Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Feb 1950, p. 8

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ASCE THI far tia} Landy SAME fe SATA HR Sah, SF Lea STF RGEC EE OE CAF Por Th 3 ne | Fi : pow PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd; 1950 -- otra ET ---- ~ ---- ------------ RE = = A A Ate Ae ii aE TT a, d OLDSMOBILE OFFERS NEW. 1950 FEATURES al 4 A A RC : PORT PERRY ELECTRIC § © '=wdiup oui momen Lakeview Theatre, Port Parry, Ont. | (first door north of hotel) * THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SAT, FEBRUARY. 2-3-4 LIS : res John Payne, Gail Russell, "Gabby Hayes * ro INGLIS WASHERS on WATER HEATERS # = he In the Thrilling All Colour Adventure Hit : ors Ho "EL PASO" aii, LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES : i ; < COMEDY. EASY PAYMENT TERMS © MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY; FEB, 6.7.8 5 : Fr : od if aii SPENCER TRACY and DEBORAH KERR PHON E 1 77 5 + 3 H : © "In the Compelling ang Unforgettable Drama Bi SEE eae Tyee TEI Testa tastes iitizazntaztisiatitizasaatizaiizataziadss 318 3 ey "EDWARD, MY SON" 2 AbuLt ENTERTAINMENT 'SHORT PICTURE Ch EEE AEE =] Pp [ N [ 1 G d The new 1950 Futuramic Oldsmobile Just a announced by General Mbtaisis avi ilable in either th + S 3 "+ La -- OE TAR -- v A N an Ry . 76 or Series 88 -- the latter powered by the 135 hp h igh compression Roc kot engine teamed | i T ---. - i 4 newly-developed Whirlawa ay Hydra-Matic Drive. Standard Hydra-Matic Drive 1s an option at: extra ; \ hs DEC ORA | ING cost on Series 76 models. The 1950 Oldsmobile also features smartened e xterior appearance, new in: ~ BRUTON' S DRUGSTORE gd esign, new colors and sturdier construction -- shown here is the 'Series 76 deluxe fom Ei BE G IN INTERIOR WORK: door Sedan... : : d i 8p CIALIZIN T Stanley R. Bruton, Phm.B. ] ' ha PAPERAANGING ZAINTING, GRAIRING On Display at Archer Motor Sales, Port Perry, Ont. Phone 16 PORT PERRY ALL WORK STRICTLY GUARANTEED. ToT p HH 21 years experience in Toronto. Estimates given. on-Friday, February 17th; It was de: passions on the jump Sein every | wright, the contractor. Another local | ji THOMPSON LDA. 7 KRIPTIN ' Full Equipment. : cided that the roll call is to be an-|Warm spell could be the thaw. So contractor; George Crawford, en- |§ SHAVING CREAM "For prompt relief of sneezing 4 ] quip : : swered with a verse of Scripture con. [this winter "has been pretty much of llarged it in 1938... NM Makes a rich, creamy lather and feverish feeling from colds * Ji { ALSO OUTSIDE PAINTING DONE. taini the word faith. H a loss as far as social activities go. Cartwright Council bi : { Sonik " ay a . ymn 234,IN, io has ud it, hut w we is sue " Deputations received--Dr, J. A, Mc- 4 oh rapidly goftens ine tough- and hay fever. 50 tablets $1.26 : : Ng ogy : TO aith of Our- Fathers" was sung. [that they can't elp eel 'what's the | Arthur asking for use of Armouries|¥ est bear arge Tube ....... 30¢, ; a M.. St. Clair and Son Mrs. Geer read the lesson thoughts. [use of going ahead and arranging | for Badminton; John Smith re con- |} BRUTON' N VACAGEN TABLETS : y Eh : te : ' Mus. Bailey read the Scripture lesson. parties when our time will be taken | dition of street on Maple Ave.; Owen |} 8 BRONCHIAL ° Oral cold vaccine tablets for. oY : - EPSOM (North West of School) Mis: RR. Clark gave a lovely talk on up -with commissioning, in a very few Stacy re sheep Killed by dogs; Wm. i COUGH SYRUP : protection against. organisms it} THE PHONE--PORT PERRY 113 r 14 reson ilitie, Miss Paris Talo days.' . Tripp stating that he was getting a Sd A reliable remedy for coughs commonly associated with colds. 5 Tae id ) y If Jo do Hot sail '% will ever bulldozer and asked for share of town- and colds. Large size "bot. ,60c. 20 tablets .. $2.00 oc Sas ---- A A ---- gave a reading followed by a plano|be able to understand just what a|ship wor -- SEEM EE a Le q 4} a me SE nt instrumental by Mrs. Kerry. Mrs, D, [panic sailors get into when they find| Communications read -- Dept. of | . i - a Si iui abo SE mr, Oh was the founder of the Scandinavian yee ullough gave a reading.' 5 on all the snow gone and not a tap done Highways, Federation of Agriculture, : : Ld flac) "ASHBURN Mission. ~The meeting closed with the bu 'was conducted by Mrs, Rogers. on their boats. Win, Ruser asking for. fuel for arm: RS ta a ta ea A AI RR RI FAT : Our club house has been kept in splendid shape this year, too, and used ouries of Cadet Training two days a singing of hymn 7 "When the Roll is Ont. fi Too late for last week' J (Too 1atg for Ia te Called up Yonder' A delicious lunch was then ser ved by week; Good Roads Association; , and the benedic- + lin arena on Saturday, The regular meeting of the. Youn People's Society was held inthe base. ment of the Church on Friday, Jan. 20th at 8 p.m. with the president, - Arthur Richardson occupying the chair. The meeting openéd with the singing of hymn 64 "Shall We Gather _-at_the River?" .The minutes of the _ "last meeting were read and approved; and the roll call taken. It was decided to hold a skating 'party at the Brook- Jan. 28th and return to the basement of the Church for refreshments. Hymn 88 "Where He Leads Me", wal--sung, after which Douglas Ash- ton 'read the Scripture lesson, Mark '8:1-9, and Rev. John Riddell Ted Ti] 'prayer... Hymn 46 "Tell It Again" was sung, Mrs. Edgar Heron then intro- duced the new study book "A Burping -and Shining Light," which the Young People have chosen for the year. . The book tells in a very interesting manner j0f the life and work of Frederick | Hockley, Uxbridge, Thursday, January 126, with the president, Mrs, Geer pre- tion. Arthur Richardson then tons charge of the Fellowship period and conducted "True or False'. contest and a mem- ory contest. AG Sh ai tee Epsom "Woman's s Assoc. The January ntéeting of the Epsom W.A. was held at the home of Mrs! siding. The meeting "opened with the sing- ing of hymn 165, "Faith is Victory"; followed by the Lord's Prayer in uni- son, The minutes, correspondence and Lreasurer's report were given, The Visiting committee gave thejy report. It was agreed to have a Birthday Box, Mrs. N. Prentice was chosen to attend to the box. It wags decided to hold a that any and every warm spell means group 4. "PORT PERRY YACHT CLUB This winter being as, has made it most difficult to settle down to any serious thoughts of getting into win- ter routine. Yachtsmen m northern latitudes have an innate hopefulness, ready to exert itself at the first gleam of warm sun. That hopefulness is'that spring is just around the corner, and any day now we can start to get: ready for the spring commissioning. Being logical people, yachtsmen realize fully that spring could not come in the mid- dle of January, but being dreamers as well as adherents to the logical phil- osophy, they are continually hopeful -}mess and the ----|Yacht Club_play? . {kill you: one way or another. very little for social activities, Must be two years ago now when we said that the club house was a perfect 'members shouldbe ashamed of it. Bill Baker has seen to it wtih zealous efficiency that no one can say that about the club this year. The place is as neat and clean as a well ordered ward room in the Flag- Ship of the Home Fleet.' Are you figuring ion seeing 'the -We_guarantee-it'll Guide News X- Last Friday our regular 'weekly meeting was held in the Public School, and opened with Guide prayer and |, patrol corners, -- Most of the "evening W was "spent in semaphore practice--the." entire com- pany taking part--under the instruec- tion of Mr. Godley. The Bluebird Patrol led the" sing- song in the Pow-Wow Circle, Our next meeting will be held in the Public School at 7.16 p.m, sharp, on Friday; February 3rd, ~~ + Assoc. of Municipalitiés; Dominion Road Machinery Co.; Dept. of Public 5 Welfare. <Oi-metion the armouries- "vom this £ date is open to the people of Cart- |§ wright for recreation purposes. Reeve was appointed a representa- | & tive to .County Federation of Agricul- | ture. The Treasurer dined a brief re- port of year's work to Council. the township. Road -appropriations for 1960, was 2 _| set at $15,000. Council will meet on Vepruary 6th. "PRINCE ALBERT | = The Ww. A: "Annual Business ails ing was held on Wednesday afternoon January 26th in the Church basement with about fifteen members besides some children present. - : The Vice-President Mrs. 'Ben' Swith GASOLINE and MOTOR oiLs ° "THEM ALL Stove & Fuel 0il, 'Kerosene XN GASOLINE DELIVERED TO FARMERS itemized-statemeént-of -receipts-and-ex=|% -- penditures will be printed and a copy |§ mailed to-each resident ratepayer in |$ . RAY BIRKETT AGENT FOR WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS PHONE 200) PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Gerrow's' Bread and Cakes ARE MADE FOR THE PEOPLE WHO WANT ~ "THE BEST" LES SANDWICH BREAD MADE- FOR ORDERS, Fr the "termination of winter, -- - Franson hwo was born in Sweden. He der with Hymn "Blest be the Tie that Birthday Tea in the Church basement |- 7 his winter has kept those hopeful 32 SS SF IA ARE : Binds". Mrs. W. C. Smith offered Gh ile Tm a os = ee < a Bl k t k prayer and Mrs. Doupé read Psalm 1. SATURDAY SPECIAL--"Golden. Date Layer Cake" eh : acKstoc ' During the business period several: SRE Fv oR - 4 . {thank-you notes from the sick and es oT > -- 3 | The Community extends Sympathy - to Mr. Creighton Devitt-on-the deat "HA of his sister, Mrs. J. R. Nesbitt; and to Mrs. W. E. Beacock and family on| rhe resignation of our president, . J the death of husband and father. Mrs. Albert Harper was regretfully ASA SA £5 and_Mrs._John_Carter, Burke- vead, =. Cola ili] shut-ins for fruit and -plants were read. 4 8 presided and called the meeting to-ot- = i Phone 32. Gerrow's 8 Bakery | AN NOTICE TO * ONTARIO MOTORISTS ton, opened their home for a coftage meeting, when thirty friends and neighbours enjoyed movies which Rev. Géo. Nicholson and Mrs. Nicholson showed of their 13 years as mission- aries in the Arctic. Friends of Mr. P. Preston, former .| bank manager, of Nestleton and Black- stock, will be sorry to learn that he passed away suddenly, at his home in Hamilton: The annual Pot Luck Supper andl; congregational meeting of the United Church was held with a good attend- The Treasurer Mrs. W. J. Martyn presented her annual report. A sotion carried that we send a thank-you note to Mrs. Lambkin one to Miss M. E. Spence for a dona- tion of five dollars received from each. Hymn, "The Church's one Founda- tion" was sung, after which Mrs, Earl Martyn gave portions from the 2nd chapter of our Study Book, "Growing with thé Years", rs. Grant Hunter is fo take thé 3rd Chapter for next meeting. Mrs. W. C. Smith then took over for.the Election of Officers and J el * FE Te -- Special -- | BABY LIMA BEANS, ...25¢. | YORK BLUEBERRIES, 25¢ | ALL KINDS oF FISH = \ ance, = The W. A. of St. John's Anglican Church met at the home of Mrs. Geo: {Nicholson (Rectory) for the January meeting. Reeve Bruce Heaslip attended the : County Council meeting at Cobourg. - Geo. Black; Norman Green, Osmond the "always difficult job of getting y some one to act as president. .There A were four nominations. - This office \ was left open until next meeting, L ? The following are the other officers: 1st. Vice President ...Mrs, Ben Smith 2nd Viee President... 'Mrs. Earl Martyn Honorary Pres... Mrs. A, MacGregor |5 THE FAMILY BUTCHER ' CAWKER BROS. PROMPT. DELIVERY Re Unsatisfied Judgment Fund Fee PHONE 29 -| Wright, Alan Suggett and Frank |Past President......... Mrs. A. Harper| = Bailey were at the opentng {session Secretary Mrs. C. Luke | jtstsstessstsessstssssssssssssseass 3323833838335 803838383] tt ? Under: an amendment to- the Highway Traffic Act ented in 1947, pro- when the new Warden was elected, | Treasurer - Mrs, W. Martyd | : Mr. C. Bruce Jandrew, a native of |Fruit and Flower Committee-- |Murray Township. Mr. Jandrew 'has Mrs, N. Wilson (convener), Mrs, had 14 years of municipal experience W. Brown and Mrs. A. Brown. us councillor, deputy reeve and five as|Kitchen Com.---Mrs. Newnham, Mrs. |$ reeve:' L. Bond and Mrs, Ben Smith. ~ [# Congratulations to Miss Jean Werry | Visiting Com--Mrs. Dou Mrs. H Bg: H a graduate of Blackstock Continuation Toftre x i vision was made for the creation of an Unsatisfied Judgment Fund out of which "will be paid, in-the manner prescribed, judgments fdr personal injuries and property damage sustained by reason of the operation of motor vehicles, which cannot be collected in the ordinary manner from , Delicateria Restaurant "FULL COURSE MEALS 'LIGHT LUNCHES - SODA FOUNTAIN' :: CIGARETTES and SUNDRIES sere essscsecsesncsterenine fi ~ the judgment debtors, School, who has recently passed her Saiprey iA Nurp! i$ Mrs O: Yor Coming. Out, Engagements, A Wed - ght oh : i 5 el bd : Cal omij ngagements, Anniversaries, ng IA ta Faund is the collection of 7 . nurse's examination. the onl 1 » ' i) The method prescribed for creating the Fund is the collection of a special danghter of Mr, and Mrs. F. W. Wer. The Mizpah Benedisyon reposia : Receptions, or Special Occasions of Any Kind, our *. 12 fee, Wie te uired, from each person to whom is issued either an operator' (] : ry, Enniskillen, and 'since oh Serban luck lunch hi social time was en-|§} . - Banquet Hall "is' at your disposal, 104 or a chauffeur's licence. : t joyed by all presen : or Le yy Civic Hospital. 4 : ® :? (ES of i Blackstock Continuation School will| We are glad to report Mrs, Newn- | : Tere 3 ER 1 'While this legic lation' has been in effect since the 1st of July, 1947, the hogy Cartwright. High [ham improving from her recent op-|4 : : or : Unsatisfied Judgment Fund Fee has been collected only since January Seliool, fet seed Bt 'aml leration in Oshawa General Hospital. |8 - "OPEN EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK fi 131001 | mi, ih forme Un, the Toman Jt Sto St tnt bn it 2 : = , in 1 t ss Isa a-|Iso son of Po ay and ac- . re : . al | : iy in charge. The present build- [companied by Mrs. W. C.. Smith at| Ei * : TRE a d Tota it cole or th Fund and repayments to the Fund fom Jsngary hor YD Sarge. Be ree I (2 tha Chutch Serer a]... firme NE Wes i v Istto December 31st,'1949, amounted to... seesesecesnnses $638, 30 37 George McLaughlin, a native of Cart- Sunday were much appreciated. Judgments paid out of the Fund from July 1st, 1947, to December 31st, i = CONCRETE BLOCKS * | Sa ---------- 1949, amounted 10st unvisinrernnsenirenssssssnsnnesansss $630,644.03 : . ; x _ As there is not now sufficient in the Fund to pay judgments. for a period DRY "HARD WOOD . CONCRETE BRICKS *. : : : of a year, an Unsatisfied Judgment Fund Fee of 50c will be collected from ~~ : = BEECH and MAPLE i ga * CINDER 'BLOCKS IR : ~ 'eich person to whom is issued-a 1950 operator's or chauffeur' s licence, : : EN ; Ee SAS Bh) : gg ¢ : | ll + PRICES AT FARM | © PRICES DELIVERED LE Fi a "BACK-UP TILE * wv. 4 : dod f ' $12.00 per cord' ths Oe buzzed : * QUALITY ¢ ECONOMY © BEAUTY . ; . ONTARIO Hn $14.00 per cord buzzed $6.00 per single cord Wl | © M APLE BLOCK & TILE LTD. ae , DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ph 7 H. M. KYTE, Phone 193 r 14, Port Petry | | MAPLE onrAmIo oes a : "GEO. H. DOUCETT, Minister gmail "| "||| + on Scugog Road between Burketon and Blackstock . i | Fen § - - : wel] HE, i Inquires invited from truckers and dealers 5 PLAZA, 8978 [PHONE MAPLE ¢ -- xmNwooD ote bd = yo : a ; | J : Mar.16 : Ia: . . \ . o : £0 i & y AS g te co: i

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