Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 10 Aug 1950, p. 5

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. or crippled farm animals and pay the | - Fletcher, Phone 265 r 13, Port Perry. | / tree' of charge. CLASSIFIED 7 TI. ATTENTION FARMERS! We will be pleased to pick up dead highest prevailing prices. Phone Port Perry 118 r 2, Uxbridge 27 Brooklin 62 GORDON YOUNG wr, DEAD or CRIPPLED stock removed 1 hour service. Hjgh- est prices paid for old horses, Phone Collect . MARGWILL FUR' FARM Chone 2679 Bowmanville octl13,tf. Custom Combining Custom Combining with the Allis- Chalmers All-Crop Harvester. UX-SPRING FARMS UXBRIDGE ONTARIO Phones Uxbridge 245 or 253 : aug 17 GENERAL CARPENTRY Repairs and Re-modelling Built-in Cupboards a specialty. Free Estimates ROY KENDELL Phone 284M Port Perry. FOR SALE -- Dining Room Suite, Bed, Ice Box, like new. Phone 339W Port Perry. BRAY STARTED CHICKS, Pullets and some mixed--prompt shipment. Chicks for later delivery Order now. Particulars from agent--A. R. gray, RR. 2, Port. Perry. rE SR FOR SALE -- b acre farm, good buildings, berry bushes. Frank Fletcher, Phone 265 r 13, Port Perry. "FOR SALE--2 Occasional Chairs; 2 End Tables; Dresser. Frank a PAINTING AND DECORATING REPAIR CONTRACTING such as roofing done almost . immediately "PHONE UXBRIDGE 102 r 41 Leave message for H. SHORT. Can anyone tell' me why most peo- | ple sit in the aisle scat and refuse to move over to make it casier for others coming in? Box 28 Port Perry Star. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Katherine Elizabeth MacPhail, Deceased. * All persons having claims against 'the Estate of Katherine Elizabeth "MacPhail, late of the village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Spinster, who died_on or about the 22nd day of June, 1950, are hereby notified to send fo.the undersigned on or before the 31st day of August, 1950, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the ~assets of the said deceased will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which he shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this --3ist day of July, A: D. 1950. 7 " ARTHUR W. S. GREER, K.C., Box 131. Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitor for the Exccutrix. aug 24 Pine Grove Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ballard, Della and Pearl, also John Ballard, visiting at Eldred Catherwood's on Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. John Rice, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. C. Gourlie. : ; ; A large number attended the W. A. meeting at Mrs. G. Munroe's last Tuesday, The next meeting will be -at the home of Mrs. Walter Schell. Mr. and Mrs, Herman Kerry visit: ing on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Evans. ~ Mr, and Mrs. Jack Johnston called on Mr. and Mrs. E. Gatherwood one evening last week; they also visited - Mra. C.- Forsythe: .. I] 4 -- ey od € :" & < y 2 ye 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jaock Hall and June returned Sunday after spending a week with their daughter at Campbell- ford. A few from Pine Grove attended the Big Sports Day at Port Perry on Monday. 'Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Clark, Phil and Pomela; Mr. and Mrs. John Locke, Rodney and Brenda, spent the holi- day with Mr. and Mrs. E. Ballard. Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson are spending a few Jolidays away visiting relatives, <= Toronto} Adelaide 8636 | SPECIAL 'NOTICE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE AND FINANCE Private or Dealer Sales. save you money. We-can Inquire now. A.CCHEAYN INSURANCE AGENT PORT PERRY Ray 'Hobbs Has rented" the repair * shop section of - Mr. McKenzie's Gar- age (formerly known as Man- chester Garage). : Mr. Hobbs has been working in the garage as a mechanic for the past year. 174% This garage -is equipped to : handle all repairs to any make of car. Phone 320-r-23 - Port Perry SIDING LOG CABIN SIDING 6 inch Pine 10c. per Lineal Foot AJAX LUMBER CO. Whitby, Ont. FOR SALE--Girl's Bicycle in good condition. , $16.00. Port Perry. } -, FOR SALE--1932 Chevrolet coach | in_good_ running condition...-Cheap- Art Brown, Prince Albert, Ont. HELP WANTED-- Young woman to help pick berries and do house work Write giving wages wanted per month to Elmer Collins, R.R.4, Port Perry. * aug 10 FOR SALE--1 Youth Suit, 2 piece, size 36, teal blue, semi-drape. May be seen at-Star Office, or phone 247 r 14. NEW HONEY ; No. 1 White and Light Amber at 26c. Ib. S. Starr on Avenue, op- posite: Oshawa Road Apple booth. augl? FOR SALE -- Electric Hot Water Radiator; Electric Toaster; Copper Boiler. Write box 21, Port Perry Star. Honeydale LOO The Honeydale Women's Institute is holding a Home Baking Sale on Friday, August 11th, at the Port Perry Dairy, at four o'clock. ~Dr. L.-S. and Mrs. Honey of Wel-. land called on Mr. and Mrs. Harold "Honey on Sunday. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Diamond and family were: Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Diamond of White- vale, and Misses Jones and Helen Diamond of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Honey were holidaying last week in U.S.A. . Frank . Lyle, Ken Bateman and Norm Bateman have returned from a holiday in the States. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Honey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Annis and Lorne at Brougham. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin, of Ot-. tawa;-spent-last weck with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whitfield and Teddy: The August meeting of the Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Spencer. It was the Grandmothers' meeting." The meeting opened with "| the singing of the Ode, followed by the Lord's Prayer. The roll call was answered by a "Famous saying of Grandmothers", then followed the business discussion during which it was decided to hold a Home Baking | Sale at the Port Perry Dairy on Aug. 11th. The program-for the afternoon consisted of a Scotch reading given by Mrs. Thompson, some recipes of Grandmothers were read by Mrs. C. Kellett, a, sing-song then followed, of some of, the songs Grandma used to sing. .A lovely lunch was served by Mrs, Cooke's group. A vote of thanks was then offered the hostess, The next meeting will be at the home of of Mrs. Hutchinson-on Sept. 6th. i - NX "- ap iin ACCIDENT ON QUEEN STREET DURING, THUNDER STORM During the heavy downpour on Wednesday afternoon, Alan Jackson, of Manchester, was in collision with a La Salle car driven by Mr. Faulkner of Reach Township. The Faulkner car was rolled over and the front end of Mr. Jackson's .car was smashed. The accident happened on Queen Street at the old town hall, No one wag'injured, Phone 2197" augl0 : Phone 301W,! COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, PORT PERRY, ONT. TENDERS FOR MECHANICAL SERVICES Tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon (D.S.T:) TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1950 X LY for the supply and installation of mechanical services, in- cluding Plumbing, Heating, Electrical & Ventilating, for the above hospital, Nurses Residence and a Boiler house. - Plans and specifications may be obtained from the "under- - signed. A. deposit of $25.00 will be required and will be refunded upon the return of the plans and specifications. Plans and specifications are also, on display at the Builders' Exchange, Bay Street, Toronto. - Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Herbert Brooks, Chairman,' Hospital Board, Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, Ontario. RAYMOND WHITEHOUSE, of the CBC's Vancouver studio, who current- ly produces Summer Theatre, the Sun- day-night broadcast series at 9:00 pawn. on the CBC Trans-Canada network. He served with the Canadian Navy | during the Second World War, grad- uated in"drama from the University of Washington; Seattle, in 1947, and then lectured in drama at the Univer- sity of -Alberta. He joined the CBC International Service-in Montreal as a drama producer-in- 1948, and moved to Vancouver a few months ago. AUGUST! * SEPTEMBER! EARLY OCTOBER! (Saturday Night) .. it's the peak polio period, when parents' eyes and ears are tuned more sharply than usual to signs of small ailments in their children. To be sure, |: "childhood upsets usually are minor, over with quicky. But when they occur at this time of year parents fail to hear a small, nagging question at back of their minds; "Could this be polie2"? Fortunately, it seldom is. - Polio- myelitis--infantile paralysis--attacks few people... Tweny cases per 100,000 population usually is considered an epidemic. So anxiety is uncalled for: But you can take precautions, Here are some of the things you can do to guard your children during the months when polio is apt to be around Call Your Doctoor Immediately if any of these symptoms appear: head- '| ache, nausea, a cold, upset stomach, muscle soreness or stiffness, unex- plained fever.- Poliomyelitis starts in many different ways, often just ike a - i 1 30 , mingle with crowds. other lot of other childhood diseases. on the safe side. Avoid New Contacts. Try not to Local health authorities decide whether schools and gathering places may remain open. If you can help it, don't take children to theatres, on trains, buses, boats or to beaches where they mingle with strangers. Don't Get .Overtired. Exereme fa- tigue Makes you an easier victim. Too strenuous play, late hours, irregular schedules are possible invitations to attaack by polio. Avoid Chilling, very eold water. Don't Swim in Polluted Waters. Check with: your Health Department beforehand. Keep Clean. Wash hands before eat- ing. Keep flies and other insects away from food. Don't leave Burbage uncovered, -- - Consult Your Family Doctor as to the advisability of removal of tonsils and adenoids or other mouth and throat surgeory, during the usual epi- demic months. Don't stay long in HARRY J. BOYLE, program director. of the CBC Trans-Canada network, who is currently planning the-broad- cast line-up for the fall a winter season. Mr. Boyle is also a well-known author and playwright." For fifteen year§ he has written a weekly article [+ about rural life for-more-than-a-dozen Ontarié weeklies, and his short stories have appeared in numerous Canadian periodicals. Radio plays by Boyle usually with a farming background colored by his own experience, have been highlights of Andrew Allan's Sunday night stage series for several season, and last winter Mr. Boyle adapted one of them, The Macdonald's of Oak Vallley, for the legitimate stage. TRI-COUNTY LEAGUE PLAY-OFFS BASEBALL SUTTON versus ~ PORT PERRY TO-NIGHT 6.30 p.m. "At the Fair Grounds ; "Admission 25c. Be on hand to give the boys your support. . LF Be comfort. assures restful port. $4.95 "NOW IN 3 coLouRs, Wike, Black, Brown ) Smardy styled and especially designed to give you real foot Smooth leather uppers. Flexible cork platform buoyant Long-wearing composi. tion outsoles. White, black, or brown. All sizes 3 to 9. _F. W. Brock & Son Shoe Department | I ----" F.W Ww. Brock and Son " SUMMER. DRESSES 23 per cent. Sion this week. supe. SUMMER TOYS Sailboats - Pails - Books Large Display | CUPS & SAUCERS Nice Assortment 6%. to $2. 73 ---------- ee = SISMAN BOOTS for Men, $5.95 - $6. 0% Flannelette Blankets, 0x90, 95 pair. ~~ © | - VINEGAR 64c. gal. CERTO 27c. d JARS medium, $1.59 orders; small; $1.39 teed. GROCERIES- | -- | BASKET IFRUITS- -Phone us your Price 'and | Quality guaran: Prospect W. i: The August meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Bruce Holtby on Wednesday, August 16th at 2.30 p.m. Guests are cordially invited to attend. aa Manchester -- (last-wevk's news) ---- Miss Gloria Iobbs is. visiting her great grandmother at Highland Creck. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McKee are motoring in the United States. Mrs. Minnie. Stone, Peterborough, visited over the week-end with Mrs. Bain, Mrs. Cochrane and Mr. Earl Mitchell. Dr. Fletcher and Mrs. Fletcher visit- ed several homes in the village last week. The Mrs. Arthur Fielding's last Thursday afternoon with an attendance of 16 members and 2 visitors. The meeting opened with hymn 369 and prayer. Mrs. Fielding read the Sgripture les- son and Mrs. Fred Warren the lesson topic, "Workers with God through Faith," Mrd. Alan Jackson gave an interesting paper on "Dorcas". Hymn 378 was sung and the President, Mrs. Croxall, took charge of the business session. The minutes of last _ meet- ing were read by the Secrétary, Mrs. Ii. Holtby. A vote of thanks was tendered Mrs, W. ancing the lacquering the church win- dows. It was decided not to enter an exhibit-at Port Perry Fair this-year. The annual bazaar will be held early in November, The ladies decided to meet at the Church on Wednesday afternoon to tidy the Church grounds. Mrs, I. Cochrane, of Atlanta, Ga., gave a most interesting synopsis of the work of the Women's organization of -the Methodist Church to which she belongs there, with the theme hymn and benediction. Mrs. Jackson. conducted an alphabet- ical contest. A dainty salad plate lunch was served by Mrs, Fielding, Mrs. Warren and Mrs. Jackson, The collection amounted to $6.10. PEOPLE LIKE (@Coly WHERE THEY WORK « [endance. Woman's Association met at |. F. Dobson for fin-| - COMING The meeting closed | PORT PERRY NE QS Hues hs RA a F. W. Sh and Pp PHONE 43° | Port Perry Calf Club Holds Meeting The July meeting of the Port Perry Dairy Calf Club was held on Tuesday, July 25th at the home of Mr. Earl Howsam, Greenbank. Two Classes of Ayrshire cattle were judged and reasons for placing were given by the fifteen members in -at- Official, . placings were given by Mr. Lawrence Evans, Club Leader and Mr. E. R. Jennings, assist- ant Agricultural Representative, After the judging-a-short business meeting was held and a tentative date of August 25th was selected for the next meeting. If arrangements can be made, this meeting is to be in the form of a tour with the Oshawa Dairy Calf Club to some of the large dairy farms. A brief discussion of -the Calf Club Manual then took place and the meet- ing was adjourned after a profitable and worthwhile meeting.' - COMING COMING COMING COMING COMING COMING COMING COMING COMING COMING boop iNsHA Ww, BINA ' SPORT SHOW U.S. AIR FORCE BAND FLOWER SHOW MIDWAY EW ~ ELECTRONICS FOREIGN EXHIBITS ps DANNY KAYE FINE ART MUSIC DANCING TRANSPORTATION CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION TORONTO - AUG. 25 SEPT. 9 IWObDO 2 HUGH a Sr - + Les 1 td a rs BN me Te ie. i i fois, 8

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