Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 27 Apr 1950, p. 4

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Page Four PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 27th, 1950 x : : or SCUGOG SDroa Store N 1 OCAL NEWS A wating of ve wos Awol BT ATEAM loTor Lawrence's Drug Store News ciation 'was held in Grace United exall St \ ! ore. As court | service to local readers we offer this column. | Church on Wednesday, April 19 with SALES (You Can Save With Safety at, Your Boxall Store) ys 8 courtesy and service : "| the president presiding. The meeting 4 : 5 : in mentioning your guests and items of interest. Send your was opened with singing and prayer. AUSTIN DEALER ~~ ASK TO SEE OUR NEW STOCK OF CAMERAS items to the Star or Phone 305J or 50. : 'Mrs. Bick gave a talk on helping to OSHAWA. ONTARIO + KODAK TOURIST 620 BABY BROWNIE 127 ............ $3.00 do church work. Mrs. Don Crozler 4 kodet Lens, Flash BROWNIE TARGET 620 ...... $6.44 ' acted as secretary in the absence of . Announces the Appointment of 'Kodon Shutter ..$25.25 | BROWNIE TARGET 616 $8.10 . Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Stovin, of {Miss Marjorie . Milner. Mrs. Alan y ® A CYC... SA [LN On SUL er wba [1 DROW NIT TANGEIGL BY sei ! Srna St aes Sanday. with the THE 'CHURCHE: Martyn gave o talk on Missions, Sho JACK -WHITBY : BROWNIE HAWKEYE 620 -...$6.00 former's sisters, in this town. {was _assisted by Mrs, Maurfce Fralick | AS PORT PERRY SALESMAN . KODAK VIGILANT . 620 MARKSMAN (all metal) 620 $5.95 i Out of town friends attending the| ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN 'and Mrs, Muiray McLaren." During -- : - K.A. 1/63" Lens, Flash | - KODAK REFLEX 127 ..........$11,75 : funeral of Mr. Walter Cook Wwere-- CHURCH {the business many matters were dis- : Dakon Shutter i «$42.44 |. KODAK DUAFLEX 620... ane $14.50" Mr. and' Mis, Stan. Fleming, Mrs Rev. J. Riddell, Minister' juan: We Norgpeased ® Pave x : Frank Hewitt, Mrs. FErleen Me- Sunday, April 80th-- guests, Mrs. Don Christie, Mrs, Gran po Gowan, Mr. Jack Hewitt, all of To-| 1} am,--Sunday School--classes for | Christie, and little Donnie Cawker of | Calendar for the Fish and 'Wild AL M. LA WRENCE ronto; Mrs. Roy Cook, Mr. Harry all ages. iN Manchester. The meeting closed with WwW k : Lif Co " Cook, St. Catharines; Mr. Norman| 700--p.m.--Evening Worship. 7a. hymn i O)n Venaietion, 419g ee ire orner PuoNe7, a 2 5 4 PORT VEC Warner, Grimsby; Mrs. P. Bula, Ajax. - spy. | then invite eX or MERE WR, was in town Sutject-~News fom the OK Story. hot supper was prepared and served THURSDAY Mon oo Open season for _gpeckled, brown, © ore fe reRRY 0 this A ge ot his parents, My.) Spme---- by a couple of the groups. FRIDAY--April 28, Variety Night al SRE; Alida gv Rameond Wh y i _and Mrs. Sinclair Robertson. Grant| CHURCH OF THE ABCENSION Coinohion will Be obsbrved riexi Port Perry.High School. oi To] n Sauedey, has been on the staff of the Canadian| Rector: Rev. J. T. Coneybeare. Ig, i, Grace Church at 11.16 after SATURDAY--Nothing Special. Ithe case last year and the open sea- Bl CR -- JO OO DY, Bunk of Commerce, at Brantford, but |3rd Sunday after Easter, April 30th. Sunday School. Communion at the son for yellow pickerel (pike- perch or Bg ! has "been transfered to Peterboroj' 3 a.m, ini Diag Head Memorial Church on Sunday SUNDA Y--Services at all Churches dore) and pike will open on Saturday, 4 E MERLIN DOWSON a ) branch. pm.--Lvening lrayer vening, May 7th. ql [J Mrs. I. R. Bentley spent part of [Above times are Daylight Saving Time EG 4 7 MOBDATeE020 (lib. oo Ari Ji Yes oS ee i , { last vik i Oshawa with her aunt, | The Head W.A. will meet at the TUESDAY--C. G. I. T. the Marie Department o as an 4 STOKELY'S TASTY KING PEAS, 20 oz; .........covenveenn 19e, 11 on Denia Archer PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Mome of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heayn, = oresta. Y STNOKELY'S CREAM CORN, 15 oz. .............. 2 for 25c. BITE Qlavig Qreer, olor P ; with Mra. Ashbridge's group looking | WEDNESDA Y--Cribbage at The change follows aproval by the|{! ORANGE JUICE, 48 oz. tin .. Ei enn d9C. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tripp, of To- P. Taylor, Pastor after the lunch. The hope that the Delicateria Restaurant. Federal authorities of a recent recom- STOKELY'S TOMATO JUICE, 20 oz. tin. chprariersinm .2 for 2le¢. | Yonto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. | Sunday, April 30th weather and roads will be better. All Ti] mendation by the Department to the |i BLACK MISSION FIGS, 1 Ib. PK. voovvvvvvroirmereerrssennion 250. nd and Mr. and Mrs. O. Beare, on P a Pie Bupa is [are invited. Sha that Schwing date on trout i DURHAM CORN STARCH, '1 Ih. pkg. ........ ee 150: h unday. a.m.~--Morning Worship, . ) e advance 8 year. DALEY'S TEA, half ound HH iH dnnee weasiiiind Bona in RT 1: TR Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sanderson are| 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service. Mrs. George Freeman has arrived I" Officials of the Division of Fish and * BEEHIVE CORN SYRUP. BB. isrrpirirristriisents RE .59c¢. "visiting with relatives in Kitchener | Wednesday, Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. home from a visit with relatives in Wildlife draw attention to the follow- ff MUFFETS, 2 pkgs. 25c. NEWPORT FLUFFS 25, .33 45 : and London, England. She 'reports 'a grand time ing in conection with trout bag limits: hi : 3 2 3 : Mrs. Arthur Radbill, of Leeds, Eng-| PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH with the home folk. | "(a) Not more than ten fish or a Li C 1 FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES wisi Wer hele 3 greater number of fish than in the|4 Celery, Lettuce, Cabbage, Tomatoes, Oranges, Grapefruit, | = land, is visiting her uncle and aunt 10 a.m.--Sunday School. Mrs. Green spent the week-end with ds ME ive 1b , Carrots, Spi h, et Mr. and Mrs. C. Mills, and accom- 11. aan.--Primary Department. 'Marelene at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Shes Yaw More dwt oh 5, ¥ 5, Spach, % ! ; od Aly Mis , sand gh il may en from waters in Nor- |i; ail Ciel wr 3 Momma Om uy | (Bape | folk County, | WE DELIVER-- PHONE 91 FOR SERVICE || | J. Short and Mrs. Chilvers at Sea-| - --Canadian Girls Affiliation 'Miss Noreen Sweetman spent the (H) Not more than fifteen fish or ra ---- grave, on' Sunday. } Service. week-end with her cousin Miss Yvonne | -- a' greater number of fish than in the - E j | Milner. H aggregate weight more than ten Ibs. | essssessssessess 0880383838, 38408083880 838080035838008883888080000003000 il ei Hs ¢ E52 a ; 'when taken f ters other than ) . . PRINCE ALBERT CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pearce and fam- fms oy Norfolk County. gr ui Choir News 2 S. and Bible Class. ily of Sunderland, and Mr. and Mrs. Anglers are also reminded' that it is A GOOD CUP OF CO FFEE" : 4 p.m. Christ Lives To-day. R. Tetlow were Sunday guests of unlawful to retain any of the trout --Don't--forget--to wateh for more Te = PRR re ---- ---- their parents Mr, and Mrs, J. Pearce. ; mentioned--which--are-less- than -seven |- "1S FR ESH C OFFEE I 75 Wy ur concer bei ¢ ed . pe " , ne ye on hoy Stat re Mr. James Crozier is able to be out| _- : . netics in length. for June 9th. mie FAT nals i (Advertisement) : around again, and Mr. Ashbridge, Mr. [BETTY PHILLIPS likes singing on LIN I bers and let Mrs. Dobson know we are - gain, ge, dio for b f At th T 1 Grill . hf wr 1 her here is 2 Job. of exteh IMMACULATE CONCEPTION David Hope, Edwin Edgar are all jm- [the radio for a number ol reasons-- | (Ontario hatcheries will yield sub- 1. e Terminal Grill you are always served wit reshly ety a nid ry PARISE proving in health. not the least important being that she 'gyongiq). stocks of fish for planting |} brewed Coffee. You may also enjoy with our delici- : NEI en i | PARLE : . can (literally) kick off her shoes and qu i; 1950 and spawn collections | ous coffee, a Three Decker Hamburger, or our every ones perfect attendance, an } Father V. McGivney, Pastor Fifteen ladies and two visitors at- therefore (she asserts) reach the high- : . . ! 3 o-operation. RN tended the regular monthly meetin , t: vith t have hash good; accord gg Shoal : Tasty Pastry. Every day in the week we €0-0l MARY IS THE MOTHER OF GOD t the H o W ; pd rd g [est soprano notes with greater ease. ,¢ yo Division of Fish and Wildlife. |§ serve you quickly and efficiently : A 0 L tt r to Suered Seripture - speaks of the' » Wh e ini - oi 8 ono ati Her songs from Vancouver are heard In the field of commercial fisheries, : % : n Upen Lette Mother of Jesus Christ. The world Meld in Martyn Tod in hol 28th every Monday at 7 pm. on the CBC ypou¢ 250,000,000 whitefish fry will |§ : i: : : all 50- 50 Clubbers Jes & Mother, The wenan Abi God | MTS: " Hp Ih . e ; igs Trans-Canada network. Born on the be distributed into commercially- i 2 : chose for His Mother would be pre- |p aver 4% tond (I Scripture for the i Soe twenty-six years ago, she|fishoq waters within the next few |§ ; : Hi Kids ! Let's mu Te this. May 1st|pared with great care. Free from dur por oe A worm nt tore muds Syiug, Piano Su Jon ngen weeks. Output of herring fry is pre- : : : meeting a _speeially enjoyable one. | weakness, free from all evil, a woman enlle8 PY - w Eo vig A naan er m dicted as four million. Over six mil- Rev. John T. Coneybeare is a splendid untouched by man, a virgin and a ' . a os ed --. ae Te R PAW lion lake trout, in the fry and finger- speaker and his topic is one to in-|mother. My Mother would have been| Arrangements are being made to a Jet i a . uh i pe = ling stages, will be liberated. This Lovet" every due of us Dress inthe same were 1 God. } hold a cooking sale and bazaar in SSRIS "i By fi 19 4) will be augmented by plantings of ELM AT me + "comic costume, and the evening's pro-| Four hundred years ago the love of [August. : : ho 50,000 yearling lake trout. ; g ig --_-- ro te A in Store. Prize [the Mother of God was lost, wars havet Co bigewiiiton d Bas vain Iading 1s) In the field of sport fishing, the|H N ow: IS THE TIME : Se i: for the best comic couple, and lunch [grown to be world wide, women have : Her Po prin pa a technical field staff have been very ® TO THINK ABOUT v : 5 wi enough for you and a friend. See you [lost their influence to turn man back . : : 5 ONCE: OVER, wth « Ar Sholen on sharp ----------------to_family\ life, destruction faces us, A Simple Remedy York: Conn on page 5): _That NEW HOUSE. : : <= BOB and KAY'S GROUP. |only a turn to a love of the Mother of ; a ui ) : ORAMEX Loy z God can restore the balance to life.| Much publicity has been given to _-- Coms-in and Eoe us, ve of d red ' IN MEMORIAM Mary will bring her Son back to robins which attach window panes, * can give you money gy paginas GAULD--In memory of Mrs. Sophia [Starved souls. and other shining objects, such as the saving advice Out your free Sm - Jane Gauld, who passed away ADril| qe age. uae aw: ium tue chromium finish on a car. To put a | HINK 4 4 SE DRAMEX color { ZY oa, Todo. stop to the bird's antics one has sim- 5 E a card from # A ear ranama: Fy AA, i i ly to cover the shiny surface with : \ - - A heart of Fold so kind and true, ANNOUNCEMENT p : LAK SCUGO No one can take the place of you. |= Mr and Mrs. Harry Edgerton |cheese cloth or a coating of glass wax AN A U = J | IN DEVON : LUMBER & COAL 5 We know you're happy in God's|dnnounce the engagement of their or soap and leave it for a time until |}{ STR FEN a : - ry ] Laid COMPANY i. = care, youngest daughter, Joyce Elenore, to}. 1ivd has lost interest. This pre- = CROSSED 1 HE CONTINENT or PRONE MOY : And will be waiting for us there Ronald Howard Williams. The mar- gl IL y : Be ; B ' vents the bird from seeing its re- . . . : . . {J 1 2 LO OO Oe CO OD Sadly missed by : in 57 hours, 27 minutes in October 1948, at an average speed TRE Edna, Bob, Janie and Danny. * + + 8 GAULD -- In loving memory of a dear mother, and grandmother Sophia -- Jane -Gauld, who passed away, April 26th, 1949, Sadly missed and lovingly remem- bered by Ethel, Cyril and Bob. * + + 4 » AULD -- In. loving memory of a dear grandmother, Sophia Jane Gauld who passed away, April 26th, 1949. Sadly missed and lovingly remem- bered by Hazel, Frank and Dawn IN MEMORIAM FARMER -- In loving memory of Samuel Farmer, who departed this life April 30th, 1918. . Beyond this vale of tears + There is a lifé above,- - - --Unmieasured by the flights of years; And all that life is love. Always remembered by his Wife and Family. u : IN MEMORIAM TANNER--In loving memory of my dear Mother, Mrs, Alice Tanner, who passed away April 27, 1948. Two years ago we had to part With one we loved, with all our heart. We miss you and mourn you in silence ' unseen, And dwell on the memories of joys that have been. Lovingly remembered hy Daughter Vera and family, 'CARD OF THANKS To/ everyone who was so kind and thodghtful to Beverley during his stay | in Oshawa Hospital, we extend our sincerd ~oppreciation, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Scott. . CARD OF THANKS Mrs, Walter Cook wishes to thank friends and neighbours for their kindness and sympathy during the Wh riage to take placé Saturday, May 20th. . I.O.D. E. On Monday, May 1st, at 3 p.m. Scugog Chapter will meet in their rooms. Members of Viscount Green- wood Chapter, Whitby, will be our guests. All members are urged to be present Men's Club Euchre Thursday night, April 20th, at the Anglican Church Men's Club, the gro- ceries were won--~'by Percy. Ralph he is about to undergo an eye opera- tion to overcome defective vision. " Pat "Mulligan, the barber, won a package of razor blades and Mrs, Mec- Millan a box of soap. Other good prizes were, won- by several players. - Halen M. (Peel) Bathie *D.C. *DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Graduate of Canadian "Memorial Chiropractie College, Toronto For Appointment Phone 208R Perey deserves great credit because | flection and attempting to drive it away believing it is another bird poaching in his territory. Brownie News The: girls held their regular meet- ing on Friday at the school. Instruc- tion was given in fire-lighting nad the Tweenies were given tenderfoot ) work. The Sixes were re-organized and the new groups are as follows: Kelpies: Sixer Gloria Hastings; Second, Louise Jeffrey; Sprites: Sixer Mary Louise Pickard; Second, Irene Ptolemy; Elves: Sixer Helen Watson, Second, Esther Pickard; Pixies: Sixer Ann Ptolemy, Second, Maureen Mec- Laughlin. After the installation the | girls held a pow-wow and the m meeting closed with "taps", MANCHESTER Mr. Harley Johnson, president of the Junior Farmers' Club, is fn Guelph for a few days. "An old fashioned bee to take down Manchester Churdh sheds will be held on Friday, April 28th, All the men of the community are asked to lend a-hand, and the hour: 1s 1. 30. sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Appleby of St. Catherines called on friends here on Saturday. A number of ladies In tHe commun- ity have made a. very pretty quilt and tickets will be available very soon. The proceeds will go to Port Perry Community Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. "Arnold Roach and children were in Toronto - over the PORT PERRY ; recent loss of her husband. week-end. of 653.3 m.p.h., with over 40 JACK WHITBY FOR DEMONSTRATION PHONE 208W STATHAM MOTOR SALES, OSHAWA miles to the gal. of gasoline. oe oe PORT PERRY Musical 'Wednesday, in Aid "Billie Bell Grega, Varieties AT PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL 'May 10th. of the Anglican Church '| SPONSORED BY THE MEN'S CLUB Admission 50c. with the Famous READING Nn oA "Now is the time to fill YOUR BIN Reading Anthracite. - PEA, NUT & STOVE on Hand PHONE 289 DO IT NOW Port poss p Soak & Ice Co. "SHOP AT ARDLEY'S WITH CONFIDENCE" THE NEWEST AND SMARTEST IN THE LATEST 2 COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, GOWNS, and WEDDING GOWNS 'ARDLEY FROCKS i 491-3-5 DANFORTH AVE, near Logan, Phone GE. 1675 i$ - TORONTO, ONT. P222222222222044 [2222222222222 200 0 XEN ROROR ROP 0% % 0% o% 0% 4% 232383 > 00% 0% 0% NS (ROCCO RVDPOROROPOROSORORORONOM o 0% te te dt + 0 - mi 2 WE HAVE A SUPPLY OF CANADIAN COAL -_ This is ideal fuel for Spring burning at a considerable saving in cost. Try a ton of this Coal at $18.00 ton, REESOR FUEL & LUMBER PORT. PERRY PHONE 73w 'Where You Get The People's Meat Market the Choloest in Meats" FRESH and CURED MEATS of ALL KINDS Phone 72w, W. E. MacGregor and Son PORT PERRY

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