LF NL ASR ITS TEP RG A BT LF Tg -- MELE SAE A 2 SrA RIA A TEA TY adh BEL TES + wh APE ren Ara SALES A A SAR * % A ALES DEALS BEES . gob LR Tr BEAN EARTH I ERE ES Ee PAL LEAT | Gers TE IY : a Ril 2 LN I EY RD h | wt LITRES » FOABUBA ART "4 : : : x --- . " ; - 'epee : ew Proper Care For Classified Advertising.. 5 ee BR Suede Garments : . : whi LH £ FOR SALE : IY Youth Must Be S r d 'T] BABY CHICKS i Sue ashi "n avori 28 | SAVE Fuel--No-Draft Storm Windows of e ve y Suede fashions, long a favorite REGARDLESS of oXhether J Jala AYE Tucl-Nopmn som Windows of : in country settings, have gone to question about the fact that each @ddls ::| stalleds by anyone, Order How--one for town in a big way, One finds coats tional egg that each pullet lays is just - erery window oi door, Comple A : || and dackety a well as hats all of +f fam satonincitus Ji ar cia aq tt 8 ALE SIS CARN £ mong ur omen e es colorful suéde, 4 quality chicks, with lots of R.O.P. breed: Palace Street, London, Ontarlo, - * . ' ok - hem, but now they > SR = | : &. I'he care and upkeep of suede is br Rh od Lo SR Ba | gran NECESSED BATHTUBS 800 4 a 1 : . importam, § ROI piidiereed -coskprels nating fH A a for s A thio 3 : : : , record he > + \ Saal One thing to rememlier -is that year. Also started chicks, older pullets, sets. . White $160.00 to $189.00: Coloured . H it 3 ' ' turkey poults, Catalogue, ~ "°° $274.00 complete with beautiful chromed A ; ner 7 although suede is leather, it is not TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD, fittings. - A {ir conditioning ° furnaces : S ergudon | an all-weather materfal and it will Fergus = Ontarle J298.00, hig mgt LR LT : ; : : | 3 5 1 dry. out if subject to a heavy rain COXF ced * Chicks live, lay buy, with confidence and have & njcer » > e. THOSE - EXPERT viewers of the or snowed This may rob. the OXFORD Approved licks, lise, Jay home, Satisfaction guaranteed. Extra als- sports scene who record, such things recent- oh hehe 6 Whe twenty-four years of careful selection and counts "off ¢atalogue prices If 'we supply 2 ly voted to decidé who was the "greatest | | leather of its oil, drying it out com- Breeding: 'Thoy have to be food, becuse |, everything you need for fomplete pittinke woman Canadian athlete of 1951." pletely and causing it to crack, Yeo want the ory beat, kind of hicks ing or beating insta la on. alaloste : : . , . our own OCHS, ~~ . . : We may be quibbling, but we believe |, Keep suede garments away from early maturing, We stress egg size and '| prices and helpful Installation diagrams. that while the selection was perfect, the the iron: essing itl -00l uniformity. Barred Rocks, White Leg- Select style of sinks, cabinets, laundry TA I "i i 1€ fron; no pressing with a coo h Columbia Rocke, White tubs, showers, stoves, refrigerators. Pres- ais Fons term used Is incorrect, The greatest athlete iron or steaming, is an inflexible Rocks, Busser. Rocks Crossbreds, Rock sure water systems oll burners, septic of the year, of either sex, is always a question to debate, But ue IE 7 Succ Feis Lier Rothe, An wikia ke Flag and oll tanks, etc. Visit or write Johnson ° if this ballotting was intended, as no doubt it was, to designate A i. ede Garment 19 WIG. Sussex Crono Waite for frée felch | Mall Onder Division. Strecteville Hard: the competitor who provided the most thrilling and "spectacular ed, letting it hang usually takes The Ofer] Parmele Cooperalive Prod. | ware Streetsviile, Onhy pra 5 success of the year, there wasn't much doubt about the award, care of the wrinkles, Waodstock, Ontario, To MEDIOAL' « £ "The honor of becoming Canada's Girl Athlete of Distinction After every wearing, or before, " ; : C . ' AY - Baby chicks, day old and started. i in 951 went, and quite rightly, lo 2 snub-nosed freckled bit of if the garment has not been. worn BRAY 7 Deke, ay ol bp Pd as LJ FE MI N E x ; [J] : a girl, years old and weighing 108 pounds, who undoubtedly for some time brush it carefully hatched. Write for prices and full In- One woman tells another, Take superior / rated listing' as Canada's most dramatic single figure of 1951. with a soft bristle brush, paying Tambo ont iim 226 Nr Sr Alleviate pala: with 7 I'his was Marlene Stewart, a poker-faced bundle of golfing special attention to collar, cuffs, : Dutferin _ Street," Toronto. moth), Berloda. in plain' wrapper, dynamite from obscure Fonthill, Ont., who captured the Canadian closing and pocket edges. A soft PE. : ERE J IR 85. POST'S CHEMICALS ver, Ladies Close and Open championships at Montreal's rolling scarf protects collar and weckline 'All Dressed Up And Waiting -- Ready and waiting for the 1952 your chick purchase, Tho Chicks You | ssp QUEEN wh Eden TORONTO Laval-sur-le Lac links. otherwise makeup od RL Canadian National Sportsmen's Show, to be held in the Coliseum, Jurennse now, will lay' next! summer and . . . . ' ~ s¢ axe é rs i x all, "Grade JATE® egE8 were Marlene might go down in golfing history as the Little Girl may mark it : Toronto, March 14 to 22, are these 11-year-old twins, Joan and - | gon last Auust and. the seme thing SATISFY Yourself--every sufferer of Who Played Like a Woman, For here she was, only 17 years ' ith da Little C f the Six Nati can happen again this summer. Buy your Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try old, a mere slip of a girl who had never faced such crowds nor If you wear your suede coat or Beverley Turnbull, with Wanda Little Canoe of the Six Nations baual_pumber. of ouichs, afd Ig Yer Dixon's Remedy 3 3 x h ' . ie 3 " H U i i ith R.O.P, breeding back of them. Also, . y such competitors before, pitted against some of America's best. jacket frequently, it is all right to Indians' reservation near Brantford, Ontario. With more exhibitors Fm 3 5 hal Mo roller turkey _ MUNRO'S DRUG STORE yy Let us paint in a bit of the background to a Canadian girl keep it in a plastic storage bag, but than ever before, new. attractions and features and a completely olin, DRAINS, roi "SALES 335 Elgin Otlawe athlete's finest perfomance of the year. Marlene, the . Mighty -don't keep the garment stored in different stage and water revue, Indications are:that the 1952 Guslph 2 BD atakio- $1.25 Express Prepaid Mite, in achieving the first "double win" by a Canadian woman such a bag for an excessive period S Y ill be b d b h Show | : : : an exces . ortsmen's Show will be bigger and better than ever. ow Is since Toronto's Ada McKenzie turned the trick in 1934, eliminated And in any case, do not gtors it. iin P i Lv the ToroRls A any Honters' Association in the CROSS BREEDS aad OST8 ECZEMA SALVE B Marjorie Rowe and Mae. Murray, two topnotch US players in the a hot-place, like Tur, it will diy out sponsored-by the Ng \ ORDER your chicka now for winter and | BANISH the torment of dry sezema : 8 opening rounds of match play. That sgt the stage for a gruelling . ! ' ¥ out, ' inter ests of conservation. pring. delivery, won Lieeds, Jule Salve will not, disappoint you. SX TA 36-hole final against Grace Lenezyk,"two-time Canadian open Never. attempt = to spot-clean diy ing stock government approved and blood ine, scaling, oreing saens; Mae AY champion and one of the best women amateurs on the continent. suede. Cleaning fluid is most harm- = = ' jo8ted, Wilts, er ice to Boahte Chick respond readily to the stainless odorless ny (ERE E aL . i . 2 r . : ate + Bo; . . Elmira =>, £ SR Wee Marlene held a shaky one-up lead at the 35th on the ful to dye. Fven if the spot is a This Mother Was A country were closing, and people |. , LHR : platment, resardless: or: how. atoblora; or Gi ty tricky back nine at Laval, and. headed for the final hole with the small one, better take, the garment rp . by the thousands were becoming" DYEING AND CLEANING PRICE $2.50 PER JAR Ley knowledge that her powerful opponent was getting stronger, to a dry-cleaner, preferably one that Real Individualist bankrupt overnight, Mama took her ATE Tor Tt er °° POST'S REMEDIES &F having erased a one-time three-up margin, The chips were down. specializes in the care and cleaning . ¢ cane in hand and walked down ing? Write to us for Information. We Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price This was it. And wee Marlene met the challenge. She hunched of leather. ) Monroeville's main street, first on are glad to answer your questions. De- #80 Queen St = Gorver of Logan, her slim shoulders and boomed a tee-shot right down the middle. . Thege are a few stories about my ' ) he th partment H. Parkers Dye Works Limited. 'oron Grace Lenezyk duplicated the feat. They both-made the green in Fine leather gloves deserve proper | Sin her advanced years-- one side and then on Ups 8 her-- 791 Yonge St., Toronto. TOR BALDNESS AND Alia am - three. Marlene stroked her 18-foot putt within inches of the cup, care if they. are to give full wear- stories well-known in the small going into every place of business. FOR BALE | "any cause or condition. Use . while Miss Lenezyk missed her 15-footer and conceded Marlene ability. Doeskins are delicate and tai y he lived They : tell me she shook her cane THALIA HAIR RESTORER y r™ . i . . : 4 3 » > R! > e th tcl Indiana town where she lived so he f f each proprietor (with VEGETABLE Jjulce -extractors, electric RESULTS GUARANTEED or Money : he match. . : should be kept for dressy occasions. Jong--which will a little better ac- in the face of each proprie quart of juice fn a few.minutes Live-Rite Rn aS ARANIEED or ney . Youth marches on, in sport, as it always has done, but more Capeskins or glace gloves are also at wou. arith Wor: Stileart Ins all of whom she had a first-name Products Ltd, 749 Yonge St., Toronto, 1678 Davie Street, Vancouver 8, British decisively than ever. In Canada a 17 year oid girl becomes the top '| dressy but they are sturdy enough ian o pp! teeing acquaintance) and said: "People are : Columbia, by ~ athlete of the year. Across the line, by coincidence, another girl for shopping and general daytime Radughsm and "her yuty in a panic, They are taking all their NO. 1 Clover Basswood HONEY, 24 Ibs., OPPORTUNITIES FOR still in her teens is named the United States girl athlete of dis- wear. Pigskins and deerskin are the Lh A : money out of the banks everywhere. | pobre mien "itee 3 oh A tari MEN AND WOMEN tinction for 1951. Maureen (Little Mo) Connolly, the second loves of all 'rok oa aod © One of the typical stories about This bs wiiat: niakes banks faile AIL | cus, Re 3, Perth, Ontario, ; : youngest player over to win the United States national tennis 8 ter} 1 = They : : P 1 her was told of an occasion, in her the sic Y 'vossass 3a tn the honk GIVE your car, truck or' tractor a proven . BE A HAIRDRESSER ' championship, blazed her way to this honor 12 days before she Mer ~hiy ~yse ihey ure "most ninetieth year, when, cane in hand, 0 Johey tL possess ring and valve job while you drive. JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOO became 17 years old, ~ : : suitable for driving and sports, ! : here in Monroeville... I am not Stops fisten slap and ofl pumping. Puts Great Opportunity Learn - - ' . . : . and a basket on her arm, she had . 'and I don't metallfc anti-friction seal on cylinder . Hairdressing There seems to be an interesting moral in this continued . toddled down to the post office to taking out one penny, an on walls, rings and valve stems. Licensed Pleasant dignified profession. guod wages. upsurge of youth in sport. It means, we think, that the kids are ' te -- ipa Nl a fetid Consiatent with: her want you to. If all the business men Jagr United gS ten aid p Sannin Thousands of successful Marvel graduates getting into sports competition at earlier ages than ever before, I z hy " 1 ; i" ; bought leave their money in the bank, it Company Heh ety ay Palace. ery A Appt: ree 4 and there's nothing wrong with that. It means, broadly, that rugahity, she never bought 'more ed an vw toad London, Ontario. . Write or Call will not fail." I am happy t ; instead of a nation of onlookers, we're becoming a nation of par- stanips than sh® needed at the that the business men folJowed- her Fray pm IN es Sanvil, HAIRDRESSING ;30HD0LS ticipants, which is a great deal better for both moral and physical moment. On this day, she asked for 2 ba od the Bank © : TAIPery, Wien hoe Tae Senna, Ew Taronip ' well-being, FE a three-cent stamp and tendered a Jools Sais by fo iid bo paved ond. For further information 'eon. : 44 King St, Hamilton Cui ; iction.--From "Tin tact: Mat : F p 72 "Rideau St. Ottaw : twenty-dollar bill in payment. It so tinued to oh 10 ; A ; A they Cnugh or Arthur Quinlan 2 "Rideau St.. Ottawa Remember," by Lloyd C. Douglas - happened that the post office's cash eember," hy Love glas. = = SELL BRITISH KNIT PRES " COLLIES, two. months, parents extra. MADE (to measure dresses lingerie reserve was low, and they couldn't - Good on cattle $5.00 each Jack children' 3 43 es PH rab 4 kh ig hi. pH en's and men's wear representa. handle that much money. They |- Provincial Curling Reasbeck, Vankleek HHL, Ontario. tives wanted to sell direct to the homes, . f the Rom: 11 23% were quite willing to trust her, but ; CHOICE clover. honey, 12 fours $9; Les a Tce Tie sualishis ; Like To Try Some o 1c Romans, and honey is a Mama abhorred indebtedness and Playdown Dates Wali Vion hig + Ae in ins est commissions _ and bonuses. Write h : Dn. vs, 8 ile, : i 2 4 Nice Fried Ants? secretion from msects. the thought of owing anybody three ol oat British Kpitwear Limited. Simcoe, Ont } } rs ss rie Dist Ofigurs Eelite ins Insupportable, Dates for provincial curling play- RED RICHH--""The [finest strawberry 1 $18.00 AN EVENING > PRES ave been called in to quell pitc 1c Directly behind her stood a tall downs in British Columbia, Alberta, ever tasted." 4 FOI Your Spare Time. Just 3 Easy-tree "linned Termites Now Off Ra- battles over white ants. The na- a a es man: eliy Suskatchiewn "wii Naniteba-- were 1 eS LR TE mL Ee ae wa . . v oe . . . = 0 g iF y - Son! High Nutritional Value des Joit until_the queens... are said: "Madam, if it will be a con- announced in Montreal recently, woyrlte elmo Park Perennial Gardens ee MM rem So Sa Equal To Six Eggs. egg-laden, then raid the nests, venience to you, 1 can change your British Columbia leads off in the eston. Ont. ANTEED PROFIT OFF) D-Frost-0- Ever since the start of the Kor- Handfuls of the queens are gather- money." She thanked him gracifus- playoff quest which will end next DEEP ROU THEA 0d Car J ness, laree ia oem. ert 81. Nesnidhel y oe . > d . rs . Jarage, wy (1 y XC ean War 1 have been carefully ed and eaten yaw and wriggling! ly; and when the transaction had March in Winnipeg; *when champ- a fy Industrial pti 1000 Rw ANTRR scanning the headlines "for the Some "of the natives believe that been completed, she said: "I sce ions from every province square off IY Reasonable, terms, Britton. IE ULC Le part of above announcement (writes a a diet of these queen ants, if eaten that you are a stranger among us in the round-robin competition for Auto," Talladega Alabama. Lem the hoy with, Saca-Pelo, the remarkable 3 Pro ee " . oy . . \ . " or A Te PTI discovery o " ro, Snes 3, p - IIT-BITS correspondent), feeling by a wife, ensures fertility. I am Mother Douglas. Perhaps you | the nation's most prized curling FiisNspon hi BUSINESS Meiiford, Mo. ArUL or Chemie ane wo Kill the that the planners in their constant In Australia, too, the Bushmen will tell me who you are." i bauble -- the ' Macdonald's Brier warehouse, Coo I oxen sd hair imi ORO . * : ne . . . -r of "BEE SABDORA 8 search for square-meal substitutes are ant-caters. They dig for the Said he: "I Rev 1 1 Tankard, emblematic of Canadian poverage. A goed business for a good | gla granvitle st, Vancouver, B.C ill hav it wind of the fact th PT aid he: am Reverend so-and-_ | ¥) PRE acy. T le --man---- Marsh wang ErerRine. Realtors, yg] wi ave got wind o 1e fact that nests of the honey-ant and "milk so, the new minister of the United single rink supremacy. op curlers Meaford, Ontario. the Koreans are partial to a tasty the insects into their mouths. Biethren Church." gj : from the-Pacific Coast province will TIVARCED Torrie ohare i EASY To aur SMOKING ; . . . . gi . . (FH & FL a CB ry Orks re oar se obhaceo [2 1 7 F? " ~ : handful of termites, which, in addi- Some of these Aborigines even Mama offered him. a wrinkled trek inland to the mining town of ready for service $75, Heed Gilts $100 treatnient quickly' rine ele > 25 tion to their high nutritive value, make a "punch" by pulverizing the . eee | Kimberley for six days of. compet- KX: ress prep your station. Holstein tobacco, rids the system of nicotine, Pe) m ) have ly . . ) . little hand and said: "I am glad to es hil il 1 LE Bull Calves $200. Douglas Hart, Wool- King Drug Pharmaceutical Ghemists (Al- : eine arc alleged to have a rejuvenating ants in water. In Mexico, ants are . y ition which will get underway on stock, berta), P.O. Box 672, London, Ont. ZR F : ' meet you, sir. I want .to shake : ' : ea En SP B ! 73 540 effect. considered a delicacy and ant ; Po February 4'and end February 9. : ERAT - - " 3 EIN The iden ic : s J : . hands with a preacher who is able Sr . ani DESTROY GOLHERS, RATS, MICE, PATENTS b % I'he idea is not so far-fetched. honey is a ritual Wedding Dish. t I twenty-doll bill)" Crack curlers from Manitoba, tra- without endapgering with poison or ih LAGE During the Burma campaign in : 0 change a twenty-dollar ii ditionally the province to beatwhen traps. Simple. Safe. Sure. Information, AN UFFER tu every 1nventur- List of in 3 - 3 y the last war, many men lost in Crickets and grassnoppers are a My mother was conspicuously Brier time rolls around each year $1.00. D. Walsh, Garibaldi, 8.C. - ventions and full Information sent free X ; = Jas ar, y mm : favourite "diet in Mexico and old-fashioned. Never, in my recol- : y k Skoly EE Ervemoreney i Ihe Ramsay Co Registered Patent Aftor -- the jungle owed their lives to "In- 1 A j ae ' will start their own provincial elim- STS and beginners" send for our neys 272 Rank Street. Ottawa pi fy among the North American In- lection, did she change her manner Pin Tice 2 69 page catalogue featuring Artists' sect Rations," and were actually - dians. In times of rasshopper = 2 fd ' bi 8 inations at WW mnipeg on February Supplies and Picture Frames. - Send 250 FETHERSTONHAI'GH & Company Pa briefed on how to live off the > 4 Bri PPE. | Mota Got It--Goalie Mota of the of dress, or. her habits, or her 7, 'with play continuing until Feb- in coin to cover postage. Powells, 2120 tent Bolicltors Established 1890 350 , , plague, the insects are gathered . - opinions, By refusal to alter the 14 Bloor St., West Toronto. : Hay Street. Toronts ftooklel sf Informa country, with ant's eggs, grass- : : . Mexican Atlante soccer team . ' 1 ruary 14, x ------ ee Hon on request hoppers, and giant caterpillars in basketfuls by the women, dried, heli fashion of her clothing, she claimed sEdmonton will be the scene of a 13s WALKER hound, 7 months, ready neon. CS 5 i / = : ; - : t . Write Gerald. Saunde 2 ANTI 5 forming 5 siaple port Of hardier powdered and used as needed. goes "into a helicopter act to that she could be in style--for a sudden-death battle on February 16 ad i Str pite, Gerald. Saund rs, 21 WANTED oh : As with everything else, it is = A missionary I know whose ward off a scoring attempt by |- brief period--once about every between northern and southern Al- CON, Rover Trt mares cop Genera) wanted for modern home. s only a question of getting used to parish was a) the Dutch East the Argentine Independents at twenty years, i > berta champions, with the winter 2 months. Same as new. Write: Gerald working conditions prog ire oot . 974 the idea, I have caten locusts mix Indies has dined on a mixed dish Mexico Ci Mexi i i I often tried to give her a few carrying the oil province's torch at Saunders, 21 Georgina Street, Brockville auarters. Avply in writing stating exper. pd ; co . of fried silkworms cooked in oil exico City, Mexico.. In spite modern conveniences in her little Winnipe rs fence and wage expected to: Mis, R. 0. n ed with rice and pumpkin on the . 4 ids as 33 4 3p = Has peg. | : SMOCKING MADE EASY Riggs, Dundas, Ontario. {3K West Coast of Africa, and thor- with rice, curry, and a beetle sim- of their goalies solo flights the home but she preferred a primitive Battling for the right to carry the BY Chella Thornton in her new 48-page : i ' 3 . ivi ; 1 iy y inatructf book ' p "w oughly enjoyed them. ilar to our own scag-beetle, and Mexicans lost, 2-0. mode of living, and had no use for Saskatchewan colours gets under- Christ hreh tee The y $i For centuries, many countries found the meal quite palatable. labor-saving gadgets or electrified way late in the month at Saskatoon, Smocking, 24 beautiful designs and full- oh have beén inscctivorous, and ex- China, famed for its exotic dish- gimeracks. . With play. Schiduled: for two days, | i iim om «"ciltmour i periments have proved that many es, lists everything from roast F. : When the Great Depression® first February 22-23, Limited, 1040 Bleury, Montreal 1, for SEDICIN tablets taken Scearding fo 7% - of these meals have a high food caterpillars, grasshopper jam, Fairy-Tale Kingdom struck, and the banks all over the Winners in each of the four west- Your Yestpal) copy, ov Rr nal. 2 ale way te Induce Pp 4% value. Certain insdcts have, in ad- white-ants' eggs and centipedes, CRESS CORN SALVE--Vor sure relief, Drug Stores only! or Sedicin, Toronto 2. i} dition, medicinal qualities, and which, when crushed in the mouth, N i " Jour Drugeist sells CRESS, , / » ¥ : i i i 's that . twenty-three-year-o BR coe di aie tr | a there arc thousands of people who taste like apricots! aon b } : STRIKES versus THE PUBLI = = have eaten food coloured with I've seen tinned rattlesnake on Ming Pigoihon of Jam . Js C erin provinces will take possession of cochineal without realizing that sale in this country. Perhaps to- AA Bs a, oh ren --_-- the British Consols trophies, em- L : the dye came from crushed Deet- morrow may bring a recipe "New nin were virally olcrs . : Fee 2 : $a. PRETEEN : wd 5 blematic of supremacy in their les! After all. we in Britain hav Way With Woods 1 their own palace at Bangkok after How can we prevent tie ups ilt-public utilities or in other industries, respective hailiwicks, y ? al, we. bron. lave ays ith OOCWOIINS fF roluti tly t 1 tl such as the distribution of a vital food, where the convenience, s fet been cating honey since the days 1 "Bottle Your Beetles Now!" Iwo fevoitlions:recepily: tied the : DRY 5000, woere the, convemiclice, Safely. To date only one provincial ; out OF LOVE : spotlight on a pair who, until then, and sometimes even the life of the private citizen is involved? chiiibion has In feclured, "with A Le d dwelt in a fairy-tale kingdom. . H ' y , ; > ; h on has been declared, with 3 had dwelt in a fairy g : That is a problem we must solve or we face a complete breakdown Ken Weldon's Montreal St. George I WITH L 2 ; ' , Phumiphon became King of Siam a of our. society. : 3 rink winning a rouad-robin com- - in 1946 and was married in April," In recent months we have had some bitter and costly experiences petition last week at Quebec City Wouldn't you Jike to jump out of bed 1950, to the girl he wooed and won We have seen our railroads paralyzed with every industry great and for the right to represeitt his prov- eeling fine?" in the Swiss Alps. They returned small throughout the country immediately. affected. We have seen nce, Not up to par?. , . you may suffer from an oa ~--| to their homeland to find them. commercial transportation services in a great city and its suburbs ; Ee ystem; 3! you are constipated Jour & . in = = -- --- gan selves caught in the aftermath of a halted for almost three weeks, There have been threats to shut off c : Up your stomach. the fun ah SPAT = . . . oes ou ' revolution, : ; fuel for cooking and heating in scores of thousands of homes. ; | Was Nearly Crazy atten) okie; Tha be when, you Deed This young king has many titles, Thi f thi imp! ' vegetable pills bring you quick relief from 1s sort of thing simply can't go on. . " . tipath one of which is: "Power from the : : of aupation and so help promote the flow ' 8: What is the solution? ---- of digestive juices, Soon: you'll feel that St th of the Earth, Great God ° happy days are here a in thanks to Cart. *a! » 1 La « 1 . ; . . . 1 ' 5 She Head eq Supreme Arbiter Compulsory arbitration without stoppage of work has been sty- Ltn 1 discovered, Dr. DD, Dennle' amasingly Why stay sunk? Got Carter's Little. iver gt ana « 4 . ITE] . . . WA $ \) po le y 3 : oo " ested and the Ontario Government, it is understood, is now considerin popular, this' pure, cooling, liquid medication from anv on int therm oh hand, (nly Sse of the Ebb and Flow of the Tides. 8 3 pu ae : : speeds peace and 'comfort from cruel fiching ei . intl appropriate legislation, But compulsory legislation without the genuine gaused by eczema. pimples, HL bot 436 . : 3 His healer Wag Joumd shot In he support of labor unions and workers would not be sufficient, There are Fist application ehecks even the tnoet, intents oH werd . FLA ately may PA some things that a law cannot do or cannot do well. One of them is "Prescription (ordinary - ot extra strengih). | -ISSUE 7 ~ 1952 , Lt bt : tT ¢ a . 2 : if his democratic ideas, based on a to make an unwilling Aevsqn ork. toned ol => rivesme 8 PE liberal education, do not find favour To really protect t ¢ public, as one experience observer has sug- . TIAA with the military clique whose gested to The Financial Post, to prevent the private citizen from being 7 power led to his confinement to the used as a pawn in industrial squabbles, essential services must be main« #1 palace. tained. To do this when arbitration is rejected then means must be fh 1 Their ten-months-old daughter, provided for: ae ; hes Wag Princess Ubol Rathana, was born at 'The dismissal of those refusing to work or work satisfactorily. i h = : i : : Lausanne. Before her names were Effective policing to prevent malcontents from defying the law and : : , £3 . chosen there were consulations with = interfeting with the rights of others to work and, finally-- ¢ NE AURE : i] Shit : he; ; Wo court astrologers. The precise Provision for operation of essential services by substitute help, if ty Wil 20 : : : ; if J ; moment of her birth was cabled to > 2 Coa : ' a. , 1 a . 7 35%: : seins a ms ! yy. sir ys the - Government. in - Bangkok . so' necessary by the militia. . : Bo / . look Dad," Some Who, | = Twelve-year-old Luis Henrique: that the astrologers could decide on In our complicated, modern economy the public is absolutely de. | fs a ' ] J proudly shows his dad what a good man he Is with the 30-pound the. position of the 'stars at the pendent on the ¢ontinuous functioning of its great public utilities, We ; / 2) LCA » 2 e ol 0 net. Luis is a commercial fisherman at Isla Verde, Puerto Rico just time. Ubol Ratana means "Diamond must find a surg way of keeping' them functioning. ~~ : Canadas ALLL like his father, but strictly after school hours. lotus." ~--From The Financial Post.