Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Jan 1951, p. 6

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NEEL PY heen full of broken pledges-- "EVENING GOWNS - Phone--GE 1676 Visit Our Beautiful New Bridal Salon The Loveliest in-all Canada-- "Complete with a gorgeous array of WEDDING -- BRIDESMAID AND "SHOP at ARDLEY'S._ with CONFIDENCEY ARDLEY FROCKS 491-3-5 Danforth Ave. (near Logan) Toronto, Ont. wJPHOLSTERY | &! UND) 747) Btn RE-UPHOLSTERY by Expert Craftsmen . When a long-experienced artisan re- news and re-covers your furniture, it is the finest assurance of a lasting, quality job. Call us now for the upholstery work you like. Rousseau : Upetry a Whitby - Phone 483 -. To 1951 We now know that Nineteen-Fifty An Invocation LA Has been ruthless- bloody- shifty Promises with razor edges-- Instead of all the hopeful ones it offered First of January. Those who aimed to make things better Are held up to us as debtor: Those who evil did and said it Claim an altruistic credit: We seem farther off than ever from the Brotherhood of Man! Here's hope 'Fifty-One, just starting, Though from past years' wounds still smarting, --May yet help us; and proveable -- TT To improve times so unstable And erase the scars and blunders that its forerunnces began: So that we and all God's creatures May' meet each with gladsome features: That we ALL, through through wisdom sager, May AT LAST have won-the wager And can SIGHT the goal of Worldwide Peace and Brotherhood of Man! Toronto and St. Christopher. * © PS EE a ESS gi a = =| shaine; --M. B. McCAUSLAND : a SAN "LOOK FOR $27. 00 DEPOSIT YOU CAN PUT THE FAMOUS SIMPLICITY Blackstock Things have returned to normal af- ter the Christmas holiday. The con- certs were a success in spite of the absence of many of the pupils, be- cause of illness. Many are still out of school, Congratulations to Mr. Harold Potts of the High School Teaching staff, on 'his marriage, Tuesday, December 26th; at: Century Baptist Church, 'Mrs, W.- VanCamp, Mabel, Jessie and Wilma were guests. - We welconig Mrs. Potts to' our community. Clara" Marlow and Neil Bailey, stu- dents of Petérboro Normal were stu- dent teachers at Enniskillen and Bur- keton schools, respectively, last week. Mr. Ivan Thompson has charge of the rink this season. Skating and | curling are being enjoyed by young folks. A shower was held in the hall on Wednesday evennig, December 28th for Mr, and Mrs. George Wolfe, Rev. George Nicholson was the chairman and an interesting program was en- joyed, after which they were present- ed with a beautiful tri-light lamp and end table'from St. John's ghurch mem- bers. Many other gifts were received also. The neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hooey took this opportunity to present them with a floor lamp prior to their moving to their new home in Blackstock. On Friday evening a caine tion church when Mr. and Mrs; Wolfe were given a table lamp. Rev. and Mrs. Nicholson, Blackstock and Rev. and Mrs. McComb and family of Janet- ville attended. Mr. McComb with Mrs. McComb and their two children _have recently come from Nova Scotia to Janetville, Lallyduff and Nestleton charge. The service is held at 3.30 p.m. each Sun- day. } 0. N. O. Club held the December meeting at the home of Mrs. D. Dor- rell in the form of a Christmas party with 4 tree and gifts. Names for the gifts were drawn at the "previous meeting. The roll call was--""where 1 would like to take a trip." Plans were made for a-carnival in January. Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Snooks, So Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. I'an on their 31st wedding an- niversary on Christmas Day. They were entertained at the home of their daughter Mrs. 'H. Bailey with their grand-children and other friends. Mrs. John Forder has gone to Osh- awa to spend the winter with Mrs. B. Dunn. Agnes 1. Muirhead Shepard, wife of the late Albert Shepard, died at her home in Caesarea, on Tuesday, Dec. 19. She was buried in Caesarea cem- etery.. Mrs. Shepard died in log home where she was born 93 years ago. Her | father, as she loved to recall, received wus held 'in Nestleton Presbyterian |- Cartwright's grand old lady, 'Ms: : J wus sung to open the meeting, after which ev. nicholson ded in a Prayer HeS8100, Mrs, Nicholson gave excellent ve- ports on the work of the Little Hel pers and of the Gils' Auxiliary, Mis, Harry McLaughlin, Dorcas Secretary, reads Lhe list required and it was also reported that our Urgan Fund dona- tions were satistactory to date. I'he reuring President, Mrs, Arthur Bailgy, and also the Vice-L'res., Mis, VY. Archer, were given hearty vote of 'thanks for their work. Rev. Nicliol- son conducted the clectipn for officers tor 1Yol, as follows. - : rast kres.--Mrs. A, Bailey; Pres. ---brs, Thos. Langleld; lst Vice-Pres. --Muis, V. Archery 2nd Vice-Pres.-- mus, Thos, Smith; Corresponding Sec'y and krait and Flower Convener --Mrs, Wm. "Van Camp; Asst. for Fruit and Flower Comi-->Mrs. Joseph Lorder; Recording Sec'y--Murs: J. A. McArthur; Dorcas Sec'y-->Mrs, Harry McLaugh) Am; Literary Sec y--alrs, Fred Ham-] ten; Living Message Sec 'y-->Mrs, Db. Mclean; Litue Helpers' Sec.-Areas.-- Mrs, Geo: Nicholson; Lunch Conveners --Mrs, Smith and Mrs, Argue; Pray- er Partner Sec'y-- Mrs, Arthur Bailey Auditors-->Mrs, 'I, Smith, Mrs. W. VanCamp; Group Conveners-- Miss Gladys McKee, Mrs. John Rahm, Mrs. Thos. Smith, Mrs. Wi. Van Camp. The, new President took the chair and heartily thanked the ladies for clecting her 'and asked for the co- operation of all, ' Arrangements were made to send several cheer boxes and calendars, alsu Ww purchase a book for one of our former members and to donate $5.00 towards ~our- "Sunday School Christ- mas gifts. The meeting was closed with bene- diction by "Rev. Nicholson. = Lunch was served by Mrs, Nicholson and the lunch -committee of Mrs. and Miss Parr. A hearty vote of thanks for their kind hospitality was tendered to the Nicholsons. to have with us 'two babies. re ao - The Head W. A. held its December Collins, The meeting opened with the singing of two Carols, "Hark! the Herald Angels Sing" and "Silent "Night" The "Lord's ~Prayer-was-said in unison, Thre ee letters were read: from Mrs. Bick, Mrs. Alan Jackson and Mrs. Ed. Patrick, "Our roll call star ted with the word "Santa Claus" and ended with Christ- mas Spirit." The minutes of the last. meeting 'were read and approved. It was moved by Clara Martyn and seconded by Reta Rodman that we Treas.--Miss Eva Farag Langfeld Members | present 17, and we were also Pleased oC nieeting at the home of Mrs. Gordon Obituary 4 ROBERT HAMILTON The death occured in Millbrook on December 11 of Robert John Hamilton of Blackstock, Mr. Hamilton, who was in his 82nd year, had been in .| poor health for some time, although his final illness was short. * He was born in Cartwright Town- ship, the son of Frank Hamilton and the former Jane Swain. His 'mother was the daughter of early settlers in Cavin Township, Mr, Hamilton had been living in Millbrook for about six months. All tha rest of his life had been spent in : Cartwright. Township. - Mr. Hamilton had been married twice. the first time to Sarah Mec- Brien and the second to Lottie Mc- Brien, who survives. and daughters include: Frederick, Mrs. Wm. Taylor (Annie), John and Cecil, all of Blackstock, and Percy, Principal of Millbrook Public School. farmer, received his education in Blackstock, He was a member of St: John's Anglican Church in Blackstock, where he held the position of Warden. He was a member also of the Loyal Orange Lodge, and of the Royal Black Preceptory, Blackstock. Six Orangemen acted as pallbearers at the funeral which took place Dee. 14 at St. John's Anglican Church, in Blackstock, with Rev. Mr. Nicholson officiating. John's Cemetery, Blackstock. Surviving sons | ¢ F NODERNIZE o Interment was in 'St. TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR ARREARS OF TAXES = Township of Reach By Virtué of A Warrant, issued by the Reeve of the Township of Reach, under his hand and the Ses of the Corporation of the Township of Reach, bearing date the bth day of September, 1950, to the Treasurer of the Township of Reach directed, commanding the said Treasurer to: levy upon the la hereinafter set forth, together with fees and costs thereon, I hereby give notice that unless the taxes and costs be sooner paid, and ay to the Assessment Act, R.8.0. 1987 and Amendments thereto, 1 shall on Friday the 12th: day of January, 1961, at the hour of two o'clock in the prividt Ly at the Township Hall, in the Village of Manchester, proceed ta sell'by public suction, the lands, to discharge such arrears of taxes and costs thereon. Party Assessed.. - Description. To Wit: Acreage, Years. Taxes. Costs. Total Joseph, Stone Village of + 4 acre 1947 i $18.60 $82.84 Estate Greenbank + 1960 Bis : Lot 18, Con. un + inel. Treasurer's Office, Manchester September 65, 1050. °- GRANT CHRISTIE, 'Treasurer, Twp. of Reach 'Now is the time to modernize your KITCHEN and 1] : BATHROOM. Mr. Hamilton who was a retired See how smart these rooms can be made by the use of BRISTOL TILE BOARD, or PLASTIC WALL TILE on the walls, and. RUBBER TILE FLOORS. Of 'course, to go with these are the Bright Chromium Metal ~ Trims, which give a complete modern effect. There is a J. wide range of colours in all these products and we will be - pleased to give what information we can to assist you. ; 'REESOR FUEL & LUMBER PORT PERRY PHONE 73 QUAN AR SSR AREF ARR RR. FRRR RRR AIR ARAR NAAN NS i dt . the deed of this farm in August, 1849, over a hundred years ago. Mrs. Shep- ard had a remarkable memory for faces, names and events, which would put many much "younger people to and she had a host of very dear friends. St John's W. A. The December meeting of St. John's W. A..was held at the rectory, the home of Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Nichol- | son, December 14, in-the afternoon. The hymn "Carol Sweetly Carol" give the birthday money to missions. Ten cents per person was collected for our W.A. membership, Mrs. Gordon Collins read a Chriat- mas story and Dorothy Martyn gave us a Christmas Carol Quiz which was Martyn. Guests were Mis. Powell and Miss Louise Mark. Collection $4.86. much enjoyed "lunch. UTICA School reopened this week with most of the scholars over their sick- ness. We are very pleased to report who had both measles and pneumonia are much improved in health: On Sunday the 14th, Mr. and Mrs, "Muir, of Stouffville, returned mission. aries, will show pictures and give a talk at 2,16 p.m. interesting. Do not fail to Te pre- won by Mrs. C. Reader. and Mrs. H. | Mrs, Lou Pearce's group served a Dorothy Wilbur and Curly Kendall, | It should be very: Serve Canada at Sea Canada's Navy is fighting for freedom abroad orl '--to protect freedom at home. 'The Royal Canadian Navy néeds men today. = pd The Navy's job is a big job--important to very Canadian, You can join us now. Life at sea is a challenge. It's a man's life and you must be physically fic and able co live up to Navy standards. 2 3 The need is REAL- .The need is NOW. ACT YODAYL a re Be a sailor. Serve your country and yourself. "You'll see foreign places --and the full benefies ofa service "5 { sent. # 0) \ oh . career 'can be yours: now. : 4 _ PORCELAIN TUB WASHING MACHNIE og people will meet on Fri \ ) i 55g ges g" your home. One year to pay the balance. Mrs. J. E. Mitchell guést of Mrs.|. Shh A : : Rusnell on Monday. No "If yon are beswwen 17 and 29= have Grade 8 editeation "n % "OTHER TERMS: ; TH: Wotiaity pestis: Gio ; \ "beter --are a Canadian citizen or other British subjects" \ 15 = : 2 : : o will be 'held on Thursday the a : Qt jo $70.00 DEPOSIT FOR 8% CUBIC FT. 3 pm. at the home of Mrs. Frank = Wri 00 fu Recruiting Offer Noval 11eaddpentiens, Offinas ia Kendall. Group three in charge. or writs or ue in person the Recruiting Officer at your marest a . : Mrs, Catherwood and Freddie, of ' Naval Division, and find out bow you can join. 3 be = RACINE REFRIGERATOR Pine Grove, visited Mr. and Mrs, J. ; E. Mitchell, Sunday afternoon. The following are Sunday - School officers for next year: 18 MONTHS TO PAY THE BALANCE. «$24.00 DEPOSIT. FOR A HOOVER VACUUM CLEANER COMPLETE WITH ACCESSORIES. Year to pay balance. The Boal C Canadian ' sein VACANE o RE uns Bible Class Teacher.......... Mrs, Wilbur Junior Class Teachers. we Mrs, Kaill Superintendent .......ivin ROBERTSON ELECTRIC - Primary - Class dL Kenia ) ; = : g = : Secretary .......Miss A, Stephenson 7 Phone 179W Port Perry oy were Dorothy Wilbur | . -~ v __B| Pianist Mrs. Wilbur

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