Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 6 Mar 1952, p. 4

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A RSs --a Nl ~ te 3 Ba A RA ES , SVFREANS e RA Se Heat AR Ln RRO CET, ee Pa bo ON 3 A NS J BAR v LOCAL > items to the Star i courtesy and service to Toca pom we offer this column in mentioning your-guests and items of interest. N EWS rl A Honeydale ~ Since, it is "Education Week" | Send your Congratulations Mrs. Albert Dodd, who has spent 84 years on this weary old world celebrated her birthday. on the most illusive of all birthday dates--Ieb. 29th. Congratulations! © Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Powers and Mr. and Mrs, Hiram Powers, of Union- ville, and Miss Effie Reesor, town, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reesor. The Churches ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. John Riddell, Minister Sunday, March 9th-- 11 a.m.--Sunday School 7. p.m.--Church Service. Subject--Pagan Virtue and Christian Grace The pupils of Grades I to VIII of the Port Berry.Public School attended the showing of the Royal Tour in Lakeview Theatre on Mon- day afternoon. It will be a mem- orable event for most of these children. ' ™ rere CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (ANGLICAN) (Rev. H. S. Swabey, Rector) ~ 11 a.m. Sunday School 7 p.m.---Evening Service Wednesday, 8 p.m, service. CANCELLED AT SCUGOG The - W. A. meeting and supper scheduled for Wednesday of next week at Grace United Church, Scugog, has been cancelled. Card of Thanks Mr. Edward D. Williams, Port Perry wishes to express his sincere apprecia- tion to all friends and neighbours for the many acts of kindness shown him during his recent illness and stay in Oshawa Hospital, and for the wonder- ful collection donated. PORT PERRY PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. H. Wylie, B.A., Minister Sunday, March 9th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--The 8th Commandment. "Thou Shalt Not Steal." 7 pm.--"Why the Church?" BAPTIST CHURCH P. Taylor, Pastor Sunday, March 9th-- 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Wednesday--Prayer meeting at 8 p.m. In Memoriam PALMER -- Thomas Palmer March 11, 1950. We who loved you sadly miss you, As it dawns another year, In our lonely hours of thinking, - Thoughts of you are ever near. Lovingly remembered by His Wife and Family. Births ALDRED -- Nettie and Douglas Aldred are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Beverley Anne at the Oshawa General Hospital, on Tuesday, March 4th, 1952. Death KING--At her home, Blackstock, on Sunday, March .2, 1952, Mary Louise King, sister of Mrs. Robert Bruce, in her 82nd year. In loving memory of who passed away, Manchester Mr. Bruce Hedges of Toronto, visif- ¢d his parents here on Sunday. Those who attended the movie show in the hall on Friday evening enjoyed the pictures very much, Proceeds were for church and Sunday School. Mr. and Mrs. A. Roach and daugh- ters were with friends in Toronto on Sunday. Mr. Grant Innes and family have moved into Mr. D. McKinzey's house. We welcome them to Manchester. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Crosier, of Stouffville, visited Mr, and Mrs, W. F. Crosier, on Thursday. A number from here attended the telephone euchre at-the. home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Holtby on Saturday. Mrs. John Cranley and daughter Jill of Windsor, are visiting her sister . Mrs. A, Roach and family, THE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Sunday, March 9th-- Jimmie Miller and Russell Semple Specialists in Boys and Girls Work will be with us. Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Worship Service 7 p.m.--Evangelistic. Also FRIDAY MARCH 7th, at 7.30 p.m. GREAT Boys' and Girls' meeting. Don't miss these services. " Pastor, W. A. BOWLER. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Service at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday at the home of Mrs. Stanley Ger- row. All are welcome. janlOtf Ajr Conditioning Furnace Eavestroughing We sell and service DURO PRESSURE PUMPS SYDNEY G. BARNES BROOKLIN Phone 72 r 2 Aug 62 Austin C. A. Bathie DR. OF CHIROPRACTIC Graduate of Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, Toronto For appointment Phone 206R PORT PERRY. Visit Our Beautiful The Loveliest in all Canada-- .Complete with a gorgeous array of. WEDDING and EVENING GOWNS DRESSES "SHOP at ARDLEY'S with CONFIDENCE" ARDLEY FROCKS 491-3-5 Danforth Ave. (near Logan) Phone--GE 1575 Salon SUITS COATS In . Toronto, Ont. tion W. L 'wanis International "has always | hesitate to make your voice heard we bring you a "portion of the New Year's Message from our Domin= Pregident, Mrs. Hugh Summers of Fonthill, Ontario, "WE BUILD", the motto of Ki- appealed to me. If Women's In- stitutes across 'Canada could in- corporate the spirit of this motto with our own and so build a better and happier home life in each of our homes and .as well build better soil on our farms, better communi- ties, better citizens and stronger national and international links. We cannot -do this through Wo- men's Institute Meetings that have been reduced to little more than a meeting for chit-chat and tea. Our meetings must have the vit- ality of study, discussion and planned action. "Above all do not on behalf of those things that are right and just. : A year of responsibility and action lies ahead of the Women's Institutes of Canada. For our house must be put in order to re- ceive our guests from many count- ries who will be coming to the Triennial Conference of the Asso- ciated Country Women of the World in 1958. The conference is to be held in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Ont;, from August 12th to 23rd, 1953. So our -duties and responsibili- ties increase from year to year. Thus" shall Women's Institutes continue to be a force, strong for our democratic way of life with its many freedoms-so precious to every true Canadian. EE OPP = Carnival Winners Girl's 8 and under-- Fancy--Christy Irwin, Cathy Goode. Comic--Lynda Webster. ' Original---Beverley Sweetman, Bet- ty. Jane Badour. Boys under 8 years-- Fancy -- Brian Boundey, Bruce Haugen. Original--John McMillan, Jim Car- negie. ___Comic--Lonnie Mark, Siefred King. Girls, 9 to 12 years-- Fancy Sharon Haugen, Marlene Badour. Original--Marlene Boundy, Buller, Jennifer Edwards Comic -- Gladys Lane and Esther Pickard, Geraldine Spears. Joanne Girls 13 to 18 years-- Fancy--Kent Gerrow, Nancy Kight. Original -- Barbara Love, Beryl Palmer Comic--Barbara Heaps, Ann Chap- man, Boys 9 to 12-- Fancy--David Williamson, Danny Reesor. Original -- Jack Chapman, Stephen Fralick. Comic--Peter Lawrence and Gary Tummonds, Peter Sweetman. Boys, 13 to 18 years-- Original--Mickie McMillan, Jimmie Kight. Comic--Allan Bailey, and Jack Rodd Youngest Girl--Jane Badout, 4 Youngest Boy-- Timothy Bevo; 11% -years. ' Lloyd James Ladies, 19 and over-- Fancy--Mrs. H. Doble, Mrs. Peter Fish, and Mrs, Bill Williams Original--Mrs, 'Geo. Gordon Comic--Mus. Cecil Heayn, Maimie Lawrence. Men, 19 years and over-- Fancy--Frank Hastings, Ken Me- Leod. Original-- Cliff Redman, Douglas Aldred. Comic--Jim Heayn, Wilbur Couch Oldest Lady--Mrs. Forester, 71 yrs. Oldest Man--Wilbur Couch Best Representation--Miriam Har- ris. Best Family--The Hastings, The Palmers PAINTING & DECORATING Garry Venning Blackstock _ PHONE 187 r 2 PORT PERRY 'Harper, Mr. moved to Toronto. in Sunderland with her daughter Mrs. A. Wallace, Mitchell were Mrs.: Milt Parkin and Milton Jr, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gray, "SATURDAY, in ST.. BRING. YOUR F RIE NDS. and and a 'Baking Sale at 3.00 p.m. on' : JOHN' S PRESBYTERIAN HURC H --- gh mi [= PORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, MARCH 6th, 1952 MARCH 15th. ENJOY AFTE RNOON TEA w.HS The Evening Auxiliary of the Uni- ted Church will hold its March. Mect- ing on the 12th at 8 p.m. at the Parsonage. President. Mrs. Michell will have charge of the-business per- iod. Mrs, Heard and Mrs. Rowland will conduct" the Devotional service and 'program. A good turn out will be appreciated. iit li eetirioe UTICA Sunday School attendance has been very well kept up. We were pleased to have Rev. Mr. Eyre speak to us on Sunday, February 24th. The series of telephone euehres held | in aid of the Port Perry Hospital have been quite successful. They were held at the homes of Mrs. G. Nelson, Mrs. H. Walker, Mrs. E. Ballard, and Mrs. J. Crosier. Those attending Mrs. J. Crosier's Saturday night were Mr. and Mrs, Roy Hart, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Medd, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. €. Geer, Mr. and Mrs_ Wm. Bell, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Dittrick, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sandison, Mr. Russell and Mrs. Bruce Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall, David Wilson of Raglan spent the week-end at his home here. Sunday visitors at Henry Skerratt's were Mrs. Pickard, Sr, Mr. afd Mrs. Ben Pickard, of Port Perry. The Utica Hockey team meets Ux- bridge on Tuesday night in the first game of the inter-community play- offs while Siloam and Sandford enter {days last week with relatives in " Adiurn Miss Glenys Stephen, of Whitby spent the week-end with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephen, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Routley and daughter Helen were Sunday visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lil- ley, Markham. Mr.. and Mrs. Gordon Fisher visited friends in Peterboro on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon English, of Woodville, were Sunday visitors with Miss Vera Leach. Miss Ruth Richards, of Toronto spent the week end with her par-| ents Mr. and Mrs. Russell: Rich- ardson. ? | Mrs. TF. Martin, of Oshawa, | spent the week-end with Mr. and] Mrs. Paul Martin. ; We extend our heartfelt sym- pathy to Mrs, E. MacCarthy and family in the passing of a loving husband and father. Mr. Maec- Carthy passed away suddenly on Friday afternoon. A private fun- eral service was held from his late residence on Monday, March 3rd with interment in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto. "Mrs. Peter Barrie spent a few Toronto. 3 The members of the Social Club met in the school house on Friday February 29th at 8 o'clock for an evening of progressive euchre. The following won prizes: Ladies 1st --Mrs. Alfred Fisher; Ladies 2nd --Miss Mary Hopkins; Gentleman 1st--Mvr. A. Dean and Gent's 2nd-- Mr. Peter Barrie. the other half of the contest. Larry Kendall went to Toronto with other senior members of Port Perry High School to visit the Ryerson In- stitute on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Carl 'Wilbur of Taun- ton, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. R. Wilbur, ~ Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Boxall and Michael Clarke, of Toronto, were at Toogood's for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bearé and Dale and Miss Donna Crosier were at Jack Crisier's on Sunday. Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Joel Claughton were Mr. and Mrs. J. Claughton. and Mr. and Mrs. J. Utting of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rogers of Bow- manville, and Mr, and Mrs. Emmerson Harper, Toronto were recent visitors with Mr. Russell Harper. Mr. A. A. Campbell has returned to his home here after some weeks in Markham. Mr. and Mrs. E. Simpson, of To- ronto spent Saturday with Mrs. N. Rusnell. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Jebson, of Solina, and Mr, and Mrs. George Gib- son, of Taunton: spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, George Harper. Miss Evelyn Ross has secured a position at General Motors, Oshawa. Mrs. R. Sutcliffe, accompanied Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Bray to Toronto on Sunday to visit Mr, R. Plum, her brother-in-law. Miss Dorothy Wilbur was in Ux- bridge Saturday to take part in the Grade 9 basketball tournament be- tween Port Petry, Uxbridge, Thorn- hill and Pickering High Schools. The March meeting of the W. A. will be on March 13th, Meeting place will be announced: later. Roll. call word is "seek" : : Mr, and Mrs. Herman Walker -and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walker and family were at 'Mr. and Mrs, Joe Grills' at Raglan on Sunday. + Your correspondent, Mrs, R. Wilbur, f spent last week supply-teaching at Marsh Hill School, as Miss Watson's mother was ill. Mrs. N. Ackney spent a fow days with Mrs. Grose of Stouffville but has returned to Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Joe Luciano have. - Mrs, Locke is spending a few days Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, J. rn ABT Pe Lament LAMENT FOR THE DEATH OF OUR GOOD KING, GEORGE SIXTH Piper . . ._.blow a sad lament Here . . ."a noble life . . was spent; May he rest . . . in DEEP content. Piper .. . . blow, O shrill and sweet ° Scatter laurels at his feet Wrap him in his winding sheet. Brave was his heart . . . and GOOD his soul . Hard was his task . goal . DEEP is the brief . . . «+ « WHOLE, Piper . . . blow a sad refrain We'll not see HIS like . . . again . . NOBLE KING . . . and NOBLE REIGN . . Piper blow a sad . . . . and high his his Kingdom refrain, --Mona Gould Rox SITLE EXTERTAINMENT "Uxbridge Two Shows Nightly--7.00 and 9.00 Saturdays and Holidays 6.30 & 8.30 Matinee 2.00 p.m. LAST SHOWING TO-DAY-- THURSDAY, MARCH 6th starring SPENCER TRACY and DIANA LYNN FRIDAY-SATURDAY, "EXCUSE MY DUST" i (Technicolor) starring RED SKELTON and SALLY FOREST MONDAY- TUBSDAY, MARCH 10-11 "100 YOUNG TO KISS" starring VAN JOHNSON and . © JUNE ALLYSON i WED. THURSDAY; MARCH '12-13 "RHUBARB" starring RAY MILLAND and JAN STERLING maré and Mr, H, Davis, "PEOPLE. AGAINST O'HARA" i MARCH, 7-8 | §8 2 Our. full line of quality Drugs and Supplies insures: : "rapid filling of Pharmical needs. oy We stock a full line of Vitamins." BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE Stanley R. Bruton, Phm.B. Phone 16 PORT PERRY : . -- |--ALL-YOUR-DRUG-NEEDS 4 4 4 TILTLILTILT ILS -o a $ $333383883808888888838 8883308080388 0300808000088000888038808] 3383830 838388 1322300088808 82080044288¢0 . SPECIAL VALUE CLARK'S TOMATO JUICE, Fancy 20 oz, .......... 2 for 29c. AYLMER DEW DROP FANCY PEAS, 20 oz. .......... reanlles SUPREME SWEET MIXED PICKLES, 16 oz. ................ 29c. CARNATION MILK, I'S cocoons 2 for lec. YORK PEANUT BUTTER, 16 oz. 46¢. HEINZ BABY FOODS ......cccoiiiiemrniir iene 29c¢. BANANAS Golden Ripe. .......cooorrvernnnriinnsessnssinnssinnses 1h. 19¢. CARROTS, Cello Bag ............5iccvieeesssiviseesnisisnssisis srenvsrbssss 19c. TURNIPS, waxed, Ib, 5c. CTOMATOE iS, cello Phe. 25¢. SPINACH, cello bag 20¢. SPPANISH ONIONS, 2 Ibs. 29c¢. E. MERLIN DOWSON WE DELIVER---PHONE 91 FOR SERVICE. FAST SERVICE Pick-up and Delivery Repairs fo all Types WASHING MACHINES VACUUM CLEANERS MOTORS SMALL APPLIANCES 'ROBERTSON ELECTRIC PORT PERRY PHONE 179 Let Us Supply You WITH THE CHOICE FRESH - PROPER BALANCE IN YOUR DLT CAWKER'S - PORT PERRY 33 BUTCHERS ONTARIO MEAT TO GIVE THE A OPOPOPC PT POPOROPIPO "8 870 0% 0 ' #70 50,05 0% 6% 4% 0% est 0 We're Proud of Our Service And we know you'll like it, too! efficient--adds perfectly to your enjoyment of our meals. Come in soon for a complete meal or snack. It's smooth, quiet, and # ' OUR NEW SAMPLE BOOKS NOW AVAILABLE. Our years of experience to help you in choosing the proper r papers for your rooms. We Sell and Service Venetian Blinds M. ST. CLAIR and SON Phone Port Perry M3 r 14 SE eee et setter tt tse ttrttststtstetstttstetttstsssstssssss PAINTER and DECORATORS in all branches of the trade, "a pice ss nora

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