Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 27 Dec 1951, p. 8

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AEST ay : 3 » PORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21th 1061 re tart = NENTION | FARMERS! § We will be pleased to pick up dead i or erippled farm animals and pay. the : highest prevailing prices. { Port Perry 118 r2 Uxbridge 27. ~ Brooklin 62.~ Toronto, EMpire 8:3636 & Lindsay 8660 a i Ya GORDON YOUNG LTD. gy nov 30 FOR SALE---1 Man's and 2 Ladies' Winter Overcoats, in good condition. C. McGill, Union Ave,, Port Perry. FOR SALE--Range, coal or wood, Findlay, nearly new, reasonably priced --Earl Heayn, phone 117-r-18. Jan8 FOR SALE--Table Turnips, apply Nelsén Williams, phone 811-J. | Dead Farm Stock = Picked up Promptly 'Horses, Cows, ileifers, Sheep, ¥: Pigs _smnd Calves (We pa Bon horses, cows, A po Heiferg) to 3 per 1b. for live Horses, H-@baet. ~~ Bowmanville 2679 Marg will Fur Farm : . TYRONE eh USED CARS - TRUCKS - TRACTORS For large assortment of makes and. models -- for good values -- for easy terms. See: BRITISH ONTARIO MOTORS Leaskdale and Uxbridge Dec. 27 x MIDDLE GREEN VILLA REST HOME Courtice, One or Lwo vacan- ancies for the aged and hed patients, men and women, -- Every kindness given; excellent meals; nursing care and-tray service. Approved by doctors "Terms monthly. Phone for appoint- nent, Oshawa. 5.4943 WANTED--2 girls for Restaurant 'on week-end. Apply Green Thistle Restaurant. TOWNSHIP OF REACH NOTICE is hereby given by or- er of the Municipal Council of he Township of Reach, 'that RFicks and cars are prohibited : parking within ten (10) feet rayelled road, during win- ant damage done to cars ks 'by snow plows w ill be ner's rick. i GRANT CHRISTIE, Clerk ROOMS TO RENT -- Unfurnished, Phone 67- r-11, ) x FOR SALE--Baled Hay and Straw. Ux-Spring Farms Limited, Uxbridge, Ontario. Jan. 8. TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG NOTICE is hereby given by order Township of Scugog, that trucks and cars are prohibited from parking within (10) ten feet of the travelled portion of the road, during winter, and any damage done to trucks or cars by snow plows will be at owner's risk. RALPH D. MILNER, Clerk. DRINK aol ICE COLD 7 MANCHESTER "GROCERY Comparable Prices; Courteous Service. ® OPEN EVENINGS © NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The Estate of Louise Bowker, Hair Dresser, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, who died at the Vil- LL CLASSES OF MACHINERY, JECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A ; 'SPECIALTY ~ METAL LATHE WORK. and Serviced CETYLENE~ and ELECTRIC __WFLDING YSLEY MACHIN E SHOP A HE UPHOLSTERY and RE-BUILDING Let us re-upholster your old Chester- jeld Suite. Satisfaction guaranteed. hone and have our consultant call nd give you a free estimate. Free p and delivery. Phone 3344 collect. SHAWA UPHOLSTERY CO. 1 fey 8 Church Street snd TV Auction Sale hi E STOCK AUCTION SALE IDGE-SALES-BARN,---- EVERY THURSDAY ynell Ted. Jackson, * prietor. Auctioneer. ---- 85 lage of Prince Albert, in the County | of Ontario, on the 22nd day of Septem- ber, 1951, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before February 1, 1952. After that date the Public Trustee will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have had notice. Dated the 6th day of December, 1951 The Public Trustee, Osgoode Hall, Toronto, Administrator. P.P.Y.C. DANCE » of the Municipal Council of 'the| Blackstock In United Counties Health Unit re- port for Decembér 15th, there are 24 cases of mumps in' Port 'Hopé. Nine other cases of communienble diseases are reported. {it i There were. 162 in number, who at- tended the annual banquet of Durham Caunty Holstein Breeders. It was a turkey dinner catered' by Blackstock W. 1. Chairman Neil Malcolm called head table guests: Mr, Geo. Henry, Vice-President of the H.B,A. of Can- adn; Mr. Geo. McLaughlin, Mr, and Mrs,© J. T. Brown, Mr. Art Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Mr, and Mrs. Jerry Nelson, Mrs. Summers, Mrs. G. Sturrock, Rev, and Mrs. Hut- ton, Mr. and" Mrs, H, Muir, Mr, John Tamblyn, Mr .and Mrs. H. J. Brooks, and Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Mr. Al Harvey put on the enter- tainment for the evening. ~Gerry Nel- son, District Fieldman, introduced the guest speaker, Art Duncan, Public Re- lations Director of the Bata Shoe Co. . Geo. Henry presented the Pre- Wu hoe Award for 1961 to A. Muir and Sons Jf Courtice. Long Time Production Certificates to the following breeders--Wilfred Bow- man, Enniskillen; Lawrence Malcolm, Nestleton; Jas. Cookson and Son, of Bowmanville; Bruce Tink, Hampton; J. H. Jose and Sons, Newcastle. Mr, del Holstein Cow to the high boy in the Dairy Calf Club. Mr. Summers presented cash awards, donated by the Holstein Breeders Club, to all mem- bers of the Dairy Calf-Club in 1961 who were present. Mr. Wilfred Bowman moved a vote of thanks to all who helped to make another successful banquet. The Ev- ening closed with singing of "0 Can- ada." School-Concerts & Christmas Trees are the order of the day. - Neil Bailey _{at Yelverton School had his concert and Xmas tree on Thursday evening in the Church. Blackstock School, Mrs.:" Turner teacher, and Egypt School under Miss G. Wilson had theirs in community Hall on Monday evening; on Wednes- and Mr. G. Campbell, Cadmus, and on Friday evening Mr. Turner had his concert for 7 and 8 grades B. H, 8. Mr. Wm. Henry, Purple Hill-is im- on E. A. Summers;to introduce the, Mr. Geo. McLaughlin presented the red T. Brown presented a- Mo- day Mrs. L. Wright, Caesarea School | = proving-after-an-operation-in-Western | ---- WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY OF THANKING OUR 'CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR- LOYAL PATRONAGE IN THE PAST YEAR, AND WISHING FOR «~~ ONE AND ALL A Very Happy an Prosperous g NEW os J GERROW'S S BAKERY M. GERROW HAPPY NEW YEAR A new day shines forth and carries 'with it "our sincerest wish for the best things for you and all of yours. "SERVICE and QUALITY QUR MOTTO BRUTON' S DRUG STORE "PORT PERRY + 3313382 BUILDERS SUPPLIES We have a good stock of all lines of : ~° builders supplies on. hand. Masonite -- Plywood -- Gyproc -- Arborite Tile Board -- Lime -- Plaster -- Roofing Materials -- Metal Mouldings. ' AMERICAN CEMENT while it lasts "REESER FUEL AND LUMBER PHONE 73 PORT PERRY, ONT. Lakeview Theatre, Port Perry, Ont. Two Shows Nightly--7 and 9 pm. _PHURSDAY, FRIDAY; SAT. DECEMBER 27-28-29 Betty Grable, MacDonald Cate, Eddy Albert In the'Glorious All Technicolor Musical Comedy "MEET ME AFTER THE. SHOW" COMEDY and SHORTS, Ta MONDAY, TUES., WED., DEC. 3, JANUARY 1-2 : June Haver and William Lundigan In the Hilarious New Romantic Comedy Hit. "LOVE NEST" SHORT PICTURES ¥ - To order your corsages for New Year's Dances and Parties. PRINCE 'ALBERT GREENHOUSE . PHONE--PORT PERRY 174 r 11 a Air Conditioning Furnace WISHING ONE AND ALL HAPPY NEW YEAR We will be closed on New Year's Day ---- GREEN THISTLE RESTAURANT PORT PERRY Jacl Serko So a%e on 20 nS oc Pe ate Se Be ae Ste Fo 4% Sa 0 4% 5 Hospital; Mrs. Stan VanCamp is able to return to her home after convales- cing at home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bailey. Her mother, Mrs. Proutt of Caesarea, is with her. Mrs. W. A. VanCamp is with Mr. and Mrs. 8. Saywell in Oshawa. : Mrs. Frank 'Hoskin was hostess for were made for the New Year's dance. Twelve dollars was.yoted towards the regtional Centre. donate to the Port Perry Hospital, plans to be made later. A nominat- ifig committee of Mesdames Snooks, Trewin and Marlow were appointed to prepare the slate of officers for 1052. Mrs, H, Forder was presented with a lovely shower of gifts. The members enjoyed a beautiful Xmas tree and exchange of gifts after which lunch 'was served. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Harold McLaughlin. Stop signs have been placed on the East and West Roads at the four corners in Blackstock and since in- stallation of the signs the cars of Mr. Clarence Ginn and 'Mr. Ivan Mount- joy collided in Blackstock, No one was badly hurt but both cars were the 0.N.O. December meeting. Plans |, new stove in the kitchen at the Rec- The club plans to Eavestrooghing | ILL = INSURANCE COMPANY We sell and service DURO : 3 PRESSURE PUMPS Consult the Crown Lite Man SYDNEY G. BARNES CEC. KING BROOKLIN Phone 72.r 2 AGENT Aug 62 - Port Perry - Ontario on, Pontypool; Roy, Bethany; Ronald of Port Perry; three sisters: Mrs. M. Finney (Mary) Bethany, Mrs, R. Armstrong (Rita), Pontypool and Mrs, E. Rose (Irma), Bowmanville. = Mr, Strong lived in the meeting 'with a poem, Mrs, E. Larmer took the devotional and Mrs. C. Hill the study. - Short readings were read from the Home Mission Digest by Mesdames J. Henry, R. Ford H. Potts' and A. Taylor. Lunch was served by the group in charge. : {and is remembered by many there. Jean Ford and Gertrude Henry of Toronto were home for the Christmas holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Ruston, Hamilton were with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Stani- land had their family with them dur- ing the 'holiday. Chicken Pox has made itself pres- ent in several homes in the commun- ity. 'Some of the children affected were the Stanilands, Schmelts, Hoo- eys, Wilsons,: Ardis McArthur and The annual election of officers for the.L.0.B.A. Lodge took place in the L.O.L. rooms with the following for 1952: 'Worthy Mistress, Mrs. David McLean; Deputy Mistress, Mrs. Ed- mund Harris; Rec. & Fin. Sec'y, Mrs. Albert Wright; Treas,, Mrs. Stan Van Camp; Junior Deputy, Mrs, Howard Lee; Chaplain, Mrs. J. Henry; Guard- ian, Creighton Devitt; Director of Ceremonies, June Whitfield; 1st Lec- turer, Mrs. Robt. Parr; 2nd Lecturer, Mrs. Alma Fowler; Pianist, Mrs, R. GET YOURTICKETS-FOR THE P.P.Y.C. 'NEW YEAR'S DANCE AT ROBERTSON'S ELECTRIC, PORT: PERRY. Compliments of the Season RL damaged. Icy road was the cause of the accident; Mr. Lubsin and Mr. Werry also collided at the same corner. Hector Shortridge is caretaker of the rink which opened for the season Thursday night. The attendance was good in spite of the bad weather and the ice was in splendid shape. Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tay- lor who have moved into their lovely new house in Blackstock North, The W. M. 8. of United Church met at the home of Mrs, Earl Dorrell for November meeting, Mrs. C. W. Hut~ ton conducted the election of the fol- lowing officers: -- Pres, Mrs. Roy Ferguson; 1st Vice-Pres, Mrs, Cecil Hill; Sec'y, Mrs. Roy Taylor; Supply, Mrs, Herman Hooey; Christian. Stew- ardship, Mrs. A. J."Johnston; Treas, Mrs, E. Larmer; Auditors, Mrs. H. Potts and Mrs. A, Taylor; Mission Band Sec, Mrs. Wes, Pearce; Mis- sfonary Monthly and World Friends, ARDLEY FROCKS 491-3-5 Danforth Ave. (near 'Logan) Phone--GE 1576. ~~ 'Toronto, Ont. | Mrs, C. Hill; Baby Band, Mrs. E, Dor- {rell; Fruit 'and Flowers, Mrs. George | Fowler; Pianist, Mrs, A, Taylor; Tem- | perance and Citizenship, Mrs. R, Lar- 'mer; Press, Mrs. R. Taylor. ' Mra. Roy Ferguson President, opened Parr;-Inner-Guard,-Mrs.-Olive-Brown;.|. Donald Swain. Elwood, ; Peterboro; | Lumber - Builders' Supplies We have in Stock COMBINATION DOORS--2' 6" x 6'6", 2/8" x 6'8" and ° 210" x 610 2 inch and 3 inch Roc Wool Ingulation 'Now is the time to get ready for cold weather. Lake Seugog Lumber & Coal Co., Limited PORT PERRY Phone 240 w Cadmus Community when a small boy | Let Us Supply You WITH THE CHOICE FRESH "MEAT TO GIVE THE PROPER BALANCE IN YOUR DIET Miss Doris Hamilton 1 was s home for Christmas, while a nurse in training at Western hospital, shé is now at 999 Queen St. West hospital, gaining experience in that particular line, She haspent a month at Weston Sanitor- jum and will spend a month at Risk Children's Hospital. EE ei fanath qu DANCE Outer Guard, Mrs. Creighton Devitt; Auditors, Mrs. Ed, Harris, Creighton Devitt; Fruit. and Flowers, Mrs, D. McLean, Mrs. Alma Fowler and Mrs. Creighton Devitt. After the business lunch was served and members en- joyed 'the exchange of Christmas gifts. A bus load of L.O.B:A. members from Blackstock and Janetville went to Tyrone 1st Thursday evening to attend a meeting to organize a lodge there. Miss Isabel Carfer, student at T, U. is working at the general post office, during the holidays. Sympathy is extended to the Strong family in the sudden death of Lloyd Strong, Bethany, who was instantly killed in a motor accident on Highway No. 85, near Janetville, on Friday, December 14th, when returning from work at General Motors, Oshawa. Mr. Strong is survived by his wife, the Service Club, of Prince Albert, in School House Friday, Dec. 26th. o : BUTCHERS ONTARIO ™ * PORT PERRY sponsored by the Good Neighbor: former Marion Sanderson, Wilber- Sharon, aged two and one year, res. pectively; his parents Mr, and Mrs. I. force, and two children, Lorna and Strong, Bethany; four brothers, Gord: | ROUND and 4 SquaRk: Prizes yp i g 'Draw for Quilt and Rug. -- S---------- 'COUNTY OF ONTARIO TENDER NOTICE Sealed Tenders, plainly marked "Insurance Tenders" will be received by the undersigned-until 12° o'clock noon, JANUARY 6th, 1952, for (1) Municipal Liability Insurancé under Section 480 of the Municipal Act. (2) County Road Department. Vehicle Insurance. ' (8) Non-Owner vehicle Insurance. . Detailed information may be obtained at the Office of the 'County Engineer, Lowest or any: Tender not esegaarily accepted. or R. Ngo. P. Eng. . unty Engineer, Whitby, Ontario. +

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