Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 7 Sep 1950, p. 3

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~------ FOR'SBAND AND GRAVEL | -- and Excavating Werk, - ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to oblige you. Fhone 322 Port Perry, for information. : i ot Fob. 24; 1951 a bos oy 7 E storey Phone 37 A UXBRIDGE - Pheao 128 - ONT. 4 ag Phone 41 in attendance at my Port Perry Office on Wednesday morning and Friday . Lat ue re-upholater. your old chostor- 'OSHAWA UPHOLSTERY CO. BUSINESS PORT PERRY ONT, THURS., SEPTEMBER 7th, 1950 . Sn Itt tett -W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Ottice Dpataien over C: Sons Insurance Office. MOA GOP DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG fe 4: 1: ARMS TA Quen Pert Perry: - Phone 387 -BULLDOZING: and : DIRECTORY EER Rh reat nit ha trans baniitonettsnines Beaverton and called on Mr. and Mrs. Fei and twelve visitors were present. Wilson Boe. : | The roll call for the next month Mrs, D.. 8: Cotman; of Stayner, 15 is to be answered by a verse of Scrip- visiting her daughter Mrs. Lougheed jture containing the word "praise". and Rev. A. W. Lougheed. I A committee was appointed to ar- i The August meeting of the Wo- ff, man's Association was held on the $0 : Prince Albert ™ '|Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding. Estimates 'given on all kinds of work. Bd OO EO GERALD B. JHOMPSON 185 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA ROOFING OF ALL KINDS EARL WALLACE Phone 261 Port Perry *Doctor of Chiropractic - X-RAY EQUIPPED OFFICE EXCAVATING Office Hours 9 to § Phone 2927 | Passed away on September Ist. Miss Doris Taylor played a vio- hg i 2 : : Sincere sympathy is extended to his lin solo accompanied by Mrs. Rogers. yer. by the Hour or Contract. Evenings by Appointment widow (nee Margaret Christie) and Mrs. Jean Millman gave a piano in: | WM. TRIPP -- | fanuly. Also to his sister 'Annie and strumental. "Jesus Lover of My Soul' RR, Pert Perry. ~~ Phone 109 r 43 brothers Wesley and Thonias, all of was sung. : : . augdl | . The meeting closed with the Miz- SAND AND GRAVEL When and where you want it. Call | ROSS RB. SANDISON, Phone 121'r §, - Peet Perry, RRA BUILDER Agent for all. makes of Insul-bric|. and Asphalt, Aluminum and Steel Shingles. $4000 0 0000 tate ae tthe rie iiinsvtornsertsnsssntssos New Service ~ Cleaners OSHAWA, ONTARIO PORT PERRY Representative: : Phone 43. for Pick-up and Delivery. Pert Perry THE LINDSAY 'CONVALESCENT ai] HOME offers competent nursing care and cheerful surroundings. to' elderly, convalescent and chronic patients. RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS, K.C. |in attendance at my Port Perry Office on. Tuesday and Thurs Queen Street, Port Perry. 6 Bimcoe Street North, Oshawa, " ~ Phone 814 - Fa | y afternoons of each week, or by appointment. Registered nurse attendance 24 hours, alos licsnsed, Reasonable Kates. 4) } eri TT Rhone-1105 0 A lL OL REFRIGERATION vesting an abundant crop. "for prompt service on all makes, both: household and commercial. _ Estimates given on Installations. Reg. Boundey INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs H. W. EMMERSON _--_ Port Perry --- Ee ---- ARTHUR W. 8. GREER, K.C. ---------- et afternoon of each week, or by Pert Peery, Phone 25 I De --A legiate, Niagara Falls, was the guest 'speaker in the United Church on Sun- day evening. He spoke in the interest of the Ontario Temperance Federa-' tion. Little Britain and Miss S. Aikens, of Toronto, visited on Fri- day. (Too late for last week) | Iu i The farmers of this area are hlar- K. H. Lougheed, of Stamford Col- Mr. Truman Eagleson, of Toronto, and Miss Lyla Eagleson, of Greenwich, | : Conn., have been visiting with Mr and Mrs, H. Eagleson. - Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kennedy, of ra Mr. and Mrs. W. Moon, Mr: and quilt Toronto. 3 ' " Mi rE ERs + ¥ Verv | Congratulations to Mrs. Walter | range for -a Sunday. Service for the ut the Pirsonuge with a very good King who won second "prize on the [W.A. On the committee are Mrs. G, attendance, : apn pista: he O.N.E. in prentice, Mrs. J; Millman, and Mys. (¢d. The opening hymn was, "For ' beauty. of the earth" followed by the 2 Uxbridge. Mrs. Malcolm Bailey and Patsy, pah benediction, Lunch was served Mrs. Al Christie and Darlene spent a by group three. couple of days in Toronto last week and while there attended the exhibi- tion. " Miss 'Marion Taylor has returned 'thome after spending the summer with Mrs, Alan Martin, Scugog Island. Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Rogers and fa- Herb Hill to Miss Freda Bell on Fri- mily, Bowmanville spent the holiday day evening in Toronto, E F. Ww. BROCK. & SON i Fecland with Mr, and Mrs. Walter ogers. Mr, and Mrs. Kaill and family, of "Elford of Uxbridge visiting with Mr, visitors at the and Mrs, Jack Simpson on Sunday. she entered at t Kingston were recent parsonage; Mr. and Mrs. M malar de Epsom ruce Baijéy in charge. ing Port Perry High! ton, Jean Taylor, Yvonne Jeffery, June Cumming and Roger Hope. _- Among. those "whe Will be attend- "Seagrave! are Lois Ash- Mr. and Mrs.. Perry, Judy, and Joan of Toronto were week-en the home of Mr. and! Mrs. Jordon, Mr. "and Mrs. Maxwell St. | Claii] were in Toronto on Saturday. 'Miss Beatrice' Clayton, of Toronto spent Monday with her friend Miss Essie Heisie. visitors at Mrs. Gordon Jeffrey and. Yvonne in, were in Toronto last week and atten- ded the exhibition. I Several from Epsom and district + attended Port Perry fair on Monday, "and report a good time In spite of the chilly weather and threatening ---- -------- te Eo - elvin Hodgson of goes out to the family and friends of Oshawa were at Utica on Sunday and the late Mr. Ollie Ackney. attended the funeral of the late Oliver | Ackney. Miss Blanche Luke, Toronto spent week. Sunday with her mother. Mrs. Pascoe Mr, Luke. ET _{ School opened Tuesday, September Phone 94 !6th with Mrs. D. Asling, I Mrs. D, Asling took the devotional period, Hymn" "All the Way My © Savior Leads Me" was sung, Mrs. D; including that of the homemade bak- Prentice read the Si reading, 10g Sale which proved quite a, success. | "A host of friends in Epsom, and |mid Mrs. D. Asling read the 'Lesson district learned with deep regret of i'I'houghts, ' 6 the death of Oliver Ackney. Mrs. Nesbitt was guest speaker, ta a oT -- Pine Grove Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill and June) attended the wedding of their son My. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Elford and fa- mily of Welland and Mz. and Mrs. fhord's Prayer in unison, fhe ditferent reports were, giver Several. items of business were dealt with, Group 4 took clinrge of the Devo- | Mr. Ackney had been in ill health telling of their trip to Arizona and tions, with Mus. Ben Smith reading for some months, after receiving the Southern States. It was very | Lhe seriplure whicn was taken 30h | treatment in Toronto he had returned interesting and was enjoyed by every- Hebrews 11th chapter, und Mrs, Doupe { Ler " 0) Ss nm OAPs oy to his home in Uxbridge where lie one present. giving the Lesson Thoughts, "Work mg with God through Faith and I'rva- As more ladiés had now' arrived {pluns were made for our Anniver- sary Supper. A showing of hands favored a fowl supper, A motion carried that the execu- uve and the group leaders be the committee to arrange the menu. We were pleased to have Miss Hel-, en Clark, Mattawa, present and who favored us with a lovely solo, "In the Garden", Group supper, The Eighty-Fourth Anniversary of our Church is to be celebrated on Sun- day- September' 24th, with Rev, Chas, Clarke of Mattawa as guest speaker. More particulars later. 4 served a very delicious ~The Sympathy of the Community The W. A. will meet at the home jof Mrs. W. Shell Tuesday -of this and Mrs. John Locke and fa- mily of Uxbridge spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Ballard... Oil Burners - "FES8"--the Canadian < Pioneer-- Proven Performance --Visitors-at-the-home-of- Mrsi--huke' "School opened on Tuesday with the new teacher Miss Gillie, of Cornwall in charge. ' Miss S. Laird of Maple Grove and Oshawa gpent a recent weck-end with Miss Hazel McCrae. Mrs, A. Bond and daughter Miss Violet Bond, Toronto, were in the village for the week-end and holiday. ~ Mr. and Mrs. C. Clarke and family of Mattawa, have been spending two weeks in the village, on Labor Day were Mrs. F. Stanton, Mr.\and Mrs, L. Stanton and daughter Loreen and Miss Helen Haimar of Brooklin, E . Mri. W. Kilpatrick was the guest of Mis. W. Somerville on Saturday evening. £1 Ee Mr. and Mus, Hartén' Wagg and Mr. and Mrs. E. Wagg enjoyed a mo- tor trip to Northern Ontario. SEAGRAVE The heavy rains of the past week Murs, MceKerihen presid- by Expert Craftsmen " - : ' A y ip jh When a long-experienced. artisan re- news and: re-covers your furniture, it is 'the finest assurance of. a lasting, quality Job. Call us now for the upholstery work NM you 'like, + - "08 - Sa Rousseau Upholstery "17 | Whitby - Phone 483 LAKE SUPERIOR MINING CORPORATION LTD. Have finished 10 deep dinmond dell holes on No. I vein. Indicated tonage of ore is 76,603 tous, averaging $140.52 per ton uneut. Total value about $806,389.56. We want to sell shares to finance -the drilling of No. 2 No. 3 vein will be drilled from the shatt underground as that will be cheap- vein, er. If interested in a good speculation that we believe will make somes hice money; write ATC ORY See 306 CharlesTst, Belleville, or Ralph L. Veitch, R. R. 1, Uxbridge, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. HL. O. Dobson spent Al 11.00, Sunday School will be with- MERA . , drawn. The -evening service will be several days with friends in Western | K os : : Memorial Church at | The Rally Day Service will bé held 4 i held in the Head Ontario last week, and on Saturday attended the wedding at Simcoe of Tn, Mrs Dobson's mopliew, = "Mr. James. Ruthérford_ of Hawks. [ths month, biry-and Mrs F. B. Johnson accom- | Mi panied Miss Doreen Johnson to King week at the Junior Farmers Camp at ston on' Spinday where. Doveen will tenes Bale ar Lake: Couchiching. teach for the coming year. Mp. Ruth. MM, andl Mus Alex, Martyn visited erfordiis/teaching/at 'Searboro, thew cousiyis Mr. and Mrs. George Mrs.i NX. Woolley of Toronto spent Sweetman fn Sunday. the week-end with her little daughter! Ali Donna at Mrs. W. IF. Crosier's, Mr. FP. B. Johnson left off Monday night for a trip to the Canadian West. The W. Al Ladies are very pleased! Mrs. Bain, Toronto, is with" her bro- oir tH sradins of their: Booth at the' er Mr, Earl Muelill for two weeks. Aor Perey Fair on Monday, for the hid As ¢ Tose is ul [weather was in favor of pies and cof bition with Swine. . NR fee. mE Mrs. -Samells vesumed her duties | yp as_ teacher here on. Tuesday morning. Ahi ley Woden visited hey \ Fo } : selivol cum Marie Long at Prince Al- phprt a few days last" week. -. 4 n Toronto exhi: Margaret Durston returned to lin Grace Church on Sunday morning ~ so Kay Prentice is enjoying this Mrs. Wm. Keen and family, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Wal- '- lace, of Bolton. ' Mr. and Mrs. Syd. Eaton, Kitchener, H. Kerry, Wednesday, August 30th, former residents. of Seagrave. were with the President Mrs. Geer pre- EPSOM WOMAN'S ASSOCIATION The August meeting of the Epsom yW.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Installed and Serviced by renewing acquaintances on Sunday in 19g. Seagrave. I The meeting opened with the sing-. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Moase were re- ing of Hymn - "Blessed Assurance" junison. cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Glen followed by the "Lord's Prayer" in| Moase. : Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Boe and Mr. and| The minutes, correspondence, and - Mrs. Ross Dowson spent Sunday in . roll call was given. Thirteen mem- eee J chime yoo i A ao W. H. Peel Hardware PHONE 55 Miss Joan Uens of Oshawa has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. McCoy. ee ---- ---- = Carl -Boe-returned--home this week Agent: ¢ Inf OPTOMETRIST--OSHAWA, 22) Simeos St. 8. Phone 4391.W (OPPOSITR SELLERS.) MONTEITH & MONTEITH CHARTERRD ACCOUNTANTS 37 King St East, Oshawa. Gerden "W. Riehl, C.A, SUE SE 2 E-UPHOLSTERIN field suite. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone and have our censultant call and give yon a free estimate, Free Plek-up asd delivery, =~ Phone 3344 collect. Tr -- WHAT HAVE This could be YOU * . Drivers! Parents! Citizens! The Week-end lies right ahead () N +, = oN and roads will be crowded with traffic. Ever motorist or pedestrian brings heartbreak and suffering to en +" some one, young or old. Safegnard others -- safeguard . your own passengers. Remember KILLS, DON'T HURRY, ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF +++ I's HURRY that GEO. H. DOUCETT, Minister from an. extended' trip to Western Canada. Mrs. Dr Moase and children are spending this week in Toronto. - Rev. A. W. Lougheed attended the official opening and dedication of Quin-Mo-Lee Camp at Moira Lake on Monday. : - A number of friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Eagle- son Friday nite to meet Mr. and Mrs. .[John Tristram who were redently mar- '|ried at Nobel. On behalf of the group assembled Mr. Glenn Wana- maker conveyed words of congratu- lations, while Mrs. J. Tobin presented i the newly-weds with a Blanket. A delicious lunch 'was served and a so- cial time was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Lougheed who visited at the 'parsonage for the past week returned home to Niagara Falls on Thursday. : Plans.are being made for Rally Day September 17th: A joint service will be held at 7.30 p.m. The sacrament of infant baptism will be administered. Decoration Day Service was held Sunday at Zion Church. A. large crowd was in attendance. The Pleas- ant Point' Choir assisted in the ser- vice. - ' Cyr y. accident to [LTA FW AIO Ne TENDERS The undersigned will receive Ten- ders until noon Saturday, September 16th for the placing of a new roof on "the Prince Albert United Church. For further information Phone- or writé Jim Doupe, Prince Albert, Phone 246-r-23, Port Perry. septld HN18%0 "HIGHWAYS given by Rev. Mr. Bick. Whats it really worth? / The friendly chat, the urgent reminder, the important business decision I. ; i The smile of a shut-in who knows you aven't forgotten, . o ® . The rush of fire-trucks ansu ering a frantic | call... i : The daily ordering of food for the family meal ... ! IT'S HARD TO MEASURE THE TRUE VALUR OF ALL THE THINGS YOUR TELEPHONE BD : DOES FOR YOU, *y , " : - mY . wide ) "A J } > ET TELEPHONE SERVICE is one of the gniallest - A rs tems in your family budget. And at the same time your telephone brings twice as many telephone users within your reach as it did ten years ago, Today, as always, your telephone is big value, - » LQ wiiE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA] . ini NS I for a U ARE WAITING FOR A TELEPHONE, of | od Ir YO de of service, you have ouf avturanc Jot you higher 9a it ust agguickly os we can provi ide the kind of lites, Our continuing goal 18 10 Pehers they want It." . tit, when an service to all who want it, Em 2 Fhe Wor Ar -witb-not hold a meeting | ; a, i ber home in Tor after spendi have interferred considerably. "with Z ; ther home in Toronto. fer spending . p ee --------__ [the past month with Mrs. David Hope. threshing operations. ; : ! i rool Tuas I mn » S + I \ l T 3S 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. Keen, Phylis and 8 Beha, fae ned on eiay with : gy . . cue to itwo dew teachers, Miss Baker at the Brian visited friends in Toronto last / cof rays TIRE 87.77 Trey st Thursd d attended the CN.E. | oo = Sioned Head; Miss Cleep at the Céntre and i ay on a oo led the ; EN, Services were very well attended ON Mis] Beckman at the Foot, and sev- The following citizens of Seagrave Sunday and received a splendid ies™ on pew pupils started for High attended the Exhibition this past sage from the Rev. J. R. Bick and School on Tuesday morning. week "Mrs. B. Dowson and Donald, "3150 from the Choir, - no I Mr. L. Standish, Mr. and Mrs. J. Me- The Rev. and Mrs. Bick attended - SSE Taggart, Ronald Wanamaker and Mr. the "decoration Service on Sunday af: To walk out from between parked and Mrs. C. Sleep. Nestleton. The Special message was fears is still a good way to commit | suigeide, ' EC A ar J ts Ny TEP yw de AE TPE

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