Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 Sep 1949, p. 3

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a sot {i nS PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER lst, 1949 | Ld & 4 s Having a Coke Is Better Than Thinking About It os ments were served and sociability pre- | cottage, and we were glad to have ' custom-made upholst reraft vailed throughout the remainder of her at our Service and also several Rousseau 8 do Two Flos. ra : : ; For several years, this Whitby firm the evening. others that are regular attendants. y . by Lo ' +Mrs, Geo. Smith and Lloyd Smith, Ansons Going to run by Louis Rousseau has been re ceivin Mr. and Mrs. Les Smith and Mr, and | MP and Mrs. Ralph Mier, Miss |(C ba a hady Sein of onde Nettie Melnychuck, Mr.. Doug Aldred, from Toronto aircraft firms. All this Mrs. H. Painter were Saturday guests | y 8 od business is strictly "made-to-order." . : Mr. C, Hardy and Mr. F. Dowson all at. the McClellan-Painter wedding in, y a q i Willowdale. Freshvterish Church € 4 Arrived home from their motor trip to |The latest order, just now being com 1 teandod- ths vy Wi » 8n i Saskatchewan. John Hardy, Leonard Another noteworthy contribution |pleted, is for supplying of the uphol- also attende e reception in Prince has been made by Rousseau Uphol- [stery for two Ansons which will be Arthur House, in Toronto. Hope and Glen Demara have secured : ) onto work with the harvest so will return |St€fY to the little known trade of used in Cuba, later. - Miss Doris Gibson, Mr. Norman Scugog McKay and Mr. Wallace" Graham of Rev. J. R. Bick used for his fine Toronto spent the week-end with Mr, message on Sunday morning, "They Land Mrs. George Hulcoop. Pitched their Tents toward the Sun-] About 256 children are holidaying rise." The duet that Jean Samells 'at 7 Mile Island, and with their parents and Yvonne Milner sang, "Beyond the had a sports day on Saturday after- Sunset", was very well done. noon-- pony riding, costume parade (Oshawa Times-Gazette) P! &, FOR LOWER PRICES on Lumber, Sash, Doors ie A visitors Book has been added to our Church Service by the Rev. Bick and had'a good start on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gerrow being the first names, The evening service will be at the Head Memorial Church at 7.30. A Rally Day Service is being plan- ned for the 256th of September, in Grace 'Church. A Baptismal will be part of the service which will be of interest. A family night will be held in the basement on Friday evening September 23rd-- watch for further notice. Little Kenneth Hulcoop had the mis- fortune to get a bean in his ear that they could not get out, so had to go to Oshawa Hospital to have it removed. home of Mr. and Mrs, Joe Dowson on Wednesday, September 7th. The Roll Call will be answered by a "Health Hint", and the lunch will be in charge The Head W.A. will be held at the | and many other stunts which were very amusing to watch, Mrs. Kirch and little Shirley and Wayne is spending this month in Mr, Lines cabin on his farm. George Hulcoop Jr, spent the week- end at the home of Mr, Pugh, near Fenelon. Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hope and child- ren visited his sister Mr. Hubert Long on Sunday, Donald and Marie Long returning home with them. Now Ron- ald and Helen Hope are spending this week with Donald and Marie Long. Silo filling is the order of the day, jbut it is not the work it used to be for (the housewife, .as a number of the farmers fill their own, as with thres- The Scugog folks" are glad that there will be'a Hospital in Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Werry and Janice and Paddy of Toronto is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tetlow and Phyliss. Uxbridge, Ont. and Builders Supplies CONTACT Uxbridge Planing Mill -Phone 214J Keep your Family Spirits Soaring with i as PN yA Ee am Tn I, Hs No . v - "a - SR or ars of Mrs. Elmer Sweetman's group. All ARS to ited ESATA Re-Upholstered Furniture hs I All are glad to hear Mrs. Elmer . : , Pi EY oy [ ] 3 ~ ; Sweetman is home from Toronto Hos- PRINCE ALBERT : wi ; pital again and hope for a speedy re- Brighten up your home-in readi- 3 covery. Our Church Anniversary services ness for those cool, fall evenings. FAR Well children and Teachers this is |are set for September 18th. Further "You need not buy new, high 2 TRADE MARK REG : the last week of your holidays. Are [particulars will be given later. priced furniture. Let your old a 4 "w i) you ready for Tuesday morning Sep- Mrs. Leather of McLeod, Alberta, pieces be renewed, at low cost, by A Co K (& tember the 6th? Mrs. Beckman of [recently visited her sister, Mrs. Earl CUSTOM us. a Oshawa will be the new teacher at |Martyn. oo i : i Have our consultant-call on you ES TRADE MARA REC the Foot School, Mrs. Ralph Milner| Mrs. Henry Fielding, of Ashburn, Ae ees without obligation, and give you 4 will be at the Centre School and her [spent a few days with her sisters, Mrs.- CHESTERTIELDS x free estimate. Fs sister Miss Nettie Melnychuk at the [Collins and Mrs. Somerville. BLDIEReNs OL pod : : 3 ; Head School. Mr. and Mrs. A. Harper and Mr. piri CRAFTSMEN) "All work fully guaranteed. Aas Ey Ask for it either way . . . both A very ii Pop Sed the i wg O Nain had a Piseisns Two weeks delivery. i , ; ; ' . corn roast and dance held on Wednes- [trip to Niagara Falls at the week-end. p PHONE... : [A Po : . 'trade-marks mean the same thing. day evening at Mr. Freeman's Pavil-| Mrs. A. Bond and daughter Violet, 8 CHURCH STREET We also re-build Mattresses Ws y Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. ion, and all are invited again for Sat- |passed the week-end at their home 7, LJ i urday night, here. UXBRIDGE BEVERAGES Mog. Dont Arson. Puss Borg | Sey, tenn, of Sungrive, iy ion w is enjoying this week with her parents [ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO PHONE 2056 Phone 3344 Collect Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gerrow at their |J. Martyn. "ne 8 good reasons why PIANO TUNING V. P. STOUFFER Prospect Last Friday night, in spite of damp Surge Milkers "Office Hours: 9 am. to § p.m. DENTIST : h " Office Upstairs over C. Sleep's \ : treet evening progressive euchre was en- 7 Gan os Office. g Ph ay 8 Port P joyéd. After tally cards were gather- Piano Actions Repaired and Regulated Phone 80 Port Perry. W. A: Sangster DENTAL SURGEON MERRILL ROSS Authorized Surge Sales and Service. MYRTLE STATION Phone 388 r 1-4, Brooklin ry DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG clouds, many neighbours and friends gathered in the local school for a sur- prise party and presentation in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Les Beacock and bo§s prior to their departure from this com- munity. During the forepart of the pleasant ed and checked the result showed Mrs. oe love LZ Spacious Luggage Com- Smooth Ride --Pontiac's partment -- Plenty of room for Travelux Ride is a revelation -- loads of luggage in your Pontiac. it shortens the miles and The counterbalanced trunk lid smooths the road wherever you Jewell winner of high lady count, while Mr. Byron Holtby was awerded | BENEF IT BY THIS GOOD [gents hips vies a Burnsel Web- NEWS COMBINATION. |" "or t° consorror | SEARENEENESNRARENANRAERNANR New: WidedHoser: Tod shield -- Pontiac's wide, curved windshield, plus wider windows and slimmer pillars all around, gives you a whole new driving Economy -- Pontiac, Gen- _eral Motors' lower-priced six and eight, is not only sensibly priced, it's re- - Bousseau Uphelstery Featuring a complete AC his homens Mr, anid Mrs. Hes: go. Extra low-pressure tires and FURNITURE REPAIR and YOUR HOME TOWN PAPER for THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE cock were asked to occupy two chosen chairs at front of the school when Mr. " mowned for low operating cost mjfe after mile. floats up -- and stays up --at a touch. It's self-locking, too. wider rims add to your comfort. outlook. REFINIS G VICE -: gives you somplete, fisheniabis | Murray Holtby read the following ad- a : ocal news. Youn ow all |. 0: Klik On hand is a complete line of | yy going on where you live. Dear Grace and Les. It was with RX a Materials to choose from. But you live also in a WORLD 1... 4 that we of Prospect learned of ¢ AL . where momentous events are in your decision to leave our little com- RENE: All Work Guaranteed. the making ges SYOHLY rudh iy munity. For the past six years we eh 0 muc ys ; i . 0.4 PRES Phone 483 and we will be glad| USIR 0 RHEE YE Oyo [eve afoyed Junk Senithiv 1 ss $ "BY, al : i: many ways that we are 3 2 AN RN to consider your next repair job. Sutlsirhtive rOpIty and inierpte that friendship will still carry on as 4 Ik \ La ~ 3 Ii ations o - ; ETA = Nd We do custom building, too. tional news, there is no substitute Sour new Homer will Hoi: Ho ton Ja¢ Twin-Duct Ventilation -- Take Your Choice of four Hit [|away. Rain 'or shine, fresh outside wonderful new lines . . . the oY a) 216 Mary 8t. E, WHITBY MONITOR daily. 'There was a poem published recent- ly, entitled, "We Cannot Read His air is brought to you through twin ventilation ducts which De Fleetleader Special, Fleetleader Luxe, Streamliner and e--------======= Chieftain . . . all with Pontiac's talk-of-the-country styling -- the Plenty of Room -- Pontiac gives you worlds of room -- wider seats, can be controlled individu. ally--standard Pontiac equip- Gorgeous Interiors -- Pon- Tombstone When He's Dead", and tiac's new Bodies by Fisher are Enjoy the benefits of being ] from it we quote these lines: best informed--Ilocally, nationally, FLOOR SANDERS T0 RENT Our Rental Plan includes every- thing you need to do. a profes- internationally -- with your local paper and The Christian Science Monitor. LISTEN Tuesday nights over ABC stations to "The Christian Science Monitor Views the news." And use this coupon - "If you think some praise is due him, Now's the time to slip it to him; If he earns-your praise, bestow it; If you like him, let him know it." And it was on this principal that we are basing our thoughts and ac- tions to-nights. You have both been a wonderful help in the efforts of our ~ ment Panel are but a few as beautiful inside as out. Smart upholstery, heavy carpeting and the beautiful Dial-Cluster Instru- " ment. of the things you'll enjoy. Sp most beautiful thing on wheels! greater leg-room, ample head room. You can relax on Pontiac's soft seats. It's easy to get in gnd out through Pontiac's wide doors. sional Refinishing Job on those| teday for a special ng U.S. |church and community life, and you RS old floors. . troductory subscription, Fe Grace in our Woman's Association. : HN ) : : We want to express our appreciation Sy Custom Work Prices on request.| =~. cence Monitor, now. and may we say, the "Best of N : ; Luck" to you in your new home. RAN Phone 3744W1 OSHAWA One, Norway St., Boston 15, Mass. As a token of our "Good Wishes" ba Please send me an introd please accept this table lamp for your- RAR M. Leggette subscription to The Christian * Science Monitor -- 26 issues. En- selves, and this pin-up lamp for Don- ald and Grant. Fa close one dollar, Signed on behalf of Prospect Com- rom i RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS, K.C -- munity--Margaret and Jean Holtby. ; EY 6 Simos Street North, Osha Name Mr. and 'Mrs, Harold Holtby then, : SHA "Phone 814 ™ presented the gifts. The recipient gx. RAE ; Office] * Address pressed their feelings of thanks, also " v ; : in atten hock Pe Loe referring to the happy. relationships pr £3 : A PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS 3 > of each or by appointment. PB? { : "| that had existed during their pleasant i i : : 3 FRET Tennesse HATO R. Archer Motor Sales - Port Perr | ii Lg (EER ANNNENEASAENSNANNEREN | At the conclusion delicious refresh- 4 ° ; - 3 Ar ar CRA "ed oe

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