4250 Sh Sr - LN Fes wy is ke Grow "Gardens" In Goldfish Globes Crh Do you Kiiow "Ht at a trifling €OSt you ©an grow a Very preity © and colourful. garden? No waitl for the seasons and the favors sun and rain, All you need is & small glass globe (of the goldfish variety), or a low jar holding about a'* quart, Sprinkle coarse sahd. to a depth of ¥ inch on --the bottom; then almost All the Jar with "sodium "silicate solution (water glass) 'diluted with an equal aniount of water, "Seeds" consist of such salts as eopper. sulphate, ferrous "sulphate, sinc sulphate, nickel sulphate, ¢o- |' balt chloride and manganese chlor- ide. These crystals, which for heat results should be about 3% inch'in diameter, are dropped' 10. the bot- tom of, the jar. You can then sit back in 'tomfort without the gar- dening "back-ache,' and watch the "plants" shoot up. 4 An hour or #0 sees the garden a tot of bloom, suggesting some beau- tu! undersea Tanyiois, One Boy Ha: Has 500 Blood Transfusions What is believed to be a world record in blood transfusion has bas set up at a Brooklyn hospital, AD "Jasient. there recently received th tranefusion. ° He suffers from anaemia and was fven his first transfusion when he seven months old. He ls now 'nearly fourteen and doctors . say there's a good ehance he' may win long gamble for Me. But the Tod m ave to go on receiving transfusions for at | least. another. sin "pean. At the beginning af his treatment-- = ives a boy used to have to stay in the . Li several days at a time, re- ving a pint of blood each day. calls each Thursday, re- pint, and returns home, Hundreds have helped to keep the -altve through-their-blood dona--- 8, The rare childhood disease which he suffers da known as ley's anaemia, victims of which ore unable to Teplaiih blood. : Believe It or Not Snakes Milk Cows 3 RE 1 people" er 'a violent Fo towards snakes, The sight of Is them with revulsion. "Ugh! ¢ creepy, slimy things)" ? But snakes are not slimy. H in your. hands. They're "muec ner than dogi: This. horror of serpents proba: Copy dates from a period when Man was hunted by massive, scaly mon- sterg which cornered him and crun- '¢hed his bones. But, if you've Hved ong snakes--ae 1 have--you trea em as friends. Part of my boyhood was spent ~ a remote jungle district some J miles east of Calcutta, - Our house stood in a former burial ground. When the skulls and bones ,- were oleared -we-had--some fifty acres, with two small lakes, on "the «dge of the jungle. The house stood on heavy piles, the roof was thatched, and snakes abounded, writes Harvey Day in "Tit Bite." 00dothe. wODt-c0 Ten Years--Not One Bite * Ll ys --the--dhaman; a large water-_snake | Deii't worry them," my father used to say, "and they'll' leave you, alone." I lived there some ten years, | and though we had about forty ser- _vants and a pack of more than twenty dogs, none was--ever-bitten,-- Often we found snake skins that . had been shed in the various rooms, Once my mother. was-bathing when- a Cobra reared itself in a large china bowl. She was Irish, unused to serpents, and acreamed. A rou-: + sed and frighténed reptile had to be dispatched. 1 scmetimes watched snakes swim in. the lakes; graceful, lazy, striped and speckled ribbons. Though we bathed there we were never attack- ed. In India there is oily one reptile that will attack on sight. The wick- ed king corbra or hamadryad. For tunately, he is rire. Other cobras will strike only if frightened or , hurt. : A reptile disliked 'in Bengal is 8 or 10 feet long and thicker thas a fan's wrist. It is' not poisonous, but wraps itself around" the hind fegs of cows and drinks their milk, Afterwards the cow is supposed to be useless for ordinary milking pur- poses. When cornered, a dhaman will bowl over a strotig man and escape at high speed! ' Poisonous Bedfellow Though some 300 people die ~ daily of sndke bite in India. I have seen only half a 'dozen fatalities, One was a wrestler who was ad- mitted Into hospital with a fever, At dawn, he turned over on to a Jearait" -- a triangular, sectioned, black and- yellow banded creature, about three feet long--which had snuggled next to him for warmth, » He was bitter, and as the tiospital' had no snake serum he died in dreadful' agony, groaming repeated- Jy that his blood was on fire, ' » Snake poison destroys the- clot- ting power of the blood. The red _ galls no longer function. The capll- lary walls are destroyed so that: bloods seeps through them, creats ing the horrible bruised effect char- actéristic of snake 'bite. The nerve centres: that affect breathing be- come paralysed. Ad agonizing Shh LF ¥ bt gies aban SHR Today "this column is going murmurs we hear from the bleach- ors are to the effect that this is no different from what it has been doing for a long time, we'll simply ignore them. Nor are the dogs re- ferred to the sort you bet on at impression: they are Thoroughbreds, but actual canines, with pedigrees 88 long as their talls, or.-even longer dor all we know. : * b * ig i It seems that most Dog Shows do not make public the number of entries received, by breeds, working _on the: theory that such information, | 'ta liable to give intending exhibl- tore too much dope on what sort of eompetition" to expect." But the Westminster Club Js different. Our ersonal - acquaintance with" the ° | Pooen Asistoctacy ls of the slight-. est. But we' gather that the West- minster Bhow occuples a position somewhat akin to that of Wimble-._ don In tennis, Henley in rowing or Bt. Andrews In golf; and that the doggy set knows that the best " # can hope -for there is the tough- sort of ebmpetition anyway, so Has aotual figures don't make much difference. * * * __throws open its doors at Madison Square Garden some time this | -- month there. are expected to be s something "like 2534 canines on hand; although, of course, in the interim some of them may have been laid low by high blood pres- sure, gout, distemper or "even-- net of the dog catcher, At all events there promises to be an elegant that we are not on: the - 5) gt Abd staff of Madison Square, doomed to keep them com- pany through the long hours affer everyone elee has departed. As many of you are no doubt aware, 'just one lonely pooch ean fill a whole neighborhood with heart- breaking walls, all ftself. Ima- gine 2500 or more them, all in full voice and all under,one roof! A tight game between the Rangers and the Leafs, with both. Conn Smythe and Lynn Patrick at the top of their form, wouldn't even eome close. * * » But to get along with the serious business of the day. Offhand, and without doing any deep research before giving your answer, just what. breed of canine would you --say is the most popular-today? Ac--- cording" to the Westminster Show, figures it's the. Dachshund--the kind that somebody once described as "half a dog high, and a dog-and- a-half long." Last year the Boxers topped the Dachshunds by a mar- gin of three. But this time it's the other way around. Score--Dachs- hinds 153, Boxers 137. And if any reader would like' to Interpret this as a trend, showing which way the world is heading, it is O.K. with us, 2 3% SRDS MLE In case you don't keep abreast of such things, it seems that in the upper brackets of. 'Dogdom they divide the entries not only into breeds but by classes as well, These * dlvisions are WORKING DOGS; SPORTING . DOGS; HOUNDS; TERRIERS, TOYS and NON- SPORTING; 648 Workers in the Westminster Show aé compared to a mere 539 Terriers, which might aleo indi: cate a trend. Or something. * * . ouse us of holding out vital in- formation, we'll. ndly give yo what the advertising axperts call a "break-down" of the various classes. And if you skip reading the Kiiows His Stufi--Richard Spicer, Jr, 'youngest handler inthe mateur event of the annual trials-of the Pinehurst Field Trial lub, shows one of his "spicer" dogs. The lad handled his own "entry like a.veteran. --straight--to-the--doge;--and--H--those--|- Dufferin --or- "Woodbine, -under-the "riers; Anyway, when the Westminster - te © Wen De aehe pe Ara _perish_the-thoughtl--the-snatching-- We're not._certain--where they; -duificitnty of-dogs; and-we are just ~ and "there will -be Now; lest- somebody should ac next six paragraphs, you do so at your own peril, and we don't blame "ye. es ping , * * * WORKERS: In this class you will find, # you fook hard enough, Alaskan Malamutes; Belgian Sheep- Loar Bouviers des Flandres; Box- Pei ermann Pinschers; - Berra Shepherds; Great Danes; Great Pyrenees; Mastiffs; Newfoundlands; Qld English Sheepdogs; Puliks} Bamoyeded; Giant = Schnauzers; Standard Schnauzers; . Shetland Sheepdogs; Siberian Huskies; St. "Bernards; Cardigan-- Corgis; -Pem--- broke Corgis. . in * i) Among the TERRIERS there -are Airedales;"Bedlingtons; Border; Bullterrier (colored) = Bullterrier (white)--we hope they don't draw the color line or 'they'll be hearing | from Paul Robeson--Cairns; Dan- die Dinmonts; Smooth Fox Ter-. "Wire "Fox 'Terriers; Irish Terriers; Kerry Blues; Lakelands; : Lhasa Apeos; Manchester Terriers; Norwich; Miniature Schnauzes; 8cottish Terriers; Sealyhams; Skye Terriers; Staffordshire; Welsh Ter- riers; West Highland Whites. os * * * = "!Tain't no business if he is a hound, you "gotta quit kicking my dog around" was part .of a song once-popular. Anybody attempting to do such booting nowadays would have quite a chore. because, under the heading HOUNDS, these are listed: - Afghans; Basenjis; Basset- hounds; 13-inch Beagles; 15-inch Beaglés; Bloodhounds; Borzols; .Coonhounds; Longhair Daschunds; Smooth _ Daschunds; Wire-halr Daschunds; Scottish Deerhounds; American _Foxhounds; Greyhounds} - Norwegian Elkhound; Otterhounds; Salukis; Whippets; Irish -Wolf- hounds. * * oo» draw the line between the Work- ing Dogs and those of the Sport- "Ing -Category; and right now we | don't intend trying to find out. We do know; however, because. it's -- right heré&-in--print before us, that . among the Sports there are Point- ers; German Shorthairs) Chesa- . feake Bay 'Retrievers; Labrador etrievers; English Setters; Gor- don Setters; Irish Setters; Ameri- can Water Spaniels; Britanny Span- iels; Black Cockers; Ascob Cockers; Parti-color Cockers; English Cock- ors; English Springers; Irish Water Spaniels; Welsh Springers; Wei- maraners. (We're 'not quite certain of that last selling don't lose too much sleep over\ it * * * Now, . and none too soon, we come to the TOYS, which Include Affenpinschers; Chihuahuas; 'Eng- lish Toy Spaniels; Brussels Grif- fons; Italian Greyhounds; Japanese. Spaniels; Maltese; Papillons; Pek- ingese; Miniature 'Pinschers; Pom- eranians; Toy Poodles; Pugs; Toy Manchesters; Yorkshires. * * * And, at long last, those desig- nated--rather rudely, we think--as . NON-SPORTING. They are Bos- ton Terriers; Bulldogs; Chows; Dalmatians; French Bulldogs; Kee- shonden; Miniature Poodles; Stan- dard Poodles; "Schipperks; and Miscellaneous. : . *® We started: off this plece--little knowing what we were getting into" --by "saying that the column was going to'the dogs. Now we're about through, we're inclined to think that' "the whole world must be doing something similar, However, writ- ing it has cleared up one matter - in our mind. A few days ago a tiny girl living nearby was proudly displaying a new present she'd re- ceived--a small puppy. Her mother happened (to ask us what breed it was, and we couldn't answer her, much to our shame. * » --- But if ghe asks us again, we'll be able to come through with fiy- ing colors, It's the very last breed _ listed above--MISCELLANEOUS. Egg prices are too low, of 'course, "They always were, s¢ far as I eafi remember, and that goes/a long way back. Still, I've never seen them so' Jow as they were in the days. of 'the old, old. story about the farmer who -mypch he was paying for eggs. : "My good Sh on the farmer, .upon hearing the quoted bid,' "price doesn't even pay for the wear and tear on the hens,' * * * 3 Put. whatever the 'price of eggs, the. more efficient your flock is, the .better- off you are. "And one good way to check your prospects--ac- cording to an expert out where they "go in for eggs in a big way--is to study the records of farm flock owners who have kept a full set of + Agures on income and outgo. * * IK He goes on to tell about 41 flock owners who have been keeping. records in 'eo-operation with an Agricultural College. Very likely these flocks are a bit better than _average--but up to the time that | "owners "started keeping records in | had been overly successful. (Figures quoted, by the way, are for that - special Middle West district, but. I 'give them as set out and you ean make your own omparisons, : EEEE SS: JENSAE Jam .80, even though they may be bet- ter than average now, they weren't when they started. But these folks were willing to make changes in the _ way they handled their flocks, and in the equipment they used. Anyone. else, of course, can make the same "ehanges, --* ----%--%---- But let's laok at the figures: Latest yearly summary of records shows the-41 demonstration flocks averagéd 207 eggs. Mortality -was 24 per cent during the year. Gross in- come per hen was $6.52. . * * ok Actual expenses of the 41 flocks added up to $4.12 per bird. Most of | that went to pay for the six pounds of feed per dozen eggs. Another $94.25 per flock was charged for in- terest at 6 per cent. : * » * This -left earnings of $2.11 per bird, or $1.94 per hour for the work of taking care of the flocks. --Of course, egg prices were good In the year covered by this sum- mary, Eggs from all 41 flocks sold for a good margin above cost. * * * 41 flocks, Their egg production--223 eggs per bird--was higher than the average, and their death loss--18.1 per cent--was_ lower. And they used only 5.4 pounds of feed to make a dozen e eggs. RET ER. uns ? So these best 10 flocks produced eggs at-a cost of -only 21 cents per dozen. At a:44-cent, egg price, that made a profit of $4.02 per bird, or_ $3.50 an hour for labor, Even with eggs seiling at 30 cents a dozen, those best 10 flock owners' "will make some money. * * Now look ot Ue facta 10.61 the. 41 record-keeping flocks, They turn- od out only 189 eggs per hen, had a 25 per cent mortality, ate more feed per dozen. So labor profit was only ~ 51 cents per hen, 44 cents per hour. "% * * = : Since the 10 low flocks had ex- penses of 28 cents a dozen, egg pricés at around 30 cents will be hard for them to take. * * * : How were the 10 liigh flocks able to shell out eggs at a 21-cents-per- Pa cost, while the 10 low flocks Deeded 28 cents? * The answer is equipment and management, Bred-to-lay chicks. Good, well-insulated houses. Labor- saying equipment. Continuous water Supply. Balan¢ed ration: * * you have all those, you cai look forward to 1950 with confidence: J * * * : of Agriculture has some interesting of Agriculture has 'some interesting things to say about a new variety of "peach called SOLO. The experi- mental station out in Summerland, B.C. introduced the SPOTLIGHT peach, and is now telling about its latest--a variety that, is expected to -become a very useful addition to the you are, as the Government publicity "is directed to. Ontario, as well as British Cotuiyia, LJ * Solo is one of the results of. a "controlled breeding experiment be- gun in 1933, when crosses were made of J. H.. Hale and Veteran. The seedlings were planted fn 1936 and. Solo was first selected as show- "ing" promise ih 1941. both a fresh fruit and as a Shaning , variety, state A. J. Mann and F. W. L, Keane of the Sumnierland Sta- tion, * * The ofNginal As has been a heavy annual bearer and young trees ex- hibit a similar tendency, $e variety 'asked the village store-keeper How : 'that this College project, none-of them --f But look at the best 10 of those '| Our own Dominion Department - list of firm canning peaches. So, here | SincePthen it | has been subjected to extensive tests . sets thickly 0 requires heavy thin- ning. The tree proved hardy at the' station during the moderately severe winter: of 1942-43; Fruit-bud injury 'during the winter of 1948-49 was slight, insufficient to reduce the ep and much less severe than on J.H Hale. LS The fruit matures APpioRI with Valiant "and Veteran, Solo is «large, well coloured,. yellow-fleshed, firm, juicy, good .to above fair in' quality and practically freestone; It has an exceptionally long picking range, remaining firm on. the tree for several days after. reaching ma- turity, It is very easy to pick and handle with a minmum of bruising, being superior in this respect'to Ve- "dette, Valiant and Veteran, ¥ * * In 1949 the fruit' was clean and well finished and when canned was of attractive appearance, However, in certain seasons tlie appearance has been somewhat marred by patches of skin which lack normal pubescence and by the fact that the - fruit is rather susceptible to the net- ted form of mildew known as "Rusty Spot" which may sometimes "appear in the canned product, In peeling the fresh fruit, the skin ad- heres moderately to the flesh but in the oanning operation no particular difficulty is experienced in this re- | gard: -- When canned "the quality is good. * Growers ibis sesated in a variety firm enough to reduce wast- age 'in the orchard, the packing house and the cannery, may consider Solo worthy of commercial trial. All 'the budwood available from _four trees will. be' distributed - to 130s. | Chick Hatchery, Fo "a . AGENTS WANTED ATIRNTION: Agental Men, women, every. where, make money quick, Sell our door name plates of plas 414 and metal. Bells for Costs you rite for eclreylars, Make money. Clalro, 1163-W, Amherst, Mont. real 24, . SECURITY THE * WAY--By selling FAMLIEX products. We need agents in your "| locality or in your surrounding, rural area. Equipment needed for & rural route. Experience not peceasary--we will tell you how--Very lit tle capital required. Beat advantages offered for your SUCCE$$--Write today for free de- talls -- > RAMILEX, 1600 Delorimler «= MONT- REAL fra BABY. CHICKY "FISHER ORCHARD CHICKS Day old chicks, pullets. and cockerels available weekly year iy! {r 8 leading breeds and crosses. The chicks are first class, the price moderate. .the atock mccredited. Write for 12- page coloured- calendar and price liat. Fisher Orchards, -R.O.P, Breeders, Freeman, Ontario. ADAMS fast feathering Barred. Rocks and Crossbreds (Hamp x Rack) are bred for high produbtion and. meat. Clean -blopd test for, three years. Started capond a speelalty Adams Barred Rocks, Paris, Ontario Classified Advertising... o FOR BALE or Military and Civilian Jee Ay Ancient service, Phone and wire orders glven immediate attention, Retail Supply Co., Box $08, Dept. 8B, Steubenville, Ohla. Phone. 4-0864. OAMP EQUIPMENT BLANKETS, Double Deck Bunks, White Cot- ton and Flannelette Sheets, Mattresses, Pia lows. Camp . Cooking Stoves and 'Heaters, Slelgh Shoe Hteel, Tents, Tarpaulins, Tanks, Lumber Wagons, Front and Rear Lumber Bug- gies, Horse Blankets. M. ZAGERMAN & C0. LIMITED, Bayview -Road, Ottawa; Ont; CAMELLIA F¥LOWERED 'TUBEROUS BE- GONIAS--Gorgeaus double flowers. Easy te grow. For early hloom get them. sfarted in-: doors." ot colours. Scarlet, pink, rose, orange, yellow, 'White, Salmon. Giant flowers all summer and fall; Extra large bul - Order now, 6 for 31--10 for $1. 16, poatpald, Cash with 'order. Holland Bulb and Nursery Company, P,0, Port Credit, Ont. Serving Cane adlan Gardens from cofft to coast. DOGS AND PETE FOR SALE REGISTERED Sheltles - (miniature Collies), Lovely marked pups Of good breeding, also grown stock. Write Wahl's Kennels, Box 287, Mitchell, Ont, [ TOO many hens are being sold now. This means high prices for eggs later: Order early chicks and get In on this market, Durance Laying strains and Broiler cockerels avaflable now. Write for catalogue and prices Durance Farms Hatchery, Sarnia, Ontario. THE CHEAPEST chicks on the market are the ones that lay the most eggs. If you get your chicks for nothing and they only lay an aver- age of 130 to. 140 eggs a year you would be better oft without them. It is those extra four or. five dozen eggs that you met from chicks with genuine breeding back of them that makes the profit. - Many of Top Notch Chicks are R.O.P, sired. | Also Turkey Poults. Broiler Chicks and Older Pullets. Free Catalogue. Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario; WHICH ARE the cheapest pullet chicks to buy? Chicks that develop Into average pro- ducers of 240 eggs or pullets that average 130 eggs per year. We don't néed to tell you. You know the answer. Tweddle R.O.P, Sired Chicks have a far better chance of laying 240 eggs a year than those sired by cockerels With no | breeding back of them. Best of all Tweddle Chicka cost no more. in many cases than ordin- ary chicks. Send for full details about Tweddle R.O.P, Sired Chicks. Also Turkey Poults and Older Pullets, Tweddle Chick Hatcherles Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario. , et. ; MONKTON CHIOKS8--Government Approved, Breeding quality, one of' the best: Don't |- "guess, be certain, logue. Monkton Poultry Farms, Monkton,- a BABY CHICKS from blood tested h- producing stock, Livabllity © gua nteed, Mixed $15.00 pet 100, Pullets $28 to $30, Ten verecent off for orders 600 and over. Goddard Britannia Helghts, Ontarlo. BUSINESS OPPORYUNITIRS .|ANTOFFER to every (nventor--Liat of (Aven. tions and full information sent free. The Ramsay Co.. Registered Patent Attorneys. 278 Bank' Street, Ottawa, nurserymen in the summer of 1980. Discovery Mill Produces Gold At a cost of $1,250 250,000 Diicovety "Yellowknife Mines Limited put down a three-compartment shaft to 250 feet, opened two levels, "devel 'oped and outlined: 79,700 tons of gold ore having the value computed at $2,030,027 and built a mill with 3 capacity of 100 to 125 tons daily, This mill will pour its first gold brick about the 15th of February. At the 100 ton rate and averaging a grade -of $25.00 'a ton the com- pany should produce at the rate of $60,000 to $75,000 a month when in regular operation. Therefore = the cost of 'developing the ore and equipping the property for produc- tion should be recovered within 18 months, This is an example of suc- cessful mine operation, regardless of-location, when ore grade is high. Located 60 miles north of Yellow- knife in the Northwest. Territories Here,~bought,-sa)d,-- -| Prices. - Ope 3 DYEING AND OLEANING °. HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing Or- clean- ing? Write to us for information. We are lad to answer your questions. Department i Parker's Dye -Works Limited. 791 Yonge Street, Toronto, 'Ontarlo, z FOR BALE . WRITE for free catalogue. _BATOR CO., Station "H", TORONTO. NEW JOHNSON Outboard. Motors, Canadian Canoe Co., Peterboro Boats, Canoes, Trall- exchanged, Large stock used. motors. Repairs by factory-trained Techanicy Tan MODEL INOU- Open until nine except Wednesday. Cycle, Hamilton. 5 GUNS--Large assortment new and used. ht, sold, Guaranteed repairs. Scopes, sights Installed. Fishing Tackle, Hunt- ing Equipment. Sporting. Goods. Special Team until nine except Wednesday. Strand Cycle, Hamilton. MOTORCYCLES Harley Davidson, New- and used, bought. sold, exchanged. Large stock of guaranteed used motorcycles. Repairs by factory-trained mechanics, Bicycles, and com- plete line of wheel goods. Open evenings until nine except Wednesday Strand Cycle & Sports, King at Sanford, Hamilton, NEW OLIVER 99--Used Oliver 99. Tractors in new condition.. Best. offer. Garnet Mc Falls, Centralia, Ontario. LOCOMOTION. lege, arms, Precision built. No shoulder straps ry. Guar- anteed. Acme Artificial Limb Co., 54 Robinson Street, Toronto. a GOLDEN clover honey: twelve 4's, $8.00. Amber, 70-1b. carj. $7.00. Wilbert Link, Delaware, Ontario, - : braces. 'the mine of Discovery. Yellowknife has been equipped witli steam heat- "ed, insulated structures and the com- munity has waterworks and sewage installed, a radio station erected, a | truck road" to Yellowknife and an all- 'season airport on the large lake on the property, ~The mine -3s only in "the early stages of development, as- work on the 125 and 250-ft. levels has been . resumed, to follow up high grade ore intersections seciired in surface drilling, to the west and south of presently developed ore. The shaft is. being deepened to 375 feet to - open another Iével, below which ore is known to extend. An entirely new structure to the south and another to the east, tested in a. preliminary - way by drilling and returning high values in gold, remain. to be devel- oped. : The mill canbe Faised from 100 to 150 tons daily capacity without. ad- ditional equipment, by adjusting grinding and crusher speed. On a recent day $2,105 in gold was pro-. duced from 77.5 tons of ore, giving some indication of the earning capa- city, The company will quickly re-: cover its investment and begin ac- cumulating profits for further ex- ~--pansion-and-later--for- dividends, SIX REGIFPERED Jersey bulls, from six to twenty-four months, for sale. Apply Arthur H. Rutley, Berwick, Ont. _ Za HARROW Creamery. Harrow, Ont.; 40 Ice cream customers; sells 3,000 pounds butter per week in county. - Apply W. GQ. Fielding, 1106 -Hall Ave.," Windsor, Ont. REAL Photo Postcards for Hotels, resorts, camps, ~ Send negatives or good snapshots. the-- Great Lakes. J. W. Bald, 274 Fourth Street, Midland, Ontario. ' a A Soc] HOCKEY FIND which should be in 'every boy's possession: "How We Play Hockey," by Durnan, -Quaken- bush, Stewart, Richard, Abel and Conacher is, according to Elmer Fergueon of the Montreal Herald, "The best technical book yet Issued on hockey." Send 650c to Whitcombe and Gil- mour Ltd., 1040 Bleury 8t., Montreal 1. DON'T EAT LESS "Eatmore" Cereal, .Five grain, three minute, hot cereal with a new thrill taste, All -the riourishment of natural grains. Mildly laxative. Thousands of dally users. Four-pound package postpald $1. McFadden Cereal Store, Smiths Falls, Ont, SIX-ROOMED insulbrick house with six acres of good land in village of Solina, small stream, garage attached to house. Water and hydro in house and barn. exceptional value. - School and stores within. one quarter mile. Ten miles from Oshawa. Don Meredith, Real Estate, 15 King St. E., Oshawa, Phone 3956W. 100 ACRES, 35 tillable loam, balance good pasture, well-fenced. Bank barn, cément stabling, cement silo, Log "House, excellent water supply. Two miles 'west of Bolsbver, school one mile, open road, rural mail, available, $3,000. James (Carson, 9 Dieppe Rd, Toronto." --i: . SHOTGUNS. Finley finiehed Doubles $76 up, A few available for Immediate shipment. Photos; details on request." Shierlaw Burry. Importing Armovrer, 11217--9%th Street, Ed: | monton, Alta = = hop JAMESWAY Sectional Incubator, 3 deck, 4,220 capacity, coal burning, good condition, $360 Henry Miller, Markham, Ont. R.R. 3 STORE AND APARTMENTS--3 "rooms in rear, 5 rooms aboye. Hot water, oll heat, possession in July, Income $200.00. $10,600 with $6000 cash, or will accept amall farm as part payment. Norman Dinnick, Jr., 1134 Yonge 8t., Toronto. BUILD A LIBRARY--Enjoy good books for- ever, Discover the Reprint Soclety of Can- ada, World famous fiction and ron- fi¥tion. Handsomely bound , with real leather name blocs. Only $1.60 each, Write for catalog." .| Reprint Society of-Canada, 1040 Bleury Street, Montreal 1, x Write for prices and cata- | Free List--Old SHips and harbor. Photos of } hydro | - HELP. WANTED FARMERS DO You Need Skilled Farm Help? Experienced practical Farm - Labor, families or - single, Planting Instructions included. -Cholee +: 8, Guaranteed to bloom, .. available this spring. Write us now. Latvian Reliet Association, 320 Bay Street, Room 1304, Toronto, Ontario, MEDICAL IT'S IMPORTANT -- Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should Try. Dixon's Remedy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, Ottawa 335 Elgin, $1.25 Express Prepaid POST'S. ECZEMA SALVE Banish the torment of dry 'eczema rashes and weeping . skin troubles. Post's - Eczems Balve will not disappoint you. tching, scaling, burning eczema. ache, ring: worm, pimples and athlete's foot, will respond readily to this stainless, odorless ointment, regardless of bow stubborn or hopeless they SNE seem. PRICE $1.00 PER JAR Sent Post Free on Recepit of Price POST'S REMEDIES _ 989 Queen Bi E., Corner of Logan Toronto FS ITT FOR MEN AND wouih BE A HAIRDRESSER '§OIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL - QGreaf Opportunity Learn Hairdressing -Pleasant algnified profession, 800d wages thousands ful Marvel grad America's greatest system. Illustrated cata - logue free. Write or Call _ MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOQLS ~350=Bloor -8t.--W Bratiches, 44 King St. Hamilton .. & 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa. FARN MONEY. AT HOME --spare or full-time money-making. Learn to - make candy at s-Poropto-------- MET bome; earn while learning. - Free equipment supplied; correspondence course. National Im. stitute of Confectionery Reg'd., Delorimier P,0., Box 153, Montreal, Quebec. - LEARN plano playing at home the new easy . way--the chord system, As a special intro- ductory offer you may now have & copy of our forty lesson Bimplified Plano Course for only One Dollar... Write: Simplified Modern. Plano. Course, Box 81. Hanover, Ontario. A NEW Canadian entértainment bureau look- ing for all types of acts, LLoydbrook,3109 or write Burns' Associates, 778 College 8t., Toronto, PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & Company Patel Solicitors Established 1890 350 Bay Street. Poronto - Booklel of information on request. -A. M. LAIDLAW, B.Sc., Patent Attorney, WANTED 5 "REGISTERED NURSES GENERAL STAFF WORE 8-Hour Duty, 6-Day Wee Salary $150,00 Per Jonth Plus dinate 'BUPT, GENERAL HOSPITAL 8I0UX LOOKOUT, ONTARIO SAN. PATIENT WANTS watches and cl to read would appreciate them very much. They p vide many hours of entertainment. Josep __Patents of Invention, 66 Sparks St., Ottawe. - '° Cooper, Essex County fanatarium, Windsor, a a Ontarlo. COMMON or { (OLIV | wll SORE THROAT LAN ust_heat- and rub in . INARD'B, and note the uick 'relief you ast. reaseless, fast-drying, no strong or unpleasant odor. Get a bottle today; keep handy, 15-46 WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE= Without Calomel -- And You'll * Bedin he Mom pa amp, Out of dle liver should pour abou bite olee a 4 he ; dren BLA, Rete Sd --- ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES WITH FOR INSTANT THROAT RELIEF 4 Fans Ins, TE ass " ¥ ¥ roe rs Se eh - tt