Low to : 11 : vy ' ia op : RETA 3 ou think w -a chance at the C.N.E. to show Latin-American. coffees. went on. "Your altercation with - : = Lo Lind a1 ° _ lover of the ages. their ingenuity in making furni- ! : your daughter-in-law and your en- She did not scem startled. She : i : wk 'Ni sti ove Many ergaged couples who had Soir penn Fa i Jus Expert Blending coms : - i " tossed her dark head. eT. * 9) each other after ure, ac mg to Exhibition fi . : : trance into the club. ; ¢ D enough of loneliness: during the war, authorit b th || Eas rb . "I've got a right to go' anywhere "Oh, you know that, do you? How : 1xie * four years, a good deal of which have married while the veteran is i 1 inesthemal] (7 2super ip ny Tg be Tn TE RE did that get out?" : Waffles * will be spent in sepayation? I used stil] in school. The young wife "Orange crates are well made, Maxwell Howaz2 blend : i Y clten 1 ) bi I wi "My assistant, who helped you ¥ to think if love were strong | available and inexpensive, From ee ¢ often have to be a bit harsh with ¥ h 3 keeps her job (or gels one) io ang- h that has extra flavor. her." She neglects my son." search, 'He was quite smitten by l---- By Frances Lee Barton -- enough it could endure separation; ment his slim income, and some- ! sh; a dozeli different kinds of Ee : ie 4 "But you were heard not to be- your. charms." ; HE name fs "Dixie" son, -but * but I have seen. so many cases | jouw the majority of them seem to HHA con be's turneds out, A lieve her when she assured. you "That ox." Her lip curled. "So north or south, east or west, * to the contrary that it has caused | yanagé= very well. Perhaps, how- 2117school Fems are invited You Will Enjoy Staylsg At |. hat Aba Tian. vod eae : he works for you. He told me he | Waftles are as delightful for supper * me to doubt. Also, do you think , ; ha to enter the C.N.E. orange crate, that the man you came to sce was pit 1 ever, your fiance has other. reasons {i : iti : 5 ' there." was a policeman." it "is true that,. Zenecrally--speak- a rat ; : ; "[- » no' there. 3 lice / 2 ih urs od Xd this t I lly --speak to feel that it is best to wait until he ee ion Ro. meaner ? The St Hogis Hotel "A hard, beady look came into her Well, he'd make a good one, at breakfast. Whip ing men are more unstable than can begin. His chosen career. - } 1 ve, : MPORONTO Her face sagged as_if that." McCale chuckled. "You'd | ERTS * women ?--[Vorried, : : , Exhibits will 'consist of three e Every Room." With Bath ; eyes, Her face sagged as if the Einar them up it's Have faith--n yourselves, and TEE 8, : Shower oa Telephone Q veneer. were about to crack. t have recognized him if you'd been simple. Serve Hie ; I > nr » Se ves; oan 1m differgntuscful--articles, each eo Slhate, up-- = 2 "Did you see him?" McCale prod-~| home the night before. He was on them immedi. e IT ALL DEPENDS Som, wii! ont ; r. Infcnecd by made from an .orange crate. . ® Dounie, oy "Breit ans Takes ded. : duty here all that night." Where Blely oe Wille Answering your last' question, the vhat- weaker peopie do Students should use their inven- © ing Nigh "I told you 1 did not go to--that | werc you, by the Way?"/ A they hy a bulk of mail over the last two de- |- WE Tl By tive powers. and mechanical : Bherbonras at Carlton. .is, I did go inside the lobby, "That's my business." Cn ber of the fam- cades would tend to prove that men eo RESENTS PROTECTION Si. The three articles are to Tel. NA, 4135 . _decided not to go "Perhaps it's. mine. Or at least ily or each are less dependable in their affec- | DEAR ANNE HIRST: "I'm 14 ii wel finished, painted or 0S > turned home." the police 'may avant an _cxplana- guest use the syrup or spread that _* years old, and writing. you for stained, so that they present a -- - - wo rx tion, Were you at the Vallaincourt is most appealing. Then everyone * help with my parents. As you pleasing appearance, The C.N.E, : - ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY " . ; ; apartinent,. by any. chance? will be delighted with this dish of ' 4 h liki reqpires 'parents to certify that FURNISHED ? "You didn't see Curt Vallaincourt | "uy mh y 2H ith C Southern inspiration. 'know, at 14 you ave. some: Nang the work has been done. by the SI $1.50 up as you 'had planned, then?" PE a a SY Cult Was Dixie Waffles - : for i Well, 1 love A student exhibitor. per ET K "I tell you I didn't go upstairs. eo : : 2 cups sifted flour; 2% teaspoons cvery time one wants to walk me Prizes of $25, $20 and $15 will. Besides, :1 went therg/to get my son. . Was i: Jo. Asiad qu, hard double-acting baking powder; %- * home, here comes our. caf with be given for the three best He had quarrcled with Katren-and doi ons plong ins a teaspoon salt; 2 eggs, well beaten; * my father in it. I'm so expbar- entries. Prize-winning furniture I was afraid he'had started out on -- : ate] i Wasnt! 1% cups milk; 6 tablespoons * rassed! My pride, and everything will be displayed at the C.N.E,, /a--a binge" She said it very des 4 1c red wig you wore when you melted shortening. + = * else, is hurt. Girls as well as boys itis pointed out. 'Entry forms / fiantly. impersonated your stepsister, Ve- Sift flour once, measure, add * tease me. I've never done any- "are 'availablé by mail addressed to Al : McCale wondered what her an- ronica, cach time you went there." Raping Dowden pod all, iy Fil] * thing to make iny parents distrust - Women's Section, Canadian Na- : ; i i oy ; : swer would have been. if she had You'll have to prove that. to flours mixture, add shortening, * me. Will T never be able to go tional . Exhibition, Exhibition | ° HOTEL METROPOLE 3 : not known already" that he knew RE then mix ONLY until smooth; Bake * with the gang without my Daddy Park, Toronto. SE oF A iyion Stephen had been there. Her cyes grew hooded and he saw in hot waffle iron. Serve hbt with * coming after me? I want my free- a aia Sa BA I pm Mind -- . 5 "One: more question," he said. her hands tremile. His shot in the "butter 1, Fup. Mok ad maple * dom! What's wrong? £25 z EERE TL RE 15% - kk 2 Y "What 'did you sce; yesterday after- dark had been a good one. s nahi ps 2208 Ala, INC : --Desperate. Smart Girls ys carry oe noon, When you were in front of "Proof ?" he said, smiling,. "I don't N x x = : : s ak, " ote: It desired, 1 cup chopped ' : )) : 4 Thi house at the time of the mur- | need to' prove it. It's self-evident. I |. nut meats bo ro Shopred ; 'Nothing is wrong, unless the fact" PA, R ADO. Br CHASE Tenn, iF or Zin «der? Lo know: a lot more about the woman added to batter just before baking. that your parents consider. you 'the ~~ cre : of ! The blow of it visibly staggered | that Curt Vallaincourt knew tha Sweet cream, sour cream, orgour. most precious thing in the world is 4 GC ; 7h . * - 0 4 4 9 I A. » J [ be her; She gasped: Her eyes were fill- yout 'can imagine In your wildest | milk may be substituted for sweet wrong, (Do you agree?) Instead of- -~ a. , Foe ed with sheer terror. Her mouth |. dreams." : mk in stave récipe. It sour cream being ashamed, you should be proud L : Se a fale ; "Oh, . what does . it matter, any- in with nied, Fai rg 'to be held so dear. It is something gy @ oo no," she whimpered, I was | how? We're all sunk, I did want It cream fs used, omit shortening. to boast about, especially to these not there, 1 'wasn't, You're mistak- those letters though. You know « friends tho ridicule. - [ 3 en, what I thik? I think you know : His voice became hard, his look where they are. I think you could So many parents, busy with their J insistent. "You 'wore a gray rain- | get them or me, Why ont ph Moderr Eti Etiquette hi oa es Jet i Soghere FOR QUICK RELIEF Of " " " be , ) (] {] ¢ "iF © N ry gout, he gold; Toh Miss . Ade- ware for me? I sald I'd pay you | By Roberta Lee they spend their evenings, nor wilh DACHE & Utner Pawns ', n 3 "Nok no-- gle could' lave She wel; I've got enough money." Her gene : whom! Yours are different, They aid or eyes were bright, Q. In a theater party made up of intend to bring you up like a young igart asn ec Y 'What good would that' do?" several women, what is the order of lady, a 'nice girl who respects. her- " he would not tell you, You She got up, turned her back to procession down the aisle? dnd know that. She has not admitted it i : self and whom everybody else re- the window, and mage a quick, A: The hostess follows directly spects, too. Their watchfulness is no even to me. But I saw you, Mrs. pleading gesture. behind the usher and stands at the reflection upon You. Hor upon yomr Bigelow. I know: it was you." "Shari Lynn has them, She must proper aisle seat indicating the friends. In another year the nicest oT TEE ME Ae You hinted at it the other night. order of seating as her guests boys you know will be old enough ° He waited, (ense, as she pulled | You can act as intermediary -- get approach, . . Always : walk : singly A respect your parents' altitude, / 3 ~~ herself slowly together, She arose. Your cut--anything, Only Je oot Sowa iy 8 isle, ; Ay and give you .a very different glance : with cold determination. to have them." «==Q-1f the father of the bride is not. You're -seen- in-a-sundress, then |. yhan the leers they. wse om. lesser. : RECIPR "Very well, then," she - said at hy ving: hon Tam sHould, the a minute ister you re in a smart girls. : ; ™ id a \ fast, "I was going to protect her, he was impatient in her anxiety 155Ue two-piecer, How did you do it? You y : Add 1 envelop Kast he i God knows why. I didn't actpally botdly took another talk. ' An the name of the bride's nade; pation 4988 . a fast-change a I Argh, er. Rising Dry eas fn 1 tsp. pd * . . | style witli simple, sunn 4 sugar to 1° ¢ ewarm sce thie Shooting. i; has foggy, ty 0 ; pi Q. Who is the first to leave the - Pattern 1880, sines on ol word for it, it is true. De proud of water. Sti and let stand 10 : pery, you know. ave very sma . See herc"--she came close to dinner table, when there are guests? 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 Size 16 jacket Your father. There: ore not oo many +. minutes, Scald 1 c, milk, add teet and sometinies lose my. bal. him, dropping her voice conspira- A. The hostess, "l/ and skirt 3 yds. 39: J: like him. 5 ths. sugar add 2 sp, salt ance,' I was picking my way. I had torily--"you're working all out for - 0. Ig it all right to.use all the Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. * Arr : ! pad eco to fekewateh Add toy head down when the shot came. Veronica, aren't you? Now listen. | stationery you wish while residing (25c) in coins (stamps cannot be ABSENCE makes the heart grow sified flour i if i sd $ Wastso rightene --and for a mo= If those letlers come out, it Will in a hotel? 7] accepted) for this pattern to Room, * fonder--" often of somebody else, perfectly smooth, Add 4 tbs, : ment 'dazed, I didn't know it was | put her in a worse 'spot than she's A. Yes; this stationery is for the 421; 13 Adelaide St. West, Toronto, | * Anne Hirst will help 'you under- : elted Shortening and 3c. | ¢ Curt, I only saw a man stagger & in now." convenience of the patrons, How- | Print plainly SIZE, NAME, AD- *.stand. Write her at Box A; 73 more sifted flout, ox encugh moment, He seemed to recover him- "I'm sorry, but. I don't follow | ever, it is not good taste to take DRESS, STYLE NUMBER, * Adelaide Street West, Toronto. : ie biog ke easily hand led os . oh 1 Hah : self and walk on--toward me. In you." iI ba RE i any of the stationery away with you, : hi .? is well, Pla : fg i my shock I stepped off the side- "Oh, Lord. I thought you sald | @8 this is akin to theft. --eereees eee DE . Ed i fn, ok ace ri Ta ; it walk'\and crossed the street. It was | you were a detective, Look. Veron- Q. Is it"proper for a toastmaster | -¢ . ; Jubied in ya | f ; A arf. only when he fell to his knees on | jéa found out, somchow, that I had | At a dinner to thank cach speaker N e Ww Fe ¢ ature houte, Punch do ; ; our steps that I Knew . something | known Curt rather well, Don't ask | When he has finished? =. : Tn § ja: low] Biker Jet agaln § B / iy : Jetribletiad happened. Tt was then | me how. I don't know that. We | A= Xe, and then introduce the |} in HE Wie | Co saw Veronica running across the | had a whale of a row over it, but | MeXt speaker, : Y H: d iti : i Commo#t path, Veronica--" she | 1 denied it. Do you see? Now, If Q.Is it good manners tol chew our an wIl ing Sx] drew herself up majestically. they get her for his--his death, and | SUM in public? rie ~ ; "Why dido't you immediately | the letters are found, it 'will prove A. No, it isn't even if it fy seen p ! and Y 0 Rote Jha the house 2 I shoiild have | 'she was right. Don't you get it? fity times a day, 3 pris u thought--" It will giv i | i give them a moitve, If I can = : . "Oh, but I couldn't. Don't you | get them back, I can destroy' them." Your Handwriting: Reveals Your Character and i y 8 sec? IE I'd gong right in, everyone He chuckled cynically y triking Ribbon: Effects Secrets Abo ¥ I 1 ¥ ' ' [SE A Would have known, Wouldn't they? | "his hands together with a muttered With a taitored blouse: 'a Hbliohs ut our nmost Self free until : ald 4, > > *1'd have liad to say I'd seen Veronis - exclamation. "No," he barked, "not oly crossed. in "front and held EEE dgnsey oT Bo ein afl 4a a ei enc do gouldi't. do. that,-L cauldit" | reallgl Don'e toll pe, in all seri: | with «pin, is flattering, and. reat. Roghun g Next Week _ Rs ovetfor 20 minwten J ; kf oA : MeCale wondered" why, if she ousness, that you want to protect ith your- suit, you may pues vg feed od A SIA A 113 i SESE AN NE LEV ARS OS el . 4 : irs couldn't face felling it then, she |/ Veronica?" ¢ oo. /] lapel with a wide ribbon and pin | / Ww tch F ; 'i ---- - ARCRIPR SRE + oa i was able to be so glib avoyt it now. "Of course. Why?" / // |, on your ;most glittering, piece of |" a or It : { e. x? Pi "I slipped dosyn the ther side (To Be Continued) "|" costume jewellery, - . v ET UE . A ' '

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