' 5% i s---- * their "nurse's.caps" at the Oshawa show. Jack Griffen of -the-program. » ig 4 ; re Finis PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd, 1950" ! ; _ LOCAL. As courtesy and service to local readers we offer this column in mentioning your guests and items of interest. items to the Star or Phone 806J or 50. NEWS. Send your CONGRATULATIONS GIRLS! "Miss Lois Jeffrey and Miss. Peggy McCullough, of Port "Perry, received Geberal Hospital this week. Best of u Miss Winnifred Causley, of Lindsay, " was the. guest: of Mrs,' I. R. Bentley, tush Yeek Taylor iz. spending. th rs. Mary" lay or spending the week in Brantford with her sistdr Mrs, C. Riebbing. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Brunt, Ennis- Mller, 5 were Sunday qugata of 1 of her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Mark. Mrs, J. Starkey and son Glenn are in Toronto for a few days. Mrs. Dr. Rennie and son Allie will be in Toronto this week and expects to see Gene 'Autrey in his Cow, Boy UNUSUAL WEATHER FOOLS WILD DUCKS Mr, Ed, Fines rgports that he saw on Thursday, January 26th, four wild ducks flying over Laka Scugog. WATCH FOR THE DATE OF THE BOY SCOUT PAPER SALVAGE IN FEBRUARY. WINS PICTURE Mr. Ray Cook, Port Perry, was the "winner of "Picture Draw" held at the "last Gala Night at the School. BORN Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gerrow_ (nee Bonnie Stephens) of Port Perry, are happy to announce the arrival of a son, at Oshawa General Hospital, on January 30th. Both doing. well. : ERROR In the report of Port Perry High School last unfortunately two names .were missing fron the copy and not rinted, Grade X "Jack Goode od 50-50 CLUB On Monday evening, Februaiy 6th, at 8 p.m. sharp, the 50-60 Club will mect.in Ay to the West, charge of the entertainment. Pan- cakes will be served. for lunch. How about a good tirngns? 1 I The February 'Yideting of _Scugog --- Chapter, 1,0.D.E,, will be held in the Fo . D. E. > community rooms of the Library at 3 p.m., on Monday, February 6. (Cards will "not 'be sent out this month.) An executive nieeting in. the LO.- D.E. rooms this Friday : (Feb. 3) at 2,30 pm. All annual reports must be | LST Sead in readiness. "Every officer and coun- ~cillor is urged to be present. SAVE YOUR PAPER for the Boy 'Scout Paper Salvage in February. W.M.S. The Evening Auxiliary of the United Church will hold the February meeting on the 8th. , President, Mxs. Mrs. Cooke, will conduct the business session, after which Mrs, Moase's group will take charge for the de- votional period. A social time and refreshments will follow. PORT PERRY BUSINESS MEN'S ? ASSOCIATION Chicken Supper A Su per meeting will be held in the Psi cateria- Dining Hall, on Wed- nesday, February 8th, 6.30 p.m. General Business will be discussed : apd ft is expected that reports will be given on the Hospital, Recreation Centre and Town Affairs. 'Motion Pictures will supply entertainment: Admission $1.00 plate. Tickets may' be procured from the Sec.-Treas., Mr. Gordon Carnegie. at Carnegie Hard- ware, Peel's; Hardware, Beare Motors, Archer Motor Sales. ! ~* 'CARD OF THANKS Mr. Frank H. Watson, Seagrave, wishes to thank his friends and neigh- bours for their many acts of kindness, cards and flowers sent, during his re- cent illness; especially thanki ing: Me Mu: *Cephas Sleep, or the use of Calendar for the ~Week Tormadey Servis Club at Beth Oke's Friday = -- Eastern Star Euchre and sn fn RE "Saturday--Badminton Club, " Sunday--Services at all churches, + .C.G.I.T. at United Church for morn- ing service. Monday~-50-60 Club, Tuesday--C.G.LT. Fron Men's Chicken |. 'the basement of the United Church. Group No. 2 will be in charge CharlieReesor_will present to show pictures on his eorge and Hazel Menzing are In THE CHURCHES ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN > CHURCH ; . Rev. John Riddell; Minister, - * Sunday, February Sth-- 10 'a.m.--~Sunday School. : A a.m.--Holy Communion. a dpm. Yarvies Friday, 8rd, am, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector: Rev. John T. Coneybeare Feb. 6--Septuagesim Sunday. '11 a.m.--Supday School. 1 a.m, --Morning Prayer. PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH P. Taylor, Pastor Sunday, February 6th-- :10 a.m,--Bible School. 11 -a.m.--Morning Worship, - 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service. } Wednesday, Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. PORT - PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. C. Smith, Minister Mrs. Elsie Dobson, A.T.C.M., ' Organist and Choirleader Sunday, February-5th---- = © 10-a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Primary Class 11 a.m.--C.G.IT. Topic. - Junior Choir--Mrs. Hastings Leader. 7 p.m, -- Declaration of Rights as proclaimed by u, N.. Its Religious Aspects, bh PRINCE ALBERT UNITED CHURCH 3 Mrs. Albert Harper, Organist « 2 p.m.--S. S. and Bible Class 3 p.m.--C.G,L.T. Choir, ~ IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH Rev. V. McGivney, Priest. - "THE ROCK" "Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church." - Jesus. Christ speaks of My Church. His Church man, The Rock is Peter the first head. Peter means rock, so thou art rock 'and 'upon' this; rock I will build My Church. Where Peter's successor is there is the true Church. -Booklet, "Truth about. Catholics" sent free. Get away from business accasional- ly. It's cheaper to take a voluntary vacation "than wait. till orders it. i eo * Congress may legislate until dooms- day, but the basis of our national economy is still an honest day's work. J IE ia Le Every employer: is looking for men who see how a thing can 'be done and then doit: Tr pom---- ep pins: - No man can do more than his best, but a good: many men can do more than they think is their best. x . rs Ds reper -- Doughnuts have holes in the tentre to keep them from becoming soggy." CHEVROLET FOR 1950 Heid} increased horsépow er, new arburstion, and a cholce 'of 11 models in a variety of new colors, according to a Genertl Motors announcement, Also featured is a redesigned front grille; improved body construction, which makes for added rigidity and & new two-tone interjors oh the deluxe models: Shown above is the leetline Deluxe 2-Door Sedan. : On Display at Archer Motor Sales, Port Perry, Ont: Lawrence's Drug Store News "(You Can Bave With Safety at Your Rexall tere) _ © | Ayerst's Alphsmeties, $1, ar $2.50 VITA RAY Frosst's Neo Chemical Food-- Smooth Skin Lotion 16 oz, size (Regular $2.75) Capaities ii $2.50 33.0 SPECIAL $1.50 Puretest. Plenamins Cap. $1.85, $5.75 : Puretest Cod Liver Oil, 75¢. and no * Kepler's: Malt and Cod Liver Oil 4 A PERO OE irOatetottettttetettottiototiototttosditoniotestoteeritid 22 S00000000000002 "SHOP AT ARDLEY'S a i THE NEWEST AND SMARTEST IN THE LATEST : COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, COWNS, and WEDDING GOWNS ARDLEY ALL 491- 3-5 DANFORTH AVE., near Logan, Phone GE. 15675 : TORONTO, ONT. 223220230000 Euchre - Chicken Draw . 'Penny Sale - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd, at 8 p.m. Lnust be -founded- by--Himself -not-by 1 the doctor ~ In Masonic Rooms, Queen St., Port Perry , under the auspices of BLUE RAY CHAPTER, 'ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Admission 50 cents . Refreshmerits " - Mr. and Mrs. Wes Routley, Mrs. W. Knight and son Hugh, attended the Horticultural meeting in Brooklin on Monday evening, when Mr. Chapman, of Pickering, was guest speaker; Mrs, Henry Doble and Miss Florence Doble visited Mr. D. Parrott in Graven- hurst, on, Wednesday, The Ashburn Community Club met in the school on Friday evening Jan. 27th - with- a good -attendance. ~~ Pro- gressive euchre; was played until 10.30 with: the following winning prizes: Mrs. C. Bryant; Gentleman's 1st, 'Mr, Gordon Fisher, 2nd Mr, Alfred Fisher. Mr. H. Ashton presided for the -elec- tion of officers which resulted in the following being elected: President-- Mr. Walter Cook; Secretary--Mr, R. Refr eshments were served, Miss Glenys: Stephen, of Whitby, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephen. A number from here attended the Burn's supper at Port Perry. Mrs. M. Sparks spent the week-end with relatives in Ottawa, Thirty-five members of the Young People's Society journeyed to Brooklin rink_on_Saturday evening fora skat- ing party, returning to the thureh basement for lunch. - | Ladies' first, Mrs. Lorne Parrott, 2nd, Batten; Treasurer-- Miss Vera Leach. | | Honeydale The Women's Institute I is for the Institute, that has a world- wide fame.' N is for the notes we get to help us round our home. 3 is for the suppers-once-a-month-we : plan ahead, is for the time we gain, by recipes, 'we read, I is for the information to keep our : husbands sweet. 1" is for the tasty dishes to cool them | - froni the heat. U is for the universe that needs a = woman's hand. T is for the touch that helps us rule| the land. is for everyone who makes 'the best "\ of things. Put_them all together they spell In- stitue, a word that means the world to you. (composed by Mrs. R. Freeman, Grey|~ County.) 2 _ We are sorry to- hear: Mrs. George Irwin has been ill. We hope to see her out again soon, -- Mrs. J. Ho Hardy is énjoying a holi- day with her son Dr. Morley Hardy and Mrs. Hardy, in Toronto. Mr. O. Edwards and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd--Edwards--and--daughter--of- Little Britain spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Honey. T E T SPONSORED BY ~ Port Perry Lions Club. -At the Port Perry ~ High School, on Feb. i, 15 and 16. isos Don' t carry TB. Into your ome! @® Get ay for the greatest health campaiga in the history of our community. Every family will have the opportunity to protect itself against T.B. This X-Ray. survey, provides an opportunity to make sure your family is healthy . . . at no ~ cost 'to you. Tuberculosis " age. You can look well, feel fit , . . yet have the disease. Make sure you are free of T.B. Dis- * tovered early: and treated immediately, tubér- " culosis can be cured. om Tuberentni = Christmas seals paid Jor the survey. -- Buy -more next Christmas. can strike at any out lf Deroieation or Creed within Oshawa REESOR FUEL & LUMBER PORT T PERRY 'PHONE 73w : $70. 00 CASH PRIZES i | Following are the Rules: 1. Title of essay. to be--" What C DRINK" y, at ould Happen to ME, if 1 took that en to Boys and Girls, 13 to 16 years, and 16 to 10 years; --any Denorsin Presbytery of 'the 2) |< 8..Prizes for each group: 1st, $20.00; 2nd, $10,00; 8rd, $5. 20 4, Entries must be in mail not later than: "6. Write on one side of paper only, in Upper Corner and, send your ent "Teen- 'Pickering, Ontatio y ry to "Teen-Age Contest, Box To be marked: Uatertal 15 per cent; Choice of per cent--by independent, qualified oo fee Worda and Bizle 2 Sponsored by the Woman's Association of the United Churéh, of the Oshawa Presbytery. - ; ~~, 'CITIZENSHIP COMMITTEE ~~ 'Mrs. W. C. Murkar, Picketing Ont.; Mrs, Mil ¥ wi Mrs. John Glover, R.R. 1, Osh liom Tumby Oons O i nning authors to read their Essays "ON SUNDAY, MARCH 26th, 1950, 3.0 vo F. ebruary 27th, 1 Put Name, Address, and ages Oshawa pm, Tssay- Writing 'Contest 'NOXZEMA 0c. and £1.50 FF 10 oz: size 'National, Cod Liver and Malt, 150 SE 5 e SPECIAL $1.00 « Wampole's Cod Liver Extract: 1.00 PHONE 7755 Rexall o CORT ; reater strengths and 49; ; e Store PERRY : EEA v = g . . - 3 : : av TTT TTT rT El FI ML EERE, » MARVEL or 3X PASTRY F LOUR, 24's neni 31:30 U I MONARCH FLOUR, 7's-......ccovieents wren 90, PT tica JEWEL SHORTENING, Ts... rr --Ta0e Church "service i at 2 ; hr. with CRISCO ...... eseeriiny Gish atria esteiere AUT ERR et TRE Sure orice afoav 2 pm. With |S AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS RAISINS ..........2 Ibs. 85e, At the annual congregational meet- HS STOKELY'S PUMPKIN; 28. 02. .......ccivvenvniins wiena veeee12¢,! = ing at Bethestda the same officials|S BAXTER PORK & BEANS, 20.02: ivi veeennnn 2 for 25e¢, : on the Utica Hop! were re-elected for (B HEINZ TOMATO CATSUP, large .....oococovvunennenns RORY 1 | i ang or ear, 8 BEE HIVE CORN SYRUP, Certo 28 28¢c., 6's 65c. . Mrs, Jim Philips is in Oshawa Gen- |S 2 ? eral Hospital fo ollowing an operation | OXYDOL, large Ho ET ONE WE VT rrr, Giant T0c¢. [| lon Monday. We hope she will be home |@ TIDE, Large 35c. ......... dt tri Nn Giant 70c. P 2 | s0 = \ ; 'Many of the School children are on |¥. FRESH FRUITS and' VEGETABLES | the sek Bist. There da: onl i per [| a cent attendance at schoo 8 week. |m = _ Mr. Clinton. Midgley has recovered |B ~ MERLIN DO W SON " {his --car.which was stolen -from his {® . ___ a ". garage last week, [ WE DELIVER-- PHONE 91 FOR SERVICE & Best wishes to Carl Geer on her FS = seventh birthday. 4 LLL LOL EEE eal Mr, J. Crosier was in Toronto, on Monday receiving treatment on his | p= CL a Te Ses Te : x i ears, F. , Reading 'Mrs. M, McMillan and M Pickard]! amous visited Mrs, Henry Skerratt on Mon N ow IN: STOCK Anthracite in iiss Phyllis Hill 'and Mr. Tommy Pea | Philip, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr, Briquets at $ 21. 50 per ton : nN oh + Storey and little Sa jet Ys 9 YL 4 rs, Mervin an e San- ad! dra Boxall a: are itis this week J] Stove at $23.75 per ton wit rs : f ' ] Sond visits Included: Ni aa Tr TTT Get "Yours white it lasts SEIU RA: LE rs, Walter espie, Toronto, an > ! Mr. nad, Mss Cleve | Kight, a Hos PRICE SUBJECT TO CHANGE , andison's; Mr. Bi e and Wesley, "§ Dunsford, "and Mr. and 'Mrs, Earl Por t P err y Coal & Ice Co. R Wallace, at Jack Crosier's. : PHONE 289. - K y Mr, and Mrs, Jack Hill," Mr, and 23 Lim p ; Mrs. Chas. Geer and Mr, and Mrs, J, i CT A he eT Ta BBS hale ea : Crosier: spent Saturday SySning with ore Te) 1 0 (OO AR Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ballard, - -- im N | Don't forget thats Utica gir ia |r Em Ee a Eee po ae in the contest for Carnival Queen at |B L Uxbridge, and save your vote for her. ] Do your Interior Decorating Now % 2 5 Mea) Hruse Beare 2nd, Dales jpen} a W aturday moon at. J._.Crosler's, | 2 py our new SPRED Satin. Paint. You will be amazed = hile B d B h i v ed Bases von. Humid Pd Sujets wou buiing. o at the results. Washable, dries in 30 mingles, brushes a = easily. pE i ET » : Uxbridge Store ] Come-and -sée-the-new-wallboard, +. (ARBORITE( For | -- Gutted by Fi ire u wallboard and cupboard tops. ] Le The grocery store"and home owned 3 3 -- a . and opelated by Alosander Pures [| Bn was completely gutte y fire on|g Monday, ® |.ake Seugog Lumber & Coal Co, Limited 8 Mrs. Garrett said she was serving a |B . ' customer-in the store when.she heard{@ PORT PERRY Phone 240w 8 an explosion in thé*dwelling and saw. | =" % a ; : 22 EE 1 the entire kitchen burst into flames. |® = 2 Mrs, Garrett had placed some walnuts | '8 SSUEUE [1 J i I A ary, in_the oven to dry and thinks steam = ANA or £23 Push have Saused the explosion. ' = r.-Garrett was in Toronto. ine volunteer tire tgade wae | The People s Meat Market soon on. the spot and fought the blaze for some time, The: bullding and con. I "Where You Cet the 'Choicest_in Meats" Fonts | are ted at $12,0 oss. The damage : i ar FRESH and CURED MEATS of ALL KINDS Ww. E MacGregor and Son Phone 72w, PORT PERRY B : REPAIRING AND REMODELLING Now is the time to get that Modern Kitchen or Bathroom, build Cupboards, lay-Hardwood Floor, and the many odd : jobs you have been wanting to do for years. We have stocks of Plywood, Gyproc, Donnacona, Hard- .wood Flooring, - Masonite, Modernite, Tileboard, Chrome ' #8 Trims and many items which will transform any room at i reasonable cost. SEE US FOR PRICES AND ESTIMATES * . "1 -