Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Apr 1950, p. 6

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More flavour? That s. because it's better tea "SALADA TEA Riders Hoot-Owl Pool by G. H. SHARP CHAPTER | (Contmued From Last grizzted sunhe It: The on his ried-taoking wn "1'I1 be back t abont a wo Iin's and fret, now.' She made shirt and his «! ride to aud 1 rain outs de. Tank longer young, Damp him up He galped hot, black « otf is heading wr a range night. put on He h ad a long wis drizziing Als mide Roberts veiather stove another enp of and was gone, fed on 2 rode mm his big, horse jor where trouble the * A do Wehbe The room smoke. Brouzad, stein men made up the Sciss _ Most of them hag of them owned a cattle and a. few Nearly all of them boys. Webb Winters to get there. He "in town until atten taken Bob's death broken down and cried a lot and Webb had done what he could to comfort her. "That had taken time. Then he'd gone to the undertaker's arfd picked out a coffin, which had to be loaded on a wagon and started for Bob Anderson's ranch. He and Mae had hunted up a preacher. So it was almost mudmight when Webb joined the others. ' Joe Blake looked hard at him. "We'd aboirt decided you wasn't "comin" Some of the hovs w as in favor of settin' out to find you." "Got delayed in town." "If T was you," spoke one of the crowd, wouldn't do much night ridin' alone." } n mer wi Wis "ranch with tol taced., Tadey hacco these or-Bil I'oo!. fannlies. Fach small herd of acres land. heen cow- ot had had_been delayed dari. Mae had hard. She had was Ho house | -a scrap. { ! was the fast man 3 "IIL chance it." Webb moved toward the stove. Somchody had made coffee. He- filled a tin cup and faced them. Joe Blake and another man had the only two chairs in the cabia. "I'he others sat around on the floor "You men know what Webb told them. There was happened," "Bob got killed, more than one of 'em. He was cutnumered, lie put up There was blood near the doof and there was hiood outside. He fought "em "til they downed hin. Are you goin' to help me hunt down but the snakes that murdered Bob Anderson, or do I tackle the job alone" - ' . "You can count on me," said Joe Blake. . x a "Were oll with vou, | reckon," spoke Josie man. ---- itso war that AL Abbott is lookin® rr said a lean-taced man with a scar across his jaw, "he kin find it." Bob Anderson was a white man any way you took him." Others voiced their opinion. The probem was how they would about this range war. One man was in favor of running - oft all th te I'riangle stock they could round up. Another. suggested burn- ing off the Triangle range~ The lean-faced man with the Khife- scarred jaw opined that the only way to wipe out a snake den is to thumb a gun hammer. The older men, those who had wives and fam- ilies, kept silent for the most part. Every man. there knew the strength of the Triangle outfit. They would be bucking a. million- dollar spread, and Ab Abbott's cowboys were all tough hands. Ab Abbott had threatened that he would break up the Scissor-Bill: Pool and run every man of them out of the, country. I'his was not the first meeting of the Pool ranch- ers. They had met at Joe Blake's place the last time. Joe Blake had. been clected boss of the Pool. The others now waited for that tight- lipped - Oklahoman to speak. "What's your idea, - Joe?" asked Webb. "Don't know as [ have one, Webb, unless it would be to force Ab Abbott into buyin' us out. I got the ald woman and kids to think about. I--" "Ab Abbott," Webb cut in, his voice harsh, "hasn't' enough money to 'buy me out. Bob 'Anderson and me was sort of partners. Bob got BRST 4855 $1263 + Aaritblos . - 12- Young Cavalier collar] More dash and swagger in those big tabbed pockets, deep-set sleeves. . This classic is a as shown lier, or with contrast, oT Pattern 4852 Wi i in sizes 12 14,716, 18,20; 3 34,36, 38, 40, 42, Size 16 A es a3 yds. 39-in, This pattern, casy to use, sim- ple to sew, is tested for "hit. Ilas complete illustrated instructions. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25¢) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER, Send order t6 Box 1, 123 Ligh. teenth St. New Toronto, Ont. srmmemeem-- ISSUE 16 -- 1950 honey --all one, _ raurdered. Tf you feel like sellin', go ahead." "You mean you're decla war on the Triangle?" asked [eA "Just that. Even if | have to make a lone fight of it." "I'll hang and rattle with you," ; said the knife-scarred cowboy wifo spoke with the soft drawl of a Texan. "Me and Ed. Young come up to Montana from down yonder. We was raised together from kids. "They bushwhacked Ed. I'll string my bets along with yourn, Webb. I don't blame Joe Blake for not wantin' to mess into a fight. ~ Like Bu heer close to our "What's -- he says, he's got a wife and kids. So has some of you other gents. You kin sell out or you kin set back and do nothin', and no hard feelin's © 1 kin git in touch with some hoys that will be willin' to "do a little fightin'. Tex Jones ain't lackin' for friends." it that "We "We won't have to carry far, Tex," said Webb Winters. don't want to hire any killers, idea is this, We'll play our cards. bellies. Somebody in- goin' to get drunk in town and talk. 'Thén we'll grab Lim and get the names of the men who killed Ed Young and Boh Anderson. And 'there. at Bob's place'is a big-old cottonwood with a low of enw. Men, ne matter vou feel about tis business, about your wives and families, you had beter either sell out or be ready to fight tonight rr on us, Triangle man. what that outfit is some day how heen said other nights is just man that tells a among we talk about is lower down than a snake." "I don't reckon," said Joe Blake. "that any man among us would gO » Ab Abbott with any news." "I oam't so sure about that," said Webb. "Meanin® just what" asked. the lean-faced Tex . "Meanin™" "said Well, "that there's sone man connected with the Scissor-Bill Pool that don't keep his mouth shut. Ed Young got bushwhacked because some- body fet it out that Ed was goin' to be ridin' along a certain trail just about a certain hour at night" Webh Winters looked at tlie others through narrowed, hard eves. He broke the that followed bis last words. silence "Only you men here knew that Bob Anderson was goin' to be homie last night. Bob was sup- poséd to he stayin' at Joe Blake's. Every man here knows that Bob had three thousand dollars in cash and some legal papers on him. The cash belong weil to the Pool. The papers he had were depositions provin' his right to a picce of land. [ was to meet Bob _about-noon-and-- We were to take that money to the when _hé got killed common _ table salt, bank and file the papers Bob had. "When the meetin' at Joe's broke up. Bol decided to go on home stead of stayin® at Joe's. | rode "with Bob to where the trails forked, I went home. Bob went home witli that mouey and them papers. on him. Bob wus wearin® all his clothes His hat was there on the floor alongside him. He hadn't took off his chaps. - | went through his pockets. The money and papers was gone. Some min in the Scissor-Bill Pool is either too careless with his talk, or else 'he's sold out to Ab Abbot. That man is hearin' me now. \Who- ever he is, he's listenin." (Conta Next Week) HOW CAN 1? By Anne Ashley Q. How can 1 make a good polish for mahogany furniture? A. Use one tablespoonful of olive oil mixed with one teaspoonful of vinegar. Dust the article thor- oughly, then apply the polish "with a soft flannel cloth. Follow. by polishing with another soft, clean cloth. =. Q How can I dry matches that refuse to strike because-of -damp- ness? A. Rub them back and forth in the bristles of a clothes brush. --Q. How can I remove stains from the fish bowl? A. Vinegar and salt will remove these stains very readily. Q. What can I use instead of faf for, frying foods? A. Fat is not absolutely neces- sary; merely rub the pan with then shake it out, and place the meat to be fried in the pan. -- Q. How can [ revive wilted let- tuce?" A. By washing it carefully in a basin of water, to which has been added two tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice. Allow the lettuce to stand irr this water for gbout an hour, and then wash in cold water. 4] rinkles with 31. Male awan . ¥ CROSSWORD i ii , 3. Frequently 33, Froxen watee ~ 10. Isafrafa __34. Double curve -- -- ~PuzZL Li 1 1. Moors 36. Edge ot a 1B garment 19tiese 17, Clothes Jiaker . AC 3. Coustelion: 11. D 38. Bpeechify 1. Lohen 8. Dappled 21. Bound. to cal 30. Sew loosely wife 4. Be ambitions attention 40. Jusanay 8. Asiatie 5. Southesn eoh- 13, Luzon tribes. 42, Ba > Awa, p 3ssllation " WAR Fi Scandinavia 3. Th es 8. Frolle . Bern ..You Te A 7. Revokea 1. { 49. Turmerde legacy 4 80. Limb 18 '18. TS Sea ved person 18. City In Towa A Rrown "18. Muscuiar twitching Seasons . Regular cue + tomer ". 3 Toted '88. Fronch pee- noun © 23, Youngster 8 4. Take a seat 4B. Fosdenuen TA. Verbal 48. Ttalian hurdy- - scl = Cirle name 8 Female rot #5. Legal 88. Paper 1. Work mat re Answer elsewhere on this page. gently My * limb that will take care - Any mnths aso -- { "Show Me The Ti ppv, who got stranded on a plank when the ove rilow edits banks and flooded the valley Way To Go Home--A bewiltered adie was Genesee River . ~ 9 region. 4 "Dea rarried I think I'm man! We wants te "I don't really \nne tor seven in know loved my vould 1n rrtied. Loushand's, io hin ANNE HIRST tour Family Gounselot first: years--and now love with hoth have children, to go away wite him. whether [ husband. My Jens wereahways telling mie nobody gress that's the real.reason [got ['ve been . I hate to leave him in a way, because he does all he can to please me. And I would want to take my children, whom he loves so much. "Do you think I'm in love - What shall T do? : £0... another He CVC et par- LS £ Stacking TFoptiton ever marry me, becaus i aie i : joe Ls Temptations come to us all didn't take anyone seriously They 4 Sone trivial re vital. The - predicted 1°d be an'seld maid. 1 ome are trivial, some vital. * wise course is to see thew all for * what they are, and weigh all the ig, s : i "This nua js a good friend of my * i prnnlek i a and has been very kind i is * S ki hi -My husband has asked me + fund basband, gn b. ag off i Lam in lo le 1m in ove, and 1 I've never said "1 * with a man who already has a towels, tern 0693: abeut SxI11 in; Laura \Whecler's with ite charts, cise directions, coins in (stamps ~-- Varied needlework is easy! Pat- transfer crochet tern makes needlework so simple photos and con- Send TWENTY- cepted) for this pattern to Box 1, wife!" That is shocking, even to me. ~ He 'could not marry you until you both are divorced. Di- vorces take time and money. Meanwhile, what would you be? Married to one man, living illegally with another--and ex- posing your little children to.all the scandal that would follow: To think that you could be happy with him is folly. You would never forgive yourself for deserting your husband, and / separating him from his children. -|-% And I-predict- that the passion * that tempts you now would van- * ish so soon that you weculd think * it had never been. * I expect you are bored with the * routine of marriage," with child- * bearing and raising. In such a * mood, you are a natural target for * any new sensation, and can read- * ily call it love. Yet what sort * of man is this, who would snatch * you away from your home and * husband, and drag you through a" id revolting experience? Surely he * has no integrity, no real concern * for your future pcace of mind. ** Resist, witly everything in you. * Remind him) that no__fleeting * pleasure is worth the-bztrayal of * your vows nor the sacrifice of * your integrity and lis. Then fiever be alone with him * again. * Plunge all your energies into * making your 'husband content. LAE BE BEE BE EE NE IEE EE SNE 3 * Assembling -- trousscau linens? * 'Calni_his "suspicions of your dis--- Get off to a beautiful start with * loyalty, and prove by your never- these! For pillowcases, = scarfs, * ending attentions how much you in crochet and embroidery! * appreciate his goodness and -af- ~* fection. * This is the only woudl tu peace. * Once you sec your critical situa- * tion as it would appear tc others, * vou will realize is. . * * * When temptation comes, see yourself as others would see you if you yielded to it. One's own pride can often keep her on the right of 6. motifs direction, improved pat- FIVE CENTS cannot be ac- "Trush MAGIC for sure-fire baking success! 123 Eighteenth St, New 'Toronto, course. Anne Hirst will help you, } Ont. Print plainly PATTERN | if you tell her about it. Address-her-- --NUMBER;™ "vour ~ NAME and '| at Box 1, 123 Eighteentt Street, ADDRESS. New Toronto, Ont. POW Dy and lightly buttered. "WALNUT BUTTERMILK LOAF Mix and sift twice, then sift into a bowl, 214 c. once-sifted pastry flour (or 21{ c. once- sifted hard-wheat flour), 2 tsps. Magic Baking Powder, 14 tsp. baking soda, 114 tsps. salt, 34. tap. ground mace. Mix in 3§ c. lightly- packed brown sugar, 14 c. rolled oats and 1 c. broken walnuts. Combine 1 well-beaten egg, 1 e. buttermilk, 2 taps. grated orange rind, 1 : vanilla and 8 tbs. shortening, melted. Moe a well indryingredients and add liquids; | mix lightly, Turn into a loaf pan (414 x 814") which has been f and lined, with greased paper. Bake in a rather slow 'oven, 325°, about 1 hour, Serve cold, thinly sliced Ee RE =: Ca HRONICLES INGER FARM lttakes a long time but. finally the, consumer public' gets around to complaining about" the things it | Was CEES, "There was 'a muttering : that grew to a grumbling; and a gfumbling that geew: to a mighty rumbling" -and out; of the rumbling came. the system of having eggs graded and candled according to -size and freshness. Milk was anothér product that was given extra atten- tion. Now milk is given the greatest inspected every so often for bacteria count and sedimentation--too much of either and the milk is condenined. 'With all this*care at the source, if egies now lose their freshness and milk becomes stale and contaminat- ed, the fault lies with the attention-- or lack of it--which these products receive after being purchased. Now the spotlight is on potatoes. Housewives complain that potatoes haven't the flavour they used to have; they have lost their old-time mealiness; no longer will they fluff up when shaken after being cooked. Worst of all, old turn black when cooked, and even 'new potatoes have lost that certain flavour we liked so much in days of yore. So at last Mrs: John Public has got around to asking--*"What's wrong with our Ontario potatoes?" Now that IS a qitestion because you sce grading of potatoes has long since been compulsory. Graded as. to size and quality, that is. Just let few little potatoes slip in with thé big fellows and the producers have to answer for it. And of course scabby potatoes are never offered for sale at all. So the. consgmers go to the store and when they buy reasonably uniform jn size and also firm and sound. Actually, to all appearances, there shouldn't be a "kick in the world about these nice looking potatoes. But the proofi of the spud is in the cooking: You boil them, drain them, and mash them--and, according to the tem- perament of-the potatoes; they may be either watery, black or look and taste fairly edible. So 'you try other ways of cooking --steam them; start them with cold water, hot water, add salt first, last, or just as they come to the boil. But it makes very little difference--those fluffy, mealy potatoes seem to be gone for good. various explanations--it's the soil, or the season, or the type of potato," or the way they 'are cooked. Well, maybe they are right -- we don't grow potatoes for commercial use ourselves, so we don't pretend to know. But in our small way we have made certain observations and have come to the conclusion that it is the use of chemical fertilizers and constant spraying that has ruin- ed the flavor of our Ontario pota- toes. How else can we. account for the following - differences in the doesn't like, Years ago the trouble. possible care--properly chilled 'and potatoes often . - potatoes by the basket or bag they | - --can--be--quite--Sure they willbe |- 'or waxey, turn Experts have come forward with _ ep » potatoes we have grown load 1088 "we have bought, Every spring, as sced- potatoes, we use the small potatoes left over from those we bought for eating the year before, We plant' them in the ordinary way; we cultivate them, bank them up, and dust them if bugs become troublesome--but we DON'T' use commercial fertilizer. We generally have a fair yield from the number we put .in but nothing wonderfub, Not a great number to a, hill and nothing extraordinary as . to size. But they do, have a good flavor: "As new potatoes, we. eat and "enjoy. them. As they mature, and even before thé skins are "set" the potatoes become mealy, and fluff up: 'when mashed. For winter mercial grower -- from the same grower that our left-over seed came from. His potatoes look bigger and better: than our own. 'Chey wauld pass inspection "100 per cent. But when we cook them---how different the flavour! Actually, it doesn't pay us to grow potatoes for our own use --it is cheaper to buy them--we grow them only because they are so much nicer. Naturally the have had commercial buy to potatoes we fertilizer and plenty of them and for that pur- pose chemical fertilizer brings good results. Perhaps you may say--"Oh, it's probahly 'a difference in the soil in. which they are grown." Maybe--hut our spil & clay-loam and the potatoes we buy are grown on sandy-loam, which, T believe, is generally considered to be the best soil for potato growers. . What is the solution for improv- ing the cating quality of Ontario potatges? Well, that is one for the experts to figure out. I -am just offering our little bit of experience for what it is worth--and that may be nothing at all. Maybe we had bet- | ter consult the Irish. ~ AGONIZING PAINS OF SE A I Ts - ARTHRITIS _ RHEUMATISM You can find qulek relief with DOLCIN the Neg -to-take, prompt-acting tablets undreds of thousands of suf- Tse 54 the palin of Arthritis, Rheuma- tism 'and Sciatica. Get this safe, reliable Jroduse today. There are many ied r DOLCIN now being offered, usually a higher ptiess, Be sure you ask for and got the original DOLCIN Tablets. The Jester 'D" {s stamped on Srey pening DOLCIN Tablet for yous probection OLCIN 1s sold by all druggis hug hout Die Dominion. 100 SD rveqir for lie 00 tablets for $3.95 available in bottles of 500 tablets, Dolcin Limited, Toronto 10, Ontario. Upside down "to prevent peeking. RR 3[3[as[3M) d[3|Ajo Nl 1|N \ZEI 0 [] 3|dIW[V 32 3 SIZE I 1Z 3 FINE] 32 d[3]3 i old ; 3|d di 21 XL d 3d s|d 0 vis[al3 WITH ire WALL PAINT 8 colors and white! 2th MADE BY WORLD'S LARGEST. _ WATERPAINT MAKERS FLITE i IS Canada' s Favouriie Water- paint because it's $0 economical, so easy to mix and apply with brush or roller, dries odorless in an hour to a durable, cleansable finish. In hy not get the best for less! Asklydur paint ealer now for color card. WESCO WATERPAINTS (cannon) LTD, 2100 ST. PATRICK ST. MONTREAL £ use we buy Potatoes. from a com-- help them along. A man who grows potatoes to 'sell needs big potatoes £1 pA ' I's i 3 4 4 » - ~ ! v

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