Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 10 Apr 1952, p. 4

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25 - Ev ER x Re FT LOCAL in mentioning your guests and items to- the Star As courtesy and service to local readers we offer this column NEWS items of interest. Send your Mr. Wiiam Collings, M.P.P., Mrs. Collings and daughter Muriel, of To- ronto, were week-end visitors at the Lome of Mrs. Collings, mother,* Mrs. R. H. Frise, Port Perry. Mus. Pearl Scott. and son Karl, of Lindsay, were Sunday visitors with Mra, R. H, Frise. i The Annual Convantinn of the Scout Mothers' Auxiliary will be held on April 18th at the Scout Hall. W. Corbett of Oshawa, will be the guest speaker. = - a -- Runoumsement Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Cochrane, of Port Perry. Ontario, wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Wilma Joan, to James Bryce Lynde, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Lynde, of Ashburn, Ont. The marriage to take place April 26, 1962, Birth MOORE---To Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Moore (nee Clare Glass), on March 14h, 1952, at Memorial Hospital, Mount Vernon Ohio, a sou -- Robert Vernon. EE eS RC-- Special Notice The Girl Guides ask you to have RAGS ready for salvage collection on Suturday morning, April 19th. oor BINGO in PRINCE ALBERT SCHOOL on Friday Evening, APRIL 18h Good prizes and refreshments. Sponsored by the Good Neighbours Service Club. Proceeds for Hospital, Draw will be made for the Quilt and Rug. Te errr MAA Brrr eee WLS The = United Church Afternoon Auxiliary held its Easter meeting, on Tuesday, April 8th at the home of Mrs. J. Peel. 26 members and six visitors were present. Mrs." Z. M. Jackson's group had charge of the meeting. Miss Woon read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. Carter led in prayer. The Easter lesson taken from "The Greatest Story Ever Told" was given by Miss E. Harris amd Mrs. A. Brock taking the role of Annas, the high piest, Miss Harris, Caiphas, Annas' son-in-law, Mrs. Thompson closed the meeting with prayer. Tea was served by the hostess, Mrs. Peel, and the ladies enjoyed a social DOGS Your dog licence is now due. In accordance with By-law No, 1060 the fees for this year are as follows: 1 dog, $2.00; 1 bitch, $4.00. For each additional dog the fee will be $4.00; for each additional bitch the fee will be $6.00. GEO. HOLMES, Chief of Police. april8-10 The Churches ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN = CHURCH Rev. John Riddell, Minister Sunday, April 13th-- 11 a.m.--Sunday School. Mus. | . Ascension, 7 p.m.--Special Easter Service. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Anglican) (Rev. H. 8. Swabey, Rector) GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 11th-- '12 to 2.00 p.m.---Service EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 13-- 9.00 a.m.--Holy Cemmunion 11.00 a.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evening Service, -- PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. H. Wyle, B.A., Minister Sunday, April 13th-- 10 n.m.--Sunday School IT am. --Service Subject--*Beyond the Sunset." 7 p.m.----Subject--"Intimations of Immortality." Good Friday Service at 11 a.m. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH P. Taylor, Pastor April 13th-- 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evangelisti¢- Service Sunday, Wednesday --FPrayer meeting at 8 p.m. THE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Sunday, April 18th= - - 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Communion Service. 7 Friday, 8.156 p.m.--Bible Study. AH Welcome. Pastor: SRYENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Saturday, April 12th-- © Subject--Will the inanimate idol, Baal, triumph over God, the Creator? All are welcome. apr.3tf ANNUAL EASTER TEA and HOME BAKING SALE at the Church of the SATURDAY. APRIL 19, 3 to 6 p.m. april 17 In Memoriam MARTIN --- In loving memory of mother who passed away April 16th, 1961, and father, who passed away April 11th, 1934. In our hearts your memeory lingers, Always tender, fond and true, There's not a day dear parents, We do not think of you. Till memory fades and life departs They live forever in our hearts. Loving remembered by Luella and Family. Austin C. A. Bathie DR. OF CHIROPRACTIC Graduate of Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, Toronto For appointment Phone 206R PORT PERRY. W. A. Bowler - Notice On or before the 12th day of April next, a list of all persons entitled 'to vote on the proposed money by-law for the issue of. debentures by the Municipal Corporation of fhe Village of Port Perry for public school pur- poses, will be posted in the office of the Clerk of the said Corporation. This list is based on the assessment roll of 1951 with corrections in ac- cordance with the Municipal Act and the Voters' Lists Act. All owners of real property having an assessment of $100.00 or more within the limits of the Corporation, .| whose name or names do not appear on the said list, may file with the undersigned on or before the 21st day of April next, a notice of complaint and sworn declaration that he or she is an owner, A corporation may appoint a nominee to vote on its behalf by filing with the undersigned an appointment in writing not later than April 18th next, Only tenants whose lease extends for the term of the debenture or for at least twenty-one years and who have by the terms of the lease under- taken to pay all municipal taxes, may vote providing they file with the un- dersigned a sworn declaration so stating, not later than April the 18th next, Dated at Port Perry, April 8, 1962. JOHN I". RAINES, Clerk. EE La -- Death CORBMAN -- At Oshawa: General Hospital, Wednesday, April 2, 1962, Richard W. Corbman, beloved husband of the late Mary Jane Wildman, in april 17. | his 86th year. Mr. A. J. 'Shaw, shown above, has been appointed to the newly-created position of Vice-President in Charge of Salar ot le e Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited, according 10 an announcement made to-day b: B. C. Row, the Corporation's Mn dent. Mr. Shaw, with the Corpers: tion over 5 -filve years, will asgums his new duties en Apc) 158. Rei SITLE ENTERTAINMENT Uxbridge I'we Shows Nightly--7.00 and 9.00 Saturdays and Holidays 6.30 & 8.80 Matinee 2.00 p.m. LAST SHOWING TODAY-- THURSDAY, APRIL 10th "SEPTEMBER AFFAIR" starring JOAN FONTAINE and JOSEPH COTTEN ALSO senna {iss Phone--GE 1575 Are You Ready for the EASTER PARADE? SEE OUR COMPLETE ARRAY OF Suits, Coats, Dresses Bridal Outfits "SHOP at ARDLEY'S with CONFIDENCE" ARDLEY FROCKS 491-3-5 Danforth Ave., (near Logan) Toronto, Ont. BS SRAM El Sigs ois PEI i UR $8 gi FRIDAY-SATURDAY, APRIL 11-12 "SANTA FE" starring RANDOLPH SCOTT and - JANIS CARTER in Technicolor "BEDTIME FOR BONZO" starring. RONALD REGAN and DIANA LYNN WEDNESDAY-THURS, APRIL 16-17 "A DATE WITH JUDY" starring JANE POWELL and ' ELIZABETH TAYLOR in Technicolor. MONDAY-TUESDAY, APRIL 14-16 |g MAPLE LEAF 2 Ibs, 27c. TENDER KING Libby's Pea 'CAMPBELL'S "4-String Brooms 99c¢. HEINZ Bahy Food 3-29c. Astor Coffee for - your generous vo come. i | Pure Lard 15 oz. 2-35c. rt i | Tomato Soup i | we 2-25¢, Hayhoe's Ground Fresh MANY THANKS during the past three years and we pledge ourselves to a policy: of low prices and good service in the years to DOWSON'S Grocery | hie Birthday Sale| 3 YEARS OLD THIS WEEK APRIL 8-9-1012 rovreees sirens FCY. | DONALD DUCK ORANGE or BLENDED € Medium. CHEBSY, 1b 50, | JUICE, 48 oz. tin ............. ENE 29¢, Maple Leaf CHEESE i AMBER HONEY, 4 Ib. tin «ooo 65c. 2 1b. pkg. cco 800. 4 DOWNY FLAKE CAKE MIXES, BOLOGNA, M. Leaf, Ib. 45c. § White or Chocolate ............... 2 for 49c. Kraft Cheese Slices .......85c. H "MILKO .....oooooorni...... 16 oz. 37c. 5 lbs, $1.69 ws bi CULVERHOUSE GOLDEN CORN, : i - 20 oz tin .............. sarnaed x - : CAMPBELL'S TOMATO CATSUP, DONALD DUCK GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 8 02; UHM vrei retard 27c¢. IT: ven 2. fOr 35c¢. "KING'S CHOICE TOMATOES, 28 0z, 32c. BACON, Maple Leaf, ¥;, 35c. Pure Pork SAUSAGE, 1b 55¢. EGGS, A Large, dozen 47c. 25¢. Garden Fresh KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES . 17¢. SAVE ALL WAXED PAPER .................... 3le. KLEENEX .... nw. 2 for 43c. WOODBURY'S SOAP 4 for 30c. JOHNSON'S HARD GLOSS GLO COAT Quart ..$1.13 GOLD MEDAL FLOOR WAX, Paste, ....1 Ib. 38c. DISH CLOTHS, 2 for 25c. sesteniecstiatane. FRUITS & VEGETABLES BANANAS, Golden Ripe, .............. Ib. 19c. . TOMATOES, Cello PKg. ........oovooooo 25¢. 3 POTATOES, 10 1b. bag ........................... 75¢. JUICE ORANGES, 252's................29c. : HEAD LETTUCE, 60's .................. 2 for 23c. : GREEN CELERY, 48s ................ 2 for 19. : CARROTS, bunches ......... ..3 for 29¢. : SPINACH, Cello ......vcovirrvrinn2 FOI 27c, # CHRISTIE'S BREAD and CAKES, Fresh Daily ~~ § HOT CROSS BUNS, 6 in package ....... wwii ith .25c. SOCKEYE Salmon 1/o's 45¢. BLUE BONNETT Margarine 43c. i 10c. Coupon Redeem- able on C. & S. Coffee. GOLD MEDAL Peanut Butter 16 oz. 35c. support Phone 91 Port Perry J We Deliver [EVERY DAY LOW PRICES TIDE, ...large 38c., Giant 75c. CHEER, Lge. 38c., Giant 75c. OXYDOL, Lge. 38c., Gt. 75¢c. SURF, Lge. 38c., Giant 75¢. DREFT, Lge. 37c., Giant 73c. poscccssessesssrcssscssesd - EEE E EEE ESE EES EERE Eee E Tess Resse TsssEEtesees SLAs esSIRstEIISsILLLL ! 1000060000000 0800004 FE EE a IS TL tse tsetse ens eesteseesess 'Honeydale W.T The annual meeting of the Honey- dale W. I. was held on" April 2nd at the home of Mrs. J. H. Hardy, Port Perry. Reports of the year's work were read by the following conveners: Mrs. Wm, Moase, Mrs. McCullough, Mrs, Lyle, Mrs. Hutchinson in the ab- sence of Mrs, Barthau, and Mrs. E. Fines. . Mrs. Lawson Honey gave us a brief report of the Federation of' Agricul- ture meeting at Brougham. A donation was made to the Cancer Fund. A letter received by Mrs, Robertson was read regarding the manufacture and fitting of shoes. - Further in- quiries are being made in obtaining of officers, which will appear in a later issue, The Institute appreciate the loan of chairs from Mr. A. L. McDermott [and wish to thank him for same and also Mr. Frank Honey for taking them to and from. Mrs, Owen and her group were in charge of the supper, The meeting closed with "God Save the Queen." BINGO at 8.30 p.m. on APRIL 16th in BSEAGRAVE PUBLIC SCHOOL Proceeds in did of Seagrave Community Hospital Fund. a film showing of same. Mrs. Birrell, district President, kind- ly and capably answered the many question asked by members. Delegates to the Guelph Conference on May 1st and 2nd this year are Presidents. and Secretaries. Mrs. Birrell conducted the election SI Ee te Wh a tt Ee Se CEO CER RUA ORCRORCRRORCEOAOEOROROSOACAORONOIONORO DART Sb HARES a ea ee te te te at et A le AAA 0, AIT Sp. We're Proud of Our Service And we know youll like it, too! It's smooth, quiet, and : efficient--adds perfectly to your enjoyment of "our meals. § Come in soon for a complete meal or snack. . "DEL" RESTAURANT DRINK Ceetoly WORK REFRESHED COMING - NEXT WEEK LAWRENCE'S REXALL One Cent Sale Soda APRIL 16th - 17th - 18th -and 19th SEE BILLS FOR COMPLETE LIST OF BARGAINS Please Note--On One Cent Sale Week we close Tuesday at 12.30 and rerialn open Wednesday until 6.00 pm, A. M. LAWRENCE 7he Rexall swe | Phone 49 PORT PERRY RR con sth te Te a 2 leet ie Sh See tT at on + PAINTER and DECORATORS in all branches of the trade. OUR NEW SAMPLE BOOKS NOW AVAILABLE. Our years of experience to help you in choosing the proper - papers for your rooms. - : We Sell and Service Venetian Blinds M.ST. CLAIR and SON Phone Port Perry 118 r u A AN a aml ida endird iM Fy Poi a mk 8 E hans

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