os Ma ATLA Sod e Rau hy on 3 CNR H peer City a "fr POKT PERRY '| -President----Bernard Standish. MEALS-SUPERBLY PREPARED Eat here once and we're sure you'll eat here again and - "again, Why? . Because we take special pains with our food . preparé it to meet your own most discriminat- "ing taste. 'Come in to-day. : Delicateria Restaurant PHONE 3M ETSIAEE SI ESS ee a - x oe Seay spd . The following are the officers: Hon. President--Rev. A. W. Lougheed. Vice Président--Leona Reynolds, Secretary--Ronald Wanamaker. Treasurer--Joyce Harding Missionary Convener--Donald Dowson Christian' Citizenship. -- Marie Sweet- 'man, Christian Culturé--Grant Butt Recreation--Marion Forester, ' « The following are the advisory Com- mitteeMr. and. Mrs, Glen Wanamaker, Mr. T. Emmons, Miss M. Ratcliffe. Meetings to be held every alternate Tuesday. . Following the meeting the young people were treated to a corn roast and lunch, The Woman's Association of the Seagraye United Church met. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Reynolds, Port Perry, Thursday evening, Sept. 14th. A large crowd was in attend- anc¢ and a very fine program was put on by the West group. Mrs. H, Eagleson was in charge of the worship SERVE TPADE MARK REG service, assisted by Mrs, G. Fishley, Mrs. T. Harding-and Mrs. R. Reynolds. T Ke president, Mus. Ralph Reynolds, os ; 5 presided, for the business period. Sev- The Young people of - Seagrave eral items of business were discussed United Church met on Tuesday even- fand plans were made for the Presby- Seagrave cc Coly will be held in Seagrave Church on Thursday, October 12th. At the con- clusion of th iness period a pro gram was put on by the West group, consisting of a reading. by Eunice Fishley and a duet by Leona Reynolds and Joyce Harding. A Bible contest was introduced by Mrs. Stewart Mac- ,Farlane in which Mrs, Gordon Fishley and Mrs. Roy Wilking were winners. A sumptuous lunch 'was served by the West group assisted by Mrs.:Cy.- Rey- nolds. » < At the evening service in the United Church, 'en Sunday night, four chil- dren were baptised--the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wanamaker, received the name of William. Hiram; that of Mr .and' Mrs. Allan Crosier, was named Ronald Wesley; while the two children of Mr, and Mrs, Neil McMil- lan, Marilyn Gale and Gordon Bruce. grave - United Church will be held , me and evening, October 8th, ReV, R. C.. Chalmers, B.A., B.D., Th.D,, will be the guest AR He has been recently appointed to the Chair 'of Christian Theology in St. Andrew's College, Saskatoon and will assume his |:ing to enjoy a Corn Roast and organ- |i... Womah's Association Rally which ize for the ensuing term. ; [ new duties November 1st. Utica '| weather. The anniversary service of the Sea- |: Sorry to report Mrs. Sutcliffe was taken to Oshawa Hospital on Monday. Please note that on Suhday, Sept. 24th, preaching service will be at 1.80 change is only for<one Sunday. Mr Turner, B. A. of Goodwood, will 'be the speaker at the special service | # of the Woman's Assoclationat Epsom at 2.30 p.m. 1 day. Sept. 26th, The W. A. meeting held last Thu¥s- day at Mrs, Ackney's® was -well at- for the Anniversary. Proceeds for the meeting $15.00. The October meet- ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Earl Ballard at 3 p.m, Remember the anniversary on Oct. service only.)' Qn Monday the £nd 4, concert given by Whitby talent, Come and enjoy a' plate-of oysters (if you of the church followed by a ol! class like them) with lots of othgr good things to choose from. 3 AT YOUR PARTY ER JOTI a ti p.m; followed by Sunday School# This : The Woman's Association will have i a booth at Cecil' Collins' sale. ont. Tues- | §8 tended in spite of the unfavorable |$ Everythiing is in readiness |$ 1st. Sunday service at 7.80 p.m. (one | § supper will be served in the bagement }{: Two Shows Nightly--17 and § 9 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SEPT. 21-22-28 Joel McCrea and Arlene Dahl In the Glorious Technicolor Adventure Hit THE OUTRIDERS ' COMEDY, BIC, "MONDAY, TUBSDAY, WEDNESDAY, SEPT 25-26-27 : Dennis Morgan and Ginger Rogers "In the Sparkling New Comedy Drama PERFECT STRANGERS « SHORT PICTURES . os BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE Stanley R. Bruton, Phm.B. - Phone 16 i PORT PERRY Saleh BET 1 Lif i | ; a 3 1 T x BATH SALTS AND WATER ; Allenbidty's Soap ios 3/806, it SOFTENERS _ Nivea Basis Soap, ssennines 3/69¢. Clifton's Bath Charm ... $1.00 Yardley's SOBD wii. boX $1.50 A Pine Bath Crystals .......... 89. Trellis Soap ; parr box 59¢. - y dl Blue Spray. Water Softener A Trelis fone] sins 5 cakes 20c. Rp -'50c. & $1.00 | - Castile Soap, long bar ........ 19¢. Jergen's Carbolic Soap ....8/25¢. ' Clifton Bath Foam HAT we D9C. A 'Yardley's Lavendomeal .... $1.75 Woodbury's Soap Special 4/30¢. h Jeirstts Bath Salts ........ 69c. Yardley' s Bath Salts ........ yn. 25 We have a small quantity of this Canadian Coal' on : : - hand. Ideal for-cool evenings and for fall burning. ~~ TRY A TON OF THIS FUEL AT $18.00. And it's.a full-sized six-passenger. car -- safe, impressive. ARNE ER St -» Hydraulic Brakes . PHONE 57 N n EY WN . \ \ N i Sal LOW FIRST COST -- Compare pricé tags first! Then examine the car -- inside, outside, "under the hood. Chevrolet is priced among the lowest of all -- far below any comparable car! REPUTATION -- Thousands of motorists.recently named Reputation as the leading reason for voting Chevrolet their favorite motor car, in a survey conducted from coast to coast, mong owners of all makes. . ; ---- [IS ECONOMY -- Chevrolet's highly- improved more powerful engine Pa a new catbussror ; that 'not only steps-up' performance but means even greater economy of operation. And own- ers agree Chevrolet costs less for maintenance service than other cars. Chevrolet is! brilliant! SAFETY -- Chevrolet gives you greater safety! Powerful, heavy steel box-girder frame - . . new more rigid Bodies by Fisher... . big wraparound bumpers . . -. exclusive Certi-Safe . and ample power to pull you out of danger in a tight spot! ROOMINESS -- Cheviolet's a six passenger car, for sure! There's no 'more squeezing in, but room aplenty for six grownups to ride in comfort on extended trips. And Chevigles s convenient trunk has amazing capacity -- it's bigger than ever before. . TRADE-IN VALUE -- Because Chevrolet is first in the low-price field with all the qualities - that Canadians want most . , . because it's renowned for long life, Chevrolet is-the favorite among used-car buyers as well as new. That means a higher trade-in value for you! ° ' . remy : A BUILT IN CANADA PROVED THITIYY . A: Big, impressive, powerful carswith gencrous-room for six . _ neered for Canadian conditions and for economical operation -- all this at a price that's far, far lower than the cost of any : comparable car! - . . Canadian engi- With value like Chevrolet s it's no wonder that in a recent impartial survey among. thousands of motorists from coast to coast, Chevrolet proved to be in greater. popular demand than any other car. More Chevrolets are sold in Canada al _any. other make! In the past five years, Canadians have bought over 50,000 more - Chevrolets than' any other make -- and td _ the lead is growing every day, in all parts _ of the country! $d _. STYLING -- Inside and out, Chevrolet's a style star! "Above all, the new Chevrolet' s lines have -- a quality look -- the look of a big, impressive motor car. . and that's just What this . PERFORMANCE -- This year, as every year, Chevrolet clearly out-performs its rivals . RE super-highways, on back concessigns, in 'stop-start traffic. And" Chevrolet's performance a : DEPENDABILITY -- - Complete dependability -- that's the Chevrolet by-word! Superb engi- neering for Canadian conditions, plus skilled service at modest cost by authorized dealérs every- where keep maintenance costs down, dependability up! al 140 A GENERAL MOTORS / VALUE "hs : ' REAR ; C9508 ARCHER MOTOR SALES PORT PERRY, ONT. _ REESOR FUEL & LUMBER PORY PERRY PHONE 73 PHONE 73W ' PORT PERRY = | Ty Our Delicious 'Jelly Dough' MADE FRESH EACH MORNING iia ih SEA Saturday Cake Special "CHOCOLATE DATE. LAYER CAKE" Phone 32. Gerrow' s Bakery WASHING MACHINES ne Northern Electric Simplicity 2 Connor $1250 up- Gainaday Combination i CLOTHES and DISH WASHERS =) ii _ AUTOMATIC IRONERS ROBERTSON ELECTRIC (Opposite the Post Office) 'PHONE 108 Attar toe al BSW ww. E MacGregor and Son Sou