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Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Oct 1952, p. 3

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hn ~i © mounts, ' Member of Weekly Newspapers NOTES AND COMMENTS Edutation and the Curriculum Delegates from all' over Ontario are "meeting 'at:the King Edward Hotel in To- ronto - this week to discuss educational They include representatives of - changes. the teaching federation, of 'Education has encouraged The Man With A The International Plowing Match held this year at Carp,. Ontario" has run its = course. and the final awards have been made at the Ottawa Coliseum. The grand prizes include two trips to England, all expenses paid, where the win- . ners in the competition justiconcluded will have. a chance to compete with Great The winner of the horse- drawn plow division was Algie Wallace, of 'North Gower which is not far from Carp. The. winner of the open tractor division 'was Douglas Reid, of Brampton. . Britain's best." local plowmen representing . Stario; defeated 24 other entries to win school associations, of the department of education, of trustees and of business men. For: the past three years the school curriculum has largely beer the responsi: bility of the local community: on the theory.that education should be adapted to local needs the Department of tees to work out-their dwn revisions. Those 'communities where most progress seems to have been made are the ones which have, ~ curriculum, the home and Working local' commit- of education; Plow _ the Inter-County Competition. . was made-up of H. Baird, of Blackwater, . and: D. Kundeld of Claremont. : The Prime Minister who delivered the 14 - set up local rossarch. committees to deal with all matters pertaining to the school In order that their experience may be shared this convention was designed and has functioned for the past three years. This year the convention will be divided "into fourteen study groups which will work out their own agenda in sessions spread» out. over two days. Such a convention makes an interesting experiment for it is here that represent- atives from different walks of life meet on a common level to thrash out philosophies standards of achievement; and courses to be taught in our schools. The team address at the Coliseum pointed but that Our own the County of the future is in the hands of our plowmen because they are the real warriors in the battle against poverty and degradation. On the radio and in the press the Com- petition was given much publicity and we -- think that this is as it should be. things such as this should be receiving the. attention of our news gatherers and com- mentators and less space should be given to gangsters and their doings . only thing that upsets us is that we weren't * able to see the show on television, : More . the THE PASSING SHOW o by Premier Maurice Duplessis seems to think that it's safe for the people of . Quebec to gamble while he's in offite . he is trying to get the Canadian Criminal Code amended so that Que- bec may run lotteries. «8 ve "We notice that the R Jess lop-sided . ; mugh less lop-sided than it was two weeks ago.- The good teams get worse and the poor teams get better. ,, and the excitement ~ > 5 8 Canada's immigration poliey is bad enough to make some people: think of ~~ emigration; fas » : % « Tha seventh series of Canada Sav. jng bonds to' go on the market this week are about the best that have yet been offered , , If we had any money - left after paying we'd buy some in @ hurry, Clipped Comments EVERY VILLAGE SHOULD HAVE ONB- : The other day while approaching the entranee to. a 'village north of Stouffville, a: "sign. loomed up at the side of the rowd which was: worded -gomething like this: "Drive Slowly, 8peed Trap Ahead." We: never did learn whether oi not there really was a speed trap in: the village"but we 'can honestly 'say' that the sign pro- duced the desired effect in this in- .- stance, We: were careful to check ~ the speedometer. while going through the village just in case it got too close ta the borderline, ~pleture is - bry and Truman then we were awfully' 'M.A.C." "The farther Eisenhower goes the _less he seems to be getting anywhere, 'But 'this isn't so strange when you op to think of his fellow travellers + Taft and McCarthy and Nixon. » %,. x * If we are te believe both Eisenhower lucky to come out of the last war as well as we did, : 1 Ji, REG SEL 5 - The shooting party on the estate of the Earl of Derby, richest man. in England, was an unscheduled shoot. : LE TE TB Iran has got herself into the ofliest: .mess of any country at-any. time in history, ET pk *¥ 5 * Farouk is now to be tried for mur- der. Well we wouldn't put--it past him, : Thinking about this afterwards, it occurred to us that this type of sign * might have beneficial effects if placed at-the entrances to every settlement. If 'anyone has ever paid a fine. for speeding. through a village or heard. of anyone who has, they are notsapt to ignore such a warning. It is alarm- ing to- note the 'speed 'with which many cars hurtle through the smaller settlements and anything which might prove a deterrent is certainly-worth- while trying. Just to make the effect of the. signs.enduring, genuine speed traps could be maintained at intervals at the Ufteren: villages, i - ~Stouffville Tribune a. THE PORT PERRY. STAR Established 1864 "The Port Perry Star, 18 published by the Port Perry - Star Company Limited, Queen street, Port Perry, each Thursday. Authorized as Second Class Mail b the Post Office Department, Ottawa. - Mrs. 8S. Farmer, President. W. A. Farmer, Vice-President. I, A. Boyd, Secretary Treasurer, Fok : * SUBSCRIPTION RATE--$2.00 per. year in advance. $3.00 per year outside Canada. Single copy.B eents.. PTL LEA Farm Facls - FARMER - HUNTER RELATIONS 'Guns are barking across the coun- try. Farmers are keeping a wary eye on their livestock as red-capped hunt- ers stalk through fields' and wood- lands on the lookout for game. . Sev- eral cows and horses will fall victim 'to "the irresponsible actions of a few so-called sportsmen. "I .thought it was a deer" is becoming a trite phrase even among hunters themselves, But it's gtill. in common use--after a fel- low/ hunter or a domestic animal has "bedn shot. here 'are: still. too many weekend hunters 'who sally forth into the rural areas in the béllef the land belongs to them. They blaze away at rocks, tin cans, trees and buildings with lit- tle thought of what may be within effective range of their bullets. They cut wire fences and fail to mend them after they leave. They open gates and neglect to -close. them with the result that livestock wander off and the farmer must spend tedious hours rounding them up. They often start bush and grass fires on private pro- petty, - Because of such thoughtless acts, relations between farmers and hunt- ers have deteriorated to such an ex- tent that some' farmers actually arm themselves to protect. their property against hunters. "No hunting" signs are becoming more frequent. Soon hunters will have to travel farther a- field for game because no farmer will tolerate hunting on his property. This situation need not exist if _ hunters observe common courtesy says K. N. Morris, executive director of the Canadian Civilian Association of Marksmen. First, he . suggests, get the farmer's: permission to hunt on his land, If permission is not granted respect the farmer's decision. Treat the farmer's property as jf it were your own, Close gates after you pgss through them. Don't shoot in. th mediate --vieinity of the: barnyard. ~Be absolute ly certain that what you're shooting at is legitimate. game dnd not farm stock or poultry. Know the range of your ammunition. 'A 22 long rifle will carry a mile; a 303 three miles, Observe provincial game laws by shooting no more than your limit. Be "sure to thank fhe'farmer when you're leaving his property, been Successful, offer him a portion of your game, If he is a shooter, leave a few cartridges or shells or some token payment. means offer to pay for livestock you might have shot accidentally. Observance of these simple courte- sfes will usually assure you of a place to exercise our hunting instificts next year. ~Agricultural News, é 1f the fufit has And by all is : Port Perry, Ontarlo, grt " THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1952 ALL SERENE ON THE SCUGOG SHORE-- Scenic beguty of Lake .Scugog's io aras shore is part of Caerarea's charm as a summer resort--and the community life of which ° Joy Perigoe, 13, and five-year-old Carol Blyth, are a part. of Scugog was featured by the Toronto Telegram on Saturday and is'earried on page one), BUSINESS DIRECTORY Looking Back 15 Years FROM THE FILES OF THE PORT PERRY STAR--THURSDAY, Gordon Gi. Condini, recently elécted member for Ontario riding, has been appointed as the new "Attorney-Gen- eral for the province. - fo X X xX Xx Douglas Frayer of Caesarea paid off an' election bet when he pushed Tom Jackson,.also of that Village, to Port Perry in a wheelbarrow. X*X X X i. Three hundred bags of vegetables, a_ large quantity of canned goods, squash and pumpkins, making a total of three large truck loads, were gn- thered in" Cartwright and taken to Bowmanville to be shipped to the West for distribution in the dryed-out areas. |- X X X K The Church of the Ascension mark- ed Thanksgiving with services the past two Sundays. The services were in some measure an introduction of the new Rector,. Rev, J.-C, Clough who succeeded Rev. Nind. : . XX xX xX X Dominion Stores advertised beef bologna at 16 cents per pound, sliced breakfast bacon at 88 cents and bulk macaroni at five cents per pound. EE beth 004 oer EE Weekly Smile "It was their first date, and as they stood at her door -saying goodnight the!sailor asked: "What would you do if I were to try. to kiss yout" "I'd call my- brother," -the-girl- fo plied. "How old is he?" a "Three," she 'Whisperdd. {I ibd ay Austin C. A. Bathie g "DR. OF CHIROPRACTIC Graduate of Canddian Memorial Chiropractic College, Toronto f For appointment Phone 206R PORT PERRY. (The 'history of the village X Be LINDSAY--Dr. Foster: M. Graham, of 'Fenelon-Falls, and former Warden of 'the .Liberal candidate for Victoria riding in the next federal olection. Over 225 people chose Dr. Graham over Frank "Welch, of Minden, who is president of the association. * CANNINGTON---A minutes silence was observed. in the memory of the «late T. R. Ferguson, former Ontario County Inspector, at the North Teachers' Institute convention here. . Oct. 3 -- Miss Mary McCallum, of Beaverton very eloquently paid fitting tribute to the late Mr. Ferguson, speaking of 'him as one of nature's. gentlemen, self-controlled, kind and unselfish, . 0» STOUFFVILLE -- Harry Burgess, Stouffer street, who has always been ° a keen gardener among east-end folks has produced a real champion in the . field of onions--a Yellow Globe Dan- vers specimen weighing two and a quarter" pounds. Mr, Burgess says - he has any number from one to one and three quarter pounds and one lot -of four tipped the scales at 6 pounds, a three ounces. . LJ LJ UXBRIDGE Night classes in wood- working, sewing and typing will start at the High School here Oct. 22. The and half of this amount will be re- "funded to those who'attend 76 per cent of the classes. -H registration war- rants jt Basic English classes will be held. CONANT & CONANT | BARRISTERS and ir Sand and Gravel OCT. 14, 1987: : NTT Gordon D. Conant, K.C. [~~ "Government Tested Roger D. Conant, B.A. Landscaping, Sodding, Loam, and Offices: Stone. Oshawa; Ont., 7%; Simcoe St. 8. | Free Estimates. Phone 88R Phone 3:2227 W.J. SYMES Port Perry 3 Ajax, Ont., Phone 25 septd | MONTEITH & MONTEITH EXCAVATING CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS CELLARS, - DRAINS 37 King St. E,, Dus : SEPTIC TANKS Gordon W. Richl, C.A GRADING CLIFF BAKER, Manchester Resident Partiier" REAL ESTATE Consult J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS for complete Real Estate Service. Ip Phone E 0604 Port Pérry [186J City and Country Homes Farms and Small Acreages. - Industrial and Business Property. LLOYD LEE "ia your local representative. Head Office, 366 es y St., Foronto |. july 17, DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST 'Queen Street Phone 237 Port Perry INSURA Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your Insur "may be, consult Phone LO 5229, Toronto "ON NN NTN NIN 'Electrical and Mechanical Repairs to ALL CLASSES OF Mopars ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A Ep SPECIALTY * METAL A.ATHE WORK, LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground and Serviced OXY ACETYLENE and ELECTRIC WELDING OAUSLEY, QACHINE Air Conditioning Furnace Eavestroughing "We sell and service DURO. PRESSURE PUMPS SYDNEY G. BARNES H. W. EMMERSON Port Perry Phone 41 NCE ance needs DR.J.B.LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON (Over Telephone Office) PORT PERRY . | Office Hours --- 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phones: Office 08W. ONTARIO Res. 68J DECORATING = {Garry Venning || Blackstock PHONE 187 r 2 PORT PERRY ARTHUR W. 8. GREER, K.C. in attendance at my Port Perry '| Friday afternoon of each week, office on Wednesday morning and or by appointment. ---.BROOKLIN Phone 72 r 2 * Aug 62 Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 28 by ; u ; « Refrigeration for prompt service on all makes, both household and commercial. Estimates given on Installations. Reg. Boundey RE - UPHOLSTERY and RE-BUILDING Let us re-upholster your old Chester: field Suite, Satisfaction guaran Phone and have our consultant ea and give you a frees estimate. Free vick-up and delivery. . Phone 5-0811 Collect OSHAWA UPHOLSTERY CO. 8 Church Street ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, - Estimates given on all kinds of work. 2 "EARL. WALLACE Phone 261 Port Perry ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDERS New or old floors sanded and finished, or waxed and polished by J the square foot. - "Electric Floor Sanders, or Wax- ers and POlishers for Rent. R. PICKARD Phone 281W, Port Perry, Ont. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Consult the Czown Life Man CEC. KING AGENT Ontario Lol |} - -- Port Perry - county was nominated as. Ontario DISTRICT DOINGS "registration fee {s $3 for each class YT Ye

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