Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Apr 1950, p. 8

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a Page Eight Es a WM FRE SR SRE PRS EC LN Her We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals and pay the "highest prevailing prices, Port Perry 118 r 21. Uxbridge 27, Brooklin 62 - Toronto, Adelaide 3636 , GORDON YOUNG LTD. Te DEAD or C RIP IL ID stock removed free of. charge. 1 houk service. High- est prices paid for old horses. - Phone - Collect MARGWILL FUR FARM Phone 2679 Bowmanville = oct18,tf, v ATTE NTION I ARMERS We pay highest prices for Dead or * Crippeld Horses and Cows, according to size and condition. Phone 16 r 11, Woodville, Ont. We pay phone charges ED PECONI, ARGYLE ONT. -- " ' y i plectric kloor danders Hurdwood Floors, laid, sanded and finished. General, Carpentry, kitchen cupboards, gyprock put on and fin- ished for panting. -- ROBERT PICKARD PHONE 281W PORT ly storry BUILDER . Agent for all makes of Insul-bric and Asphalt, Aluminum and : Steel Shingles. i a PERRY Estimates Free, Phone 277) Port Perry SAND AND GRAVEL . When and where you want it. . Call ROSS E. SANDISON; Port Perry, RRA FOR SAND AND GRAVEL and Excavating Work, ELLSWORTH KENNEDY ---- --------will-be pleased to oblige 'you.--Fhone 322 Port Perry, for information. feb2d GENERAL CARPENTRY and odd Jobs of any Description. No job too small: Phone 284M, Port Peiry : and have ROY. KENDELL call and give you a free estimate on that repair job, ------------FARM HELP Experienced, Reliable Holland fam- ilies available. Arriving soon. Write to T. Buma, IRR. 1, Nestleton, Ont Phone 225-24 Port Perry. junes SAW MILL stationed Y2 mile cast of Blackstock will take logs for custom sawing. For -Par- ticulars phone | 187-r-31 Port Perry. J. W. Pearce, Prop. _may26 PORTABLE FOR SALE Mixed Gladiolus bulbs 75¢. per dozen, $6.00 per hundred. Also Latham and Viking Raspberryy canes, $5.00 per hundred. Apply I. -- W. Bradley, Port Perry, Phone -75R. april27 PASTURE FOR CATTLE Lots 14-1 plenty of run vour order Phone 261 Con. 7, Reach, Township. ; water and shade. Get Earl 'Wallace, may4d in eax Port Pe - GIANT DAY- OLD wih PEKIN DUCKLINGS available for April de- livery. Grow to 6 Ibs, in 9 weeks; b . crops a year. Uxbridge 240 or 263. Ux-Spring Farms Limited, Uxbridge, Ontario. april27 Phone APPLES FOR SALE All kinds of Apples at Wholesale _prices to everyone. tainers. John Padlock, one mile north of Whithy on Highway No. I may STR AYED FROM I ARM, Cockerel Spaniel, fawn cojor, with white mark- ings. Finder please notify Mrs, Alex, i Dianiond, Prospect, Phone Port Perry 107 r 3, 7 FOR SALE--1932 Chevrolet. Coach in good running condition. Apply Art 'Brown, Prince Albert, Ont. FOR SAL E -- Beaver Sced Oats; +3 Beaver Oaté and Nobarb Barley; 2 _Erban.Qats and Velvet Barley mixed. : Dave Thompson, Greenbank, Phone 115 r-22 Port Perry. " . J ge BRAY CHICKS. Many varieties. 5: New Hamps, Crosses, Columbia Rocks. ! 3 ] Pullets; Mixed, Cockerels, Dayold and vy started. Don't. handicap yourself on yf ] egg markets. Catch up. with these. ; "Prices, agent--A.. R. Gray, R.R:2, Port ve oi EA Perry. | Phone 121 r 6, | ete. Good running order. Bring your con-} Agent - Manufacturers Life Insurance Company Cunard and C.P.R. Steamship "Lines. hoki Agent, Canadian Pacific Rail- way. "any lines of the Company, Agent : International Air Service, Lines © Phone 128 - UXBRIDGE - ONT. L IN DSAY CON VALESCENT . HOME" offers coin ionL nursing care and cheerful surroundipgs to elderly, convalescent and es patients. Registered nurse in attendance 24 hours. Government licensed. Reasonable Rates. 11 RIDOUT ST. Phone 116 THE LINDSAY EDWARD 'BIND OPTOMETRIST--OSHAWA 24 Simcoe St. S. Phone 4221-W (OPPOSITE ZELLERS.) Office Hours: 9.30 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. " FEED FOR SALE BRAN--$2.80 per hundrea. = WESTERN FEEDS--BARLLEY-and - WATS, 0% mixture--$567.00 ton. JGROUND MIXED FEED--OATS, 248.00 per ton. Truck loads delivered fren STANLEY TAYLOR, Burketon, Ont. Phone 193-r-23, Port Perry. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE lots on Ottawa Street, in Phone 233M, ° apr20 Choice I'ort Perry. -- Irish Apply 1, Port Perry, april27 Foundation "A" Potatoes Cobbler, Chippewa, Kathadin. ATT Powell, RoR Phone 93 r 24. } I* I'OR. SALE-- Used Tractors, some almost new, all makes and odoin; various other furm "machines. Contact us for reasonable prices. Ux- Spring Limited, Uxbridgd, Ontario. may 4 also I'arms BULLDOZING EQUIPMENT SAND and GRAVEL EXCAVATING contact LORNE HAIGHT , Contractor 'Transportation saranged over | Seed Potatoes |= day EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT until further notice KEITH WILSON and HIS ORCHESTRA "EVERYBODY WELCOME Admission 50c. Sy N > - pd Dependable, Guaranteed Used Cars, Ete, from $95.00 to $1695.00--it will pay you to see these Cars first, | 49 Morris Minor Conch (8)- 49 gMorris Oxford Sedans (3) 49 Hillman Sedan 24 49 Morris 10 Sedan 3 49 Meteor Sedan 48 Standard Coach 48 Ford Coupe 42 Studebaker Sedan- 39 Plymouth Coupe 38 Ford Coach 33 Chevrolet Coach tL 31 Ford_Model A 20 lissex Sedan 49 James Motorcycle 36 Chevrolet Panel 35 International Pick-up. 33 Dodge Stake TERMS -- CASH -- TRADE -- EASY Immediate delivery - on 1950 Morris Oxfords, Minors, Imperials, Wolseley, Riley,¢ Jaguar. and the famous M. G. Racing Cars, Immediate delivery on thie famous 19500 Ferguson Tractors at the new low price $1363. i BRITISH ONTARIO MOTORS LEASKDALE 7 miles north of Uxbridge FOR SADLE- ~ Horse, about 1200 Ibs, Solid Oak Dining Table and 6 chairs. British Ontario Motors|' | $I: RE NTN SEVE NATRES? OF PETERBOROUGH." "Dress Optional; . REFRESHMENTS. - Admission $2.50 Couple J grandmother, --Muys:- lin to Detroit here uy spent Kas-| ' rile Ei = PRIZES. - . "ANNUAL SPRING DANGE | jt Friday, April 21st ' "at PORT'PERRY HIGHSCHOOL MUSIC BY ae EL a NOVELTIES ns ly LL - A-- ES i aa REL REESE SS | | Fb School re-opened on Monday with Mrs. George Samells of Port Perry as teacher. Baby Bobbie Piper has returned to Mrs, Warren after having a Surgical operation in Sick Children's Hospital, " Miss Helen Crosier and Mr. E, W. Crosiér, Gerald and Brian of Toronto spent a day with Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Crosier last week, Mr. Harold Dobson is driving a mew Chevrolet car. Mrs. Frank Johnson and Miss Do- reen Johnson visited friends at Uun- lonville on Sunday. * . Messrs, Harry and Lloyd Cowan of Carnarvon were guests of - Mr. and Mrs. A. Roach-over Sunday. Miss Judith ings Seepmpaiel her Innes; -Brook= ter holidays. At the time: of their Golden Wed- with leather seats; 1 Cycle Hatcher, Su-cgg size; HU feet Chait Link Foner, ing (new); Quebec Heater with oven Phone 283J. + AUCTION SALE OF 200 HEAD OF STOCKER and FEEDER CATTLE the property of E. A; WERRY, Hay- dondale Farms, 1% miles East of; [nniskillen, Darlington Township, 10 miles North of Bowmanville, on Mon- April 24th. Th two _year old condition, Sunderland Phone 63 r 5 : © may 4 WANTED TO RENT or BUY-- Small four or five roomed house, in Port Perry or vicinity. Box 30 Port Perry Star. FOR SALE--Certified Sced Potatoes, Cobblers--Foundation Grade. Also Foundation "A" at $2.00 per 75 Ib bag. Cecil Collins, R.R.4, Port Perry. FOR SALE--Truck Wagon, steel wheels; set Plow Harness; Wagon and Plow Doubletrees; Single Plow; Bus. W. Sweet Clover Seed; Cedar Posts; Strawberry Plants (Killags); Pine Lumber, new and used. A. G. Clark, Myrtle Station, Box 31 (just south of tracks). FOR SALE -- 35 Ford V8 Sedan, good body, tires, battery, upholstery, Clinton Midgley, R.R.4, Phone 164 r 32, FOR SALE--1931 Durant Sedan, cylinders, in good condition. <i 3 $125.00. Apply Ivan Spencer, Green- 5 |bank, Phone 51 r 22, FOR SALE--10 ft. Masscy-Harris Clipper Combine, auxiliary power unit with cleaner. 1948 model. Apply to Arthur A. Palk, R.R. 2, Nestleton, Phone 184 r, 22, Port Perry. : FOR--SALE--Kitchen--Table,--four chairs and Buffet, in black and white. Apply Fred Bown, Phone 198 r 13. FOR.SALE --- Pure Bred "Cocker Spaniel puppies. Black. Fully re- gistered. Phone 12 r 8, FOR SALE -- Hydrangea shrubs, Arboreseens Grandifiora (Hills of Snow); also some perennials and Muscovy Ducks. E. McLaren, Phone 122 r 6. FOR SALE -- Oil Burner--Cook Stove, Quebec style, with side oven. very reasonable. Phone 247 r 28, Port Perry. FOR SALE -- Good Rubber Tired Buggy; Cream Separator No. 4; steel buggy box and shafts. Cheap. Phone 8 r 21. WANTED TO RENT---A house, or large apartment in Port Perry; write Box 20, Port Perry Star, ticulars of their diilvhs, {HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE; jor Mrs, ding Anniversury, celebrated on Apr. Ath, Mrs. Joel Miller opened jar of lus that were bottled seventy yrs. and reservoir. Phone 84 -r 31 Portj2go. The plums were of prune var- Perry.- ety and retained all their delicious | favor, FOR SALE -- Two Bicycle ne' On Wednesday, April Oth, the Wo- gents and one ladies, both in good men's Association met at the home Theo. Stevens. In spite of Ivoud conditions there was a good at- tendance, with President Mrs. O. Cro- xall in charge. The meeting opened with Ode and Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Crosier read 'Drama of the First Laster has Coun- Mrs. Murray Holtby read a story about Laster. sident charge for the business session and Steers; 25 two year old Heifers; 76 yearling 'Steers; 25 yearling Heifers. all well wintered in Ontario feed lots and of the best beef breeds. Be sure to attend this spring round-up sale. Here is. a change to get some good grass cattle. Terms cash. Sale at 1.30 p.m. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer UTICA MEMORY HALL The Play / tne! Too Many Relatives will be presented by PORT PERRY YACHT CLUB under the auspices of Utica WOMAN'S ASSOCIATION - TUES., APRIL 25 8.30 p.m. Lunch will be served. ADMISSION: Adults 60c. Children 26c. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Alexander Thorburn, late of the Township of Mariposa, in the County of Victoria, Farmer. All persons having claims against the estate of the above-named who died -November-18th, 1949, are-hereby- notified to send to the undersigned on or before May 20th, 1960, full" par- Immediately after May 20th, 1960, the assets of the deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled: thereto having re- gard only to claims of which the un- dersigned hall then have notice. Dated 'at Port Perry, this 18th day of April, 19560. : Port. Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator, . ~ may4 INSURANCE Whatever your insurance needs 'may be, consult H.W, "EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry the minutes of the March meeting were read and adopted. The roll was answered with a verse of Scripture referring to the Crucifiction and Res- urection, Several members volunteered to at- tend the annual summer .meeting at Pickering on April 26th. A donation of $10.00 was voted to be-sent-to- Orono, to-be used to help, in a small way, to rebuild their place of worship. _. Mrs. Don, Christie 'read the legend of the Easter Bunnie. Mrs. Jackson read "A Package of Seeds", and Mrs, Fred Lambe gave an amusing num- ber "The man and the Monkey". The meeting closed with hymn and theme Prayer, after which the group in charge served lunch. Collection $6.16. Donation $1.00. o-oo) In Canada the control of railway freight and passenger rates, as well as other matters relating to construc- tion, operation and safety, rests with the Board of "Transport Commission- ers, Kd ter Part To-day," followed by prayer. The President took "|Fish and Wild Life Corner The Department of Lands and For- ests announces a number- of changes under the Game and Fisheries Act of- fective immediately. to Provincial Parks have been clarified and strengthened. Whereas it was "| formerly illegal to hunt or trap in.a Provincial PATE, it is now also illegal to carry within a Park any traps or other equipment for hunting or trap- ping. Anyone hiring a-guide must in fu- tire. make sure that he is the holder f a guide's licence. The previous provision now done away with applies only to persens who hired, guides 1 to guide-themselves.- Another loop-hole that has been plugged relates to hunting in regu- lated townships. The requirement that any person hunting pheasants, rabbits and foxes in such townships must have a township licence is now firmly em- bodied ip the Game and Fisheries Act. ing at night. In order to prevent the abuse of this privilege, hunting at night is restricted to licensed coon hunters, and they must be accompanied by licensed dogs. Special provision is also made for the dog licence." is now set at 6 and restriction on sale. The of ferréls for hunting is prohib- ited. . Special permission can be obtained to trap muskrats in houses or burrows. --------a Honeydale The next meeting will be Wed., May 10th, of the Honeydale Women's In- stitute and will be held at the home of Mrs. Bryant. Everyone is asked to be present. _Conveners of the Standing Commit- tees are requested to have reports ready. : Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whitfield and Teddy visited friends in Usbridge on Sunday. Miss Shirley Diamond and Mr, K. Bateman spent the week-end in To- ronto. Mr." Brinkman, of Sunderland, and Mr. Brinkman, of South America, spent Sunday with their brother Mr. Brinkman. Mr. and Mrs Sunday with Mk. at Brougham. Mrs. Paul Diamond and Mrs. Law- Lawson Honey spent and Mrs. M. Annis, son Honey were at a District Execu- tive meeting of South Ontario Wom- jen's Institute at the home of Mrs. Brady, of Ajax, on Monday. {- Attention MANCHESTER - A SHIPMENT OF Fordson Major Tractors HAS JUST ARRIVED AT | Manchester Garage 'Thisis the LOWEST PRICED TRACTOR in its class, Come in at once if you would like to see this Tractor --as the supply is Limited. MANCHESTER GARAGE "YOUR FORD & MONARCH DEALER Farmers - PHONE 63) Last year provjsion was made for |g |legalizing the old sport of coon hunt- The bag limit of cottontail rabbits Lot THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, APRIL 20-21-22 mmm ym J Ne "e _--_- = ET T------ ori . I N---- pa x ---- -------- = CLA SSIF IED AD S DANCE og YE Lakeview Theatre Port Perr Ont. romper rT ------ RTT P ort P erry Yacht Club's 18 Two Shows Nightly--7 and 9. / * Saturday Skid pm. ATTENTION FARMERS! | F. G. CROSBY UTICA \ : Gene Autry with Champion In his Thrilling Outdoor Adventure Hit "RIDERS IN THE SKY" _ COMEDY and SHORT PICTURES i Mp) va NDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24-25-26 Butch Jenkins with Dorothy Patrick, James: 'Craig and Sharon McManus » ~~ In'the Lovable Down-to:Earth' Story "BOYS' RANCH" COMEDY REE v J BRUTONS DRUGSTORE Stanley R. Bruton, Phm.B. Phone 16 PORT PERRY MOTH B hd | i LD.A. MOTH KILLER, | MOTH CRYSTALS, Special, 4 ALLS or Flakes, it LARVEX .... GARMENT 1 Ask to sce the NEW KODAK PONY The provisions of the Act relating | 4 LL 49c. TONI REFILL -.......$1.25 HUDNUT. REFILL "$1.75 RAYVE REFILL with FREE SHAMPOO $1.25 2 hs. 69c. ..Ib 19e¢.- Aevereennee.89¢, and $1.29 BAGS i ininiis 98c¢. -Other-Models from $3.00 up ~~ Velvetta Bath Crystals .69 # Y 828 CAMERA $33. 00. "fe - a WL THE PICK OF 'THEM ALL" Ti arate 2 o "Stove & Fuel Oil, Kerosene GASOLINE DELIVERED TO FARMERS 'RAY BIRKETT AGENT FOR WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS PHONE 290 PORT PERRY, JONTARIO Try our Delicious Cherry Pies Saturday Cake Special "BANANA LAYER CAKE" PROMPT SPECIAL For This Week YORK PEAS & CARROTS, 25c. YORK -STRAWBERRIES ......43c. ALL KINDS OF FISH FEATURED THIS WEEK THE FAMILY BUTCHER CAWKER BROS. BELIVERY - SODA Delicatera Restaurant FULL COURSE MEALS LIGHT LUNCHES FOUNTAIN :: CIGARETTES and SUNDRIES For Coming Out Engagements; Anniversaries, Wedding Receptions, or Special Occasions of Any Kind, our Banquet Hall is at your disposal. ® OPEN EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK Pee Sete ITLL 2000000000000 00 00000000000 - PORT PERRY ELECTRIC (first door north of hotel.) INGLIS WASHERS and WATER HEATERS RADIOS - LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES "RANGES - APPLIANCES EASY PAYMENT TERMS 13282802

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