Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 25 Mar 1948, p. 7

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AA Pam pt a bm Ens 1 The Green Thumb By Gordon L. Smith ', How to Handle Nursery Stockh There is a wide range inthe price and quality of shrubs, vines, plants and other items which come under the general heading of nursery stock. + The real test is whether the stock wilt grow quickly and sturdily. {If the roots are dry and. the upper part of the plant shrivelled, brown: ish and lacking buds, then one can tie quite sure he paid too much, no matter what the actual price. It will probably die or take three or four years to get really growing. Healthy stock, on the other hand, will come along quickly with hardly a check, especially if handled care: fully. Plants, shrubs, vines, etc., should he kept cool and moist . nd if they cannct be planted in their perm- anent location right away they should be "hecled in", that is temporarily planted in a trench with the soil heaped up well above the roots. When replanting it is advisable to supply plenty of water and keep wat cred for the first fow weeks. Plant: ing is best ¢ ne in the cool of the evening or on doll days, and some shade from hot sun is advisable with tiny things. Are They Suifable Here? In the magazines and newspapers one reads of lots of beautiful flow- ers, shrubs and even vegetables that may not grow well in many parts of Canada These things were devel- oped for the "Southern States or England where the climate is milder or the growing season longer. vv One _wagles mopes time and work in trying them here. Our climate, soil and other conditions are not 'suitable, just as their conditions do "not suit certain things that thrive abundantly here." To guard against the -discouraging c¢fforts to produce these tender plants here one "is ad- vised to stick to those flowers, shrubs and vegetables that are especially recommended for Canadian condi- tions. The latter are the varieties and types listed in the Canadian seed catalcgues. These have all been tested under Canadian conditions and they ave the only ones recomménded by the Canadian authorities. * Question of Morals Two men were discussing the mor- als of their respective parish priests. "Our clergyman," said one, "is so strict that he won't even perform a marriage ceremony." "Goodness," replied the other, "what kas that got to do with 'mor- als?" : "He says his conscience will not al- low him to participate in any game of chance!" ing boxing rules to "Timmy" and "Peter' 1 Former World Champion Entertains Crippled Children -- Gene Tunney, one of boxing's few champions to retire undefeated, was a visitor to Toronto recently, helping to boost the sale of taster Seals put out by The Ontario Society for Crippled Children. Here heuis pictured read- '--two of the handicapped boys who are being helped by the Society's work. 96 service clubs throughout the Province are taking part in the geod work. By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") v Sports -- And One Thing or Another So the great hockey "scandal" turned out to. be more or less of a dud after all and the type of fan who is always suspecting the worst disappointed at the tameness of the "revelations". When the story first broke there was plenty of whispering regarding fixed games and big kill- ings by the gambling gentry, but like so many such things, there doesnt seem to have been much of anything behind it. * * * However, it is probably just as well to have the air cleared, and. the League President is to be congratu- "lated on the speedy way he went into action. Now, if he'll only do some- thing about clearing various arenas of the gambling pests, he will earn / folks who think hockey is too good a sport to be ruined by a host of : : "sure thingers" hanging around. * * * Borying: Billy Taylor for fife may appear to be a trifle drastic under the circumstances. Still, he had plen- ty of warning, and did it with his cyes wide open, so probably doesn't Something New in-Safety Films--Especially Ae to protiote greater attention to safety on our farms, this cartoon film is creatifig great interest wherever shown to tural audiences. In humorous yet attention-getting style, it shows how, one by one, cach of the "Ten Little Farmers" comes to grief through acci- dents which could have been easily avoided. "Ten Little Farmers" Learn The Hard Way Romember the old ditty about the "Ten Little Indian Boys" the one in which a boy disappears in each of the ten verses? The song has now been brought up to date in a new N tional Film Board film called,. "Ten Little Farmers", an animated production with the same old tune but with different verses. The theme is safety on the farm, but, rather' than setting out a dull and dry list. of possible accidents, the producers hit upon this. semi- 'humorous approach, Pin. ordé¢r. to catch the attention of school chil- dren and adults alike. One By One _ In each sequence one of the = little farmers disappears, and the accompanying verse tells why. Farm life may be healthy, but there are "traps for the unwary,' The first little farmer, relaxing beside the thresher, is caught in" the drive witeel and fades oiit on a final note of the verse. i And so it goes on.' Farmer num- ber two, with only half his mind on handling his tractor, does a backflip and so does number three, who thought his perch on top of a haystack was: secure, Number four is an old story: a strong arm, an axe, and a toe which somehow gets in the way while clopping firewood. ' The Hard Way ) Number five hasn't seen the bull in the field -- and losés a race with it, while number six, day- dreaming while handling a' team, finds the air will not support him when horses and wagon dart away. The seventh steps on the tines of a pitchfork on the ground; and it isn't more than a sccond before the handle whacks him on the head. Farmer number eight 'falls' off a roof he has been repairing. Heat is responsible for the dis- appearance of-the last two: fum- ing bareheaded in the hot sun, and number ten -- the last -- after plac- ing a storm lantern within' reach of a cow's tail, disappears in a barn fire. In case you are workied, when you go to see "Ten Little Farmers" on the rurzl film programmes, you will be relieved to see that all ten appear again in the last sequence, They are battered and bandaged, and very eager to learn the lessons of safety on the farm. \ in connection with sport was probably for himself the gratitude of a lot of ber nine gets sunstroke from work-" 4 4 deserve too much sympathy, The funny thing about it is that he didn't even win his now-famous wager on the Black Hawks; and losing five hundred dollars and then getting tos- sed out on his car into the bargain makes it look like a pretty expensive evening for Mr. Taylor. Anyway, he was a grand hockey player when he was right, although he didn't ap- pear--from where we sit--to have more than about one more scason of top-class hockey left in him if that is any consolation. } * * * Secing Gene Tunney in Torento a week or so ago recalls the fact that there was one grand fighter who, somehow or other, missed the popu- larity his ability deserved. Boxing fans are a queer mob, and they couldn't go for Gene talking aliout Shakespeare and Bernard Shaw, and actually admitting that he occasionally read hooks. . * * * However, he cleaned up a tidy fortune and got out when the going was good. Asked what he thought of the coming Louis-Walcott affair, Tunney scemed to" think that champion would flatten Jersey Joc without too much trouble, which scems to be the general opinion of those who should know about such th'ngs. 'Tunney came to Canada to help the Ontario Society for Crippled Children in its drive for funds-- which is. something that deserves the generous support of everybody. * * * PN Latest to threaten a ring come- back is Max Scluzeling; and if the boxing people have any sense they should squelch any. such ideas with- out a moment's -delay. A man verg- ing the 45 year mark just hasn't any, business in a ring; and with boxi ny E; in a bad way all over the map, what with so many fatalities, a match in- volving Schimeling would be a ter- rible mistake. * * * Just wiia-i is basically to blame for all those fatalities is something clse" that is coming in for a lot of dis- cussion these days. Pre-bout medical cxaminations in far too many cases are nothing more-or less than a hol- low farce.. Greedy managers, who care little or nothing about what hap- pens to a' fighter, just as long as they can collect their cut have a lot All About Nothing Counsel was cross-examining -a witness in an important case. He asked: "And on June 11th you say you called oft Mrs. Murphy. Now what did she say----?" "I object to that question. my lord," interrupted the opposing counsel, Then ensued an hour's fierce argument between counsel, and in the end the judge. allowed the ques: tion. "And as T was saying," continued counsel, "you called on Mrs. Mur: phy.. Now hat (did she say?" "Nothing -- she 'was out," was the reply. * "far between indeed. "every hundred the than any other CHOICE FRUIT TREES AND SMALL FRUITS Ornamental Trees, Shrubs Evergreens, Roses, Perennials, (lads & Cannas Lage & Complets Btoeck of All Titading Varieties 500 Acres under Cultivation See our Local Agent or Write for Free Catalogue' Planting dulde 0. H, PRUDHOMME & 3048 Ln ' BEAMSVILLE, Ont tario, I" ' ISSUE 13 ~ 1948 to answer for too. But personally" e would be inclined to say that weak- minded referecing is mainly re- sponsible. : * * * With a. mob of wildeeved ring- siders shricking for a knockout, it takes real nerve for a referee to stop a bout when one of the fighters is badly battered---and officials with that sort of courage are very few and In recent years "The Manly Art of Self. Defence" has developed ito a pretty rotten racket, and if they were to do away with the whole smelly mess we for "one--wotldn't be inclined to shed too many hitter tears. * * There was a timé when we tried to flatter our self-esteem by saving that we went to fights Lecause we admired fast footwork znd. skilful boxing. But we know better than that now. Like ninety. nine out of fight fans it's the prospect of the "Kill™ which gets us; and the memory of Jack Dempsey battering somehody like Willard to the canvas time after time will prob- ably remain in our memory after we've forgotten the cleverest hoxer we ever laid eyes upon. x ot [8 Suge sigh of Spring is the annual smoking up of the Kentucky Deriy-- the great "classic" abopt which there is probably more nonsense written sports cvent. And af Farm's "Citation" is anything like as good as is claimed, it would appear to be all over but the shouting. Coupled with Je- witch" --if she starts--"Citation"" will likely be one of the shortest-priced favorites ever to go to the post, and it wouldn't he surprising to sce them the , Calumet " "finish one-two. §* * * * And if "Bewiteh" should happen to get down in front. it will wark only the second time a filly has won the Derby in all its lengthy history, "Re- gret® was the name of the little lady who turned the trick and that was away back in 1915. There will be one Canadian-owned starter--E., P. Taylor's "Jacopet" hut we imagine all he's likely to get ont of it is a few minutes of healthy exercise, HEMORRHOIDS 2 Special Remedies by the Makers of Mecca Ointment Mecea Pile Remedy No. 1 ig for Protruding Bleeding Piles, and ia sold in Tube, with Pipe: oe vr 3hd appt ation; Price'750. Mecca Pil is for External Itching Pil "Sold n Road a is-for extetrial usd only, Price 50c, by number from your Druggist. Clagitiod Advertising AGENTS WANT! "OILS GRE ASF, TIRES BRAY March chicks What better choice for 1 Iie Avy woducfion next fall and winter? Insecticides. Electr ic Fee Controjl * aise » . and Barn Paint. Roo Coatings, ete. Deal- | WV! ih 3 are bet : Don Luan till the ers wanted. Write VW .irco Grease & Od Limi | 13st minute. Started, dayold, Bray Hatchery ted. Toronty 130 John N., Hamilton Ont es An old established chick hatchery wishea | BARRY Chicks froin an ROP. icedihg Farm, agents in some districis Liberal commis, It pays to buy the best White Leghorn slon paid. increase your income Write Box | Pullety 3c Heavy Breeds Mixed 15¢, UCullets No. 1, 13 Addiotde Bt W., Torento 260, Cox be. Satisfaction guaranteed. Blea - EER bel m H te hery Blenheim, Ont "BY SINESS "OPPORTU NITIE SN El = x pr ------ rr OYE a 'AND cL EANING AN OFFER (10 every loventor--L at of tnven- | ---- eee ree es tions and full Information sent free The HAVES You anything needs dyeing or clean. Ramsay Co. Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 ing" Write to us for Juformation. We are Bank Street, "Onawa. glad to answer your questions Department TT" |'H; Parker's Dye Works Lhmited 791 Yonge "RAW "FURS Str Toronto, Ontard Muskrat and Beaver 'ate In good demand | = a sas Ll For (0p prices gnd prompt returas ship your raw furs to Alan James, Lindsay. Ont hT IMPROVE" YOUR INCOME Exceptional opportunity for ambitions person | A to develop own business handling profitable line, Blue brand Products, 7127 Alexandra HARLEY. DAVIDSON Street, Mont MOTORCYCLES UABY CHICKS t Parts and Service Bern EE Kenoedy & Bom 11y College St Toronto 4 ~ FOUR- WEEK-( OLD PULLETS IRE Two, thrive. four week and older puilels BROAD. BREASTED BRONZE February batched Start with early bathed TURKEY POULTS chicks nnd get the high prices for egus next Kescrve ycur order tor 1¥4s We tuned Summer and early Fall Large T + White | de orders tor 60 000 Poults last season Leghorns and seven other pop Leeds ult hatched (in brand new special tor Send tour price list, Management Guide and | Key incubators, all turkeys (rio chicks) We catalogue and book your order now exject there will be more money In turkeys ~ ~ " a in 1348 than 1947 as il Is likely feed prices LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM wil. be chicaper next summer when the new E XETER ONT ARIO crop comes along Bend for (urkey manage pone: ment guide and orice Ist and book your 2V5¢ HURONDALE 'CHICKS 12L4¢ | mrder for 1948 DADDY (HICKS EST quality. Dark, No. 12 tins 4 Ib for 'W, Box 38, plar Li iteders blond tested, banded. and T > ») spected, and backed by high pedigreed toand LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH ation stock Sussex x New Hamp... Kock EXETER ONTARIO I New damp, Hired Boche' Sew Hao \WRTTERY OFEDATED Hadle Sei for aale ed 14c. pullets zie Large type Leghorns Deforest Crossley. Corona model. 8 tubes mixed 12%¢ pullets 26c. All heavy breed | #Pecially equipped with Romaco Lliminator cockerels dc, Medium breed 2c $100 per | 107 us with either storage battery or dry 100 down balance C.O D. Order (rom and |S¢'1s New cost over $300 Make offer A enclose this ad fine and lasting «ft Box 151. 73 Adelaide Ww. Toronto Hurondale Chick Hatchery pr Seeds that are dependable or Gard 'n Lovers, London Ontario Market Gardeners: Write for our free oat: log Ontar! Seed any. Waterloo. Order Your Baby Chicks Now | uaa, Ontarle Heed Company ' Our Breeds are \White Leghorn, Hampshire | -------- Te EE am Christie eclrain, Hamp x Rock, Sussex x CHERRY LOGS Hamp, Rock x Leghorn. All chicks are guar- YOR " ; 30 anteed and are bred from blood tested high Davam for cash Write Box 304. Fergus. producing stock. 8end for pricelist or phone . -- no Row: soe Hatchery, Poole, Ont. Phone 87 COTTON TOWELS - ! Ble ached, (rom flour and sugar bage, hem ROCK COCKERELS 3c med, 17" x 34" per daz $240: 2 dozen For March and April, fast feathering and bred for livability our Barred Rocks are and fast growth. Hanes Poultry Farm, Jerseyville, TIRED Alaska, tier and Ontario, : er "Oats: CE RTIFIE D Beacon, and = - Beaver Oats, and Montcalin Barley; COM- LAKEVIEW CHICKS FOR 1918 [MERCIAL No. 1 and No. 2 Cartier, Ajax, from a real 1aying and breeding plant, over | Beaver, Alaska, Vieland, Banner and Vie 10,000 wvrecders inspected, panded and oleod | tory Oats, Galore, Barboff and OAC. 21 tested Many customers have had years of | Buley, COMMERCIAL No 1 0.AC. 18] continuous success with Lakeview Chicks | Peas CANN'S Mill La... Exeter, Ontario This yeur 1t may be even more hmportant to > S bulls cal ne aa buy the vest. Mr and Mrs Norman Moliad ATRSHOIE P. balls WE 6 LAL RES, of Paakhill," Ontario, have had 13 conseed | yin Ontario tive years ot continuous success with Lake NS - ---- view Chicks Why can't you too? Sturt | FARM 100 acres rich clay m. 100 acres your chicks early There will be nu shortage hardwood bush, good buildings With or of eggs next Fall and prices are tound to be J stock and tmplements James higher Send tor large Wustrated catalogue Maknetawan, Ont - and Poulir Management Guide with big " early order ? ie ounts WA TCH THE M GROW LAKEVIEW PQULTRY FARM in a new-"Aransparent Blectiie Poult y rood " er S00 capacity Very econpihreal Write WEIN BROS. I EXETER . ONT. for descriptive literature. Black Flectric and INVESTIGAT E Mannaf: ine Cturing, I » _Waoaed chk, Ont Refore sou place your chick order Today hopnore, Power Ment Hadvg-=Now, N : be ftepairs. The Scale Shop, 631 "Bay as never beiore it pays to buy quality Gaines torth's Chicks have been the choice of pare SS -- gi reper. ticular poulirymen for 21 years Send for far Latham ry canes, our free catalogue and price list today. The ver hundred, Premier Strawberries earlier you start your chicks, the more pro- | 3200 ver hundred. A. Crowle. ITE. 1, [slink fits they will make for you. We have ten, Om Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, Light HI- POWERED RIFLES Sussex, White lLeghorne, |. Sussex x N. % Hamp, B Rock x N. Hamp, and XN [Converted aporting models. Fxevilent cond) Hamp, x GB Bock--all approved chlcls toon | Uon £35.00 cach, Satlsfaction. Guaranteed vullortum tosted breeders. Wie to Gain Wey vorefunded, Write for descriptive forth's Hate hery Box 120W, 'Trenton, Gp- | P00 s tario Producers of good Laby chicky since SCOPES SALES CO.. LLL CN UA QUEEN ST. OTTAWA, ONT. BABY CHICK BUYERS BOWMAN'S "Rub, an effective Treinedy for Be sure that sou order the usual nwmeber of | 8inus trouble. (lu. swollen glands. bronghitle, chicka this scason, We are certain that] weak eyes, awollen. throat .Addres 259 profits will in ide by adv i who get Queen St. Wo Toronto, Price $1.0 no. started on the right track. Monkwon Poult TT TT TT DIM De Farm is a government approved (arm Hi PUMPS, ETC. chicks are healihy, vigorous, have fast de- | McDougall shailow and dep well svaterns, velopaent and the mecessary Lreading for | Cleon or gasoline powered, only $116.00 com- high e¢sy production Write for our cata. | vere with tan Clinton gasoline engines, 214 lozue and price list. Monkton $oultry Farms, | DP. on Contractors pompea Farm Monkton Ontario . hshiting = sy 110 volt, only £05 00 Send TT - -- - for Buy direct from factory ON A YLIAIL pound basta your ea » i Save of the best turnovers from yom ven come fe ny AG HINERY . moditics Yors canstart an the ponitey host | Company Lafited, - Dept. **7 sto Laurent ness with loss capital, with lower Labour cost | (Montreal hi Que, or Dept. 7", "tf Inductrial than any other turn commodity and witnon | Street, Lenside, _Toronte are rising poultry for CEH y ny |e busi . .. vies, ete. New Write Box or fer meat purposes you shoul y remanent Sa good quality chicks, We bave Nowin 310, 000 45 mles north of Toronto. 200 pure breeds to choose from: Black 3 acres with banked barn, 26x60. Anconas, Drown Leghorns White | horn and lovely Saroomed cobblestone hone, 175 Burdéd Rocks, White Rocks New Hampshices, | acees exeellont clay loam, alidant water Bhode Tsland Reds, White Wyandottes, Light { stppiy, hydro available, Inunediate posses Sus ex, Black Australorps, J © White | sion Anply Cameron, Sutton, Ontario. Giants, Also 12 cioss breeds in day old, two | REGIST don Retriever Se $4.00; n b doz. y-Products, 93 Ontario 8t $10.00, add 25¢ slipping. charge. 0. Henderson Oatarlo. OK SALE WATERY ) Threabing Machine, aes T3345, \\ thea 2 Vistar 2040, D. M. Liod- Ba 15 Amherst Ave Toromo DOBERMAN Puppien. wiize sock, 3% months ld, real trearune unsurpassed for guards, pet show Fifiy dollars up, to kind overs Dr. Harvi 19 Hawthorne, Tot- onto JOIN our jong list of satiofied customers for Fruit Ties Evergreens and Rosea, ety Order Free catalogue A. Hull & Son, Central Nurseries, St. Catherines, Ontario, ( MARKSMAN Thousand-Shol Air Rifles. Ex- pert construction. Shipped anywhere $5.95. 24s a4n0p Agency, 1340 Gerrard Elst, Toc t ¥ onto sale ra wiite for _notations. CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 3 FIRE TRUCKS I tenders, marked" "Fire Teueks' will ved by the undersigned up to 6 pm, the following Fire Trucks . 1948, for nt Arthur One 1913 Seag 600 1 100 H Hose Truck remodellad laleG P.My Rotary Gear {4 oylinder Btearns Motor; rave capacity 2.000 feet Weight 13,899 Two wheel brakes; Chain drive; 20 . foot. suction hose One 1312 American LaFrance City Service Ladder Truck: 100 1. 6 Cylinder Motor; Two wheel brake Chain drive; Equipment: On Gal. Chenea t 'Panks 150 1. % inch ho Wood Ladders: One 60-foot extension with poles: One 45-foot extension with poles; (3 foot extension: One 18-foot exten- al Ludders: One 30 foot, or oot fort, One 20-foot; Root kul Wi (8 Onn 16 foot; One 12. 1 fin BK various lengths Any further information required can be obta I from: the Fie Chief, Port Arthur, The highest or any terder not necessarily 4) pred vrthur HL HAIRDRESSING LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson method, Information on request regarding clavaes. Robertson's Hairdressing Academy, 137 Ave nue oad Toronto, : f i MEDICAL hE - we np ---------- [Lh NATURE'S Help-- Dixon's Remedy for Rheu- ATR matic uns, Neuritis Thousands praising - na 3 | it. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin Ottawa. {te Posty vid $1.00 yy hy GOOD Rte olution sufferer of Rheu- ' TY matic Pains or Neurliis should try Dixon's PAN Remedy Munro's Drug Store, #35 Elgin, IRR Ottwd. Postpald $1.00 03 FOR WOMEN "or PORTUNITIE BE A "HAIRDRESSER . CE JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn . Hairdressing dignifled profesfion, Pleasant kood wagea, thou ands successful Marvel graduates. IRA Amierlea's greatest system. Illustrated cata. Paid logue free. Write or Call 53 SA MARVEL HAIRDRESSING 2 SCHOOLS te Gloor sh. WwW, 358 tranches Toronto 4 ' Hamilton, iF 24 § FETHERSTONAUGH & Jompany, Patent is tat 3 Solicitors, Eatablished 18390. 14 King Weat, NEG Toronto Raoklet of information on. request. Ai) i -- Daa a i ; tNONAT INAS CELIAC Coming Before Christ', winder ful 3 [he book free. Megiddo Mission, Rochesger 14, UR N.Y. Pr. NY. 1) ASTROLOGY, Palmistry, 16 Mutual Bt, B09 ust norte 'n_St, Toronto 4. PIIOTOGRAPHY a A Wil. thot ie los JN 5 "One Roll Film Free ty Special offer during March with every two gh ah films sen' to us to he developed and printed, #25200 . FILMS DEVELOPED bs and printed, 3 3ic PER ROLL pi of 3 exposures. All prints made Larja. DOURLE THE SIZE a Only 30c ff prints of ordinary size dealred, - Write us far cameras and supplice, we carry a complete stock, Just arrived, Flash Units for Brownie Reflex, $5 for Anmco Ploneoe $4 25 for Kodaks $7 e anada Photo Sup- Mie ax LOCAL wl repiesentative wanted foe wonthly publication with reader coverage "eo in sour locality Substantial commission are ranzenint on exclusive County contract. Full detatis to Amncley. Advertising Agenclea, Ning Richmond ast, Poronto MEN and women want to arell made-to- FINISHES tabi oats, direct to customer, no expericice nesded, good commission. Cata- logue 11 e Delco Rubber Co, Box 224, hitrepont, Po WOMAN © cook im a Naising Home. Please ant surrounding Fifty Dollars monthly, Rox 341, Paris -- TMANTED LIVE ANIMALS WANTED Cash tor snnall wild game. Cub Bears, Young Deer, Biss, any animat suited for Childrens" VAD teply stating description and price, Mr, Blake Metra, 31 Add Ave, Brantford, Ont. DAIRY FARM WANTED 200 or more cores. Possession Mar, 1, 1949 or Pall 1243 nty heip, machinery and stock for 400 -n «Could eare for elderly couple. Prefer casy terms for 6 years, What have you' Parliament Bros, Duntroon, Ont, and three week old and other pnlels 8 wee sin dogs See February Out nr Life. Best to laying. ree catalogue. Top Note Ch oh Vinerican and English bloodlines Charles Sales, Guelph. Ontario, Younsz, 60 (UNeil Street. Chatham, Ont, THIS YEAR every chick must be worth ity CERTIFIED Beacon Oats, Gri le 1. $3.00 per feed, VVith Big Rock Farm chicks yon can bu. Bags free! Thess oats wan the highest produce MORE BEGGS with less feed, MOIR | Yield in 177 Wellington €o. 75 bn Oat Com- EGGS with les. work, MOR iS with leas i petitton. Very sf otrawed. Registered Gal- equipment. / Lotter bred Rock Farm fore Barley, Bord generation $0 pei bu. John chicks will automatically in co osour esi Watson, 1204, Gaelph, Ont. x yield without raising addit chicks or | keeping more layers. Write for price list and : calendar i BIG ROCIO FARM, Alle" Roches, Ont SAVE feed and cateh up with gome of our well started two and three week old chicks in| non-sexed, pullets or cockerels, for imme di ate or later delivery. Special Prices. Tw Chick Hatcheries Limited, Tergus, Ontario. BARRED ROCK CHICKS Now 1s the time to order your preduction bred chicka. Pullets 22¢, Mixed llc, Cockerels Go. All breeders have been blood tested for pul- lorum disense Hillerest Hatchery, 12 No. 1. Copiiwall, Ont a AE THER] good money In succes ful poultry raising. Lets _admit--that_pot all poultry raisers make big money, but the fact remains that there are thousands of succes: ful poultry raisers who are making big money--and you can do the same. In poultry raising success means profits--and success begging with the right kind of chicks--chicks bred to produce top quality meat and eggs in highly profitable amounts. Tweddle chicks have those profit. making qualities bred right into thom And that's no empty boast. It is'a true fact, The fact. that so many of Canada's nost success i ful poultry raisers have been buying Tweddie 2 oF chicks year after year Is proof. that scientific A breeding make them a good investment thot WIN st SCRATCHING wd bik "dividends. That's Just Why any dea Relieve Itch' in a Jiffy chicks won't do when you can get Tweddles, Hie All Indications point to lower. feed prices, and : dx hi > ( H L 4 a Ey Sl [gta tl ALSO AVAILABLE ht HoT uling measly eid is the year to fill your brooder houses. Prompt TINS hye EIN © Prdinsry wreath og extralsl 3 Engh), delivery on day old, two and three 'week old IN Ya POUND Ak 3 fr SH uickly, $5¢ trial al botile proves Started Fhicks, Fi Disre . Jotun os <) itor money back. Ask your druggist for to laying. Send for catalogue, weddle {x 1 NEE 0.0%. Frasertodion. Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. A N } "; : \ RS oh hl. \ ¥ We ial Mut I AND JEFF--Oh well, it's a lake shore hotel anyway. oo By BUD FISHER \ » : saad 3 N Ss I WANT You | 1 WANT BASS! ("DONT FORGETY! ) HH ME A NICE ( | STRIPED BASS! 176 GOTTA H DINNER! 78 | | AND.I1T's GOTTA] | gg : FRESH! EA COTTA BE FRESH! |_BE FRESH! 5 : EN Re - . TNE: Ah i Hie Rasa RR hey a J A Fa CARR A 3 3 he : / / : / df SLE 53 ' Ww 3 Ww 3 ha d 3 Ps ' / i (43 p Why Lf ~ - / 2 \ 5 ON / A ' AAA HEY A *e : JANE A 43 : a La a bh Wu Le EAT ".

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