Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 Apr 1951, p. 8

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TELS . SUNN RAN 3 2% ASS 2 x 3 ) Wl e. R. 1, Nestleton, Ont. io +5 AN BS . ¥ ALT SRR ANS ¥ A PRY WARE SERRE LTE IES TL TERT NEY PN TOUR PAs sage aa aent Rn haat ' - ) dadugs . ( | ' 2 ' a ¥ Th Ye indi de es A aan ny at A. Ea gis 2 5 ' ATTENTION FARMERS! We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals and pay the _ highest prevailing prices. Port Perry 118 r 2 Brooklin 62. Uxbridge 217, Toronto, EMpire 3-3086 Lindsay 3660 4 GORDON YOUNG LTD. ' af nov 30 DEAD FARM STOCK 4 Picked up promptly. Horses, Cows, Calves, Sheep & Pigs. ™~ (We pay for Horses and Cows) ~ As an added service we will co- operaté with your veterinarian in post-mortem. 2%¢ per Ib for live horses. Call collect Bowmanville 2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone. 1-61tf HOUSES WANTED in Port Perry and District We have a number of, Clients in the market for houses and farms--if you wish to sell: Consult us DONALD SsCoTr . REAL ESTATE 256 Prince St., corner of Bond St. Oshawa--Phone 4153 : May 3rd FARM HELP Better apply carly for Dutch Farin Help--experienced -and reliable. Don't wait Loo long. Apply to S. Buma, R. Phone 226 r 24, april26 Port Perry. -- FOR SALE--Ranch, 50 acres moré or less, south quarter of Lot 16 in the tenth Concession of Reach. Make cash offer to T. Cragg, 130 Woodfield Rd., Toronto. aprilb WANTED---Will pay cash for drop head Singer Sewing Machine or White Machine. Write J. W. Murdock, 72 Brock St., W., Oshawa: aprilb FOR SALE - Black mare... Apply Ken. Wray, 4 miles north of Port Perry, R.R. 2 Seagrave. : . FOR SALE Two Holstein Cows -- (one with calf by side and one due to freshen April | All Two 9.) 1 yearling Holstein Heifer. T.B. tested and Vaccinated. Tamworth sows with pig. Mackin, Saintfield, Port Perry Phone H4 r 12, ise CLASSIFIED ADS 1172 r 21. Apply E & NIAGARA BRAND ORCHARD SPRAY and POTATO {DUST and JOHN BEAN SPRAYERS Local Agent : LLOYD SMITH, Phone 119 r 21 PORT PERRY aprb SEED GRAIN FOR SALE -- Ajax Oat grown from Reg. Seed; 2nd year Beaver Oats. Lloyd Smith, Phone 119 r.21, Port Pérry Apr.b FOR SALE-Gladiolus Bulbs and Strawberry Plants. Mrs, F. W. Bradley, Port "Percy, Phone 346W. : april 20 FOR SALE--Gurney Range, burns wood, only been used five months. Apply Charles Heayn, Price Albert, Ont. aprill2 coal or WANTED TO RENT acre farm with option to buy. Russell Phone Port 203M. - Hundred Apply Fines, Perry FOR SALE--Modern Kitchen Table white with black condition. Rea- and four chairs trim. In excellent sonable. Ir ey's WANTED --~ Woman for kitchen work. High School students (boy or giri) tor counter work. Apply in person ut Green Thistle Restaurant. FOR SALE--A number of Weaned pigs. Apply to George Beare, Ux- bridge, IL3, Phone Port Perry 125-22. FOR SALE -- Trailer with good | Write Tom Shute, R. R. No. 3, Port Perry. tires, FOR SALE -- Montcalm Barley, grown for registered seed, cleaned at seed cleaning plant. Apply to Morley taines, Blackwater, R. R. 2. Phone Port Perry 114-r-4. Apri2 WANTED--Farm, 100 acres or less, on lighway or just off. Must have hydro and. good buildings, plenty of water and good location.--Reasonable cash down payment. Apply to Fred C. Middleton, R.R.1 Burketon, Phone April 6 WANTED--A -good Hanging Lamp for cottage. Apply Box 21, Port Perry Star. FOR RENT-- Good Pasture. Land, watered by two streams, located on Tth concession of Reach. Apply to Mrs. H. Bartley, Phone 113 r 11, Port Perry. a oe FOR SALE--No. 1 White Blossom | Sweet Clover Seed, $10.00 per bushel. A great soil builder and for pasture. 0. E. Croxall, Port Perry, Phone 153r3 apr -b " . : It saves me time and steps; keeps me in_touch with my family and friends; is always ready in emergencies." KEY CASE FOUND--New Black leather key case with keys. Owner {may have same from Chief of Police, Mr. Geo. Holmes, by Paying for this advt. Phone 334J or call at Jef-) Lunch Bar. THE BELL TELEPHONE AND 178 VALUE keeps growing all the time. With more and more families get- thi telephones, you can reach twice as "Ty people as you could ten years ago. And the traditionally friendly service is being steadily improved. Yet today your telephone actually takes a smaller part of your family budget than it did some years ago! Friendly and efficient telephone service, at a reasonable price, is one of today's big bargains. If you haven't yet got service ly as possible is one of our biggest and most important tasks, You can be sure your neighbour hood will be served, and your place on the list protected. Taking care . of people without service as quick. COMPANY OF CANADA I i -- v- Auction Sal S THURS., APRIL 12th -- Auction Sale of Household Goods (some good Antique items). the property of Geo. A. McClintock, Lot 14, Con, 3, Reach, Yamile east of Yeo's Service Station. Terms Cash, sale" at 1,00 p.m. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. TUES, APRIL 17th--Auction Sale of 100 Cattle, Truck, Sheep, Horses and Implements, the property of Wal- ter H, Magee, Lot- 11, Con. 1, Emily, 3 miles south of Omemee, 6 miles north of Orangeville. by private treaty. Sale at 1.00 p.n. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Saturday, April 7--10 head Cattle, implements, tools, ete, the property of Mrs. Irene Friend, Lot 9, Con. 7, Darlington, '; mile north of Tyrone. Terms Cash. Bale at 1.30 p.m. Clifford Pethick, Auctioneer Phone 2736, Bowmanville Of 5 Tractors, all kinds of Tractor Equipment such as Cultivators, Seed ers, Tandem Dises, Implement Trail- ers, Self Propelled Combines, Trucks, cte., the property of F. S. Allin & Sons, John Deere and B.A. dealers; 3 miles west of Bowmanville, on No. 2 Highway, to be sold without reserve, on SATURDAY, APRIL Ttth, com- mencing at 1 p.m. . TERMS OF SALE--All machinery that is sold for $500 or more may be purchased by one-third down and the balance within twelve months. JACK REID, Auctioneer, Orono. FRED LYCETT, Clerk, Orono Notice Take notice that the Corporation of the Township of Reach will not pay for any further dragging on Township roads unless authorized by the Road Superintendent, Mr. Ernest Welch. . "IT. H. HARDING, Reeve, Township of Reach. 'usual hours on 'Sunday. Real Estate for sale Drills, Tillers, Ploughs, Power Mow- A - aN ng 4 en ra ; | ~ PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL bth, 1951 1) Service and Sunday Schools were very well atended on Sunday. Some that could not get there with cars, walked rather than miss the fine message that we received. Worship and Sunday Schools at the The two groups for Aprilvhave .de- cided not to have the W. A. meeting, sorry to miss our get-to-gether. Sorry to hear thé&t Mr. Ted Denny is in'the Oshawa Hospital, we all hope to hear of his speedy recovery. We miss you Ted. Sorry for the error in last week's news items about Mr. Sweetman be- ing in the General Hospital. There was a change of plans. Glad to see Phyllis Tetlow home again for the week-end. Two young men from Toronto are enjoying this week assisting teach- ing--Mr. Ralph Finlayson at the cen- tre school and Mr. Harvey Eller at the foot school. They are being en- tertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ------ ---------- ot 2 Mr. and Mrs. George Smith visited their daughter in- Toronto on-Sunday; the" occasion being the birthday of Mrs. Byres of Star City, Saskat- chewan is visiting her cousins Mr. and Mrs. Murray McLaren and also visited her friend Mrs. Donald Gerrow. . Mrs, Clark Ross and Karen return- ed t6 their home in' Toronto on Sun- day after visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fralick and family. Mr. and" Mis. Fred Crozier spend- ing a few days with their daughter Mrs. George Burnett in Port Perry. Miss Allene Sweetman is.spending a few weeks in Toronto, and Grace Church has lost its organist; Allene Master Robert - Slute of Raglan spent his Easter holidays with his brother Tom and wife, Mr. and Mrs, Joe Dowson and son Jim visited their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Woodcock at Stouffville on Friday, and it was the day. of their sale, , The funeral of Mr. Ted Beadle was held on Friday in Port Perry. Mr. Don Crozier. Beadle will be missed by niany of his friends. : TRY OUR DELICIOUS-- "DANISH Phone 32. TI SMT TONE MADE FRESH EACH TUESLAY and FRIDAY. 1 Saturday Cake Special "GOLDEN DATE LAYER CAKE" PASTRY" IX Gerrow's Bakery |} to and including FRIDAY, necessarily accepted. MUNICIPALITY OF REACH TENDERS FOR TRACTOR - Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up Tractor on rubber, equipped with gravel loader. to be made as soon as possible. APRIL 20th, 1951, for one Delivery Lowest or any tender not GRANT. CHRISTIE, Clerk. | R. R. 4, Port Perry, Ont. their little grandaughter. : 1 + was very faithful and will be missed. | 4 LL ---------- | -------------- em -- Two Shows Nightly--7 and 9 p.m. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, APRIL 5.6.7 James Stewart and Barbara Hale In the Uproarious Comedy Drama "THE JACKPOT": SHORT PICTURES os MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9-10-11 Clark Gable and Barbara Stanwyck In the Season's Great Drama of the Speedway . "TO PLEASE A LADY" NEWS : Bill Taylor EE -------- TASTY MEALS NO WAITING FOR SERVICE HERE WHETHER YOU'RE ASKING FOR AN ICE CREAM TREAT OR A 3 I. COMPLETE MEAL GREEN THISTLE RESTAURANT PORT PERRY INA JIFFY Jack Sitar |] BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE Stanley R. Bruton, Phm.B. Phone 16 PORT PERRY - 3 - - Rise & ry - MOTH KILLERS BABY NEEDS : Green Cross Moth Bomb, '$1.39 Evenflo Nursers .............. 39¢. Paracide Moth Crystals Dennison's Diaper Liners 1 1b. 49¢c.,, 2; ths. 98c. 36 for 39c. 180 for $1.50 - ~ Larvex, 16 0z.789c., 32 oz. $1.29 Johnson's Baby Oil 62c. & $1.13 Moth-Tox, 16 oz. ......c.. 59c. "Johnson's Talecum 29c., & 57c. . Woods Moth Blocks 15¢. & 25c. Twin Tips .............. 29c. and 85c¢. I. .D. A. Moth Killer ............59. Baby Bottle Warmer .. OE $2.95 Notice NOTICE RE GARBAGE COLLECTION Due to bad road conditions garbage collection has heen delayed, but if the public will be patient the same will be picked up as soon as possible. AMATER IS THE OUSTANDING PLASTIC FINISH EASILY APPLIED ALMATEX flows on velvet smooth--leaves no brush marks. . . . A tile: like surface that wears ond WEARS. Odorless, too ~ more pleasant te vee in rhe home. NO WAXING ALMATEX gives a pleeming surface thet weys shiny even after ontomsivesweor. . . « Non-skid, teo, it's safe for octive kiddies. NO SCRUBBING ALMATEX floors stay ¥" sparkling clean with broom and mop. . . . Almatex Plastic Pin- ish seals the pores so dood ond dint con't penetrate, BANISHES DUST No more powdering of concrete floors -- ALMATEX transforms -drab basements inte "bright colorful rdoms ¢ you con keep clean with helf the werk. ALMATEX Plastic Finish comes in ten beautiful colors, black, while, clear, and aluminum, LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER & COAL CO0., LTD. Phone 240W Port Perry La SR IFO No other finish SAVES TIME & EFFORT in so many ways drop of oil had to be added. ROAD TESTED -ROAD TESTED from Quebec to Key West and back. AAA CERTIFIED RE- 'SULTS: Long Mileage, Engine Clean- liness, Long Engine Life. Cars using NEW Dynalube were driven over 2,000 miles, on the average, before a New Sunoco Dynalube Motor Oil Combines in a Single Oil All the Finest Features of Canada's Premium Motor Oils. . Actually Improves Condition of Most Engines ii SUNDE] qualities d+ Tough HEAT-RESISTANT BODY as- sures long motor oil mileage. 2. Fully DITEROINT-DISPIRSANY -- NE Sunoco 'Dynalube engines. and Road dust and contamination from normal combustion are held in harmless suspension until oil ia drained at the regular interval, * 3. FREL-FLOWING and MITAL-CLINGING £ Your car... newest 1951 or earlier ji model . . . can n et the finest engine repairs. engine protection with NEW .Sunoco Dynalube, a heavy-duty premium motor oil. Sunoco of the cleans keeps -them ° clean, of NEW: Sunoco cars, | Dynalube help you avoid costly 4. ANTI-RUST and ANTI-ACID---NEW Dynalube counteracts two reatest causes of wear on piston rings and cylinder walls in any engine, 8. High PILM-STRINOTH and RING. SEALING ACTION -- insure longer- lasting engine efficiency. ... NEW Sunoco Dynalubé Is one of the very few oils that meets or ex- s car manufaeturers' recoms mendations for all 1951 passenger © ASKFOR IT NOW AT YOUR SUNOCO STATION OR YOUR CAR DEALER'S pu} ; To hold onster Carnival and Variety Show in Gardens May » 2 i

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