Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 Sep 1949, p. 8

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OL ry a ARN 3 Rg a hay Vp ts Sa on CS FE Sn Aha SSEANERE a Se % ROMO Re 2 MAL PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2st, 1949 $3,000.00 IN PRIZE MONEY ox FAIR PERRY LABOUR DAY Sept. Sth, '49 HORSE RACES Purses--$450.00. Free-For-All $250 2. 26 Trot or Pace $200. S. L. R. RANCH HANDS Will provide Grandstand Entertain- ment in the Afternoon. MIDWAY -- Merry-Go-Round And other Thrilling Rides. Games aud Refreshments Admission to Grounds 50c. Public Sebo) Children FREE, Cars Free Grandstand 25¢. STREET FAIR : DANCE In the Evening under the auspices of the. Port Perry 'Community Memorial Recreation Centre -- Music by Van De Walker's Orchestra Round and Square Dancing. Admission to dance 500. Draw for General Electric Refrigerator and Registered Holstein Call will be made by : MAYOR STARR of OSHAWA. Fred G. Christie, Prouideit, R. D. Woon, Sec-Treas. ' & 0 00% 000 0% 4% 4% 0% 0% 4% ae Te Ce thing so we decided to let that drop, too. Joseph Conrad could use his 'shalls' and 'wills' at great length to make a little line squal the most dra- matic thing ever to hit the world. Not being Conrad and not over fond of dramatics we decided to let the thing drop. PORT PERRY YACHT CLUB More fitting to our i.q, is the fasci- All concerned seem to agree that nating topic of mud pies. Sunday will long be remembered as the most exciting day in the annals of the P.P.Y.C, wrecked sailors in Scugog. The fin- As we gaily set sail from Port Perry est of all mud pies come from this for our usual race in North Sea-ish hake. No where in the world is there weather, words of glowing tribute [comparable material for such an art-- | came to our little mind for us in this [no where in the world are there such column, Not everybody will race sail [skilled artisians,: skilled because of boats in rain and cold, March-like |practice from childhood at moulding, ' squalls, and those who do are either {shaping and trimming their particular crazy or fanatical sailers. brand of pie. '¥ However, as we sat Idly making But this mud ..... magnificent mud pies on the side of an overturned stuff! The supply will outlast the boat in the middle of the lake, we cast 'energies of the most ardent pie | aside all thoughts of the race, and de- [ makers. Then there is just enough cided to tell of the courage shown by |water within reach to thin the mixture crews and skippers of the four over-!a little when necessary. The water turned boats. That couldn't help but is a trifle scarce but that's where the make good copy. But our wee mind skill is so useful, using water only couldn't grasp the significance of the 'when necessary. People all over the world make mud pies; old people, young people, and PAINTING and DECORATING SPECIALIZING IN INTERIOR WORK: PAPERHANGIN G, PAINTING, GRAINING GYPTEX WORK. ALL WORK STRICTLY GUARANTEED. 21 years experience in Toronto. Estimates gv, Full Equipment. - ALSO OUTSIDE PAINTING DONE. M. St. Clair and Son EPSOM (North West of School) PHONE--PORT PERRY 113 r 14 NOW YOU CAN GET YOUR FILMS DEVELOPED FAST -- TRY OUR 24 HOUR SERVICE. YOU ARE SURE TO BE SATISFIED. Bring Them in To-day OPEN SUNDAYS PHONE 96 * Vous first thrill i 1S S€¢€ ing it ~~ Your greatest thrill is owning it! The most Bangi! BOY of all The most Beautiful BUY for Performance with Economy. Talk about thrills! You'll get the biggest "triple-thrill" in motoring out of seeing, driving, and saving money with this new Chevrolet for "49 -- the most beautiful buy of all. You'll get your greatest thrill out of driving if.You'll experience amazing new handling ease and riding ease, thrilling acceleration, and outstanding hill-climbing ability, all delivered with typical Chevrolet safings on gas and oil. For here's the only low-priced car with a world's champion Valve-In-Head engine. Give yourself and your family the biggest "triple-thrill" in motor- ing .. see, drive and save with Chevrolet for *49 , , , the most beaut ful buy of all! The most Beautiful BUY for Styling. Take in the smooth curving lines of the 1949 Chevrolet -- front, top, side and rear | Then look at its. glowing color harmonies, the luxurious Bodies by Fisher, and you'll understand why people call Chevrolet the most beautiful of cars, FIRST FOR QUALITY AT i LOWEST gas! Ji ~~ PORT PERRY « results heretofore unknown to low-cost motoring. [EVROLET Harold R. Archer Motor Sales The Styleline De Luxe 2-Door Sedan - The most Beautiful, BUY for Driving and Riding Ease. What totally new driving ease -- what totally new riding restfulness -- with Centre-Point Design! A 4.way engineering advance -- Centre-Point : Steering, Centre-Point Seating. Lower Centre of Gravity without loss of road clearance, and Centre-Point Rear Suspension -- brings you Le The most Beautiful BUY for Comfort. Enjoy the lounsids rests fulness of a Super-Size Interior with extra-wide "Five-Foot Seats," extra-generous head, leg and elbowroom, and an advanced heating® and Jenilating system. *(Heater and defroster units optional at extra cost. ~ The most Beautiful BUY for All-Round Safety. You and your family will enjoy fivefold safety protection exclusive to this one low. priced car : (1) Certi-Safe Hydraulic Brakes (2) Extra-Strong Fisher Unisteel Body (3) Panoramic Visibility (4) Safety Plate Glass in all windows, and (5) Unitized Knee-Action. C-17498 A PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS - ONTARIO ---- $8 being "low, £ trees grew in groves, which were tap- £ ped and from. which we get our tur- 4 {pentine. g% of Uxbridge, actommodating about £ six hundred tourists. 5 large i | dances, concerts, checkers, cards and ! + | shuffleboard s------ bunch of old meanies wish to deprive us of our enjoyment. to put more water in the lake, spoiling some of it. Now what are we going that happens? All these meanies seem rather sure it is going to happen, range a hearing on the protest. give ALL his time to the Club! re sr ee | Greenbank W, A. 'The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Association was held in the basement of the Church on Tuesday afternoon, August 23rd, with about thirty five in attendance. * Group in charge: Mrs, H. Real, Mrs. C. Ward, Mrs. D, Ianson, Mrs. W. F. 'Walker, and Mrs, J. McKitrick, The Devotional Period was taken charge 'of by Mrs. H. Real. The Scripture reading--Luke 7:36-50, was taken by Mrs. C. Ward. Topic=The 'Sinful Woman -- What love can do, taken by. Mrs, McKitrick, _ "During the Devotional Period Miss (10am Rea] gave an instrumental num- | ber entitled=*'Consolation." : | Mrs. Boe, the President, conducted a short business discussion, after . which a few ladies from Uxbridge put 'on a most entertaining program, | With Mrs. "Nodwell, presiding, the program opened by all singing '"Soft- ily and Tenderly Jesus is Calling" fol- lowed by prayer by Mrs. Atkinson. Duet -- entitled "Love Lifted Me" ably rendered by Mrs. Atkinson and Mrs. Husband. Solo--"Jesus Lover of My Soils skillfully rendered by Mrs. Watson. A travelogue was given by Mrs, Pickering, of her trip to Florida by bus, landing in Jacksonville. She gave a geographic picture of the land lying between Jacksonville and Zephyr Hill, where she made her stay during her vacation. She described the land as flat and swampy; pine Zephyr Hill is about the size There was a auditorium where games, were indulged in as amusement. Just by going over a small hill to the south of Zephyr Hill with orange, lemon and grapefruit groves, and bananas hanging . from the trees. - She also said she was at a strawberry festival in February. trips to different places in Florida, (this being a most restful and beauti- ful spot for both birds and people. She also visited Silver Springs, where the water is. so clear one can see to the bottom; and into the wilds of Florida where -they fed the monkeys in the trees. The flowers grew in abundance, and ferns. grew wild, phlox and other small flowers grew along the roadside. During her stay in Florida she at- tended - a small Methodist Church, which had a wonderful good influences Once a week they gathered for a social evening at the church, each one tak- | ing some' refreshments; and as an en- tertainment the minister showed lan- tern slides of different places but failed to show any of Canada. During her stay she became some-: iwhat lonesome for friends in Ux- | bridge, but through the spiritual up- {lift of. this little church she felt God was guiding and directing her where- ver she went. Her closing thought was "that wherever we go or what: ever we are, if we but put our trust in God; He will guide and protect us. The solo "I Walked - Today Where Jesus Walked" 'was most affectively rendered by Mrs, Husband, - Mrs. Nodwell read a poem. "The Garden at /Daybreak", and Mrs." At, kinson closed with prayer. The ladies of Greenbank very miidh appreciated the kindness of the Ux- bridge' ladies in coming and render- ing such a talented programme, A lunch was served by the group in charge and a pleasant and profit- able afternoon spent. Prince Albert Camp Samac, bunks made up, all went for a stroll, Then M1 had cookies and cocoa follow- ed by prayers," cited. inspection and Grand Howl. then swiming. But a blow has been struck, A|% They are going B the mixture and doubtlessly: hiding 4 to do when we roll our boats over after | i No 'Roadways in Scugog' this week 5 kiddies, ,the Chairman of the Race |g Committee has not yet seen fit to ar- | % He is | 80 busy we shouldn't expect him to |§ vast stretches of land could be seen | 'From Zephyr Hill she took short £ one of these was a sanctuary for birds A wonderful week-end 'was spent [$$ by the 1st Prince Albert Cub Pack at 4 They arrived in camp | * | Friday evening and after getting their ¥ Lights out meant lit- [¥ tle the first night as all were too ex- x Saturday started at 7.80. with |g ' After | % breakfast a fast baseball game and |{# The ahem was [§ ----r-- Two Shows Nightly--7 and 9. Lakevicy Theatre, Port Perry, Ont. Saturday Matinee at 2 p.m. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SEPT, 1-2-3 4 Errol Flynn and Olivia De Havilland In the Glorious Technicolor Screen Triumph THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD SHORT PICTURES MONDAY, TUESDAY, Dane Clark, WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 5-6-7 Alexis Smith, Zachary Scott In the Tense and Thrilling Action Romance "WHIPLASH" SPECIAL SHORT FEATURE--"PALS RETURN" i A BT ad | 'SHOP 2 AT ARDLEY'S ARDLEY THE NEWEST AND SMARTEST IN THE LATEST COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, COWNS, and WEDDING GOWNS WITH CONFIDENCE" | FROCKS | 491-3-5 DANFORTH AVE., near Logan, Phone GE. 1575 ~ TORONTO, ONT. i HORE ee CE Te READING ine ir Pg SS Coal a' and Wood | \ Port Perry Coal & Ice Co. PHONE RS { 289. t i fn" oa -- a 1 Rg The Best the Market Offers Your Phone Orders Receive Careful Attention. ------ Cawker Bros, Family Butchers, Phone 29 Delicateria Soda Fountain :: DROSOSOPOPOROPOPOROPOROPOPOPOPOROPOROSOPOSORO 200 0,0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 4% 1% ie 4% 0% 0% 4% 0% 4% 4% 4% 4 4% 4% %* st PC FULL COURSE MEALS --LIGHT LUNCHES =| o i = | | ui } Restaurant Cigarettes and Sundries For Coming Out Engagements; Anniversaries, Wedding Receptions, or Special Occasions of any kind, one Tata Hall is at your disposal, Open Brgy Day of the Week. 080900 MOA OPOPOPOPOPOPOSOPOIOFOSOPOPOPOO spent hiking through the woods and inspecting the teepee and totem poles. More swimming until supper. In the evening there was a campfire and wes all gathered around singing and toast- ing marshmallows. Everyone was asleep as soon as they touched the pillows. On Sunday we had "Cubs Own" with Assistant Cubmaster Wes Lane speaking on building a good founda- tion using as his text--the man who {built his house on rock and the one who built his 'on sand. At our closing ceremony swimmer badges were awarded John Doupe, Raymond Doupe, Fred Reyner. The Black Six won the Cub Crest. The leaders and Cubs want to thank the two mothers -- Mrs. Newnham and Mrs. Doupe who went as our cooks and also the members of the Ladies Leonard's Cleaners WHITBY, ONT. Let us take care of your cleaning . problems. Over 85 years experience at your disposal. We will be pleased to call at your ; door any Tuesday or Satur-- day. Four Day Delivery Service. PHONE 325 PORT PERRY. ' TERMINAL GRILL 'Auxiliary who donated food. _- "Where You Get the The People's Meat Market FRESH and CURED MEATS of ALL KINDS Choiocest in Meats" Phone 72w, Ww. E. MacGregor and Son PORT PERRY (HE HST TT 8 8 Builders' DRE ROR OROROR0S SEB OBOBIBOBOROBS _ MODERNITE TILEBOARD AMERICAN CEMENT, PORT PERRY SSB SRR ROR ORORCADROROROR0 DONNACONA-- Insulating Wallboard DONNACONA HARDBOARD, Tempered and Untempered. REESOR ii & LUMBER OROBOBOPOROPOBOBOS Supplies Sa s080RC, 3 5Y 4 { ~ FIR PLYWOOD HARDWALL PLASTER 290 2232090808080808000 PHONE 73w Ny y ai . x Lik a ---- ETT Wigan Te «3»

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