Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 Sep 1949, p. 5

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pr & service, Phone collect 2-1-3, 9 36 © square timbers, = 1 J ® i wept 164 CLASSIFIED ADS SWEETMAN'S TAXI SERVICE CARPENTRY PORT PERRY For prompt service Phone 4 Any nas Darpentry Jodo id Free Estimates Given, ROBERT PICKARD PHONE 281W PORT PERRY E. Storry BUILDER . Agent for all makes of Insul-bric and Asphalt, Aluminum and Steel Shingles. FOR SAND AND GRAVEL and Excavating Work, ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to oblige you. Fhone 822 Port Perry, for information, £. augustZd WANTED -- We take away all dead or crippled farm animals, . iree of charge. Ior prompt Woodville, Ed. Peconi, Argyle. Estimates Free. Phone 277J Port Perry FOR SALE -- Cornell 595 wheat The new higher yielding, loose smut FOR SALE to Murray| SCOTT-ATWATER OUTBOARD resistant variety, Apply Hpltby, Phone 19 r 74 Port Perry. } : ©, Beptd WANTED TQ RENT -- A small house or a few rooms. Apply to Geo. Koberts, Manchester, Ont. {CARS 'AND TRACTORS AT CLEARANCE PRICES 31 PONTIAC SEDAN 33 OLDS SEDAN 34 PONTIAC SEDAN 54 CHEV. COACH 30 FORD COACH 30 STUDEBAKER SEDAN 36 BUICK SEDAN PLYMOUTH CABROLET __ 38 WILLYS SEDAN ; 38 FORD OPERA COUPE 39 PLYMOUTH COUPE 40 FORD SEDAN 49 MORRIS MINOR Coaches 49 MORRIS OXFORD Sedans 49 WOLSELEY Sedans Some good used TRACTORS at down to earth prices; also new FERGU- SON TRACTORS for immediate delivery, FERGUSON ' Implements. CASH - TRADE - EASY TERMS. Your present Car as down payment. LEASKDALE GARAGE, Leaskdale, 7 miles north of Uxbridge. MOTOR Next to latest model, 8.6 h.p. 11 hives of Italian Bees, 65 supers, 256 new covers. Also slightly used store. Deer and Fox Hounds, with guarantee. Ranch Locust Hill and Tailby) breed- ing male, 6 years, perfect starter. G. E. Combination Radio .and auto- matic record changer. The standard two or three being shown S. Starr, on Avenue, opposite Pal- [lock's Orchard Booth (just off Scugo Highway. |cusToMm COMBINING--Red Clover, ' Buckwheat, or any other crop that 'can be threshed." We can bale your straw also. Ux-Spring Farms, Ux- bridge, Ont. sept.15 FOR SALE--Woods Grinder with three horsepower motor, as good as new. Ux-Spring Farms Limited, Ux- bridge, Ont, sept.1 IF FREE FROM CORNS or Cal- lous -you'd be--for Lloyd's Corn Salve your druggist you must see. 50c. at Lawrence's Drug Store. CONCRETE SILO BLOCKS--Drain, Culvert and Well Tile. Uxbridge Concrete Products, Uxbridge, Ont. sept. 1 good condition. Keeler, Port Perry. i; Apples for Sale For SALE 1940 Flymouth Custom 'Sedan. Mechanically good. Phone Good Cooking Apples. Apply or 176W, Port Perry. Pp J. David Port Perry. rons " Mon; Tore belly sept' FOR SALE-- A number of small - pigs; 2 sows; Holstein Heifer, 1% " ) . FARM WANTED. 100 acres with J+" Goon Rosa pliong Ny good buildings. Hydro, preferred. -_' °°" "erry. : pt Possession by April 1st. Phone 172 CAR FOR SALE--38 Ford Coach, r 21, Port Ferry. ~, 8ept.l new motor. Howard Hall, Phone = .266J, Port Perry. FOR SALE--Barn with some good | - : - rafters and other' LOST -- Drifted from Hav-a-Nap Convenient loca- Cabins, a cream colored flat bottom Apply to Mrs. W, One registered, tan, model on display last year at CN.E--~ _ BICYCLE FOR SALE--Boy's in' Hollday, Mon 16 Ontario Street, FORMER SCUGOG. GIRL AND HUSBAND HONOURED On Tuesday evening, August 23rd, about thirty-five Scugog and Fort Perry friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Reader in honour of their daughter Mary who recently was united in marriage with | Mr. Robert Dowson, formerly of Port ( Perry.' : | Mary and Bob arrived from Peter- 'to welcome them. A pleasant evening was spent in euchre and visiting, after which all "were seated in the living room with attention. Mrs, Stuart Rodman read the following address: -- To Mr, and Mrs. Dowson, Dear Mary and Bob: } For some time we have been look- ing forward to this happy event in 'your lives and so to-night we are gathered together here to offer you both our heartiest congratulations and best wishes. Mary, you are well known to most of ys, having grown up in our midst. After you had finished successfully i the required Public School course, you | attended the Port Perry High School for some time. While there you en- tered heartily into the social activities, taking part in the High Bchool plays. Those, cold walks during the winter months across the bridge and up that hill to the school will ever be remem- bered too. Then all too soon, opportunity beck- oned and you made your home else- where as has been the case with so many of the young people. We have pleasant .memories of our association with you. You also will have happy recollections of your years here, those carefree public school days, and those "annual Christmas Concerts. Bob, although your home was not on the Island, it was not far distant and in course of tine you happened to be on Scugog now and then so that we really know you and feel you are one of us. You have always been known as a young man of fine charac- ter and with your musical talent, you DON'T MISS < SEEING the SINGER SEWING MACHINE Display at the Port Perry Fair on the day, Sept. Sth. "Singer Sewing Machine Co. ., Oshawa established. Now we are sorry that your home (Will not be here among us but else- | ' Where but no matter how fully your new sphere of life will occupy your efforts and attention, you may never forget your old friends and neighbours of Scugog. We wish you future suc- cess and happiness. 'May Lady Luck be with you as you travel down Life's road. As a small token of our friendship 1 Browning automatic rifle, just out of borough to find their friends waiting apq goodwill, we ask you to accept these gifts ,which we trust"you may find useful, Your Friends of Scugog The gifts presented were an ocas- In perfect condition, latest model the bride and groom as the centre of ional chair, utility cabinet, wall mirror scatter rug and individual gifts. Mary thanked their friends in a i composed manner, in well chosen 'words. Bob also expressed his appre- ciation. Both invited the guests to their present home in Peterborough. {The parents treated all to-a sump- tuous lunch of cake, many kinds of cookies, ice-cream and wedding cake, with fruit beverage. | Auction Sales | TED JACKSON, Auctioneer FRIDAY, SEPT. 2nd-- Furniture, the property of Kathleen McPhail, at her residence, Sonya. Sale at 1.30 p.m, 3 : FRIDAY, SEPT, 9--Farm Stock, implements, etc., the property of Geo. W. Samells, Con. 9, Scugog, 4 miles from Port Perry--Pony, Cattle, "New Favorite Threshing Machine"; M.-H. Tractor, on rubber. Sale at 1 p.m. MONDAY, AUG. 29--Farm . Stock and Implements, the property of Wm, J. Mitchell, Lot 16, Con.' 6, Reach, 8 farms pest of Port Perry Fair Grounds Sale at 1 p.m. Terms Cash. SATURDAY, SEPT. 10th-- Farm Stock and Implements, the property of WILLIAM BIRNIE, Lot 9, Con. 3, Reach Twp. South-West on Man- chester, Terms Cash. Sale at onc p.m. ARTHUR W. S. GREER, K.C. in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by F. W. Brock and Son BOYS SUITS--Popular Priced Suits with Coat and two pairs of Trousers ; All Sizes in Stock. MONARCH SWEATERS - Mens Cardigans, $3.65. Ladies Cardigans, $4.75 CONGOLEUM RUGS~--AIll Sizes 9 x 12-$11,00, 9x10 ---$9.75 Girls Loafer Shoes--Wine Shade, $4.85 Children's Shoes, scveral styles, $1.49- $3.95 Gracia Shoes for Ladies Shoes in Orthopedic-- Black ties, Brown Pumps, : Black Pumps--$9.75 to $10.50 Goodrich Canvas Shoes and Rubbers ALL SIZES IN THIS POPULAR LINE --~ GROCERIES ~~ CANADA BLENDED VINEGAR and PUIFFED RICE ........ocooveiieerin, le. CANADA WHITE VINEGAR, 47¢c. PUFIFED WHEAT SALT inn, 5 Ib. bag I5c. PLUM JAM, 24 02. jar ooo, 30c. COMPLETE LINE OF SPICES CHEESE, Medium .....cccocoooovv.... Ib. 55c¢. SEALERS, RUBBERS, ZINC RINGS CHEESE, Kraft Supercure ........... Ih. 59c. FANCY RED SALMON, 7% oz tin 35c. SHREDDED WHEAT ............ wo dde, FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES BIRDS EYE FROSTED FOODS F. W. BROCK and SON PORT PERRY - . PHONE 43 SAF VNB BELL RNT AAR NAST EERSTE ~ Eavestroughing HOUSE and BARNS Port Perry Electric ELECTRICAL APPLIANC WASHING MACHINES INSURANCE Electric Pressure Pumps, Are your policies up-to-date? Furnaces and Furnace Repairs. a8" EERE / Ar, ih a pr Ell a re eS IR, I guns Thi . y yo ( ' Fring . building materials. tion. Apply to G. D. Conant, 1050 Simcoe St. S.,, Oshawa. sept.l ™ " FOUND--At Lake Scugog, a row . boat. Owner can have same by pay- ing "expenses. Karel Pavlik, Perry St., Port Perry. TWO LOTS FOR SALE--One a corner lot. Apply Wm. Starr, Union Ave,, Port Perry. _sept.8 QUANTITY, OF HAY FOR SALE. 'Apply to Wm. Starr, Port Perry. FOR SALE -- One Cream enamel oil burning cook stove in good con- dition. Apply Joe Tripp, R.R.2, Port | Perry, FOR SALE--Boy's C.C.M. Bicycle |, in good condition. Phone 174 r 4. FOR SALE--Bed Spring and Mat- tress (spring), large size; Oriental Rug and strips of Carpet; and other used articles. Priced reasonable for quick sale. Apply next door to Wes. Gawker, Port Perry. FOR SALE -- Pepper Automatic Stoker, in Al condition. Apply at Taylor's Restaurant, Phone 96, Fort Perry. FOR SALE--A number of Pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply T. R. Parrott, R. R. 1, Port Ferry. - Custom Tractor | Work NEW FORD EQUIPMENT "BRUNTON FARMS © 6th"Concession, Port Perry Fhone 99-r412 or 3 INSURE AGAINST POLIO (Infantile-Paralisis) For as low as $10.00, premium for two years, each member of family is covered up to $6,000.00 insurance, For complete information contac HERB TOOMBS boat. Reward . Notify Mrs. Guy will prove to be a leader in the com- appointment, Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 26 i Raines, Phone 257, Port Perry. : jy in which your home will be FOR SALE -- Apples and Choice 2 | ATTENTION FARMERS Mrs. Fred Raines, Port Perry, Phone 189 r 4, 7 - We are paying the current market prices for dead or crippled farm animals. HORSES : CATTLE : HOGS Telephone Collect for Immediate Service : GEORGE YOUNG LIMITED ; Toronto--Adelaide 3636 Port Perry 118 r 21 Uxbridge 27 ) TOMATOES FOR SALE - Phone 233M, Port Perry HOUSE FOR SALE--In Port Perry, 7 rooms, solid brick, built-in garage, garden with all small fruits. All city conveniences. Priced for quick sale. | Phone 210W, Port Perry. 4 me a co ------ po en Brooklin 62 IMPORTANT EVENT! every farmer should attend Canada's First Farm Improvement and Soil Conservation Program ei all day Thursday, September 8 ' on the farm of Heber Down, Brooklin . - [on Highway 7, 2 mile west of village] Admission, FREE Official Program 26 cents ~ Complete five year plan of soil conservation and farm improve- ment put into operation in a day. Attention Housewives Bonded Singer representative will be in Port Ferry and district each THURSDAY. For information re- garding Sales and Service, write the SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. Oshawa, Ont . 'Estimates on request Whatever ro ry needs may RADIOS RANGES : e, consult. FAIRBANKS-MORSE SYDNEY G. BARNES BN WATER PUMP SYSTEMS Phone 72 r 2 . BROOKLIN H.,. W. EMMERSON PHONE 177, PORT PERRY, aug.1960 a 1st door north of Hotel Phone 41 Port Perry REFRIGERATION for prompt service on all makes; both household and commercial. Estimates given on Installations. Reg. Boundey A BNI BF POI OB [J NC ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding Iistimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Phone 261 Port Perry £¥; [$9 Mi bX £1 | ni LU Ta 0! At 3 - ro a A Tt TE Fi aes 2m Hol ym! 2 rr Are Di AR NER ROR X : : RAR Before you ever cross the road --"PAUSE - Look both ways" is your safety code. NN Wise persons, young and old, use extra care when crossing road- \ 0) % ways. They look both LEFT and RIGHT to see that the way is 2 ¥ clear. It takes but a second . , . but it spells S-A-F-E-T-Y, ON : GEO. H. DOUCETT, Minister RL ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS i : Hwa 4e

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