SUPPLEMENT TO THE PORT 4 4 -- PERRY STAR, FEB. 7th ONTARIO COUNTY FORUMS ARE ACTIVE Monday evenings during the winter months at least a dozen Farm Forum groups throughout Ontario County gather to discuss various subjects as they apply to their community, Pro- jects are often the result of these L discussions. A short time ago the --~ Greenwood Farm Forum loaned the extra furniture needed to accomodate the Ontario County Folk School in the home of William Pegg, Gamebridge Forum-is planning and raising funds for a Park at the Lake. . Forum is discussing a Credit Union. Foster's "Co-operatives" created a lively dis- cussion carly in the season. All groups were agreed that- Co-ops are demo- . } - . . cratic and mot socialistic . However, the Forums agree with the Uxbridge | Forum which said. "Opposition is the spark of trade." To have an economy that will not lead to state control we need state and municipal ownership for Social Services, also private enter- prise, co-operative and individual ownership. Ontario is prov- ing that these four types can work together. organized when exisiting facilities are inadequate or ploited. Co-ops, like any other bus- iness, must be efficient or they will fall by the wayside. : ownership A co-operative should be people are being ex- The second series showed a keen interest in Adult Education and cult- ural activities. "We should have a hobby", said all groups, but some re- gretted many farmers did not find time enough for hobbies. Vroomanton Forum pointed out that "a. hobby is for relaxation after the day's work is done" and should not interfere with regular work. After retirement a hobby is a must, if we are to enjoy our freedom from work. Farm For- ums and Folk Schools were named as the best means for developing rural leaders. Local Short Courses, 'also Women's Institute and Provincial Short Courses were highly recomend- ed. The two groups not having a lo- cal_library_ have. a travelling library. * The Forums were asked if there was enough' Farm Credit cand their replies were awaited with much inter- est by the financial world. The Ont- ario County Forum agreed with Be- thesda Scott that "we have enough short-term credit". Well - qualified voung farmers find it hard to start farming under the present long-term credit conditions. Two groups sug- gested that the Farm Loan Board's policy should' be revised in order to give the best of our young farmers 'much the same privileges provided for veterans under the V.L.A. They thought supervision should be prac- ticed only if a very well-qualified per- son were available. All Forums thought the individual farmer could play an effective part in the present set-up of farm organ- izations within the Canadian Federa- tion of Agriculture. More advertis- ing would create a greater interest among the farmers. The Scugog Head Forum thought a direct mem- bership fee would. make the farmer realize that he belongs to the Federa- tion. It was agreed that the Federa- tion of Agriculture is the organiza- tion to approach the Government for lall commodity groups. UTICA There was an attendance of thirty at Sunday School last Sunday. This represents a very encouraging in- crease. New class attendance charts have been ordered. The February meeting of the W.A. will be on Valentine's day February 14th at Mrs. N. Rusnell's. in charge and roll call is scripture verse or household hint. Mr. and Mrs. M. Hodgson of North Oshawa were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chet Geer. Mr. Don Ballard has left Oshawa General Hospital and is' being cared The Forum groups found many op- portunities for Creative Art in the work in the home, the garden and the farm. A keen interest was shown in music and drama, and four Forums would like a course on public speak- ing. The new year brought the question, "Should. we increase production?". Nearly all agreed we could not find a market if we produce more in Can- ada. At the present time we are not receiving the cost of production for hogs or cggs. An increase in food production and industry in the coun- tries which are poorly fed should be a good thing. Five Forums agreed with Sinclair's Corners that "a world food bank for non-perishable foods, such as wheat, would solve many pro- blems." for-in--his_.own_home. Mrs. Frank Kendall is spending a few days with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sutherland have moved into their home on the farm south of the village. Mr. and Mrs. Merman Walker, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Nelson attended the Holstein Convention in Toronto last week. Utica Hockey team lost last week's game with Siloam by a score of 5 tol. Mr. David Wilson of Columbus was home with Mr, and Mrs, Jack Crosier on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ballard and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mitchell spent Satur- Group 2! SHORT COURSES Sponsored by ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 1.30 to 4.30 each day. DATES and PLACES February 11-15--Department of Agriculture, Uxbridge Time: February 25-29--Township Hall, Manchester. March 3-7--Town Hall, Beaverton, SUBJECTS EACH WEEK -- Monday--Liv Stock Discases (Mastitis, Bang's Disease, etc.) Tuesday--Live Stock Conformation and Type. Wednesday--Soils and Crops--Manures, Fertilizers, Grass, Silage. Thursday--Judging Live Stock. Friday--Seed Judging and Seed Certification, All these subjects are timely and educational. Lecture material will be supplemented by films and slides dealing with the subject being discussed. vited to attend. Colonel T. L. Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture. All Farmers are in- H. L. Fair, Agricultural Representative. his first branch. bank. You will find One of a series b; your ban : [J 5 ; ~ Hisown branch... HE's coT a lot behind him . . anid a lot still ahead, now he becomes manage. ot Years of work and study and growing responsibility have prepared him. Le saw a lot of Canada as he moved to different SER -- 'branches: He got to-know the-people in farming, suburban and industrial communities, and how they use the bank. Now he takes over from the man who moves up . . . and the road to the top. is open for both of them. : Call upon the manager of your chartered him experienced, understanding, eager to serve you. k day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Don -| Ballard. ; Hillis Wilbur is home from school with an attack of appendicitis. Freddy Connaghan is also home with facial paralysis resulting from a bruised face. : Mr. and Mrs. Herman Walker I'spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Josh Dobson. - at "Quite a number of High School stu- dents from this district attended the basket ball games between Port Perry day afternoon--Larry Kendall is a member of the senior team. Jimmy Grey spent the week-end at Jim Mitchell's with Billy Mitchell. Mrs. Fred Ballard was in Toronto who is having one foot amputated. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Geer, Carol and Douglas spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Butson. and Uxbridge High Schools on Fri- on Tuesday to see Mrs. Bill Locke: '| 84th birthday. ~ SCUGOG The ice has been very bad on the roads for walking or cars. There will not be a W. A. meeting "or supper in Grace Church this month. The Pot luck supper and congre- gational meeting which was held on Wednesday evening in Grace Church, was well attended and very much en- joyed. . The girls met on Saturday in the basement of Grace Church to cut out their dresses for their .project in the Junior Homemakers club. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon: Cherrie and little Stanley, Mr, and Mrs. Glen Hood and Peter attended the turkey dinner held at their brother Ralph Reynolds at Seagrave on Saturday, in hon- our of their father, Mr, Silas Reynolds Other guests were their aunt Mrs. Wm. Jeffrey and their old friend and neighbour the Rev, F. G. Joblin. Birthday greetings from Scugog friends.