Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 22 Sep 1949, p. 3

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+ 5 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd, 1949 ~ --@ PIANO TUNING ? C3 TENET dealers. ro 100 .years, thousands of: Canadian farmers * would still be doing their. work the hard way if . it weren't for the service of Massey-Harris Since the earliest days, the dealer (or * agent" i as he was once called) has performed a triple service. He has served his farm customers by modern in his town. You fi / building on "Main Street' methods as any merchant. in nd him in an up-to-ddte > with a showroom | to display his streamlined machines and every e community. facility to serve the needs of mechanized farming. He is one of the key businessmen of; weekly card parties as a money mak- ing scheme. That should all he 'self explanitory except the social membership. : This would be a 'reduced fee for those no} intersted in sailing - but "wishing to mess about the club in the winter, It would only be 4 winter membrship of course. Whether or not you wish to share a yacht club house with non- MONTREAL TORONTO - i dan REGINA i _ Massey-Harris 'Established 1847 MONCTON WINNIPEG SWIFT CURRENT CALGARY SASKATOON { "VANCOUVER BRANDON EDMONTON yachtsmen is something you should de- jing 8 life is more than: making a liv- ing." The roll call was answered by naming a Canadian bird. Mrs. C. Howsam, Mrs. Brunton and Mrs. McCullough were in charge of the program And refreshments, Mrs. Watson was appointed convener of the 'committee in. charge ofi.cancer dressings. Mrs. Moase and, Mrs. the Institute converition in Toronto on Thompson were named as delegates to | ide, and you alone. For this I'll get scalped but that is not too unusual a procedure around the club, Irving Boyd is no doubt breathing hot fire down our neck now for taking 80 much space go we"d better call it November 9, 10, IT. Mrs. N? Williams was' Appointed in charge of the collection of Proctor and Gamble soap wrappers, and box tops. Mrs, McCullough read a very en- lightening thesis on the Pulp and paper industry. The meeting closed PORT PERRY KIST BEVERAGES ¥ : ne H "Twa, who wis celebrating her birthday . Vv. P. STOUFFER Surge -Milkers . : S [RLEY last Thursday, They enjoyed the day . uly hd 1% The .|at Oshawa Fair, So - Piano Actions Repaired and Regulated MERRILL ROSS opt The. September weeting of the Shie Mr. Melville "Lambe, of Toronto - ; Authorized S Sal Servic e.|lcy Women's Institute was held at the .--Alelvilie. Lambs, ) Phone 80 Port Perry. uthori urge es and ce. (ley | PEIN . 4 * MYRTLE STATION hoine of Mrs. Ivan Moore. There were [Was W ith his parents Mr. and Mrs, W. a, sixteen present. I Lambe and family for the week-end, Phone nid r 14, Brooklin p . : : iis "WL A. S te The president opened the meeting by Mr, and Mrs, Ross Duff were Sun- angs er everyone singing the Institute Ode i atin with" Mr. and Mrs. Duff DENTAL SURGBON « = DR. H, H. ARMSTRONG which was followed by. repeating the aud tantly, : Office Hours: .9 am. to 5 pm. : DENTIST | Lord's Prayer. - The motto for this] ily y nt . Office 'Upstairs over C. Slesp's = ah month. was "Wisdom igs oftentimes. Si «Queen Birest nearer when Ve soar." 'MANCHESTER Selgin. Jusurance Ofie. 'Phone 237 _ Port Perry : A EN { In the devotional period 'Mrs, Rus- Mus. Vi I Schnab £ Bait do NY, rp soll Coates. read the fourth chapter of IS. X10 Ne naj P, © alo, Rousseau Upholstery Galations 1-10, The roll' call--name ho he bait id with her. brother, 2 BENEFIT BY THIS GOOD a ~woman-i- public life 'and tell- why oe Ra as rE Mi. Earl Mitchell, ET . Seki \ / her, very interestin ely w ih 3 Featuring a complete ' - NEWS COMBINATION. EA St the ji ine and "Mr, Haryey Dobson have had | it / . ~The mingfes o i - ; ydro installed recéntly. ; 7 FUR NITURE REPAIR and |" your ii OH \ PAL : pal I LL : pik 2 . " = : Mrs--dohmCraniey; Windsor; spent x REFINISHING SERVICE gives you complete, dependable U1 mingbog many business items were last. Wednesday with her sister Mrs. | - "i SEE local news. You need to know all" |"'5¢ Le A. Roach. & On and na complete liv of | (3 ve wah ovis nd St "om i dt, amie] : ' 4 (V] y 3, -- i ud 3 [J Materials to choose from... But you live also in a WORLD bide : A ny dos Beaverton Fairs con = o ; i 4 : eo" where momentous events are in a everyone "zed Is Le Hnsneidh week. - . ; ? All Work Guaranteed. the making: -- events which can Shand made our efforts worth = yjicq jielen Crosier, Toronto, was : ur ig : ! mean so much to you, to your job," ve . a with-her parents here last Wednesday. or . . . oi . Phone 483 and we will be glad your home, your future, For yc Soninied X i Yeading = Mr. Mac Christie is having a week' 8 a. ' ~ ' 7 SCIEN : B ji ~~ to consider your néxt repair job.| constructive reports and interpre- be Bom Wings a foal Y vacation in the States. ks » +0 ha ve ([o | 3 4 : ; : To rs. 'Russell- Contes, which she gave] x wi jo. oar visited Mrs, -Rus- i oN i 3 i HE We custom buildin rs tations of national and interna in ATT ) rs Wek : sitee : - Ww KX is 1 oy 99 alld i we, '| tional fiews, there is no substitute-- fr tothe roll cull A-DINO [sell Lane, in Columbus, lust Thursday. IEE IEE SRM. SPA PSE Se P--- " . _ dls ! for THE CHRISTIAN: SCIENCE -{selection,. "Largo" playe y BRU phe church is being painted by Mr. . - i | 216 Mary St. E. WHITBY a: daily, Duff. Community singing replaced & | .ovall and looks ar in its 4 cont 5 ww ' Nt an ag "tC ee te Lt 5 esas Ear han ; paper whic yn t ie vekss Cotleathon a nl ¢ \ SuppPOSE you have what you feel is a good opportunity : pe . : of white. r ; REFCS : ris ok Eh 7 Enjoy. the benefits of YE. Javas taken and the meeting closed by : fe fh 7 . Si . 2 : . NAR vl, SLI ATES Fontes xy . Mr, Hugl Rose will preach his final sh po : . vA « he rr : : <n o ia best informed--locally, nationally, [singing the National Anthem. Lunch en , Sinda oA roilir Tito which calls for bank credit. If one bank cannot see it : pred : : : internationally -- with your,Jocal [was served by the hostess. The next 5 i Coll | an L - hs TS ' - Ao § : ! ; ape The Christi + his a | Medical College, I o.lis nace many our way, or if you think you-can get a better deal R » : ) ; : pans ung The Christian Science Wty will 'be held at Mrs. Duffs fo. i here and we hate £5 lose him, :y ay, y y 8 : . \ 2 : : . ome ji +. Liaw dahe > 9 i "1 J ' ' 3 - 3 ol Mr Robort Cintas ba niviig Wid but the best wishes of all go with him elsewhere, you're free to * shop around". x "LISTEN Tuesday - nights - over ge SD TY ar "is for a bright and successful future, ; : -- i ABC stations to "The Christian farm buildings 'wired for electricity. " g ) ) ¥ * Mr. Frank Coad met with an un- ; ae mary EAT Wo i. : A: Que nt) Plan includes very: ; Seiesian Svifioe Views the news." |. gunnte accident, here on, Thursday. ~ Banks compete to serve the most diversified needs, Tr 4 ST ng you nee 08' prores. ; tod Need i 13 fm Lo U.S 1 While helping to fill silo on the farm a. - gt , . = :. ih sional Refinishing Job on those| : teday for a specia in- Se | 6 William Lambe he w on off no matter how specialized any of them may be... ¥ ¥ of William Lambe he was thrown ¢ 4 See . ald floors. troductory subscription. ¥ = Funds balance while rémoving the "belt from | } pe i Xen : : . i 1 2. Hh eae ore wy =r Ten a i ce while r 2 be 4 , . CE I se - - TRUCOS SI a. an ay Work Pricts on egiedi. "* in tractor and struck his head on 4 ] ( personal, business, or farm loans, money transfers, ¥ 4 The Christian Science Monitor, + Asharp part of the tractor wheel. He] - \ ia \ ' id , oe : ' h _ Phone 3744W1- OSHAWA "One, Norway St., Bost 15, Mass. _ | feceived a deep gash on his head and | ~~ ~~ collections--to name just.a few... - SE : = : : Please send me an introductory was taken to Dr. Rennie for medical em ' A. a ' 3 : RB pi ab i or _-- 3 attention," - Co PORT PERRY YACHT CLUB BAe Ci Se ae = pe M.-Leggette- subgeription to The Christian Ni. Everets "Wiay nd returnad | © Well. the C. or M ra saw. clashed More than 95 out of 100 bank loan applications iz : : Science Monitor, -- 26 issues. En- 3 Ry : 'ell, the ©, or M. me, ' 2 : Lo : - - home from the West and yeports that I: Ford the Dok" Sats . fel Bw = close one dollar. Frnt work be seater ile 1 fia edplodol oe won Suing the. hess Bf frionis are decided "¥ight in the field" in the branches -- by : " i " - 5! d ; : dH was quite a battle while it lasted A RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS, K.C. : at General Motors, Oshawa nd ist simulating." Everybody c-- t oF HRE S, : and" mgdst simulating. e ) . ; \ 3% ~--@ Simeos w, - | Name -- Miss Helen Dutt, Toronto, was at ealied everybody else names and was bank managers who take. a personal laters in 2 ¥ : Phone 814 Address her home for the week-end. in turn advised of their short comings ring hale ohstoinel TY Vidi | } R { . i - in\attendance at my Port Perry office pi Mrs. Russell Wray has returned fino uicertain terms. It is really in- serving their cus omers' individua requiremen S. Ro on "Tuedls Loa 1 i rind FE rene home after recently visiting her sister |e uuting tp watch things being done . | eo! PBT at 'Malton, where they attended the : . bit st M - TE Queen Street, Port Perry.: Phone 94] ° : A when tempers are a bit short. ore Pa ; : -- | Exhibition. She also visited her r the 3 " Sr 3 - } Ey " (ANENNANENEEESANNERENRNANN | is done: then than when all is sweet LL , - : sister Mrs. Gordon McGee, in Osha-|, co and light. Gord Morrow and . 1 : = Gord Robertson got out of the engage- x i : : : . ment scot free after telling the Joab | i, | i Se a -- ae instr -- ees | 0f ul What a bunch of buins we are. . oo : . 4 : Oh, to have an inpeccable. character! ' - = 6 (Or a glib tongue). x Banks compete to - = ; First and foremost of important E ¥ 'matters decided upon is the election of : serve the most ps officers at the annual general meeting, ' diversified naetls " 4 this year, dated on September 30th. - . . ; Come one, come all, join the happy go throng as more throats are cut" and| oo i 3 hearts broken. Need we emphasize : ' . B As the importance of your beauteous d 3 - po I. a Lk en ers 5s -leountenance at this affray? Be there S P o N sO R E D Y O AR BA N. K tT. . 2 IEEE: and. speak then, or hold your peace for} = - Rh . 'Ithe next year. This is your chance to = - : of some hel 3 = lp as to , thie. raising of the ' toll the y cht Cig) 'what+yoy WARY, id Wheat Club {P. P. Rod and, Gun water «in the lake. This work should 3 to do. This year we need a conuno- ; Cl b be done, weather permitting, by the Ji ERA dore, vice-commodore, two trustees, _In the Fall of 1948, a 50 bushel Win- : u } - end of this week. : o and depending on you perliaps, 8 new [ter Wheat Club was "organized in On-|~ In an article n short Lime ago under SENS SU RIAN . fleet captain and secretary-treasurer.iyayio County under the Crop Improve-'up «you Interested?" 1 promised Upon: making a very close inspection 7 No one else. can decide these things [nent Association. $100 in prize money i orm the sports and citiezns of of the spillawy" of the old mill, that but you, so [ubericate your vocal cords, | is being. provided. by the Maple Leaf i - perry and surrounding district, there is a very bad leak-in the logs, gird your loins and join battle. ; Milling Company, Toronto. The three'. | would write Jaler &s to. what is and would say that there %s as much 4 > Then comes one of those dear sca-|highest contestants will have the op- being done ut tre dion: at Lindshy, as water leaking through as there is venger hunts. That will be a week [portunity of competing in the Inter- (4, raising. .of the water in the lake. coming tnt hi like | was given to after the eléétion so be prepared for [County Contest for which there are 10 YI visited the dam at Lindsay and understand that the owner of this mill anything. The guy_to prepare the j( prizés, totalling $335 plus a trophy." this is what I did see. The north por- building. 16 willing i Sondperate nm. ; lists will probably be newly elected to The results. of the Ontario County viol of the dams hs Ten repaired, and ey Fay Hop this rush Ii A, office and "just starting to find out [£4 Hushel Winter Wheat Club are asthe work of repuiving the south por- was done done T am sure 4 at with as what you let him in for, so you will}e ho tjon is being-dene. 1 would-say_ from ttle winter 03 15 0aming 1 at the pre. 1 feel the warmth of u_new found ani- --Tom- R. Harrison, EEE 186.0; ithe looks of the old marks on-the-wall, a So Si id ay the hia : i ea mosity, What do you ali of that 2--Russell Windatt, Beaverton, 172.8 that the dam will be about three ihches FEAT 37 tie Ji ; {box lunch business? You Jnow, pack 3--Geo. McLaughlin, Oshawa,' 172.8 higher than the "old one. This will bet : Otis O. (Ott) Hamilton. [a gredt meal to fill your own cavity [4 4--Harvey Meek, Sandford 166.61 : ~ en CBr oe | then have some chicken take. it away ls paher Down, Brooklin.. 161.2 a a RR = I 'from you and give you his lunch con- 6--Ivan Rennie, Blackwater 154.6 1 -- ------ N g sisting of a piece of rye bread and.a 2 Norman Gibson, Uxbridg 150.6 NOW Y C A £ Oe -- ge 100 'Ou an raer | : glass of carrot juice, - Seems to be a Geo. LaHive, M ° » : : [4 ~Geo. LaHive, Myrtle ............. x 50.0 : : | Servin Canadians good way, of getting around: the food iL. Honey, Seagrave ........ C110 i le f The club will : ALE ; i ¥ ny ang py or 'one. ereling: { 1e club-Will110--W. F. Batty & Son, Brooklin, 146.0 ; NA 5 provide. tea and. colleé.ol course, 1i---Howard Harper, Goodwood, 131.4 ' ' "a i } gt, YR y in Town and Country x hie mt on C. y M. have ini 12--Harold Doble, Sunderland 110.2 BY 'THE CASE I i \ oN 3 several entertainment recommenda- a Mlk- >A £ = 4 § wi ad v \ ) , tions for the new bunch to look into. -®- : Lo th | va It's an old saying that if you build a better selling them machines that enable them to {Hons {o ; ! : Y F D 5 l 4 WL | + = ----._mousetrap, thé world will beat a pathway-to. increase 'their yearly .oarnings. He has served > t The 'writer will probably get his neck 'Heneydale rom our avouritte ca er. Yi i H oor . .. but it's only partly true. Uriless ~ Massey-Harris; by enlarging -the_distribution __/ in a sling for mentioning these things, i! . - : hh § your door . . s only partly WwW EL I ie if i somebody takes it out and shows' it to the o Mussoy. Harris prides Ti equally, he but you might like to bring them up|: omen s Institute Xi will . 148 Berv iis community, because increase . sot Ratios aieyt FTE AE ol is people who riced mouse traps most of t hem will Yi | for all at the general meeting for a hearing. The September 'meeting of the SEY never hear about.if. farm earnings result in better business for a What we h x SR ave on file are suggestions , : PB Even' merchants, and. in.better homes, better schools, \ "1Honeydale Women's Institute was held i It's the same with farm implements. Kven for a Presentation Dance, production I i M "H "h been buildin better churches and hospitals. or at the honte of Mrs. Frank. Whitfield. , though assey-Harris has nb Bg of a play to help the rink a bit, New |, = © =o ecting was "Liv-+ 20 Eel A better and better farm machines for 'more than The Massey Haris' dealer 'of today' is as Year's Dance, social membership and 1c motto for the meeting F

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