Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Nov 1950, p. 3

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(cs "6 Bimeoe Breet. North, Oshawa; in 'attendance at my Port Ferry Off 'on Tuesday and Thursday aftérnoons| "ROOFING Estimates given on all kinds of work. "DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG SRST STISIBEEIIELAISEESIA SILENT ANILILEY op mr PORT PERRY, ONT, THURS., NOVEMBER 2nd, 1950 i ty 3 ae Lar sl. A PRET VL % 7 A Fh ¥ A ; BEA a Anoka 7 i 3 BRIAR TEN gL. TON Ye LS FATA NVA TU EL aie PABA TAES ds Be ah . La v4 i EE PEA RN PAY ARB AAS 00 Ln 2d i 3 Eakins EARS Rr TH RR Lp to RR ERR A TR FY AiR Bagi 8 Tr ag By 0) : jo oo BUSINESS DI GERALD B. THOMPSON fund *D.C _ *Dector of Chiropractic X-RAY EQUIPPED OFFICE 185 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA | - Office Hours 9'to 5. . Phone 2937 Evenings by Appointment: Sy oe. GENERAL CARPENTRY Repairs and Re-modelling Built-in. Cupboards & specialty. Free Estimates - : ROY KENDELL Phone 284M J x . Dec, '60 RUSSELL D, HUMPHREYS, K.C.' Phone 814 of each week, or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry. Phone 84 Refrigeration for prompt service on all makes, both household and commercial, Estimates given on Installations. 'Reg. Boundey OI OT SAND AND GRAVEL When and where you want it. Call ROSS BE. SANDISON, Phone 131 r §, Pert Perry, RRA [SAS ARERANRAFARS AS SEAEASA ° RE-UPHOLSTERING and RE-BUILDING Let: us re-upholster your old chester- fleld suite, Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone and have our consultant call and give you a free estimate: Free pick-up and delivery, Phone 8844 collect. OSHAWA UPHOLSTERY CO. 8 Church St. NAAAAAAAANAANAAAANNANY Heat A mT or HARE fires} HOE TH THAR When a long-experienced ~-§---news-and-re-covers your furniture, it is the finest assurance of a lasting, quality PA job. Call us now for the upholstery 'work xy Th * you like, - | Boson Uphastry - 3 Whitby - Phone Port Perry. | and Mrs. F." Young to their home in ¢ (ica Celi is a natural partner RL RUIN ER GREY has-been completed and looks fine, - 'Some of our local men-.cut down ong of the maple trees, whose branch: €8 had been overhanging the Church. It was a beautiful Church service on Sunday. There was a good attend- arfce of 'our own and visiting C.G.LT. and 'Explorers. | 3 NE The Choir including the girls. quar- tette from Port Perry sang very sweetly and Rev. W. C. Smith's ad- dress 'was fine. . 20 : 'We were pleased to have Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harper, Saintfield pre- sent. : i Mrs. Harper was a former leader of the C.G.I.T. here. . Mrs. Groupe has returned to her winter home in Philadelphia: and Mr. Toronto. We welcome Mrs. G. R. Smith and sister Miss Edna Spence, who hope to be permanent residents here, and who have a lovely moderh home. Mrs. W. Ecclestone, Toronto, visit- ed Mrs. McKerihan and: Mrs. Luke on .the supper. |. Greenbank W.A. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Association was held at the home of Mrs, Ivon Spencer, Tuesday, October 24th, with about thirty in attendance. Fels J With Mus, James Lee presiding the meeting opened with all singing Now Thank We All Our God, followed by a reading' on the Topic by. Mys, 'Keith Howsam. ' . to Bible reading, Psalm '95, taken by Mrs, Leonard . Beadle. Mrs. Ward and Mrs. George Beare sang a duet entitled "The Shepherd of Love". The topic, "Thanksgiving" was ably. taken by Mrs. Ivon Spencer--*Let us come before His presence with Thanksgiving"; after which "0 Come Let Us Sing of a Wonderful Love", followed by all repeating the Lord's Prayer together. : } "Murs. Boe (The President) then took charge of the meeting.. Minutes were read and adopted and the treasurer's report given, - Arrangements were made for -the members of 'Greenbank W.A. to sup- ply the dinner and supper on Nov- ember 8th for the Christian Crusade, which is being held in Uxbridge--The Fidelis Class taking 'charge of the | dinner and the Helping Hand Class It 'was arranged to have a Com- Gordon | STERY ECUR TOUCH Monday. a > ------ AL JOLSON AN ALL AROUND GOOD AMERICAN ' RE-UPHOLSTERY by Expert Craftsmen artisan re- . ee say eae fp os < far' U 483 INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Prince Albert The - Women's Association held its Whatever your insurance needs! October meeting on Wednesday the may be, consult' H. W. EMMERSON | ~ Port Perry Phone 41 in attendance at my Port Perry Office: on Wednesday morning and. Friday afternoon of each week, or by: i appointment. : Blong Block,... Port Perry,. Phone 26 SEO OI Ee Ire tntiintetetittaitieiiioctboriiosiososs OF ALL KINDS - Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding. EARL WALLACE Phone 261 Port Perry PRRIS RINNE RPE -MONTEITH & MONTEITH CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 87 King 8t. East, Oshawa. Gordon W. Richi, C.A. ' Resident Partner DENTIST i Queen: Street : Phone 237 3 - Port Perr 0 Eavestroughing ~ & Furnaces ELECTRIC PRRSSURE PUMPS, FURNACES and: FURNACE: RE- PAIRS TO ANY MAKR Free Estimates on Roquent. SYDNEY G. BARNES i sug. 51 ' DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: § am, to 8 p.m. Office Upstairs over C. 8leep's 10 OOO OA TO OO OR FOR SAND AND GRAVEL and Excavating, Work, 'ELLSWORTH KENNEDY/| will be pleaaed to oblige you. Phone ARTHUR W. S. GREER, K.C/| 25th at the home of Mrs. L. Bond, with a very good attendance. Hymn "Come ye Thankful People Come" opened the meeting, and the Lord's Prayer was repeated in uni- "gon; . EE ee Some thank-you notes for flowers were read.. The treasurer's report was very gratifying, including the re- port of proceeds from the turkey din- ner. ; Our roll call was "something to be thankful for." Most were thankful for good health. : A discussion. followed re the ba- zaar. A motion carried that nothing be sold until-it was officially opened and that we have a visiting lady to officiate. * A' niotion carried that it be held on the first 'Saturday in De- cember and that the bazaar of the ve afternoon tea. _A motion carried that the WA. pay for the shingling of the second half of the Church roof, : The Scripture reading: Psalm 95 was read by Miss Edna Vance, and the lesson thoughts 'Thinking on Life' given'by Mrg, Fletcher, Hymn "My Father is rich in houses and Lands," and the Mizpah Benedic- tion closed the meeting, ) gram Mrs. Arthur Brown conducted two: contests, one being, to see -how many words could be made out of 'the word "Thanksgiving". Some. got over Forty. SHG ; "Group '1 served a delicious lunch and a social time was enjoyed, For the benefit of: all interested in our: Church; we wish to say-the roof by Jack A. C. Kippen Al Jolson died at the age of sixty- four with the words, 'I'm going boys.' Jolson was no regular millionaire who left his money to his relatives. A large per cent of: Al Jolson's esti- mated $4,000,000 "éstate will go to charitdble education and religious 'or- '| entertain in the Second Great War vik . Jolson was to be a guest on the G.G.LT. be included, the later to 8€r- "For pro-' , America, - ganizations, 3 : "His wife, two adopted children and a former wife were not forgotten, hs His wife will receive the life income from a trust fund of $1,000,000. Trust funds 'are set up for-his two adopted children who each will receive $500,- 000, A similar trust fund of $100,- 000 for a former wife was also set up. Jolson was a great. American, great artist, and a great all around guy. He was the first-U.S. star to and the Korean War. ; He came back just two weeks ago from "entertaining the 'troops over- seas where he entertained at the front when the allied beach-head was at its smallest. He had a two hour lunch -chat with MdcArthur on his way while[-: the historic meeting in which Truman and MacArthur met was only an hour long.~ Before he died he said "Truman had only one hour with MacArthur, I had two." Bing Crosby. Show the next night. The. show went on but without one 'of America's greatest jazz singers. Jolson made a comeback at 60! Jol- son's career seemed to have come to an end around 1930 but the 'movie, "The Jolson Story" brought him right back on top. He was the only star in history to have a movie of his life while he was around to see it. He told the boys overseas that he was going afound with his fingers crossed. "Us- ually they wait 'till a guy kicks off," he' grinned, he a Eddie Cantor, Jack Benny and many others of his old cronies. spent hours] figuring out Jolson's age. ng "Just say I sing purty good for an old man with muscles", he told them. A few minutes before he died; Jol- son said smilingly, "Well this looks like the end". i The hatel nurse _told would be"all right. 1 "Who--are- you- kidding?" Jolson laughed," Jolson he _ "Pull up some chairs", Jolson" told BR a_couple of his friends, "I've got some stories to tell you", In a few minutes, Jolson was, dead, but he will never die in the hearts of I WEATHER FORECAS + OnlisWoy, - « Cold Weather 'blue ss coal' || | "GUARANTEES | | 1 you COMFORT IN ANY me 7% i i WEATHER! TEIN : | Come. In or Phone Today _/ 822 Port Perry, for information. - He tab 24, 1061 * No other ype of fuel DARES to guaran. tee you com coal' 'has a record . safe, comfortable, healthy throu thie .wofst wintérs in history, End fuel wor. Order today and be safe, : | REESOR FUEL, AND LUMBER, Port Perry - PHONE 73 . ort as 'blue coal' does. 'blue for keeping millions munity Pot Luck supper on the even- ing of November 24th: the meat com- mittee, Committee being Mrs. W. F. Waiker, Mrs. lanson, Mrs. Lee; the = 4 Mis, G. Beare and Mrs. R. Rodd. The Executive was asked to act as a' nominating committee for W. A, officers for 1951, and to meet at the home of Mrs. J. MeKitrick. It was agreed to hold the next W.A. meeting on Tuesday,- November 21st, Program---reading by Mrs. R. Rodd entitled; "Be: the Best of Whatever You Are", and "What a. Woman Can Be"; reading by Mrs, Keith -Howsam entitled "Sale Bill"; Piano solo by Marlyn Gibson; reading by Mrs. I. Spencer entitled "I'm a Busy Wife." A dainty lunch was served by the group in charge, and a pleasant and profitable afternoon spent. The group' in charge consisted of Mrs. J. Lee, Mrs: 1. Spencer, Mrs. W. St. John, Mrs, W. Phoenix, -Mrs. K. Howsam, ed Tr r---- GUIDE NEWS (by Shirley Diamond, Grade 9A) "On Friday, October 27th, the week- ly meeting: of the Port Perry Guides took place at the Public School, the meeting. starting with a new drill directed by Miss Jarret. Each Patrol then went to its respective corner where each Guide learned to tie new knots, - Mrs, Godley questioned us on things we were expected to know for our "second meeting, Following this, Miss Jarrett showed us some new wooderaft signs, . As the room was-a little cool we then played an active game. The campfire sing-song was thoroughly enjoyed by all." The meet- ing was closed with the Guide Prayer and Taps, a ROBERTSON ELECTRIC PHONE 179-W o $198 NEW SHIPMENT OF TRI LAMPS and wp CALL IN AND LOOK AROUND - > The Latest in Modern FIXTURES Vhen you buy your fixtures from us--they are Installed, FREE. . (Opposite the Post Office) "The cookie sale held on Saturday rk La program committee--Mrs. G. Ward, was a huge success. After hours call 843-W La Manitob ° At the annual convention the Canadian Weekly News- papers' Association held at'the | -* Chateau Frontenac Hotel, Que- bec City, October 23-25, a reso- _ lution of thanks to the Weekly _ Sth Floor, Great West Lile Bldg. Newspapers. of smal hi WINNIPEG, MANITOBA resente y the anitoba 035 421-2:3-4 . Flood Relief Fund .in apprecia~ Fabien . . tion of the part played by the a F lood F und of All Flood Victims. Being Re-estab W. MANNING, General Chairman A , - HM Weekly Press in assisting in the M. A. O'HARA, Honorary. Treasurer rehabilitation of flood - victims = of the Red River. Valley. - In presenting the resolution, at the annual banquet, attended by some 400. Weekly Newspaper . art of Canada, - a onorary Na- - .tional Organizer of the Mani-" toba Flood Relief Fund, told how total contributions to the . . --------Fund-had- reached $8,775,000.00.] in. cash and in addition, dona- : editors from all Cecil Lamont, tions in kind with a value » several hundreds of thousands % of dollars, had been turned over to the Red Cross and other relief agencies for distribution to flood -- sufferers, .- Mr. Lamont informed ~ the Fund, to date: . Repair and replace- . ment of household furnishings and ef- fects, clothing, pri- vate automobiles, rear $2,800,008 , would suffer crippling losses and in many rendered deBtitute: out-of-pocket liv- as a result of the flood; and . i ing 'and travelling x ee . . "- expenses of persons . WHEREAS the Manitoba Flood Relief Fund was set up, 'under : who were forced to - the honorary chairmerdship of the Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba, the evacuate their | Premier of Manitoba, the Mayor of Winnipeg, the Mayor of 8t. Boniface homes on account $1,600,000 and the Manitoba Consul-General of the United States to receive : Aid to small busi- nesses, market ardeners arid fur Te farmers 'to cover » losses of goods and inventory as a re- sult of the flood........ $1,000,000 Compensation to farmers for +loss of livestock, poultry, feed, - seed, grain and machinery lost" or damaged A surve churches, schools and semi-pub mental assistance, As a result of.the generous response from all parts of Can- ada, all persons who have suf- fered: losses, other than struc- tural: damage, hate been or are in the process of being compen- sated from the Flood Fund, and Eg dre able to resumé their normal | ! home and business' lives. Struc- tural damage to buildings is. the Do- Govern- ments, ir Governments, the Municipalities, | are now engaged "in thé con- ¢ struction of dikes to guard against future floods, where this being taken care of b minion and Provincia along = with is feasible; The newspaper editors were- informed that the total cost of: raising the fund had been less than three-quarters .of one per cent, which is believed to be a record low cost for fund raising: e II expenditure in raising tt Fund was made possible -all services bein in raising the Fund : resolution . presented the. Canadian the "editors ats he flowing ap- ropriation had been made from | ois ak . : . - : prop n . } WHEREAS 1% was apparent that there was no agenoy then in existence whioh could give aid in such matters as restoring losses of furniture and personal belongings of those whose homes had been. : . + : RAR $1,000,000 is now being conduct- ed with a view to assisting hospitals, private ic in- stitutions which do not come within the scope of govern: ugh con- tributed by those who took part nd, - Weekly News- |! ' papers. Association and to this paper appears in the adjoining columns, MAS. GARNET COULTER, Hon. Secrejary ~ \ M.A. O'Hara Mrs. Garnet Coulter Tos The Canadien Weekly Newapa "and THE PORT PERRY STAR of 5 of 1950, there was evidenced a desire on the flood viotims; and 2. flooded; and lie WHEREAS looal funds were opened throughout -'Weekly Newspapers Association and Association; and viotims of the Red River Valley; and such suffered so grievously; BE IT THRREFORE RESOLVED their efforts on behalf of the Fund: AND THAT the said newspapers be to |, MANITOBA FLOOD RELIEF FUND 4 > MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE: H. W. Manning, Chairman, Hoo. |+8. McDiarmid ~~ C.E. Graham Mayor W. R. Forrester, Emerson Mrs. W. J. Shepherd, Exec. Secy. From: The Manitoba Flood Relief Fusd : # . . t - ) 'WHEREAS during the disastrous Manitoba Flood in the spring the part of the oitisens of -- Canada and elsewhere to help in some way to relieve the distress of WHEREAS it was apparent that without: such aid many femilies contributions from those who wished to help; and . the country, in large part through the efforts of the Weekly Newspapers of Canada, with the sympathetic essistanoce of the the Provinoial Divisions of the 4 WHEREAS the proceeds of funds so collect ed have added © materially to the magnificeiit tot&l received for aid to the flcod ~~ had a great effect in meintaining the morale of the people who have THAT the Officers of the Manitoba Flood Relief Pund extend to the Weekly Newapapers of Canada, through the Newspapers Association in Conference in Quebec City, heartfelt grati=- tude and appreciation on behalf of the trustees Relief Fund and of the flood victims of the -their heartwarming sympathy and their practical expression of {it in citizens of their territories, the appreciation of the people of the Red River Valley for the assistance given, through the Manitoba Flood Relief Fund, for the rehabilitation of flood viotims, & Unanimously Approved - : Honorary National Organizer - Moved Honorary Treasurer « Beconded lished : i CECIL LAMONY, Honorary Organise MORAY SINCLAIR, Public Relations Chairman pers Association u in many municipalities: aid going out promptly has * Canadian Weekly of the Manitoba Plood Red River Valley, for asked to extend to the ~~ Thanks Weekly Press SoA re) a a NASON AT, 2 - oa, cn TI Carr,

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