--- re 8 ER LOCAL ITEMS CHIROPRACTIC LADIES COMING TO PORT PERRY Word has been received that the Women's Academy of Chiropractic, are coming to Port Perry on Saturday, . September 10th, for a basket picnic and Pilgrimage. Dr. J. P. Palmer, of Davenport, lowa, be the speaker. A Band will be in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Van Gieson, of Ken- more, New York, were in town renew- ing old acquaintances. Mrs, Van Gieson was formerly Miss Campbell, and was for some time with her grand- mother, Mrs. I. Campbell and her aunt, Mrs. Gillespie, when they re- sided in the house now occupied by My. Cecil Beare. Mrs, Robert Town of Whitby, was in town this week with relatives and renewing old acquaintances. Mr. Bert Taylor, of Greensleve, was a recent guest of Mr, J. W. Raines. Mrs. J. W. this week, Mrs. Pearl. Bennett was a visitor in Oshawa. Mr. L. Willison, of Oshawa, purchase the Raglan Store. Mr. Murray Williams has bought the Charles N. Howsam farm west of Port Perry. Mrs. N. Wilkinson spent a few days last week at Huntsville and other places of interest in Muskoka. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs.. David Carnegie an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Elizabeth, to Mr. William John MacGregor. The mar- ringe to take place the middle of September. has Mr. and Mrs, Frnest Hayes, of Port Perry, announce the engagement of their daughter Helena Grace, to Mr. Harry Matthew Denton, son of Murs, Denton and the late Matthew Denton, of Belleville. The marriage will take place September 24th, 1949, at 7.30 United . Church, o'clock in Grace Scugog. Mr. and Mrs. Garvey, as members of Canadian Youth Hostels, enter- tained Miss Doris Schneider, of New York, and: Miss Selma Leifer, of Flushing N.Y. The American Youth Hostels and "Canadian Youth Hostels work to- gether with other Hostel Associations throughout the world plan trips for young folk. (There are some 2,000,- 000 members.) Booklets with advice and informa- tion are supplied and the. fee for a holiday trip in this part of the world is about $12.00 per week. These tours are planned for walking or cycling (no other transportation is permitted) and over night stopping is arranged. : © Miss Schneider and Miss Leifer rented the bicycle from the Hostel at Langstaff for b0¢. per day. These bicycles: are something special. They are of English make and have a low a gear (operated by a. lever on the handle, which greatly relieves the ef- fort of pedalling on the hills, MANCHESTER Mrs. John Johnson spent a few days recently with her nephew and family at their cottage in Haliburton. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Farrow, of Fort Huron, visited Mr. and Mrs, Grant Christie last week. "The Women's Association will meet at Mrs. Arthur Fieldings home on Thursday evening, Sept. 1st at eight o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. J. BE, Holtby were in Peterborough a couple of days last week and attended the fair. Mrs. Wm. Hill and sons, of Whitby, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Masters last Wednesday and Thurs- day. The showers on Saturday and Sun- day were most welcome after the long hot dry season. The scant water supply is becoming serious. This week will conclude threshing operations for the season in this 'lo- cality.. The spring crop yield is much below average. 4 THE CHURCHES Sunday, September 4th-- Raines was in Toronto recent 89th year. FAYE LUCILLE BOE HONOURED AT SHOWER - Mrs. Theodore Raines and Mrs, J. L. Holtby held a miscellaneous shower (at the home of Mrs. John McMillan, {Port Perry, on Wednesday evening, for Miss Faye Boe, bride-elect. Pink and white streamers and a gaily de- corated umbrella contributed to the '|bridal theme. : On "arrival the future bride was escorted to a choir decorated in pink and white and was presented wtih a corsage and a specially decorated basket containing the many and use- ful gifts, Bingo wads played and prizes awarded. Refreshments were served, includ- ing a special bridal cake, 3828223222222 008 28233200808 000082280000008238004% Al . Shirley Storms during the past week did much damage in this district. Hale and wind caused heavy losses to fruit crops, several .trees were blown down and telephone lines disrupted. Mr. Roy Robertson has purchased a new, "Harvester", and is havesting the corn crops in this district. This is a great help to the farmers and their wives as it eliminates the need of so much help. ; Mrs. A. Moore and friend Mrs. White have been holidaying the past two weeks in the Muskoka district. They enjoyed the boat cruise through the Muskoka Lakes. At present. she lis with relatives in Sonya. Mr. Everett Wray has left for the west to work in the harvest fields. Helen Duff, Toronto was at home with her family for the week-end. Mrs. Harold Hocken of Port Perry has gone to MacGregor Bay, Northern ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERAN CHURCH Rev. John Riddell--Minister 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School. 11,00 a.m.--Morning Worship, » -- fe fey CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector--Rev. John T, Coneybeare Sept, 4th--12th Sunday after Trinity. 11.00 a.m.--Holy Communion, ------------------ A ---- a PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH P. Taylor, Pastor Sunday, September 4th-- 10 a.m.--Bible School, 11 a.m.--Morning Worship, 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service. Wednesday, Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m, 3 2 PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. Clifford Smith Minister. Mrs. Elsie Dobson, A.T.C.M,, * Organist and Choirleader Sunday, September 4th-- 10 am.--S. S. and Primary Class. 11 a.m.--Guiding Principles regard- ing organized religions attitude toward all Labour Questions. 7 p.m. -- A .short Vesper service. Good music. A discussion--What is news in religion? PRINCE ALBERT 'UNITED CHURCH Mrs. A. Harper, Organist. 10 a.m.--Labour Day Sermon. 11 a.m.--S. S. and Bible Class. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH Rev. V. M¢Givney, Priest. 14,000 Priests, Brothers and Nuns, 13 Bishops with two million people were killed by Communists in Spain in 1939. 50 of the Communist lead- ers in Spain who fought against France are. now leaders in the Iren Curtain. Rakosi, Fogliatti, Gottleib, Beirut Pauker, among others--bathed their hands in the blood of the Span- band. ) Miss Jean Tomis and Mrs. Ross Duff went to the Peterboro Exhibition on Thursday of last week. They en- acted their skit on "How to Manicure" from the course they are taking in the Girl's Club Work. It is "Good Groom- 90 girls in the Market building where it was held. Both of these girls have attained their County Honours. Communities are interested in Pub- lic Play. This makes Communists happy. Forget the greatest club, the home; forget Religion in your local school and Communism will win. The | American Legion works for family prayer. Why take people out of the home. All in. our community can unite to work for family prayer. a few days at the Duff home, Mrs. F. Gibson was at her sons home on Purple Hill for the week-end. Many of her friends were pleased: to see her at Sunday School. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Slemons, To- ronto, were week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Toms and Jean. Sunday Miss Helen W. Willard bi ng also Lloyd Blemony and TEACHER OF PIANO and Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Duff and fam- THEORY jily-and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Duff were present at a family gathering in hon- our of Miss Mary Graham, who is refurning to Vancouver, B.C., which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duff, Myrtle, on Sunday. All those preparing articles for In- 1 EER Class Re-opens September 12th DIED HONEY--At her home, near Sea- Mary Jennett: Lawson beloved wife please have them ready to be collected of the late Charles A. Honey, in her | carly Saturday morning. Thank you, Mrs. Ivan Moore was in Fenelon Falls on Monday attending the funeral of her uncle the late W. Martin, Mr. Murray Franklin is now em- ployed at General Motors, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wray were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vickery and family last week. Sinclair Robertson, Ralph Strong went to the Exhibition last Saturday. Merlin Wray was in London over the' week-end with Ray Vernon. ARATE SRR EES RRFAE Terminal Grill COME IN AND TRY One of Our 'Full Course Meals 3 DECKER HAMBURGER i et I ,. PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL STAFF HIGHLY QUALIFIED With the opening of school on Sept. 6th, four new teachers will assume HOT DOGS duties on the local staff, each one of DELICIOUS 3 DECKER which is fully specialized in a par- SANDWICHES ticular line of instruction. The new teachers will be, Miss Mildred Barrett, B.A. of Brantford, Specialist in English and History; '|Miss Fane Fair, B.A., of Ayr, Special- ist' in Languages; Miss Doris Lawr- ence, B.A., of Agincourt, in charge of Guidance and Mr, C, R. Foster, of To- ronto, Specialist in Shop Work. The rest of the teachérs will be 'Donlands Ice Cream THE BEST IN TOWN Take home a Delicious Milk Shake, O50 1 0 QUALITY GROCERIES NEW HONEY, White ..........oounvvvniinnniiiinnnnnn2 1h, jar 65¢; MONARCH READY MIX PIE CRUST ...........c.ccooeurininnnnn36C. JELLO JELLY or PUDDING POWDERS........ 2 pkgs. 19¢. @ NEWPORT FLUFFS, Large Size ..................ccia venison ABC. . & 5 KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES, regular size ... ASSORTED FRUIT SLICES CANDY ............... GOOD LUCK MARGARINE ..........ccoooceovnrninnisransisnns DONALD DUCK BLENDED FRUIT JUICE, ........20 oz. 22¢. SUNKIST ORANGES, 344°s ...........ccc.cccoeeniniinnree 2 dozen 45c¢. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES : R-- PHONE 91 FOR SERVICE namely, Mr. G. MacDonald, B.A., Miss E. Parker, B.A,, Mr, M. P. Fallis, B.A. #iand Mr. J. L. Crane, B.S.A,, who will ll [also serve as Principal of the school. BUS ROUTES FOR HIGH SCHOOL 2| Route No. 1--Leave High School for 2 | Seagrave, Saintfield, Greenbank (will pick up Greenbank pupils) Manchest- Mer, Port Perry, Ad f Route No. 2--Leave High School-- Manchester, Yeo's Corner, North to Greenbank, West of Greenbank to Brock Road, South of Brock Road to a real treat ...2 for 29c¢. "V5 Ib. 15¢. . 39c¢. turn to Mahchester, to Port Perry. Route No, 3--High School to Centre Island, return to High School, - Route No. 4 -- Perry, (This route § Bat, the time of the ¢ laciook £-. Ontario where she will join hex.jigs- ish people. No wonder Franco ising and Howto Look Smart." They hated for stopping Communism in [judged slips and worked a sample of Spain. darning. There were approximately Miss Mary Graham was visiting for grave, on Friday, August 26th, 1949, 'stitute exhibit at Port Perry Fair, | Port Perry High School -- Offers You -- Combined Academic and Vocational Training. Home Agriculture College and Normal School Economics Preparatory. Nutritious Complete Course leading to Free: Lunches Intermediate Secondary School | Iransportation certificate, Grade X * Shop Work Secondary School Graduation Commercial ) oh Poa e Xan : Work Organized Se ur 'Gratiua- Extra tion Diploma, Uhiversity Senior a Sports Matriculation, Grade XIII, Curricular Normal School Entrance. Activities id no School Re-Opens Sept. bth Dich" W¥-Chairman, Fades J. L. Crane, Principal. | Lawrence's for School Supplies SCHOOL OPENS SEPTEMBER 6th and with school opening comes the need for Text Books, Note Books, Art Equipment and all sorts of supplies. Twenty years. of experience have made us specialists in this line. 3 Most Public School T'éxts now in stock. © Prompt delivery of all High School Texts, Literature and Authors Books, . : 2002000 00000000000006! KEEP PLUGGING FOR THE COMMUNITY CENTRE A. M, LAWRENCE A | PHONE 27%: «PORT { he 1%e Rexall Store PERRY | Ltt Ltt LLL LLL ILL LLL SILLLSL 1315888000000 00112 FESR RPP 00a tte tReet etestt Port Perry Public School Announcing Opening Sept. #th . All pupils, excepting Grade I will register at nine o'clock, Tuesday morning. ha Grade I will register at one-thirty o'clock Tuesday after- -- noon. r . % PLEASE NOTE--Kindergarten-Primary children will attend school in the mornings and Grade I in the afternoons until further notice. * s : Pupils who attended another school prior to the Summer Holidays may register at the Principal's office anytime after .8.30 Tuesday. H. DURKIN, Chairman, Public School Board. E 3 R. H. CORNISH, Principal. TOILETS Port Perry KIST Beverages 10. EE OE D1 0 : j Fim 2R0PCROPOPOPOIOPONOPOSOSOSO90SD 08040080, 000 eS A A OSS he No deliveries 'till Sept. 6th. - Store : We Thank hours are as usual. our Customers for their Co-operation. Phone 32. 0 BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE Stanley R. Bruton, Phm.B. Phone 16 PORT PERRY hE ) SUMMER SALINES Old English Health Salts 59c. Eno's Fruit Salt, 59¢. and 98c. Wampole's Grape Salt, 59., $1. Andrew's : Liver Salts 35c., 65c. Kkovah Salts, ...29¢c., 49¢., 79¢c. Urasal .................... 98¢. and $1.98 -Ami-Dent Tooth Powder, ....59¢. : Dr, Lyon's Ammoniated Tooth Powder ................49¢. Colgate Dental Cream, i PEERY 25¢., 45¢., 75c. Pepsodent Tooth Paste or Powder, 25c. and 45c. Ipana Tooth Paste, ....30c., 50c. 74 501 OO ~ OD, GASOLINE an THE: PICK OF THEM ALL Stove & Fuel Oil, Kerosene GASOLINE DELIVERED TO FARMERS RAY BIRKETT AGENT FOR WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS PHONE, 290) PORT PERRY, ONTARIO 0 cece hoe: 20002080809 802080000080808 (2300% 29000809 OROPOROPOPO ROBBIE POSOBOD M.G. WELDON--Optometrist made with Donlands Ice Cream--It's | ones who have remained on the staff, | - Utica, West to Henry Skerratt's, re- from Lindsay, Ont. will be at the Port Perry Public Library Tuesday, Sept. 6th and invites you to consult him concerning your visual problems and glasses, HOURS: 2,30---10.00 p.m. FULL TIME EMPLOYMENT GIRLS WANTED FOR SEWING WORK 18 - 35 yrs. of age-- MARRIED or SINGLE -- APPLY IN PERSON -- : ssssssssssssssesssssssseel PORT PERRY, ONTARIO 8 00-12.00 a.m. 1.00-56.00 p.m. | LAKESHORE KNITTING CO. || SE RO OI RE I OO OL OR JE SPECIAL SALE WHILE IT LASTS ~ INSUL-BRIC SIDING $12.95 PER. 100 SQ.FT. Lake Seugog Lumber & Coal Co., Limited PORT PERRY = 111 A 1 D1 A "* Phone 240 w i ' We Specialize B RE i : 1 GENERATORS, STARTER and | ELECTRICAL Repalrs on all | | makes of cars. GENERAL | © Garage Work, Welding, Towing, Etc. ~All Work Guaranteed Manchester Garage | MANCHESTER PHONE x 82 i gE SBw a s2022 [ ww"