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Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Nov 1950, p. 5

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LI - ; - * 2 et > bh US : oe ? i » : J > » 'S 3 } LJ po. iiik,: ym PORT PERRY, ONT, 'THURS, NOVEMBER 2nd, 1960 (CLASSIFIED ADS ATTENTION FARMERS! We will be pleased to pick up dead . or crippled farm' animals and pay the "highest prevailing prices." . Phone Port Perry 118 r 2, Uxbridge 27 Brooklin 62 GORDON YOUNG LTD. FOR. SALE--Allis- Chalmers Model "GC" Tractor--Used: only a few weeks, Priced to sell, .. a UX-SPRING FARMS LTD. . Phone 246 or 253} Uxbridge, Ont. ° 'i E + nov2 COURT OF REVISION "Take Notice that a Court of Re- _vigion will be held in the Township Hall, Manchester, on Monday, Nov- ember 67 1950, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon to hear appeals, duly notified, for or 'against assessments. GRANT CHRISTIE, Clerk. nov2 5 . ; CABBAGE FOR SALE -- Large, solid heads, apply A. R. Gray, Phone 119-r-11, Port Perry. Oct26 HELP WANTED -- Four or five 'mornings weekly for: light house work Phone 86. : LA FOR SALE-- Twenty-four hybrid White Leghorn and Rock Pullets, five months old. Starting to lay. Rea- sonable price. Also girl's light blue _ suit (dressmaker style) size 14, price "four dollars. Box 10 Port Perry Star, FOR SALE--34 DeSoto Sodan, in 'good. running order, good battery, 'practically new tires, finish in good condition. Heater. New radiator. Phone 249 Port Perry Evenings. "FOR 'SALE --_ Sven rood young Hereford and Shorthorn Cattle, 700 to 900 Ibs. Table turnips 60c. per bushel. Earl Dorrell, Blackstock, , Phone Port Perry 187-32. =F ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE MAN: ARply rs." Geo. Burnett, Phone 242 M.. ot WANTED -- Snall House or Apart- ment with conveniences. tenants. Phone 154, Mr. G. Hookings. FOR SALE-Kitchen Suite, Ches- terfield Suite, Bedroom Suite, Kitchen | Cabinet, Twi-light Floor Lamp, latest model Stromberg-Carlson Radiogram and other household effects. Stanley F. Gyton c-o Mr. Bert Howard, Bige- "low St., Port Perry. 'Reason for sell- ing leaving the country. 'FOR SALE 12 PIGS -- SHOATS "4 Russell Wray, Shirley, Ontario, NOTICE ' TO HUNTERS Gun and Hunters' Licenses are now obtainable from Donald Anderson, at Bearé Motors, Port Perry. FOR SALE--38-.66 Winchester Deer Rifle in good*condition. Phone 261 after six. © nov2 (Form 4, Section 11) |, - CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST Voters' Lists, 1950, Municipality of Port Perry, County of Ontario Notice is hereby given that I have « complied with section 8, of: the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Port Perry, on the 19th "day of October 1950 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elections and that such list. remains there for inspection. [And I hereby call. upon all voters to "take immediate 'proceedings to have anyterrors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for ap- 'pealing being the 9th day of Nov., 1960. Dated this 19th day of October, © 1960, at the Village of Port Perry-in the 'County of Ontario. *. John F. Raines, Qlerk, Village of Port Perry. @) R.5.0 1087-07 'and the amendment Toronto, Adelaide 8636 : Reliable | LOST -- In the vicinity of Port Perry, Manchester and Highway 7, a High School Rugby Ball which fell from truck on which it had became lodged * when passing the - school campus, J. L. Crane, Port Perry H.S. YOUR FUTURE IN THE STARS Forecast - guide, fifty .eents per three months, Dorcen E. Perrett,' Certified Astrol- oger, R.R.1, Bowmanville, Ont. LOST--Three Hounds, North-East of Raglan on Saturday, October 28th, 2 males and 1 female, white & black, with brown heads, Phone informa- tion collect to 2895 Oshawa. Send * birthday: tol' FOR SALE--3 Iron Beds--1 white Single, 1 white Doublé, 1 Brass Double, all with springs. Phone 185 Port Perry, FOR SALE--Two Young Holstein "| Cows, due 'to freshen right away. Ivan Mountjoy, Phone 78 r 13, Port Ferry. APPLES FOR SALE McIntosh, Delicious, Spy, Talman]|- Sweets, Delivered locally and in sur- rounding district. Phone 206R- H. Pallock, Port Perry. FOR SALE -- House and lot, two storeys, frame, hardwood floors, fire- place, hydro, furnace, -full-size base: ment, double garage, hen house, large shed, 21% acres clay land. Located on Highway TA, one mile from Port Perry. Inspection by appointment. Phone 90 r 2, Port Perry. novy. T HOUSE FOR SALE 3--5 room house with garage, 1 acre of land in village of -Port-Perry.---Immediate possession. Also we have small farms for sale, several good small houses in Oshawa, H. B. Lines, Real EBtite Broker, Phone 2548W, Oshawa. CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST -, POSTING: OF. YOTERS' LIST Voters' List, 1950, Municipality of the 'Township of Reach, County of Ontario. Notice is -hereby given that-I have complied with Section 8, of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Manchester, on the 1st day of November, 1950, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elections and that such list, remains there for inspection. _And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- -cording to law, the last day for ap- pealing being the 14th day of Nov- ember, 1950. Dated this 1st day of November, 1960, at Manchester, in the County of Ontario, GRANT CHRISTIE, Clerk. : Township of Reach. R.S.0. 1937-C- 7, and the amendment thereto. Webster Transport .Washed and Disinfected truck be- tween loads. All loads insured for full value. P.C.V. License. Hay & Straw, Shavings & wood for Sale, Phone 339J- Port Pert. n24 Auction Sales G. H. HUNTER ESTATE--Auction sale of Tractor and Implements, and Household Furniture, Lot 21, Con.' b, Whitby Twp., 1 mile S. E. of Brook- lin village on SAT., NOVEMBER 4th, Terms Cash, sale at 1.00 p.m. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. : FRIDAY, NOV. 3rd.--Auction sale of 40 Head of Cattle-- Cows, Spring- ers, Holstein Heifers and Stockers the property of ROY LAVIS, Lot 4, Con. 8, Twp. of East Whitby, 14 miles east of North. Oshawa, near Maxwell's School. See bills Ted Jackson, Auctioneer PROMPT PELIVERY ©. THE FAMILY BUTCHER Lyi CAWKER' BROS. CHOIOE SELECTION gis Elie YORK FROSTED - FOODS -- ! FRESH and 000KED PHONE 29 MEETING WEEK sevens PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH * First ; MISSIONARY CONFERENCE SUNDAY, OCTOBER Bh SUNDAY, NOVEMBER Sth "Go ye into all the World and Preach the GOSPEL to : _ EVERY CREATURE"-- i . MEETING SUNDAY AT 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, " YORE Pry £5 . yg FART, RP Wh Lo hs Td LE bY Aya EPI BE A PRA RAR TA ye FHA Rms ha ET TTT Mark 16:15 DAYS at 7.45 p.m. HICEIRGER ETT to @loly TRADE MARK REG Epsom A special invitation is extended to attend the anniversary service at Ep- som United Church ont" Sunday,-Nov. 5th at 3 p.m. (Standard Time). Mr. Tommy Anderson and Mr. Geo. Jordon left on Sunday for Manitoulin Island on a hunting trip. Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Maine and son of Toronto were guests of Mr. and Sunday. Visitors at the Medd home on Sun- and family of' Manchester, Mr. and 'Mrs. Delos Graham, Ballantrae, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Blewitt, Peterboro, 'Mr, and Mrs. Dares Prentié¢e, Brook- dale, Neeson, Mr. and Mrs, Cracknell took advantage of the nice weather on Sunday and motored to Haliburton. "Miss Blanche Luke, Toronto, spent Sunday with her mother Mrs, P. Luke. Mr. and Mrs. Kaill, Sr., Uxbridge, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. C. Kaill and family.. ~Mr. and Mrs. A: D. Christie and Darlene were at Derryville and. Can- nington on Sunday, calling on rela- tives. $EEE8ELLLLE EE RT RE EE EET EET TT ST PO TTL ETI EIT "+ Mrs. | Minister's Blunder", "Mrs. Thos, Anderson and family o on day were: Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Strong . Mr. and Mrs. Honors Mr. and Mrs. Petawawa, Mr. Robert St. Clair, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. St. Clair. ~Mr. and Mrs. Clayton and Beatrice and Mr. John Whippey, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr.-E; Whippey. Mr. and Mrs. James Neeson who, have a summer home in the village, left on Monday for their home in To- ronto, where they will spend the win- ter. Mrs. Howard Bartley was: in Osha- wa on Monday attending the funeral of her Cousin, the late Arthur Nesbitt of Brooklin.. On Friday night the young folks from the three appointments met in the basement of Epsom Church, and! enjoyed a 'social 'time together. It being a Hallowe'en Masquerade party the evening was spent playing games, ete. . Prizes were given for the best |. Costume. Best dressed girl, under 12--Lois Kaill, Epsom. Best dressed boy -- Don Prentice, Epsom. : Best Comic Girl--Carol Ashenhurst; Bethesda. Best Comic boy--Douglas MacCon- nell, Epsom. Best dressed lady--Lorraine Too- good, Utica, Best dressed Gentleman -- David Wilson, Utica. Best dressed Couple, adults--Olive Wilson and Barbara Acton, Uxbridge. Best dressed Couple under 12--Dar- Jene Christie and Doreen Cumming, Epsom. : Best. Comic-- Ross Bailey, Jerry Asling, Epsom. EPSOM WOMAN'S .ASSOCIATION The October meeting of the Epsom W.A. was Held at the home of Mrs. Murrell, on Thursday, October 206th, with the president Mrs. Geer presid- ing. The meeting opened with the singing of hymn 261, "Come Ye Thankful Péople", The Lords Prayer was repeated in unison, The minutes, 'corresporldence, and Treasurer's report was given, Fifteen members answered the roll call, Three visitors were present. | held in the evening in the form of a that the 'November meeting is to be social evening.' The roll call for December is to be answered by a Christmas verse. Mrs, Armstrong read the lesson thoughts. Mrs, Jeffrey gave the It was decided |. | Scripture reading. ; titled "Looking Life in the Face" Mrs, Rogers and: Doris Taylor played "Work for the Night is Coming" on "the piano and violin. Mrs. Medd gave a reading entitled "A Friend". Mrs. Boynton sung the hymn "Hark! Hark, I My Soul" accompanied by Mrs. W. Rogers with the piano. Miss Doris Taylor gave a reading entitled "The The. meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. A delicious lunch was served by group: one. -------- er FOSTER HEWITT, earlier this month, began his twentieth season of network broadcast commentaries on |- 'National: Hockéy League games. Again this year, every Saturday night |€ at 8.05, his famous voice goes out over the CBC Trans-Canada network introducing another. of - the -play-bys play broadcasts which have become a tradition. Now in his middle forties, he has few equals anywhere in sports broadcasting. With his estimated 5 million _ listeners he shares a wealth of knowledge; for it was he who ha 'led Canada's: first hockey broad back in 1922, and he has been: 'at it] almost without a break ever since. As in past seasons, Foster Hewitt =lso presents a report on the Canadian sports scene every Friday at 7. 46 p.m. on Domirfion Network. o-oo --t a All Canadian Holstein Sale AVERAGES $1072. FOR 71 HEAD The All-Canadian Holstein Sale held October 23rd at the Coliseum, Toronto, brought the excellent general { average of $1072 as 71 head sold for a total of $76,160. No less than 22 head sold for at least $1,000 each and 8 exceeded the $2, 000 mark, Highest pricé of the day' was $6000 received by J.-J. E. McCague, of Alliston, Ont., from Wm. J. Murphy, Lindsay, for Glenafton Highmark, a seven months old bull calf sired by the six times All-Canadian Marksman and out of a 932 Ib inbred daughter of Mountvic Chieftain-7th, 'one of tlie most noted bulls used in the U.S.A. for both production and high test. It was understood that the bull was pur- chased by Mr. Mutphy for an un- known foreign buyer. Second highest price of the day was $6,400 paid by Mrs. B. M. Hallward, North Hatley, Que., to J. E. Houck, Brampton, Ont. for Houckholme Ma- jestic, a ten months old son of the *Excellent cow Re-Echo May Burke who is currently making a three time- a-day milking record that promises to exceed 36,000 Ibs milk. Sire of this bull is Rembco Texal Sovereign, Reserve All-Canadian three year old in 149 and by the noted Sovereign and out-of an 836 pound daughter of Lonelm Texal Fayne. Top price for a female was $3,600 paid by C. J. Cerswell, Beeton, to Raymondale Farm, Vaudreuil, Quebec for the six months old so-called "glamour lady" of the sale Raymon- dale. Abbekerk Best. The second highest female was $8,000 which | amount was received by. Brown Corp- Murrell gave a reading en- STATION © Men' 5. 534.95. Youths 510. 95. ~ Ea a tx mts tune { aah dion £3 " WAGON COATS ; Boy's $24, 95 ~ CHILDREN'S DRESSES 0 0 » WOOL WITH PLAID TRIM Children' Snow Suits, Satin, $11.25 - GREY - GREEN Gabardine, 42 inches wide, $1.35 yard GREEN - CORDUROY, $2.85 yard. NAVY - WINE WINE - oR h ET TOYS - GAMES - DOLLS DOLLS--50¢. to $ $5.95. TRUCKS--10¢. to $1.50 GAMES--29¢. to $1.00 -- BIG DISPLAY NOW READY -- Electric Trains $14.95 Ladies' Hand Bags, 3. 45, $4.45 $5.45 BLACK --: NAVY - BROWN WALLPAPERS "NOW IN STOC 'K--SUN TESTE D--SUNWORTHY 19¢.. A ROLL and up? ~ Goodrich Rubber - Complete Line | McCormick's Fancy Biscuits GROCERIES Gorsnies 39¢. 1h. Pastry Flour ................... 21 Ibs. $1.35 oration, La Tuque, Que., from Mus. B, 'M. Hallward, North Hatley, Que. for the twelve month old heifer Browns Mistress Annette 2nd an inbred daughter of Montvic Rag Apple Mas- ter out of an 883 pound dam who has twice been Reserve Grand Champion at the Quebec Exhibition. i ; . Premier «J. Walter Jones, Prince Edward Island, got good prices for the several animals: he consigned to the sale. The. five-year-old . bull Browns Master Darkey went to C. M. Bottema & -Son, Indianapolis, Ind, at $2,700 while Abegweit Jupiter, the 9 months old son of Darkey was pur- | chased by the Hamilton District Cat- tle Breeding Association, Hannon, Ontario, at $2260. In addition Jones received $2200, the highest price for. a milking female from Stephen B. Roman, King, Ont. for Abegwell Cur- lew. Top figure paid for a fed heifer was $1,700 received by Edwin S. Eby &Sons, Kitchener, from Roy C. War-, wick, Blenheim, Ont.; for Dunlea Montvic Mercedes, Honourable Men- tion All-Canadian Heifer Calf for 1949 and Reserve Juniop.Champion at the C.N.E. this year. among the bred heifers was a Marks- man daughter consigned by McCague and purchased by 11. J. Szold, Wash- ingtonville, N.Y., at $1650. The nine bulls sold averaged $2441. Prominent bidders: on many of them were the Artificial breeding units now operating so successfully in On- tario. In addition to the Jones bull Hamilton "District Cattle Breeding Association, the Oxford Holstein Breeders' Association .paid $2,000 to Richard Schleissner, Jerseyvil€®(nt. + for a son of Ajax, out of an 838 1b dam and. the Eastern Ontario Cattle Breeding Association at Kemptville, paid- $1100. to Graymar Farms, Oak- ville, for a six months old son; of the, $10,000 Milord. This latter calf had one of the best high test pedigrees in the sgle with six of his seven nearest dams having records of better than four per cent. : Heaviest buyer of the day was Dr. Jose' Figueroa, representing the Mex- jcan government who purchased a total of 19 head. His purchases in- cluded a bull from F. W. Whaley, Hannon, Ont. at $1,000 and bred heifers from Bert Thornton & Son, Thamesford at $1,376; C. J. Cerawell, Beeton at $1,200 and $1,026 and from J. W. Innes, Woodstock, at $1025. Second top §}- mentioned above purchased by the] Farms, Richmond Hill, at $500. © Grapefruit, Florida, 96's ......... ... 5 for 29c. ~ Birds Eye™~Frozen Foods--Vegetables, Walnuts Sra tines RE Ya 1b. 25¢. Fish, Orange Juice. PORT PERRY | PHONE 43 TREASURER'S SALE oF L ANDS FOR ARREARS OF TAXES Township of Reach To Wit: ' By Virtue of a Warrant, issued by the Reeve of the Township of Reach, under his hand and' the Seal of the Corporation of the Township of Reach, bearing date the bth day of September, 1960, to the Treasurer of the Township of Reach directed, commanding the 'said Treasurer to levy upon the lands hereinafter set forth, together with fees and costs thereon, 1 hereby give notice that unless the taxes and costs be sooner paid, and pursuant. to the Assessment Act, R.S.0. 1937 and Amendments thereto, I shall on Friday the 12th day of January, 1951, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon at the Township Hall, in the Village of Manchester, proceed to sell by public auction, the lands, to discharge such arrears of taxes and costs. thereon. Party Assessed. Description. Acreage. Years. Taxes. Costs. Total. Joseph Stone Village of 4 acre 1947 $13.84 $18.50 $324 34 Estate _ Greenbank 1960 : Lot 13, Con. 11 incl. Treasurer's Office, Manchester September 5, 1960. GRANT. CHRISTIE, Treasurer, Twp. of Reach jand po 3333123088000 00 0000000200000 111111t 'ANNUAL MEETING SOUTH ONTARIO FEDE RATION OF AGRICULTURE will be Teld in Myrtle Hal-=MYRTI., E Tuesday, November Tth, at 8.00 p.m. (D.S SPEAKER--NMR. V. S. LEURN ~ Secretary-Treasurer of the Provincial Federation of Agriculture. $ PROGRAMME--To be arranged. ' LUNCH--will be provided byithe Myrtle Ladies, DE Rt RR Ratti ati Rati natttttnttsentsntasssss roooeses rosecsssed ALLEN DOWNEY, Myrtle. CHARLES H. REESOR, . i President. Port Perry, Sec'y. : Other sales exceeding the $1000 mark included $1500 paid by Stephen B. Roman to Raymondale Farm to W.A.S. Ayerst, Ormstown for a milk- finished. "General Carpentry, kitchen ing female; $1026 paid by I. J. Szold, Washingtonville, N.Y. to Geo. R. Me- cupboards, gyprock put on and fin- ished for painting. Laughlin, Oshawa, f ilking fe- * aughlin, Oshawa, for a milking fe ROBERT PICKARD , male; $1,000 paid by Sheffield Farms, g St. George, Ont,, to Evelyn Reid, Rip- [PHONE 281W PORT PERRY ley, Ont., for a milking female; $1100 paid by Mrs. Francis Leggett, Stone- bridge, N.Y., to Brown corporation for a bred heifer and $1,000 paid by Stephen B. Roman to J. M. Fraser, Streetsville, Ont., for a bred heifer, Armour McMillan, Seagrave, Ont., bought a bred heifer from Roselawn Hardwood Floors, laid, sanded and For Iron Lung Patients firm has developed 4 prismatic sys- tem of mirrors which enables them to read without fatigue. chines are built for standard mains |.or battery. . |Electric Floor Sanders" SILI TLI SESSILIS ISELIN RL LLLS EL For patients in iron lungs, a UK. The mh- - 195 Patterns I Eo A te % "in % = » AL

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