PORT PERRY ONT., THURS, SEPTEMBER 7th, 1950 As courtesy and service to local readers we offer this coluinn in mentioning your guests and items of interest. 'items to the Star or Phone 805J or 60. LOCAL Send your pi Mr. Bruce Gerrow has graduated from the School of -Embalming and is now a qualified funeral director, he is employed with the Ross Craig Funeral Home, Torpnto. - : Mr, and Mrs. David F. Jackson and Cynthia are 'spending the week with Dr. and Mus. Lundy. ' Dr. J. W. and Mrs. Johnson, of Chicago, visiting Dr. and Mrs. Lundy and friends in town last week. Mrs. J. E. Jackson will resume her class in Piano, on Monday, September 18th. All pupils, please get in touch with' Mrs. Jackson before that date to arrange lesson hours. Mrs. Grant, of Myrtle, who has been visiting her cousin Mrs. R. M. Holtby, has returned home. Mrs. Higgs, of Kinsale, was the guest of Mrs. R. M. Holtby during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Gray, of Welland, were week-end guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moffatt, and Mrs. R. M. Holtby. . Among the former residents of Port Perry seen in town on Monday, were: Mr. Frank Shephard, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Beare, Mr. and Mrs. James Boe, Mr. Ross Roach and his mother Mrs. J. Roach. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Fossey, of To- ronto, were in town for a few days last week with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R, Davey. They were returning home from a motor "trip to Gaspe and the -New-England- States. and Mrs. Grant Robertson and "of Peterboro, spent the Mr. son Michael, -week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank ®lemmon, of Ottawa, were guests of id parents, |- ~sraolis end: Miss Dawn re bos has been here for .the summer re- - turned to Ottawa with her parents. Alderman and Mrs. Collings and daughter Muriel, of Toronto, spent the 'week-end with Mrs. Collings' parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Frise. i Mrs. T. M. Torrence and son Doug- -" las, of Toronto, spent a few days last week with Mrs. Torrence's father and mother; Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Frise. + Mr: S. Scott, of Lindsay, was a week end visitor at the home of his sister Mrs. R. H. Frise. Miss Noreen Cawker, of Toronto, was visiting her father Mr. W. W. Cawker, and her aunt Miss Lillian __Cawker. : - Mrs. Helen McKinnon, of Detroit, has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bowles, ------ 14] Bowling News On August 30th, two Port Perry Bowling teams competed in a tour- nament at Uxbridge, Ontario. The team of L. Leahy, A. Cecil Heayn and George Palmer was successful in win- ning a turkey each as a prize. 'On Friday evening, September "1st, the Ladies Club. held a Mixed Trebles Tournament here in Port Perry. 'Un- fortunately the attendance was small, but nevertheless an enjoyable time was had by all those who participated. The prize winners were as follows: 1st Prize--Mr. Goodman---team from . Oshawa; 2nd prize--Mr. Morrison and team from Oshawa; and 3rd prize-- Mr. Earl Beare and team, Claremont. Hobby Show "* There will be a Hobby Show in the 1.0.0.F. Rooms, under auspices of Maybelle Rebekah Lodge on Septem- ber 16 from 8 to 10 p.m. and on Sep- tember 16 from 3 to 5 and 8 to 10 p.m. Admission at the door will be 26c. and a silver eollection will be taken for tea. Everyone welcome. AAAAAANANANNANANANNN NNN Austin C, A. Bathle *D.C. Helen M. (Peel) Bathie *D.C. *DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Graduate of Canadian Memorial Chiropractie College, Toronto For Appointment Phone 205R PORT PERRY __|man's Association will hold their meet- "ling at Mrs. Ackney's at 3 p.m., final -|the excitement--for the scholars, and ~The Churches : ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School, 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m.--Sunday. School and Primary 11 a.m.--The Community Centre--the School. The Community "Leader--the Teacher. 7 p.m.--Exhibitor or Bystander. Good Music. Please Note-- An Evening Service, also Baptismal Service Sunday morning September 17th, / PRINCE ALBERT CHURCH 10 a.m.--The School and the Teacher. 11 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. Please Note--Rally Day Service Sept. 17th at 2.30 p.m. Anniversary Services September 24th, Rev. C. Clarke guest Minister. . Id PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pp, T aylor, Pastor Sunday, September 10th-- 10 a.m.--Bible School. 11 a.m.~=Morning Worship. 7 'p.m.-- Evangelistic Service, Wednesday--Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION " Rector--Rev. J. I. Coneybeare Ith Sunday after Trinity--Sept. 10 11.00 a.m.--Morning Prayer. 11.00 a.m.--Sunday School. 4.00 p.m.--Holy Baptism. Sunday Sept. 17th--Harvest "Thanksgiving. THE PENTECOSTAL FULL GOSPEL CHURCH (Port Perry Library Hall) Sunday Services-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School, 11 a.m.--Morning-Service. 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service. Saturday at 8 p.m. --Street Meeting. ~ Pastor--Wm, Bowler, Phone 279R Utica Sunday Septgmber 10th pictures on tha life of 'Paul as a Missionary will be shown to the . Junior congregation. These should be interesting and we hope to see a good turnout. Friday might, September 8th at 8 p.m the young people's group will re- organize -and-will-have a corn "roast after the meeting. ' Thursday September 14th the Wo- arrangements for the Anniversary on October 1st and 2nd will be settled. «School reopened - Tuesday with all Mrs. J. T. Crosier teacher for the oth term. Several new scholars will an- swer the roll call this year. The funeral of the late Oliver Ack- ney took place Sunday. Service was in - the "Anglican Church, Uxbridge. Interment in the Hillman Cemetery in this village. The service was un- der the direction of the Masonic or- der and was the first Masonic Fu- neral in the history of the village and was largely attended, Besides his widow he leaves two brothers and one sister, Miss Christie and Miss- Stephenson are visiting in Blackwater this week. Mrs. Wilbur and Son, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilbur guests of Mr, Mc- Kercher on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Orrie Croxall, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs, Prizeman, Toronto were Sunday guests of Mrs, Ackney.. .. I. Gray called on Mrs. J. E, Mitehell Monday. _ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ward, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs., Fisher, Ashurn and Mr. Thompson, Manchester guests of Mrs. Ward on Sunday. o{2{0) 74} LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Consult the Czown Life Man, Cec. King AGENT Mrs. E. Simpson, Toronto and Mrs. | Country Pastor 'Thought For Qur Time--"Peace is Port Perry Fair (continued 1y page 1) , Six Rowed Barley--Brethour, Gos. Baird, Tom 'Duff: No Barb Barley-----H. Swain. Rye Beth not made in documents but in the hearts of men. --Herbert Hoover LEE FEN J Have you noticed the 'increasing number of Brewers": advertisements in the magazines? It appears that a4 campaign is 'underway -to make this country fulfill the motto of the knglish brewers "a pub on every cor- ner," Li : ER said that mankind must ever be sear-. ching for new truth and higher ideals, At the same time, it is even more im- portant that. we become willing 'to live up to the light we already have, . * ¥% ¥ - Something I have observed: These days it takes a funeral or a wedding to fill the pews in many churches, . * % % 3% | attended a church recently where the minister is judged by his ability to "win friends and influence people." When Jesus commissioned His discip- les "to go and preach" it was with a very different purpose than that, 3 * % 3 You don't need to agree over re- ligion. Just live it and people will be convinced. : * Sixty-Second Sermon--St. John 6: 68 -- Then Simon Peter answered, "Lord, to. whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life." In these words Peter put his fin- ger on the greatest "open secret' of the ages. He recognized that in Christ is to be found the solution to life's most perplexing problems and the source of life's deepest satisfaction. In our day we seek the advice of phychistists when we have personal problems. When we want enjoyment we attend a movie or dance or per- haps visit a tavern, The_ old ex- fishérman, Peter, can still teach us a + thing or two apou He: TTT * % * * Our Weekly Prayer--O God we con- -| fess that we are slow in learning the great lessons of life. We pray that Thou wilt stop us in our "wild pur- suits" Amen . . --THE PASTOR (R.C.K.) better. Esso Trans Allan Special ~~ Winners in/ both the horse and tractor "Esso. Champion Trans-At- lantic" clagses at this year's Inter- national Plowing Match will. be awarded / gold metals and a four weeks' tour-of British Isles with all expens¢s. paid, Roy Shdver, president of the Ontarjo Plowman's Association | announced today. The 1950 International matches take place near Alliston, October 11- 12-13. At a special ceremony on Oct. 11, Hon. W. E. Harris, minister of citizenship and immigration, will] officially open the annual event and tour the "tented city" that will house the latest in equipment and labour saving devices for the farmer. Premier Frost will be the guest speaker at a banquet in the Beeton Community Arena on the 13th, mark- ing the close of the plowman's classic. Second prize winners in the Trans- Atlantic classes, which are sponsored by Imperial Oil, will each receive a silver medal and $150 in cash. Twelve other cash prizes will be awarded in each class. The tractor competition is open to all "Esso Champions' Tractor Special" winners at Ontario Plowmen's Asso= ciation branch matches and all plow- men from other provinces. Previous Trans-Atlantic trip winners will not 'be eligible. In-the horse-drawn plow class all plowmen who qualified at branch matches after October 15, 1948 may | compete. Gold medal winners 'in this class in previous years will not be efigible, This class is also open to plowmen from other provinces of Can- ada. During their all-expense-paid trips to the British Isles as the guests of' Imperial Oil, the gold medallists will attend a number of old country plow- ing matches, visit outstanding farms and livestock stations and see many historic sites. They will be accom- panied by a manager appointed by the Ontario Plowmen's Association, The tour will take about four weeks and include a .short stay in New. York city. More than two miles of electric wir- ing go into the mechanism of a 2,000 horsepower diesel locomotive. Studies shot that hot water re- uirement in tHe average home are fr rom 10 to 16 gallons a day for each person, + + 0 The popularity _ of an grr greeting card averages nine to months. Port Perry Phone 279J 1 agree with the philosopher who| of new~ adventures and thrills| "| and show to us Thy way which is far | Brethour, Laura 1 year old--Ray Cochrane, Oshawa. 2 year old--R. Sadler. Team of Carriage--R. Sadlér, White & Hurd, Peterboro, R, Sadler. Single over 156% hands--R. Sadler, White & Hurd, L. Hoskins Single under 16% hands--1 and 2 R. Sadler, 3 White & Hurd. ROADSTERS . Brood Mare--Garnet Cochrane, F. Cookson, Seagrave, Foal--G, Cochrane, Nestleton, W, J. Fallis, Miidland, Mrs. W. Wheeler, Orton, G. Cochrane. ' Single. over 15% hands -- W.. J. Fallis," Mrs. Wheeler, I, M, Cochrane, I". Cookson. Single under 156% héinds -- I, M. Cochrane, G. Cochrane, Mrs. Wheeler, W. J. Fallis. Half Mile Race, single--W, J. Fal- lis, I. M, Cochrane, G. Cochrane, Mrs. Wheeler, Half" Mile, team--Mrs. Jheler, | Cochrane, G. Cochrane, W. J, Fallis. Gent's Turnout ---- Mrs. Wheeler, 1. Cochrane, G. Cochrane, W. G.. A. Fallis. 'Lady Driver--G. Cochrane; Leonard Blight, L. Hoskins. Saddle Horse--Grant Henry, Mill- brook;- Nelson Ballantyne, Ida; Grant Henry, Ken Hardie, Oshawa; L. Hos- kin, W. Cameron. Best Carriage or Roadster on the grounds----W. J. Fallis, I. Cochrane. PONIES . Brood Mare over 12 hands -- Ray Cochrane, G. Cochrane, Ray Cochrane, W. E. Martyn. Foal--G. Cochrane, 'W..E. Martyn, 2.2 Brood Mare, under 12 hands -- L. Blight, 2 and 3 Christie Bros., Port Perry. Foal--L. Blight, Christie Bros. Pony in harness over 12 hands--L. Hoskin, L. Blight, G. Cochrane. ' Pony in harness under 12 hands--1 and 2 L. Blight, 3. A. Cawker, Port Perry. Pony team--Mrs, Wheeler, Lakey & MacGregor, L. Blight. Hackney Pony in harness -- Mrs. Wheeler, Lakey &. MacGregor, Mrs. Wheeler, Pony Turnout (Johnston' s Special L. Blight. SWINE There were 16 entries in the Eaton Special for Pen of Four Bacon Hogs. These - Hogs will be judged, on the Ray Cochrane, Money paid accordingly. Just to make it interesting they were placed as they appeared in the pens at the grounds. The following is the placing given by the judges--1 Gordon Flewell, 2 Clar- ence Cook, 3-Earl Howsam, 4 Elwood 'McKee, b Paul Diamond: . Best Bacon Type on grounds -- G. Flewell. ~ CLASS 9--SHORTHORNS Bull, 2 yrs. and over--Leslie Taylor. Cow, 3 years and over--Leslie Tay- lor, N. Taylor & Son, Leslie Taylor. Bull Calf, oars and over -- Hugh Baird, N. Taylor & Son. Bull, under one year--Lesliec Tay- lor; Leslie Taylor. Heifer Calf, under 1 year--Leslic Tags N. Taylor & Son, Hugh Baird. Heifer, 1 year and under two--Hugh [er L. Taylor, N. Taylor & Son, 3rd 4th. Heifer, 2 year and under 3--L. Tay- Heid, five" animals--N. Taylor & Son, "Taylor. * Thrée Animals --. Hugh Baird, N. Taylor & Son, L. Taylor, Two Animals--Hugh Baird, N. Tay- lor & Son, L. Taylor. + Baby 'Beef Class-----Hugh Baird, Li Taylof, N. Taylor & Son. CLASS 19--POULTRY White Leghorn Cock--E. Brethour. White. Leghorn Hen--E. Brethour, 1 Lyle. - White Leghorn Cockerel--Brethour. White Leghom Pullet--Brethour 'Rocks, Cock -- Brethour, Mrs. Ed- wards. Rock Hen--Murray Gibson, Breth- our, Edwards. . Rock _Cockerel -- Edwards, Gibson, W. E:Martyn, -- Rock Puilet -- Martyn, Edwards, Gibson. White Rock Cock--Brethour. "White Rock Hen -- Brethour, Ed- wards, White Rock Cockerel---Edwards. White Rock Pullet--Edwards New Hampshire Coék---Brethour. New Hampshire Hen -- Brethour, Edwards. New Hampshire Cockerel--Breth- our, - New Hampshire Pullet -- 1 and 2 Brethour. ; Light Sussex Cock--Brethour, Ed- wards. 3 Light Sussex Cockerel--Brethour Light Sussex Pullet--Brethour. Rhode Island Red Cock--Brethour. Rhode Island Red Heh--Brethour. R. I. Red Cockerel--Brethour. R. I. Red Pullet--Brethour, Pair Capons -- Murray Gibson, H. Gibson. Toulouse Goose,. old male -- E. L. Lyle. Toulouse Goose, old female--E. L. Brethour, Laura Lyle. Emden Goose, old male--Brethour. Emden Goose, old female--Breth- our, Laura Lyle. Pekin Duck, male--Brethour, Mrs. Edwards, Pekin Duck, female--Brethour, Mrs. Edwards. Rouén Duck, male liret Hour 'Rouen Duck, fémale--Brethour. _ CLASS 20--GI AIN, SEEDS, ETC. Coll. Grain--F arold Swain, Fall Wheat--Brethour, Geo, Baird, Harold Swain. _ Team? 'Roadstérs--Ivan M. Codhiatios J "Rail" at the Packers and the. Prize]. Brethour, Laura Lyle .- 'Mrs. Moore, Smith," Mrs. W. King. lor 1st and 2nd, N. Taylor, & Son, 3rd. | Field Peas--George Baird. Oats, carly -- Brethour, E. Dear- born, Geo. Baird. Oats, late-~Geo, Baird, H. Morley Raines. «Timothy Seed-- -Brethour, Swain. Red Clover Seed--Brethour, Baird. Alfalfa Seed--Geo. Baird, Stalks of Fodder Corn--Ross Law, Mrs. Munro. Sheaf Late Wheat--Brethour, - Geo. Baird, Laura Lyle, - Sheaf of Late Oats--Geo. Baird, Laura Lyle, Mrs. Munro. Sheaf of Early Oats Armous Me- Millan, RB: L..Brethour,. L. Lyle. &.Field Crop Special -- G. Baird, M. Raines, G. L. Honey, BE. Dearborn, C. Vernon ; CLASS 21 -- VE GETABLES Coll Vegetables --* 1 Ross, Law, 2 Laura Lyle. : Coll. Pickling Vegetables' -- Ross Law, Mrs. R. Boundey, Mrs. Moore.. Five Table Beets--Ross Law, Mrs. A. Walsh, F, W. Bradley. Two, Fall- EI Ra "Li Brethour, Laura Lyle. , Two Winter Cabbage -- Ross Law, . L.. Brethour. Bd 'Red Cabbage--E, L. Swain, Brethour. Two Cauliflower--Mrs. A. Walsh, | Mrs, Edwards, E. L. Brethour. 5 Table Carrots--Mrs. Moore, Ross Fo Three Heads Celery--F. W. Bradley, Laura Lyle. 'Two Citrons -- Ross Law, E. L. rethour. Two Muskmelons--Ross Law. "Six Cucumbers, slicing--Ross Law, Laura Lye, Mrs, oD. Edwards. Vegetable Marrow--E, L. Brethour, Mrs. M. Brethour, Laura Lyle. 1 Peck Yellow Onions; Spanish-- Ross Law; F. W, Bradley. - Peck Yellow Onions, A.0.V.--Ross Law, E, L. Brethour, Mrs. Edwards. Early Potatoes -- Ross Law, E. L. Brethour, Miss V. Butson. Late Potatoes--Mrs. W. King, E. L. Bréthour, Ross Law. Largest Pumpkin or Squash--Ross Law, E. L. Brethour. Pie Pumpkins -- Ross Law, 'E. L. Brethour, Laura Lyle. : Hulgard Squash--Ross Yaw, Laura | Jyle - Five Tomatoes--Miss. Jean-Samells, Ross Law, F. W. Bradley. Coll. Tomatoes--Laura Lyle. " Swede Turnips -- E. L. Brethour, Laura Lyle, Table Turnips--E, Taw, Laura Lyle. Red oli: L. Brethour. A.0.V. Mangels--Ross Law, E. L, Parsnips -- KE. L. Moore, Laura Lyle. -- Yellow Sweet Corn--F, W. Bradley, Laura Lyle, Ross Law. CLASS 24--FLOWERS Basket Gladiolus--1 Color -- F. W, Bradley, Mrs. B. Smith, Mrs. Malcolm. Basket Gladiolus, mixed -- F, Ww. Bradley, Mrs. B. Smith, Earl Dobson, Basket Flowers -- F. W. Bradley, Mrs. Smith, Coll. Dahlias with Foliage--Mrs. R. Boundey, Mrs. Moore, F. W. Bradley. Coll. Annuals -- Mrs, Moore, Mrs. Brethour, . Mrs. Bouquet Asters--Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. Boundey. - Gladiolus, white -- ¥ W. Bradley, Mrs. Malcolm,-W. D. Dyer. Gladiolus; yellow -- al wo Bradley, oo Laura-Lyle, Mrs, Gladiolus, Pi D. Dyer, Mrs. Smith. Gladiolus, Hed--F. Ww. Bradley, Ww. D: Dyer, Mrs? Smith, Best Indjvidual. Spike Gladiolus-- Mrs. Boundey, Mrs. Smith, F. Wd Bradley, ¢ \ Asters, pink or rose--Mrs.! Smith, Laura Lyle, Mrs. Fines 4 Asters, purple or mauve --- Mrs. Moore, Laura Lyle, Mrs. Smith. Asters, white--Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. Smith, Laura Lyle. Asters, Heart of France -- Mrs. Moore, Mrs.. Boundey, Mrs. Malcolm. French Marigolds--F.+ W. Bradley, Laura Lyle, Mrs. Boundey. Sna dragons -- Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Malcolm, W. Bradley. Scabiosa -- Mrs, Boundey, Mrs. Moore, F. W. Bradley. : Petiniags dean Samells, Mrs. Boun- dey, F. W. Bradley. Annual Phlox -- Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Boundey. Stocks--F. W. Bradley, Mrs. Boun- dey, Mrs. Smith, Sweet Peas--Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Mal- colm. Cosmos--Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Boun- dey, Mrs. Moore. Nasturtiums-- Mrs. Boundey, Mrs. Fines, Mrs. Moore; : Pansis--Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Boundey, Mrs. Smith. Zinnias--Mrs, Boundey, Mrs. Moore, Jean Samells. Zinnias, Poin Pon--Mrs. 'Boundey, Mrs. Moore, F. W. Bradley. Table Bouquet, Dining Room--MTrs, Boundey, F Bradley, Mrs. Moore Table Bouquet, Hall--Mrs. Boundey, Mrs, Moore, .W. Bradley Fern--Mrs. "Moore, 'Mrs. Boundey, Laura Lyle. Sq Ww. Bradley, W Geranium -- Mrs, F. Munro, Mus, Moore, Laura Lyle. Rex Begonia -- Mrs,- F.- Munro, Laura Lyle. Coll. Coleus--Mrs. F. Munro, Mrs. S. Moore; Laura Lyle, Flowering House Plant--Mrs. Boun- dey, Laura Lyle, Mrs. Moore. Corsage--Mrs, Moore, Mrs, Holli- day, Mis, Fines. D. Dyer Special -- Laura' Lyle, Mrs. Malcolm. Prince Albert Green House Spécial --Mrs. Moore. 3 (Continued on Paget). Ll * PHONE 7awW W. E. MaeOrlzor and Son ' PORT PERRY L.. Brethour, B I ee JELLO POWDERS . NEW HONEY, White ...... BROOMS, 5 String tit CROWN JARS ............. shat - RK AYLMER PEAS and GRR, 15 oz. .... sresssaintsrense JAR RUBBERS ...............cc0..... darters iki FLOWERDALE TEA BAGS SRR Bic, 47¢c., 87c. ¢ FRESH FRUITS and. i VEGETABLES FREESTONE PEACHES AT MARKET: PRICES WE. DELIVER-- PHONE 9] FOR SERVICE URE Rai a 0 0 OL mo I. I -- A ------ E gn g | MERLIN DOWSON' SHREDDED WHEAT .....coovveviciciiinmvminssrorenns 2 pkgs. 29c¢. verre, 3 PEES. 26c. nina 1006, 1 1b. carton 30¢. 4 1b. tin 99¢. hiss eit . small $1. 39, med. $1. 59 . 2 for'15¢c. w Toe The Annual Meeting Association, (Federal and M.P., member of .Parliame hoped that other members it Hpasivle to be present. Ontario Riding Liberal Association of the Ontario Riding Liberal Provincial) will be held at the - Town Hall, Whitby, Monday, September 20th, 1930 at 8 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of electing officers and appointing delegates to: the convention of the Provincial Association tobe held in Toronto on November 9th and 10th. . The meeting will be addressed by Walter C. Thomson, K.C., nt for Ontario Riding, and it is from Central Ontario may find " ALLIN F. ANNIS, Secretiny: HAMBURGERS, 2222222000000 00 000 "A.Word to the Wise is Sufficient" WE SERVE THE FINEST QUALITY FOOD AT ALL TIMES : SANDWICHES AND FRENCH FRIES TERMINAL GRILL We do our own Bakin 8 S00 P0 0000000000000 000000000000000000000080003¢ 0000000000000 0000000000000000004 Shingles. / -- tion project. PORT PERRY - a iA i WE SPECIALIZE IN HELPING You Design your home--We cen from experience give you the latest advice on modern construction. line of all Building Materials, 'Our planing mill is At your service to make the old style and hard to get mouldings to suit your needs and Complete estimates elie on all kinds of ton = Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co., Limited We carry a complete Blyinos,, Lime, Asphalt i that alter- od . Phone 240 w 1 i) a FALL HA | PRICED FROM gs up deep crowned, wider Port Porry To set a Mood--TO GO WITH EVERY COSTUME + New Hats hold look appeal---texture interest--they're small, brimmed than last season. fashioned to go with Jour longer hair, . suits The Uptown Hat Shop Mrs. E. B. Cooke Cor. Queen & Cochrane TS to $15.00 Hats are your slim-line , ete. Phone 213 1333333350000 00000 0000 PORT PERRY ELECTRIC (first door north of hotel.) INGLIS WASHERS RADIOS . and WATER HEATERS "APPLIANCES RANGES LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES EASY PAYMENT TERMS PHONE 177 | ---- ony