Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 8 May 1952, p. 8

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ERA EN nd Hg RT] "aa F570 30 hE EER aE : EF Ba RA EASDALRIN ET STIR VA Had BOATING, [35 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 8th, 1962 '- DEAD STOCK DEAD and CRIPPLED FARM JANIMALS REMOVED PROMPT- "LY FOR SANITARY DISPOSAL Telephone Collect. GORDON YOUNG LTD. nov 30 REST One or two vacan- MIDDLE GREEN VILLA HOME Courtice. * uncies for the aged and bed patients, men and women, Every kindness given; excellent meals; nursing care and tray service. Approved by doctors Terms monthly, Phone for appeint- ment, Oshawa 65-4943 HELP AVAILABLE 'It is time to think of Farm Help now. Get experienced and reli- able immigrants from Holland. Apply S. Buma, R.R. 1, Nestleton, Phone, Port. Perry 2265-r-24 or Hvander Meer, Ashburn, phone Brooklin 14-r-32. June 12 WILL TAKE ORDERS [FOR SAND, GRAVEL, SOD _and LOAM ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you. Phone 322W Port Perry for information. may2y FOUND On 3rd concession line of Reach, a young Spaniel. Owner may » A 1S h , have same by proving property and paying expenses. Phone 21J. We are Master Painters, in business, Workmanship and ma- terinks guaranteed. For free estimates) Phone A, ELLIS, 124 v 15 Port Perry. mayo FOR SALE--Lduecational Fncyelo- pedin. New. 10, Volumnes. Phone 178. "GARAGE WANTED, to rent im- mediately. Phone 326-W between 6 and 7 p.m. only or write Box 144, Post Office, Port Perry. CANADA'S FINEST VENETIAN BLINDS of Flexalum with washable Vinyl Plastic tapes mates Phone J. AWW, Oshawa. For free est- Melley, 83-2311, may FOR SALE---Luarn, 36° x 65 steel roof. Frank Kendal, RI. 1, Uxbridge. ICE RE FRIGERA® ror Fr oR SALE--In good condition; also an iron cistern pump. Apply to Mrs. R. O'Neil, phone 178-R. FOR SALE -- Large Connor Thermo Ice Refrigerator. Excel- lent condition, reasonable. Phone 344-W. FOR SALE -- No. 2 Chippawa Seed Potatoes. Apply Henry Sker- ratt, R. R. 4, Port Perry. FOR SALE--Renfrew, Cookrite Kitchen Stove, in good condition; also Frost King lee Box. Phone 317, Port Perry. AFGHANS FOR SALE ---2 all botany Wool Afgans, $10.00 cach, phone 320-r-4. May 22 CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Garden or Farm Work Phone 174-r-12, Port Perry. May?22 Auction Sales WED., MAY 14 -- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Live Stock, Imp- lements, Grain, Furniture, ete., the property of Elmer Clark, Lot 7, Con. 2, Mariposa. "Terms Cash, Sale at 1.00 p.m. "Wm. Weldon, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. SAT., MAY 10th--Auction Sale of Furniture, the property of J. Van Bod- egraven, at the residence of Marcel Smeets, Prince Albert. Terms Cash, sale at 2.00 p.m. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, MAY 17th -- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Implements, Furniture, ete., the pro- perty of Corrie Robertson, Lot 12, Con. 1 Cartwright, 83 miles south: of Blackstock. Terms Cash, no reserve, sale at 1.00 pm. Wilfred Wright, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. MAY 14th--Auction Sale of 60 head of grade cattle, the property of Ray Gimblett, on Lot 17, Con. 8, East Whithy Township (Columbus). This herd consists of both Dairy and Beef Cattle. Terms Cash, sale at 6.80 p.m, HARRY HOWDEN, Auctioneer. 20 years CLASSIFIED ADS Middleton, Prince Albert, IR ah ------ -------- FOR SALE--Ottawa strain winter resistant Red Clover, No. 1 Seed. Ux- Spring Farms Limited, Phone Port Perry or Uxbridge, mays REPRESENTATIVE WANTED An aggressive and dependable re- gional sales representative to take advantage of an unusual opportunity to establish a business 'of his own by selling protection against fire. "Fire Extinguishers and Fire Alarms. One of the most complete old established lines on the continent. For full de- tails write Fire Protection, Box 84, Hamilton, Ontario. may8 CANADA'S FINEST VENETIAN BLINDS of Flexalum with washable Vinyl Plastic tapes. For free esti- mates Phone J. W. Melley, 38-2811, Oshawa. may8 FOR SALE--Johnson Outboard Motor, phone 60. May8 WOOD SAWING, light grading of lunes and driveways. Garden and field work; also light day work. Ford outfit. Apply F. C. Phone Maylb Port Perry 246-r-5. Used Tractors and Implements Guaranteed & Reconditioned 2 Ford Fergusons 2 Fords I Case VAC I Lift type plow 2 furrow 1 Duater - 6 row. USED CARS & TRUCKS 52 Morris Oxford Sedan 51 Morris Oxford Sedan 19 Morris Oxford Sedan 47 Dodge Coach ° 32 Olds Coach 37 Chev Coach 47 Chrysler Royal Sedan 31 Dodge Coach 38 Diamond T Van 26 GMC Panel FASY TERMS - TRADE or CASH We have 3 Ferguson Tractors left out of a carload due to arrive this week. BRITISH ONTARIO MOTORS Ferguson Tractors - Morris Cars Leanskdale Uxbridge Uxbridge 162-r-15. Phone 167 May 15 If interested in obtaining infor- mation regarding FERGUSON TRACTORS, phone JAMES DAVIDSON Agent of Ferguson Tractors and Equipment Prince Albert Also For Sale _ USED FFORDS from '49 down July 3 Bulldozing and Excavating By Hour or Contract. Free estimates given. R.R.2, Port Perry. Phone 109 r 42 'William Tripp may29 im sb man a Sabo a i i Fes ere ------ nmnge-- "MOTHER'S DAY, MAY llth DELICIOUS SMILES'N CHUCKLES CHOCOLATES Attractively wrapped for Honeydale Mrs. O. Edwards of Toronto and Miss V. Warrinder of Pickering Beach and Mrs. J, H. Hardy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Honey. Mrs. Paul Diamond and Mrs. Hardy of Honeydale Women's In- stitute spent a couple of days at the Officer's Rally at Guelph. The Women's Institute Delegates to the fourth Annual Officers con- ference at the Guelph 0.A.C, re- port a record attendance of 1100 at some of the sessions, with Mrs. R. G.. Purcell F, W. 1. O. President presiding. They weve privileged to hear such outstanding speakers as Mrs. R. G. Marshall, Canadian Repre- sentative to the sixth General As- sembly in Paris, Mrs. Florence Reynolds of the Food and Agri- culture Organization .of the Uni- ted Nations, Washington, D.C, Mr. Thor Hansen Art Director of the British American Oil Company, Mrs. Hugh Summers Dominion President, Mr. Stothers Public Re- lations Dept. Canadian Bank of Commerce and Miss Ethel Chap- man of the Department. Dr. J. A. MacLachlan, President of O. A. C. in the absence of the Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture, extended the greet- ings of the Government of Ont. It is expected that a detailed re- port of the entire conference will be submitted at the June meeting of the W, IL. The District Annual. of South Ontario Women's Institute will be held at the United Church, Ajax, Thursday, May 22nd. Mr. and Mrs. N. Lyle spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. N. Midgley of Greenbank. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whitfield and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Royal Whitfield of Black- shock. Birthday Greetings to Mr. Geo. Irwin and Mrs. G. Stintson. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stintson of Cadmus. PAN NAA AIS INS TISAI BOX SOCIAL and draw for Bicycle, to be held in the SEAGRAVE "PUBLIC SCHOOL on Friday, May Sth All proceeds in Aid of Community Hospital Fund. NWA ASAIN - Saturday GERROW'S - PHONE 82 HEL MOTH say DAY CAKE "Mother" 'Special BAKERY G M. GERROW - Mobile Lab. The Ontario Department of Health is bringing a complete lab- oratory service to districts of the Province not in easy reach of its permanent laboratory facilities. A fully-equipped mobile lab is ready to roll over Ontario's highways to offer aid to health officials in more sparcely populated areas. The two-man team staffing the trailer consists of a bacteriologist and technician who also acts as driver. They will assist local health units by making tests on milk, water and swabs of restaur- ant utensils. Samples shipped to distant laboratory centres have often resulted in delays making truly successful analysis impos- sible. Now, the inconvenience caused "by these delays is elimi- nated In the case of disease outbreaks or epidemics the mobile lab will do on-the-spot preliminary work and, if necessary, can be on hand dur- ing the course of an epidemic to render assistance to -the local medical authorities. "The trailer which houses the lab is 27% feet long, and nine feet wide and is towed by a one ton truck. The trailer's exterior is covered with aluminum sheeting, and plen- ty of fresh air is supplied to the inside by its 16 windows and two doors, all copper-screened. Inside air can be freshened by two venti- lator fans in the ceiling. There is hot and cold running waters--the hot water supplied by a 1,000-watt automatic heater. Electricity .and 'water for lab work are obtained by plugging into the nearest outlet for power and attach- ing a hose to a nearby tap for water pressure. However, if the lab parks in an area where elec- tricity and running water are not available it has a supply of modern gas lamps and can make use of carried water with only a minimum i of inconvenience. The interior of the mobile lab is up-to-date and attractive. Walls and C. W. JAMES Barber Shop. in the Goodall Feed Office (opposite the skating rink) HOURS: THURSDAY and FRIDAY, 8.30 a.m. to 7 p.m. SATURDAY, 8.30 a.m. to 10 p.m. HERBERT R. SCOTT CCF CANDIDATE IN ONTARIO RIDING SESE EEE SSAA AAAS Tune in CKLB, May 13 and 18, 12.08 noon: May 15 and 16, 5.256 p.m. ets. on our livestock. \ liament. Steady Jobs and Stable Markets The Ottawa Liberal government has lost us our British food mark- Lack of swift action in arres- ting the foot and mouth disease will prolong the American embargo. Our markets are gone. Unempl- oyment is growing in the cities. Farm and working people must unite and win a direct voice in Par- ELECT 'ROY SCOTT 'ONTARIO RIDING ASSOCIATIL €0- OPERATIVE COMMONWEALTH FEDERATION . cupboards are natural birch ply- wood while the floors are linoleum covered. Storage space consists of 22 cupboards and seven drawers which provide ample room for the many test tubes, beakers, micro- scopes and other equipment used in the various stopping-off spots. A powerful electric microscope re- ceives its power from a special bat- tery. A propane gas stove is used in the preparation of media and the oven for dry sterlizing purposes. A water bath where test tubes can be kept at a constant temperature for any length of time is another part of the equipment. A two- compartment sink for the washing and rinsing of glassware and a single sink for straining and gen- eral lab wdrk is provided. An electric regrigerator which can be readily converted to ice, if neces- sary, and two incubators--one elec- trric and one propane gas--make up the rest of this lab's equipment. Counters running the length of the lab section of the trailer pro- vide ample working space for the technical personnel. One end of the trailer is parti-, tioned off, making a small room to hold a day bed and clothes closets: However, the staff will sleep "on rn ree ee er -------- ---------- #1 mi #8 So -- ' a RR SR I IRI ry Lakeview Theatre; Port Pay. Ont. * Two Bhows Nightly--7 and 9 pm. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY; MAY 8-9-10 Robert Cummings and Barbara Hale "In the Uproarious Family Comedy "THE FIRST TIME" SPORTS and NOVELTY "MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12-13-14 Joan Dayis with Arthur Blake In Her New Laugh Riot "HAREM GIRL" 2nd BIG FEATURE-- Tyrone Power in the Technicolor Hit i "LL NEVER FORGET YOU" > Last Complete Show starts at 8.20 p.n, PR TR RRA SE RI. NN ------ _-() ---- ----- - --- 1 -- - Coe NOTRE Re Warble Fly Control TO CATTLE OWNERS IN REACH TOWNSHIP The Department of Agriculture of the Province of Ontario demand that all cattle in the Township be SPRAYED A SECOND TIME or subsidy will not be paid tor said spraying. SECOND SPRAYING TO START AT ONCE. and all cattle owners are asked to have their cattle in the stable or in a strong corral when notified or steps will have to be taken to enfore the Warble F 7 Act. og GEORGE TILL, Inspector. TG | |) A) SS) board" only in emergencies or when clinics such as the railway dental hotel accommodation is lacking. cars and TB x-ray units to bring The mobile lab thus is taking its Departmental facilities closer fio place alongside the Ontario Depart- | areas of the Province not served ment of Health's other travelling ' from permanent offices. "I figure quality Bottle Carton 30° : Including Federal Sales "2, and Excise Taxes x Plus deposit 2¢ per bottle Authorized botyler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. Uxbridge Beverages Limited UXBRIDGE '""Coke' is a registerea rage-marx PHONE 205W " BAIA AIRS AANA AANA SAS SSSA 3) Ux-Spring Farms Limited 'TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS We extend a cordial invitation to bring i in your : ARE 17.00 A.M. to 9.30 P.M, S AND CONVENIENCE OF OUR CUSTOMERS. "UX-SPRING FARMS LIMITED * CORNER 12 and 47 HIGHWAYS International Harvester Sales and Service tractors and farm equipment for servicing. ARNOLD JACKSON, OUR SERVICE SHOP FOREMAN, is fully qualified to look after all farm seryice work. Come in and talk over your problem with Arnold. ° OUR 'NEW HOURS DAYS A WEEK, FOR THE SERVICE "2 het Satenten® Sete Te eee ee PHONE UXBRIDGE or PORT PERRY. PAPAIN te tT 5 ee tet » Ban, ----. STi

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