Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 8 May 1952, p. 4

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¥ , oo ed a Eta Sg er ol ae RA a , wor A Fe Bet A I WE, bk a, Ee ee Wg Ca 0 Sy I HAL ZY STE x : Fs Ni LOCAL items to the Star ' Hr As courtesy and service to local readers we offer this column in mentioning your guests and items of interest. NEWS Send your W. M.S. The United Church Afternoon Auxiliary of the Women's Mission- ary Society will hold their May Meeting at the home of Mrs. Geo. Holmes, on Tuesday, May 13th at 3 p.m. Mrs. Smallman's group will have charge of the meeting. DONATIONS for the Blind may be given to Mrs. John Murray for the Scugog Chapter 1.O.D.E. ---- --- ------- SPENCER -- At her home, Port Perry, on Tuesday, May 6th, 1952, Elizabeth Spencer, in her Ulst year. Resting at the Chapel of A. L. Me- Dermott, Port Perry, for service on Thursday at 2 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. 333420313333 022 32002082 72230003 00032322283 0833) "Card of Thanks We wish to express our thanks and appreciation to the Fire Brigade, and neighbours and friends for their quick efficient action, and preventing a serious fire. ) BOB PICKARD. Card of Thanks Mr. Wm. Harrison and familv wish to thank the Port Perry Fire Brigade and friends & neighbours for their quick action, which pre- vented a serious fire at our home on Saturday, May 3rd. dl re Rummage Sale Will be held by the Evening Guild, Church of the Ascension, In the Library on Sat., May 17th commencing at Tea will be served. I p.m. There will be a good selection of used cloth- ing and other articles for sale. May 8 NOTICE to Dog Owners You must keep your dog or dogs tied up or enclosed during the garden season. | am asking your co-opera- tion in this regard. Chief of Police, GEORGE HOLMES / | HELP' WANTED I Aggressive Young Man between 30 and 35 for General I'actory Work. | = 1 The Churches ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. John Riddell, Minister. Sunday, May 11th-- 11.00 a.m.--Sunday School. 7.00 p.m~--Special Mother's Day Service. Junior Choir will Sing. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Anglican) May 11---"Third Sunday after Easter 8 a,m.--Holy Communion. ' 11 a.m.--Morning Service. 11 a.m.--Sunday School. Rev. H., S, Swabey, Rector, DOSOAAN SASSO é BALI BALI Cologne or Stick Cologne I 8 ; TIFFANY . Bath Powder ................ $2.00 Cologne ii EE a $1.50 NEILSON'S ig GIFT CHOCOLATES ¢ $1.00, $1.15, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.26 i A. M. LA $8 Phone 19 Z LAWRENCE'S For MOTHER S DAY GIFTS SHEAFFER Pens, Pencils and Sets Box Soap Cologne .............coneene. $1.25 TWEED Cologne ....=;$1.50 & $2.00 "THE REXALL STORE" St a Bath Powder .............$1.65 Complete Price Range ADRIENNE Bath Powder ............. $2.00 : : "a WRENCE i PORT PERRY # + alas Ii ELECTRICAL TIPS FOR THE HOME | \ If You Plan to Fix Up a Study Area for Your Child ... J PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, May 11th-- 11 "a.m.--Combined Suwrday School and Church service. Subject-- "The Festival of the Christian Home." Sacrament of Baptism, 7 p.m.--""Temples of the Heart." PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH P. Taylor, Pastor Sunday, May 11th 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Wednesday--Prayer meeting at 8 p.m. THE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Sunday, May 11th : 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Communion Service. 7 p.m.--Evangelical, Friday, 8.15 p.m.--Bible Study. All Welcome. Pastor: W, A. Bowler SEVENTH DAY ADVEBNTIST CHURCH Service at 2.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Stanley Gerrow. All are welcome Saturday, May 10th-- Subject -- "Can we regain our liberty ? = Notice In accordance with a by-law of the Corporation of Port Perry, a Poll Tax will be collected from every single male inhabitant over 21 vears of age, who is not other- wise assessed. Austin C. A. Bathie DR. OF CHIROPRACTIC Graduate of Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, Toronto For appointment Phone 206R PORT PERRY. Apply to Canadian H. W. Gossard Co. Lid. rar er rem ey tet a mtn re teen LS FIRE | DE Phone--GE 1575 SEE OUR COMPLETE ARRAY OF Suits, Coats, Dresses Bridal Outfits "SHOP at ARDLEY'S with CONFIDENCE" ARDLEY FROCKS 491-3-5 Danforth Ave., (near Logan) Toronto, Ont. 25 i DON'T tance of peoper lighting. Poor il lumination in the study area can overlook the impor cause eyestrain and all-around fatioue, A common: result: less in- terest in schoal work and lower marks. BO seloct a well-designed study lamp. To avoid tiring coniresis be- tween light and dark, provide ad- ditional light from valancos, ceil ing or cornices. Be sure to add handy switches near enlruncas. NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estates of Mary Corbman and Richard Corbman, late of the Town- ship of Reach, in the County of Ont. All persons having claims against the estates of the above-named who died November 19th, 1961, and April 2nd 19562, respectively, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned particulars of their claims on or be- fore June 2nd, 1952. Immediately after June 2nd, 1952, the assets of the deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having re- dersigned shall then have notice, DATED ut Port Perry, Ontario, this 26th day of April, A.D. 1962. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator. maylb RL STYLE ENTERTAINMENT - Uxbridge Two Shows Nightly--7.00 and 9.00 Saturdays and Holldays 6.30 & 8.30 ~ Matinee 2.00 p.m. LAST SHOWING TO-NIGHT-- THURDSAY, MAY Sth-- "DAVID AND BATHSHEBA" (Technicolor) starring GREGORY PECK and SUSAN HAYWARD. FRIDAY-SATURDAY, MAY 9-10 "WELLS FARGO" starring JOEL McCREA and FRANCES DEE. MONDAY-TUESDAY, MAY 12-18 "THAT'S MY BOY": starring DEAN MARTIN and JERRY LEWIS ~ WED-THURSDAY, MAY 14-16 "THE STRIP" starring MICKEY ROONEY and SALLY: FORREST PLUS Li "HARLEM GLOBETROTTER" starring THOMAS GOMEZ and gard only to claims of which the un-| NORMA LOCKE Ever since she made her radio debut in Ottawa at 16, singing has come first with sultry-voiced Norma Locke, heard Sunday nights at 10.80 on the CBC Dominion network in the Mart Kenny Show. She has been singing with Mart since 1944, and a few weeks ago became Mrs. Kenny. Norma ex- pects to see quite a bit of Canada in the next few months. In May she and the band will do a tour of North- ern Ontario towns, followed by a trip to Halifax to play for the Press Club Ball. In September she and Mart hope to take the band as far west as Vancouver. PAINTING & DECORATING Garry Venning Blackstock PHONE 187 r 2 PORT PERRY Listen to Radio Station CKLB Oshawa Every Evening at 6.20 P.M. (Daylight Saving Time) When there will e a Broadcast in the interest of JOHN L. LAY Liberal Candidate THE GLOBETROTTERS BLACKSTOCK Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. C, Lubsen "on the birth of "their son at Oshawa Hospital, on April 26th, Y. P. U,, Oshawa Presbytery, held the annual convention in Blackstock United Church, Saturday, April 26th, The-W:A; ladies of Blackstock Church catered for the banquet which was held in the 'Sunday School room. A variety concert followed and church services were held on Sunday. Harvey Yellowlees, of Solina, president of the Presbytery, assisted Rev. M. Bury, of King St. United Church, Oshawa, who was the speaker. His subject was "Finding God's" Way". Miss Helen VanCamp conducted the candlelight service at the conclusion of the even- ing service. Solina Branch of Y.P,U, in the Presbytery received the attend- ance banner, "Radios were such. a novelty 26 years ago the names of owners in Bowmanville were published in the Canadian Statesman", Now twenty-five years later Black- stock has its first television, owned by Mr. Harold Kyte. Miss Gladys McKee, Mis. William VanCamp and Mrs. Wm. Lamb were delegates from St. John's W.A. to the 66th annual meeting of the Toronto Diocesan Board W.A. of the Church of England, held in Toronto last week, Our Egypt, Purple Hill and Black- stock mail carrier, Mr. Art Hulbert, visited Mr. and Mrs, Bruce. Freeborn (Greta Hulbert) and family Ted and Gloria, recently, in Peterboro. The meeting of the District Ex- ecutive of the Women's Institute, of West Durham, get at the home of the president, Mrs. Emerson, Nestleton, on Tuesday. Mesdames P. VanCamp, John Rahm, T. Smith, H. Bailey and E. Dorrell attended from Blackstock Branch. Nestleton Branch: assisted Mrs. Emerson in serving afternoon tea to fifty ladies. : Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe at- tended By-Line Ball, Royal York Hotel, on Saturday night. ¥ We are glad to report that Mr. Jas. Parr, who is under the doctor's care, is somewhat improved in health. The W. A. of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. Neil Malcolm for the April meeting. Miss G. Wilson, teacher at Egypt school, is ill" with virus pneumonia, Mrs. H, Crawford is taking her place. EC Radio "Address By JOHN LAY This is the first of May, the day observed as Labour Day by work- ers in many parts ofithe world and to-night I want to address my re- marks particularly to the indus- trial workers of this:Riding. Most of you live right here in Oshawa but many of you have your homes or your work in Whitby, Ajax, the Rouge, Claremont, Port Perry, Pickering and Uxbridge. Lest there be any misunder- standing let me repeat that I am John Lay, Candidate of the Liberal Party in the By-Election to be held on Monday, the 26th of this month. The Liberal Party is Appealing to you through me for your support, confident that on that day you will send to Ottawa the one man who can propertly and completely represent you in Parliament and in the councils of the Government itself. } There are many reasons why Labour in Ontario Riding should support the Liberal Party. Let us take a look at the record. The ob- jective of Liberalism down through the years has been to emancipate the working man from unfavourable .working conditions and to protect him -against exploi- tation by his employer and at the same time to provide Capital with the necessary climate for profit- able expansion. How successful it has been is very evident today. Our national ncome has reached a level undreamed of twenty years ago and at the same time Labour enjoys the fruits of nearly sixty years consistont planning of .en- lightened social legislation by the Liberal Party. Can the Conserva- tive Party point to a 'single act of major importance in the federal field which would induce the working man or his family to give it support on Election Day? Let us go back to the beginning. The Department of Labour was set up in 1900 by Sir Wilfred Laurier on the recommendation of a young man named Mackenzie King, at that time in his twenties, and full of righteous indignation over the shocking conditions he had un- covered in the sweat-shops of To- ronto. Step by step Mackenze Kingl® and his Ministers of Labour pilot- ed one meapure after another through Parliament, until today Canadian Labour stands better protected than the workers of any other country on the face of the globe. ~~ The National Labour Code does three. principals for organized Labour: : 1. It provides a procedure for certification of trade unions as bargaining agents. "2. It declares collective agree- ments to be binding upon employ- ers, employees and the bargaining agents. : 3. It rejects, for certification purposes, unions. dominated or influenced by an employer. Good industrial rélations are based on the application of com- mon sense and. goodwill with a sincere efforts by both manage- ment and labour to understand each others' problems. In this the Liberal Party considers the role of government to be com- pounded of one part consultant, ane part mediator and, where the public interest must be protected, one part referee. Back in 1920 Mackenzie King his party's basic principle----and 1 quote ---- "The best interests of every class must be represented in the programme of , Liberalism, himself voiced. 'Not each for self but all for all' Workers of Ontario Rding, I as- sure you that the creed of the Liberal Party to-day and will be our creed for many years to come, et Hay I have worked in a big factory; I know what it is to do the same monotonous piece work job hour after hour, day after day. I know, too, something of the other side of the picture for I have had the re- sponsibility of an executive in the same big company in which I started as a day worker. 1 have been a salesman and a sales manager. . Ladies and gentlemen, in this by-election you-will choose a man whose primary responsibility it will be to serve your interests. This riding is largely industrial. Even the farmers depend on the prosperity of its industry for their prosperity. When you mark your ballots on election day keep well in mind that only one of the can- didates can offer the three prin- cipal qualifications you need: Wide and varied experience, strong social consciousness and firm convictions, and a seat on the Government side of the House. If you place in me your confidence on election day I pledge to you my entive endeavour in the service of your every. interest. 2 1bs.--$2.25 and $2.50. Phone 16 P0000 00eees SOAPS--Yardley's and Wrisley's $1.00 and $1.50. MOIR'S CHOCOLATES--1 1b. $1.00 to $1.75. tr SHERRI RII ni $3IILILTILILIILIIIIIIFIISNNN ¥, ! Remember Mother on Her Day i fE COLOGNES---Yardley's Evening in Paris, Melodie, Shulton, 3 Country Garden, $1.00 to $3.00. . fr ft BATH DUSTING POWDER--Yardley's Friendship Garden, : Henley's, $1.75 to $2.25. . 5 ft YARDLEY'S LAVENDOMEAL, $2.00 and $3.50. i BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE Stanley R. Bruton, Phm.B. PORT PERRY "Flowers for Mother's Day A Good Selection of Potted Plants---ORDER EARLY. BOXED PLANTS--Cabbage, Celery, Cauliflower and Spanish Onions. Pansies and Violas in Bloom. Electric Floor Polisher for Rent $1.00 per day (Minimum charge $1.00) 'E. MERLIN DOWSON WE DELIVER--PHONE 91 FOR SERVICE tile We have on hand: who have tried it. "PORT PERRY NOW IS THE TIME TO FIX THAT CEILING OR WALL. SHEETROCK--4 x 7; 4 x 8; 4 x 9. SPRED SATIN, Ideal Paint Finish for sheetrock. Ask those RL eH Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co., Limited PLYWOOD, %"; %" Phone 240 w PAINTER and DECORATORS in all branches of the trade. § OUR NEW SAMPLE BOOKS NOW AVAILABLE. : if Our years of experience to help you in choosing the proper papers for your rooms. We Sell and Service Venetian Blinds M. ST. CLAIR and SON Phone Port Perry 113r 14 SSSI INI rt RL II RA RA IR Ao EERIE Sebo anus nnel oll

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