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Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 Dec 1950, p. 1

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5s » Xa . $335 5 LY AF 3 FEA Ewe sg i HAL LAR Ih ats $M 5 a ain 22g ait abe sar ime the a rs tec PEPE ES al (3 - td JRE EE rf \: PAT -- i 5 34 EL . Cede } 5 Eye" UF Wateh your Label; it tells when your subscription ) C : Published by h dE I} pies. : THE PORT PERRY STAR CO. LTD. g $2.00 per year in advance, se. Single Copy { Authorized as Second Class Mall Dy - $2.50 per year outside Canada, a Post Office Department, Ottawa. SN] i : 3 1 fo EE : 2 . % 3 ; £3 : i 3 ANNES UP FSS IAT TNA CRNT PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28th, 1950 BINNS E CS HARE Reb " sa AREAL AF ONE SARA ALANS Bn TRATED SATUN NE a EC AABN SRY Fe SATB NTA RA RRA 592 SALT FR 2-558 if RA BAS PRAT SE AAI A NAR | \ 4 : ; 5 9 : Pron : NECUAE } a a % yf Soa a : Foam r-4 Few Citizens Attend Nomination Meeting g i 3 N~. -- OUL ig RASDf CR EFITANT XARA ES ha FARRAR fii 9 TO THE VOTERS IN REACH TOWNSHIP: SARS i» Ina few days we are to vote on the question "Are you in favour of i {0 Reach Township meeting its pro-rata share of the cost of completing the Is this.due to complete apathy on the A second chance is coming up, V Community Memorial Hospital in Port Perry. a Ay part of Local Citizens? Or is it just be- | New Year's Day, another nomi. _ The answer should be an overwhelming YES--but few of us have been i cause the nomination meetings are held | nation meeting is called to ob- & given much information about this project, so a few facts at this time i: too: close to the Christmas Festivities, | tain two more Councillors: who g would he in order. "ws ' Ered 3 : : VN which after all, are sacred to the family? | will be your representatives for 9 2 I irst---many people say We don't need a hospital in this community." A 3 STE an T-the business: of "making Port {4 They might as well say we don t need schools or churches! It is indeed | : If it i8 the last-minute preparations Perry the kind of place it will be ) strange that so. many communities now need new or larger hospitals if [70% "y- _ for Christmas that keep Mr. and Mrs. in 1951 : \ ours doesn't need one at all. There is now only one General Hospital =i. © Good Citizen at home, why not change, Shei § (Oshawa) within the bounds of Ontario County and it is overcrowded at plas = £ as other centres have done, and have ET CINE Latin cB) of sick iio Lh Je all times ard is not even adequate to meet the needs of the City itself, the oie business finished Jy before : | ere, ah addition is now planned; and we in this commnuity. will 10-doubt_' Eo pressing family aifairs crowd them in- ai (| 'be asked to meet our pro-rata share of that cost IF OUR.PEOPLE ARE TO \¢.! to the background? After all Christ- Appr eciation / CONTINUE TO USE THAT HOSPITAL--and that cost for the community : mas comes but once a year! ANG hei ie iy which would be served by the Port Perry Hospital will be in the neighbour- 1° fi ri : - "This is. a copy of a letter sent to '3 .00. Hb pov ver 1 apathy the the ease Of | the Community Memorial Recreation p) ao Saha e. the cost of completing the Port Perry Hospital, | is hol rr endanee | For Lg Conire (SOT? by. the Public kK N\ namely, $36,000 to $40,000 and on the basis of cost alone the Port Perry © The bod Sd ally Har ink School children. : bh Hospital should "have preference. i z+ ) -- 5 other "ism" that seeks to undermine | M:=R. Cornish, Secretary, i). Then, there is the question of convenience: a hospital in Port Perry ; iY ] ort Paley Con iit ath ¥ is likely to be much more convenient to us than one in Oshawa or any other 1} 'the government of the people, for the [ Port Perry Community Memorial lace for that matter re convenient for those.of our folk who. ok people and by the people. Recreation Centre, 3 Places or that matter--more convenient. for those-of our folk who should Be w als ; : ak Ys Port Perry, ---- i$ - Nes Shonen. ie need a hospital and so much more tonvenient for their 20 e are now at war with Communism, | ° : _ families to visit them. : J 2 but make no mistake in believing that | Pear Mr. Cornish: ; hn {1 Furthermore, we in Reach Township would have a definite stake in ¢ "__ the armies of the United Nations, the The girls and boys of Port Perry 1 the Port hospital --we would be co-owners of it with our neighbours in Port i; tons of equipment and the burden of | Public School wish you to extend J Perry, Scugog and Cartwright townships; surely a grand co-operative ven- | on taxes is going to win this war! No [their sinceré thanks and appreciation | v ture in the'interest and for the welfare of our own fol. : : RE Siree! It takes more than that, "Isms? _| to the Recreation Committee for hav- 7) Further, the building now begun as a hospital at the north Side of Port i do not stop in front of the approaching | ing provided such a fine 'arena for (/ 4 Perry hasithe full approval of the Department of Health of Ontario and is army. They have an alarming habit of | them to enjoy. X , ALBANY gh SOVIET NMENT CRANTS as wa as the » : infiltration, We are liable to find the Yesterday, December 20tH, some 2 municipal les signify their ability to put up their share o At 1e cost. 3 ps evidence sitting on our own doorstep. | two hundred and thirty children had'a MN Pout Po y ha already Yoted Sio900 {0 ' ), Beugog 3 2 A a i Naturally the possibility is greater if | dream come true when you allowed v $12,600 Mie a mill) "And i Tm Pg ip 4 hs ns i ir "you happen to live in an industrial area them to be the first group to skate in ¢ HP tiple ; i YIN Cis . . . Wiig Wily our present 1 y pp 3 Reviethn tly : reeve who was largely responsible for the Hospital Board buying this but Communism . overlooks no weak [his Peautiful arena: : ) building from War Asséts Corporation., - s it ATE point, even if you don't notice it. Again, we wish to thank the entire Lastly, some uncomplimentary things have been said about this new 1 % Co : committee and the people of the Port 7 building. One man called it a "chicken coop"; another called it a "hog *.~ Only - today India's great. leader, Perry Community for having been so fo.pen". May we remind these men that buildings such as these provided | 'Nehru, has said that Communism will | kind and generous in making it pos- hospital accommodation for thousands of Canadian service men and women | __. be defeated only by making our way of | sible for us to enjoy many good times § in the late war. If they were good enough for them--need we finish the Ak = life so good that no one will see any in the future years in this grand Re- sentence? . . 2 73 : BRE 1 ". di oth 3 = | creation Centre, : | Let's lay aside all personal differences and dislikes and co-operate in good In any o er way. Exeai £ this project. Let's finish the building of this Community Hospital. 484A After all Canada--Ontario--Port Perry, Yours yey a, y LET'S GIVE A DEFINITE OVERWHELMING "YES" TO THE ii. ' is governed by a democratic govern- Class Secretary. & 4 Ro wy ERIE: Sig HOSPITAL QUESTION. : oT { 3 7 ey iii ne gov: Eloy yo, oy ; Ags Aes SRA RRR = FRE DFR SRILA : Published at no cost to the Hospital, EM er an ur Neighbour? | C Fresont, NL i EL BE eee Ti = A"GROUP OF HOSPITAL SUPPORTERS. A Th x | : . : acted as chairman in his happy, io) 3 NOTES AND COMMENTS | Election News Manchester s |plcnsin way, and eventually st. Nick {7 1 : i : i N . ; = dds arrive and aistribute g 8 from a = Bi 5 THE NEW YEAR THE HOPE REPORT _SCUGOG_ TOWNSHIP. RETURNS- A BR well-laden tree, ~~~ [an a Havel emia = : To tn a ebay aT 1950 COUNCIL Eriko } : Mr. and Mrs. Joel Miller were wit} $5 ~~ What are some of the developments After six years of work the Hope Com- ) sage on Christmas Sunday. The theme | = daughter, Mrs. Harold Honor pala which we may expect in the coming year? mission on Education in Ontario has final- , : ~All members of the 1950 Council | being "Incarnation" and using for his [ 7 family, Honeydale, for Christmas. J © 5 For man that has always been a very dif- ly submitted its report, It takes up some - OPEN NEW HALL were returned to office by acelama- text, "The Word became flesh and Mr-and Mrs. John Cranley and Jin fits a AE ficult problem . . . human beings at no 1100 pages and is apparently quite an ex- On Friday, December 22nd, the Can- tion for 1951. dived among us." Service and 8S. S. of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Barfoot and j312 : : time in history found it easy to predict haustive report. The Government in the adian Legion, Branch 419, opened its| The slate is as follows: ag usug) host Sunday, . children; Miss C. Cowan, of Toronto; ~ 2{ ' 3 what the coming year would bring . . . person of the Premier of the Province has new hall for the first time. Ahout|RCCVC noir John L. Sweetman] Miss Hazel Gregg, Port Colborne, | "Vi oid? Cowan and friend of (.%/ 4 today in our world of tempestuous social announced that it is under no compulsion 15 to 20 Veterans and their friends | Councillors--Geo. Smith, Ray Milner, |is with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Holtby, Carnarvon, were holiday guests with 3 revolution, it is even more difficult to fore- to implement it either-in-whole or in part. enjoyed n pleasant social evening, Anson Gerrow, Angus Wilkinson. . | for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Roach. -- 5 see the future, However, there is little While we have had no time to study the As this was the last meeting for | School Area Board--Maurice Fralick, , Pia igi Topoute, i Rin Donna Woolley is with her parents _ \¢ . doubt concerning what we fear may hap- report in detail, there are certain recom- 1950, the business was the election of Charles Reader, Cecil Fralick, Joe | § i u a 0, were a elr home [. "0 onto for the holidays. Lg pen... , and there is little disagreement mendations contained in it that are long officers for 1051, Following is the| - Powson and Douglas Crozier (the [here over the; week-end. a is NAT about what we hope would happen. overdue. The new divisions which would slate of officers: new member for this year. : ies Depets oy of Magan, it read : We are afraid that the coming year will restrict elementary education to the first "| President .................... Frank H. Smith HEE TS Tolinaon of Greenwood. iis with her Hockey Activit 3 a bring an extension of the East-West con-_ six grades of our system seems to be a Vice-President Reg. Moorchouse PORT PERRY LACKS TWO on. ETAL and family. for Ciistnas avy oa ve lY 8 flict . . . that consequent upon this we' most logical move. * The present set-up Sec'y-Treas. wade DUChEstie | COUNCILLORS Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Crosier spent| O-R.H.A. HOCKEY AT PORT HAS ------will-be forced to accept a bitter regimenta- was instituted when it was felt that most Sgt. at Arms..........John L. Sweetman the holiday week-end with their fam. NEW ARENA, DEC. 28th. fA ~ tion of our lives in order that we may gird students would leave school upon the com- Assistant... George Burnett | Reeve--Frnest Hayes (Acel.) lity in Toronto This will be the first game to be. 80} Li. ourselves for the conflict . . that many pletion of the Senior Fourth (now, Grade Executive. Committee--Geo. 'Parry,| . There were only two qualified..for : ry . = : aay i A a AL : : Ton Mrs. Samells and pupils are to be | played in the new rink. - Game is ALBA. al ill i jet ill heed- = Eight). -Thus, the completion of elemen- Herb. Dobbs, and Alan Walsh. the office of councillor, Dr. M. B. Dy- « j=. A x i 8aci A In our soclety will go on unhee i ! congratulated on the excellent pro-|¢alled for 8 p.m.--Cannington vs. Port Lah ve will h ither the ti tary education in the public elementary Padve lian J. T. Coneybeare | mond and Harry Peel. ; i a : ERE ed for we wi ave neither the time nor ybea ram given at the hall last Thursday | Perry. Adults. 160c., Children: 26¢ 4 £8 the means to cope with them . . . in short - school was looked, upon With haturally . The next business was the Guard of | A #ccond Romination meeting fs FETE" The choruses, Pigent, "The Come out and see this wonderful new Wy A we fear a holocaust of human destruction breaking off points, ib : Improve Honour for the Grand Opening of the called toy January 1st, 1981, Te Js Christmas Story", and other numbers | Recreation Centre at its best. Good Fo { and human ideals and human values in the schools, better methods of instruction ; Recreation Centre on January 12th, | hoped enough interested citizens will were much enjoyed. . Dr, - Fletcher | ive nivl splendid atcomo ods con. i theces of 8 disholie wer, : Tho age. nt the onteance level wrads | Ihe Set-at-Arms, John I. Sweetman, attend and choose two a= +¥ Sh ; PR ' - 1; tr s affair. : er in order \ . i ' x We hope that in some way the forces of ually dropped lower and lower and when n charge of this a ap, He gave 3h council to carry on the business of : 1%; Communism and the upholders of Demo- the: Adolescent Act came, the completion Otifine of i Mae ths eded. rp line PORT : PERRY COMMUNITY i a Te ¥ = a a Es nae A Er a------ Fre Tg pur Fema - I] . A ' . i --cracy can effect a workable settlement | . of the elementary part of education was eo our party of. § or mets -P us h Those whé qualified for positions : ; "34 that our crazy spiraling of inflation and. To . A int. Moat il parade of 36 to 40 men. All veterans the Public. Shocl Bord mee: cor . : . Hid its attendant evils can be checked: -no longer a stopping point. 08t pupils are requested to be on hand at the |" the Public { 25 Memorial Recreation Centre : iS 3 AVI were required to continue at school for an- ; King, W. Thomas Harris, Dr. Camp- : 43 *. that the real problem of human association next meeting, January 2nd, 1961, in x . J { the struggle may be dealt with intelligent. other two years. - Therefore Grade X be- the New Hall to receive details in full, | ell, MacMaster. : ; = I ; herhood and social ~~ Came the terminal point in education It was suggested that a press re- ¢ oes . Campaign Headquarters--Canadian Bank of Commerce > ly In a spirit o largely replacing what the entrance once understanding. : ar fu Therefore, Grades X | | =| Papier he abbointed to assist the sec. | REACH TO HAVE ELECTION : i "HRP Hy : : : : $ : oorhead was apppointed to : JARY 1st x ---- i - ; 5: Torn between doubt and fear, hope and automatically became a unit . .- or should ah cpt : MONDAY, JANU ; RIP Age 'a new ; i f the position of assistant reporter. : ! Cash- receipts since last list pub-) Norman P. Aldred ........ciuiios 60.00 : courage we stand on the threshold 0 Any have become a unit, With a injrodicd Be on hand January 2nd. Place-- The following candidates have. de- liohot resid . . Boy Scouts 36.26 he year, perhaps, a new era. And it is our tion of the Intermediate Division this has Now Hall, Times pi. cided to have: thelr ramos. on: the d: Y SONS coin winipnaritis wie 86. TEE prayer that Whatever Wwe must face, that now heen accomplished, It is a wise move. y A short report was given on the | ballot and are seeking election: Leslie Virtue oid. +...$10.00 | Minnie F. Batty o.oo. 50.00 : er h p Blve wl we face it realistically a8 becomes the : However, it has raised much op ition, Year's activities, We are glad to re-| Reeve---H, 0. Dobson, T. H, Harding. | Gordon Fishley, Blackwater .... 6.00] Frank Bowles ............ REE TR 6.00 Es human soul with dignity and urpose, with : particularly from Catholics for t ey 'feel port-than George Burnett is to receive | Councillor ----- Malcolm Bailey, Leslie | Ralph Reynolds ..........ccccovvvvvinnnn. 10.00 | Geo. Samells ..... we 26.00 a a serise of the reatness of that which We 1%, that it narrows their control over the edu- 100% pension, We are now 'working Smith, - Elmer J. Gibson, Walter C.] Ethel Mackin coors 3.00 | Dre Sangster iin . 10.00 3 have achieved n the past dnd the convic - cation of their children in Separate Roman on one or two pensions for boys of Lynde. ° | Wilbert Couch ...... tes eeninsiniladio 10,00 | Thos, Asher ....... PATER 6.00 . . : tion that greater th § are to come in the Catholic Schools, ; Sa Port Perry. If there are any veterans. Township Area School Board--Elwood | Gordon Holdershaw © 10,00 | Geo. Matthews, Greenbank nn 1.00 2 future, In the final ana ais, it will riot be - needing hospitai eare or any informa-| Clements, Walter Howsam, John | Colville Bros. ...i.oonims 10.00 | Thos. Buckley ........ 18 3g ohh what hap) sens that matt | 80. much as EEL tion concerning pensions, please get Melntyre, Ben. Smith, B, L. Wana- | Morley Raines, Seagrave .. 6.00] T. C. Blakely ........ ee 2 pri <« h 'we red t to that sh Na ne, Las gaw in touch with the executive, - : maker, Gordon Ward, Geo. F.|David Edwards ............... 2,00| John A. MeKitriek .i.....; EH 2 08s Is first fn hi sot | and fied 4 ROH We are planning many activities| , Welsh, Fred W. Wilkinson. Five Roy Scott .cooiiiiivmimmmin woe 10,00 | Ernest Lee oii... Prints : thon bara a + the Shs 1d is in eh... be ' . for the coming year, All veterans in] to be elected. + J Stewart MacFarlane ...... TRIE . 10.00] Ryerson Beare .............. WR il 86) iy - would 'have it be, Aug a x TICK af Port Perry and District are cordially| There will also be a vote on the Maty Ci Metler, Port Perry ... 10.00 | Wilmot Walker ..... an Apts 2 0 Ore tely chooses that his worl * Xo BB invited to come and share in these | question of making a grant to the|J. G. Sleffert ..........coein. wanna 0,00 | Reg. Foster ......... igi sha i HRT : : ~SER gatherings, wy Port Perry Community Hospital. Chas, Popert ......ummenn 26.00 | Stanley Foster ss ------------------ % py Har ! : i f : J! : o : : . : . : 4 | A ' wd f 3 - ol ad #4 : oe FEE ad PES LA' Al : peal Ls Sg ble Si nt fbi

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