Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 Jun 1947, p. 8

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» PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE bth, 1947 - ---- 4 : . ; ------------------ -- be -- . -- ---- RE ------ g-- ra KING | OTIRANGE | PRENTICE'S | W. A. Sanes . A. dangster Chiropractor 'and Drugless Theraplet INSURANCE Beauty Salon DENTAL SURGEON UXBRIDGE. ONTARIO Whate clea sp rig Da Rk AA y 3 : : ; : : ; # be, consult : . All Types of Halr Styling * Office Hours: 9am tof pm. ; : King and Cedar Streets | H. W. EMMERSON and Permanents Ofice Upstairs, over C. Sleoy's Phono 188 Phone 41 * Pert Perry ~|IRHODE ISLAND REDS : RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS, K.C. } \ A Great Production Strain. , 6 Simcoe Birect North, Oshays, PORT PERRY, ONT in attendance at my Port Perry Office on "Tuesday and Thursday afternoon of each week, or by appointment, Phone 94 a -- DR. ED. BAILEY | lw, VETERINARY SURGEON Uxbridge and Port Perry Phone 127, Uxbridge Reverse charges on all phone calls to me, 0) Automatie 0il Burners - IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION Cash, or On Time Fuel Delivery by Metered Trucks ~~ HARRY O. PERRY, CITIES SERVICE OIL CO,, #294 Court St. gshAwaA Phone 2015 BOY SCOUTS ARE HELPERS Started 5) Pullets | for GE The arrival of a phe of new, de luxe vhotorcoaehes will enable us to increase daily services on the following routes: EFFECTIVE JUNE 11th, 1947 PORT PERRY, : PETERBORO - OTTAWA : and intermediate points, also from Lansing eastwards on Toronto highway -. For complete information, 'please consult your Local Agent: WHITE KITCHEN RESTAURANT, Telephone 210, Port Perry: LoL ONIAL Queen Street, Port Perry. OR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Leonard Block over Prentice's Barber Shop Phone 237 Port Perry DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Over Bell Telephone Office, Queen St., Port Perry Phones: -- Office 68w; Residence 68} ARTHUR VW. S. GREER in attendance at my Port Parry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment, Blong Block, Port Perry. PLENTY OF FEED TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE We have enough Chick Starter on| poi. 0 Buildings--Provinee of Ontario hand to supply all our chick custoiners' GEALED tenders addressed to the Undet needs. signed and endorsed "Tender for Coal," : will be received until 8 p.m, (EDS, : THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1947, for the supply : of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings % throughout the Province of Ontario. CAPONIZING Forms of tender with specifications and) conditions attached can be obtained from the SRE ee orks Wa; an upervising Have your cockerels. caponized at tect, 8 Adelaide st. East, Toronto, Ontarlo. 'enders shou made on orms su from 4 to 6 weeks of age. Call Harlan plied by the Department and in accordance : oR ' w epartmen 8) cations and 'con. Clark, Phone 266 r 11, Port Perry. | litions attached thereto. Coal dealers: license - may29 | numbers must be given when tendering. 5 The Department reserves the Fight tio to de- Phone 25 mand from any sutcessful tenderer, before awarding the order, a security deposit jn the Painting & Decorating Machine: Shop form of a certified cheque on a bank in Canada, made payable to the order - ~ of the Honourable the Minister of Publis EXTERIOR. AND INTERIOR --. Work . PAINTING and DECORATING ED. WILLIAMS, = LILLA STREET COMPLETE PUMP SERVICE Works, equal to 10 per cent. - of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of Phone 242W CHARLES BULLER Phone 280W COUNTRY CLUB ICE CREAM BRICKS in assorted flavours on hand at all times. SATURDAY SPECIAL "CHERRY MARSHMALLOW CAKE" Phone 32. the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Raflway- Company and fits con: stituent companies unconditionally guarapteed as to principal and interest by the Dominion " {of Canada, or the aforementioned bonds and a certified cheque, if required to make up an odd amount. Such security . will serve as a guarantee 'tor the proper fulfilment ot Ri contract. By 52 a "SOMERVILLE, Becreta Department of Public Works, ' Ottawa, June 2nd, 1047. junel?2 PAPERHANGER and DECORATOR First-Class Work Simcoe 8t., Port Perry FOR SALE--McClary coal orgwood WANTED: Man for Rawleigh Route, _ Gerrow Bros. Bakery Range; Battery Radio, cabinet model; | Permanent if you are a hustler, Fer|} Quebec Heater; Baby's- Pram; Wick-| particulars write Rawleigh's, Dept. retary. | 1s Coal 0il Stove, 3 burner. Apply ML-F- 343 108, Montreal. ' to Mrs. C. Noni 0 Prince Albert. PIANO TUNING VY. P. STOUFFER Piano Actions Repaired and Regulated Phone 30 Port Perry _ OLD HORSES |i WANTED - We pay highest price. - All horses humanely slaughtered. See us before selling elsewhere. Dead horses, and cattle promptly picked up. Phones: 95 r 21, Uxbridge 753, Port Perry ue H. ELSON, Uxbridge Port Perry may22 June26 |: "SPECIAL OPTICAL SERVICE W, H. Landon, Optometrist, 1655 'Danforth Ave., T0RONTO, will be at, Phone 11J, 'Boxed Plants 55 or ; bra en -- < 3 Shes . or : 4 % I R. Bentley's Jewellery Store, SECOND SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH Please Make Appointments Beforehand. My next visit to Port Perry will be - -Saturday, JUNE 14th, ASHBURN : The regular monthly meeting of the Ashburn Ladies' Bible Class was held at the home of Mrs. Fred Stephen on We have for sale a fine selection of Boxed Plants, including sonie genuine Beefsteak Tomato Plants, Apply to] OF ALL KINDS D. Corbman Bavestioughifiy, Asphalt Siding PORT PERRY "ONT T. Estimates given on all kinds of work. - EARL WALLACE maylbd ROOFING KNOW YOUR LIBRARY "SILVERSIDES" by Robert Trumbull | : "USfiversides" is an exciting, true x J Box 91 Port Perry $I OO 1 Dead or Crippled FARM STOCK "FREE OF-CHARGE Highest Prices paid for old horses at your farm Phone 69 Woodville ; Reverse Phone Calls Prompt Service Ed. Peconi, Prop WOODVILLE, ONT, DL 0 dm om 1 1 a ET 1 "WANTED Dead Horses and Cattle For free pick-up, Phone Port Perry, 118 r 21 Uxbridge 27 Brooklin 62 We. pay Phone charges. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED ! Toronto AD, 3636 \ Clark's Welding Shop Now'/open for Electric and Oxy- Acetylene Welding of all types. /Re- pair or sub-contracts, at reasonable prices. . Two Blocks South of ARCHER'S GARAGE. Mar. 6 Euchre & Dance re oe AT -- SCUGOG HALL. Friday, June 6th, Ww MUSIC BY 6 PRIZES BOOTH Admission 35¢. & 20c¢. Richard Seaborn, Canadian violinist, well known CBC artist and conductor, Heard in "Sunday Serenade" at 11. 80 p.m. EDT, JEMISON'S BAKERY IS DEPENDABLE FOR . GOOD BAKING TA Pen a Sr IA > prin ART, JEMISON, Peoariitor 'EUCHRE 8 1010 p.m. | Wilson's Orclicstia | ha demand for General Motors: Cars continues far: in advance of our ability to deliver. While General Motors dealers, and the factory are daing everything possible to get that new car for you, it may still be some time before all orders. are filled.' In the meantime, let us keep your present car in the best possible condition, Our regular tune-up and inspection service will assure you safe, comfort- able, worry-free driving while you wait for your new car, Service on all makes of cars and trucks. Harold R. Archer Motor Sales PORT. PERRY, ONTARIO. 7 PLE / { Wednesday evening May 28th. Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Fisher, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Harold | Kerry, spent the 'week-end in Ottawa, and attended the wedding of Miss Dorothy Parker and Mr. Ernest Jun- kins, Several from this community at- tended the play "Lena Rivers" which was given in Myrtle hall on Tuesday, Continuation School. . Mr. Arthur Richardson was very fortunate on hay- ing his name drawn on a lucky number draw for a quilt made by the Myrtle ladies. Mrs, Ed: McGowan, of Toronto, spent and Mrs. Thos Wilson. Mr. Frank Rundle spent the week- end at the home of Mrs. G. West. f The: Young People will present a short - play in the basement of the Church on-Friday, June 6th' at 8 p.m, County 'Council County of Ontario A meeting of the County Council of the Corporation of the County of On- tario will be-held pursuant to adjourn- ment in the Council Chamber in the Court House in the Town of Whitby, on MONDAY; the 16th day of JUNE, 1947, at the hour of ten o'clock in the : : forenoon, Daylight Saving Time. All accounts to be laid before the Council should be forwarded to the Clerk, properly certified, at least three days before the, meeting of the Coun- cil, DATED at Whitby, this ond day of June, A.D, 1947. "R. DONALD RUDDY, 3 County Clerk. May 27th, by students from Brooklin|' the week-end with her parents, Mr. : story of an American submarine in the battle of the South Pacific. = This is bY the second of Trumbull's works (his ~~ first being "The Raft", the story of three men who spent thirty-one days on a raft in the treacherous Pacific Ocean, = Both books are very inter esting. In my opinion, the quality of" one book does not exgél t other, submarine during wartime. Trumbull In "Silversides" Trumbull gives a vivid picture of life in an American -_ tells how the men aboard beconie one = -- - large, happy family, and how the logs of any of that family. affects the entire crew. The men' on this submarine were very supérstitious, an idol in order to receive good luck. Upon one occasion, a crew member took snap-shots of one of the enemy ships which had fallen prey to the sub- marine; As a-:result, the pictures failed to develop and the submarine barely - missed' being sunk by depth charges, = After this, the captain, Creed Burlingame, ordered that no '~ nore periscope pictures should be taken because they brought misfortune to the "Silversides." ; The author "relates many humorous incidents as well as exciting details. One of these was the story of the sailor who, ignorant of the fact that the public broadéasting system beside him was turned on, gave his Opinion of one. of the "officers 'aboard, much to the delight of his mates. Trumbull writes in a free and easy style. His language is far from being difficult to understagd. He _relatey sufficient varities of incidents to re- tain the reader's interest throughout the entire book. I would recommend this book whole-heartedly. ~-Reviewed by B. W. HOW YOU WILL BENEFIT REET a fd wl i vin a Mek rm 5 Herve Chirlstion Gtiarcy Publishing 3 apy for which I science oni. ors, hl pa Tin Chistian BY READING 3 i CHRISTIAN SCENCE MONTTOR ver 21 1s rr § dy on world affairs wen ! past, informed Hl wide do J ewspaper reg oguieny. Ju ul 8 oin is fares features Thoemo . v io on ng, educa y 00 SOC ae 4 ols. SA, PBS For example, every day each crew member would rub

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