i Watch your Label; it tells when your subscription £ Expires. a = $2. 00" ors year in adyance. Sc. Single Copy "$2. 50 per. 'year outside - Canada, : Notes and Coniments. "SOMETHING "TO CHEW ON : comparative tax in the United States and we doubt very much if the Ameri- Bvery ten. hofirs our: highways in {can eople, a aio a if there} - Ontario claim gnother life." Bvery people, £ ik ever was one, would submit te such a year an average of 5, 700 are ut id ronto, called on Mus, JH, Saturday afternoon. Hardy. on' Dreand Mrs. Morley Honey, of To- | coming along nicely. after his Jopern-. = Sm or iY Donations to: Port Periy Conmiinity. 'We are lid to Ticar Frank Lyle is High School Aield Day Dance 17.81 San Oyler A TARA i rid des bhi RA La IES due fs Suit Tur HER: Set WHA En . pM mE PORT PERRY- STAR CO. LTD. ere Hipind-aSomClaes Mail, a . Published by: I NE Post OMica Department, Ottawa. r 5 Mrs, Peter Barri, tax. In the Canadian econom is or injured and aprpoxini 5 Ttax or ve 004 of property damage done. In spite J Works a hardship tat we have "born too leng and too- patiently. "Is of this appalling xécord little js act- rtime that the gover nment. found some ually done. to change "the situation. | a 'other source of revénue. Furthering re, What apepars to be needed most is the we' belive that it is in the best inter- co-operation of the: general public m! a t 3 ho I} . . ; determining what are the most effec- | jests of the government to see (hat. with their mother, Mrs. J. H. Hardy. !such a tax is hot in line with a liberal - tive ways of combating the fearful] | philosophy. from which ; stems the! Mr, and Mrs. Norman Lyle visited toll of life and property damage.' PIy: " : Mr, and Mrs. Fred Lyle, of Myrtle ol legislation that turned it to | i ' People should be encouraged to see ek | TELS ALIN. ym has - Teun er hil Saturday. "tion in Osha Hospital: : "Mr. and" Mrs. Paul Diamond Visited | friends in Claremont on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Morley Hardy and family 'and Miss Winnifred Hardy of London, spent Thanksgiving 'week-end solutions to this problem; should" ba Office. : 1 Mr. and Mrs. Joel Miller; of Man- encouraged to present them to the' we oe j chester, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold} proper authorities in order that' they mpg 1 ¢ Honey, on Sunday. - . - DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND We find it very difficult to' under. | SPent: the week-énd with her parents, Mradn Mrs. Lawson Honey. Mr. and Mrs, B. Gilkes and daughter may be acted upon. 'Fhe big trouble | Mrs. Mervin Annis and sqn Lorie, with safety campaigns is usually that ' -they- are réady-made- programmes: d+ sang' why managemegt in the large vised by persons who are supposed to industries fights so hard against those | be more or less expert in this sort of. measures -of trade unions which lead spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. thing and the finished product is hand- 'to long and costly strikes. At the Frank Whitfield. . ed out for general approval and sup-* present time, we. have two major Mr. 'and Mrs. port. It appears to us 'that' this is gpa in the United Stites: the steel family spent Sunday with Mr. and | ET working backwards. Perhaps, the oii ana the coal strike. Over a mil- Mig Norman Lyle. ' . i Mr™and Mrs, Fred Hunter . government could sponsor some Sort lin "men are involved and unquestion= wei Rhy 3 J > Sunday 'with hey father Mr. { + a of general competition for practical ably the companies as well as the nen} Miss M. Hol i Miss B. Spa ions : i S ) ¢. Spence jt solutions from the run of_the mill folk. are suffering :severely 'from such a! 158 J olman and Miss pence The ideas might then be evalued and lay- off. The management luge to called on Mrs, Lawson Honey on Mon- the best pooled to make a programme accede to requests which labour de- day. that will really meet the problem that mands on: the® ground that it cannot = Mrs. Winnjfred Dunn and dildeon. confronts us, We think, thousands of afford' the cost. Usually the strikes of Canningtpn, spent the week-end Fred Titterton and spent people would gladly, participate in are settled by management going with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James + such-a prdject and feel that it was one about three-quarters of the way in Owen. 9 'very tangible way in which they might meeting the demands-of the workers. Master Glenn Starkey spgfit the fst 5 dischinirge. one of the responsibilities The strike 'ends, the workers go back, week-end. with Mr. and Mrs. Frank of 'good citizenship. Certainly, if we to their job, "Honey. Production' swings up- ward 'once mare and immediately there is an increase in the price of the pro- all got thinking about the problem and what we- could do about it, it woutin't night's meeting will be, the last night ' Wi Irvin, bn Slip Covers, and will be held at thei. Hak "Girl G ide Ne w | 5 u € e " | Mis: Wo Jone, of Oxdrift, Visited Cy Memorial Recreation Centre Ist Port Perry Company. (at the home of Mr. and Mrs, William i 3 : {Hop King during the week, EAE Calf DW fit isin issu tore 3.x a7. 21, Barber Ellis of Li anada, Lad, b. 00 Last Friday evening we. wee, YEE | Me. Walter Anderson of Toronto, it REAL JERR 28.25 [pleased 6 note a full attendance, dnd spent" the holiday week-end with his UR Bow to welcome 4 new recruit, Shirley St, [parents. My und Mrs, Norman-Anders------ iis : Se = : Joh. Te were very busy reviewing oon. # . ge NE KE , . - 3 oo the Tenderfoot. Test, in order fo ane By iL-;=§ ROTC and Tclen spon oR cousins - Marilyn and Barbara Heayn, Showers . {sure a porfeet enrollment 'night next jel Yok, end at the -home of her = TT NE 'of Port erry, were with her on, Sun- : ) , ! "RE ho y | : [end ky a Vids Comnis | father Mr. John Hamill, at Manilla. 4k ' " ) On Phanksgiving Monday a shower Stener,-Mu 5: Hobbs;prams to Lake] Mr. and Mis. Gordon . E nglish, of f) Little Miss Gloria Hobbs of Man- was held at the home of Mrs. S. Gril- charge of the evening programme. At! Woodville, ealled on friends in the ix chestergvisited "with Marie Long on go, in honour of Miss Jeanne Cuth-, hat time, our hardworking Tender! village on Sopday - ' {Sunday and Monday. "Mr. and Mug. C. | children, Fernchman's' Buy} Mr, and CMrsc Do Maundrell and children, of Whitby; Mr. and Mrs3aurice Fralick and children; Mr. and MraNCeceil Fra- lick, and children; Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Fralick and Sandra, were guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fralick, on Sunday. or Pot Luck Supper at the Head 'Mem- orial Church, on Tuesday, October 18, fat 7.30 pan. followed by a travelogue film and musical iumbers, Everybody welcome, Smee nin "ein wr i MANCHESTER Mr. Avehie' Davis was in Tdéronto last week and atteneded: the funeral" of his sister. Mr. and Mrs. Geo; motored to West Guilford on Monday. Among holiday visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. John Cranley, of Windsor; Ross and Karen, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs: 5, Rowland and: Leadh and family: bért whose marriage takes place this [00ts Wl become full-fledged. Guide 5. coming Saturday. The room was were placed in a decorated wheel bai- row, after the gifts had been opened 1 lan now to arrive punctually and wm by Jeanné, a fortune telling gr: wie wits beautifully decorated and. the gifts her splendid enthusiasm and cooper: {Much credit iso due tos each girl fc I i= Store Keep up the good work Guides. full uniform for you big night. played. A buffet lunch was served eee eg BET x and-in the eantre of the table was a] - > 'beautiful shower cake made by Mis. Brownie News -M. Goode, it was a two layer cake a. = . with abride and groom perched on top.1. The Brownies met in the Library Misy Norma. Hockley had made ao, Roms on Friday, Oct. 6th. Spirits lovelly bride's boak all done in white satin, the guests all signed the book "before leavilg, : | * . LE +" On 'Luesday evening * Miss Cuthbert was entertained at a shower in her honour at the home of Mrs, W. S. Taylor. This was a cup and saucer shower and the gifts which were beau- tifully wrapped were put into a 'huge decorated cup and sancir, really surprised this time, she came inher shicks and old blouse, but we had a lovelly veil of cheese-cloth ale . Jeanne Wis Jeanne! were very gay after a few ganies to waim up, tie Sixers led their groups the prepared eps to Library fur them. Tawny, sy Cat Polka. The meet- | ny closed with the Brownie Aim and? Valerie took the Squese safe keeping. Se venteen, dollars 'was raised at the candy' sale lunch "taught a Pass Promise home for fon Saturday! Well done girls and to find a! 'Service Club a -- The second meeting of the Service [Club was held at the home of Mrs {Aylmer I'rhetma took charge of our worship land it was, close to Livi mg she gave us an interesting read- fing on the origin of Thanksgiving. Many "subjects were discussed when wy wot down to the business part of the meeting. It was decided that all wor seeing ~kee-with about 20 present. Thanks-' vice Club-should- be something for our bail, it was de- feided that we would again sell Christ- [mas cards, seals and papers. The ; sale of these cards were very good - Hast yew 'should Ballad, I "I'he dise assiol dor around to the 'subject of funds which are most jm- and in anyone touch . 'wishing any ret with Mrs, John = Hanky to all wlio helped. a i ara . j Mrs. Ruth Barfoot, Wendy and John, Don't forget ladies that Thursday: and Miss Carrie Bor of T oronto, with Mr, and Mrs. A. Roach; : Mr: and: Mis, hn Crowe and Miss Miss Joyce MeKee, Toronto, with. then served by Mus, Taylor and [dna, fuest speaker »' take very long to wipe out, the deadly duct. If management is going to pass ; : a record we have now. : the extra cost involved. in meeting the home of Mrs. E. B. Cooke, = N.-Brown,--ofToronto, with--Mr:- - ra aL TET demands of the workers unto the gen- "1S: Lawson Honey and Mrs. E. B. Mpg, Grant Christie; 3 : : F 4 : eral public in_the form of jhereased Cooke have just completed a five day' a "+ THE EXCISE TAX - prices. why dv they pub' such a 'course on Slip Covers, which was taken yp. and Mrs: L. McKee; "We have. long maintained that the -fight in the first place, It c certainly gta Distriet, Project for South Ontario Miss Helen Crosier and Gerald and EE excise and sales taxes paid on auto- cannot be because they had the good omens Institute. Miss Kathleen fia; Crosier, Toronto, with Mr. and Taggart from the + Department was the teacher. She made the lesson Very. instructive and interesting. ¢ mobiles in this country is: excessive of the public at heart-for they, them- and unnecessary. On the average it selves, are the first to. admit or assert aniounts to $360 for every vehicle pur- that there is no place for sentiment in chased in Candda. There is no such ini nti LT HS a = ms a RR -- - ro ; YDALE WOME Pe INSTITUTE i The October meeting of Honeydale Women's Institute was held at the Anglican Pastor Inducted home of Mrs. EI J. Hufchinson, Port er 'Perry, with twenty- five :members and On. Wednesday evening, October 5th, three visitors _ present. The meeting the Rev. Jy sn Coneyhears bid opened with the InstTtute 'Ode followed Church -of the Ascension,-Port Perry, hv the Mary Stewart CoHect and the and St. Thomas' Church' at Bréoklin, Lord's Prayer. - : by: the Right Reverend A. R. Beverley, [¢ was decided to charter a bus to Lord Bishop of Toronto. The cere- i 14 (he Institute Convention. on mony was witnessed by what some of the older members claim was the larg- November 10th. - Arrangements are est congregation ever to attend a being made also for a bus load to similar function at their church. The a(tend the Royal Winter Fair, ) Bishop was accompanied by Reverend The usual -parcel is being sent through "Care" to a family in Britain, South Ontario : Plowing Match No doubt "the fine. weather. had a great deal to do with the large crowd and the fine workmanship at this pop- ular event of the farmers. 3 \ As we did not have a complete list pa of the winners last week, we herewith "give the prize winners in the different classes, - St Class 1, sod, open to all-=1 A. Mark, a3 * Camerson; 2 James Lee, Greenbank; 3 C. Timbers, Milliken; 4 Ronald Mar- quis, Sunderland; 5, R. Miller, Sunder- 'Ramsay ' Armitage,. Principal of Wy- ef land; 6. H. Timbers, Aurora; 7. Stuart msay. & B cliffe College, which Mr. Coneybeare Ball, Uxbridge; 8 W. Hooton, Ida. had attended, and Canon Wilkinson, The annual bazaar is to be held Nov, ¢ he i wa 2, Zod, Holes, a 1 5. Bll Rector of St. Paul's. Church; Blooi-St---26th,---- Details of which will be ar- i Voodville; 2 1 Bewell, Greenban East, Toronto, at which Mr. Coney- ranged at the next: meeting; The roll~ i---------- --T.Thomson,- -Seagrave;- 4 ~W.--Aslop, eure: had been curate for seven years, 0 as answered by "How to be a 'i a Uxbridge. and Rural Dean Twiss, of Uxbridge. About twenty-five brother clergymen £ood citizen" The motto ar the month front Toronto, .this deanery and other "Forwfrd Jn-Thinking and Learning" points were also in attendance. Brook-, tied in very nicely with an informal Class 9, tractors in sod -- 1 H. J. Cooperwaite, Milliken; 2 R. Timbers, 5 ; Stouffville; 3 1 MecLaughlino, 'Btouff- | E ville; 4 J. Beklos Brampton; A Joe [in congregation came out in force. ; : : Tran, Claremont; 6 R. Morrison, Bea- The visiting clergy filled the choir talk on Yoedtiona! Quinny given by = verton. stalls and the combined Port Perry Principal Crane, of Port Perry High Fi ~_~Class 3, stubble, jointer plows--Lisnd Brooklin choirs took the gallery, School. R. Marquis, Innasriaids 2'R. Smith, Mount Albert; 3 B, Wiley, Oakwood; 4 W. Hill, Greenbank; 5 A. The colored 'slides oth by Mr, Crate proved interesting to all pre- which, in early-days was the choir loft. All pews were filled and chairs had to Feather: [1 carried in and not only the back of vy : stone, Milliken, [the church but the porch also was Sent. The program and refreshments Class 4, stubble, jointer plows--1 fjjjeq, were ar. of-Mrs. Wm. Moase C. Clarke, Blackwater; 2 J. Dancey, and her group J Cannington; 3 H, Myers, Goodwood; 4! Bishop Bevétley is my¢h beloved by a . | f Howard T {ridell, Uxbridge; 5th L. his people and all were impressed by | Fielding, Manilla. the beautiful and solemn service pre- Class b, stubble, (boy 16-arfdl under) sented with such dignity. --1 R. Sheeney, Ida;* 2 R. Holder, Manilla. ; ! Class 6, tractors in stubble (boys and girls 16 and under)--1 R, Tim- Scugog The 'sermon _was delivered by Rev. | Ramsay Armitage and he held the un- "Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all divided attention of his listeners and that is within me" was the basis of the bers, Stouffville;.2 H. Baird, Black- they-got something to take home with, csqage delivered by Rev. Mr, Lin-- : t; 4 C. them. 2 stead of Hampton, at Grace Church, Fa. Dunkel, SOpmant 4 4 The - choir of St. Thomas' Church, on unde, pLon, y "gay, - ! = [Brooklin rendered an anthem to musié Worshi Y Chavet Sel is ne Class 8, tractors in stubble (open to by Bach (1710 to 1784) during the orship and. Ultureh, 55choo's at th all)--1 G. Wells, Stouffville; 2 W. taking of the offertory. ' regular hours next Sunday. - = Clark, Gormley; 38 J. Warken, Mark- While "all were. strongly 'impressed ~ Mr. and Mrs. M. King attended a ham; 4. J .Nottinghani, Little Britain; by the cerémony, we feel that the ef- ghower given in Toronto. for their | EARN 5 H. "Little, Dunbarton; 6 Ivan DeGeer, foot on the Hei thedlipess ii fave daughter Wanda, on Friday evening. de - dco i : ag "nérved him to face the new task which Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Milner and her is" before him, in building, up the two sister Miss Nettié Melnychuk and Mr. or congregations: and pressing' his-mes- Douglag Aldred spent a very enjoy- J PE pest team and ARETE sage on them individiially and collec- 11% week-end and holiday in St. e ie water; 3 F., Phoenix, Greenbank; 4W., i Tie caremony the congrega- Catharines,- Niagara Valls -and But Alsop, Uxbridge; 5. H. Timbers, tion adjourned to the Parish Hall to falo, N.Y. = Unionville, nieet the Bishop and where the ladies - Mr. Charles Beckway and. son Fred, and friend, Mr.-Hunt, of Toronto, were 'visitors of "Mur. and Mrs. Joe" Dowson, on Sunday. | Epi Special Prizes *. quet at Greenbank United Church, Esso Imperial Oil Prize for. the frat best plowed land (horses only) plowed Ae church had provided refresh | by a resident of the county ji which " ; the match is held--James Lee, Green- A | "ie bank, Miss Marjorie Milner is staying 'with Base Tnperial 0) riz tor the best GOLDEYES MAKING COMEBAC K her sister Mrs. George Russell, in ~~" plowed land in tractor sod classes by . I = Ontario County resident--Joe Tran,! . The well- -kgown Goldeye which until Oshawa, for a few weeks. Claremont. 'ot 'recent years 'was caught in large mini. - Miss Shirley Eden visited Brenda' b Lake Winnipeg, is making a P { The prizes were presented at a ban. eal a PA» delight oe hy Linig and Jian Nuria Fines, in Port' | ing car favorite on trans-Canada Perty, on Sa y * trains. New sources of the famoug © Mr. and Mrs, Archie Moore, of To- | : Tate . : Oehadian Heh are Take 2g + and ag ad: ronta; visited Mr. and Mrs: D. 'Moore, : : : i 4 joining Baril an amaw! es, in Monday. ; p> MORE LOCAL, NEWS. bial dB ss Mins Fase: Edgar spent: the tveek- i \ON PACE 3 on the North American Continent. end with 1: Ming Yvonne Milner and her .. 7) a : ' ¥ A - { FESS 2 4 oe te Osha) 0 Sunday. Mrs. W. F. Crosier, = } - Mr. Robert Graham was at his home 1 Toronto for 'the "week-end. wand-Mrs:-l-Mitler-visited "their "daughter, Mrs. Higgs and family. in «Mrs. J. IX. Holtby will entertain the Woman's Ey at her home .on Thursday, "the 13th. ance is hoped for, : Mr. and Mrs. G. Leach entertained at a family dinner on Sunday, the fol- Towing guests : Mr. and Mrs. A, Timms Sr, Mr. Fred Timms, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. A.,J. Timms and Kenneth, and Mrs. Schell, of Myrtle; Miss Mary Griffis, Betty and Shirley, Toronto; and Mr. and Mrs, V. Willis; Amy, Wilma and Charles, of Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Crosier, of To- ronto, - with his parents, on Monday evening. - _ Mrs. Roswell Ty Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Har- Dobson. -- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sunday guests with her sister Patterson and family, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs: Dyle-T 'hompson. and children, Kitehener, aw e pois her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. ately over Ki hanksgiving. Myr, and Mrs, Lloyd McKee attended the* -MecGahoey-Johnson wedding Dufferin Street Presbyterian Church, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Wilson and Ralph of Woodbridge, and Mr. and Mrs, Robb, of Toronto, were guests at the H. 0. Dobson home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ggo. Milne, Hamilton, wera-guests of Mr. and Mrs.. Stanley Croxall, over Sunday. Miss: Doreen Johnson, teaching staff,--svas home week-end. : : Mr, Frank Johnson is home after spending several months in the West. Rev. James Miller was the guest of Mr. and Mrs: 0. Croxall on Monday night. } Don Mitton, E. B. North and Duncan Smith of 0.V.C., Guelph, were guests at the Frank Johnson home on Sunday evening: My, and i Irvin Perkins visited his aunt-Mrs.. J, Johnson. on Thanks-. -h vey FL McKee Nwere "Mrs of "Sudbury "over the giving Day. . Mr. and Mis. Russell Dobson and daughter Joan spent Thanksgiving week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Joshua Dobson. * Nn * A WARNING Those people who have wells which . have not been in constant use should take warning that the water from such a 'well is not safe to drink. If it is ndcessary to use water from a well it should be boiled for 10 minutes before drinking. "A good attend- 1 "games. at (Mrs, E. ready for her, and she wore it while opening her gifts. We lent the visi for fier to wear Saturday. After the Tgrifts had Teen opened several games prize winners. A delicious lunch was on each cup-was a teaspoon: from a place in Scotland. put in a hat and three drawn. The prize es were, Miss Helew Willard, Mrs. M. Dymond, and Mrs. C. McMaster. or thanked her guests for (he lovely invited us all for tea when she rots settled. lucky ones eifts and Z Bo . --Owing to Epsom-Anniversary sor- vice on Sunday, Oct. 16th; all services here are eancelled. BE A., gave his farewell address and we had the pleasure of meeting our new minister, Mr. Kale. "We are indeed sorry- to lose Mr. 3 with us for the past two years and his done so much for the circuit, He Last Friday night saw a Tot of ae- tivity around the village. people held their meeting after which Epsom young people joined in the Mr. and Mrs, King were pre- sented with . he autiful silver dish hy! Utica Y. I. Uy and two dresser lamps by Ipsom hy P.U. These came as complete -surprise: While "these pre: sentations were in progress the adults of the circuit gathered and at a signal trouped in and' filled the basement. T he young N ' All- the names were ! © Sunday, :Octobes--2nd;- Mr King, 157 King "who has been leaves a host offi iends and only. forl --|his health, would still stay with us. | Spree il anniversary serviees will Tc (he Ad in Burn's Cliugeh on Sunday, Oct. Gordon Me 'hers: on, of Toronto, as the Special music by ~the "choir. HE . <The Young People will meetin the the church Friday eve ning, October 14 at 8.15 p. nm. when Klis Glenys Ste phen will give -a talk on her recent trip to the 'West Coast and United States. Everyone basement of on is cord- Mranid Mis, Fred Stephen. Mr, Thos. of wis a iid ay wuest at the home of Mr, Barrie, Toronto, and portant and -it was -decided that we je ould always do with a little butextra, re Vand 50 thought we would have a party Tinvite feed them "rood "awd ives pass' the hat around -to them. "and our husbands, heen to Service Club_before_ and es- and-were_played-and--we-had- many --tueky 200d at-Hosen ands pans with Rev. RESIN CTO EN | WMT A 11 pecially to one of our parties, if you the first Thursday in Noveinbor which-is the 3rd, to the United Clitireh, vou will find that prompt at 8.30 the - fun will start. Come and bring your tell them that we will feed in a pot luek supper at eleven, so don't eat too much for supper that come husband, iadly invited to attend. night. Come along to our Play Party, Mr: and Mri Lawrence Doble and At the -United Church, Nov. drd, at son Philip, of Weston, Mr. Jas. Doble, S50 sharp. : a of Toronto, spent the holiday week- : rps toe end with their parents, Mr. and Mys.. ~-- CARD OFF THANKS Henry Doble, tl wish to thank afl my friends, neigh-- My, and Mrs - Wim. Brown and _their hours, and re latives for all the lovely daughter iis Mr. Hugh Gardner, cards, letters anid gifts sent "to me of. Lenore, Man, visited at the Rout- while | was in "the hospital. 1 also lay and Gardner homes fring; the--wme fi Tor THatk the Ww. A. of Head Mem- week, . orial Church "for the lovely gift box, Migs Glenys Stephen, of "Whithy, and a special 'thank you' to neigh- Jspent the week-end with her parents, hours for alts of kindness and a help- ing hand to the family during my ab- senee)" ' 1 Ruby Sweetman. Parbarac Ann Scott has just been The Passing Show Sa. . by 'Mm. A.C." A swrvey shows that "Canadian ol the Lions Club i dimond pin. all the other riven, "ented with Along with this and things led one griven- go much and pre heen . that by she has wi to Wis are sny inever or A ree fire rime fry ROETEE 1 EE TTY still scarce and likely to way for some time to this is easy to understand. plentiful, they'd be cheap which would please neither the people who have them, the builder who that Lome. Ir liolses remain were They in turn prese nted Mr. and Mrs. King with a combination hooktase and | sceretary. Mrs. J. Crosier read the address and Frank Kendall and Ray Both | Medd made the Mr. and Mrs. King were loud in their (praise of how the circuit had stood behind them-in their pastorate' here, and how they were deligted with the gifts, The Wonmn's Association will hold its October meeting at the home of | Mrs. Earl Ballaid, on Thursday, Oct. 13th. Group one in charge. z On Friday night a goodly number gathered at the 'hall to wish Mr. and Mrs. Earl Geer long life and happi- ness, and presented-them with a coffee table and gn occasional chair. Mr. and Mrs, Geer Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rogers (nee Aileen Harper) on presentation, Saturday. Happy birthday to Frank Kendall for October 9th. L. Cassidy, Brooklin, récent guests at Kendall's. : - Tt >on 7 BIRTH a Mr. and Mrs, Laverte Devitt (nee Mary Vickery),are happy to announce. the arrival of a daughter, on Tuesday, October 11th, in Oshawa, General Hos pital. ---poeey made 'suitable replies. | the birth-of a son in Bowmanville; last v * + A truck carrying hundreds to" Lnhoratory in Halifax was involved in an acident the frog went hop- iping free, and the truck driver went hopping mad, -- . * Ld * 80 years old has of play 2FOes A British actor vole iia Broadway in York oo. which all to that you awe as old as you feel as you act, CE feading, New prove . Or 174 J A man is on the way "to hei ng great "whan he does things for others . . | on the road to being™ importaht when he succeeds in doing things for HIM- (SELF, 4 * * + & Havold Greenwood | ds 13 and lives in a derelict boat in the Thames England. He hag just, inherited $21. - 1800 which he claims he doean't want. Joven though his 'ship has come in' he feels he can't dosert the derelict. We rive: "think he must bdr most Y lowing way . Edgar Hogarth, Napanee, 'and Mrs. §: Hehe Wnst- fd wnst iare Kir 'of y thumiin being. ) * * ed "The American © government has {launched ansinvestigation, into the af. [fairs of the American Medical Asso- ciation... , it looks as though this is being done in self. defense because for a "while we thought the A, AA. was was determined to take over the af- | fairs of the: American Government, of frogs trtd="Thcny, The people who rent. 'em nor the people who sell 'em. . * * A vadio owner fined for not having his radio license, mailed in his fee, fine and Radio. this an aftermath of the Programme?! %. Is 'Giveaway *® ' id * All this publicity to prove that there is actually such a thing as an iceworim and there is. | leaves us quite ) cold. LJ] * * A very old man, president of a large" company the stock of which was held by of pedple, married a young girl in her twenties at - the arext board meeting of the com- "pany a resolution to provide a pension for 'the lifetime of the bride in the event of the death of her aged spouse was unanimously passed . . , because of proxy votes. "It may » assumed that the clderly president" proposed to the young lady in somewhat the fol« . "Marry me and the company will. take care of you for the. (rest of your life," Irresistable' isn't it? . ; . * The Federal members of parliament are lamenting tha fact that they are not receiving any letters from 'their, constitutients , . Sit has been dis covered that they are as keen bg thousands - LP yr letters as the stars are for 'fan mail."