Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Jan 1951, p. 8

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~ he AI rt A me we arrival, [ $4 XY PRES Ne 2 Le adel Bb x A id CRANE HE TEAK i ARERR CRRA WR NE HOARE RSD CBSA AH Ni ) . i \ \ SL £ : sie LE : 3 : : \ ji 4 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11th, 1951 -------- wo Eee Se i -- po " . o ~ CLASSIFIED A ADS ATTENTION FARMERS! We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals and pay the highest prevailing prices. Phone Port Perry 118 r 2, Uxbridge 27 Brooklin 62° Toronto, Adelaide 8636 GORDON YOUNG LTD. EXPERIENCED DUTCH FARMERS "Dutch Immigrants seeking 'Cana- "- 'dian sponsors. Apply now for early Write K. 'Vlieger, R: R. 2, Nestleton, Ont. - janl8 FOR SAL | If 21496 Ford 3-ton-truck chassis, good care, Apply to Uxbridge Farmers Co-Op., Uxbridge, Ont. jand Wanted--Woman for light house work=--mornings phone 272w, ROOMS WANTED -- 2 or 3 un- , furnished rooms with conveniences for "light housekeeping,' by. a quiet couple. Phone 139J.. » FOR RENT -- Three room apart- ment, with conveniences. Phone 200, FOR SALLE--Boy's Skates, size 6; 2 pairs size 5; 1 pair size 6%, Girl's size'4. Phone 280W. DEAD FARM STOCK . Picked up. promptly. "As an added service we will co- operate with your veterinarian in post-mortem. 2Va¢ per 1b for live horses. Call collect Bowmanville 2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM I'yrone. . REI WOMAN WANTED Evening work in restaurrant. Ap- ply in person to Green Thistle Rests aurant, Port Perry, '| Suth day of December, WANTED- size 3. -Boy's skates and boots Paul Diamond, Phone 67 r 31. E . APPLES FOR SALE ~ Cooking and cating apples. delivered by bushel or basket. IL. Paliock, hone 206K, Local Apply Port Perry. White con- Stove, perfect Port Perry. FOR SALE -- Cook Iinamel ~ dition. in Phone 67 r 42, Harriston, FOR SAL E- -White Boots and Tube 7, C.C.M. Phone H1-r 11 ~ "Port Perry. iia - pris §, size FOR SALE Boy's Skates and Boots, size 7.. $5.00." Apply at Star Office. FOR SALE -- Sewing Machine in good running order. Orval Heayn, Phone 117 r 31, Port Perry. "FOR SALE -- Pigs, 7 weeks. old. _ Phone P aul Diamond, 67 r3L FOR _SALE--1930 Ford Coach, 3 new tires and new battery: Good Tunning condition. $100.00. Phone 195 r 32. . FOR 'SALE---3roomed Cottage and Jot. Winterized. Tmmediate posses- sion. Apply Ross Keclegy Port Perry "after 6 pm. FOR SALE --- Coal Burning, Air Circulating good heater, gray enamel, al condition." Also Console Electric --Radio.-- Reasonable Phone FOR SALE--"Cosy Home" coal & wood Cook Stove, reasonable. Phone . 244-W Port Perry. FOR SALE--=Cob Corn, $40.00 per ton; Baled Hay, $20.00 per ton. Ux- Spring Farms _ Limited, Uxbridge - Ontario. Jan.18 British Ontario Motors "Trucks, 'Tractors, .Implements Motor Cycles Immediate delivery on the New 1951 Morris Cars Morris Oxford Sedan % Morris Minor Coach _ 50 60 49 Morris Minor Coach 48 Morris 10 Sedan 40 - Chev Sedan 87 Chev Coach 32 Dodge Sedan \ 47 = Studebaker Pick up : 40 International Stake 49 James Motor Cycle 61° Ferguson Tractors and Imple- ments. All indications point to a shortage | of steel, also a substantial rise in "prices, it might be advisable to con- sider your spring needs well in ads vance, : We have just received a small ship- ment of steel plow shares. EASY TERMS .- CASH or TRADE "BRITISH ONTARIO MOTORS Leaskdale Newmarket 7 miles North Uxbridge. 6 Water St. FOR - SAL I Convertible Baby- Ca Jarriage, blue, in good condition. Also Coal Heater, in good condition. Phone 2664, Port Perry. 281W. For quality New and Uscd Cars, 4 Administratrix, NOVICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of David Carnegie, a Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of David Carnegie, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Hardware Mer- chant, who -died on or about the 16th day of December, A.D, 1960, are here- by notified. to send to the' under- signed on or before the 31st day of January, 1961, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which he shall then have nofice. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 20th day of December, A.D, 1960, ARTHUR W. S. GREER, K.C., Box 131, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors, janl8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of James Read, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Retired. All 'persons having claims against the estate of the above named who died November 29th, 1960, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned purticulurs of their claims on or be- foré February 10th, 19561. Immed- | iatedly after February 10th, 1951, the the deceased will be dis- tributed among the parties entited thereto having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 1960. HARRIS, HARRIS & 'WALLACE, I'ort Perry, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administratrix. janzs insets of NOTICE T0 CREDITORS In the Estate of Yuined H. Strong, late of the Township of Cartwright, in the County of Durham, Farmer All persons having claims against the estate of the above named who died November 11th, 1960, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned particulars of their claims oy or be- fore February 3rd, 1961. Immediate- ly after February 3rd, 1961, the assets of the deceased will be distri- buted among the parties' entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the undersigned. shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 30th day of 'December, 1950. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administratrix. janlg NOTICE TO CREDITORS | In the Estate of Ernest John Boys, late-of the Township of Reach, in the | County of Ontario, Farmer. All persons having claims against the estate of the above named who died September 28th, 1960, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned particulars of their claims on or be- fore February 3rd, 1961. Immed- iately after February 3rd, 1961, the assets of the deceased will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims -of -which- the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 30th day of December, 1950. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administratrix. janlg Ni -- eee TY wg NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Ethel May Boys, late of the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, Spinster. All persons having claims against the estate of the above named who died-December-10th,-1960, are here- by notified to send to the undersigned particulars of their claims on or be- fore February 3rd, 1961, Immediately after February 38rd, 1061; the assets of the deceased will be distributed among the parties en- titled thereto having regardsonly to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 30th day of Decerhber, 1960. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the jan18 1: E C ANADIAN HANDICRAFT INDUSTRY DEVELOPED RAPIDLY Canadian handicraft production has , | cost. increased substantially - during the past ten years, despite competition from mechanized industries with a large output at a relatively low unit It' is estimated that the retail value of handicraft articles made in Canada in 1960 exceeded $100 million. " 1H, E, Cartwright Council 'Lhe Municipal Council of the Town. ship of Cartwright held its' Inaugural meeting on January -8th;--1961, with all members present. After subscribing to the Declara- tion of Office, Rev. G. Nicholson read a portion of Scripture, and addressed the Council, concluding with prayer. 'The Reeve thanked the Rev. Gentle- man for his very fine address and asked him to sit in with 'the Council for a while and see the way business was conducted by a Municipal Coun- cil, The Reeve also extended the sympathy of the Council to Councillor Ivan Cochrane re the passing of his brother. He also welcomed all mem- bers back for another year and hoped all would work together for the Gen- eral Welfare of the Township during 1951. Council decldred open. Minutes read and adopted on mo- tion of Councillors Sweet and Black, Communications read from--Harry J. Winder, re road at- St. Christopher. P. C. re Street Lighting at Cae- surea, Estimate to be withdrawn and submitted again in July, Children's Aid Society, Port Hope requesting a Grant. On motion $60. granted. From County Assessor H. J. Hall requesting Information. From Sec. Federation of Agricul- ture requesting Township to appoint a representative to County Board. On motion Reeve appointed. By-Law to Borrow money for Town- ship and High School purposes up to a maximum of $20,000.00 for 19561; from Bank Commerce Port Perry, read 3 times signed and sealed. Clerk instructed to post Tenders for Bridge Timber as follows: 1600 ft., 14 ft. long, 6 in. thick, 7 pieces 14 ft. long, 12 in, thick, flatted on two sides, G6 Bridge logs 18 ft. long not less than 1 foot at small end. Dr. McArthur presented a Resolution from High Schgol Board requesting use: of Recreation Hall for Cadet Training. -Cadets to have free. use of Hall. re "Hockey, Proceeds to be divided 50-00. Township to pay for making new nets. Deputation from Durham Short horn Breeders Assoc. consisting of John Baker, Frank Richard and Mr. Howden requesting use of Armories for Shorthorn Sale the last week in March. Council -recommends to Re- creational Centre's Board that same be granted. Mr. Carl Wright 'requested tlie use of Community Hall, and Recreational Hall for Bay of Quinte Seed Fair on March 16th. Council also recommends this be granted. On motion Reeve and Clerk be com- mittee to advertise for new Assessor. On motion salaries and - wages for 1951 be set as follows: Clerk-Treas. Collector ............ $1000. 00 'Road Supt.--$150 per month and $26. --per-month for car. Frank Bailey, Truck and Grader Driver $130.00 per month Marni; Team on Wagon or Drag : $1.50 per hr. drawing gravel, ete. Tractor with wagon ............ 1.60 per hr. Tractor on Grader or Drag _ CI - $2.00 per hr. Man T eam y 20d Mower, cutting weeds $2.00 per hr.' Township to pay caretaker | H. Thompson, Reg. 4 Births 7 marriages and 12-deaths...-- 5.76 'A. J. Mahoney membership in Good Roads ASSOC. wuiiieiins 6.00 R. Wall, sheep val, 2 trips .... 5.00 Owen Stacey, 1 Lamb and 1 sheep -killed by dogs ....... 64.00 Relief ...oviisinniiniens WAITER 40.00 IF, A. Hyland .......coommmrrsniene 50,00 Harold Martyn, bulbs for rink 7.74 John Lawrence, bounty, 1 fox 3.00 Henry Thompson, Clerk-Treas. bil. for Jan. \....... finda Hel Wm. McCabe, wood ., J. W Pearce, wood and repairs to pump at rink ce. 27.00 Children's Aid Society Grant... 50.00 John Venning, caretaking of .Recréational Hall for: Cadets 18.60 Ivan Thompson, caretaker rink 100.00 On motion Council adjourned to February bth at 2 p.m. Henry Thompson, clerk. > Epsom The Epsom Sunday School election of officers for 1951 resulted as fol- lows: . Superintendent............. Donald Asling y Asst, Supts, ti, Earl Wilson : To Lorne Wagner Secretary no. .... Bruce Boyington Asst. Secretary .............. Floyn Evans Treasurer ......cueovirne. Walter Kerry Bible Class Teacher....Enoch McKnight Assistant' ...Joseph Wilson Young People's Willing Workers Class Teacher .....auu... Mrs, Wilfred Evans Assistant .........coeenee Gordon Prentice Junior Boys, : Pdaehr. wo iaivncisiin Elmer Wilson JASSISIANL orci ciianienrien Ross Evans Junior Girls Bluebird Class-- Teacher Murs. Lorne Wagner cA SHISLant iriver Barbara Acton Senior Primary Class-- Teacher ..... ...Mrs, Gordon Prentice Assistant ......oveveeenneneinnns Lois Ashton Junior Primary Class-- , Teacher ... ...Mrs. Donald Asling Assistant ........opeee Mrs. Ray Munroe Cradle Roll Supt.-- - - "Mrs. Fifilay Munioe Missions Secretaries....Mrs, Ii. Wilson and Mrs, Norman Prentice Temperance Secretaries........ Mrs. John Millman and Mrs. Elmer Wilson. _ Mr. Howard Bartley and brother, Myr. Hannah were in'Port Hope recent- ly, visiting relatives and attended the 26th wedding anniversary of a cousin, Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Moore, We were very-sorry to hear-that Mr, Lorne Snodden's barn at Val- entia, was destroyed by fire. Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Beacock and family spent New Year's with friends in Detroit. Sorry' to report that Miss Audrey Cumming was taken to the Oshawa | Hospital for an appendix operation. Mr. and Mrs. Al, Christie and Dar- len spent Christmas and New Years with relatives in Brampton and Maple Grove... Mr. and Mrs. Ray Medd and family spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Del- . bert Catherwood and boys at Port Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thanipion: and Mae, Victoria Corners, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A: Christie. Mr. and Mrs. M. St. Clair spent New Year's with relatives in Toronto. Hlanist:, lo a ammin Mildred Evang Chorus Leader .......... Gordon Prentice Assistant o.oo. Barbara Acton The regular meeting of the Honeydale W.I. was the home of Mrs. Barthau. This meeting was on His- .0de, followed by the Lord's Prayer. Roll Call was answered by naming a Historical event. % The highlight of the faeeting was a very . interesting and informative talk by Mrs, Holliday, of Brooklin, on "Her Motor Trip West through some up the Alaska Highway." Mrs, Holli- | day had snapshots to show us many |. interesting places she visited. such a terrible wet and foggy day. solo, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. S. Ploughman, which was enjoy- ed by all. Murs. I3li; convener of the Histori. cal Research and Current Evnts, gave an interesting report and paper on the history of Port Perry Fair. Murs. Education convener, gave her report on the recent elections of Port Perry and Reach Councils. She also read a paper on- Education. - Mrs. G. Robert- son, Home Economics and Health con- vener, urged all ages to continue tak- ing Cod Liver Oil. ~ A very pleasant social half "hour 'was spent at the close of the meeting. Mrs. H. Honey's group served lunch. Honeydale W.I. extend congratula- torical Research and opened with the | of the States, Western Canada and] ?$ On behalf of the W.I., Mrs. Cooke |! extended a hearty vote of thanks to Mrs, Holliday for her splendid talk 1 and courage coming to Port Perry on '; Mrs. H. Honey rendered a lovely |; Hutchinson, Citizenship and |} J to I RE HA Two Shows Nightly--17 and } THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 11-12-18 Betty Grable, Victor Mature, Phil Harris In the Sparkling Technicolor Comedy Hit "WABASH AVENUE" = : SHORT PICTURES i554 : - MONDAY, TUESDAY, WED'DAY, JANUARY 15:16:)7 + f Diana Lynn, John Derek, Alan Hale 8s In 'the 'Glorious All Technicolor Adventure Drama # © 'ROGUES of the SHERWOOD FOREST' : COMEDY, NEWS, ETC. ; Phone 16 = BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE | Stanley R. Bruton, Phm.B. PORT PERRY FROSST'S NEO CHEMICAL FOOD Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplement Liquid form for Children--24 day size $1.85, . 72 day size.$2.95, 144 day size $4.95 Capsules for Adults--b50's $1.46; 100's $2.65; 260's $6.96 ¥ : J BT ER es Se eS SL ines _Siibe SRE aiid Recreation Centre Committee entertain - Opening Night Guests at Dinner. The members of the Recrea- tion Centre Committee feel quite proud that they together with the Port Perry Council, Reeves of neighbouring municipalities and representatives. from our community organizations are go- ing to sit down to dinner with our distinguished guests for the Opening Night. . . However, the catch is, each committee . member pays his own. dinner. It's "dutch". treat. '- Port 'Perry Fire Brigade - attended Fire at Sidney Man len 60c. per hr. "On motion Accounts passed us" follows: BE, : | Canadians shop at six main types of chain stores -- grocery, women's clothing, footwear, hardware, drug Birthday Cak SATURDAY CAKE SPECIA Phone 32. Our BREAD and CAKES are MADE FOR THE PEOPLE WHO WANT THE BEST. . Tillbrooke House *.................. $ 29. q Canadian Statesman Adver- } am Yatiety fidtes, . tisi o § * ay i AN Ln ofr rg1' The average Canadian public lib- IR SS Sn Te | rary-user takes.out 17.books a year. | nem 1 RR a RR SRS RR MORRO AD SC AN Mie A pC a i es a Specialty L--"GOLDEN DATE CAKE" RS RR SR RR RAR please the palate. _. . . . and lunch hour. TRY Us! | Bill Taylor Have You Tried Our Super-Lunch? SUPER IN EVERY DETAIL! f SUPER SERVICE that will waste none of your valuable Don't just take our word for it. "The Gresn Thistle Restaurant PORT PERRY Nourishing food that will the pocket book. yy Jack Starkey 'Help make Canada strong ool --] ARMY ACTIVE FORCE, Tok, ou pla with mun lik thet. 'The Skilled ry i of the R.CEM.E The workshops of the Royal Canadian Blectrical and Mechanical Engineers are expanding rapidly -- in step with the growth of the Canadian Army Active Force. The men of the R.C.E M.E. are doing their part to make Canada strong. 2 'There is an urgent need foe skilled tradesmen 0 : man the workshops of this vitally important eoeps of "soldier-tradesmen", Skilled craftsmen are required to, fill the posts of automotive mechanics, fitters, toolmakers, radar sad radio technicians, instrument makers, welders, watchmakers, machinists and other key jobs. If you qualify as a skilled tradesman, [ees place fof yOR Ty (I RC UME, - You can serve now -- when Canada needs you -- as an expert "soldier-tradesman", To enlist in 3. Be single. Ne. 5 Personnel the RC.EME. you must: | 1. Be a Canadian citizen or British wwbject, 2,Be between 17 and 40 years of age. 4, Most Army test requirements. 8. Volunteer for Vrvies anywhere, REPORT. RIGHT AWAY 10: © Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sie., Deel Aart Neo. é pon iINasO Park, Ne. la Jd he Dapsh Charley Pe Eliachoth 3, LONDON, Dut. A2008.9 | ER Park, Boyet 1, ¥

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