Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Apr 1950, p. 4

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Myrtle, visited their grandparents Mr, * [3 Mrs. = on Sunday. --days with Mr. "CC Mrs, Wrathal's father, Mr. W. Cawker and also her aunt: Miss Lillian Cawker. "Mrs and Mis. Ed. DIED oo BRIFFON-----At--her--home, North Myrtle, on Monday, April 17th, 1950, Page Four L PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 20th, 1950 N, LOCAL in mentioning your guests and As courtesy and service to local readers we offer this column items to the Star or Phone 3056J or 50. NEWS items of interest. Send your - Joan and Maxene Carnochan, of and Mrs, Wilfred Mark last week. Myr, and Mrs, John Grills, Mr. and Norman Grills, all of Valentiu, visited their sister Mrs, Wilfred Mark "Mrs, Florence McClintock and Murs. J. E. Jackson were in London last week attending the annual tion of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Associatioh, Sessions were held in the University of Western One tario. cunven- Among those attending the Bach Festival mm Toronto this week wre Mrs. Florence McClintock, Mrs, J. tu. Jackson, Mi. Alun Reesor, Mr, Robert lowland. . Mr. and Mrs. IF. D. Siemon and Miss Dawn Slenanon have returned to Ot- tawa, alter spending the Raster holi- and Mrs. CC. Jetlrey. Mis, Rl Sheridan Janie Danny spent a day with Mr, and Ms. JeHrey last week. 4 ~ On Sunday, Dr. and Mrs. E.-Wrathal and daughter, of Tort Hope, called on and of Hearst; Mr. and children, with Rev. Harley Baltour, and Mrs. Douglas Laude dsited one Friday, Balfour. of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Robertson beep Kiover, are oug las und son, of visiting with Mrs. J. ' "Hobertson., Mr. and Mes SW tidvon Scott, of Guelph, wre spending a few days dn, Totown visiting her sister Mus. Bruce "Beare and My, Doe TTT TTT "oa > . Guide News 1st Port Perry. cas Last Friday at' 7.15 the Guitles were called to order by the blast of Captain Godley' whistle dor Patrol Drill, Nearly all were present with only a few absent Alter Patel Drill we then ves hearsed our proyiam for the Brownie "Hopping Up". The Guides were then requested to bring ther various articles prepargd. tdi Then Proficiency. badges to be on display at the Ceremony. iain ian sia cd Reserve this Date Piano Recital A piano recital will be given by the pupils of Mrs. McClintock, R.MUT., in the High School auditorium, on the evening of Thursday, April 27th, at 8 o'clock sharp. Adults 25¢., children 10c. "THANK YOU -- The Boy Scout Mothers Auxiliary wish to thank the following for their donations for the rcéeent Court Whists ~and Euchres: Mrs. Beth Oke, Mr, S. y Sunday, April 23rd-- - |some contend today: I HE CHURCHES ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN "CHURCH "Rev. J. Riddell, Minister 11 a.m.--Sunday Bechool=clusses for all ages. 7.00--p.m. th Worship. Subjeet--The Church and the King- © dom. ¥ CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector: Rev, J. I. Coneybeare. nd Sunday after Easter, April 23. Il aan-->Sunday School. f Pay m. rioting Prayer. -------- 1 FOKL PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH I. 'laylor, Pastor Sunday, April 23rd-- _ WU aan---lisible School. Li a.m----nlormng Worship, « p.n.--luvangelistic Service. wednesday, l'rayer Meeung at 8 pun. 1 PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 1U a,m.--Sunday School 11 a.n~--Primary Class 11 a.m.--Our Belief in God Does Mat: ter. i pan.--Attractive Slides on _ Chinese Life. Anniversary Services, Sunday, ! May 18th, : Oh | © PRINCE ALBERT CHURCH Z pommie -S. 0S. and Bible Class, span Sermon and Solo. (Advertisement) IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH } I'ather V. McGiviey, Pastor BIBLE AND THE BIBLE ALONE People often demand that Catholics theig ching from the Bible. They overlpok the Tact that Christian- ity" and the Chtholic Church existed long before there was a Bible. They iguore the tact that Christ reposed His authority to teach in the Church, not in a single book, and-that nowhere, cithér mm Christ's teaching or in the Bible itself, is the Bible declared to be the sole Rule of Faith for men as If you want to know the full teaching of Christ in- luding that Which is represented. in "Nove you free of charge a pamphlet on the subject. Calendar for the Week Thursday, -April-20th--Men's Club = Euchre, Anglican Church, Fyiday, April 21--Yacht Club Spring Dance. figures. No Money in being on County Council . nt 25 affirm (Times-Gazette) "If anyone thinks there is -any money to be made by sitting on the County Council, let him try it," said Reeve Thomas Harrison of Thorah Township as. he scanned a tabulation which had been furnished council members showibg total. payments nade to council last year. .'"Most of us are out-of-pocket," said Mr. Har- rison, ro The return listéd u total of $9, 416. 06 puid to thie councillors on account of per diem allowances, mileage to ses- sions, for atténdance on: committees lund commissions, attendancé at cons ventions and miscellaneous: payments. Next to the Warden who was paid a total of $1295.68, Reeve Thomas Hard- ing of Reach was paid a total of $943.80 in compensation for his many services to council. Some members of ! Council affirm that this amount was insufficient for the work done by Mr. Harding, who took over supervision of Ontario County roads for several months during the illness of the road superintendent. The following is a breakdown of the The total is made up of the $8 per diem allowance plus mileage: County Council Fees Name Total Anderson, N. J. opin, $182.00 Ball, S. eins 195.00 ... 169.10 .. 215,00 .. 248.00 190.00 ... 178.00 7183.00 175.00 193.00 194.00 Blackburn, B. E. Bruce, (RNA Camick, E. ........ - Catherwood, 1 Disney, KE. IF. Dobson, H. O.-. Down, W. H. Ferguson, R. Harding, T. H. ... _ Hayyison, TI. R Hawtin, J. A. . 211.00 Hayes, E. .... Liters rsosssssmiie 187.00 Heayn, I cava 194.00 Meclntyre; D. B. 168.00 Moffat, J: ieiieeeans 219.00 MUORID, Fo igissiin 198.00 Noble, W. 5. .... . 173.00 Powell, E. J. inn. 179.00 29.80 163.00 Thaxter, A, (2 sc Thompson, A. L, Whitney, S. Wilson, G. C. ..... Total Committees, 1949 Name . z Total Anderson, N. J. ........ ..$ 18.80 Ball, S. .. 346,64 Bruce, 63.60 Disney, E. F. ieee. 27.00 Down, W. H. 26.10 Ferguson, ,R. M. oan... 76.00 Harding, T. H. ............. 414.76 Harrison, T. R: : Hawtin, J. A. eens 377.90 Hayes, E. ........... . McIntyre, D. B. ...... Fo RR, 104.00 Moffat, J. .cceeiierererenatnns 8.00 - Noble, W. E. L..coovvrervrrennn 324.62 Powell, E. J. ... . 21.30 Thompson, 'A. E. . 66.00 - ~~ Wilson, G. C. FTI 4 144.00 "Total veorinnnae: ! [183232020222 08323238524223032324432834282808000242 . 214.00 ° | Westney, W. H.. « ! (Warden) cee. $1200.00 Mileage attending meeting of Council and Committees for year ... 95.68 Total i... $1,205.68 Conventions Name Total. Anderson. . ....$24.00 Ball ........ . 28.20 Blackburn _ 40.00 Bruce 28.16 "'Camick ... 06.00 Catherwood ............ Bian ios 31.68 DISHBY ode liiniituimsmnm iin 20.80 Down --..; wa 2176 Dobson .. ... 48.20 Ferguson, . . "84.80 Harding 24.88 Harrison 28.00 Hawtin .. . 28.00 Hayes 52.80 'McIntyre 12.80 Moffat ..... . 28.80 Munro... wee 26.60 Noble ............ wr 21.60 Powell .... 2. 22.40 Thompson we. 17.60 Whitney ..... . 12.80 Westney .........occovvvvecveias 28.16 Tot Brivis mmnmmisivece ..$627.04 There was $620.72 for miscellaneous items, such as telephone, and matters in connection with other County busi- ness, Scugog News Fifteen ladies and two visitors attended the regular monthly meeting of the Head W. A. at the Church on April 12th. The meeting was opened with hymn 86 "O Come Let 'us Sing of the Wonderful Love". Mrs. L. Martyn led in the Lord's Prayer and read the Scripture for the Easter sea- son. The minutes of .the last meet- {ing were read and. adopted and the roll. called, Easter eggs were brought for -the children in Murs; Primary -Sunday School Class, * seconded by Mrs, H. 'Martyn that we try to have our cooking - sale and crokinole party is planned, weather permitting, for Friday, . April . 21st. Those owning card tables and croki- nole boards are requested to bring them along. Our meeting continued, with the Years", this year's study book. Her talk was both interesting and instructive. Mrs. G. Collins read some inspiring fiction by Frank Crane and a "Recipe for Happiness", and "The Mirth Cure." Collection $3.40. Mrs, Charlie Reader contributed "her birthday money. A tasty lunch was served by Mrs. L. Pearce's group. Nite alee Stine Safle. Sali, ifn Now is the time to fill YOUR BIN with the Famous Reading Anthracite. PHONE 289 DO LLI0W. PEA, NUT & STOVE on Hand \ "Bruton, Mr. ATM. Lawience, Mr. Carnegie, Mr. Levinson, Mr. Brock, Mr. Bentley. : BORN McNAU GHTON--Mr. and Mrs. Pat McNaughton (nee King) are happy to announce the birth of their son, on April 17th, at Oshawa General Hos- pital. : DIED IN. MONFREAL Words has been received that Mary I. Bartley, of Port Perry, passed away at her hoe in Montreal, ~1h4t- Notre Dame StF on April 5th, 1960, -in her 80th year. a native Alice Arnetta Ladd, beloved wife of the late Robert Britton, in her 82nd year. DIED "vAt Toronto General Hbvspital, on Wednesday, April 12th, 1050, Walter N. Cook, beloved husband of Bertha Hewitt, in his 73rd year. r Saturday-- Badminton Club. Sunday--Services at all churches. Monday--Warriner "Lodge, 1.Q.0.F. Tuesday--C. G. LT. Emergent meeting, Fidelity Lodge 1. O. D. E. Euchre Wednesday--Cribbage at Delicateria. PIANO TUNING V. P. STOUFFER I'iano Actions Repaired and Regulated Phone 30 Port Perry. i Sd ARTHUR W. 8. GREER, K.C. on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment, Port Perry, Blong Block, Phone 25 RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS, K.C, 6 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, . . Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Ferry Office on Tuesday and Thursday afternooris of eagh week, or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry. Phone 94 IF YOU ARE WANTING A FITTED GARMENT Call or Write - ROY O'NEILL, " Port Perry, P.O. Box 60 MRS, A 'Helen M. (Peel) Bathie *D.C. *DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC - N ' Graduate of Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, Toronto SPIRELLA CORSETERIERE Specials extended .to April 22nd For 'Appointment Phone 205R in attendance at my Port Perry Office] New Service Cleaners OSHAWA, ONTARIO PORT PERRY Representative: F. W. BROCK & SON Phone 43. for Pick-up and Delivery. er HE Overheating is not the only sign your ~ good car needs a-- Pregsure-Purge OVER HEATING WEARS -- e RINGS . e PISTONS 'eo .BEARINGS" Our Pressure-Purger is the newest approved method of cleansing the Radiator and "the Water Jackets of the block. 7 . This is_a visual action. You see the clogging-dirt, - rust and grime. T 'RIPP'S 'GARAGE 'PORT PERRY "Phone 21W PORT PERRY * daily life. 1950 Morning train and local bank -- both are part of Brownville's They link Browivile y with the whole outside world. Whéther Brownville is a fishing port, farming centre, mining town or industrial city, most of its products must Be sold "outside", many things brought in. And the local bank helps, serving as an essential link with far places. Your bank amanager has available for you the resources, knowledge and experience of ~ a banking system with branches throughout Canada and elsewhere and contacts in: other parts of the world. He welcomes every opportunity to put them to work for you and the community he serves. SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK ie Rodman's' It was moved by Mrs. Rodman, and | bazaar about the end of August. A[} Mrs. |: Bick reviewing part of "Growing With. apna: -- - - Lawrence's Drug Store News (You Can Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store.) va PHILISHAVE | ELECTRIC SHAVER If you 'are looking Yor a better Electric Shaver at-a better price . Ask to see THE PHILISHAVE $19.50. a' TONI SPECIAL REFIL KIT with Cream Shampoo and 6 Midget Spin Curlers ........ «$1.09 I: ; ELKAY MOTH CRYSTALS, . 59¢. #o 5 Ibs, $1.98 DF. MOTH. "CRYSTALS, 2 Ihe. 69c. 3 i MOTH TOX .. 49c. and 89c. r LARXEX "icons virsinsisinis 183¢. and $1.29 'MOTH PROOF GARMENT BAGS hitnuiin ITER hed ee 986, A.M. LAWRENCE PHONE TZ. Rexall Store Tom. w PORT > y Afi . rv 3 © a Le ton. lI ---- a RI ------ I. mim TIO OO 'E. MERLIN DOWSON a. NEWPORT ELUFFS si... Tdi ios ..25¢., 33c., 46c. | MUFFETS, 2 pkgs. 25¢. BREX CEREAL, pkg. 32¢. 3 AUNT JEMINA SILVER CAKE MIX ..ccoocvvnrrverinnn, 36c. AUNT JEMINA DEVIL'S FOOD MIX ............... LARA 36c. i GOOD LUCK MARGARINE .......... Ee SEE .....pkg. 36c. ' MINUTE RICE ooo ieeeeeeeeeeereese essere enes enone pkg. 19c. WILSON'S GINGER Al FRESH FRUI Carrots, 4 Ibs. 29¢c. Cabbage, Lettuce, Celery, E 2 for 25¢. (plus deposit) TS AND VEGETABLES Parsnips, 4. Ibs, 25¢. Tomatoes, \ -Oranges, Grapefruit, Bananas. | H § rie --- WE DELIVER-- PHONE 91 FOR SERVICE § for. LiL EL hn OOO OO OO OO TEP NO MPANY ~ PHONE 240W a is FRESH COFFEE | : At the Terminal Grill you are always served with freshly : brewed Coffee. You may also enjoy with our delici- : # ous coffee, a Three Decker Hamburger, or our : 18 Tasty Pastry. Every day in the.week we : . serve you quickly and efficiently. : TERMINAL GRILL | RAR BS pm RE NOW IS THE TIME ___ : nv TO THINK ABOUT {%ag rn lh ; on | ONCE- OVER That NEW HOUSE. (°° --Come "in-and-see-us; we - ORAM E. xX - Resurfaces and redecorates §. tan. give you, money $ problem walls at low cost. saving advice $f cet your free Sri : "oe DRAMEX color ? ' . card from = {RlLLY LAKE 8CUGO0G { L ER & COAL "SHOP AT ARDLEY'S WITH CONFIDENCE" k: THE NEWEST AND SMARTEST - IN THE LATEST COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, GOWNS, and WEDDING COWNS ARDLEY FROCKS 491-3-5 DANFORTH AVE. near Logan, Phone GE. 1575 TORONTO, ONT. Alberta Coal ee ------------------ ceimeimgp---- "WE HAVE A SUPPLY OF CANADIAN COAL This is ideal fuel for Spring burning at a considerable _ saving in cost. REESOR F PORT PERRY Try a ton of this Coal at $18.00 ton. .. SAI UEL & LUMBER PHONE 3w. The People's Meat Market 'Where You Cet FRESH and CURED MEATS of ALL KINDS the Cholcest in Meats" : W. E. MacGregor and Son Phone 72w, PORT PERRY

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