Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Dec 1948, p. 8

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SE AA A rT ror reer. Aden mA SL pl IAC oe eR oA ph BT ng pn SE Fe eT te, AE RES ir rr Shey ig ne Pe rN POT yn i | -- Ay Men Co Pl ng: BT AR tn v - N SLEOSS €or i JV : 'Phones: Queen Street, Port Perry. -. GLIDDEN PAINT--- PORT PERRY 00 OE s Lake Seugog Lumber & Coal Co., Limited Phone 240 w i TW BY O(N FW WE [ON UM OF INN ma TIL o LED on IO FOR YOUR HOLIDAY BAKING ' use PICKERING FARMS | Pure Kettie-Rendered Lard r | u your most economical shortening ] | 20 1b. Pail -- $5.49 } B® (Can be obtained at Whitby Plant or Toronto Store . [| ' KE Bn fl [| 8 Pickering Farms Ltd. . 'm Phone Whitby 336, night or day WHITBY, ONT. H [| TORONTO - 792 Queen Street, Kast Vaumim: mim: a n¥ PIANO TUNING V. P. STOUFFER Piano Actions Repaired and Regulated . Phone 80 Port Perry INSURANCE Whatever your insurance needs may' be, consult ' "H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 "Pert Perry NENEEEENNEERNANE ANE ESEESE Leonard's Cleaners WHITBY, ONT. Let us take care of your cleaning problems.® Over 3b years exper ience at your disposal. We will be pleased to call at your door any Tuesday or Satur day. Four Day Delivery Service. PHONE 325 PORT PERRY. ARAGON RESTAURANT EEENENSENANAEN EEE ERE DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON 'Over Bell Telephone Office, Queen St., Port Perry Office 6Bw; Reaidence 68) Surge Milkers MERRILL ROSS Authorized Surge Sale and Service MYRTLE STATION Phone 33 r 14 Brooklin RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS, K.C. 6 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry Office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Phone 94 DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG . DENTIST . Queen Street Phone 237 Port Perry. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In thé matter of the Estate of Wilford | Arthur Jemison, late of the Village of . Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Baker, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Wilfred Arthur Jemison, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Baker, de- ceased, who died on or about the 8th day of November, 1948, at the City of Toronto, in the County of York, are hereby notified to file such claims, to- gether with full particulars thereof with the undersigned solicitor on or before the 80th day of December, A.D. 1948, Immediately after the said date the assets of the deceased will be distributed amongst the persons en- "titled thereto, having regard only to " _ claims of which the solicitor shall Aho have notice, to the exclusion of all others. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this . 26th day of November, A.D. 1048, ARTHUR W. 8. GREER, K.C,, Box 181, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitor for the above Estate. decl6 W. J KING Chiropractor and Drugless Therapis. UXBRIDGE. ONTARIO King and Cedar Streets Pheas 138 : . W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 'Office Upstairs, over C. SBleep's Insurance Ofiles. DS HORSES AND CATTLE WANTED 7 day service for dead and crippled horses. and cattle. Up to $16.00, "| according to size and condition, Horses for slaughtering purposes, $20.00 to $60.00 each. "All horses are well cared for and humanely- slaughtered. Phones: 95 r 21, Uxbridge 76d, Port Perry " H. ELSON, Uxbridge maylb DR. ED. BAILEY VETERINARY SURGEON' Uxbridge and Port Perry +- Phone 127, Uxbridge Reverse charges on all phone calls to me, : OF ALL KINDS | Eavestroughing, Asshalt Siding Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Phone 261 Port Perry ARTHUR W.-8. GREER, K.C.! in-attendance at my Port Parry 'office on Wednesday ' morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry. Phone 25 NOTICE TO FARMERS (24 hour service) We pay -as high as $10.00 for dead or crippled horses or cows, according to size and condition. Small animals removed free. No trouble for the farmer. We do the loading. Old Horses 2c. per lb. For prompt service, Phone (collect) 2 r 8, Wobdville ED PECONI ARGYLE ONT. Prince Albert Greenhouse FLOWERS for the Holiday Season Poinsettias, Azaleas, Lady Mac Begonias Christmas Cherry African Violets. Cyclamen te, IN' POTTED PLANTS. reer We believe the qualit pd is ver CUT FLOWERS. are Slightly to A able to e following: than usual, but we-ho fill all orders for MUMS, both commercial and Pompon, ROSES, CARNATIONS and SNAPS. « CHRISTMAS WREATHS Phone 174 ¢ 1-1 ' Port Perry. fine. mt Sy nt -------- LUMSER-:=-BUILDER'S wwe J NOW is the time to do that Repair job. We have in stock: DRY SPRUCE FLOORING and SIDING ASPHALT SHINGLES and ROLL ROOFING. AQUELLA--To waterproof your basément. MODERNITE TIL EROARD) for kitchens and bathrooms. Try our Glidden Cleaner. Sr -- CLASSIFIED ADS APPLES FOR SALE--No. 1 Cooking and Eating Apples. Will deliver. Ap- ply Bill Wakeford, Phone 314J, Port 'erry. 'dec. 30 SAND AND GRAVEL Mr, Ellsworth Kennedy, has taken over the W. H Party. busi- ness, and is prepared to look after your wants of sand and gravel, and will appreciate your patronage. Phone 322, Port Perry. nov 18tf Apply Star Office. Dec.16 FOR SALE--Men's Ski Boots, size 5, practically new. Apply Wentworth Watson, Port Perry. ' ' FOR SALE--New three room cottage, sitting room, bedroom, kitchen and small pantry. Electric lights, brick siding, asphalt room. Price $9756. Im- mediate possession, Mrs. Keeler, Allen St., Port Perry. FOR SALE--$340.00 down, balance { Good heater, Leaskdale, Ont. 7'miles north of Ux- bridge, Phone Uxbridge 162 r 15. FOR SALE-- Boy's Skates, size 5, and girl's skates, size 6, white with fur tops. Both these pairs are in ex- cellent condition. Also 2 pairs of men's skates, sizes 8-and 9. Apply Lou Bond, Phone 246 r 2-1, Port Perry FOR SALE--Massey-Harris "Rite- way' Milking Machine, used one year. Stewart Sheep Clippers, hand power. Renfrew Washing Machine, good as new. Earl Bradburn, Burketon, Ont., Phone 165 r 4, Port Perry. LOST--Female Hound, with Beagle markings, white, black, some brown. Has small 'scar on tip of nose, and answers to name of Gypsy. Anyone Milton Butson, Port Perry, 256J, and make two little girls happy. FOR SALE--New Plumbing Fix- tures of all kinds -- Tubs, Toilets, Basins, Sinks, et, .Leaskdale Garage, Leaskdale, unt, Phone 162 r 15, Ux- bridge. 'easy. terms, '41° Ford « Coach, new heater. Leaskdale - Garage, Leask- dale, Ont,, 7 miles north of Uxbridge, Phone" Uxbridge "162717160 ROOM AND BOARD available for adults. Apply Port Perry Restaurant "FOR SALE--Man's Leather Wind- breaker, size 44-36. © Man's. Hockey Boots and Skates, size 6;- Lady's Hockey Boots and Skates, size 5; Child's Boots and Skates in first class condition, almost new, size 12, Con- | tact Charles Reesor, Port Perry. contractor,' FOR SALE Men's Muskrat lined coat. +'inest quality. Like new. Very reasonable easy terms, '38 Hudson coach; motor body, and rubber all in perfect shape.' Leaskdale Garage, knowing her whereabouts please phone FOR SALE-- $420.00 down, balance }- motor, hay and tires perfect, good + MAN WANTED for Rawleigh busi- ness. Real opportunity. e help you get start ~ Write Rawleigh, Dept. ML-L-343- 131, Montreal. : WANTED TO BUY-- Horses, old and cripple"; highest price, plus bonus if delivered at Tyrone. able to kill at your farm, - Dead farm oR removed within an hour, Call us ¢ol- lect. Margwill Fur Farm, Bowman- ville. Phone 2679. "FOR SALE-- Massey-Harris Rite- way Milker, in Al condition, Phone 114 r'3, Port Perry. dec28 WANTED-Immediately, First Class Tinsmith, good wages and' working conditions. Brock St., South, Whitby. dec30 FARM FOR_SALE-- 50 acres, all workable, good housé, barn, implément shed, large chicken house, very good spring creek; also 30 fruit trees, Im- mediate possession, - Best offer ac- Satieds Lot 6, Con, 6, Reach Township. (Mrs. . Jackson, R.R.1, Port Ferry. jan 13 FOR SALE -- $485.00 down, "48Y h er; a lovely car;j-only gone 1100 miles, TE 45 miles to the gallon, new car guar-1 antee. 7. miles. north of Uxbridge,' Uxbridge 162 r 16, "LOST--Medium sized Brown Hound with greyish muzzle. . Lost in vicinity of Raglan to Burketon. Reward. Phone Oshawa 4141 J 3. FOR SALE--Leather Winter Coat, 3 length, has quilted lining and sheep skin collar, in good condition, Will fit boy 12 or '14. 'Also Boy's hockey boots and skates, size 8, new last year. 3 Phone 206J FOR SALE--Baby's Bathenette in good condition... - Phone 82. I'OR SALE--Baby Sleigh with back and sides, real good condition; Baby's brown .iron crib. Eureka Vacuum Cleaner. All in good condition, - Mrs. D. Doyen, Phone 135, 3 Phone 7 OWNSHIP OF SCUGOG Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List Voters' Lists, 1948, Municipality of = - Apply Geo. Hamers, 212} Standard Roadster, South Wind Heat-" 5 Leuaskdale Garage,. Leaskdale, I The Woman's Association held its December meeting in the basement of thé' Church last Thursday at 8 p.m. After the devotional period, reports of the Christmas card sale, ~-Wear-ever brush demonstration; strawberry fes- tival, and othér business. was satis- factorily disposed of, then followed the election of officers. for 1949--Presi- dent, Mrs, H, E. Walker; Vice-Presi- dent Mrs. Earle Ballard; Devotional President, Mrs, Geo, Mitchell; Sec'y, Mrs. Fred Ballard; Rec. See.,, Mrs, E. Ackney;. Treas.,. Mrs. Bob Walker; pianist, Mrs. R. Sandison.- A hearty vote of thanks was tendered the re- tiring officers who have proved them- selves very efficient. A dainty lunch was served by group 2, and we feel we htid da most sucdessful year 'and have bright visions for 1949. Many thanks to Collins brothers for cutting the church wood last Saturday. The euchre and dance in Memory lucky prize winners were from Port Perry and Greenbank. The third and last call to the Christ- mas tree and concert in Memory Hall, Friday night, Dec. 17th, at 8 p.m, in Hall. Please bear that in mind. Sunday next, at 2'p.m., we will en- joy a Christmas sermon, No matter how many times the old, old story of LChristmas is repeated, its always new. The church officials met- with Ep- |g om and Bethesda last Friday night in Epsom basement and had a review of the year's work among the churches; which proved very satisfactory. We are very thankful to report so much has been accomplished in .a year, and are lpoking forward to still greater im- provements in 1949, Rev. Mr, Atkin- son, Uxbridge, presided. bert, recent guests of Mrs. E, Kendall, on Sunday. Scugog, County of Ontario Notice is hereby given'that I. have complied with Sec. 8 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my entitled to vote in the said municipality list remains there for inspection. any errors or omissions corrected, ac- cording to law before the 24th day of December, 1948. "office at Scugog, on the 4th day of" December, 1948, the list of all persons _ at municipal elections, and that said ' ] VERSATILE ACTRESS Mona O'Hearn, attractive young, And 1 hereby call on all voters to Toronto actress, whose ability and; take immediate proceedings to have 'talent make her much in-demand on CBC drama programs in both lead- ing and character roles. . She is heard regularly on 'Thursdays as Judy in ..the Trans-Canada network serial dra- * RALPH MILER, Clerk ma John and Judy. 3. - ~ MERCURY SALES & Vacuum cup type." LINCOLN SERVICE Christmas Gifts ~ SEE OUR DISPLAY OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS Moffat Electric Ranges of various Models ~ Moffat Essotane Gas Ranges i 2-%3 Easy Washing Machines, including the well known 3 : 'Radios and Household Appliances, including Vacuum Cleaners & Floor Polishers, | Car Robes, Bicycles, etc. \ Firestone Snow & Mud Grip Tires in popular sizes Williams Motor Sales ~ METEOR PHONE 74 Hall last Friday drew a big crowd. The 4 of Uxbridge, guests of Miss Christie & "PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16th, 1948 - -- Lakeview Theatre, Port. Petry, Ont. Two Shows Nightly--7 and 9. Saturday Matinee at 2 p.m. Randolph Scott In the Mighty All in THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SAT. DECEMBER 16-17-18 "CORNER CREEK" SPORTS and CARTOON, and Marguerite Chapman Outdoor Adventure Story Beautiful Colour POODLE * MONDAY, In the .MCITY Pere sre rests ster setts r reset terttstenrterttstr estates eet ssss or fire place. the ash is very Office Phone 7 3. Mr. and Mis. R. Butson, Prince Al-[§" Fred and Mrs. Ackney and Phyllis, [g§ ~~ TUESDAY, WED., DECEMBER 20-21-22 James Cagney and Ann Sheridan oxeiting Action Drama OR CONQUEST" - SHORT PICTURES Alberta Coal # This CANADIAN Fuel in the handy Briquette form is ideal for cook stove, heater, furnace It is quick to ignite and olinker in a carload. REESOR' S FUEL & LUMBER PORT PERRY [90 S000 00GAMMIESOOSIII SENSE EOS SEY 2 3 fine. There is not a Residence 313W PIC THEM ALL K OF Stove & Fuel Oil, RAY OPOROROROPOPOPOPOPOPOH oO = 2%, 00 0% 4% 0 OROBOPOBIBOSC OBOBOSOSTASSOM0 - GASOLINE DELIVERED TO FA Reresone - BIRKETT 0% 2% <%.1% 4% 3% 1% 3% 10+" 470.1% 4% 4% 2% 2%5.4%8 1% 2% +5 +" +5 +" +%0 +" +s 1% +" DOBRO HIRD SIIOSOA ABS HCOPOBOIOBOBIBOBOBIAOBOID A Coal w Welsh Co ALBERT Low in A STOP A NEW COAL HITS ONTARIO, No this is not a Soft Coal, but the first Hard . Coal from the West. PORT PERRY COAL & ICE LOOK READ ith an analysis being, compared with § hie CASCADE COBBLES from # sh, high in B.T.U's., Priced Right NOW ON SALE AT - PHONE 289 DE I ET E) Water WE SELL & S Le Phone 111 Port Perry Electric Washing Machines, Radios, Ranges, Motors, EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL. Pump Systems. ERVICE RADIOS AND 1st Door EN, of Hotel. : Open on Sundays Our XMAS CAK Boxed Can uGhooolate Phone 32. Taylor's Restaur nt "The Place to Eat when away from Hom FULL COURSE MEALS - LIGHT LUNCHES, plain, any size of cake. ~ Bulk candy and oandy canes. Saturday Special : SODA FOUNTAIN NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES I] os E is now ready. - Iced or in dy, Xmas wrapped SECS SOROS EOSORORUBORO Date Layer Cake' Gerrow Bros. Bakery "Where You Cet The People's Meat Market FRESH and CURED MEATS of ALL KINDS the Choloest in Meats' Phone 72w, W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER PORT PERRY

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