Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Feb 1950, p. 3

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FASTER PICK-UP / ADVANCE DESIGN / | GREATER COMFORT! Serres Hie. CLIMBING. / BETTER PERFORMANCE ZveRy way! See them ddvanced engineering. Se : 'More power to you, more rolled to you -- In the new and highly-improved Chevrolet Trucks for 1950! They're des- tined to raise even higher the Chevrolet Truck reputation for economy, safety, comfort and durability. See them today -- learn the whole story of new Chevrolet Truck on he HE NE, © = a school for agricultural home eco: nomics. As with the Swedish schools, we found that much more -time is spent on the -actual skills of home- making than in discusssion of prin- ciples, philosophy of homemaking, etd. We were there during the first week of school and found the classes having their first lessons in laundry, cleaning, and eooking., <They were going right at it,. with washboard and tub, al- though they" had "washing machines Loo," to use in_later "lessons. "By the way, .in Belgium: they - wear wooden shoes when doing the laundry, thus saving their léather ones, In between, the two congresses | (Stockholm and Brussels) I had three days with friends in 'Denmark--two. days in Aarhus: with. Else Toft, and ane ju. Copenhagen with. her family. 1 enjoyed both visits very much. Den: mark, like: Sweden, is a fascinating combination" of the old historic with the new and modern. The: university in 'Aarhus is so new that the buildings have scarcely been completed, but ul- most within the shadow of the uni versity is the old town of Aarhus with its narrow' cobblestone streets, mill pond and mill, and very old fashioned houses with little courtyards. - It was fascinating to sce all through Europe things that one might imagine exist only in story-books. I had two stop-ovérs. in Britain--- two days in August hotoye going to ber before sailing for Ti T ho fist time was spent entirely --in---runninis around London -on business. When [ | mere. 'milk, and meat are in very short sup- | pensive, - Lo 92 AOR ¢ 105 HORSEPOWER ¢ 110 HORSEPOWER "I situation which; she All three famous Chevrolet power plants are designed - to give you more power -- beter hill- -climbing ability, . faster, smoother accelérution, faster warm-up, im- proved slow-speed operations --- better performance every way! CT-19%A > N - HAROLD R ARCHER MOTOR SALES - - Port Perry, rE "A LETTER. FROM INDIA The following letter was received by Mrs, A. P. Ingram, from Miss Bryce, , a-former High School teacher in Port Perry High School, and now in India. Leonard Theological College, Jubbulpore, C.P., India. It is not yet a month since I reached Jubbulpore, but it seems much longer; and, of course, it seems literally ages sjnce I left Saskatoon," So much has happened in between that I'm afraid I hall have to take a hop-skip-and- jump over the interval to bring you up to date on my doings. = s As you 'know, 1 spent the summer at Hartford, Connecticut sharing in a preparatory course for the group of forty-six Methodist young people who are coming to India for a special three year term. They are known as 1-88 t (India-three year term) and are a fine group. -Five of us "regular" mission- _ aries were with them in the course and found it very interesting and 'helpful. It was also all. absorbing! We lived ~Tndia from 6: 00 a.m. to-10:00 p.m. or later each day, with classes in Hindi, Indian: culture, Hindu: and Muslim philosophy, Bible," Christian issues, Methodist organization, ete. We learned Indian games and songs, listened to Indian music, were intro- duced to Indian art and literature,-and practised eating Indian food in .the Indian style (sitting on the floor, eat- ing with our fingers). - In between times we talked with Indian students and officials, returned missionaries, and representatives of the church of- fice .and travel agency. So it was 'a busy summer! - ' I left Hartford a few days. before 'the course 'ended so that I could réach Europe in time for the" International |v Congress in Home Economics that took place in Stockholni, August 22 to 27. The Congrela was exceedingly well organized and very interesting. We had meetings in the mornings and} tours in the afternoons except for one day when we all-day trip to Uppsala, the old which is'about, thirty miles from Stock- holm. We Canadians were pleased to find that there wére thirteen of us at the Congress, and we had' an official university town, delegate--MIlle Estelle Leblanc, There was also a large 'American group which, to my delight, included two of my Cornell friends. The theme of the Modern Civilization and Home Eco- nomics, ~ We were a little disappointed in the reports, and discussion was slow because comments were translated into three other languages than the one usetl, Apart from: this, however, we enjoyed the Congress very much, The programme was -well--arranged;-and our new Swedish friends were delight- ful hostesses. I should like to have stayed long cnough to see a little of Congress was Sweden on my own -- shops, homés,. farms, ete.; but they did show us some very interesting schools; a china fac- tory, an old castle (completely furn- ished in 'the style of the Hundred Years' War period), and the old Luth- eran Cathedral at Uppsala, The Sixth International Congress on Family Edudecation took place in Brus- gels and Lille at. the beginning of September. It, tao, was fairly well attended by Canadians (ten: or. more of us) and I wag fortunate enough to he staying in 'the same hotel as Milles. Estelle Leblane and Julfette Mireault, AE RAE STEN Ea 7 We had a lot of fun knocking around Brussels and Bruges between sessions. The Brussels Congress was quite dif- ferent from the one in Stockholm. It was smaller, rather poorly organized, and there was no attempt to use any language beside- French. About half the delegates wdie men and nearly all the "congressistes" (to use their word) came from the Romance language countries." I did not meet any from Scandinavia, and only one or two from the- U.S.A. and Britain.--However;-ut Brussels we certainly made up for any discussion we may have lacked in Stockholm. Delegates. kept jumping up-all over the room, and the discus- sion became quite. warm at times! On the - third day' of the Family Education Congress we all went by bus to Lille, France, where the last two days of the conference "were to be held. This was the part of the Con- gress that I enjoyed most, for it gave us a chance to see a little of the Bel- gian countryside and we made one or two interesting stops on the way. We also passed two memorials to Cana- dian soldiers of World War I---the Canadian Cemetery of "Flander's Fields", and the moose monument, at . Chattrai. One of our stops. that day was at the castlé of Count Rooden- beke at Oydonch. (He is the Presi: dent of the Belgian -League Family Education). The moat & draw- bridge are still there but the walls ate demolished except for the corners. There is a nice garden,'and a modern swimming pool which seemed just a bit incongruous in itd ancient setting. Miles. Leblanc and Mireault and I decided .to leave the Congress at Lille so that we could-see a little-of-Belgium- We took the train to on our own. Brussels, stopping at Bruges on the way. ice, with its canals and paved gquares. We-watched-women-making pillow lace and poked around in a number of little ghops to buy some.. We also went" to where gentlewomen who were 'left alone (in the Middle Each had her, own little cottage where she kept house with one servant and spent her time in lace-making, music, ete. The property 'has now béen takén over by one of the Roman' Catholic orders, but one or two of the little cotfages have the Bagulnage Ages) used to go to live. been preserved as a museum. The, next day, back to Brussels, we what my impressions of India are. | . Ttamily, to help relieve the food short- _|However, of Bruges is something like Ven-~ came back, I took four of the six days to go up to Edinburgh to see the Bryee relatives, had one day in London, and spent one day visiting one of Mother's cousins in Hevrtshire. For those of Tyou who know the relatives in. Scot- land, 1 found them pretty well, and very grateful indeed for the parcels thal had come from Canada during and since the war, Clothes are rationed in Britain, but cggs, ply, and tea, sugar, ete; ave still. ra- tioned too. Everything is very ex. While 1 was in London 1 called at the W.V.S. headquarters (to which our Saskatchewan -Homemakers' and Homeeraft Clubs have been sending Clade, and some of the other time workers (all voluntary). have a wonderful story of real service to tell, and I regretted very much that did not have long enough in England to be able to visit some of their pro- jects. One-project Mrs, Clode men- tioned with which our clubs could easily help is supplying seeds to peo- ple in new housing area where they are trying to have a garden for eachy age, ~ - In London also, I made friends with Dorothy McArthur, Religions [duca- --_-- _Jtion_Seeretary for the National" YW. Ti CAL, and one day had ten with Lady went out to one of the suburbs to visit not parcels) -- Mrs--Dunbar-was--away-on | However, 1 am afraid that would be' ; enough for another whole letter, which I she al uy to write in January or Feb of vou I too late. for Christmas. it does-- Merry In case Christmas to. all! Sincerely, "Theodora E. Bryce. EEE. MERRILL ROSS ~ Authorized "Surge Sales and Service, MYRTLE STATION Phone 33 x 1- 1, Brooklin --ter GERALD B. THOMPSON 'D.C, " * Doctor of Chiropractic "X-RAY EQUIPPED OFFICE Office Hours 9 to 5 Phone 2927 Evenings by Appointment - MONTEITH & MONTEITH C HARTERED.. ACCOUN TANTS 37 King St. East, Oshawa. "Mr. Gordon W. Riehl, C.A., Resident Partner on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by- appointment D. HUMPHREYS, KC. Street North, Phone 814 in attendance at my Port erry Office on Tuesday" and Thuisday afternoons of each week, or by appeintment, Phone 94 RUSSELL 6 Simcoe Oshawa, Queen Street, Port Perry. DENTIST Queen Street I'hone 287 FERS Se Se CoE Vi PIANO TUNIWG V. Pp. STOUFFER vacation, but I met her.assistant,- Mrs. tpg Actions Repaired and egulaten Phone 30 Port Perry. full- vy 3338888888888 00818E100S2ILILIIILINILILILILLINEL. 2 : W. A. Sangster " DENTAL SURGEON 2 Office Hours: 9, am. to 5 pm. -- Office Upstairs over C. Sleep's Insurance Office. 'Rousseau Upholstery Featur ing a complete y FURNITURE REPAIRS and : REFINISHING SERVICE -- -- | uary, : SROSELENSE S_ may reach mange = Surge Milkers Ll 185 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA ARTHUR. W. S. GREER, K.C. ¥ in attendance-at my Port Perry Office Ne Blong Block, Port Perry Phone 25. 3 Phyllis Walsh, the Homemaking Ad- visor for the National Y.AV.C.A. She has had a-g0od 'deal of experlence in pmarringe counselling, and is very much concerned about the present housing feels, is the big- I leave the you about one in Britain tdday. Before Y.W.C.A. let me tell were not tragic. Beeause of the paper shortage in Britain the Y.W. -C.A. Bookstore has not had any Bibles to sell for years: FEFducational Insti- tutions have a priority on books, and apparently the "Y' does not rate as such! And so 1 finally landed in Bombay on October 1st, where Mother met me. Father was still in bed Tollowing a bad bicycle accident in September, and 1 Jwent to Indore for two days te see him before coming to-Jubbulpore. He was much_better, but still very weak. he gram. to have made a good recovery le then, for he has done a good dedl of travelling during the past month or so. I found myself in the midst of such activity as can be matched only by-the Saskatchewan | University exte nsion programme in the summer months. Loss than a week after my arrival: 1 went to Nagpur to report to the Christian Hope, (National) Commit- tee on the conferencé in Burope, A few days after my return we' Hunged into "the" 'Central Provinces. annual conference (Methodist), lasting ten days. _And at the end of October | went back to Nagpur with Mrs, King to buy poultry and eggs for tlie newly Organized Poultry Co-Op. As I write the chicks are busy. hatching in the incubator that I brought out to the Kings. It is quite exciting, but I think Myr. King will be glad when his office ceases to he an obstetrical ward! In between distractions (or should I say "counter attractions?) I am try- ing: to learn all the handicrafts and Hindi that I éan, and -T am also teach- ing some ¢rafts, There is so much tn do that it is hard to realize T dm a newcomer and that you will want to know abayt my life and work here; lana fiekd Phone and give you a free estimate, As soon ask sét foot in AES Es Phone ~On hand is a complete line of Materials to choose from. All Work Guaranteed We do custom work, too. i situation that would seem funny if it 216 Mary St. E., WHITBY Ca i. a ee A RE-UPHOLSTERING and RE-BUILDING Legdous re-upholster. your old-chesteér- guaranteed. : consultant call Free suite, Satisfaction and have our pick-up and delivery. 44 collect. OSHAWA UPHOLSTERY CO. 8 Church St.- RRR RRR RRR RRA RR RR EER EEE 'Eavestroughing HOUSE" and- BARNS Phone 33 Electric Pressure Pumps, I'urnaces and Furnice Repairs. Ilstimates on request. SYDNEY G. BARNES 72 r 26 BROOKLIN aug. 50 SHISEITIIALISIISLILALILSLALISLLLALALILILICILLLIS : INSURANCE Are your: policies up-to-date? - W hatever 'your insurance needs may_ be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry RR SS SS SE a OF ALL KINDS : Eavestroughifg, Asphalt Siding.. Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Phone 261 > Port Perry Phone 483 and we will "be glad gest factor in 'the high rate of divorce LO, consider your next repair job. Zi 5 own Khe. "= ro GEL

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