\ JACKSO BY N«COLE ---- . BYNOPBIS Chapter IV: The red-headed avenger ar- rivea in Paisano Valley and the village willing to 'open up the safe for me," said the red-headed man, Then TABLE TALKS School Lunches Nutritionists say if junior is to * make good grades at school he must be well fed. His lunch box must rate high marks when. chéck- ed against Canada's Food Rules, The lunch: should supply its full quota of necessary food if the day's meals are to add up to 100%. A good lunch contains a protein (in form of 'meat, fish, cheese, eggs, nuts or dri€d beans), a fruit or vegetdble, 'frequently ' raw, and milk in the form of bev- The Way 'to Peace Scripture: Proverbs 3:30-31; 15:1, 18; 22:24.25; 25:18, 21-22; 26:20-21; Matthew 5:9; James 3:17. . a--." The dictionary defines harmony as "concord or agreement in facts, opinions, - manners, . interests, etc." But most of the passages cited from the Book of "Proverbs have to do with the best way of getting on with angry and disagreeable people. In general, the basic advice is that if other people 'are mean toward you, TST Aa al . "3 BG Tw gM hs ER ROT AE ee ER GT | -- - CR 4 4 yo How Can By Anne Ashley Q. How can I prevent mold in the fruit closet? - A. Place a can of lime in the fruit closét, «or on the shelves with jellies and ipreserves. : (QQ. How can I keep the skin soft? A. The skin will be soft and fine if alhealing astringent cream is ap~ plied tegularly. By doing this, chap- ped, dry skin, 'and = blemishes are 'healed. The astringent closes the pores and makes the skin 'silken' smooth, : Q. How can I. thoroughly 'clean greens? A. Add :a handful 'of salt to the of Luna Roja whéte Garvin lives. Cau- bis tone grew rim, - menacin 4 Uoualy gaining entrance to Garvin's home, GONT bri by 8 CSAS i 8. erage, creamed soup, '01 dessert, don't be hasty yourself, If 3 man is second water when cleaning greens, Valdez 'finds ~himself before the . closed Now hiring out the money--quick. . A angry with you, that's the time to ; door of Raymond Garvin's office. And evéry cent you've got cached as well as cuergy 'foods in ithe contfol "your: own' temper. "A soft | Lhis'makes all the sand sink to the wee in there! And every blessed mort- form of Canada-approved bread, "atiswer. turneth away Weal: but bottom 'of ' the 'pan. 'Andther rinsing CHAPTER V gage you've got in any of those + Many schools, nowadays, pro- grievous words stir up anger" will make them. thoroughly clean. His lips tightened grimly, Be- hind that door was ene of the men he had hunted so rélentlessly for five years, He threw open the door and stepped into the office, both hands dropping to the silver-decorated holsters of -his heavy six-guns. He closed the door behind him and leaned carelessly against the wall beside it as slowly, mockingly, he labeled drawers! Quick, I-said, I've * got a nervous trigger finger," 'Once his clumsy trick at trying to outwit Ei Caballero Rojo had backfired, Raymond Garvin had no choice. It was obey or be killed. The muzzle of the gun that bored into Garvin's back sent shivers down his spine, . Trembling 'in every limb, a ruth- less man gone cowardly when his vide either a 'full lunch or milk or soup for the children, If the full lunch is provided, the respon- sibility of preparing it 'is lifted from- mother's shoulders, but where no provision is made to serve the midday meal at school, it is up to mother to pack a lunch that "packs a punch." The nome economists of Consumer Section, Dominion De- the "Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt 'not - go; 'lest: thou learn his ways, and get a snare to-thy soul" Proverbs that. recall Pals counsel, ably with all men." In a similar spirit, the Proverbs stress the wisdom of regulating one's own life with good. sense, and not according to what others are doing. "As much as lieth" in you live peace-. -Q.iHow can I make cut flowers last longer'? : : A. They will: last longer and 'keep fresher if a :little camphor is added to the water. a PARADOL DRCHASES (Para dol), woved - carle andkerchi own skin was menace , Te Te. i og banat oie oem fs dave, he bron partment of Agriculture offer Peace of mind is of the very essence The wis Detore im did. ar oxs under the watchful eyes behind the some suggestions for substantial of inward! harmony, Sich Rev actly face him, for Raymond Car- steady gun. A heavy bag of coins | sandwich fillings. Chey also say * The passages cited in our lesson vin. had his back to the door was plopped on the: floor, then that it simplifies making up deal chiefly with wisdom in personal through which El Caballero Rojo had quietly entered. Never would he forget that ca- daverous face, the lips that were pale brown lines over discolored "These papers won't do you any This saves many steps > and nations. vulpine teeth, the man the youth good, you devilish red-headed out- wasted 'in rounding up these items In our 'gersonal lives we can do TORONTO : id. ise icture 1" Ray sarvin® burs ; imo | k the . E Room With Bath, She v Ce , . awl it { ac . . v m wer of cighteen had instantly pictured lav taymond Garvin burst out when the tim» comes to p : much to avoid people who don't like o Evey J m . when he had heard his father whis- stacks of currency, Then the long reaching arm, exploring - the safe, brought out a stack of folded papers bearing red seals, in fury as he threw the last of the lot on the floor, "You can't collect Munches if a. preparation corner is stocked - with the equipment such as wax paper, little jars for car- rying salads, the lunch box, etc. usually lunch each day. Grand Champ of Canadian Fairs--Grand champion at various Canadian fairs 17 times, "Oma Vanlandeghen," 2,200:pound Belgian stallion, gets admiring glance from Inez Bean of Paris, Eg Ont, at the C.N.E. horse show, [ANNE HIRST | attitudes and relationships, but it is abvous that our world today pre- -sents great problems of harmonious living between groups, races, peoples us, but in the larger social and in- Vou 'Will Enjes Staying At The St. Regis Hotel @® Bingle, $2.60 -ap-- ner his nate, Garvin's hair was on em -- nobody can but mef - | Savoury Liver Sandwich Spread ternational relationships we are con- Double, Hoo How Spupse ind hon 29, Jor the years And --" A % pound of liver (pork or beef) | Your amily Counselot fronted with conditions and 'sitations od eh ba Hine - Sud, Owing of continue ruta Ry. fait not | "A i aa -- 1 teaspoon salt : c / ; that we have to take as they 'are: Sherbourne at Carton dealt lightly with this ruthless nd you neither can, nor willl " : : situations involving sharp differences . y Tel. RA. 4135 man, Valdez snapped. "Not dig out that 2 cups boiling water Youn Husband beautiful experience for the one we if: rok flicts. Yet * ! : el Sl : * * * yellow-backed box down there in 8 slices cooked bacon rhein g , 'love and, in doing that, toe" find "osir BRE on he Ne iy re bg be] . - v . a _---- essay But cone thing had. not changed the corner of 'the safe. It looks like Y4 cup sour cream Offers Chart own happiness as surely ds 'the sun will Soin eo om = . . . . . a y 1 y - . Ps ' hs ' --his love. of gold. Even believ- a letter ie from Yelitte I stand, 2 tablespoons prepared must For Happiness rises, : dark tragedy looms again upon the ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY ing himself alone, his movements and I'd be plenty interested in read- ard , TO "YOUNG HUSBAND AND nations FURNISHED 'BO were quick and furtive as he fin- ng your personal: mail" .2 tablespoons minced onion : : : * FATHER": As you continue to . TH " b bee / $1.50 up gered a goid piece from a stack ANE 34 teaspoon salt I'VE ONLY lad the pleasure of * read the varied problems in this he proverbs and counsels that . Rael rye ; Garvin reluctantly did as he was Y% teaspoon pepper ¥ following your column for a short | & comp wou will find repeated | Make for wisdom and harmonious. iron eof Jan "| ordered, and the man holding the : fie : 2 * time," writes a young husband. * : d in the Do' d living' in" individual life ought to be With abruptiness he scemed to : ; Simmer liver with the one tea To hihi! again and again the Do's and. hiwvords i AE ense that he. was not. sone. He gun on him took one hand to pick spoon salt in boiling water for 30 I'd like to congratulate you on the | x Pop's for marriage which the watchwords in the affairs "of the sense that hie was not alone. up the box and lay it on the desk . ol Ri d * valuable advice you give young * situations presented indicate. I nation, spun: half around in his chair to peside 'the other Toot. Garvi t minutes or until tender. Drain an Balls ho wre diing crating, ocd : presented indicate, am glare at the red-headed wan' who . nrg ly lin got cool. Put through meat chopper | in 4 always happy to have suggestions prs : stood against the wall, Garvin's oo fice ee red-headed une - with bacon. Add remaining in- : But: what : eo my J Toaars and I shall % 47 piercing green eyes below the "You don't think youre going to grodients. Store in covered Jar if about after mar- ta Hers Jrop yon 2 i, overhanging brows were shot with get away with this, do you?" he refrigerator. : riage? People To "MRS. F.C": How often I r HOTEL: METROPOLE sudden accusing anger, " burst out furiously. "You won't! Yield about 114 cups spread. -must york--just-- "wish T could exchange names and : NIAGARA FALLS WER Wi oo oy ao dna Because you'll-neversget out-of lieve | Peanut Butter Apple Spread as hard for hap- addresses of my readers! Yet that SFP... = :0.N0/ STATION = % ig > Hind Are your Anyways alive--not out of this place! Unless 1 cup peanut butter piness then. If Joye one pute Idare not break. I'm = - aNd how «10 Yo) not you kill .me in cold blood--" 1; cup apple sauce ' feel that couples sure you understand, : , Iil Taballero Rojo laughed: It "Which I' li 2 mar vith ; : iad -"Which I'm: not aiming to do, not 14 cup chopped fresh apple arry wi BREED JERE. Jha : wg low. harsh beg rothat ceas-- just at present--unless you plumb Mix peanut butter- with the ap- Sa : Satenion MARRIAGE is a two-way adven- ed on an onunous note. 5 forget to keep vour shirt on." pi * o eing go * i "ve came to settle the affairs of ed jo AE Pe "h trav) Dis" Saden aie dliciiped ap husbands and * Jin! Avis ey help you the de Cucvas: place up the val. : aded man. 7 hen his ple. Spread on whole wheat bread, : : a make it work, if" you'll write her 12 2 Luvvas: place 1 ' voice grew hard and cold. "I'd. iike Yield cnough for 8 large. sand ; : wives, and want | # frankly ac Box 'A, room 421, 73 fey," he sald tightly, "Maybe ene to know the name of the man you're che : ; *!to point their efforts in the right | « Adelaide 'St. West, Toronto. or two other things while I'm working for, Senor Garvin, What's hip 8 : For *'dircction. In many cases, we must ------ about 1." -- more, I want to know where to find NOTE: If desired .anple sauce * learn by the trial - and - error : : "The de Cuevas place?" Garvin's bim--and mean to know, savvy?" may in Crahited Tala) "Hodnut Bist, * method. The question isn't: Who Your Handwritin fingers beat a tattoo on the desk. "You're loco," Garvin growled "1 tor blended with a likle mayon- "* js right. It is: "What is right. dds 8. "Aut TI we. wre Oh, yes, faves ban is nobode : Pin hon _naice or salad dressing and chop- Plane otrett mies FT hm : d Y . By ; the de Cuevas place down the val- holden to. I run my own business ped fresh apple. ; * wrong but--as I sce it--the Artiof ana X( IH Alex S. 'Arnott ley." He added sharply, "I know and--" I ! - Fruit Cottage Cheese Spread * Love, so far, ay the man is con- 5 : = the place now, but there is ho "Give me the name, Garvin," Val- 1 cup- cottage cheese of: cerned, is 'the ast of pleasing his Can you read the writing -in longer apy chance for discussion dez said wearily. "You should know Ya tt ie * wife. The WOmAR'S love Is the sit the example belopy? "It can 'be - about it. "The bank Bas. foreclosed. I =ican to have it--becanse maybe % cup raisins or drained chop- * of luring and enchanting the hus- read, but with difficulty. The I--cr--the bank has already taken you know who I am by now." Herd saraed bivi *.band, while leaving to him the handwriting is a good example k boi £ i propoity the case is 1h De bent of El Cyne Cream, salad dressing or may- | Regressive role appropriate to the o 5 Goi criminal, a person 5 ced. cro Rojo?" sneered Gurvin, "The onnaise Prd ahs i whose mentality and environment' th M * * : ; PR : 7] © THE BIBLE SAYS-- ; : 2 road age atio: ; i ; A : . i / fg "But the case is not closed," Cin B ils bonny i -- Chop fruit., Mix thoroughly "4S the Bible states, 'Let every hare: Ad, Dim Sveryihing his YG TH CAC RE drasied Hak pressed when it gels him ano. with cheese and salt. Moisten with onc of you in particular so love his ne J Fi) f otice 3 the / mgfolly. "Recause Um right here thing! Masquerading in a lot of Sitam or dressing, to spreading wife even as himself; and jie wile do if Whar 1 a dn now to reopen it. Two lives were Spamsh geweaws end a red hand- consistency, see that'she reverence her husband, rt 70 ruth the letters and the iS taken this ynorning on that little kerchief i his face!" * How couples can apply this to every ky ipnearaiite of the writing, d rancho" All the ntoney you have EE day living should make valuable in- 2152 he ny, disorderly ar- 'f ane ¢ ¢. ney ©) . - : » an i to your name can't give them back, "Listen, Raymond Garvin!" Val.- formation for them. Ea The thn end he , Whole script, , But"--his shrug brought fresh dez said coldly, "Many would hke N I agree with you that if wife and di , 4s" are open at . glitter in the lamplight from his to know just wlio I am. I'm Holi "husband "kept in mind the constdnt ¢ bottom, .a real give away of | conhas and silver "trappings to tell you--here and. now, Maybe need of pleasing the other, the 3 Wier who Would deceive at: still can take your money from you'll he particularly interested. My ogres Bd woyld hous oe 3 pie bo : you to help all the other folkg name js Michael Valdez y O'Brien, Lasimniem [7NG-G5 You yy 44s fan \ ; a you've cheated and roblad here- V-a-l-d-c-z! Savvy that? Docs that is-yvight'that is the vital question. So Notice, too, how 'the crosses of | abouts." " name mean anything to you?" many rules of human conduct are the letter "t" stop short of the While the man sat at the desk The self-appointed banker's eyes written so simply in the Bible fas stent, an excellent, example of i as if paralyzed, the unwelcome went wide with sudden shock as he oy Pilger aiden a ap os hough he a rou. HEE ig Apr ! 3 Isitor's 'olce IrCW commandin heard the name, A flickerin ii ersong ye uring an 2 u caug in a : Ishonest 9 TAG Tas oy a L5 ne Dointed thy the ir $ wet his thin, brown lips His glue the ar, I lcarn that daily Bible- | act. 'There is 'nothing 'refined or || DOTTY 'MAWKE -- Matie Me- "Open that!" he ordered. darted to the window as if dls pow reading has "increased tremendously, graceful about this writing, it is Donald features these red and white + Ravmond Garvin's slack mouth he had fully realized that 4 was and I wish with all my heart that the | as hard as the writer "and as dff- ' ad tailored gjss with 4 gaped as he stared into the bard, trapped. But in the face of that glit- kahit beoomst snipers The Sido, ficule 10, understand, 'Study this : ent Piotr ~"Living in 'a Big IEE cold eyes oi the man who con- tering gun held steadily on his mid- bin pid bit 1 of the ages is_ours Seript 2h you will see how the Way," in which she plays opposite ; i fronted him, dle he could make no move, M @ 7. hidden. fault criminal covers up his writing, | -. Gene Kelly. : / The Tei Vga, O06 Toh wiv. ind "I don't know any such name," H esting ew en_Jouls blots' and smears | cover up let- | zs 5 demanded usurious interest from he suid surily. "Never heard of jt 0: : Wy oe | ters so.-that one letter .0annot' be : + Just Strange i 44 : i life. with each other shows wus how ¥o | distin uished from another: and Foyiins y : 07 rs the peons who had trusted him, m my hte, : , 8 0. er, Disciissing this epi Sir Joh 4 ! wp f deal with them and, as we ry, we ussing his. epitaph, Sir John i; who had over and over sold thie Then I'll "help you to remems., wltivate pai od wndetstandiy the up and down trend of every Strange said, "I want no fuss, noth- f land he had taken back from his ber," Valdez said coldly. "The story vis! Iza r id an harily. So. 2, word 'reveals the' shiftiness of the smo. fancy. I simply tant these words. pt devastated victims, cringed. is all about the time 'about five tou Tee married fife or Tillin "and | rites 'habits in that it is hard '| my stone: 'Here: lies a lawyer 5.48) He got up from the desk and ap- | Years ago when you: and a couple Ji for him to write in a straight line 'who always spoke the truth' i proached the safe in the wall back of your partners were in the busi- ae "| even if he wishes, : : "But a friend protested, "no one ) of the desk at which he had heen hess of freighting scttlers into a Modern Etiquette expe i rat, swt mill Riot who vests there" © L ji sitting. He knelt before the big iron | new valley you were opening up, "By Roberta Lee | | "nie of course is the writing. | hype," they will "how" Sin Vin, Se box, -spun-the dial -and- threw open down not fat' from tlic horder, Fun- y of a common crook, There are John replied. "All who read will say, 7 2 the safe door. His hand went inside ny thing what trials and tribula- 0.1 it issibre _t tradiét other types of criminals=the CLUS BRL 7 Ep 15 : \ 47 it toward a row of labeled drawers. tions those settlers had, Just one i th 3.1 reimissin Jo vl 4 " bezzler, the fellow with a smooth, | CRY 5 i It came out suddénly--and as it misfortune. after 'another--iike as if pnt N $7 m Cony reat on shady' kind of writing; the forger; | N : moved, an arm clad in a silver-':| a 'urse was pursuing them. Then : & You bia on Ati whose 'artistic' touch can 'bg de- braided slecve reached over his one day a mag named Valdez be- an posing yiewpe n "3 hg Sip |. técted by his too light "and too 2 shoulder. The hand at the end of | 8an to wonder just "why jt wis : Wt der i hig h A gop he dark pen' pressuré in every 'word 4 sthe arm gripped the gun clutched that all these folks should be su Jeet Jou imo tat; 1h other of "the iscript. Each criminal thas. |: #, in the banker' Woo a 30 person's feelings arc becoming hurt. y : ) 5 Ld ¢ banker's hand. unlucky , . ; ? s his. way of revealing his bad ha- vi "I thought you were entirely to : (To B i N Q. Is it correct to eat cake with i ily pic 1 f ; Y:100 1. , 0 Be Continued) the fingers? bits easily picked out by the hand. IN:YOUR CLOTHES IS'WITH pe . 2a == : ! "A. Small cakes and slices of plain ne expert to' reveal 'them 'for ; ; Gl aa tA | Sd i A408 GIRLS! WOME y Have you heard? , Here's the | "cake are caten with the fingers, but What they are, A AL fabuis oe ar i 5 ° | latest! 1{'s Pattern 4865--that- ver- soft-frosted cake or French pastrids A : ; ' n ex A ' ; . 7: : | satile one-piece or two-piece require a fork, ; ") -- ' / & : CRANKY TIRED~OUT frock with deep dolman sleeves | Q. If'a woman is standing directly (PA 4 evil. i CANADA'S ORIGINAL - Ad: pfdnis DYE : ] Ad oy unpressed. skirt pleats! Ttsa | in a man's way, must he tip his hat -gol 4 : PROVEN BY YEARS OF USE ; On 'CERTAIN DAYS' . Vegetable Compound to relieve 4 el i : i he Mae persion. %o | ur Ae Hr Vode : such symptoms. This fine medicine Pattern 4865 in Jr. Miss sizes be Fo as Hirsi . xd i . 91 The Monty] is very effective for this pu | an, 0505.7, Sire 3, one-piece | A Yes as she steps aside he 7 Do female functional monthly For pver 70 years thousands of bas 7 he i 0! ; should thank her and tip his hat. : 5 disturbances make you feel vier- 1s and women have reported - takes 334 yards 39-inch fabric, Q. If a man and a woman are Anyone wishing a more complete Yue, 5d Yank, so red and nefit, Just see if you, too, don't Send TWENTY. FIVE CENTS: difing together in a restaurant and | Onolysis please send self-addressed iy Ther do try Lydia R. Dinkhaont report excellent results! Worth (25¢) in coins (stamps cannot be the tea is served in pots, who pours =| = #famped thuelope to Box B, room : E, t t 8. LY accepted) for This pattern to room: | ji? R21, 73 Adelaide St. West, Torowts, > : : 0 » 4 ', VEGETABLE 421, 73 Adelaide Sto W,, Toronto. A, If the waiter docs not pout for There ie no charge for this service. £ vie | & Print plainly (812K, NAME, AD- them, the woman: shotld attend to - % ho ; OMPOUND i rr eeprom ; 4 i / : . DRESS, STYLE NUMBER, this rite, '188 37-1047 4 ¥5 Sa / / : ( \ hing ? he : = : A : : J 9 é pre Phe eh s . 3 .